HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-16, Page 6• large Rte#A*and snla ll PIANOS,11 •,lieW and P Q d lie � t Inst a ts.. r • and s na� ' ,Res dl � lX � Miisic, x nd small appliances -�--L�r e � ..For your Wife or Mother, that •Long wanted New Wath - lug 'Machine or AutoVi;a 'icaI'lectric Ironer, Suitable. Terms--Easilyr *arranged, • fre �'Y CARI�CU4`," Dei 14,-�,Aser- ' Qld L li ht " 1 1U L d vice. ,will be,. he14 ii4 the Townsl?ii�, (�u `.�huxsday i'oi• •Ne�v • X91:1_, .. 8' o'c :oe., , • , _ s. uv: .:, Q Shirley B p, „ ,� veryone rand'oir� incitin �;,ude;�.�,.�''cQine' ua'rci--�eu�o�y-- the •Gbristwa,s B4TVI-T4140, RecA S, -torsi Mabel • RhythIn! ,Band, j"onlor..''vain; Prentice. eft b'y"pinne:froin oudon , azup g; er, c eo Hail, Darlow,, on .December 1c9th .at tMildred Fraser Margaret Howard 1 ' t w)uther aha wits called ;owing . to- . . , " , 3alrii�i� I'Rom► play, .� 'Visit of .Ing carols, •;`� •' the serious illness .gf p ;"a W.M:0.1,4: eex .•,-The Llecollxbei lies sister, ,s ectio.Il"Christrn s' Din er. Al meeting Mr.s. :Phu Stunif. •phtabet" juni,�Y room "Throa+'xi nee f �V 11i S was held at lint ^ stars drill senior girls fhe: ^Iio•.M s:. orden,loung, •• : with eight . members and . '.twos visitors. %he beautiful candle ser- v�ice was .;foll.owed, with;., members .ligliting candies to'.keep the faith. burniafg in all our churches through- out the world. In the` absence ' of tlae`ininister, Mr* sa`tlows took the the, following Slate. of ly and i S chai,a to ow g lit. officers was • voted in for the coming year : Heti. presidents, Mrs, , A. Wil- son, Mrs: llenderson, Mrs. John Young; president, Mrs, Frank \ie- Ilwain ; lst 'vice-president, - Mrs. Treble,; ,� , d vice-president, 1,Xrs,t .111arsii, : rd vice-president; -Mrs, F. Clark ; secretary',' :SOS. Tait Clark ;.. treasurer, Mrs. Sherwood; expense treasurer, Mrs. Allen Stoll • liter: ature secretary, Mrs. Robt, Beau temperance - and citizenship• secre- tary, Mrs. F. % '44son; Christian stewardship• secretary, Mrs. W. Treble ; Missionary Monthly secre- tary, Mrs. W. Clark ; community friendship committee; Mrs. A. Wil- son, Mrs. G. Young, Mrs. P. Wilson ; »• o 1 ouneih... e • week -end with 1iis'j rents,. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baker; • .lilt. anti, M s. .Tack Stewart of Hamilton spent the weekend" with -and MrS„ R. B. Johnston,' Ills, 4, Furter of Loudon is `.v staying•il o• rS .with, „lei ,in tiler; 11f Wm. Stinson, "' ,, • - Mr. ,lion Scott °retuz'nefl home on Diond€iy after spending ta, few days in Toronto last week, ills; ,Henry McClinchey left' lust week for Preston, Where ; she will spend the -w liter, 9 .,; : The Weal ,. Lions Chill and the -yillltge trustees are ; arranging to have-fi Santa --Maus -paitade at 1�%raa: `1VedneSday, December -2nd. .Q.ne feature will lie a parade -cif floats by• the schools of the 'district. �.'We ai•e•'sorry to report'`that Mr. Robert Orr is very ill at ,the home of his' daughter, . Mrs. 'Walter West-- lake. •Trinity Church W:A. «The;" an- nuaU meeting of the Wonienls Aub lliary,of Trinity' church - as held thet a borne of Mrs. N. :til':Woods. Mrs. Emerson Heard, president, was in the, chair:' ' For the election;. of officers far tine coming wear the rector,. Rev. LaVerne Mtirglin, .pre- sided,- The folioWing 'sere ticiinted President, ,MI'S.