HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-10-21, Page 1.i..IxollQr,t100T.
, • .
,:o.'''Subtnit. By a
-or ,xtra-' r':$7..
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4im.,,,,,,,, gia::,,,,,,,:49v
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- ' • AT .711B WATERPRO
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A:WARN N ''0 .
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, P4blic ,..'S01,1Qpii, At!itePOIPO''
' .. . Vote oil .School ,.\.Botii.d.
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,.: RrOpOsa ' . •
.. • . • -- •-• ., • - . • , • •
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uccie.ods' Ardhbishop Seeger o.,i$
- ' - • • • - ' - , . .. . • • :,
. ''., ' Head :of 'Aittgliman ,, .
- ' '••• Diocese .. . ' . . r,
. .. tu.,ae'ttlOd wieatlier'pregres$As
• 4 1, , ..in, (1. - ' in , ' -'' ',.' • •'•tt 4 Ai
• 0.014, ..4 .0 ,11.11,, .. ,0 , Xek.opt:), xni, .0n.
of the,' ilbod-ruined pot,''tion'•of •
'n00 pl,er. 4.oth. :co:edges .490,0.T.
are working•.inti*'ellannelfbetWeen
• ,, ,..
, ,,,., ,
(gs:.:: ,
.. „ . .
Suagnient ResprOaf on 'Chug
• ., , . . , . , , ,,.. ... . ,
. .n.' 0.'VjQlati4-0. (11.'cl'a. '
' :DO, AA . •-• :
, . .. .
.'"ICIOderich had' 11, to-retaate, 'Of
- • t .• -,'4-:' . - • - •-- .
win er on *unday nio.ht when the .
,w44 ,a 'fi'Prt, Of, snOW - iarlY 'pelt
• .
* ' ' '''' ' ..'j4
ntorniug. :the. .ground. w1t$ • geYered.
. ' • • , ,.-:' , , --, - •
kitthei• of,rkallk,Donxierty W.
i.• - • - •,..•• ,,,,,,,.' - , • ':--, ' - .1.
' ''''Servcd, a( POU,Rwases,. :
' .: 1-' 0.-rairhaanent ', • , -
. , ,:, . „...,. , • .. „ . .,,
. .
.., .,. , ,. • •.„,
Publie school, ratePtrYere'. of- LiOde,,,,'
. .
LOX0-0N, ont.„ opt,. 26; :-.,-,voiiy,:t,11.00'vPelerrs4alundlitihi:noubte,srbeLe,tioirottl,„
., . - „ . , .
‘ ,
.,, . 4--7,----.. • • ,
....•ENETE4,,:. ott,-4,9,...z...7.1„).ketlengix,y,„
with' the; ,,heautifitl; •but ',hy no'on,
. - .. .- -„, - -- , .
riif 'laud -.disappeared.
. , . ,,,... .
'. ' .• ''''77-''''' - - • - ..
: , '--W:4.1X..):414TON , :got,' .•2.1•,..00.0•,• X
rich, •will have gli'• :QPiiiirtuaity , Of;
•voting at the cOinilig municiptil elee-
thins. on 4.4.bylaW 'to pro:vide an ad7
„ . . . „
ditiottal $71),000, ,for the propOSed
' , • .
ew- Sehool building... Tbe refinef4'
., • . .
of • the 1,),,abite $'cii.Ool"'..Eoard;.'.itha
. . ,.. .. . . , . I
sugh bylaw be subniitted • WaS 'eat-
14i.dered..iii .epnunittee -ef the Whple
- - at the regular meetleg Of the. Town
Council jui priday• everting last, and
it 'was .decided to instriiet the Town
'Solicitor. to prepare the bylaw. . ,
• '
,,,,,,,, ;.
.; .A e -
.g ,.....: ' 5•••.. ...,,,
.... .
.,. ,, :.
4..f. ,....
'Rev George N LuXton '•forty -sevens
• • .• • • . , .. •
ye ar- eld .: Dean, pf litlroii Diocese,
vvas elected 13fshop of Huron. Alt rt
Speet al. session, '- of.- the Synods. -of
UtfroiPlield in §t. Paul'S eAthOdral,
•Londou, . on, "Tuesday, : • 44- •Iiigliop-
.pf, . a/ H itrpa ‘ he _sueceeds ••the . .,,Inte
'4:N111)161ton *eager, who WaS also
- Metropolitan' of Ontiirio. The new
• Metropolitan will. be, chosen by a
Provincial Synod. , , - ..- '" '
, Bishep uxton, was chosen on the
• ' - " :13- ' ' ' - ' ' t" '
' was. received , friun • 'Saturday , 'le
Tuesday. .A.KrAvals • Wel.•0 :• Sa turdA3r
,,-,-Pruidoe, 244,400 bus, 'barley 'rye
. .4 ..
Ond: wheeti, SUUday,ssAitadOC.,..4).-0,-
:)°,90 1,Afr.$4 .3v.,hqatl. barge' genOri100.
'1.01 :bow. of 'the AltatIOC),...7.90-oop,
bus:' •• ivheat,' ' 'Et ' ' 111-.T' '. .'
,,, . . . .., . ....OW* ,- . An tuli.
126. ,0b0 bus, •oats'and_barley. ,., o' •
da- -. .2
y 'Bricoldoc, ,3 1,000. bus, orits-A
. , o.
wheat and barley. • . -A.11 cargeeS
w'ere for the G.oderich. elevater eX-:
cept. that. of the' Alladoe, which we.S.
discharged at.tlie Piiilti Fltiiir Mill.'
440,..e0 -..-ft:'
s:.-_:. -
.,. .... .
_ . 4:-
• ..,... ,,,..,),:
• ,.:
trini'of, 4dw.aird Ogbert, $.tratford,
obarged, witb operating a ....roller '
., .,, .,.,
-Skating,. rink ' at grand Bend .in.
eontravention pf* the LordZS. DAY.'
.Aot ' - • - .' ,, . : .. . , .. : '
. .. .
, 041Sert waS' tried -here* 'Magni.
trAte D. E. Holmes, K.C., of ,Otele+
rich, in .magistrate'S weekly 'court
Ot• , Exeter this afternoon. Judg-
ment was reserved. •'.• - . • •
4:;.,6Mb. leirgti_st.iii'zaidt:_e I0-1., , . . -is:..at.iii.deliAlvfir_ltotind..,..afaxslitifn_sinj.:42_7
P4b4t- tt , The'
•-.- Y- '-' , ' ' -- ' - •
-Offleial weather obseryer recorded.
• it-,' fall • of half, an •ineh„ Wieginim
hild four.luehesi awl a fah of 'mere-
than live inches was,;:seported from
. tb_11.'1747,ni4V-tip'il,•‘N'N,*fii.114: )1',:0 .-0.0,'
October' 17th, •the ,sirtne Alit& --AS'
the first.thie year. ..fn Cage. readers
might • think thi.s. year's susse"4/41
Was' Vausnally early,. it might be
pointed • out that • in 1937 'the 'firat
svw.tiii.ss_oodn,,,n ...00..ee:itoobb.eeir.,72e.:.86th.r:,
jf ' 3) •• • • 1.-- • . -------. 8- .t.
' .. .,Ontel y, .cleen. of -the.' Mate. 0 -,,, , .
'diuladtit.' ''.1)- asse'd .4,1it-ty';' ly.-'-..;e4'-fl,ie''$'4- tty_ ..
„ . „.. • . , . ._. . . . ,, , . , , ,
mo111140 4-.4P.J.§, 40*0 4r.Pirs10#04,
.):iritee •e0infiy4 .fifter u,..010.41?„'.i 4117-
,,, . .•
''Ii°r'S'i/.. n . 'o;i-':•-1:1911' 0:e.r.''`ii:).*.p:.:*;en': 't's.•.,
• r ,_,•.• ...' ••,, • . . ,, , . r
0 a e .,111330,.011 .__:,.e4 •••e§P•191.44: '
DMinellY• -Sen4tOr POnnelly 'vVa4
. _ . . „ -
born% •Novei;ber. i4,-. -1,8_0, Ofi‘ the..
farai near Em-herton village' , which,'
" . - . . .. • ‘.
