HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-23, Page 1• 43 • 1.01st YEAll• ODERIC tottottocitsoctwitowititittooveiltemielimoixtetto00 tfitettiokittkitt, 47" qUIsTM PLAiLET SHOW'S TEE REA CHRISTMAS SPIRIT - Gathered .in the Parish Hail on Friday evening, 250 chlldren and adults enjoyedto the utmost the Christmas party given by the Sun- day sehoel of St. George'S The -first .part, of the 'program was in charge.of the. senior Sunday' school. It commenced with a 'play- let, "The Real Christmas Spirit," 'wider- the direction .of Mrs. A. F. Sturdy, Eleanor .Lauder plqyed'the part of "the tired shopper" who had coMPletely' lost the -true spirit of •Christinaand considered the buy- ing of, gifts but an unwanted task'. which shOuld be done as quickly, and reckleSsly as possible. This 2.,An _ her mind Until, ein-a -completely eilninsted condition from her ordeal, she :wandered into a schoolhouse, where she wasmet by "Jim Walker, a armerr7playett-hr-Nerler-Wihnet; and three of the •Sehool girir; Beth Morris, •• Pauline Mohring and Patricia tonginire, who Were pre- fer•, -the Christmas .concert. Mere- §14 'Wee teld of ',the 'plight of some poor' families in the district and promptly donated 'all her gifts for their Christmas', quickly „Teal - zing -"the real •Christmas. spirit." Edward Leggett. playerd several cerols .on his cernet, which was followed by the girls of -Miss Wil - mot's eltiSs in .the singing of carols. MisS-GWen Jude§ elaSSAbiltributed .several numberso• the first a trio, .4`A White Christmap," by Pauline • TYFO 'SEASON PRESBYTERIAN S.4._ . GIVES FINE PROGRAM • Carol singing opeeed. the annual Christmas' concert of the' ,Sunday school. of Knox Pre,sbyterian church, held: on 'Friday evening in the lee - titre hall_ 4 -;the thumb.. The hall was filled to capacity with an ap- preciative audience. Rev. R. G. ' MacMillan, the genial cliairinnn, entertained the grown -Os xvitb, humoratts staries between numbers, and .that; he was a popular §torye teller Was evidenced by the rairthful, • applause of the audience. .. The. junior ,congregation; as- sembled on the ,platforin, presented, • a.Pretty picture as they sang. Their -very unpredictableness was charm- ing, even, to the. applandin- • themselves. :They were, tinder the- leadertahip of Miss Do.rothy John- ston, 1With Miss Chrissy Leishman at the Plane.--The_bee "A- :21ii a Alattger"--:an&-the girls "'Silent , . . a Night." i• • • * . Intermittently, couriers brought in telegrams from"•Santallaus re- ' porting- progress-7as ';he ourneyed, from the North Pole. • The messages were read by .Mr. MacMillan, and when Santa Chiiks did.arrive,' et the goncluslen ef.the_program, the child- ren Were Nile -with gleeb Reclta- tions, instrumental music, drills and cleverly acted plays--wereeirjeied. Plano solos were given' by Paid _ • Wilson and _Carol,-.Ann_Ziinmerinart. and a .vocal q.urittette by Sandra MacLean,Diane BarniSter, e•-• jorie Cousins, and -Sandra Bradley. and Kathleen Hill.and Ramona Mc- 7 ,•• ONT.Mt:TO, .''THURSDAY, DECEIVIT '281* 1948 teceiwymet-Tottelpixiigtectioveloceettotoktitti toofigtoomectoilitxtimovitoom*ott.it Classes . in Sewing . • and Dressmakms , Opportunity for Ladies • Receive " Useful - Instruction The Goderich Recreation Council held: a special meeting in the Town Ball on Mouday to discuss varibus types of handwork': -e-Mrs. Tait Clark cof Colborne Own - ship. bas • arranged with • the 'Col- legiate Institute to conduct a cowse in. sewing and dressmating under the efficient instruCtors, Miss Foster and Miss Robinson., , Beginning Wednesday, January 5th, at 8 p.m., the class will be held .1'veekly in the Collegiate Institute.- The're is room for three or four Goderich ladies to fill out this class; inter- ested ladies , should - iinmediately ring Mis.'• T. Clark, Carlow, 2100. IVilkinTartriarteces nf' tensive daily seWing.course by the doderich Women's Institute branch ender :the home economies service of,thiQntarioDepathneInt et •Agei- culttlre-motnings and- afternoons from. .January 31 to February 4.. Each- pai•ticipant Will be coathed, in making a conaplete dress during the week: This.is Open t6-a1l G:odez riehladies who wiSh to .sign pp ,with "Mrs. A. Wilkin, Cambria road. 0ovnerisE • PURCHASE OF MUSED A recitatimf was givert by Lynda. Blake; a duet sung by Nancy Skittz and Jeanine Young; and another by • Audrey Allison and .Diene .1Vic nen: , A. vocal trio waS---given-lly4 Martha Jacks'onk Ardith EIliettoan :Char/lee Stowe. •• • •- A pretty drill was performed by the .girls of Mrs, J, McNevires and .Miss 'Jean Goods classes. They drilled under the 'direction of Mrs. . R. E. Wilson . with Mrs., 'Elmer Cranston at the piano: Choruses were . swig by -Mrs': Gordon Henderson's: class' and the classes; taught by. Mrs. Ray Nelson, • and Miss Ethel Elder. A shadow, -play-was performed- by Mr. Mac- Kay, fellowed ,by Elaine Mills re- claim "The•Red Ball,',' and Donahla .