HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-12-09, Page 21.
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.,Elubseription Rates-,Csnada and. Great Britaln, $20a year: to United
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74.(1YOrtial4g *tea retrapSt. Autherisied s „SeCOnd-elasa Ina% ',Post
Offtee Departmeat„ Ottawa,. • Teleohene 71.
Weather of canadian Weekly NewsPapera' *dd.:Lathan '-:-
. • . ' Sworn Circulittion,Over 277$ ' - , „.. •
' X.1111RSDAY„ PECEMBDir 9', 1948 :
KoMinatinn day in the Carleton
.0Y,:eleetiOn• Was marked by some
.exeitementout of. the ordirlarY.
'.Addr" the official. nominations •there
was, a speechmaking program, with
eacla candidate and- a suparter
given .time to •address the assembled
• eleetors., William Tempie; the man
who defeated Col... DrZw in the
High Park riding of. Toronto at
last Provincial election, Spoke
jn behalf of Dr. Forsey, the C,C.F.
eandisia4,-- and -he ndId Drew
got into- an altercation which was
given considerable prominence in
thedaily press. Each made "in-
sulting 'rentarks" about the other;
, auch epithets ae"SWine" and "rat"
were tossed about, and the disput-
•ants' Were palled apart to prevent
'theik exchanging blows.
. .
• Billiarry j. ,13otIle
1, •
"It never pays to Damper, a yeung
'mil!' That is •a sage •refleetion of
an Uncle eof '4:fine ant in the past
few days ,I ank thAre than, ever c011:i
vinced that he haeW what he waa
talking al) )ut the day. •he, told me.
His eonviction . is that no matter
what the circumstances may be you
jay in the long, run or pamperinW
of any kind. • : ' • , , • •
Grunter, our grumbling Berkshire,
had a litter •of little pigs one night.
There were eight perfect 'pigs and
one runt.. This innt seemed to be a
social outcast 'among the others and
evep his oother nudged,„tdm none
tem gently oat of the way. He was
the ugly, duckling of the pig familY.
. Mrs.' Phil's Amit Bessie Was at
Lazy Meadows at the time and she
deckled to take charge of the runt.
He was installed in a lined basket
behind the_stove ki the kitchen.
Shivering andliggling when he'went
in, the warm milk in the battle
which they kept foreing him to lap
•up titrough a ••&--;ols_soon rounded
ut some of the yrinkles in his
.was loat on a' hunting trip in that
district is of different Opinion.
psed,thec-last billlet in hiS rifle to
kill a. wolf tiliq vas snatlihgv4and
snaPping at him and his conclusion
is4 that "a wolf won't bite only if
you can -keep etWay from it,".*
Curran, though, knows a lOt about.
Wolves, and he declares that "any
man who, says.. he was 'et'• by -.a
Wolf is a liar." •
• • •
-tattled -oldAiiners • would :read
• thereports of the occUrrence with
'a 'sigh for •the day' g when joint
meethiga weth the style in election
• 1./
• ca.mpaigns and men and _boys (not
many women in thee days) would
ineeting.phteta_to hear the
• rival candidate•goat.'-eitecothe'
itCla,ngutice 'that is seldom heard
.'inpubth in th,ese effete days. There
,iniglit'noe-have--heen , lunch _ en-
=All Como=
Hiror Federation o grioulture
Two . recent appointees: to the
Senate are seventy and seveaty-
four --years of age.--Tlais suggeSts
a method of reforiniag the ,Senate
to bring it more into_ line with
party standing in• the House of
Commons. If nobody under seventy
years were made a -Senator, a new
Government on coming to offi'ee
would find. in the nupper" chainber
a lot °Cold inen and wonld not have
to wait long for opportnnities to
fill vacanciei. •"Sone tough old
fellovv,s might hang out for ten or,
fifteen or even twenty • years; but
the majority would drop off. within
reaSonable time, giving the in-•
poming.......Government• a chance to
, -new appoihtmentaL(of. __other
old men, of couise) and so change'
the. party complexion of the.cham-
bey to correspond -with.that of :the
• Commons. The Senate is a poor
plaee fog a young Man, anyway.