• ..: • • .- p•from the .fireisn'
.I.fas liras:eat-, itrif.
-,--seeond--bullotr-Archdeacon-4\4-,,A ••
support' of an. 'application,. for a.
. • taxi iieense, his-,purpese tieing to'
* run 'a ccinimuter eervice • hetween
, . .•
. Townshend of. --Lendon,.. registrar . -
. , .,, _ and. .Secretary4reasurer 01 - -the . ,
Diocese, being the' "ruuner-up.",• , TO ENGLISH IN.SCHOOLS
... . . ,
, ,. .
Last :Year' about this thn th
Grand Bend ttiQeitiil?-14:_etw:as responsi_ble. ve. . . .
for its being elirriel- oh la eon_ 1 , athei. was consi piably baliniet.
trAvention •of the act.' . . On. 'October -16th last year the 4411-
Ogbert is.,one a four operators Vern -tore was 82 'degrees. ,
,i4s13.1011:07:1.114,0t.,:thitiinh4los.4.t.. ini,ii.fiez.1.1.12,i, et,,,i.zu.:4,4.41,,owii.. Q:34. ,rir_7_,,,,......
D, . , - .e. . . , , . 7.
man vatholic • he w s lit tized
."'"° - .- ' -, - • 4 . ,.--l•P ...., . s.
married and 'celebrated -his 'golden ---
„. . • _ ..
Goderich Loudon. He. said he
. . .- •
did''nOt Intend to 40 11.11Y.town busis,
ness. °A motion-, was -passed'. thet a..
license he:granted en the terms Of.
, . .Arclidetiecin • moved . , .. ...„.
that the election be made, unank'n. _ ,Mr. Janies ..Kinkead,,, and. _Mr.' 4....
--VERY,REV. GEORGE 'NASMITH mouS. He sod :le. ,41114, ,,It.ssu,:e ?..'•• an.ower,. ppwic , .sclooi • iii,„.•
L'IMT°.N.-,' - '47.'-'.'ett- r''''lld '.-.. 1;6611 * 6f. the Bishop -elect 1 Ivill do all in my sPeeters for Noeth auron Ao.spu41,
Huron •Dlocese,..eieeted Jo; .succeed powet to co-opprate to make, is guron reepectivery,. attended' ii
• .,,,,...„,,k, .1 ....• ,..,:.,--;;.,
-,. nw,..T...A.,....ii, ENNmot. • - .-
px•oliori, of G4tolp,-suce,qqajog.4014,
, . • ,cliQyge D'rew, .
of .axnusexiients- at ,,,,grand . Bend thrst frost this .year Was eerly
eharged. sts---*. resid,,,c; .,,,ief.p.o_ki_.0.4-....i.n.s.-,'1,.-wNt
Vestiga.tions 'Si:Imlay, September .5,- • - ••• - . - - .- ... , .
The ' charge against Okbert is that ditinage,-,
..... . . . ..
r,v,":„.vang. ini,the..parish et Di,in..7 .I.M-
.ests....along. both 'Meals' 13roe flitt-'
tbe application.• .
the late A.rebbishop Seager ag.# . een-'
• •
"did ' '
parts' of -Canada.. Only' lest i„
Sever.al.asse.ssment appeals were
r•-••• 'received tuid refe.Fred to the Court
.-......... - .., , elairc Of' ottrs strling,..actiVe,,. ed ference of the Stratford. DiStrict
Bishop .of Heron, - • % • iririle -in thiS old Didcese Of litfkon." AsSociation , ifif • Norinal Sehool
- • :
. •
,- -. . - . - 44
be unlawfully carry on' or ! .
ta7tyl A , Fru ..IY/OR.E. D.P.'s ' . -
sub:liner be, supervised, Abe eutting •
of Revision. .
. Building Permits
TEACHERS 'ATTEND Dean •Ltixton received 73 of the Masters School. Inspectors held
• ..... • . 151 clerical • vAes. on the second tit dii Friday last. '
li7D. .1,(;) cuT..orps. H4RE
.Soritunthg: iblatii,;iielsolpiferyaottliornorodfina;,.. , . i.':'• • 'ARRIVE IN GODERidli
roller,;`,..skating rink, • ,contrary to , , ------- . s
ic)if glirlinb:11: t.:.A.s4pdeciniagltiPziteile.biirtrYa'i'sit:*'
'beet -
. . Vie ,Cierk -.reported eleyen .• build-
" lug the tOtifl estim-•
. , .Stratford
WALKEIVrON MEETING ballet- and. 17t) tint of 305 in the • ' A! pimel" discussion on, the teach-
. s;,* - .1.,,i
of lay..delegn,s. Arc.....,eacoe ing • Of English.
'"•Itlje 41.ireat of' hydro, eutfoffs
provistops of the I.,ord's Day Act." -
rieTlirii•raerPO:OP;1 tgoldrlasiaitolved
. cattle .f'. bis eerly interest in
, „ _ . .
'VIII, lest 1.t•ehV.d.ic,i,gb...eittlintcyeuahtiepdutebuyt. tli.j, '
permita •granted,
ated. eosts. beieg -$114310.- . Waiter
J.•'Westhrook prepoSes the erection
• of a '''onestory -frame -and - stuedo
.c1Welliiig:Oti:-St, DaVid'S street:00M-
- cited cost. $4,200. Totin E. 'Abbott's
• • permit is ..f0e. a ..eile:StOrY -frame
-Trafalgar -sti.,eet-,,,,e-oat,
. • , • . • . _poll.
ii,n athe• ..elveindentla._dr:
The . fall. meeting . of .the Feder- ToWn§llend 'reed:dd. 4.sj clerical .and ,s.eh. On. is W,,as. lea, .44. ;.,.. .AT„.. ... wa . ,
-talon of • Wothen Teachers 90 lay- -votes. . . . . inspector of s.chools forSouth Perth.
itt .1.. ' .,,ii ,
r o,, egion.1;lias. held -at N(S)r.fti-k9enr..- 'Most Rey.. W,,Is... Wright,. _Bishop -4r...Eci.w.nrds introduced: the.. mem-
, of-Algonnt,- vviiS thh'cl 111 -tile hall4t-- (hers of his -panel; -I-L--G,'r -Matiiiing;''
ton'on SeturdaY, Getober 10. R. e' ing with seven clerfeal and 26 lay S'trtitf.ord; 11. •M. Bete,' Kitchener ;,
'P°1"ts. ''''" "Int-lnY -Tfttil--fluesti°i1s, in" votes. Other • Contenders ineiuded-.14-jv•Liingall,--Kitehe.9,prrand. James
..elteliiig-SPPeraillutation,,,,Blaile..C.Ala%, ..p_ria,0444,„_.A.,._„kh;•,,,;;0;,N„ell„.„.ef_Htron. .Kinkeadr.•Goderich..
,.,' tonntit,94p.,:d4iile.ht,:o.hiliselit . ,hat: ._lan
.. „. .„.___„..,,,,,,,, , ,., ,... , , _ y, ., _ ..,
. beill'grAyerted., • .. .
, .,.iti.ii....,•rr.i..i.t,.. ,y,tlie. -past week house-
77-8*.:1Yels7.1.h031,0f.--an•-•:ifiprecitab -
Sar*g. hi Abejaliimint, of dee-, .
Arteitly• ,:tige& --- -iffeweve4.,thiv:-.-4.,
x.o. tn.' s - illnx(ontd,
thr•IrS, 4. oleati, irre_e_dBI•lultiord, take domestic positioris in thet.dis-
. Tosenh' ' Lainnaii,' -Kitchener, -and -tricti.". 4.11 three are, Polish Roman.
Arthar Pligh, Grand -I3end, ere sine ..casnolles; ag. ed ' _twenty-eight, and
C L. .g e . - 77:- 1 . '-ti,;(eDe.piTaegueli,370thienir,G.leibrzny .afrire.xids• still
rges ale- pending a so against
se.yeral,--ainilsement -booth-operators -*MisS-WandalioSvalik Went to the
at POrt Stanley.. Mr.
