HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-09-30, Page 3• .- Met 1M4.4 1•19,.,„A0 traINTAB7DIgEOTORVI 411171:" HURON COUNTY250AE1140.5 7r WEEKLY - ODEBIOII, ONARIO. TIMRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th7 1948 Ci•E Tri.411X CilAUTE1ED ACCOU.,NTANT§ .w.„. sLu.'" OgAIMOREP. ACCOUNTAITr hone.No,---0111,ce B4SV House'343J • Goderieb,, ; 4te0.4N-N, • Accountant - 'Clinton Ontario •. one • -4741. Albert -:Street ACCOUNTING & BOORKEEPINGt _ MALCOEMIIATIIE1tF.. • INSURANCE Ffr' Aut�wobile, Liability, ete,, -• REAL ESTIVrg „ • Town and Farm Properties • • For satisfactortreSults in the sale or rental ,0 In* property' pot mAlicom- kATEttitp, ,wpst Phone' 1.15W Goderich samasiamileas A CO0U1sTillo i(K/IPKEE0,PXN41. sEnvIcii? .° • ' For Small BaSitiosSesv Stores', A449 BoOkiregping..Systenie Installed. ' Books Balancee•Monthly Financial Statements_ Busine and Persona ntoire'a ""T Returns . AL13111.1tV•SHORE ' Office; Corner North St and ACluare „Phone .95. Residence Phone 444., • A. wis • Optonietrist--Optician Elea. Examined, 'Cliaises Fitted -7Goderilihr-Onk-- •INSUIROCE Ittic.KILLat) • IC.LuTu.A.L. ,J,N- ▪ "" SUitA.NCE CO. T7 Farm and isolated town pro,pertY insured• • '-'1'11->rBsident, ()hris. Leonhardt, Born - • hoim;, Vine-Presiclent, Hugh ,under, Walton- Mgr. -and ,Seey--- Treas., M.4: Reid; Sea:forth • • • DIRECTORS Chris. .Leonhadt, "Bornholan;- Ilugh Alexander, 'Wal- • ton; Sara.- 11. Whinnore„ Seaforth, 'E, J. Trewartha.; Clinton; Robert Archibald, Seafortli; John 11. Mc- -:Ewing, Biyth; Frank, MeGTegez, Clinton; John L. Malone, -Seaforth• ;, Harvey Faller, Goderich. • ent0b1i E Pepper, Bruce- • ; George .A. Watt,,Blytia, Bat, . ; MeKercher, ‘,Prodhagen. Policy -holders can make all p , ig- • • moats and get their cards receipted •••-• art.hieltoyak. Bank-, -Glinton„;;.4' „ Cutt's- Grocery, Kingston Street; Goderich, • who ms,i.tront •$tinar* 60derldr USee Annstrang and see Metter* At•Lueitnow Arst 'Wednesday Of • each month: • , 1111111111.1111111111111111111111 • MEDICAL DE., F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, DE.• EAR, NbS.E, .THROAT Late House Surgeon New York • Ophthabnie•,-;:ancl-iii-frask4tal,„. • assistant at Moorefield Eye IlosPital •• and G61den Sqaare Throat Hospital, • EYES TESTED, GLA------ „TSES 'SUPPLIED : ,,• ' 53 :Waterloo Street S., Stratford. 'Teleph-one-267. Next visit ,Bedford Hotel, Gode- rieh, Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, 1948." at 2 p.m. till 4:30 p.m. CHIROPRACTOR-, AND" • DRUG - •"'•LESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 , OFFICE 'HOURS • Mon., St, Thur. -9 to 11.30 a.m.• 2. to 5 *p.m. (only • Tues. & Fri. -9 to 11.30 a.m. . -• • • 2 to,5 p.m. & 7 to S'p.m. Wed:‘-&-Sat".-9-to 1140. a:. Mineral ftunehatlas by appointment only. ON 51 South St. Registered under Drugless Practi- . tioners 'Act' for- the Province of Ontario. IEXPERIENCED 'AIJCTIONEFE DONALD BL • Licensed for .Cmmties of. Huron • and Bruce • RIPLEY. riloNE 49 •For information apply to J. N. Karldgban, Division Court Clerk, Onderich,:Otat. •' . EDWARD W. ELLIOTT- LICENSEILMICEIONEER 0orrespondenee promptly an- swered.