HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-23, Page 3- 101.st- .:i:'.YE,4 •,• ROIST CO% DERICH, ONTARI • BUSINESS DIEEPT9317' I. TERED AcegiuN* biliQtr4A .%11•13:04.CO'ONT ,AINT HARTERED „, . _ --4ThiAce 848W. ' fipple 8444 • :Phone No., Generics". F. T. Armstrong OPTICIA14,,indf, OrRomorius% Square ,.,004,0/1.011 "See Arm8trong and See Bette" At bucknavc firstWednesday 101 .ea031 Menth, • R. G. gaigyiN, • ,..itecoWitant t, -Clinton; Ontario Jhono,4761 , Alboet ,Street -, VCOUNTING &- 13.00KK,BP.ING 'AbCOUNTINo-seBookriEnnigd, 'SERVICE For , FC#i Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. • 1 Books Balanced Monthly Vinttncial Statements ' . Wage Sitmniartes' Business and Personal Inconte Tax • Returns ' • " ALBERT SHORE • Oftlee: Corner North St. and fignari rbene 976: Residence Phone 444. - -I • - INSURANCE .4444, ..,,ivicKILLOP • MUTUAL. FIRE )1,1s1.- !""" SURANCE CO. '42=47 -Farm and Isolated town property Insured.. `. President, Ohria. Leonhardt, Born: holm; Vice -President. Hugh ander, Walton; Mgr. and Secy- Treas., M. A.. Reid; Seaforth DIRECTORS*.,:-- Chris. Leonhardt, • -Bornholm.; :Hugh -Alexander, Wal -- ton; -Sam. H. 3,1thitmere; Seafertb, • E: J. Trewartha; •Clinton; Robert Archibeldeaforth; John IL° ,Mc - Ewing, Blyth; Frank MeGre8Oc, Cliniton; -John IL Maldne, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. • -,--Agent--;131 Pepper, Briaie- ' field, R.R. 1; George A. Watt, .11W;. ". R.R. ' R. ginlor UcKerchere. Dublin, R.R.. 1; " j. Preuter, Brodhaion: - • ' •• • Policy-lrolders,,can make all pay- , atents and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank; "Olinton.; Keith • .Cutt's • GrOCeryi Kingston ..Street, • 'Goiftich;•-•. • - - , • IVIElDICAL R.__ FORSTEW • - EAR, NOSE, THROAT • Late House Surgeon 'New .1tork• Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Mdorefield Eye Hospital' •and Golden Square Thrbat Hospital,. London, ;England. •• EYES - XESTED, • GLASS/I6 •SUPPLIED. 58..,Waterloo Street S.,. Stratford. 'TelephOife 267: `-visit Bedford HoteliSode rich, Wedriesday, De. 1948, _ 2 p.m. till t1.30.p.m. . . DONALD B.' Btr.:m faPERIENCE.D. AUCTIONEER •Liccoloed for .COUnOce Ot. an*, and [hike ' RIPLEY,' PIR014E. 49 For.InforinatlOfl'IIPPIY to 4. Kertiighan, Diyision-cettrt *Milk .Aodexteht., , EDWARD Wt.' ELLIOTT • LICENSED AUCTIONEER " CoriespOndence promptly awered. Immediate' arrangements •',Can be 'made for Sales Date by calllng ,Phone 203. Clinton. . Charge moderate - and. eatistac- tion 'Guaranteed - • 19tf •CHIROPRACTOR- AND DRIJGI- LESS THERAPIST , Goderich, Phone 341 • - . OFFICE HOURS ' ' 2 to 5 p.in:*--(-6-nlY) Tues. 8z to 11.30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. & 7 to 8.p.m. • Wed. Sat. -9 to 1.1.3Q -ami: Mineral fume barby appointment N. 'ATKINSON- . 51 SoutE,' St . . _Registered under Drugless tionersActfor--the'--Province -of r Ontario. WESTERN ONTARIO' „ DIOTORWAP..,1 .• . Bus Schedule, In.'Effect TO LONDON . TO STRATFORD. _1.50 a.m..7,00, a.m. `4, „. 12.10 8.15' p.m.' Bus to Stratford at 8.15 0.1n..San- daYs.,,and holidays Only. " ••• -Sundays and holidays the 12.10 bus • '.'