-E Heard; v n■ v.r�r. a.. - hz vice-president! Mrs,' George King; West Street secretary . and Dorcas secretary, Mrs. R. 'Arson ; treasurer; Miss Lucy Woods. ' All' commitments were met for the -year and a balance shown, Public School 'Concert. -Tile cert given by the pupils of Bay- - NATIONAL DISHES 'no national dish.- "There1S- . ',`gtrtr 'fieldPublicSchool was -held in • the eason. •Rln can choose between Town Hall on Friday evening last' ArthuiNews-Chronicle) A critic mourns that4•Cttnadu has Yl�,azictlhes with maple syrt4 in'•the spring blueberry pie in the summer or Northern 'Spy apple• pie • in the fall? country like this : r`ealiy tQu1d have_three.-or--fh-arr- natienai `dishes at,teast: •x$2.50 and: up` Ask-aboi thenevit ni chinol'e-s' a s, elastiF curl permanents. HollywoodBeauty Shop ,y (Next to Capital -Theatre). hone 12_w. West Street - Fishing • provides a .Living for more, than . forty per 'cent. of New- foundlancl's. population and fish pro- ducts _- ro:v de :about _40. r -:tent.. of .ia pc her export business, •: A. waterfall -on the Hamilton r- hr -Labrador; ' about--150-iuRes- north of -the Gulf of St .Lawrence,. 15 'Almost twice as high . as the -i€aga-ren Falb, - Itsdropis' a s.tu pendous 310 feet:r and *as largely". attended... ' The program` -VMS-ably ..presented, the singing being exceptionally good. The prbgrana Was as follows : Wel- eome, School and Barbara Brandon; •on cit' still the Night Before. Christmas,', senior room _ "tip on the House. Top," • "Santa- Claus Is, Conning to Town,"' junior room; "A Geography Lesson ;" '"A Tree in the Meadow," senior •giris`; duet, "Call ilig Santa.. -Claus," Herr,..Mack,And. Irene lYny ; `7 Firterite . Cousin ;" dialogue, . `.'Christmas Every Day," . Donna. S-Eiirgeon • and, Helen. "McLeod • duet, "White ('liristmas," • Donna Sturgeon • and. 3arba-ra.- Brandon "Two Front - Teeth," senior _:xoom_; duet, "Who -- Is Conairfg?"- -Donald McKenzie- and . •Glen ' Sturgeon.;: "11nd `Grntrimar;"' • -Sfuiiley 1 w S >�P C : �TI� . Township Council: of Stanley met on 1?eeember Gulfs; -iu the Township Hall, Varna,with .Reeve 'Elmer' Webster: in the. chair. The •Clerk. was instructed ;oto Send Mr. Richard. MGCooI's a'cco'unt for burning brush. to :'MI, , A, I' under, Stratford. The instructed :fa inter- view Elie Clinton 11-igh' School Board with regard to the error made by the Bonrd,concern'ing the amount of money to be raised by Stanley Township. Council tools' favorable etion ,on a',•petition presented .by ratepayers' 'of the township to the Department 9Z" Highways- to in- 4411); in-:Miall a blinker light' att.-the ;Bruce- field Inteiseetion on•No. 4'higliway where maim accidents have occur- red during the pasfew years. A bylaw appointing the deputy return- ing officers for the various polls 1n the township was _ given • its third and finny reading and carried. .Gen- eral 'voucher, for 202.00,WaS passed and ordered' paid.. -Road voucher work committee,ts. D. Bean; Mrs. ,for $3,039.59 was passed and o ;derecl 'paid. -The, Council, ad- jburned to meet December 15,- at 10 a.m., for the statutorY meeting. PORTER'S •'HILL PORTER'S itILL,''Dec. .13. --Ther euchre party 'put, on bya the Com- ninnity Club on 'Friday night • in S.S. No.' 5 was Well attended, and. over .