•Inuneciiate arrangements -- can-lie made for Sales Date bx coutne . Charge moderate -and satisfac- • tion Guaranteed, • • 19tf moT pARNITIO TCO , 1 • '1 The fi;:st girl to, take flying les, sons at Sky, Har4ir Atr Seryiees ha's brought the total nanal)Or noW ,talp,ng lesSons--te eight, The girl is 'MISS Cenuie Laws, Arnierly or 4114 •new working; the 'office at ,Sky Harbor,;;Sb far the has hal. .one hour of dual inStrur- tion., , The others taking lessons • are Don Hastie, Ralph Seddon and,goin Lockridge, Arnold. Lil- loW, • 13lueVale; .Tom Wade, • Bel - •grave ; John Thompson; Settforthl i3ob Chisholm, GOderich. September20th Jelin Lahatti, of 'the Labbatt family*. London,' Visited- SkY Harbor to take dual inaructien. Almost •every, day or so ' Sky Harbor is visitedby one • oe....gote •,planes-froin."-a-clistance.---On-SnaL day k plane, heading from Bramp- ton to.RidgetoWn, which was forced •dewn at Blython Saturday, night by fog', came in ,for refueling. J. Watson, of Stayner, Who oPerates a -Ford,-,.garage-there,fievz-toAOde-, •riCh recently on a bnsiness trip. • All slimmer long Ihere have been plane's visiting SkY Harbor from many ientres, • including 'Toledo, Sandtisky and Cleveland, Ohio; Port Huron, Detroit' and Kalama- zoo, Michigan; Muncie, Indiana; •Ildraontonuelph, St Catharines, Kitchener, Toronto, Fort William, Espanola, Oshawa- and Little Cur- - rent. , • • • NEIGHBORS PRESENT •GTTS About sixty neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Young, Bayfield road, on Friday night' ;last • to bid. them farewell before their removal to their new 'home On Newgate street, Goderich, The evening was spent inplaying .ardt-and•rsocial-chati-daring--whieli. Mr., Writ. Elllett read an address and •gr, Dal/id Warner and Mrs. Walter Wallis made the .piesenta- titiiii-tcrMr.--raiti-Mrs.-Yodng- of- an eleetrie -table hunt) and *a . table re- flector. Mr. Young responded to •the presentation in a • pleasihg manner, after., which lunch Was Served. , '•'31,AROLD JACKSON ICENSED AUCTIONEER BIJRON AD tERTH _lea...forth Phone 11 -661, -or illarry-Vadirgraffelf,- •• phone -144 . • Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, ACeideiit and ',Motor Car Insurance OFFICE -MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH • WESTERN4 ONTARIO • MOTORWAYS Bus Scheditle Novrin Effect 'To •LONDON To STRATFORD 7.50 a.m.:• 7.50 aar'''' • 12.15 p.m. , 12.15 pa.- 4.15 p.m. 4A5 pan• . 18.15:pa. Bus to Stratford at 8.15 p.m. -Sun- days and holidays only. •. Sundays and holidays, the 12.1.5 bus goes to -Stratford only. • Comieetions at Clinton for London,- Wingbanir Walkerton, , Iiinelirdine, Port Mkt and' Owen • Connections at Stratford(for Wood- . stock, Kitchener, Guelph, ullamfd. ton •cind•Toronto. • Cotinectitiiis at for` Listow,e1 • • andlLondon. ••• " • Far information phone Regt McGee, • & Sons at 165. - 4.ngliSh-tnade mot ears are-% • TiifillarVitafeTtaiS in Goderich. So farthere • are • ',about sixteen owned in town, ac- , eoiding to local dealers. J. W. CitAIGIE INSURANCE •r -and REAL ESTATE. PAI0NE ;4 GODERICH ARE YOU HEADED FOR.. AN ACCIDENT? geek safety with adequate ear insurance coverage from • .,FROM RDON JEWELL • R.R. 0, GODERICH Phone Carlow 30-r4 INSUROR. E IN SUR* INSURAN .coNFOEitAnor4 LIFE FIRE --Preferred Wee 'ter • • . preferred, risisa. ACCIDENT •& •SICKNESS " . Phone 7r15 Dunganan imarminaany HONE AT CAPITAL THEATREP THE 47 Novi -Eddie Bracken and Priscilla, Lane Lane, in "Fun on a Weekend" • , • Monday, Tuesday, Weditestray-7,-Adult Entertainment. 