• goes to Stratford only. . Connections at, Clinton for London, Detroit,Whigham, Walkerton, fihKardine, Port Elgin and 0„vv$0 ,Sounit. ' , • -Conhections at -Stratford for Wood - Kitchener,' Guelph, -Hamil- ton .abd Toronto., • Connections at Mitcell l'or•Listowei '.4unt London.' *. • , • 'phono Reg. • McGee. .• . • .41.111•10Mooks • send naubsarliition tThe. star as a Christmas: gift to your friend at a 'distance. - _ HAROLD • JACKSON • 4 ICENSED 'AUCTIONEER,• ' HURON AND .rpotli Seaforth. Phone 11-661 or, • Barri Edwards, Goderich,. rholie 144 1VIatt.. Gayno-1 -Licensed Ahetioncer, Sales -.conducted nnwhere Iror information write or _phone...1187J; Goderich (collect) isitoi.s.Weiconiecl at idarged and bnprove Peter's Schoo Christmas decorations looked • A a .44 _ their loveliest Idle reModelied St.„Teter'S...Seit61 •On Friday: after- • noon,. when 'open house iivas• held to afford visitors an OpportAllitY.0 in- specting . the new addition and Im- provements '11000'15y., the ,Separate SchoOl„,Board: at a 'cost' of $22,000. The whole Sehool haS been reoo- Vate4; two new' Minis added on, the' second' goer, besides nprSe's Ohm and, up-to-date lavatciries: The heerS in the new 'part' ail in the lower hall Aeercoyered wltli brawn niarholenm. Indirect lighting-, lIx- tures are beth ornanielital and use- ful; and large;. bright Southern windows make the rooms lightand cheery. " *The blackboards were picturesquelyi decorated with draw- ings of, holly. ' Among the visitors were members of the Public School Board and parents of the -pupils: - Sister Illipheinia, principal oZ the school, and teacher- -of grades VI, VII mill VIII; Welcomed the visitors to her: classroom, whore a* short program was in progress,: .liere Judge Costello , demonstrated the teaching, of inithematics 'with a long division problem in decimals. No one enjoyed it as much ,as did, the geiiial iu1ige hlmselr. 'Wheh' he was , working ,the question , the way; he had' learned'one boy pipea up with "Idon't know how:to divide: Ric • A, .welcome song, "Of all the schools In this fair , land, fliere'S none SO fair as ours," was, sung, by t4e. elasS, f011eNiecluhY ether Christ- * Geo. G. MacENVan Accident and Motor Car Ins,ura,nce TEMPLE MT* : , HONE 2pe oOp.gRicst - CRAIGIE ---.LNSURANCZ _ and -SEAL-7 - PHONE "2,,,k.• • GODERICII1 • 44- FEAGAN & PREST ELECTRICAL •CONTR.A.P..TORS . , . Phone 037.1-12-"-&-- 832W , OLE • - Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined,. Glasses Fitted' 'Phone 33 • Goderich, Ont. ARE YOV .11EADED FOR:. - AN ACCIDENT? . Seek safety.with adequate car terage from FROM GORDON.4tWELL Phone Carlow 30-0 INSURANCE - CONFEDERATION LIFIL, • WIND- CAE, • • • FIRE-::-Treferred rates for preferred MEW & SICKNESS oRema5 SDAY, • 05 0 --:aro e• ustarBufliness m On 1.6.13 einea so • Meeting or 1948 nd Farewell „ .11 TI1 . The Town Council itourMay evening,laSt with only six members present, XtaYor MacEWan, Deputy. -Reeve ' Edivaird and CouneillorS • inas songs. Then "Oary Acier,,aug lin, in a pleasing itribute to the Separate School .Board, congratu,- lated. the ii.erabers on the improv,e- wilts on belief' Of 'the pupils, - and .themselves on. "being pupils in these bright. class-rooins" Mr. W. A. Coulthurst, who has worked with: untiring' effort to estahllsh the improved conditions, replied. He said the Separate' School Board was 'Wholeheartedly. behind the work.'" He thanked the pupils for their expression of grati- tude. • • • Sister Claudia also hacim pleas- ant welame for visitors, to .grades I and II, and the pupils entertained with a pleasing cla4s recitation. There were fifty-five geniis 111' the class last 'year; this yefir, thirty- four. There is a . total enrolment of ninety., 111 the school. "•••4,4 The claSiroom °ft.:grades-III; IV ahd V• is a new room upstairs for the housing of the three -grades, taught -by 'MISS -Helen Connolly. In grade Ift the children learn to write rather than print, and there was an excellent exhibition 0? effOrt in this subject•hy this, claSs, aswell as by:• -the other •grades.. Social .stitdies• and natural science' -were demonstrated in drawings; and there • were beautifully, -compiled ltgiozi -nolehookS--on-di " . PLAY. SAFEr aet •ear, fire, dieft,' liability, • etc., insurance, , from RICHARD KILPATRICK R.R. 7 Lucknow. Phone Dun- ; gannon 77R2 • We sell Canada Savings bonds and: S taring :THS're,ertf fleares- -111NTOGIVIE- TAX RETURNS PRIVATE BUSINESS •• FARM REPORTS • Bookkeeping records installed • and checktd-,montbly • ,ei---at-request,--.-__ ROY N. BENTLEY _ Phone 909J _Box_58 36 Regent GOD,ERICH, ONT. 0 , • indaromorwrimmanyompoo • , • *cc. PARTY • • The,..Menesettmg Canoe Club had another of• its •enjoyable "mixer card parties on. Thursday night last. The ,prize -winners ,at "500" •were Mrs t Geo. MacEWan, Mrs. W. J. Baker, Mrs: W. . A; Hay; Peter Bissetr•Gegge Ma.thieson rind Fred Noble. The evening_ was 1conc1u1c1 With' ,lunch. • •• Taylor, Grah,,Ap, Walzok end The Mayor, noting that it was.‘the last regular • meeting ior 1948,, thanked_ the: _members fOr their _eo;' Operation during the Year and ex- pressed“egret at the breaking up of the grotip 'who bad .worked to- gether for a year. , The Clerk reported one •buildiug perniit granted, since, • the last ineetr It wkis, issued to Mrs. Norman MadDonald for the removal of a honse from •Warren to Widder street and Putting it on a found- ation,. with an•addition estimated cost • • An$5a0p0.pijoati'm from Mrs. Ruby •Barker for a -permit for a thicken- hou.s.,,e,on Britannia road, between Cameron -and ,Giblions streets, was referred to the:fire conimittee.• .; request from the 'Bell Tele- phone' Co. that Oeuncil pass .bylaws to authorize the placing of 35 feet of buried cable' on Cambria- road :between Bruce and Nelson streets, •and 82 ,feet 4 Varied' cable across' Albert street-het.ween Bruce and Nelson streets, was, sent, to the public wot_kk 'committee. . " lettertile Jowl _manager for Purity Flour- .Mills -advised CoutiOil ot the companY's intention; • all new rain•unloading t• at a oin a ou AbOut 111 ,first,,Of::Oune. • group:, from the', pld COlintry Pg0ed. to be present At that time and the ,grounds and 'buildings ,should be put in as gdod 0044litiOn Possible;lor the occasion: * ;There Was Seine