$14 Was • realized.•9, '.,Tickets; were sold On two eal:es,-which were won' `by Petery: Harrison and Mrs. !Dan Gliciclon, `Holmesville. Friends at Porter's hill are pull- ing:for John 'Me -CT -divan, ;who is _ ill is a Cli on he s ital. Some •im rov'e-.: � � p pz ziient 4n- reported in his condition tathry A Clzristin s concert will .be giveir S.S. No. 5 school, on Tuesday -evenia • • ' t, aaS ple-lo • -. Community„ Club.-Tpe Cemnitun- • dtv. -Club" ,inet 'at the home of. nibs. Austin:,Harris on Wednesday lust. A quilt was partly - quilted, to-- be finished at the January meeting at the home •of Mrs. Elgin Cox. , Mrs. john Torrta zee preSi le nt ,conducted tlt'o 'Meeting. There -swine: dig:cussion regarding entertainment .for the winter months, Mrs. Don. Harris gave a 'reading, and the - nmecetin'g ''closed Mil a. delicious -�iinl'13-FE'reEl-lF-l'1?e 1]AStGSS. s • -i Beinuliler church on Stan, Robt. Bean, Mrs. Tait Clark ; flower committee, Mrs. W. Clark, ,Mrs. A. Stoll ; social coziimittee,"Mrs. Marsh, Mrs.,McPhee, Mrs: Sherwood, Mrs. Young. arid Mrs. Girvin ' Young served a delicteus.,.luneh and -a social hour was silent., • " NMILLER 13ENMILLER, Dec. 74. .Miss Jean Hill, R.N., of Stratford, visited friends around Bewniller over, the. Week -end., The play :".Aunt * Tillie Goes -to' Sea" was well • received in Ben - miller church last Thursday. night. The Players -all took their parts .ex- eentionally,well--_The e,4s. o attendance and the , ,proceeds amounted- to over $75: The' white gift -service will be -rued. in tienmiller church on Samday; -December 19, ' The. pi b1ie•-..1sehool..:concert• aivill be held in;. -the school •on Tuesday, December. 21^st...' Theo . Sunday school Cliristinas tree entertainmene-will be, held on W9.011.9.4U4,,-TA 1Yal).er' 22nd,. inl,;Vie church. The C'.G.I.T. girls With their leaders, Mrs.' Frank McMichael and Mrs. John Dunbar, _conducted . an impressive Christmas vesper serviee. of .;the worship: service ;and' •asked ' for reports froii each.: department wliieh. were given in excellent form„• Rev,' $....19,1, Ilayward •presided for the '-'electien• - •a ollive>;s, v�•ltfei ''.7 e, stilted AS follows ; President Miss Currey; -Mrs.: 'n e-. nag _, P, -ee ..2nd �� .. a ids t Mrs,. Rutledge ; ianist, M s{.•Stuart• • Taylor; treasurer, Mrs, Thos. Me-` ]'hoe;;-Secrutai-S, M-isn 3`:= -Mee 1i an correspondence secretary, Mrs. Rut- ledge; literature secretary, • Mrs., ,Don McPhee; stewardship Secre-h tary,'Mlrs. (Rev.) Hayward; special' 'fund secretary Mrs. Morris; supply' secretary°, -Mrs. John ,Merbee; Mis-' sionary Monthly secretary, -Mrs, Feagan ; tdmperancesecretary, Mrs. Morris; l • ower_ and: vlsitidg. ' cQin inittee, Mrs. Morris, .Mrs, Taylor, Mrs, Mc twain and Mrs. '•Spraggs The meeting closed with prayer and singing .of • "Rock of Ages," -after which n a sumptuous" lunch was ..' served. X BIN.• BEyonE . , .,:. 1 • .;IN ' , . , • ,+.'• COLOGNES. AND PERFUMES • , Chanel • Perfume , . 5.00 and 10.00 Chanel CoIogrie' .. 3.50, 540 ,Lucien Lelong .'Cologne, .1.50, -2.5 0 3.50'. :Perfumes- , ..,. 