HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-23, Page 7SEVEN, MUN CIPAJ.M'IES
'. TO. BiZeT
Seven '�inuniciga ties in Huron
are still to hold, their elections for,
1949; . These are ' Clinton, ' ExEer,
Stanley', Hay, Usborne,.- Tucker-.
smith,,aud 11ZCKillip: _ Nominations
will be on Monday, December 27th;
and polling where necessary, on,
Monday, Tanuary 3rd. ••
.A:DBDItN, Dee: ;alai. Marr
Alfred Nesbit left '.Aa Monday. for,
a three ,menthe visit. vvit 'Lends
iiX.' England.t 14—twenty-gig . pears
ainee, Mac, and Mrs, 'Nesbit canoe ,to
'Canada Trona England,._Mar; `Nehb t
hinn't leen .back; ., but Dira, Nesbit
'wits,,: over there twenty ye#iraa .ago.
Miss Mars I1Yes)it is, remainingat.
• home While her. parents are' Over-,
seas. *•
Mr. and. ;Mrs ugh Bennett of
Port Albert visited, . Mr. and Mrs.
Bradhdek• in Sunday
Mrs, Steven. s, who spent . thesum.
mer' with her daughter, Mrs. Ken-,
beth Cu 'pled, and Mr; • 'Clampbell,
Teft .this 'week for her ' hdhae in
England. " •
Miss Vi,,v1an • Straughan+ of Lon-
don• spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. C. 1, Straughan,
Mrs. Albert'King is' a patient In
Goderieh. hoapi>al. : '
Public 'School Concert. A ;Qhrist-
nas,.program was given by Auburn
publie.'school in the• Foresters' Half
on. Thursday, 'night,- with. Rev.• A.
G. Hewitt as chairman. After the
open ig chorus, "Here W e.., Coins••
Awassailing," a recitationwas given
by.;.Gladys McCiinchey and several
carols were' sung. Other-nuniibers
were dialogues,, music by the'
Rhythm 'Band, ;choruses;: a' playlet,
"A Setter.' from Santa Claus ;" re-
citations by Margie ' Wr, ght and
Isabel Daer; and an operetta, "The
iirl:"Who' ,Had No '.Birthday." At
the conclusion of the program Santa;
Claus arrived_ and distributed gifts
from -a svell`'laden tree. - •
S. Concert. -,-The Baptist Sun-
day . school held their . Christmas
concertiin the Sunday school room•
'on Friday'evening. Rev. A. T`orsyth
presided for the pr-ograin, which
opened with carol singing, followed
by a • picture film • shown. op . the
screen by Rev. A. -Forsyth; recita-
tion, Harold. Raithby ; solo, . Geo.
Ralthbs, ci>uet, EtnnIn ad Shirley
Roberispe,,s ree tatt014, nua and
Eddie PV'ilson; 0400- se1or Adana'
41aithh$1 8019; hiss 7.'rixy rarcsytix
Anel) ' 0,01:. smd ,Dona !7ltao.0','
; a *talk :by liaithby; ; 0o1o, , lcrs,
W. Vater felt; 1eadhrg;
ison; trio,,Girb,rit, Johntitie-acid Alun`.
Raithbs, ; recitatioxi, •' Fearil end:
Jeann:fe; Winona -:.piano, solo, -Donna
"Haggitt; talk;by' Geo, .Raithby; solo,,,
Mrs. Wm. Haggitt i Bola, "I•fere
Comes tuita Claus;' lay Grant'
Raithby', Santa then arri1ed and:
distributed ;gifts( trendy, nuts and
oranges from a gaily lighted. C)Arlatt,
plata tree' Lunch, wits served, ,and m
happy evening' was brought to a..
or children photographed
around Your Christmas tree?
It. -makes -a pleasing: stusi -
Carol Service,; -The annual 'carol
service was held in Knox United
.church: •on - Sunday evening, , with'.
