HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-16, Page 8„•r ��% yy. Yx .. sA.fN:W#y'A'�GQYiGP.4 t 7.Fi.!j',�.� 1 Walnut Ohe Hae Chests . Kinderg wal . sts, . P arten , Rockers, Floor Coverings• ,> • --Chesterfield'Suite` Bedrob!n, and breakfast. suites :,• Occasional `chairs and tables Biaaxnpers : Wall brackets Mirrors Cushions... •- Tricycles • Doll carriages Coffee tables • Sets, Child's, Bedrooln .chairs La i1 Tables - End tables Trili -ht-=lam s - - g P Table lamps Boudoirlamps Card, 'table sets • The main Labrador rocks are with ;them y the' 'Rockies {• and the: • the -oldest . hi the world ; compared f Andes are /infants. , WISHING ONE AND ALL A MERRY CE:RISTMAS^ AND A; IIAPPIt NEW YEAR. ; 7 / «• p <•T Hello, IIQ.memnkers ! Come 'the holidays and you're .all Set 'fol` Plenty of . feed, plenti; of company. klleiity 'of, fun •lint also• plenty of, worT .• . Ilowever, assign ;the small. jubs.and errands to other 1iembere of the fancily :and get them started early. Monday's not too soon With. Christmas one, week away, because it good deal Of -the slieppmg and, decorating can be done now, also some ' baking,, ,as; iiauiy holiday improye with a bit -Of aging. goQdies�.. � � HOT CHEESE WAFERS. 1 aekage snappy cheese' J./ up :u- .._.sifted -,a11-puff use flour .1 cup butter... fork all ingredients ,together with your hands. I'Make into small balls, place on ungi xsed pan, flat - en .down With.. the palm .oft°: Shur hand. Chill -a half-hour. -Bake. in a moderately hot electric ,oven, 400 degrees seven to . • ten Minutes. paplika. . _,Makes about twelve. These are extremely 'good ' and will. keep . (uubaked) in the refrigerator ,indefinitely.. -:-Very handy for these.. busy holidays.- , ' FLUFFY .CUSTARD SAUCE Scald one cup, milk: ,Separate 2 eggs, beat yolks with fork. add 2 tablespoons sugar and few. -grains Galt. Gradually. add the scalded milk, • Place in double boiler over hot water. Cook, stirring constant- }y--hutil , mixture thickens, about 8 minutes; cool. Beat eggwhites until stiff ; fold, into cooled custard with 1 teaspoon vanilla. ROT FUDDINOE 1' .cup c1 -it v carrots - 1 cup grated'raw potato 1 ., cup chopped suet-. 1 . ',Clip brown .sugar' 1 cu ,,,,traisins 1 ' cur currants . ----1.1,(27ettps Sour • 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt • Mix_ and- sift dry • = ingredients, then mix all together.. •Fill greased, mold 2/3 full. Cover ^loosely with parchment paper, place in Steamer ,and. steam a - full,•three hours. (You'll. find the "potatoes make -the pudding light' and the ,carrots give it a lovely? rick hrolw.la_..uolour.) -. You_ may • add .1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon n_utineg, 1/4 teaspoon cloves if .you like_ it spiced, 'or add 1 tea- moon_alniond' ilavourin:g+_.'i .eu_pful chopped •blanched almonds and 1/2 cup mixed peel.: , For a still richer pudding, add 1/2 -cup glazed cherries., 1/2 cup chopped candied peel, 1/2 cup chopped :dates. In either case "'add an extra tablespoon of flour to the mixture.' It's, a .foolproof pudding so develop your own special brand. CELERY STUFFING • 4 or,,f ve slices bacon ; Fine -i avoured; 'dripping ,2A3 cup finely -chopped onion 11/4 cups finely=diced celery .3 cups coarse soft bread crumbs •' • 1.1/2 , cups quick -cooking, rolled oats 11/2 teaspoons 'salt • xlt ' teaspoon pe»l 2 Atablespoens ' finel3 4holipeca; 4 ParSle,F• Poultry, seasoxiing; ' if ,c1 sired. 1' ',egg ro' • tttblespbons milk e Out "tshe bacon -into small' pieties' an'd pan-fry until 'crisp ; :lift• bacon' from, the fat.. Measiure the fat ;in be pan, a n d if necessary, ary add nQi e acon'dripping or other .driplin ..to: bring the measure to '3 tablespoons. meat 'the 3 tablespoons dripping and add the onion nn.l celery; 'cook+to gether, . stirring 'of , until ;golden. Coinbine the bread crumbs, rolled'; oats, shit, _pepper . 