„Danuister; "Christmas Eve." ' All the members of the class gathered. the stage to -sing „"Santa. Claus IS Coming', to -.Town:' and Diane Elliott played ti piano solo, followed - jean Venn singing . "Golden Slumbers," ,All the children per- formed excellently. • Rev. B. H. Farr was the master cif :ceretnonies 'lind Eleanor Lander and Airs. Willa& provided thepiano accompaniments.' .2. • • The rector turned aver the ALC.'s• task to Freddie Aiehring, who quite smartly a'nnounced the numbers for the primary thildten'e part of the - Donald's" Class; and a "Hermon LU 41, This ineleded recitations Philic" otchestra was a humorous '''''L"- - skit played by the boys in the classes of which:Mr. John Patterson .41 . and Mr. 'vale Cook are the teachers. The, portrayal 4 a Jewiell syna- g'Ogrte service was well done by the girls; iti.costtnne,.of MissrMary 'Ann Erskine's class. ' Mises, June Sparks'.. Oiss•-of-•-girls- presented --nn Anipres-, .sive manger scene, • g . The 'junior congregation returned to the ;platform to sing "Santa. , felons Is -Coining Tonight,".. and while they sang Santa Claus did arrive • and diStribeted to the children bags " each filled with..,...1n-, Orange., candy: .andynuts._ • ' ' AT VICTORIA STREET .. The Sunday Selma. rooms : of Vic- toria street United church were . Liked to the limit on Friday even- t , f ing; the -Occasion 'beingthe annual Christmas concert; -sponsored by the Sunday schael -staff. Mr.: Robert Henry. --initiated proceedingby shoWirig two feels .On the seiveri irriraying *stories. well knoWit • to most children, "The Three Bears" - gereinst. interestitt to _the ..v.z.., peop-W-diecrifffir ;.- Mr. Charles'. Breekow., .stinerin- .:1 tendent of the Sunday school, wel- comedtheparents and ehildreu,. tendering, the greetings of the sea- so11 aad expressing, .thariks .to .hiS staff for their effort§ in promoting the evening's program. . - Theelimax of the evening was of -course the appearance Ofthat ever , .welcome guest, old Santa. '' He was ,received bY the, children with varied expreSsions of yoathfal, joy . and wonder and the 'llstail bag of :candies, etc., was given to each • Sandtty school Ptipil. . ,• Al interesting, . program ,- by the Young folks followed and was much ' InflOyed.' ;The-Openingifilmber was• -°•fr,"Welkortte., addiess,giVen:St.,Linsla . • Allison, Which was followed by a - I chorus, :'.A.Way in, a4.MAnger,ft by 'he beglatters'--elatics;---rriecita Were given by Cheerill Carry, Bever, 'ley and Barbara Ailison,sjean Love; 'Margaret,Lee, Betty Harrison, Glen Ailin, Velen Afoore, Atif Aligato, V..eta. flortion, Patiliiie;Droniii; Shit*. . . ley Fowler. NornatieGletin, Shirley Iteart,:, Sohn. Carrell, -Shirley %Lee, • • Billy. 'Smith and' Marjorie,' IlraWn . ._ sword.' ellettlse$ 'Jingle'Belle4 and '"Silent 'Vrgh-Vr 1»' Mrs. (100 _ -lciasslt-ithoruSes,--,4esas, phis tn. -$411•11)0- and "„1., Am...leatts,"•..littl. - 1 i.,,i Imii;of by Mrs. oftrtehburg'S., clasS Aoloa by 41rate "Marie Turner, till tinfield, Sylvia . SkelfOli .arid Beryl Maguire; a ' chorus . 14,,,,,. Frank „ _DISSett,"§ char and one, by fiVe.git'iS; an eXereise An'd, song. by ' Evelyn .„ *eeltoW's'elas8; a panteminie by : Miss' Charlotte Uaghlrell ChM' i anti Iii tanelnalan .4 ' 'pagefifiti, "rfoly, woo, depicting the Nativity in tour scenes, by Mril.'Wilson'S class. OAPACII'V ADDIENCE. • .by Karen HuckinS, Diane Danielles, .Joycer-Rosnell,- Tan -Morris, -Gwen iSteWart, • Percy, .• Garrick, Timmy 'Sale, Dm:Ice-Vincent, Barry Stewart and jimmy Bridle; solos by Patsy; Prevett and. -Judy.' Pattersonand a duet by Diane tlarison. and Joyce• Bosnell. All the thildren as a class sang -§eVerkil:Tcarbl§ *and ClifiStinas songs and during tile singing -of the last -of -these; "jingle the fellow with therettsuit and -white. whiskers- made .• his way tfp..the aisle to the platform, 'where he iev,is• greeted exuberantly by the childree, •.