• • • • •
Saturday Night says it is "mild
ly amusing that Mr. ,Forsey, the
Socialist candidate against 'Air.
ligb,tePMent_ suelr-MeetipiK but
itiehody." • • .
His least squeal would brim.; san-
dy running -to -give him attention
atriein. Ann kept •-iling on the
overs until he must haVe 'been
sweating lard, • but, thnt insolent
ittle runt just kept on prosperinIis g:
squeal develoned into a gran
ad he-wils mo-Ved ont.in his, baske
o the woodshed. He developed i
line a tendency to hop out of th
asket.. and when Mrs. dis
overed one Monday morning"' tha
le had burroWed down into a pil
of clothes waiting to ,he washed h
was ordered away from the hong
Porky seemed just 'like a boy i
velvet rompers put In among a •groniii
of stret urchins 'in dirty- •clothe
When-he_iwas- deposited -with -II
brothers and sisters in the pen made
Farm forums are
erganizing in ,the c011titY: and sev:-,
eral new thrums have. begun meet,
,ln,g• lilandtiy nights. Alfe.ad.Y•
twenty-efght feral tOrenis have Inet
•all single.MondaY.Ilight to diseasS
orobleras pertinent, to rural people.
several forums are slow-ln:sen,ding
their. reports tO, the Ontarie
ieeretarY, • TheSeT sbankl. be, Mailed
he day -after, the meeting.:
On the subject See_.by...; the'
farm people feltrgenerally,
hat they 'wOlild like to See mo•re
orinn news; Federation •doings and
igricultural news in ,geaeral. ,Sevr
ral forums ,itsked for More ac-
airacy in setting' type, leas stale
!ews, mere rePorters imilao are Sure
f facts, leSa, publicity of food.''Prjee
, 4
Al 40E100 )(Aster 'Rutledge
'7.031.7cr-lr"„71trty,r-r. tIt
' " -We-don't kap* mucb;-
lc11 re- WhellAo.thing la • ,MeatiOned coats,, 4Olation- peoplerean- gat out efltnow,,,
and more support for CO-oPerative
* they atiMakiteif interest ie-pelities,_
• and. probahly they gave the audi-
eieS a rough "idea of the calibre
0• ' of the opposing Candidates. -
Nowadays political meetings us -
tttdlY are- poor ..111.-Jalarking
avoid" persenalities and aim to ifi-
chiefly about a situation which has
his cainpaign
form their hearers in matters of
arisen in the- extremely socialistic
Ontario Hydro."
puirtie-oneern;• luit as Grits go business,. of
er. •
P111 -
am -
the. driving shed. *Re-.. May flat
heen •a tyrant in:big little basket i
the linuse •hut he was a knee-shakin
coward with those -eight others:
-1,,Cow__•Okr.,_mens are n^t the..eleane
sots on farm. Perky- seemed brink :up when his feet touch
the floor. He backed info a corn
and • benched his haeli . and h
Pstranaed brothers and siste
ranged around and looked him ov
His clean hide seemed no don
very. strange to them. .'llbev-'.mny:
inalittle closer. and Porky pull
Nick as far as the boards woi
allow- hira to -go, -1 _
• Foeiling-time. inte6untdd.___1it t
right time and the family.alltroop
in tn see what Nvas on the mn
they went atthe task jn
ilearty-manner. Porky stood firtra
hAniess.' 110. was bnttle-fM.ba
..Tvlinn he Irms. innypd in on thn
einctinn line l'Irirtnr• took a• eon
of bites .at him mid lin twIstpcl.
lirtn the other pen. .
When we came back to 'do
chores after super the other m
hers of the family had him bac
into a corner and Were •grtiiig
a real share of nunishment.
squealing and grunting and k
ing . . . 'and Mrs. •Phil and .A
Bessie handed dria;--i,an nllitaa
that he would have to go int
pea of his own. . • - -
That's how it is that'Porkar
prospered:in a nen of his own. P
• r...lonly -to, Grit me'etings, and Tories
In rotherverds, a Socialist should.