2.50 ' t De- Raymond -Colognes; really , smart„ 95e 1.50 Perfumes ` . '. - 3.00, 11.50 aartli�'Lavelider , ...... 12 ;. 1.95, 3.00 Lotus Cologne .,1.507and 2:50 _. x -race hureh IV.. '-Thr-Decem= • her meeting of Grace church .W.A. was -held at • the, home: of Mrs. John ,Torrance, ' 011: Thursday, with Mr's. Leslie- • Cox, presiOnt, in -• charge, The n eeting opened With the sing- ui o• : Christm'as •'eargt's, with Mrs.'Rill ox at. the piano. 'Mrs. •Austin Y night. Vet,: S. E, Hayward .delivered the address. •, - ' • .Mr, Walter Moore'' of Strafford- - visited ave' the weekend with his parents,: Mr. .and ,Mrs. Ray Moore, • Many from •enmiller listened with interest to Rey. U. E,, •Cron-. F-Iarris read the Scripture' lesson. !mem, of di'Vroxetce ,-Q i former min - Tile' roll cull_, was answered 17_1 • � inter- liei�� ower CIiNX on-� Monda-y- -fifteen-ladles..present. Mis: A\'ictor morning Elliott- gave the financial report, The annual Colborne township wh4eli shotrecl a -splendid year•.-One•-I'Cliristirias .car'or"service will be held hundred dollars.... ivas voted to the ( in the Township Mill, CarloW, . on general -fund of 'the church, and- ;Sunday,: December 10th. at 8' p,m. Everybody welcome. 5c SOTTLE DEPOSIT VALUES EFFECTIVE .rTNTIL • 28 Oz. ... fpr CLOSING TIME SATURDAY," DEC. 18th;. 1948 Bottle 2. 25c' 4 ` , GLENWOOD • . . BOTTLE ter • NieCORMICK'S TKI.li titQuality . , . ' . 'CHOCOLATES . A� a Low Lb, 49c• 13RIGIIT'S Aa Price • ' k TOMATO JUICE t1)". u9c ieCORMICK$ VARSITY A Gift • ClIULATE . ... $1.00 ,Bottle McCOR 1I iI 'S - .• , Children ` ' - • Christmas ' Kisses " L''• 35c $13 was paid for -painting the base- ment'of the church, leaving -a good -sum on hand. Mrs. J. S. Lockhart conducted the election of officers forthe -corning 'year, With the fol_' I ittg remits-: Pre ide1it,,.. a1Iiru_ T erne CO; , vice• npes-ident,-• lairs. Tolan Torrance ; secretary -treasurer, Miss Mary Torrance.; organist,. Mrs. Will: Cot; flower committee, Mrs. R. Torrance, Mrs. Wilt Cox, Mrs. J. Torrance, l`Trs: J. Loclkhart ; -pa ogram eommittee. Mrs. , Leslie Cox. Mrs. J. Lockhart, Airs. Will Cox, Mrs. P. Harrison, Mary Tor- -ranee. ' This .committee met' at the home of Mrs.. Lockhart on - Monday night. and made out the . program for the year. the work committee is Mrs. Allen Betties; Mrs. Donald Harris,. Mrs., John .Torrance. The meeting closed with n pot-lu'ek sup.- per. up-per. • The January' meeting is to be at the •home of Mrs. Leslie Cps. • '-TAYL- OWS CORNER TAYLOR'S CORNER, - Dec. 14.- A quilting was held in the school on Tuesday evening iif last Week. Two quilts Were completed by the ladies. A •pot -luck ,• lunch was .served.. • :Mrs. B. Walter returned to her home from Goderich hospitar on Monday.• There will be -a special collection `fox the 'Sunday school on Sunday, Deceinber 1Oth: Service at' 3 p.m.. followed by Sunday: school: - In the report last week - of the election of officers of the, Tavlor's ' 1..k 41411 :r44,.: con a:s members of the Hostess coin-, 'mittee rvElre lnniclvortently omitted. Don't` let your • subscription:, to .The Signal-Starrun into „Arrears. Copstilt the' date on the..address lahc�I of your paper, - DELItN - SALES AND - .SE til,.1,C GENUINE• BEATTY PAR `I'S • .A,.U.