-ASeisted . by the: reetor; Santa Claus.distributed the dipiomaa .and prizes vvon.by•the children for high- est Marks ineach class, and a hortetitel supply of orange's and candy to ,a11; the .thildren of the 'Sunday .school:" SANTA. CLAUS. MAKES HIS ANNUAL VISIT - It looked as it every, yotingster town, With many from. the ser - rounding district,: was op hand en Saturday afternoon to greet -Santa Claus on his, arrival withthe ere nue' Christmas treat, Pullink, up with his •' sleekreindeer aCthesTown, Halle the Old gentle; map (who semehow reminded keen e)servers of one of the Town •em- ployees) set to•work with the assist- ance of a corns of helpers to hand Out begs of oranges. candies arid nuts, inatil his stock was quite exhausted and some disappointed children were still unserved.. • The number of yopng folks in the welcoming crowd was .considerably greater than last year:. 'Then 1200 bags of go6dies were ,prepared and sonlei, were left oter. • This year there' were 1250, and it would have taken a hundred more to go around. Each bag „contained Me erange§, besides candies. and -nuts, and :1 all eleven cases *Of oranges, 300' 'pounds of nets ane SOO pounds of pandiei• were used.; ----Ilisi-Cleaverr:publicittetilth nurse, superintended. the filling a the bags, and Santa Claus was assisted in • distributing them bY6.• members of t•he Town Council; Town Clerk After visiting and inspecting J. - H. Neill's "pioneer -museetm" at Gorele; the property committee of the Huron County Council has de- cided to present a repoet „to the Council at its January meeting re- -commending its purchase. If Council 'adopts the recommendation the question of its location' will have -to be _madder . • - It is understood that a stipulation intide by -Mr. Neill is that he is to be employed as the curator of the inuseem. He ha§ spent years in" building it np. and it new 'contains. some 600 pleges,. mainly' articles as - sedated with pioneer life. He has -recently received from Aheadeen, Scotland, two tuning forks with a history of over 200 years. Mr. Neill's meseum was described in The Signal -Star 'eeverel months -ago and lie-exhiblied-it,.....ao in car trailers, at• the November meetingeof the County CouneiL J., Algie Public .Seltoolls Give ne Program Pupils? Performances-. Show . Results of 'Diligent Training • , Over six hendred public school 'children presented & concert of iut- sttuiding merit in 'Knox Presby- terian church on Tuesdayr night, under the, direction' of Mrs. J. G. McDougall, instructor of music ip the .Goderich "schools. . • . P.S. Inspector Gardner introduced the prograin; whichincluded caeol .singing by Pupils end • audience. Boys from Victoria and Ce.ntral 'Sehools filled the choir loft;' and Some,- of -the finest numbers, were given by this boys'• Choir,- including "While Shepherds Watched," with descant, and "Tell. It cer de Moue - :141W! with Fred -Moss- aS-,:soloist. Mr. W.•Wickett's 'organ accomPard- •nientwas inost pleasing; ' The little ones of the -kinder- garten and grades I and If sang, sweetly,and tween, Doris: Johnston and Corihne, Alian•in whith 'a French Christmas. custain was deecribed was follOwed hy_ the singieg of "Jesus Our Bro- . . 'Blake; and Inenbere-,..ef---th thee!' b-y-gratles-Iff;:IV and V. , , • II ,tmetitalt • • • HEAVIEST COISTMAS - 'MAIL EVER AT P.O, •„. .. Large voluted of -mail and pay - eels are pouring into the •Goderiph postoffice and by Wednesday.- of this week itwas evident t.hij.t anew record would be, setforGoderich for the amount. of Christmas pail .handled, 'aceording •t� Postmaster William Bisset: The sorting space has been so: crowded that at times- it eeehied almost impossible to handle the mail in the space available, said Postmaster Bisset. 7 - There is the Usual flow of rid - dresses with misspelled names and odd writing which proVide Chinese ple4z1es for the,busy staff engage& 4n putting the letters in the right - places. • . - The postoffice will be closed all Christmas Day, There will be no street.letter collections from Friday night td Sunday night. $ I • CHRISM/AS PROGRAM BY BAPTIST mg. Many -attended the fInntial. -Snn- daY „school concert of the Baptist church On Friday eveeine., • The. Interesting program, under the thairinanship of Rev. G. .W. IL ' Atieeleeitless..44,1443.51,144. Carol singing; Chairrnan's address; welcome by Molly Ann. Donaldson r duet by Shirley and Marilyn Late; recitation