••• Italy. to Tory meetings -with, . of
not complain when .politics
course, •_ a - few - open-minded ili,).- -.dim ens.
t to wreck h socialist busi-
dividuals attending both - the•
ness! To us it is mild/4
• audiences are ;small and without
surprising that Saturday Night, us-.
• Much enthusiasm. • For a while the ually .sornewhat more subtle than-
- otheinl nomination meetings•brought
other commentators in its approach
th 'pnblie -affairs, •Shotihrinali:e...,PAlch
"the_ candidates together on the plat- _
form - and there would be a few-
• a COmment. Who . has more --right
•1_,• than a Socialist to speak out if he
sparks. flYing, but even. these oc-
casions are becOming
Tewer-ti4e believes, rightly or, wrongly, that
eandidatea ., file their_ papers and.4
there is misraanagerneni Of a soelal7
• that ii all there is to it: Young-
ist enterprise?, The postoffice, even
Sters • of today dan't know what
niore than Hydro, is a - socialistic
they miss in not having boon around
business ; would it be "mildly 'amus -
fifty, years age when ,it was worth
ing" if the postoffice should neglect
while. going- t6 a -political meeting,
to deliver Saturday .Night's mail?
to che.er and to jeer, and see and DeubtlesS tb.e majerity Of Ontarlans
•hear the opposing candidatei •aS -
are believers in private enterprise;
-the'Y--faTce-d: Mich- other ori the -plat-
The ,Carleton county encounter.,
• with: an e-Prenriler and leader a)f a
nattnai party in it, may have been
•-undignifled, but it will not lessen
the number of voters Who will turn
• Out•at the -polls on election day.
• _ _
Don't f&get-next. TueSciay •ig
municipal polling day in Goderich.
• • •
"Invitedfor Tea, Madame Chiang
May Ask Trap= for 3 13illions".:7-
Newspaper headline. Rather spoil
_the tnan'a aPpetite, wouldn't. it?
s • - • -
• Words a 'Wisdom frem The gtrat-
fOrd -Beacon-Herald: "Whea can-
• .didates are willing to give up a
yeali 'Of their time to serve • the
:ell?, surely it is not too much to
• expect the voter S toi. giNe uP a few• minutes. of their time on one day
•to40 their voting."
The president of the Catadian
• T.he coUntY; PrOJeetiOniat WU' be.
pleased to shmvlixis.at any forulik
ineeting yhere a sizable CroW.,(1: may
tither and vvhere•a suitable rOom
ing tarM) tbeY are better e . an
7Sonieone but whatever It; Is,
jt%be�gs to li53' 4*9'
We, COMP1,010 very bitterly about
the cost We •seela to;
feel that soniebody is taking' sharp
for Projecting.caa be provided, adyantago• of us:- %bele en 0
44gsti$, signi1{1. be Sent -4,,jawt;" we say,: iWell• 1t,w0n41.
ndViince. have •to ' a' fairly universal law,
T.,etes take What,' cold Comfort we
•Beginning,- the firet of the yea• r, can' ' by asking ourselves where we•
:Huron Copnty Federation will at- cenid ,gos that 'We :would be any,
tempt to place the Rural CO-Oper-
.„.. better off? ' That sdrt' ,of gliestion,
4ttor in every farm .herae in we • isn't too ConSOlIng, tnit 'It IS as -
be done frTeetiloef, course would be. t� etaY' wherk w%
ciplining., ' Undotibtedly eur ,l)est
"cet:oullennttyYT' 09,,,f1114Chesih,siwpvviitlhip" tehdeeratastiosutz and
ar_, ,
e ouryvorst to try Meitco , or
County Co-opera.tives, we hope. Iceland er Peru. Taking the- figures
• Farmers unable tti seeare Stiitable of• August, 1939, .la 'all.easekt, and'
farm labor 1111* 11°w 4° i3°. tlir°11g11 usink tbeM as t114 base et 109; then.