:.cottle to. '.•tiverpeol when lie -Was•
twenty•one yea-rs. of -age. ,
A: statmcb.,,,Coes.ervative; his' pilli•s,..:
lic service -pegau , as ineniher., and
later .Reei•e,,,s.of 'Greene* Township, , ,
Couneil.. •'lle „was NVarden:-otsBruce • v.,
'county -,,,elected
,---------Etwelling:- on , ......_.-4........ . „:„..-...,:, .
, :4, • $1;000. ,Reg..... McGee ,& ;Sons oh- group ilrgilTatlee and sick ' benefit, College, 'London ; Archdeacon A. L. ...lt was. the general epiriion,s4sf- the
Were, read- and. discussed. during' the anel *members . Vint there WL10. a
tained a permit for an,alumirituiS. . G.. Clarke. of: •Brantford. ang, Canon li
• rain ' session• held at the Town • ,reat need for••iin rovement in oral
;•Cisid, .storao. building' on Pieton l'Ae . t. _ _ , _ C. BrOWil, of •Windsor. . " .. . f, , . , ,f) . . ..
, Eall,_.yi.iss Iieten Barbour,. a snem- . and written• English Of the ti, ils
'cost $5;000. The eutsrieken, slight 95ishop-„. . -. P P
„ :.effork.intsst_be.coliSt.itotly,:niabas
. '...catited' and . eyea-.:'liettered if •
.GOderleh ig leo enjoy hydro ser- ,.
vice. free -..from interruptions.; . - .
c .• - . . '
t-oits -• would •• seriously -
.......,____., ahd Mrs. J. E. Eaech-
kome of
ratford law er •• i '
E. -G., Holmes,- St . , . Y ler, ,:ls.orth • street, Goderich ; •iMiss
for Ogbert, produeed only two wit., . Maria Jasinska to. the bailie 'of Mrs.'
nesses in . defence of his client:
g „ . , , .. t .0 n ,... iss
ley weie ernes oin y anc M 171in blet 13,11' 1. A ib r • NI'
T1 * J H •• 4e 1 - ..
Toveya Chabras to the
' '
111•19P, to the.sHonse .
of CominOnS'At a by:eleetion'in 1904.:
-Ire was. thesunSuceessfui candidate
. ‘• , . _ .
at - the general electiOn.• the,,,,Saine •
• • ' ' ' . ' '
but ' ' '
.streeti- _GOrdon..,Sara_n:„. _ . .. ,,,„.. _ . - ,
irsur-the---entrance-- Imp:
-1Aritannia-road,--is-erecting jlerszf;:-00--bOa0.-----oiveriWrS-Aot 'eleer.witS.-bortr'irrMottrit-Fibre-St-ff---A-1.1-&-TAb-OW,.... exa
If • " - -1,-,• f 6 1. •
--a-Av--&--nu...--r--o....- oiierich----
.. -
vim- . Gr .' b th f -St i tf d • " , . . . .. of
- - -lam- ay,-- 0. ---0 . ,ia•- or y -oust- -1.-k-ntleiwoir:•-•-Aliburn---=
yeal, .
- was je:•elected._in th...e„gen.: .
le I- --s---1.----10 - -.II-- :,..
___.___, son, , ., _
* - ' '' - Oth • 't " -for repairs the F.NV.T.A.0.; .ied in the .. dis7 brilliant theplogical Student, he was* ation. Teachers could nOt be. held
garage. er peisni,s, .. . , ,, ... . . • • •• • .• : ,
, , _.- _ . . .
"• andustries,,..in severat different
__, - --
ii- ---id'O-Ii '1. - ' • " 1 1 ' ' - • ' ' • ' -. •
NV 4 Sa ,,,.. g er yas legit ai. y ems ,A.'r'snarried couple iirrixed-Lw.itk
a 1,--e- c 1 ,
t oil, o ,. (18,-.--a d•-• 0,11.--,--,_
. op: lug 97,..:14434:1-1.e.-Wasinla '‘
. , , -•graduated,-from---Trinkt.s.-I'College;--•slelelYs-responsibieT.ssthey , .deefd - ,••-•
etc.. were ISseed-tt-r117-147.-Cornigh, .ens,aten• , . ,.
t nooe. tt-;.(16 Toronto in 1925 • '. •
. , . the home and • mashie , influences
*Brock street ; J...E.•Huelt.ins, Water- ' 4 licious dinner was •
oderich.. houge ves will • do ' _
' wl __ .
1310yed"4§'-k-artaeffine welder iii the
, . . _ , - . . t e same grolip 'exit] Wear tO* the .
C.N.4,.,:carshops of_ _that ,c.a_ty, and hon e-,.- • - id.,„1:1 . j , -.
i of_ All al x rs. A:
moned to the Senate *by the late 'W !'
' .- • . • . • ss 7
7Robt.... Borden-and•-hadjtsie..uniqn
. „ . _.,. ., __
• ., . lop- • 'street ;•,;, W. If. - Yfitag-BroCk '-eoioYed---'at- -0-tocal-- hotel.: ,. ;'The..:, - . "'Brilliant geholur ' .. 4 ir
deterinnte -to 'a large --'eXterit *.the
R. - 6".- •BurroWs; ' 'Britannia 'special. speaker Was -.14.- Gaute,,- BA,.; .-; - • ,_ . . ,,
' Brilliant. 'Scholar, apd 'aggressive quality'of English, used... Fertlier'
'their Pad' in' heigtig lel'avoid,. -I
crineline• - hyar - tO ' es -
------s- -.0 p.:.. ppag ,
, _ . . .. . ,SIATY
-Was at Ids work exeept 'for - Stithr: ." Rai& -iii 'reiiif. ' . • -: -:-•.:... 7 . ' ' ''-'
day afternoons,- -Sundays and lioli- • ,. .',..- ..• .--.--,....- ..--.--. -ss.•••••••-.1 ,
• . • • • - • ' • -.. .•' '-' ;,,-----; •
.dis.tilIPPOP .. of ;voting., ene.,,dny 414.,„:„
street ; • •
' 73.Paed„ Inspector of schools.. 'ReN% there .is.
.• . •
, . •
daYs.. throughout the past
Member of the CominoiiS '_anii,"*e,-
• road; Mrs. D. C. Brindleyr-B-Vitan, publiC Parish' priest, Very Geol.:ge 'more,' too much ..conftision
•- fter-ItirIbteresTing anti. inspiring • is a in the Minds ef teachers regarding
' • d• John Vickers., dobohrg- ' Nesmith, Luxton, - B.A., D.1).,,
pia ,roa ,
treet • ,,,Tolui L. . Baxter Willi= addreas, the rest oftlie-.refieks•We4:e devout -Cleric . et the Anglican their objectives. under the. present.
. . - . DANCE .. . ' . •
_Censtable Joseph Revell of Grana
- . . . „ ,• •
Bend . was, threatened , with some- ' .TO OPEN .411ORTLY
• ti •, . .. s• • • . .- • ..career
next •daY aS meniber of the Senate On.'
. ,. .
the. saine.13111:. Throughout his long.:- .
, , . .
in the Senate. he' served ' ou •
.. street. receiVed and- the meeting adjourned, Chnrch whose•oice has. SPread the PrOgrath cif Study. A more eoneise-
-,.. - Dele ates from North Heron in- en .• • ' '. •• - . • • ' •• • iro rani in which- to ics Stand out
• An. lipplica on. frsim Geo. MC-. ' g . , . iistran cieed nom -pulpits .m 1 g . , • P
Creath for , new 'front and new '' spectorate whe fitteeded 'were Eastern and. Western Canada. .. ' clearly, was recommended. .In ad'-
siding at e former Walton .builth .Misse:s Mabelle Dimkin, alargaret Since ,his ' ordination tO 'the dition,• seventy-fiye per cent. of
Cameron, I. , , , diaconate in 024, Dean Ltixton has chers xieed a "nide book in this
- ing on West street, to be used as an rene Milne snd 'June. ' • tea . g .