by Cheryl Williams; re-. citation by . B. J oh n s t on •; pl a y, "Christmas Snowflakes," by mein - berg. of ;the Mission Bane' under She direction of MTh. Raithby and Airs'• Medley; 'Christmas tree drill by the junior girls' under direction of V. Milker and M. Raithby': 'clitt- logne by,,MrS. johnstoe and Senior , mix d quartette,. :Grace, Florenee John Hudson and David Medley; candle drill by innior dialogue bY yoang, people; panteniiine, "First Christ- mas Eve," by junior girIS • solo irV Betty Medley; Christmas story by MrsrStraeharr and.her-dartior-boy0” tecitation by. Faye Plasterbrook; arrival"of Santa Olties'and diatribe- leal hatigfilt-eand-iqs--antl-4 department... - • OPEMETTA' PRODUCED • " BY LONDON COMPANY Thregentation-- Victori - clear, 'sweet voice. Betty: I3owra sang "The Lord's Prayer." `„`Jeeus Was Born to Mary". was a well-seng- two-part chores by grades VI, -1711 and VIII, with MISS Margaret And. cenducted Ilerbertis•oneretta, The Red, h5e.,MieS,Helen_Videan: • by:the_ Otilture. Centre Forum of London, under -the auspices:A:if St Peter's Dramatic .- Society, wa;s thoroughly enjoyed, by a large audi- ence in. the G.oderich Pavilion last Thursday night ' • ' Jedge T. M. Costello, was chair- man, and introduced the -perform- ance; which was directed by Prof. Alfred Tose, bead or. '-the open!'" played -,:several Chriletrnas- -earols„ school of the' University. of Western- ecediripanied by •Mrs. McDougall: Ontario, with.F.•Albert MacGorman as 'stage director. The taneful and gay -music of -the operetta was beautifully interpreted by the various singers and choruses. The improvised staging die not detract :from the presentetion ;. and the colorful Dutch • peasant._ ecis- ttinies ma1ea lovely.,picture for, the opening chorus "By the •Side of the • V. TjpprettaabOuflcinWitl c14 wit and the parts taken by dode: rich's OWD Kenneth LeMaire- and these by•FredPitt were exceedingly. well elete_in both acting and song' Mona Murphy was charming as the pretty Thia in her songs "Mignon- ette" and • with "Con" (Fred*Pitt) and "Kid" (Ken.' LeMaire)- -"Whistle -It." ,Marje Catherine' -0% Meara's mezzosoprano was -' .played to advttheage- in her role of "Gretchen," the burgomaster's :daughter,- -- love .‘311th --ae. ship's •Wiplain but eupptised to marry .the gavernor. of eeland. .Her singing ef 'rMoonbeams" was a delight. Hazel- sta-eree-as--- eympathetie • aunt of "Gretchen," especially in thersongs -"Legend of the • 'Mill" find "Because You're You," which_ she sang. with"Toni- Baker. -Mr. 'Baker sang "Every The story of,. the Operetta - was 'Crated church Was held on Wed•. A PRESENTED TO 0 BLUE WATEIt BAND TO' PLAY AT,BAPTIST CHURCH •• Christmas music will ring out oncemore in the services of the Baptist church on Sunday next: In the morning Rev. G. W. H. Medley will take ai his subject "Behold Your Ood,",, and the eehoir,,--*Uncler the direction of Miss Veree. Miller, Will sing two anthems, "Shine On, Christmas •Star" ,(Nolte) and t"Sleep, Little Jesus " •(Rend). *'At .•-•-SICA-TING INSTRUCTION- - TO- BF.,„GIN JANUARY 6th. , Again this winter the Recreation Goderien-younge- sters heaps Of fey and goed,.clettn_ snort. each Mondey,,- TuesdaY, Thursday and Friday afternoon. ASHFIELD PILLS - • • COUNCIL VACANCIES - A'Shfield elector's went to the polls an .Monday and from a large list of candidates for' the Township _ . _ Connell chose John Bradley; with 350 votes; Andrew Ritelde,- 301, and 'Kenneth' MaeKenzie, 260. . :The- -defeated- -candidates we'ref; Raymond Finnigan, 246; Marshall eibsot, 195:- William .Pitzpatrick, 177. Bert A11°117.149 E. G.- Zi„rin, 162; Reuben Wilson, 162. Reeve Ceell Johnston- and Coun- cillor Elmer Graham.were previous- ly. re-elected .by acclamation. NINE VESSELS IN' • THE WINTER FLEET , fithristinas for the Birds -in -ISYvedenn- -1Vas•---enacted- --in-costuine by MalcOlm Campbell, Teddy. Turner tied Roy Johnston, and Mal- colra Campbell sang ,in good voice "A Tender. Child Is .Born This Day."• . , • • During- the • offertory, Edward Le gett Goderich's. boy cornetist, Vessels of the -*inter fleet at "deiderich harbor number nine. •Fer the Goderich Elevator Co. the Star - buck. Superior, Mantadoc, Algosoo, Bricoldoc end Sedfladoc are hold- ing about 1,200,000 bushels of -grain. Purity Flour Mills have three,- ves- sels "Saskadoc, Altatloc and 'Pert AV4411034E-10140,DRK&C42140‘...1 bushels of wheat, making atotal of about 1,900,009 bushels of grain afloat.' ' ..THE 'WEATHER Temperatures of Hie' past Weelel In Goderich, with those of thecor-c responding week a year ago, as Officially recorded, Were as follows: 1948 1947 •Max. Min. Max. Min. Thurs.., Dec 16 .49 Fri., Dee: 17 ....31 Sat., Dee. 18 ...,33 Sun., Dec. 19 .... 