diSCASSI011• - re- garding the lending' Of choirs from the ToWn Ball for gt.itheringii in .other halls, and the Troposal was, made to charge. sq. much per chair. liclweyer, decision was reached. Judith GOOdorluun Playground Before adidublinent Taylor, who has been chairman of the Cbmwittee, superintending. , the 0:instruction 44 Gooder- ham. playground,. gave a progress. report, and Councillor Graham sug- gested that Mr. Taylor, who is re- tiring from the Council,' should lite confirmed on the comMittee. -Mayor. Ma0Ewan. Obseried. that both Mr. Taylor and Mr. Moody would prob- ably ,contintie their interest in this project. Deputy Reeve Edward and. Coun- cillor, McGee. spoke, brielly„Allanking their fellow-inembers of 1948 for their 0 -operation and wishing die • Council of 1040 every success. REFORMATORY TERNI•FOR GREY ,TOWFTSHIP YOUTH equ pmentorcars.p 150 feet 'east �f -the present loeation. Some Change would betneeded.in the location of the 0.P.R. moy- ing ItC.toWards the harbor, with a, corresponding change in the road- waY,.and the consent of the Council was asked. The water, light and harbor committee 'was Asked• to tat • info tffis and if considered favorably to authorize the.eliange. • A note Ws • received from Miss Harriet Rougvie thanking the whig4aw rri4437,.. „..odey,. was gen:tonged.. to eighteen months ity..a. ,reKQrAgttPry, and Plitideau to six Months. , * 'Thomas 40vialg G 0 ex plea4ed -guilty througA,h1s.conusel, Fronk Donnelly. K.C. •to 4 charge 02'bringing`, • intoxicating, liq.uor • into, 1-.TurOn cOUntY contrary to tbet.T.A., He VAS lined $50 with osts.y-- .11AgiStrote Holmes ordered tlult the thirty-nine bottles of liquor Volged by., police he destroYea. Another.' charge against • Koviak, of keeping liquor for sale,' was ,withdrawn. Hen ring. of charges „against Jahn Spain,' Gederioh; keeping lioner for -sale, and .1:4.hringing litituir into, Amon county. was adjourned to 'Wednesday, 'December 22nd, owing to the 'illness 'of aceused's •counsel.., Don't let death take' your holi- day I : Be careful When you walk... Be careful -When You drive... Ten 'can't be cheerful' by accident • goy Rowland,- 22, Grey township, whopleaded. guilty • the previous week , at Wing:horn to breaking,. entering and theft .at. the store of, 'George. Wilbur,' Ethel, 'and break- ing and- entering With.. fiftent at the creamery belonging to eeve R. B.. COnsins,.13russelsr 'Was sentenced by MzuristrateD. E. Holmes in, last week's Pace Court to nine months., ,a • reformatory:7mi _each Cliarge. also on' it Similar .charge AtwOod,' the sentences .to .run concurrently. Crown Attorney 'Glenn Hays ..,sub-• mitted a- record• itoArnst—Ruwia-nd or offences .at StrritfOrd,' Windsor and in:. the.. United -1-.States....Frank Donnelly, • asked, for leniency for the accusedon, the ground that he had iven apistance to the police in connection with similar charges against . RenneTh Rabideen:, and Louis • Bockleyi .of Taistowel, At e:thilell pnf:ntr4ie tfrerth-1-3 sten--; .