'Tyrone Power, Joan Blonde% 'boleen Gray aid Helen Walker: Terrific performances by a top-flight cast mike this story of lie-feat'S-bestidramasywy±, "`NIGIITMARE ALLEY" Thurs. Fri. and Sat.-, ' tdgar Bergen, Dinah Shore, I.,.9ana Patten and Teehnitolr todu utcing Walt-Disneyys-n.owleature-lengtli- mtiSleal -Tartoori • with unique antributions- by your* favorite 'radio stars • "TUN D FANCY FREE' Coming-"Romanee on the Bigh Weii,-*s,", with • fleek Carson and Technleolor# • Malmo Sat and holidays' at Z.30 Paris * ajoiimmosollplaw. at eOrge,S' ,By mono -Watt reaches on, the Fir.0,111:6• ofit3f:ko• . PrIng, heading the. "w1:1,o''' )1,,thom teaoliers'!- this week, is 411t1Ve'et Ifort Erie, and is doing litS' • 'first•teaChing G.P,I. UclVE DaniatiSter i ., : is his alma mater and thhe-tablethat grades 10 and :.. • Rick Kan Who ., • VOrgOt kit d ........- " ' On Sunday last a•w,atin'welcoinetetierkit-j-' , ,.. 1. back to St. George's AnglianL'AvP 1.1.141bisB.A. degree,The . 'elturgh was extended by the reetor,, Rev. 11; H. Farr, to Rev, Canon H. 11 math.. and boys' P.T. keep him 31.,, Cody, M,A., LL.D., formerreetor busy- during, school hours -besides of St; Paul'S Cathedral; -Teronto,- basketball, Ira* and held,etc., in and also former president of the off hours. .. . • '3, UniverSity of Toronto, • A large (P.S,-Mr. Pring is an 'ex -sailor, cengregation ,' of qinerobers„ and 4vingsserved .for one year in the - ,• friends waP in attendance to 'bear' A.C.N.). ' ., , 4 ' •-• this well-known,. -and • eloquent ' 'Another teaeher 1a -is at .his clergyman. Under the leadership first' -sehook is Mr. „"Cliiipman, 4a of ProfeSsor A. 'W. Anderton, organ- B.Sc.A, graduate' of 0.A.C,, Guelph. ist ,and choirmaster, a full choir Like Mr. Ping, Mr.- • Chapman ‘m sang during the offertory the ...served • one year- in the ared ser - beautiful anthem "0 Saviour of vice (infantry). His cle. es- include Ire-Avi-l)r U"," -b -Y -Si .t-3-011,TY.-G I ---,,. Iiillivr BgfieliltUrAl be1,0 , nrer---,-,-for- . Canon Cody chose as text for his grades 9 and 10 ,and agriculture sermon the words of the partible for 9 and 10. „ found in Luke 12 20, 21 -"But God- ., 'Way up at the top of the school said unto him, Thou fool, this night (third . floor) resides Miss M. thy soul shall be required of thee: Smibert, a B.A. *graduate of West- triii-WlieSe """Sliiilritaire'757gS be; -eiii".-"Viirv'eFSitr"Idlida*.,'”Ifeldre' which thou hest provided? So is coming to Goderich five years ago he that layeth up treasure -for -him- she taught at Fenwick, Opt. 1 -ler pelf, (And is not rich toward God." ever increasing clasSes , include „This, parable, said the speaker, grades 10 to 12 comnierclal, and makes us shudder as Ave read, yet special commercial.. • , . it drives us to answer the challenge. Our next teacher, Miss Jamieson, .