30 Mon., Dee: 20 82 Tiles„ D. 213S Wed Tee 22 37 k. trio, composed of Betty Bowra, Ruth Deckstader -and • Eleanor Lauder, sang ' -"Christreas--Lilymn," and "Little 1.e.unh" was . equallY' lovely' 'chorus as sunk by Jane Graham, Sheila 'Gallow, Nancy Wil- mot,. -Itetli Dockstader, Jean Anne Macdonald and Eleanor Lander. "Jesu. Akatonia" Was appealing as ' sung by Don AlcAdam, Don Ctver,h.olt• and _Robert Dockstads, with ,- Billy Trvilie- , ritte Indian chles-, stery. .The. splendid concert, enjoyed, by an .audience which • filled the large: auditoriimi. and gallery, was con - chided with the :singing of the National. Anthem.? It. was the re-' §ult of iveeks of work by Mrs. 'Mc- Dougall, and her ,coritrol of tbe -large classes-- was, most :creditable, She was ably assisted by. ,Mr. Wickett, the teadheri'. and pupils. ----The _proceeds of 'the concert were donated. to -the-. yietari .-and Central Home and School Clebs for their overseas wotk.. ' _ ' EVENING AUXILIARY- . - • OFFICERS FOR 1-949 - The Christmas meeting „'of the 'If .Itielt• Prbst-' ag-T'ajsZtlits-wal=be..= gin on Thursday, January Oth. To get the organization properly under way, Mrs. S. "C. Anderson. invites her eominittee of ladies -to -her .home, 18 St Patrick's street, on Teesday, January 4th, at 2' pm. Mothers are advised that anf child who this walk or run, is . 'eligible -far -this fine' Adult's are, re- imp... greatly to the spirit of the gather-, quested to volunteer their . assist-. ' soles Vere played...by Sally Mae - A Magical interlude- Witt Deitels. `mice. Kiddies 1,,should be at the organ and piano, Verna Miller and Dartces old- and new-, directed by. sharp With 5 cents ,,p-,$ pay at the .• was enjoyed. Marie Raithby gave Aiiss E. Lewis, were prettily per- , formee.by groups of girls. . arena on West street at 1.30 pan. Grace Hudson playing respectively; devotions. The Soripture leasOn Miss Mary .Ann Erskine gave, an.. gate. There Will be instruction an. address of welcomer•followed by .. was read by Helen Besse .and -13, interesting history Of The Dance," , fitted to the participants' age and* Chese :offered prayer, An interest- A.cconapaeists for the „evening were . 11.,4 program followed; With,' th ,, Margaret 'Henry. ' '• -;--" , .---:- - Alollie Bisset, Catherine Qutt and _ablilfips......m„ -.. wii-ets,orf. _ sevetapy, ‘,... Iris been .appointed by the „Ttecrc- ation Council to te-operate and- singing • of Christmas -carols. . 4 . The Valedictory. addreis was the .evening -service the Blue Water Band will be present and upder the leadership of • M. C.' Wocids wiU assist in the ser ice The minister will speak on'The Kingdom; Over Which Jesus Shall Reign." 'The choir will render the anthem "Let Lis Worgnip-Illm"--(bY7Keating, nnd Yale). •The hand will present a concert which ,all are cordially in- vited te hear. . _ F-Buipwan-p-FIRE-SIDE • - , 'HOU,R AT BAPTIST GEURCH . . . Oe Sunday evening the monthly '"fellowship fireside"°- was at -the- , •, . Baptist thurch and the various te churches were Well' represelited' by members .of their young people's societies and friendi. The front • the church. was effectively depor-,_ tited in ChristainitS , attire, 'adding ,TheaSeenibli• 's.re0111 . Of the Cole legiate VhAitate was filled.tesapae-, ity lvIonday •night When the !real conuli'entement, exer ses were .' • - -- • An. interesting program waOntra• (laced with piamo''musie played .by Mr. -William -Wickett, Principal A. R. Scott was Chair- man. and In a, brief address -,,stated, that . It Nvas, his _ thirteeeth, mencement in Goderich. The school, founded in 1841-7ts...,ka : Grallimax. School, is the oldest in the'Prlivince; he stated; and for the older part of. the building the evening marked the seventy-fifth eommencement. • ..ge hoped the traditions and standards of the,..t ()tinders .