'parsley. • : and poultry seasoning; if it is being used; add the; cooked bacon; add the vegetables and the fat in which they were cooked; mix lightly, Beat the egg slightly and add the milk; add to stuffing and rain very lightly_ 'so asnot to make a, paste. Use for 5 or 6• pound chicken. TEN NEW.MEMBERS OF •KNOX CHURCH .SESSION With . impressive ceremony nine nembei's of Knox Presbyterian• church were ordained: and inducted as new elders on Sunday morning by the -minister, Rev: R. G. Mac- Millan. 'Mr. Melvin TSndall,s hav,- ing'`aiready, been, ordained by the session of Smith's Hill -Presbyterian church,' was, inducted' as •a°.Member. of the 'session of Knox church. The nine newlyordained elders are Reg. J. Bell;, Robert Bisset, Frank .Clark, I-Iarydy Erskine, Earl Elliott, • : Ralph Henderson; Glen Lodge, :George G.-MacEwan and Dr. II. R. Hall. v "There-lfath no -temptation -taken. you but such -as is'copimbn• to plan; but ' God is faithful;•. -who -will lot - Suffer you - to be tempted above that-- ye are able:.but , will with, the "teiiiptation also make a:'way to ,escape, that Ye May be able to bear ft" (I Cor. 10:13). was - the text of the forceful sermon preached by Rev: Mr.P'MacMillan preceding the ordination. • Paul is speaking to the church a -itlx, - re iiinding• -: t'heni','iof the. favor's bestowed on 'Israel by Gdd. Pte is saying. • that no: man Is 'up against a temptation that is not faced by -Other meii'6y eiders - _and ministers. They are• :expert: enced. by _1111; and are not' beyond manrs..: strength• orthe: love of Gdcl, who "will not suffer you to bear that which you are Ircir-irble:"- Faith'makes. the way for the spirit: to bear it, said the preacher. The escape is through, the way of repentance, ._by .admitting . "your unkindness. ' intolerance, pride and jealousy," and thus winning the Torgivene s 'of God. t • A. H. WARNER HEADS': BAYFIELD-AGR'.L SOCIETY' BAYFIELD; Dec. 10.—Officers for. 1349• were •elected at a meeting; of the -Bayfield' AgriculturaL-.Sflniety._ held in the Town Hall here. It was decided to hold the annual fair on Septena»er 27- and 28,,1949. (fhciais .:elected were; A. .II.. Warner, president; -Carl 11ie11.1;.••-first mice -president; Ralph- Cornish, second vice-president; .1 o;li n i-loward, treasurer ; ind. Mrs. R. L. Bassett, secretary. • The _following: ---were Appointed for the year :: Carl Diehl, Russell Grainger, A. IL Warner, Elsner Webster; Ralph _ Cornish, Hareld Penhale,. :Carl arl Ilouston,. Fraser Stirling, Harvey -Coleman - and Fred Bell. Committee members: Mrs. M. Prentice, Mrs. 1i. McI wan., Mrs. Ted Mackelrs SII. `.l'enhale; Mrs.. Carl Houston, .Mrs. A. IL Warner, v,Mrs._ F._ McClure,: Mrs; George Little, Mrs. J. Howard, Mrs; J. Sturgeon, Jr., Robert Welsh, Ben Rathwell, .1ohn beeves, Forest •Mc- Clul;e, and Charles •Gemeinhardt. Honorary ,directors a're;- Thomas Snowden, Fred Middleton, Mrs. Thomas Snowden, Robert Penhale, D. H. McNaughton and Frank' Keegan Auditors, H. Stinson and Lloyd Scotchmer. • NORM HURON -North Tiuron i�1t,. Orange Lodge met.at Winghalp for its annual meeting and election o officers. Plans 'were' n&ade .fot, the; - annual 1.2th of,. July celebration for • 1949, which Will. • be held In Thus- ' fin Y r r'� 9 £ . f t r < ?, . < l� •r. :r i o t ` thepressure 13e,. ilQnrow, t se cookeyi to cook these Plum.'puddings. in, waz41 1ie1 covered tin cans. You ivT4,11` save ;.hour °of electricity: FOE PICK -or; & DELIVERY SERVICE Call • WILS ON'S, ='i6 lewgnte tY ;:,horns 5449--: at fan you're. Cra�`{J/, . :.e. our a eTlousanda:n ° Peppy . Try• v pepping np!' with Ostrex. cotart,oie twea . -- �nnutQLOn°ullof iron Which ' •.Ostrex Tonle Tablets for' Deg, younger feeling, this von'. lte;. ?3�}� "'60t J4SA1}at'IttCtl'-.a4 s si2!tI..5 .,_..