"..... 't..--,----....._______-ofilee.. apd on; . e Baeellitr• , - : ' ' risen ',rallidly-,- -In -the Chureht-of-4mportant.„ :portion .::.-of-...sch_ool.• Work,
-The I,egionette draw and dance
i Id • th bl 0 re 113 of he Legion
I e m e u „,.c). t -
Hall on Wedoosqay night was a hig
snccess. - ., • . • •
. p , , . .
' The ri7e-Winners were as. fol -
lows.: 1st, .--Va Mill 1.11 -cleaner, j. .s.
I.. b . i .
t ung 0 pie sei ions 3 :1-. agistrate , . .
The smart, new •Goder .
Holmes, Who said his ,anSwers were ich -Bowling
anstitisfaCtery. • , Aeadeiny, on , West •street, one . of
1 the fineSt in Ontario. towns. is sche
t ons a. e eve insis e - on . .. _ . „ .
C' t hi R 11 " t d "I d ' • r
reinember"' When asked • "what was duled to oxien• on or -alidtit October
in e io ei s.a ingim . Mtg. 'It will have. ten regula.tion
zoing on"' • th • 11 - 1-1' •• k , , - -
aud wns Mairinaii of. 'fluineriiiiii;•
• . . - • . . • , - - .. *-. '
confinittee '.'WO.S,,,i noted for. • his,
jidgment on . difeenit queetiblis,- for , ,
his reaSo ed •,-ele uenc b •'' h
• . ,. a ,, q e 7 en . p,..
addresSed the .Sentite, but ',rnost ;of
nil lie.
-epnrtment,.and •
' ' ' . . " Roy, 11.''..dooke ,for a bungalow on.., - ••• -1-40,!il! Teat4,ers. Wet , :En7gland.' and ' hi.S.' relnitation • for • The' panel MeMbers suggested
that teaehing .of grammar. inig
-• mary - street were -referred to the •• A meeting of the Goderich branch forthright, and .fearless preaching ht
-of the -Federation .of ,WOme,n bettei• be done synthetitallY than
fire cOmmittee. - . . has, won •him .adnairation among
tl • The nel was' nailed a
Teachers . , h fellow -clergymen -Of all .denoiniii- direc Y. • Po .. .
fil•reSponse to a requeSt from the - - ' Association at t 4'1 home .
Public Utilities Clenunissien,. it Was of MisS June _BaeclilerLon Thers-• ations, laynien. and, yvorshiPpers.- - comniittee to continue research on.
'decided to. WithdraW for the present dny,-October. 14, took the fOrin .of a Ile.Came to LondOit in, September the.‘stibjectfind report at •the sprit%
s - .._.
Walter, Gpderich; 2nd, electrie pad,
.• 1 1 r• 3rd lsd 's bl use Mrs
N., Fu e , . , t y . 0 , ••
Garon; Clinton: 4tb; Silver', cake.
service' NIrs G. 13r wn ••5th nylims,
• , • • • •
° ' ' • . -
T. Hamilton; ''Oth, •lieen. . , ..
chiefs, W. Gardiner,. , • ..
s - . ...., ,________., „,:_.
It 4 p m Sunday ' 'Septemher -5.: alleys. ,•' , . : .,, .. .
' •• ••• • • - • ' - 's . Tbe " t II t
Revell admitted. he .was -present iit '`, owner, . S eve"' •;. i ches,
n wi - 1 ons g ) e -o n . .. ,
tit •• k •th Cll.' f C t 11 J h "
,,,,•• forinerly of ' LObdon hss been' In
•Tlie .chi f con table had the -bowling alley business for
Yewiln• . -- e- •% .. 0 • • •
es i et, ,eie weie s. a eis in - e twenty -Six years,. 13efore'.' coming -
t ffi 1 t•h • - ' ' k• t • ' th •
to .Goderich' he sold hi. h i.'
rink , at that tinie. and that Ogbert • ---43__'',XWI.i.,g
. .. • .. •
' 'bs-that eit.V, wh-lehL.wae4lorefiteH :
will .he__renieMbered-,fOr,:lais-r.'.. .
o stant aid 'untiring .. eff.ort., te, ,
- . s- • •
bring befOre - the- variqes 'depart-.
• ts th il• • ' . • . • •
men e 1 any -motile s
m . brought
•,. - - ..- • .: -
to. his attention by -his -conatituente... ,-
pf an; imposing appearance; he.hais ..
e• §.91-11 e ,ra„,been known....fis„.the4,---------141.
• pot-ltick supper.'• There Were nine f 1944 from; Griiee'Cburch-pn-the-. meeting of the association. •
the • advertiSement --for tenders for . • . o
• 4.4. -.5t..„--Ifiwinkartin. for tlie--sec-
t . • . ,,,,.._. ............,... . - ----
raird'--01 • Mari7Of "Senate,
. , . . . • "---
'' ...• ..- ' "selk-t,-;434*.tex-WeVe ' -'
. eon - • LI . s - Tr Og- on ...,tslehmencf,st.reet He plans to...
Roth stabTe. te. tined t
.d. ..„ • .....R.,. .. - the- . . -
e--t-see-Of . The--billtling--at---ti • .eWtes1--.741-87-1-1.111, Tbrontotoi.rreplace---the-late -,--,.,,_,----_--„', _ .--..___,. .
- -- - - - -- - - -- - --. - - '... '
Wit tiine le- the girl's• in ticket
• , . _ ..• .
. 1 -earlie 'if'. -t. - rtili,t, alf• ' alleT,-,lierer,-of-- the- highest-
.• . . .
•• •-‘4-e. is sulisysq„,by..„lifs„wife,..Inlia.
:- toll Ali. en -NI ss n • ,-
'---corner -7-Of --. New-gtite and . ows. esni t, . _ 1 Jit , e .1, e,ry Rey. 1.); n• -1 -larding„ and be- IiNurthaiGIbTRATE'S CJOIIRT
streetS new used by the aS Baechler;, vice-president, Mrs.. Ra. -"0 came the eighth rector of 112 -year- • •
selling, With Miss N'iolet 'MaeAdion
errs presence ,-
• ord• r • and is• leaving; no stone un-'
the e ie siii. be warned pro- . ... . •
alnd h• f 'd ' '
- .
.. „„
UeNilb, tWo, dn.-fighter's Slii;IV,, NI •
. ,PX:C7... •-• : ....., .
,4 warehouse,. . .-, - . • • _ - - ;Barker; -Seeretary-treake- 'Ter,' ',:lknss; Old -St. Patil'S cathedral.nnd Seventh . Shelthin Jacitilu and..Ernee Ham.
. - • ..._•., ........ .
''' - Lions. Offer Assibtalice: -, • -
Irene = Miln-e, -. Plans -.for. Education. Dean of Huron DioCese. He was liten,prey township, pleaded_guilty.
A letter .4Yas 'received .from' the .W:,eek, ,,ta...J.ie held 'froni..lcoyengker inducted -by the late Most Rev. C. A: to the: theft cif two • ducks from.
, • ' 14 to 20 were' disct s el The ne t .. • -
Lions Club- •offering assiStanee in - . , , - 1..9 A • . T Seeger. Archbishep of Huron, Mrs. George Fraser, Gre3r tovvnsnip,
• ' the managetnent of the Judith Good- meeting is to be„ held .at -the home •whom he new succeeds. ' ... before :Magistrate . I). E..' Holmes
9.f: Urs• merYle- • • - L.;-••• -Detui
.second.qinal .1NleVittle
..___. - -:•-- - . .
.third. • _. _ • . ..• , - .
Doim re
tioxis' of $10 arid' $3 we ,
madeto the girls' 'softball . club by
Mr. Reg. McGee end Mr. -D. 4., a
All .11' ':t6sted
respectively.. .. .
,oe , . , . .
s titian might follow continued
operatien Of the place.
. ,_ Couti'Sel° Prot,ests'i• -'
Defence. La wver II olin eti 1
. - , . a ;.•,..o pro-
that it hail not been proved
tl • t' f tl '1 f
le. jus ice o le peace, )e ore
t • wl•.-1 his ffo ts .