Re'V, A, Or Hewitt in charge. A
union male choir, with 'Mrs. 'R, D.
111onro "presiding at the organ,' and
the ,Arehestra, with, -Miss Margaret
Jackson at the piano, led in the,
singing' -of. the carols. Prayer was
offered. 1 y Rev, Jbltn 'Heileman of•
Knox Presbyterian .church. A
Scripture passage (Isaiah 11:1-9)
was read by ,gr. Chas. Asquith of
St. Mark's'.Anglioril church. A sex-
tette—Marion 'Taylor, Dentia Hag-:
gri=t; `X mfrs May and- Tune UMW;
land, •Edith • and Lila. Daer--rend
erect .a . number. The story of the
birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-29,) wast
read by Rev, John Honeyman, who
gave an exposition of the story.
Mrs. Wesley Bradnoek • rendered a
solo. The second chapter of, Mat-
thew, verses 1-12, . wtts read by Geo.
Bol?.ertson of ., the Baptist . church
followed • by a duet by Missese`
Johnston and Evelyn Raithby. The
offering was received anti a. quar-,
tette from the ' United chtireh—
Donald-' Y'uugblut,.Glen Patterson,
"Stewart :Toll and Jack Ladd -rend-
ered a. number. Rev..J. Honey_i.;lan
offered 'the ' closing `Brayer. .
.Death -of Mrs..' Thos. •Ballan.-A
highly 'esteemed resident 'of . Auburn,
Mrs: - Thereas, Hallam, passed. away -
at her home on Wednesday night.
She had been in, ill -health forsonic•
time and was ' in Clinton . hospital
for a While. Mrs. Hallam,: the
:former __Elizabetlt:,Aaan W1ts .
born in. Loughbrough, England,
seventy=eight years . ago, In. 1893
::she -rine rx-ied Thomas ---Hallam, and
the:., -.:lived* :in- England....until 1913,,
when they came. tb Canada. Tliey
ttyed at. St. Helens for a year
before 'moving to. West Wa.wanosh.
Thirty Fears ago they moved to the
Base- Line, I1 u1Iet t„_tawiis1i ip,..•and._
eight •years ago retired to Auburn.
Mrs. Haslam was'a member.of Knox
United church: .Surviving are her
,husband, five sons, Charles of Ash, -
field, Arthur • and John- of Hullett,
orge-and-Lesllc of: Nest- Nawar
nosh, . and ' t'venty grandchildren.
The funeral ---was .held from the
United church on Friday, afternoon
and was largely attended. Rev. A.
G. Hewitt was in charge and...during
the service . Mrs. Hewitt'. sang a
solo. The pallbearers- wire R, D.
Munro, Bert Craig, Harry 'Beadle,'
.las. and Geo. R.aithby and Jack
Pitblador-l'nierment •wI[. in ;Styli's
cemetery. : • •
Christmas_ Entertainment. The
Sunday school of Knox . United
church held its annual Christmas
corieTirdir4 ooifi Ly n"igliit eTS""cemiier
13th. ,Mr. Charles Scott, .superin-
tendent of the'Sunday school, gave
a few words of welcome• and Rev. A.
G. Hewitt then took charge of the
program,' which opened with' carol
singing by the audience, with or-
chestral accompaniment. -T h e
orchestra, - composed of "itewart.`
.Toll. Glen Patterson, Bill Craig,
Garth McCluachey and Margaret
Jackson, also played .carols: "Away
in A Manger" was sung by Mrs.