their_ Federation, working in eon-
Janttion w,ith the Colonization and oinf Piveinceginwbears' 1,14,14 pe.otre-i se17-180,..;;:isot..,
Agricultiral .Department • f
13.-•'• : the Dreadfull add that despite ,tbe fact
Canadian National Railway and the that the Departnient Of „Trade and
Dominion' GOvernment. There axe Commerce is fairly` complacent over
quite a " number ef' agricultural. the figure. •-• ,' .
coiIittsSe.c°111• ItPilsacfeonuepYdefd8 oenrtthateivree;alPz-f:
workers desirous of'coming to Can-
ada as tigilealtural Workers, but
ation that, cfri the same -basis, the
since they have not funds2reqtaired
by the Department to emigrate. to cost of living in Sweden and Nor;
_Canada they need to have a sponsor. way on the same date Was up 56'
Soine Of -these People,--hothr •single- porrits.. _., Inr_otibile:0.7nivitoe:_%iticetnatgidw,017:
and married. are British stibjects; possibly . by reason Of scarcities; it
others' are, Scandinavian And :.fr9ixt was...up 6.1
• other Baltic cenntries.• •• havesw0bietreahnoullyit twheassclitergt,traenad, for
ihility, we. will endeaVor to get as
While ..taking no direct respons-
tlite eeypouniden tthesetrnl teed° uSnttartteeSs tflii9e. 1. is.
much reliable information as pos-• -
-sible-about-these-ernigannts.... __It_ feal-reason'to :complain.' -The mit*
will lie necessary for the fat -mer deT.
siring this help to • sponsor their
entry and ,to he. prepared to givb
at least one year's eraployment at
Preyailing NVages-and living aecoam,
mochttion. Fanners desiring help
by spring should Wake application
early. . •
flow tirne-conscious are you ?
tile man ;who fries tOmake
the bestInse-df his .time can
• do more and better work per
hour-. And he is more likely •
,to succeed •
Here -are
.:hints that increase efficiency:
• 1. Study every aspeCt of
• your job to seewhere.-T-syssacnix..:.
•.make 'shortcuts. '(Sornetim6
jobs caiiVe"dorie
- e.g. the trtick that mixes its
toad of cOncrete as it travels.)
- 2. Don't Start to work
gradhally. Hit the. job hard
3.. Plan your work accord- --
*ng-to-a-schedule. You need a
"blueprint"- fa your time in
order to estimate present and
future needs.
. • .
4. Get the - most -efficient
new tools available fok your
Xlcies not- meari--that pered by _everye he fanft, •
'should held our tongues when some be gets the tastiest Ieft-overs.
private VaterPrise gees' wrong..
runt when he Started out in life,
he is now at that weight so ap-
,preciated by" thed
Bacon Board an
the packing , plants,
The trouble nosy -Is that
that Porker sl
(Tortonto Star)
One year ago • this month an: family think
A.nierican magazine (Fortune) had he spared froin the exectitien.block.
Every - day he is, putting on the
Some very uncomplimentary things pounds and every day that I men -
doff taking him` away to market
there .is a show of tears. As a port
of compensation to "him they shower
some more tasty victuals on him ...
• which all mats morn ;weilit and
less chance of a bonus on him.
The day is approaching whe.n
will have to got firm and take Miller
away; realizing that for Several
days while the, memory is strong
I Shall he regarded with glances,
that So plainly say in a renroachful
way, "You sold that poor llttle runt
to a backing plant". /
(Montreal Star)• •
In view of Dean Nevi -lett. John-
son's glowing estimate of the Soviet.
Vinton., let tia turn to another
description of the state •of Russia
hefore and after the Bolshevist
• n:„ "A, regime where •the
rieh were pow,
placed' by • a :regime where the
powerful are rieh." This striking
phrase was written by F. L. Lucas
in The. Manchester 'Guardian. Ile
denies flatly that there is Coin-
munism in •Russia. at nil. "The
Soviet system," he writes, "has
become ae aquarium of crlabs fight-
ing for power; whose first idea In
,usingthat pOwer is to keep it:
and their second to get niol'o :of it"
Winners of the Carter scholar-
ships for Huron county have Been-.
antionneed. The ,first 1 awarded
to James S, Hall, f Winghapi, and.