• II131-s-- 11 • e r . .
. HS 'point's- -out , that • now' is' the
-time for- the various organizations
to" get tinder way . in - order that •
league schedules. may be. arra-nged.
Orgsni7ation for bowli•ie- activities
• , -,, . ,. ;4, ;
31.13.E., North Bay,' and-
. •
Miss s Mario at 'home; five..„sOn$,..•-
Prang • Donnelly,. K.C.,. r Godericb,.
(lore ,Dorinelly; • . Peterborough,
Arther Dennelly, Pinkertim, Gerald.. .,
Al• Donnelly, Trput. Ckeek., and.••
-11 . " .
• erbain playgreund„ end a resoltition . Lnxton giaduated With B.A. this (Thursday) afterivion. . Crown
,. - •
the stuomons-w4w..,....s.wor.41...444,
. ,. - • ,
for the conking. ,,:Pa qtlil pointq to nip
:Harold I) onne v, , ar en o rece •
.. . „,,, ., W d 1 13 ,
. -.!witS7patt•crri-thankittg. tile f711, - • froin • Iniiver,sitY of TorOnfo and •'4.ttorney enn "ays o c. t ie
1.-: I -their offer and stating that it will DRNI00- .11OLDS "TRADE , 13.D.. from Trinity eollerd: Trinity court the acensed • had.. no other
el . • .
had seen- a copy Of the , Attorney-
. ., , .
ino4 a ...t,
st • ctive setron in this line in
„...,.....,..„. ,_____ ..
, ,._. ,,, ,
“.4unO. ."' ''''• Donnelly ...ef daho
Springs-,•eolo:', is a brother azid Mrs.
be considered upon TeinnPleti-On- of -MMOV'EMENT-CLA.SSES" c °liege granted' hini his Octor of, record, and that a charge of theft-
_......... • . •
1:11Willing to quit, fotir die-hard
-Gencrai',s---etiliseiW---te---tlie action.----
""c"-''-" P ""31"13 • -• •
. . .. ----7----1-11..
.1..--Weli-nify, Denver. Colo. INIrS' .
the project. ' -, ' ... ' " ' - • Divinity shortly before he assumed at Strfttford had been withdrawn
This ,caused Crown' Attorney Glenn
" '.--
( 'rfsirgill ' 1. /I ' • 3
J°s• Clan'Y,''-' "-no-.
. . • - - - - --- - -'-'-'7---' .'" •• - ' - ' ' '"----;'• '' - - - ' ' ' ' . . •( . •' - • -- '
--A-quotation- of 1774 -Was reeeifed A series of '"trade linproVeinent the London office. They. were grunted ,s11$pell de d serif-
-for a pimp," complete with motor, eiasses,,, Including classes in .blue_ 'Dean Lexton has been prominent Owe, .and ordered through . their
for road spraying, and W a s setit..tp. print . reading, shop mathematics, in . all ; phases of church' activity, eounsel, NV. A. Sutherland, to make
- the public Works -.committee. , maehine operation, etc., is being keeping intimate knowledge of the 'restitution, $5, to Mrs. Fraser for
• A report of the annual meetirtg 'held the Town Hall on• Tuesday Diocese throegh personal, contaets. the ducks, aild pay court costs. •
. 1.11.W11 howlers It Besge J W
• - ,-• ' , --• -
Baker, C.' F. Chapman and Tom.
-Pritehard, journeyed to Tottenham
on Wednesday and returned with
first prize,
H t 4; 'I fa- - - - 1 ' ---
- 'al'S 0 . ea or to reopen nti case
and Prove notice through Mabel_
L. Gray, histice of the pence; .and,,
court rep6rter.. - • - . '
No dictiennry -cotild he found to
. s;
The. Signal -Star is hifomed ure
officially tlint the. Maitland...Itiver
bridge at Saliferd is to be closed to
traffic from 'Monday to Friday while.
• , ,a -PC'' --IS'
,,Nleaglier. - - -..-.."- .-- •sre•-•', • '
, walket ton, . .1,... 7sisterg..
' .
Fifteen grandebildren• alks'Survive,
'The fufferill Will leave his resi-. •
deilee in Pinkerton for maSS at the
- - - ,
-church. of Mary Innuacidate ' Chep-
.in .
of the Blue .Water llighway As- evenings, beginning at 7.30 o'clock. He Was .chvillnan of the Canadian A Shulinr • charge.• against Wil-
- sociation, ,held at Sontlianipton on Th67-first en Coencil of Bible Reading Fellow, bert Hall, Liny'd .Weber and Archi-
. ....
A Chevrolet. sports sedaii will he
support Mr. Holmes' contention that
"ordinary calling" meant usual or
a' iieW ' 45 laicl de the bridge:.
'In. an important matter of this kind,
sto - n . S t d - • ' ' -
-, w' c • a.ni ay mOieing..,.. •
class blueprint reading
"'October 1st; With. a financial state- . =Is attended hy . fifteen DRMOO iship 'and 41111(1S• a• keen interAst in bald Ja0.10i1XL_WIISS..Witil.__Orliwn. : •
.ment frOm January 1St to Septein- Ouiployees. . Mr.' ..laek ' Sachs, '. the' activities 'of youth. .S7,......--- -.„-, ..The,..thaivi ..againSt ..4.1,an.;.4___
Ifti itt _.
raffled by the .Groderich Trades snd
L.abor Connell at ,its.,antroal ,Llibor
Day-;.celehration..siext4year. = .-.'. • -
1 d 1 1 b l' • 1 1 t
tegu ar an. . con t e app ica ) e o
. .
the case • • .
it would seem that the provincial
Higiiwavs Departmexit should haw?
' .- - . . - -
auffieleets-,considegation:- ...for :Abe-
• • . .•
,•17_7-1.$rf-OdDERX0.11. ' ' '
- . -ber--15e11,--1948„..,,was-referred-to'stliel -llistruetor'expianied4Yartonss-po-in t.s • „ -,,Tn., -1-929.7-- -he--,::Anaseied„..c-tkoroniY' tifTliilcing--an...artnored.,C.a.riwas•,--with- .
. • r
' '
-,----------s-------- - * - -"' ''''''-'
- T---. ' . - - - --- --" - - 1 ''.''' ' --.
aceePt. ..Writtell -ar,inment on. the'
• • -
'rrn----fliiti•iii;iiiiiiie'-- - Ifff-it' -il'iitc-
-' an, -.151 ; • Ili ou e=
4.1.4,..... ‘11,,==%,...7,4,44 ,..:.- -.F., .,„_ _ ,
' *'-''''''''' '-r- . ' '
. special cOmmittee. , i . I '
' of "projection drawing" With the .Catherine, onty daughter. of DArey drawn. when Crown Attoiney .H.P.VS
. ,, 4 letter from. the c anadion Fed-,, s
aid* of, an ingenious model: " . • . Martin, •K.C„ of•Flamliton., _He has read. a letter from the. Department
eration of "Mayors arid Mbnicipals • •The next clas's •is• scheduled for tlAip,e - soils, -m•artin:' pavid and of Natioeal Defence requesting that
In ineinory.""of Jaek diadOr, son
of- Rey. and Mrs. A.... C. Calder,
.fornierly of ' Gederit-h, who.. met
. s .- .
point iind giye judgment neXt Tries-
din% V •
• . •
- •
mein: TLION;cover. this mrefficial.
notice May.: prevent .- a - eertain
'amount of leconvenienee to motor-
-31. MacDonald, of ,Eincardiine,. '
zone C.I. codmander, accompanied
by Figin Fraser; -..