• It 'is a serious matter to call a hails from Guelph, and graduated man a• fool, the speaker continued. from' McMaster University with a -In this,parable, in winch 'Jesus 13. A.. degree in classics. This is taught 'the evil- of covetoesnesS, her first year at G.C.I.; before there was "wisdom in the folly", of which she taught at Stayeer, Ont. Ancient history for grade 11 and Latin. for grades 10 to 12 are the subjects taught by this new' teacher. • r- --- HEAR' NE:- HEAR *, ' ... Elections seem to 1)0 holding the spotlight at this time :of the year; and a.C.I., not to be outdone by the rest, have decided-to,laold theirs The nomniatininirbeen c aege 'greatly this Year, and instead of it committee choosing tlie candlr dat-es AO- Tun- :for Stuclentei-Council, each .roinn elected three ,represent- ativeTh s. en the conunittee ar- ranged these twentY-seven repre- sentatives in three parties, and ,now all is set for election day,'Monday, October. 4. Here is a list, of -those running for office: • - No: ' 1 -j -President, Erie Utilities; lst vice-president, Maree. Wall.; 2nd. the tille lot the soil who considered • material things over the spiritual. 'Jesus, 'did not condemn this pian • for . his ' riches, an .achievement - gained through brains, thrift and -farsightedness. • What the man failed to realize was that iu hiS hands lay only the, stewardship ot God' s- great ,bountk to, Iiim. --But • • TWO ANNIVERSARIES A note from Mr. John T. Ne,Welli Goderich old boTt who; has been er-maxrr"ygarsh-a-res ident-o'f- Tor,r, Onto, brings the news that he ob- served his. Seventy-eighth ,birthday •on.....,September,• .1.6th• ,and -he -and• Mts. Newell- had their golden' wed- ding day on the 21st of the month. The Y have a 'family of children, g-rwadchildreh . and greattgrand,- children, all living in the sanie sec- tion of Toronto. John saysall -are .- ingood healthineltidng himself _there_The"s,,Ava__ foo.. tarerliigtoick Things f.67 - life. ''''Vrnest life, is that which *Ponies from God," continued Canon, • C o dy. -sha bread aldne.' Illustrating his remarks by refer- ence to personal experiences, Canon •Cody recalled preaching in 'West- minster "Abbey vhere he gazed upon the Poets' .-Corner,-poets • who sought to set souls free, -and then_ 'sighted 'the tomb. orDavid Living- stone, a man who had -no stecks, or 0*r- :Vlee,i-:-.PreSident,,,,,,...1-41,41..3Y,9stbregic 6 men," said Canon Cody, `:knevir secretary, 'Marilyn .Butler; treaS- what, life as , ' erer, Marjorie Overholt; committee •Forgot. 111s Soul • -Florence .1Indson, Lionel Arbour, 111-8- Vd:-Tiffner"", • ITifiTignir, soul for his body.: Too _he ci-ntlila Young.'" • -- , time with eternity he acted -tits 2---Presideet, Marima Reis-; • ,theughVa _possession as Of stly_ st N;ie(ilire dent, 4.4eMaire more moment than -- stewardship ;- 2nd, viee-preSident, Joan ,Metiges1-) he thought selfish l'etii.ement would• Secretary,-.- Ruth Irwin ;- treasurer, - •bring him ase., Then, as now ; •Charles flawtherne .conimittee,, _Ted' Nelsen; • J-Oon-ChaPinan; Frank- Little, Ann Willis, :Bob Hays. • No, 3 -President, Judi EQd3' 14 vice-president, Shirley 'Robert- son ;• 2nd vice-president, Den Holmes ;. secretary, Maxine Oke; treasurer,. Marion Bogie; cominit: tee -:-Barbara *Fisher, Ted Howell, Mary Lou' Mathiesoe,. Ted Fulford, 31 D01111flarnmill. •- "17"-114-ifFr'VRACK7:,-110Yr-,-*-''' * alined • 10, C county court ActiQo fr ,Accident Bast of Auburn. feast' wintpr After an allqiejr hearing pin. a, sdciaI Session Of the CountY CoUrt; On Friday last, Judge T. M; Costello •reserved 'judgment in