LeslieMae Walt, Winghtun. and
•Sean'Atills,_,SeWallinfre tiett.fOr
type of 'Nyork. They'll pay,for
themselves many trines- over.
5. liav everything- yon- '
• need for the job ready before
y9u• start. • . " dinner meeting, m v‘ ic . •
If you put these sugges- George Schaefer and Mrs. Walter,
tions into practice they'llHawthorne were hi charge of the
. wnrshlp ervice. -A pleasing duet
gvaluable! entitled "Our Ladies' Aid," corn -
hour mor
.. ° 'posed and sung by Mrs. W. • F.
Saunders and Mrs. H. K. Revell,
created lunch merriment. Mrs. C.
Canadian Life insurance corn
Maipass gave an interesting readl
panies Afeet their obligations• . ing oia "Goderich • the Prettiest
-prom 111$1947 they.,ins- •, Town in Canada," cleverly composed
- tributed 112 million d'ollar_s .... by herself, sti• wits enthuslaRtiCal-
• to living policyholders and , lY
- ficiarieS under death claiins,
69.5,million dollars to bene-
- radium platinum arid asbestos, Caul
-I ada is first ire the -vvorld.
sponded. ., , ' . • .--
In production of newsnrint, nickel,
encored lind generously re-
. -,,....-.
• - ,
h slov km' stood
of 1 v zec a.
This year, Ilu,ron Federation will
sponsor half the expenses of up to
three -4 -eaeh,....tow,,mahlip.,
wishing to attend One of the short
courses at the Ontario AgrionIturitl,
College this winter. If the course
-e.hosee-4s-alo 0• • • of rural
leadership, seventy-five_ per cent- o2.
expenses will be -borne by . the
. -ApplicatiortS
should be. made in ' Writing, - to
county- secretary. Only the 'first
three. •••applications received from,
each township can be accepted.
Please state yeur 'township when
making application. • Goilerich
-Elevator. funds are being used, for
t -bis purpose. ;•
rkey Christmas?
at OW stare from now
unta Chrittmag:791?,,.!A 100:
FRE• E- ticket,. •
RAW ;110 RE
Die; Mk
'r 'r 'r •r •r.
at 278 points, .in Niesico-wt-,805,
and in Perm at .30T. And', hold
your bat I Iceland'. stood ' at 318. '
don't know about the other
countries, but, la-Cantran vohlaVe
certain consolatibii§: -"At the same
time that the, costs: of living were,
goingtup 45 poihtsCanad'a'S income
according to the Bank ofFontreara•
.Business Review_ increased -by 95'
per -cent. W'rePte_ not doing toe
Two lollywood children were.
talking as they, were .wolhing hOnit.b
frOiii. Sabot one: ,
"T'Ve--goftwe-little-brothera and
one' litt,le• slater,' boasted one.
"HOW many do you. have,•.?":,
• "I don't have any brothels and
;eistersP' answered the _second one,..
"but 1 have three papas.DY smy first'
mamma and, four maminas by my "
Ind* papa'." " - - _
- "- . STORE.110"URSi . . -
• -
Monday through Friday- '9. a.M. , to 6 p.m.
•• ...1 ,
, aturdays - ' 9 a,m. 'to 10 p.m.. . Chmstraas :Week - 9 sail: ta 0 liza..
. ,. .. .
-CIuistiflas Dreams -
Come rue.•
-The • inemberS. of the Ladies' Aid
.Mbiety of . Knox 'Pre'sbyterlarl
churchenjoyed a delitions turkey
dinner on, Friday night; terminating
a busy and.succeiaktil year,
,oThe long tables at vtl'hich the
sseventy members sat were decbrated
Alex. P S.1 nt Spantlientu m s:.• -•-"Mrs;
resident. Of :"the
.gOciety, presided for a Alert after -
help, make every working
to -say a out Canadian agriculture.
It ce edralthough rather gtudg-
Canadians produce sobie
!best beef" and the "most
• the
delectable bacon" on the continent.
But, it added, our reputation as a
premier • familia nation • results
more, from spec alization in • agri-
culture than from the absolute ex-
cellence of our farms and farmland.