.• itles asking payment of the annual Oefober 2fith. . ,•. ..- D'Arey. _ • the ellarge `,be dropped. .. Haggitt
'Ineinhership fee of $25 was re- ' big
death in NY,...es•Id . War li -i rts
• . , .s to
Ists and ot!liers. ., . • ' •,.. °
zone secretary, .
also of ,Nto,(Ordioe:'•iAtid 'nxi official
wqs allowed 4) ehange plea of
f., Ceived and Council passed' a resole- , MeMANUS-KAUN • , . INDUSTRIAL- BOWLING , grillt,_:_v to -not _guilty; ,He served
-.- .. ,
,." tion that a reply •lie sent ,- to . •the -„.The Marriage took .silace in Cen-' •• • . LEAGUE . - • .- six years Wall arIlly armored regk
, effect • that the ' Membership .svfll tral 'United ; chareh, Stratford, on At a Meeting held • on Monday ments ie the laSt... war. •• -.
pot be -renewed';.- Saturday, of Margaret Itose..datigh- eVeiiing .for the organization- of a . A tine of $10 with coktif was lin-
20n reconamentlation of the water, ter• of -Mr. ahd Mrs".."Michael Kam Bnsiness ' and' Industrial 1,3owlin'g pos'ed on Boss Sheppard; II.C.A.F.,
writenk of • Western Ontario. news-
papers have set up the Jack Calder
memorial trOphy for ;high. school
competition, Jilek was'. a former
sports rePorter.
' •
The annual thank-offeries meet-
i . ' f K • 1 • - '
ng o nox e inrch IN..11.S. was
held. oh Tuesday afternoon,. with a
good ,attendance. .. Tlie .devotionol
period Was taken hY Mits. Redditt
. • ., • - .1.
-,• ..s. • •
' . Rev. F.• W. .,,Hollinrake died at
his home In Toronto oil, Saturday
• '
iit ..the age of eighty-two years.
visit . 40 Blanch WIA, , Canadian
Legion . • f il " L • II '1 1 1 '
, , a le egion a • ast •
week. They gave an interesting'
report. of th.O. Dominion convention •'
held at .Saskatoon litst summer,: „
light 'and. harbor, emninittee, the. of . Stratford, to' .LeOliard Steart Leagruc,, oificers.svere omen as foi-. for disorderly conduct... outside a
Mayer and Clerk' were huthorized McManus,. son of. Mr. and Mrs:• IV. lows: President, NV. I), Wilson of dance, hall,
. . .
*N tO sign a letile to,.Northwe-4 Steam- Imperial 011; Vice-president; Arthur '
. • -
In it -letter to the GOderich Board!,
of Trade, L. E. Cardiff, N:I.P., nIticed
and . Mrs, I: MeNe."1117. • ReportS
front the various '.secretaries were
given anti the, weekly. visits, to the
Though never ...S t a t i on e 0 in Godes President Clarenee Maellonald. waS.
rich. lie Was known here- as 'the eliairman of the meeting, ' which ,.
husband of the former Emma, Aches WaS attended by sixty veterans.
.. , . .
• - ., . . , - Allnn McManus; of Vancouver, B.C., ,
ships I.,td. Of the fOrmtr. C.P..R. Shed • '-
foemerly of -Colborne tbw.nship. Rev., Knitting of Godelich elevator; see- • EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN
. at the harbor for a two-year perio.cl. N. A: 'Healey. officiated. The couple.. retar3', W, '..1.• MurPhY Of th.Q., Ro-Yai A twolwee,lcs cvallgeli,§'tie earn-,
,.. Council instrueted -that a letter ' will. reside in Valleouver. Guests I3ank ; treaSurer, Robert. Rae of paign Will be held in - the Free
hici4 of approval on. the re-
4olution -of the board favoring adoP-
thin of the- triinsferable vote in
hospital and , sick inendWrs'..were
reported,: The 'guest speaker. for.
the- Meeting was Rev, R. G, mile_
sop of. Goderieb, • who died fife- presentation 'Of it past 'west-,
yeges ago. He. was, a minister of dent's . badge` .was made to a. ii:.,
the Methodist linter ' United) Hunter hy the zone commander. '. ,
„. .. -
' beginning. next.
of eondolenet be. 'sent to Mrs. A. 44, present. from Goderich, the Goderich. Salt Company. Methodist
Milian, whose subjeet Was "Qtiebee.".
church for many yeark7-trrniti.D. • ,, -',-- --
.were .chureh
Rrereton in the -death of her huS-. . . • Entries' mu$t.,be in the bands -of TuesdaY. evening-, October 26,. and
, .
• A sticial half-hour setris. spent at
seyeateen...... years was , pastor of - ST. GEORGE7S. W.A;;-.71,-.
. band,„ a• fOrmer member of the
• Council. • • ' : . •
. .
KINETTR CLUB the Secretary !by thia *Friday even- continuing until &Imlay, November
' The Goclericb Kinette• ellib held lug* the 22nd,- as piny is to begin 7th. It 'Is '8*,insored by "The. For-
With ti number of`Goderieh storeS
bsing oil lamps 110W tO save 'elec.
tricitY, there may be lin opening in
the el ' ' f th - titre- ,'ti -
ose „o e inee , ysi 1 re
fresheiehts served.
Delta Tabernaele • at- ilanditon, • The :W.A. of St...Gorge's. elinreh .
whiiii he founded. - . inet in the.. Gm:1hr' Omit on; Octiiher
• .
' The _draft bylaw for. the regula7.
and meat
. .
the firAt , fall meeting, on Tuesday, on Noveniber lst • -_ • ward. Wit11.\ Chilst Movement," an
'when •• ' ' . international, interdelicaninational
Goderieb soon fdr a reture Of "The
. . • , •• ''
• t- .4. • •
. . . . with. M•rs. II.• .11,. Parr, the •
.. • MARIIN-STONEHOUS preSident. inr-the chair. The meet -
tion Of slaughterhmiSes
• establishmentth Was' referxed •to.• the_
. teittlitiVes 4.• .I, were matle _
for a Ohtistinas • ' r • gale Wm- • THE ARTIJUR CIRCLE grimp of eVringalicals with head-
old ,Lainplighter."
Three Week -end .
.A. quiet wedding took•' place oft ing opened with tsiiyme andlollyer
..ToWn solicitor, for,• apProval,
. With the approaching Christmas
season !riming., Council referred to
•• 4. i- ' • '
bers were giVn .. i•n fin knitting. • The Thanksgiving meeting of the. quarters in Kitchener, Ont. Rev.
articles for the Children's Ale 'so.. '74-irthur 'Circle of• 1.4.:nox church Wes and MrS.' W. MOUtOUX Will' eOnatlet
elety. was announced -1)y the, held at 'the honie of Mr. and Mrs. the .canipaign. ' It is expected that
With the oPerting Of the Goderieh.
BONliling, ,koademy. schedulee •for
the this Gode-
' ' A • • -
Traffic .. ccidents
.• .-.. , . . - . . -
MondaV evening,. Oetober .18th,, et led by the president. Asletter from. -
Chslmers rnitt4s1 church. 'manse Rev.. and Mrs. Tsar, of Chind, waa .
Guelph, •Wirt,n Mrs. E. tillian-,Stolle- read by Mrs, 'Farr. The secretary
- the special. conmatteethe matter
,,, :. sklatmjragfk,p „ ,f,.,.. I !„.. „J ,,„
; .61fildrerils treat
treasiirer that the Proeeeds of the. G. Henderson On Monday evening. other actlye members of the or an-
-kieketo.„,,g6„ftg.44,04,0,0101,10.,wendy, 'Astrastrottfitssditettsi,isrektilsofi. .itilfilhrkftr. !heiTedaTIT-P i e
30an;" ainotinted to $21(1.1k ' . titre and' Mrs. Elmer Craneton led times during. the eamntagn.
The Manes'.
abOut end of month,
. A14, ' ---- -1 '
ow nigi-asteye tb 'fie ?mind in Otr-
tario for- a tOVAI of' this size:
• , •
. . .,
4,to4-1-,40,triga, ft14/46*, OcAlgaiilit24644 '
weeic7en , in .tpulin • colititY,. and
were inveStigated "by • provincial
house -Wilf4 'united in mar?iiige to of W.A, en'VeiOpes asked.,,t lifiti_the..