*would always be maintained., "Ninety-five per 'cent - of the upper school students had .passed in june. The Provhiela1„ recordi-s-78-per,ent,- -neApapresseiLl' cm parents And 'pupil -A" that students • should remain- -at -the----scheor' to acquire spine:lent iknowledge them for life's duties. Rev.:C. • W. Cope_ also , addressed the students. He. advised them to ger all the, education they coda Jlorresty, he saidwill create am-, _fidenle; ant concluded by urging them to be spirituallf-guided. Under • the direction of Kr- • Wiekett, choruses were sung by the girls and. by a full choir got heirs, and girls,. Dave Medley,. pm Craig and Jack'Eedy sang two numbers; 4- vocal -Simg-by " Scott and Marilyn Butler, and piano • . , Day Is- Ladies' Day with Ale." Evening Auxiliary of . North street well portrayed, lt involVes two,./leseee, December • 15th, in the Amelecane; "Con" and "Kid," who, • • • ' church bell, Which was ..effectively reluetantly .wring off an indebted-, by Tina that while the village is tapers. Preceding the candle -light-. excited Over the we.dding pf leg service Mrs. J.° Snider pinked _Gretchen to the governoeof Zeeland carols' on the piano aiel-Mr% Ellis she, Gretchen, Plans to elope with presided for, the worship service. Hendrik, althoegli- • the wedding This included e reading by Mrs. ,iesee„.4„.0ellagrehe Countessware Story" im- already err Wing, Thl/WolfitrafiVi fre'SeiVelY-Tairtrliffri, on learning this, has 'Hendrik ar- carols sung by a group of girls, rested and lecke Gretchen ID the and a reading on "Joy" by,Mrs.. 11. haunted Old Mill; she, however, is Turner. Candles were lighted by reseued by bon, Kid Row Tina, members in 'remembrance of:Christ- aided by Juliana; while -the sheriff hies' ire different- lands is. asleep. Act I ends as the -burgo,, Mrs. Aberhart presided for a master discovers Gretchen- gole-.7 short, business eeselen. The nornin, The news of Gretchen's ating committee .brought in a slate pearance causes qeite- a stir 'tinier:1g of officers for the coming year which the townspeople, 'and the burgo- was aceeptedby the Auxiliary. The officers! are: President, Mrs. Aber - hart; 1st vice-ttreWient„ , Mrs. S. Snider; 2nd vice-President,•Airs.ite. Worsen; secretary, Mrs. 4. Hamil- ton ; assistant secretary, Alts. F. Bridle; cocresponding"seeretary, Aire. Lewis; treasurer, Miss E. CeoperT 'assistant treasurer, Mrs. - Clairmont.;, tikisociate• membership seerefary,-. Nt.:; .13e4(FOnt,;,,DreAg. secretary, Mrs. G. Mathtesort ; sup- ply see'retary,,`Ates. Brewer; Christ- ine steyeerdship _Settettiq, Aire, 'IL Tattier; Ilteratare secretary, ,Miss Hodgins;.Missioliary Monthly ,seere-, tary,,,Irs. T. Dot -Melly' community friendship SeeretarieS. 'Mtg. .Noble 'and, Mrs. Win. 'Stills,: pianist, Miss Mary Bnehanan ; assistant „pianist, 'VValls. :Atter.' • the_ a' vide.). was eiljoyed with members �f group III ,with___Mrs-nrc*er and 1,41113; NOble, leader§b. 6 , " mixed -quartette composed- of Grace .gtvnby Hudson,- Florence'' theism), ..Thes•-e Dr J A. Graham award -in 'grade. • $ Mac Wilson.. winner of the • assist' this special committee of which Mi san organizing. This is an ideal method of training pre-Scbool children in good sportsmanship, co-operation, and Physical fitness, while intro- ducing then.. to an enjoyable pas- time. • , • BREALINS_CDIVIING— . A LITTLE TOOOFTEN • - The 'Seabrook coal -office was again broken into on Monday. night, for the third time. Fred. Seabrook has not been in goo d health and is :more or less confined. to his liOese, and he is finding' it rather expensive to put en new locks each thne. This fline the pane was cut "olit of the door .with a *Oise -Cutter, but the weuld-he robbers did not Suc- ceed in opening -:the door. -No re- cords or money are --kept the office,, And Mr. Seabrodk 'coming tothe conclusion that it woied be a :VD-d-C;11-eiiiiet, 7th leave the door unlocked, keep a fire burn- hig-,---and Intruders -find comfort Ir nothing else. PILOVS LICENSEa-FOR'.- - pp' HARBOR GR,ADUATES- ness at the , ed Mill Inn, are told decorated with Chriftinas lights and. • 3O 34 . 25 master ofrers a reward for ;her !e- 28 , 38. 23 tuttn. In the meantime, the gayer- / 19 87 " 12 nor decides to merrY Julittea ; then • 15" 21 7 Con and Kid, disguised as, Sher - '20 32 - .„, Q. :lock 1Tolines . and Watson; :find" - 80 34 •,30 Gretchen and unite the tWo lovera; 09 33 20 the solicitor' surprise§ fiendrik' with itlY,099 legacy; eon And- Xid col; lect.c..tbei&-revitar.4.,--7,and everything Baxter, .Elizabeth Hardy, Jo Par- reache§ happy ions, •Iirlite Turner, Donnie Noble, 'evation. was'. accorded the nn • •-Gardner,-----Gail..