0. Anderson's and . Mrc.. Munro's
primary .class. ' •Recitations •were
given by Paul Jardin, :Lyman
Jardin George 'Hewitt, ` ` Shirley
Turner,Joari dills, Margo Grange,
,Shirley Patterson, 'Donald Jardin
and Wm. Anderson : duets by Donna
Haggitt and Joanne Easom, and
Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Hewitt; a piano
I nylon wltk $tted bodice• and cheer
yoke warosepr, nd pearl
elipalr. ;, ith a litoiat'' Y ►collan va tit ep m
front with satin Down, s owl na a
' WI lac 'bopped PO4)090," #�
ho uet was a-"'caseade sof. e4 and
W �earu titin * 'The In X tip:
br da `arse4 'ivai. topped• by w.0; • �'`
pearl. 'And .lx111)lt �t tiara, );fin,
K aasters: as `inatrop of how"
$W4,—wore a' pin'k net ..and : satiny
fear-lengt-lt-.dress 'with• pink ,went-
'heart ' net dress. She ' carried a
bouquet, of plink .-and •' white chry-
sa,nthgrovAns. Mrs,, John (itenyoelii'
coon), of the 'bride,: waswbridesinald,
Wearing Axn, Apple,%r4u moire• Ptatteta''
dress with. green net riweetbeart:
I and earrying broaaze and yellow
'roam. The' groom wash attended
y° his_„brother, .KeithS Arthur of
Auburn•., •gels . tasters .an'd; Pat.
Fogarty were pshea<'se During the,
signing of the register, MIss;Vivian
Straughan, ,.of London, . gowned inn.
yellow' net -and Freen ,feather hat
and ,wearing. a corsage of pint and
white 'mums, sang • ”"Because." .Tb,e:
wedding --abasic was plated by .Mrs."
1I, ^.R,a11, 'chua'ch organist, and. Rev'
J. . A: Davieg officiated', ` After .the.
Ceremony an •infornlai reception, was
held. at Altadore, the Canadian_
T egion Auxiliary' cAter'ing, ' -T.1
bride's mother wore a'' navy blue
crepe dress with Dubonnet acces-
series and a corsage, of : yellow and.
whiteohrysantt emuraas., : Mrs,
Arthur, `mother of "the groom, wore
a wine 'dress With. Black -accessories
iuid_ her.•eorsage was white carna-
tions. The young couple left by
1 motor on a trip` to -Montreal, the
r �� bride `veariug aW wine dress with
g y coat and i
Wine accessories.
Her corsage was two white
:gardenias. Guests attended from
Auburn, Elmira, • Dalt, Brantford,
Zorra and Amherstburg. Mr., and
:firs„-Arthurwill reside in Aul rnn -
On Friday evening Mrs. C. 31
Straughan;, and Miss Vivian enter-.
tained at a shower at their home
in honor of the bride, Mrs. Arthur.
Mrs, Wesley Bradno- presided fo
a shortprogram wh included
community sing in ,r.' with Mrs.
y g g
Gordon Taylor' presiding at 'the
piano; a duet, "Buttons and; Rows,"
by. Laura. IVIay Letheriain/ and Mar-
ion 'Taylor, and readings. iyy 112r"s. Al-
bert Campbell,.Mrs. Thos. McNall
'and Cakol Beadle., *Miss June
Beadle read an. address to the guest'
duet by . Rena and Gladys. McClin-
they ; chorus, ".Santa Claus Comes
Tonight,', , by 1 rs, • Craigs Clue;
chorus .by irs. Toll's boys and :one
by • Mrs, Ca• ,bell's. girls; readings
`Ii. Ruth .He and Mrs:. Campbell,
y? �
and a' drill. by . i12rs, To11's •class of
boys. 'The' manger scene Avas, de-
aieteccl by Miss, •Mutch's class' of
boys, with Allen Craiig• and . Sydney.
'Hewitt • taking the duet • Barts,` and.
Mrs. • :Craig's class gave a • _play,
"Printing -a r•Gltrden " .The ' .arch-
estra announced Santa Claud ,-with
"Jingle Bells,"- dnd gifts were dis-
tributed • to 'the children. Another
tileasing'feature' of the -evening . was_
the presentation of a beautiful"`wall,
;lamps' to Mr.. and Mrs. Scott by the
officers and teachers of .tlae "Sunday
lrtooltlur_' e1r1er�=..-Alcl-...SY� w:PanLs
church, 'Woodstock, .was - prettily.
decorated with paltns, ferns and
white chrysanthennuns wben,;klary
Lucille,. only daughter of. Mr. Mid
Mrs. Elmer Keller, Woodstock, was -
'United itt marriage—to Willis ..