-..._, For- .,n"toren overywhere. • Broke but determined to. gain extra* funds to continue her. mound- world flight in hertwo-seater aircraft, MRS.: RICHARD .1V,iORROW- • TAW (above):•'is-resting- in Edritoiiton- ft`er crashing: tip on the Alaska Highway 235 miles south of Fairbanks, recently. ills. Morrow -Tait, with her nav°gator, Michael 'Townsmd, was flown to:,, dmdfiton bythe United States Air 'Force in a B- '. FARM CQND.ITIONS _, ' 'CLINTON, Dec. ' 13. — Although colder weather has compelled the. stabling ,of .m„ast .cattle in Huron county, -a- few lots of heavy 'steers are still being fed iir'racks. outside, -Said Gordon -Bennett, county- agri, .cultural . representative, _at the week-• ens._; ..._ .• - • The dressed poailtry market, Mr. Bennett commented, • seenls to'.'be quiet'.for this•time'of year=in-Huren.: Farmerd in Huron have been tali- , bag:advantage of the 'open December to get ahead' With new fencing pro- jects and brush clearing jobs. • Refrigeration_ phone 1098'for'24 hour service.to ail, makes't'of ' commercial ' and domestic refPrigeration•squipment. ” M.1NIN,G . Refrigeration Service " QDERICH FRIGIDAIRE' Commercial Agent for Goderich and Digtrict. • Satisfaction Guaranteed.. 49tf: • SICg TO. RA►DOB ._ '.., •• ,ALSO:- SORTABLE FOOL )PROOF SOD'ND SERVICE. • *B.. I,t. ' 'MUNDAY .T=der-tidied=Itaditr, Teehiuieiait —` PHONE OR `CALL • i �Vidder St., Goderi: h, Phone 598 • Asea Christina`-shopperI3iniops„1 never make a mistake. ° My gifts to- friends and relatives '.are: lways"ei aetiy What they Wsi]t.,.,,Mf~Y'Jret"S "L2gta?'Yi< ::sa ;.'..,w 1 send',Royal • $e.nk„Mone ' Qirders, with g •per, sepal cafi'd of course. They get tb cash and buy just sxhat they want. That,makes ev'erybodyliappy. Best of all, 'Ivan buy, Royal. k Money Orders for as little of as nnioh as l• like, im.itiiptilriant "coAsidert:tron these days Soli -Christmas shopping gets you ''doW • simple solution.' Royal n try' mty "�dur f�teairest R� arriC t .B ht:aneh •to vo:,operite . ._.. "... . "end Gt ' a • c>► -use. Roya May beWarninq Backache may be• a signal your kidneys are failing to filter excess acids and poison ous wastes from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pilin help : relieve- this .condition, 'alien the, cause of-.backaciiej .;}headache, rheumatic pains. or,disturbed zest. Dodd's contain•essential ails and medicinal,ingrel clients which -act directlyon the kidneys and help .them '' regain normal action; Get `Dodd's 'Kidney' "F, JIa to -day. . 138 • Dodds KidneyPIIs OW FOR WINTER DRIVING Change to Firestone Studded Ground' Grips.'' today and foget.. aboutchsins7Thastes dy grip of the 8 -sided, deep, self-cleaning studs-takes,hold-pulls• -, you through snow and mud. Winter -sure your • car now a chive in. ... Why not have your child%r children photographed • ORANGEMEN ELECT The following officers were elected and installed: County master, ,Tiflis Dinsmore, Corrie .11eptity master, Earl Hamilton, Bluevale; chaplain, Tnlnerson lesk, Londesboro ;, re- •cordltig secretn.iy, Calvert Falconer, 'Myth; financial . secretary, $ert Isard,` Witig iam i 'trensnrer. Joseph Stnftli, Brussels; Marshal, Cecil ,13at . ' ,' FDthei ; i st Tectur'r, : Croy Hu g Londes1i.oro ; •2nd •1e'c- turer, 'tv'rri' C"iirnpliell, Fordwich$ .wig• ♦/W r .. tG ♦. j I Y.._.... i•."v.t+.r.'n ..,.: , a. 7h4ki1.1.'ru`:b_ You know what , effective • re- lief you get when you rub. oil Vicks VapoRub! • Now ..,• When yob have a nagging, raspy cough due to a cold, here's a special way to ate Vicks VapoRub, It's VapoRub, Steam" and it brings: grand re- lief in a hurryt Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then �• .. ' inhale . the soothing VapoRub Steam. The medicated vapors penetrate': direct to 'cold -con.' gestcd upper bronchial tubes . . and brifig relief with every single, � � ...ti breath!' Try itl VApoRup GARDNER plOTQR SALES•' ELGIN. and VICTORIA PHONE`- 234 , GODEItiCH 4 St•° David st: -Goderich slivery We can uncle all yOur cleaning problem . n'k