--__Paubert.,_ artists, as ..the, eurtain fell the Francis 'Cur** Carol,;Wilson,.'Iceii., concluding • net, and--.ProfesSor Itose • • ,• YOUNG FOLIC ENTERTAIN AT NORTH ,ST. :UNITED The sobOols *of North Street TTnllcd church 'sVits gaily decorated' for the 'OhristMaS entertairafient on, Friday' eVening and. the, platferm lvtar-tflahlieti with-lt-lovetY-Oftrist- nuts- tree, ir.18,„Tothcr was ehttirman_ fstt the program, Whieh, was. arranged15Y*the Tirimary department, 'There Was' a lnrge tittendanee and.everybody had 11 gOod. time, :The program included, besides the singfng of tarols.ailel 'choruses, recitations„ by Viletagb$ Donna Aberbart; John itopkiffsen, Mirky Cook, .111dhard Worsen, Amy' Bettfter, Paid 4.rttYlOr, rrardt Gardner,' Nancy EilVea(4$, Itanziona nth Richardson, Leona Cdolt; soles Was recalled and howetl Isis• ark - by Tracy Bobinson. Ronnie Moore, nowledgnient. 18abel 'Moore, Barbaric Falls and • , . Wanda Wilson.; plane soloi3 Shir- WE'LL AIX. BE, LOOZING ley Anderson letnd Penny Thoipe; rot mAngro ivriolteR:$$ duets'hy Jentiifer find JO Parsons, , • Carol Sthvens and Wanda -Wilson., -Sue aiici Dt'nni 5111(101',„Isabe Moore and Etetinor Plrnersone• • A group o'f boys sang "The Snow -- Was given by a group .of g rls. Other song* Were by the girls of, Mic4. , rirfdbfro's .tind „. Mrs,. Straughatfa dosses, The thmie was °Watehine for Santt,t,;” 1)Y Mena Munro, Robby, Kinkead and Bobby Vowler. The waitehLwas re - Warded by the arrival of *panto With tatitlyAipts the rhfro. reo. - • Marie editres0 of 0$ hatter.-eRtendg- Itie--Seliiprrifeetz longs tile 'renders Of .,her Coinhm, anki,premisesi:, "VkatSli be hearing from ,inci`Tk - THANItS1..s.-AND • DO . ITh.„4.9.A:a1; Px,f,AsE .Tho_plibtighert; plank put district tottOpotidehtS ottietIrtvhd acht in news arlt, this Week, Anil *001,d ask tili*), ropen Witt WO, on attoinit of NOW 'teat holiday. • Itereltdejelio Hinisoir-sang ts, Inc numbers, acemupanied by Helen Besse. Readings were given by Betty ,A.ledley and Graee Straughare A' beautiful solo, Holy Night," was sung by Malcolm Canipbell. , _panto -while, "Star -4 , the. East,' was .cleverly given with Florence (Ism]: attd_Bettyaiedlgiug•-a,- , duet. • At tile eloseofthe---program•Ah gilests retired to the basenrent, where refreshments were Served by the ladies' of the 'church and. a social Nen was enjoyed. A vote of .thanks was- expressed by Harry, Westlake,- folheVed. by Christ -Was greetings •by Ewan, Ross._ • The ilext ifiterelmreh fellowehip will be held on Sunday 'evening, ..lanna Ise' 9th, at which time Vietdria street_ United- church will entert•aie • or character; . soirlayship-, leadership and athletics. Mrs. Clayton Edward .bin 'behalf of Maple •L'eaf 'Chapter, I.40.1).E.,•. presented 11. prize •for the higheet standing in art to Viola Leitch. An amusing play, "The HighWay• Mail," Wit s performed Charles -Hi i-sv-threroek,4114 in ot, Dave Medley, Douk„AraeThere ' - •--.--- PresentafiOn •, ,of DielontrtS '-.The.,presentafrob of diplonas wag- . made by Mr. Gordon Grant, repre- senting the Goderich District. Institute Board, as follows Hotioe Grath -int -ion- 'Diplomtee• Marjorie 13axter;13111-Charitler, Bob • igg"on;Tstiliel -awes, Bettyiefarsh„.-- Don 'Mooney, Miry Pridhatte Jim Saunders. Joan Stott, Beulah - Sliackletore' Bill ' 'Smythe, 'Fleenor Smythe, Jean Townsend, • Harvey' Wightmare JIM -Wood. ' Secondary Scheel' Graduation 'liploiritt.s re' dillriate'S. graduation from -the ' eommer(ial Option). * Howard .Aitken, Joan Baechler, - 1)0reen Raker, Leo Baker (C).-,- Alollie Bisset, Aiadeline Bogie, . elefung uhder.,!the anspices of the- -ATarllyn Miner, Edward --Clutton, Recreation Council. . . Alember.s 'Dill Craig, 'Rhea Durien, Evelyn Destow, Jack Body. Joyce Feagan brought' along their stamp albums TittiNat,'OP THE ilittDg- ' 14Ow 'the tinie "our little. feathered friends seer. When the "snow blanket's the ground it malte§' di Cult picking for the birds." An .Vrast put oat, bY.the hauSeivite 'Will Mean mach lo 'help •these trim eXiSt the winter. 