the, action ter total stated damages', GP^ $3,900' brought by Carl and ,:•William Govier agalar(ledrge Cowan, all ,faaixnerS, of, East,Wawar., nosh, township; 'This 'wtIS. the only case on the list. ' • The,. action arose. froni a motor accident at `9" p.m., December ifith, 1947, when the plaintiffs,- standing oat the southerly half of the.County highiiray between 'Auburn and. -11)Yth:, car owned by George- Cowan and driven by. William Cowan. Carl Govier Sustained a triple fracture of the left foot; and William qpvier, ifijiwies to his left 1eg.L. •,•-•Willitinr-Govier-testified he Was 41, passenger in. the back seat ,of the car, which stalled in the snow, • He* was standing beside it when the tar of the•defendant swerved to- ward him, and ..struck him. He was in Wiligham hospital 'eleven -days, and. later cOnfinecl to his home. " He Said he had to sell stick before they were ready forintirket- ing, because of his 'disability and lack of heIP, • • • Provincial • Constable Charles, ,Salter, who investigated the collis- ion, said the night was .cloudy and cold, the temperature •yegistering below' Z01%). • It was sir cold, be stated in •reply to a question by plaintiffs'. counsel, Frank Donnelly, lc:C., that the gas tank in his new police ear froze up. 1C4:5 -Wan, ,son of George •Gow-a,n And palm% Were proceeding home , from Blyth. There was "consider- able iceon the rdad. He did fiot . • , See the-Goviei. Ear until lights were turned on, and did net know it..was • not in motion. He • tried to hold t Listen to the • ONTARIO— STOCK. YARDS • BULLETIN , every Tuesday morning ,CHNX,-920, 7.30 and we Ilene to see him in Gode.. idlenes.. s was mistaken for enjoy-. rich again soon on one of his fre- quent visits to his old home town. ••••,..• 4111111=11.111111111111.....1141111111111, SHORE & GINN Electric Wiring anct Repairs t87 West.St., Phone 574 -,Ler abovM Agnew Surpass store, • Phone. 119.9. • •632t1 went. „2, . • Cautioning those . who . contem- Pate. retiring,. -Canon 'Cody.. marked, "Be sure yeti have a good hobby, or expeet to'tme your former •talents • to some .extent." George -Bernard Shaw put itthis way • "The essence of hell is a perpetual holiday." •• • can -the -foolish -body be. irliTenrittoirrestlorretrttre,-Ik.fretitt, Read in reverse_thejnistakes • •,ina.n in • the parable. Place life before things ;place - the -soul -before •the, bOdy • eternity before time; stewardship befere selfish..posPes- • sion;: and Gpd ..before oneself." PRIZE-WINNING_DoGS Two sisters -ef the cocker.spaniel from the local Wasson kennels whith W11R given CIS a special prize at the pet parade in July were on eXhibition at the recent Canadian National Exhibition • fit Toronto•, One was best of breed in three of five sneceSsive. shows. •The other sister was five times first in five ,shows and reserve winner in one. Both have been sold to breeders at Ottawa. our N�se • Spoils'Sleep Tonight' • 'Surprisingly fast; Vagtn-noi WOrksrighr where, troubleis to operfu p yOur clogged 4 nose -relieve stuffy Sztansient-:conges- irkA4ontiAlie4RAVVAttrin (NOTE: Ara:tr.