)113,04footiollmtitiinvi4timbiairmiwillioxitfr_. avliew,,*Olyrgzgiv_irrlIMPrtiNIFIlrni : -'44
Goderich. Rev. David G. Paton of- in by the fume Meeting,. Novensher•
debited... The couple were attended- -Oth, or placellhein on.tlie collection
. .
''''' INTkR"Set1001J- 'SOCCER '
' An ITI ter-A*14ml Soccer league,
. Mrs.' I). a. Patterson, president, in prayee. • of sopie outstandieg
., I
Wag • in the chair. • The guest 'speaker 'of the evening; Christian, leaders appear •In the
., ...-... ,-- , ,, .,., , Rev. • iii7, G. MacMillan. gave the list of meribers- Of. the advisoil,
Congratulations -tti Mr. and MrS.
John Young., Elgin
Constahle JanieS. crap.
About .;5•30'11.411. on FridaV, ofie
. .., ,
and three;•eUnrOrs.
by. lilr: and Mrs. I)bnald Stonehouse plate, hi order to• Nose'. the books
of •Geelph. Mr. awl Mrs.. liartin 'for -the 'year., 4S, •A061,6-AVIlf,1161,1r - .
. V
,. ,
,„ v)rith, senior and junior seetiotisi,.,bas•
'been organizeo anti schediales lir-
• •. Victorih,. Central 'ands.; St
poUTII IIURON' PLOWING. -Circle an •leterestIng talk . on 'Que. board, namely, .1)r, John E. Zoller
. , MATCH- ' . bec.. He tblil of his associatien of 'Detroit, Dr. Albert Hughes of
' the Toronto,
„ avenue, whose
fifty-ninth wedding-. anniversary
comes on Senday, October. 24th. ,
Inile,;3 small of
Wingham on 'No, 4 highway, a
Hanovex • Trankiport . tractor -trailer
reside at their home oti Elgin Wa's•-spenf, tho hostegs b •
.. eing Mrs. , ,
avenne.• , „,, F.',13. Riley.. .
, • ,
. , . s
Peter's schools .are.members, First
FIENsAt L, oet.; iig„--Th. ,9ontb with the •people, of (different an.d others. -
Huron Mateh 'win be edueatien ,from. oars, . '
otitlit Wa damaged tti the. extent
, ‘
„ . ... , • 4. .,---. •
. .
gamea,. *kilter an& jitilior, Will '-•be
i pinked On MondaY -afternoon tiet
•• nr.`Agrieeltural Park. ' .-.•••• - ' '
plewing held standar& ,of. . . ,_... -,------__
on Arnold.-,13ecker'S farm in litepben and sitid that the population of' the ENGAGEIvirNT . ANNOUNCED
township,. five Mlles west of Exeter, PrOl'illee was made pp of eighty. per Mr. alid Mrs, Nelson E., Bushell,
11 i Friday,. October 2Z . eent. Frepell-Canadian8 and twentY tticknbAT-announce the engageinent
To- save - electricity, the
Public Library will close at 8 p.m.
commencing Monday., :,, • -
- - ' - - -;--;--- '
of approximately'', $500 wheli.• 4110
driver,' Heiner Andrews, Clinton,
jackknifed the trailer to tivoftl
, ,.„
striking tivc liiii,Ses..,thi-it hall. braten
6 . - . .., . , , , . .,, . , .
orrie man rroposes County Acquire • .
- . . . . •_...• . , -.
• n . ' ' 4 '
' . ' •' ' • '
• ,....... . . Per cent, Jewlehstind Engligh-speek. of,theie only darighter,..1-ean LOulse,
, ....
Mr: ilaywood ' Smith, who- • con-
out of a nearbY pasture. .The
4 . U- . .. „,• . • ' . . .
llis . nique- Historical Collection .
ing people.' . - to Robert lintdoch MacDonald
h• • 's - • . - . - - Little . IlisSes Catherine • and ,Sinipson son . of , M.rs. Flora Slimp-
ree Auction.eers,.Engaged. for Margiiret MacDonald PlaYed a *,cle-. son, Itinttail, and the late Dr.' A. -.A.
L'•'. ' 1V1 - ' ' S i'''' ' (1. • ' b ' '0' h lightfniliiano (144 4., . J. i'llinpsop; the marriage to take
., ions. onster. a. e •on eto 'er 3 t A short besinas meeting wart Ace in LticknOw 'United e,hureh
. , ...1,
,,,,, conducted and....11r,,Maellillan cidSed, on , Satnrday, October-10hr at • 3
tributes a letter to this week's
1.3ignal-Star • on an historical sit-
ject, • Is a new resident of GAe-
rieti,• having inire,„hnsed the 'mon-
hig at Lighthome_Point known to
older reSidents *fts. the. Hutchison,
driver. manngett Jo keew, the outfit
4* the_ „travelled portion of the
riiad, The driver escaped ' injury
but ono of the, horgeg, which bo-
Tonged to Flenting Blaek of Blue.
vale, was. inInied. ' . .,
. Mr. ..T.,, ii. Neill and :kin Nermati
Wilde. _of Gorrie, wore- 'grioStS at
the, hothe Of Mr. Norman Ker•
nighan, Newpite street. last §iatur-
day. Both 'are interested in col.-•'
' .. . . . , ..
time, frein • 'those ,iised ity - the
1.%gypthIns, or water clocks; -t-,T7t.he,
24-inek candle eloelt,„.•the wbOdoi
'wheel varlets*, the .stiliditil, ' and
others. ancient and .modern; Theo
....„i...- -the..nieetint 04eioek, . ,,,,
honse, an‘occupicd4Or
.. W.4lilititt•,,,,,4h,„,„:1740,nbriii,,..,..;42,,ilt,... 2,
lect-ing,:•111storleal-..44ta,,, Of., -AA -0,0.11,:,.,418,0,
. . .
. tWIett'*10146tithl:g;j1:r'f,t4i*-41 '
,,i,,,a....., ,with. .1he-benedlotion,, „_,„,...-,_ „,..„.„._ ,„..,
W14:'"Irta'1"411411.41t4rarBeisrii-71-eg18'• itriffe-It'Sbeflit. beer litineli -WaS •:- ' ' ••''' `'-' • ' ' -"'"--- - - - - •
be late Mr.
.• • 'nfirttenlously
' 'rho* introduced to
, _ ,
. triet farmers 'to , the Godgrich LionS•
- ... . d '
to the. latter'S
tered bialrot -buggy, COT8 and truOkS served by the 'committee. - • ItEBEliAlIS AT STRATFORD
( gOttle 6f them coin arativelv late
P P Nfrg. Baechler,',11ehekah
the • and Mts. T. G.
Ceenon. Ile COMOS to Goderieh
Brussels, escaped
serialis injurqv itiL an oecidenf on
' •
connty. we're
a row citizens by Mr. Mini.. Me-
ent ways of nationg lightt and, four • , ,
of 'topplog• the 'stigibr maple; ei*, of .
, Club , iti responae
- - - „Ione clis-,
tuodols) farin.liopleinents, etc. Tbis ISITE11,-CtiViteti I.,PAGUE tribt deputy President and • her
front London, Ont. • i
the Coenty about. two miles
-of 13iiissets 'fit
Crentli, , . .
, . „ •
Mi...- Neill. IS the owper of a
ma.kiiK "umbel. from the -4,Volft11.
„ , . .
• appeal for doniitionS 'of farin pro.
. . .
duce to lie 'sold atli uninster auction
. sale at Agricultural Piirk,••Godericli,
.04 • Sittnrday, Oetelier .3.0t1i, Prce.
ceOdS Iti7e to -go .to• qritlided, and.'
- I. re • t • ,,,, ' • .4 , ' . . s • _,
ft. 0 a pt.ds a real oppOrtuni y to On Arednesday evening, niemberS Staff' of the . Goderich ktebekah '
, ,
farinerS ..to sell 'their goOds .at an, 'of. the Inter -church towlingleague Ledge„ condtieted' the . installation
auction sitie,'Whieli Is -.expected to met -at •the ToW71.1-till te ittake,,nr- of (Akers of Perth, Rebekah Ledge, ferred
be Very )argeiy attended,. .,. „
.. rangeinent8 tot .tho .104$4,9 howring- Stratford, on'ltubts., night ihst.