"To a far greater extent than is.
Commonly realized,"• the magazine
.declared, l`the effleienek �f tpe
farmer is the« result ofthe superb•
technieal and -scientifie gnidance
that be receive. Many of the Can-
adian proxinces have lagged *badly
in • this respect." In- an even' race,
it added; Kansas wheat farmers
might put Canadian wheat growers
out of businesS. •
iii„.j.,,e4X,Lmorito.,,recall those
remarks tigitirlir tfiglaitite*I.
grain competitions .at the forty-
ninth International Livestoek :Ex-
poSition Chicago. Foe it seems
that Canadian farmers are not "so
ineffi'clent or unscientific after all.
They were, competent enough at any
rate to carry off major ehampion-
shipa in competition with •
farmers. ,
. Sydney -John Allsop, of Red Deer,
Alta.'," won .the wheat •chtinipienaliip.
• And •teat anyone think, it is :lint
usual for a Canadian to win this
honor'we 8110111(1 add this is the
sixteenth Consecutive year the title'
has come to Citnada. In alt Can-
ada, has now won "tiVenty-two wheat
championshins since the c.omfieti-
tion•-lan,,in 109, _
The world COS ChaniPiniialitti
won :by another Cluindion, John
T.„ 'Plink, of Hairy TIM, Alta:. It
is hulk proper • to add, toe, that
this' inarkg the • thirteenth 00n-
secutive yeltrinWhich this title has
been 'won hy _Canadians. • -
(Yannd%t also won the World Soy-
bean Clunind0i18hip• This honor
weut to It. Behttle, of
$..tal)leg.'611t.,:whoSe'tincolif VarletY
Of YelloW aeybegratopped, all
others.., I- •
fr 101174. a Canadian *farmer Di:
*fide(' WdiftibrriintriP1t)n$3111tt
tfOltlitWay, of Illenliehri; Wholbested
tWenty:ftive Anierictin 'farMers,
A.utomobile Associa.tion told
• onto. audience the 'other day that
there.tire dearly two million motor
vehicles in Canada today. These
tre bjg figures,, but readily aecept-
- • fl
ithle When one considers the num-
la carS that follow the 'fire truek
in a: comparativeypinallplifee
Goderibh. • „
• Those-• who keep track of E411Cil
thing estithate that $3000,000,000
(threebilliori dolla rs ) has beet
pentIti new capital' investment in
banaait.Iliitr'YelirAlltrfting for
• inflated; prices, this amount is at
eiceSs df -comparative figereaIn
•any previous year of Canilda'S
It's a hard nut for the
• pOstlinista to radk, •
•OX)itrid Of-intich-Of'ber territory
•'in other, 'patts -Of 'the-worid, ,Grettt
4e 'lnnkin to Africa. for
opportunities :of deVelopinent;, A
• -0efiono to, Plait
LniindNt iupplies
Wasson an4 AiIenL•
6:eg.i.a:6,thalgaitARDEN PEAS TOR ,DINNER?
I °
the sedond.
an „iremense ltrea-in; "East Africbta
pearattS' 6---edneate---the
trativeS otii o,2 their, pfinlitiVe VVOY$4
Of OdltiVatiark. An oilleial paper
• • thseb
e' eaOstt
le s it „Will .roean rnore, two other tileitheint'
• fanners Won• Seeond ‘antl third
,PrizethE ••
("161YiDet1tI0n8t dte#1104 are not
necessarily proof., of the eXecliente
.‘Intatilan farming as a ';;Whole.
Nevertheless, they sucotest that th(k
eannilintrlarnier VerV enpable of
Itoldint his OV811 witli American,
agrieoltiire. if4et,' who- Unolfs-
but What We 'may rive 010' edgo,
a. saving of °tor ten nil Ian pout s
year" ittIllritain's food Aod
that $,Iiteti pebriOttl.
• - Curran. Ste
: -
Serie newspaper publisher, declares
ttatt an Algoma WoItwill.not attack
• roan, but it Minter 4#110,,, recently
henYour BACK
ins to Ac,
REACti Wit
ttochelieis often due to
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