--Iro-8thY11:1-7ea..,. - SHORE & .GIN the . bite -Andrew 'Rougvie... The °nonce committee passed. a. • long list of ascOunts. The payment to. the Public Utilities COMMiSSI911 - ELECTRIC-- of $4,500 on -account. of ' Street light- • ing for 1048 Was recommended, also $70..00 for colored Tights at the beach.'n the r comin it tees subm ttc d 4.7.oraitre'regorts....- .• COuncillot Tayror repo ed that Bell Telephone wires on McDonald street near. Britannia road NyerpLao. low that ebilitreil ctiula reach them, and it was decided' to tisk.;the com- pany to correct the dangerous con- dition. A motion "was passed expressing ap. reciation of 'the work of 'Miss C eaver anc lie77:41-gririfir1irrit1: Ing bags for the 'children's . Christ- mas party. • • • • rhe customary Christmas bonus of $5 each to -the regulhi- employees of the Town was Noted. ' Two bylaws werewssed: No. 41, appointing Fred Armstrong n mem- • ber of the. Goderich District legiate Institute Board for 1.940L50, -,12; Attridge . Town • Auditor .--for the coming Year.• Councillor McGee stated that the -.11nron Federation of Agriculture. had decided to hold the annualfield it day . again in Goderich next -yellr, ..• Season's Greeting's above Agnew Surpass Store, 'Phone 1199:71 :Me ' .._. 'Licensed. -111AS80.-HYDRO TIIERAPIST- SCIENTIFIC 'SWEDISH MASSAGE. • REMEDIAL EXERCISES AND BODY BUILDING . .1 .'eAnitibit.4 4, • • • • 4011iq FARRIS1I Phone 7r15 Dungannon' • _ AWALCOL,14 ;MAULERS INSURANCE Autoniohile,-Liability, etc REAL ESTATE- " Town and -Firm ProPeOies For satisfactory -results hi -the ---sale,oprentaLef-your...prepgdr.;. list it with VIALCOLIVI BLATHERS North' Stat the Square. Phone 115W Goder,kh '' • , tT CAPITAL THEATRE NIONE THE 47 :Now-LEliza,beth Taylor,, hi a small town- stOry--."CYNTHIA.". mon.,qtac*., and Wed..-- , 'lack Carson, Dorothy Malone, Dennit'41SIorgan and gennr.'Ediva,rdS • . ,__. _.,_ , ...,.. , In Technic'olor cetties VO'arfier Orotnense riotous nraspal lOandup ',kith Its gltkantp,etsjidadg-._ rie-tOmeta to ' 'your holiday week. • 0• , • 'TWO:GUYS-from TES S" • Thnis, Frr, and Sat,— "i DATE join P' 6'0,01(5E14 4beth TaiSlor,. Wallace liedrY & Carmen Yfiranda Cugithis` brehesrtriind Technicolor protaise a, bright ,...... • . t- barinninefor-thatirtiPPY-NW ar' Cotolog °To .theyinds.of the EartiO Starring 'Signe IlaSsO. filatInees Wed and holthys at t.30 THERESE C. p1FRIMMEA,, 54 Anglesea St. • Phone 92:63 • Goderich 43x •:" 4.44 FOR -• - PICK:UP &TDELIVERy--- ' SERVick :Call • • —WILSON'S • 76 Newgate St. Phone,540.1 EAST' ST. BAKE Fon PAstont, ou*s7 ,41P1-7-1PRESTI '10,AMT. '.044,4wt.....44.:**0stathe,- • 'iv.m#R'g* CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE 0',/••••••Pro4;e4 'AitriPELXVBRY%0' V.0011.0k4 Phone 18- B. ISEAVOt: Pr • xterrectoctoctomaiclocitottoc A irtNp • olat, . —MOM _OUR 'STORE TO YOUR HO/Y=11OLP Amy home can-bt morelpyous-ivith-one-a-our, ASTRA BABY FRIGs: INGLIS" AUTOMATIC Irma" ma WATER ittAlitliS ELECTRIC STOVES or COAL . Flt(IVEt. ' BRECKENR Hardware -Store HAMILTON ST. GODERICH• U1N-Thiii"it*.traattarDiMt.. r- r ' , •-• r r r "4.111.441111.11.1111144410141111111,1 • • -" -'1,1r •-'11 • • .•-•• yr! ._44414141.1111111111411411111144.