' Sale will titlie-on th0 appear- seaSori. Diiring the 'of the '.., * ..7-4.....--.-----
Loath to leeve the Broadway of
bo.dericii, . Jim ' Nolte' . has •trnns.
his hardWere •business ticros.S.
West .,street ,to -tile .stand, formerly
6cenpled by durry'S TAI.
south r2.45 p.M,
Seturday. ne Was fittempting.- to
pass another yelliele travelling. in
,the same direttion, driven hy Silns.
,TOIniptoii of Walton,. allsl. drOve too
caravan of trailers containing 'COI
infiSemil 'artieles • ... 1,)r-eSeatillg•
Pione,pr :lire in Canada; Ills Pro-
position is to nsk theiflaron Oonnty
enttneil tnke
eenttity-folir'shetring the nittehin. -
ers, of the period in ope'ration,
rple-ven -.ways are iihowti. of 4014:
iloilri. one bonght from, the Indiahe.;,.
others sent from Nebtlattl''' to lite'
,:L. reif.k:AiVeititte..W.Ork,.._ _, ...._ * ---- .„--..
:AY:00W; . -of .aPPles, .' • Wheat,
,,tilen'ips`,,earrots otts,„ naked. griii4.,
' Mid ' Other -Prohne&-havO Oltead:t.
, .. .
been Teecived. . Many • more :Are.
eXpt,eted, .,. •
,The eontse
-once- ot•-•-a; three-ring-eireust -.6s,-at Meeting oflicers Were- eteeteil,,y'Pa - --4)11161---VMAIlltit.- - - - !fainter'
'least three auctioneers will be sell- foiloWs:- President, Pati 'Walter: ' Temperatures Of the past 'week south
.i.iig.itt die gable tittle,% They will' be seeretary-treaStiorer, . 'Ma rgaret le•Goderielf,. With' f
..hose-of:the, -cot.
l)Plittid,: .' Blue, Matt- Gaynor and ItIvans4 recorder,. Stan 'Snider; as,' responding 'week. it. Year .'ago,, as decupanerbV
Harold JecksOtt... There .Will be sistant recorder,. Ilitzel Wilmot; Alt officially reeerded,. were 118 folloWS:
More lif needed. ..-,, '.1_ ' -tennis lre.TO. -,,be,'„Iisted_hY,„,-...1100.11' " : 1048.- . ' 1947.„,„ •
• Ills
place- ,-of husitiesg on the'
side of .West street. is• Under.
going 4tenshve alterations prior tc't
towery'S IPAnrit nry
Cleaning Service.
far on the slionkler. The eat tattle(
live,r-iiiiii-thrtlitch,,Taiid.. ariiele n.-
'telegraph:001K', , • . . ,
' At 1 o'eloek 'Senday morning., n a
trill* OWite,d'hy 1/artiy D. Felton
and • driVeli . lifr, '11.• M.' 01•VI:$. Jr, 2.1-,..
oodorieb; -the
tn • OVer the.. eararan
ffw '11-7-coustnerittioni.'*ith • the itlen!
Of Making the articksa a IttteleuS Of
a Ituron Comity, imiSetinl,- iii Whiell
exhibits. Conld be SUMO In. Aniall.
•'!'P.Iffkrilte roinus. ag the wools .repte,•,
Empire Loyalist8.whieb enn.$tiii bd '
,IPI*11-1(ildnurty-6,ther-inttqvgting:•-*---- --- '
exhibitS contained . in _Mr. ,,ilelirts....
eelleethni. : " ‘• .. - ,. -
.. 1.1 visfitillZe.:-,fhe'AeseriptiOnS• 4,.
tfilfigS i bil).-0::16ild..1.1111514.,atid thefts'.
„. „....`,. _,- . . ......"..! , .
• -4, additkii 'te the eutrigheden,•
.ationS, farmers '.'cit. asked . to .bring
p .
.4r; Any foirth pkodiloo-thosr- vim* to
-seli.. When this'ia SOld, the entire
• proceeds wijigo 0 lite,fitrinor et-
oept ,',for the two pet eeilt,:atietion.
o.er!B . fee# eitaigett: • .4niongiat the
, • .
items airead Set.-ifOr skid in this
. , . ..
,, ._,,, . .. ,.
: 4-t. one sPot, Cars affd..:trtteks•will' Monday, O.ctOber.";25th; so that the . ,, , Mat.. Miri, MaX. Min.
be '01(11, 'at another, farm ifmtle- seheduie Can 'be drawn bp. , Team Thum:* rP7ti,"14•..55 40 *0 .. 41 iiohltinent
tt tto ' 1. ' '.) -
meas., and. at 'a third, films and enptaing ',itn0 pi:40e their ,' entrieS Pri:`, Oet '1- .;,,, ,130 •'' 8 ri , tre
vegetables, * • . ' ' . , ' with either . the preeident. or. the Sat„.. -get, '10 ..01 •44 82* -57 cOlisel
p , ,
. • Snie Wile; listing' the-, nitinSi tilt, Aeoretatv.trensiiter,-t The lengtio Stot, :gel, 11. ,.50:. 83 ID' ' da rtal
•ferent itentia•to go on,„the auction* will .get under way , with the first Mon,, .0.ct, '18 .41 L., ar' . 7$ 02, been
eer% block„ :will be printed and' gainea'. on , Tneeday,„ NOVeMber 2bil, 'rilea., gef„ 10 ,,,,40' '01,' ' 68 ' ' 50 rXii,Wife:
distribtite0 ••earlY held • We0i0- ... . at 8,8o! Sharp, . . ' '.. , '• Wed., Od, 20 Ja ao. (Id ' :44 of,;(4oderieh.
. , ,
Atincuniceinent IS made of the tip-
of • r, ,O. ,S. I -0411S, Men-
' a a ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' en •
1.• g. vice-preSident and g eral
..efr• the' Canadian : Paeifi
wily toinpliny', ' Mt rhattrinta
_ . .
.N%fith the C.y,11, Plnee 1035..'
is. tile. fernier' Clete 'nays
. I..... , .0". . ,
„s4kic (Ted eft wet" pac.e:,
Meet on "the 1 Stiltford hill n -Omit TAniohg
disittalPe ITO 11 of... Godorioix anti
' ' .. t ' • -' A " ' "'• ci '
we, into ,• he di eb, The,,, , r
sla yoed• on it•Itill'ooli., init,the 'driver
.Sti 'bred liead,,bittg and was removed,
to' 'he hospital Or treatinent, The
trt :at WAS citiinaged te the ettent.Of
.ati nit ,I2'ne. ' ." :
all pha8es Of :pioneer We,
. the' • •PrOes:SeS A atti'd.
orticlos so illusti.ate0 Are -gPinli.ffig,
• td • W 1 ''' ' W 'Olt '" .A*4'1 . 1 tl ' '..
at env.ng, o -en v ,s, ...le,
pltim Scenes, 'With their.. liotSi and:
, .
PA* fiirg 11,feoefft, . 4ind0 .ot
thresIting,Maehiftetl*,11Ve ''N'int•VI, of
itialtilig...bAltterl,,,' -li .telieetiell, Of
ditiOlOk- ttAlt*Okistitlitit flitl•foliltitt ,nt
tohlk:0-tilom." :NOM,. 'SAUL .1•Xez, ,.
Wag'. hOrft lit atirOn. ,•enont.y; 'Mg, •
eellectiOtt • has been made in thot .:
' tl - ' ',a.' (ft* - - - 0 ---,
eo no, ii ould ilk , .to Item), -
if thereP' he fora' :Tho %Iiiiiil ctuti, '
Aff,'„Witile Attidedl otther onootbuv ,
. ..: .
'neeila.to be ,seeiVto be ,aytordoutto4„Pr
' ,1,11.0 ,00lieettott - Aso behtito idItti,.., -
Ateeoii*itotiiik sii,igiA.:•Viiii' 4,1.--.. •VA', -;,i,..: „.,,...