`kt'O RI Z,E D ..,,titnfLow) .. ;M -Ii i, Dec= +=1 a;e-w11i -be- n- Christmas -- enterta:inm t - in the Nile Sunday school, •room on Decem- ber 23rd, , beginning at 8 o'clock. The p ogr,nn -will_ be provided -by the children, and a good '"tine is expected. V.M.S. Officers The -Women's Missionary Society held its .annual. meeting -.on• December 0th at the church., Alis Currey -was in charge Rolls: Razor„, . , . 12,50 w-.. m.,,r,: Shaving Brushes , . LAO, 5.00. Tobacco Pauches 1.65 Lighters, _ 3.00, 4.00, up . 1' bnolive Sets .. 1.15 to 2,25 Mennen's - , ets- .. -. .. I47: Colgate's Sets ....1.15 to 1.,75 • Seaf ortli Sets - 3' 00, 4.50 and 7.50 Leaather Zippered Case with Brushes • 12.50 Cameras ..... 3.57. to- 14,56 Cigarettes and •Cigars Billfolds 2.09 to . 7.50 • tetc-EctztvocteletevOmetwelete GIVE A : TONI. for Christmas What would be more accept-. ° able than a Toni Permanent Wave • Kit - for Chnlstmas. .:.,,..,, 1aey.dt1..;a_girandjob -- < Curlers -2.50 ' WV Boxed Soap . . . , . 75c to 1.50 - Wrapping Paper, Seals,M Tags; - String,, etc. -• •- Revlon Sets 1.00 to 4.95 - • MtetWeICIalatftWOCACVOztztetet. Kit= complete -with -Plastic.• Bath ,Oils - . Q , 1.00 and 1.50 Bath Salts..: 49c to 1.25' Stationery . , 50c to 3.95 Cashmere Bouquet Sets ..95c by to 1.60 4 Evening in Paris Sets• . L45 up t 3'piece• Sets, Bowl, 1;oti,on aiid Talcum -3.50 .:' •Also larger •sets • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS While they last, a -large album, with a beautiful picture' on front. -Special Price -79c COME, $RUr,.rH;AND ' MIRROR SETS' , • ---- S 9 Prophylactic .3.piece sets: with Come in and see our assort- inent of noveltygifts at .Piiolon Bristle Brushes, 2 sided mirror-, and : Prophylactic Comb, at 7.50, 10.95, 11.95 • Q ' tel tCiI€,"g--Egie .' fAVet Blustery Weather: Lotion CHRISTMAS ,CARDS ' HORSES each $5.00 ,CATTLE dash $5 00- "' y DOGS per cwt. $1:50 - According -to size and condition. ' CALLS , Collect eaf orth 15•. EXETER 285 .Neilson's Chocolate' :..; ..',.1.00 GIFTS FOR; KIDDIES Fish.Pond ,....,•,, --,,...-50e_. Fatal Yard 1.0i Freddie the Frog 25c Frankie the Fish .,,,., 25.c Wrigley --Gum, 'boxed. 1.20 Bath Powders' b3 Yardley, H udnut,• Lucien Lelong, Cash- mere Bouquet, borothy 'Gray, ' etc, A. large seleetion to make your choice from.. , -- 46';''3' ' . -' i MAXWELL M'OU'SE ' , , Poimd 2r.COFFEE A IGIrtNDDfPOE °fBa d KRA,'CT M11tACLE WHIP 8 oz, Jar 16 oz, Jar. SALAD DRESSING - e -49 SAVES .WASHts fitOilBCf:. us. Stills` tifiT 10 r , ViiAMES- l fol= /88 xa MARS11:JEE»LESS �. "IZ fog y -tnspect(onfi it you h"av+ TRo'U'B'Lit Wolin i oh -toe a• SEk� Q Pounds'{ PLOW " 4 Service A SWilton, Prop. *Milton St, achene 89W Christmas, a tame for brightly w'r'apped.' gifts and tinselled trees, For your shopping.00nvelpience `visit.�o11r' store and See ale ma* .gi. ti:for` your home. Cogswell. *chairs,: fed -rooms' chairs,; Occasional suites,� les chairs,. Oheatedeld suttee, s'Dinette ardrobket,. �ter-cabinets; Chinaabu,ts, Wesa, EndaablesCoa abill tabies,,Card ..• `table sets, Tri -light lampBoudoir nCedar.theists, • ,. . , Moll; l;''prams rams T,r, icyclea ndf S�����•s,VVash's�, a�vmClesaers sad., PvZtar PbX�hersmin�ea�sftS " Arrives . TABLE TOP IMO aTAXIIARD. MOITAT ELEOTItiO RATRIES ".014 Tat ROADWAY OF DERXCII" NONE 2401