• LET US. HELP YOU HAVE A ME1Y CHRISTMAS ' AND A HAPPY NEW-VEAR. :PAVILION, 14KM SPECIAL CHRISTMAS_ PARTY—DEC. gull Dress Optional Regular Admission SPBCIAL F• AREWELL DANCE TO HOPPY HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Sunday Midnight, Dep.26th. 12,05 a.m..to3 a.m. Re r•AdMission 4,747-4 NEW YtAR'S 'EVE FROLIC, DEC.' 3ist -Abate hy,,the.Skylinerti Voppls by Bob Small, Clayton Broadb.agen and ,the QUirtptte • •' ; • Bat, Eora, Noiseitakers, Balloons, eto,' 9 to 2 a n4 Droos, Optiotail, A.dmisliior,.$1,,p0'per person DTZW YEAR'S NIGHT, $.11,..TURDAY, JANUARY ist and 'eVery aturdai night, Danoipg to _lialiaci4X„.1y_1iE-ZICYLINERS • ••* e• Lpias Gitt.tiOkots t� 60, Now Vor's Zve'Prollo on Sale it,the Soiet uce .taid the Mole Oho. '‘Vtltk ANWCOOMPAVVOrr J. IF - You worry about your present or future security, Phone Carlow 2115 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch LifeAs,gurvice repro- ientative. R. R. 1,Port Albert. 6tf a Ate rigration Phone 1098 for 24 limn* *servke to all makes of commerclal and domestic refrigeration equipinent. MANNING. Refrigeration Servi`Ce • GODERICII niGIDAIRg ' • Commercial Agent for Goderich and District. • Satisfaction Guaranteed. 40t1 ellable Efficient • • • a opals , ,ittoot, . . • FilITATLItISTSPCXVIOI-D-TUBIS:' .AND PARTS tIAR,Ritp. -.4411 • PliOrk/ ,14.4 'VOA St.. 23t1 l'AVI! 3!i IONA BRAND • 'PEACHES Tin BURNS' di) 43atr, PURE LARD • lb' 310- , GREEN GIANT 9ORN NIBLETS 2t3:6z.' 350 Tins FRESH SALTED • 4- • CASHEW NUTS 6oz 390 1 A 4 P CHOICE. . TOMANES t 37 : ITE6a1..'13-''Puultry-Dressimi SAGE • Glass Ja'r No. 45111 - -, • • .• PROFA.3105MVP , -oG4•r.‘1- • , Zt v , ***4••••,•••• ••• •" V",, • • •64- 44. , -‘.•A';''' REAL VALUE A REAL. SAVING . iii.JKON. CLUB' (Centpnts_Anly) -- 30-bk. 12o GINGER -ALE- Case of 12 1.44 :YUKON CLUB (Conter,0-061y) 10 .SODA WATER._ 3.0 -oz 1,-)t1 C MDICEMEAT, • MAPLE LEAF 2-11); • Tin 007' ' CLARK'S - Tin qq,4 G- , , 11/44°Int°$Flii.P. Red Sweet FilANNENC,Ap:GA:01AN. , -248.-0010zb.' 41, In: 1. 'OLD CHEESE x. Ib. Go C111,11$1`,14Ag CRAtKERS 590 g MILK /BEAD . or Brown ,Loaf 44/7 • telt:All COFFEE • lb Ki custom Grdund* * FRUIT '-CARE- ANN PAGE 1.39 SEEDLEps • • RAISINS I tbs. 290 - -pflPIpa.;Ple'OES • • PINEAPPLE 39 , YOUR A & P ,PRODUCE BUY OF THE WEEK 43F Texas Margh Doz.Air ... 24T;:sz" -..*43i.;1*4•0AN TON. I, dalifc4ilia Navel 283'a Dor. 0)Kg40 *AytmER,TomAro 011A,N, GES LEMONS New CropNo 'I • 014aalinfadrttl!retted. 146'1 01 lbs. tiro VANDY.,:SODKEYE"' 1 IF 11F.;•4?_!. CI:lkrt 134' CATSUP • • ,G• RAPES. R A sikutio•14: rri gPtiotittead 131 0 APPLES 430. OLIVES Ma zahl"a TANGERINES No. I, 176's d 0 II Domestic Gracie Bahamas, Hand Selected :e0 24, 'T.11 -"BE , • „ , 290 bri ' M4LAREN't sTuPrErr. Jar • -TOMATOES No. 1—min. 144z. Pkg, ST • Gingerbread ' Pkg. CELERY -STALKS—Pas""'"P-2-'93o- -1411X ExtOra large ANN 'PAGE Oicl-P'aiihierla • •‘• CO'O • SMOKED, 611ANkl..ESS, _ . .111114 Pka. 25 _ PORK SHOULDERS '• ANQY dRAPEPR 'b.' 470 ." SIDE BACON' Mall'ectt'at• 14#1b*AJUICE 10 Wantlateglot60),Aifit***'+rw••+",k","'"e0ccrapsrittitVXMCOWtIzegtt0ettittsOttltttffitISSOCataloittit - Mica' . ALMOND. ICING, cAtopt36.1.1 10toz, t , , JELLY POWDERS JELLS 1. -3 Pkgs. 250 3IO .g Vru a • Vegdabteh '