Jtenry,second son of_ Mrs. John ..
Arthur and' the • Late John Arthur of,
Auburn. Given in marriage: by 'her
father, . the bride wore' an old-fasli„ .
Toned • floor -length dress. of ivorY
of honor extending congratulations
and good wishes, and Betty. Sturdy
presented her with a Bouquet: •of
flowers withstreamers. of 'ribbon
from •, which hung envelopes .:with
money enclosed.• Mrs. ` Arthur' ' ex-
pressed her appreciation of -the
kindness extended to her. Mrs.
Straughan andYivian served candy.
One nice thing- about the' Christ-'.
areas season is . that some people are:
much more courteous,,about • driving.•
a ' car in traffic. If we caribi all- be'
like .thatthe year round, this 'old
world ` would°be'a much; safer''place `.'.
Show the right 'kind' of 'Christmas
spirit bybeing "courteous and
thoughtful ,in holiday traffic. " •'•
• ,, PILLS
frnproper rest, night after .night, is •
quickly followed by loss appetite,
bility and 'a tired run -downy condition. •
L____For disorders suet : _as_ these,:;` Mt1burn.' ,.
Health and Nerve Pills are highly beneficiaa;
-The : iron and other •ingredients they contain,
help improve . the blood: content, stimulate
the-nervus7s3stcm mitt aid...._..
digestion thus helping to p omai n sleep
Millburn's -Health and Were .Pills -
No extra charge, for the use
of our Funeral Home, Toron-
to Street
Prompt : Ambulance
GObErtiOit MEMO,t1&L
• •Guaranteed workmattsbip at
prices that will please 'you.'
Call alt. our. otdce:° or drop ue a•
line to Box 161, Goderieh. We "
will he pleased tO call and help
ehoese a suitable . memoyial for
.your family piet. .
• , R. A. SPti6N—.
St. Andrews At.
ECEMBER is here and,=withit lurks the "common cold"! Ontario citizens
are .reminded now of a few simple helpful rules to safeguard their
health, and .that Of' others. .
Prevention of the .cszmmon cold is the responsibility of all, and if everyone
plays .his pati much unnecessary illness, e, cpense and discomfort may be avoided,
.'With the holiday season Doming ahead, when 'so"much happiness] depends, Oil
everyone feeling fit, why run the risk of G-' catch ng cold "—=or letting inei fibers
of your family face that danger 1 -
hri the interest of •arents aid families; ,the Onta>';io 'De artinent ' of Ilea th
recoil mends every Ont o,. a tizen t'o study .the, ct minon;sense ,precautions
Suggested below and .act,•upon thein.
unduly tired. • Endeavour' to follow a
Well-balanced diet.
• ' heated. If, clothing, becomes wet, it
should be changed as quickly as possible.
T m
2, If a cold overtakes you, go to bed until fi ` °"
X74, improves. If 0 dams not clear up rapidly,
do not hesitate lei seek medical ddv to
fl thoughtful of others. If suffering from
�.... .,, „-raw,,
s a cold, do not..suread germs 'iiy caballing
or sneezing openly... - • '
,risk for it' eiIh too, " boiA
trode.marks':»zea» the lame''hero
iuthoirtied bottler:of` Cocatola tinrto 1QTTLI'e With' ■tIi7011
GODEltleti loo 489'.
OE1XC1' .. " .
(ormerlYi Cunniag.►am dt Pr''dA)
:Chilton, plater, Seaforth
trite Box Or ayr..- phor� r
IAoter -
a ad wo. thali 'bo' ease' to
RVSALL V 11 1yt\{�IM EY
q ,. - alttAlt O „tJ 1N