'I • Four Men. were lieenses. after test( Air Services over. Mr. Steart Grant tilent of Transport, the tests. Those g were.ilob, Chisholm, Leckridge and Don ham:- 11111 Strtert, granted .pirot's at Sky Harbor the week -end. of the Deptirt- ' Toronto, took ran led licenses Goderieh-t- Tom thistle, Wing. Alitchell: They lieensee at Sky:Herber. since groups were gredeated during the war for cinahat dot y overseas. Mr. Jack Schroder is the 'histructor at Sky Harbor and has been giving train- ing to . about fifteen flye•rs in the d istriet. •MIDNIGHT MASS AT . ST. PETER'S CHURCH • _Christmas will :be criebriateti- at St. Peter's church by midnight ninsS on Christmas Eve (Friday night), For fifteen 11 es iieforo mid- night there wilt be -tarot-singing, `"rhe •Mnsit of the, Aligels" will be song, -with SIAM' Mejellain. charge Of the musie. •Ttev. Thomas Me- -St...--reters-§E'''SOntinary; London, a 'son a the, eongregation Will preath. • , CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT ST. GEORGE'S OHURCII. , The celebration, of. Christmap tit St. deorge',g clairch „will begin WItif 11 a. tad serviee, on Christians- „Flte,r at The_choir will sing- nit anthem; 'While 'Shen - berets 'Watched Theft Marks, bY' Night.” with Miss Marjorie Rays ns sOloisf.'s'At the eVeilifig selltee' on "Sanday thdre be special musle, with the restival •Of-„Xine Lessons. and Carols aecelebritt6d, at King's College Chapel, " Cambridge,' tnglntal. ..• . • INTERESTING:EVENING , _ -FOR:STAB/2 .001$LEtITORS: Fourteen 'ardeet stamp collectors -held their final meeting of 1948 in the Town MeV on Thfirsdey h 13 b . . (c ), Hicanolir ,,Wiliis. Fis er,.. a -eight Ofthem---sothere- were .be Mair, ' E velYn Lynch ( C.) ; Fiore, demonStrations of, the issues, in AlaeDenaid, -1: e -Sally MacDonald, varYing denerninations,. of- almoet iSallel 211(•Lean ( Cl , Harry ;..Ment - every ponntry .111 the world:. The gompry • ( (,), - rtelen Montgomery, . nifentOr Mr. C. 13: Ste:wart of the . • I 4 , • . Tithe Ruttedgef,›Montgoinery ' (0),e • Public School staff, held t 119 .ei he (Ike. Bertha Popp, Von • he rapt attention of all with his old -stamps (A North America, as Well as of ltesreP$114, '" • .,eel4N4 or the globe. In the Chair was Pre:if-dent Barry Attridge; *. with Secretary .J. • E. carefelly recording proceed- ings find keeping straight mat- ters of. besiness, Perhaps the most interestiflg'. feature was •the phil- atelic quiz contest -a la radio. The. names of, the „six 'quiz ititls were, pieked out of a hat, and'questions concerning stamps were, tossed to them steadily. The suceessful con- testants who Won valuable paekages of stamps were peter:Sturdy, Presi- dent Barry Attridge and Secretory J. E. HoWell, The remaining prizes evert sewilriled by 11 draW. . There' s a valuable iseussion period, followed -by Inestions. find trading, as the eight albums weft", fridge wnutid etr the eneeessful r points Gederich Collegiate meeting liy wishing all the eompli-' „ c„. • • 'Rivers (01, Arlyne Rouse, 6 Stewart, Benson.. straughati .... Teig,i4rAfftRzely.wai ton. Maree Wall, Herold Warren, Ken Wilmot, John Witsoii . iat3 Commercial Honor Elizabeth Chislicilin„ Rita ChiSifolire IIele,i Inglis, Iettbel McLean. , Athletic Awards' The ;iilLiatiO awards were pre- sented by Mr. Norman Prilig, physica „tra I n ing instractor. es fol- lows: Inter -Collegiate Field Meet ..- S011101% championship, Mollie Inte'rmedlate girls' ' chain - iii -hip It indys 'McLean • "senior lees chompionsbise • Rill • Cralal intermediate boys' championship John "Westbrook, , Iluron Seronetary Setuiel ASSQ01-" dtionachallettge eup for track and field elinmpion awarded to the nts-nt-the-season. ifiVitatitin to* retell\ on -.lent:tory Oth, 1049, ,k**.aoil • • • LIMItNONV MAN •Iitt`rry"..Sanderion; 0.1)./t. agent, at otioiding.the OhriSt- inns tern) in dadertcli. • niEs' ArrnititL consei()us condli 1$4i, 74-yett r.nid Luektiow" • resident„ 14)-trtiner;,,, died .two hours after id nlittanee. Gardner, it Is 'filittirstood, the fop of the: cellar steps to the 1)asoltiont of his' home as a result of a, weak spell. Ile *4,4 niireitted oulTerljig rrolyr.oetitg,g)oh, 'NfetIttei authopit es ,attribuied ,the tleath to bath 'citurt" and oPtl" • casSiOni Meet :Senior girls ellaittplonshit). Moflie Bissetl_ In terrnedin lo ChD1111316DSliirri 41111 ON'SNtetetill ; . Junior girls' clicaripions1111).. Ituth lloWehrt •Sehlef boys' clatinpionship, 11111 (raig '511(1 'ritiVP..'!,Aledley• tied; intermediate- „ boys' 'C1itt1ii1goitship,..1 Barry Attridge. '• •••,, Stet:4110.01a .Arard Beet rite /10t_iretildetegOltS fOr.114-134,ttrAlt t .„ • After the program a:schaal puttk WAS ehlgyea in the gyitinagium, -and MrS.:'C. MeCerthi aud family, of Muncie, Inditilitto Are, spetidiug MI6 • ChriStriat* hOliday* wlth the ,tritly)ti tato, .Nitt. *It Allen,