-0-001 is also grand for a relieving sniftlyoneezy distress of head •, colds.) FollowAirectioqs in folder. , • • A•le4A, Dicqk Make Breathing' Easier -Invites Restful" Sleep 1\1 • • • • • DERICH rA)TILIO ancina-very Saturday Night spEciAt BANDS • Thanksgiving Weeken Safurday, 9ctober 9th Alf. Tibbs and. Ills Orchestra undo Midnight,. lactober lOth 12.05 Johnny Downs aott Ills Orettestra • origi Planned, for September 29, has been moved to Thursday, the 30th, so that the Lions Midgets might play ball at Fort Erie on Wednesday and -.attend the track meet on Thprsday (if they aren't too tired) ECIAL EVENTS AT NORTH ST. UNITED CHURCH, _ . • _. Sunday last •wat Rally Day in I North street United church, when Members of the church school wor- Shipped with the Morning -congrega- tion. The minister, Rev. C. Wes- ley .Cope, spoke on the theme "For - Ward with Christ." The church •schoOt superintendent, Mr: Ir. 5. -Turudr; told the story "The tlaniti .and the Silver Bird." Members of the , primary department s'ang:' :two numbers, "The Disciples' Song" ••and 'Good.", Three beys, froni ',the prima& department '-re- citeir the Ten , Coniniaudinents. Sixteen •'boys and girls •. -were pre, .sented with° Bibres.• •• the evening dads and • their ads • worshipped together in a Father and ',Son -service: The min- ister's subject was "Three Downs for. Ten- Yards." Ile was assiSted by gr. pm Thorneloe, a candidate Church and a _member of the North streetcongregation, who; after spending the summer as a student', missionary in the Labrador, had ' just returned to ;ills home here. ,•Mr. -Thorneloe 'rend • the Scrip'ture lesson and gave the pastoral prayer. The choir, under the dirpction .of, Mr. Alex. Clark, -rendered the an- • them "Just for Today," by Bowles. •• Father and Sou Banquet Fa t hers, a n d theirsons ,gathered at the chnrch on Monday evening, for a Father and Son banquet. (inc hundred and twenty -live sat down atthe tables. The giest speiftE, NV:IS RV. secretWy of the Ontario Boys' Work Board, ,AV,he thrllied:hik audience' ,with his tion of a growing boy's needs, Atex.- • MacDonald .rendered a euphonium solo, and George Buchanan directed ,singsong with William, Wickett itt the piano. 'Rev. 0. W.' Cope was the chairman for the evening. BRIDE-T0=11E ENTERTAINED A' surPrise-patrY for Miss-Abner:lea •Steep, .bride of next month, was • held at the home of AIM Wm'. Mc- Taggart, Mary Street, on Friday evening. Contests were held and during the evening' the guest of , honor was presented with a nublimr of viscellaneous gifts. , 4 dainty /lunch was served by the hostesses, ,I Mrs. Reg. Bridle and Mrs. Wo. MoTaggart, assiated by ,Mrs. Bud, Crabb. his <Orr from going into the.ditchi /s• • eallie abreast of the Govier ON Pu c 'is car Q 0 r g 44 thought he boa chains. on: DonnellY, submitted in' argu- meat that •"the- evidence showed - negligence on tb,e part of the de- fendahts; and claimed, • dainagea •ShoUid be awarded tile„plaintiffs for lAtin and -StIffet/ngi' leSS Suataine4 hi the ,'-sale :of -..cattle„. 'and' out-of- pocket expenses. J. D. Hilton of ,, the Att,Oraey-• Generals DepartMent, coensel for the defence, -claimed DO evidence hadbeengii,Ten_ proving an. exceS- si,Ve 'rate of *seedl, that the, Plain» tiffs'shad been negligent in placing themselves in the path of•the Mr; thafvhis clients „should. not Pen" altzed for the lower 'price received by the:plaintiffs at the time the17, sold the Cattle. , This is the tirst, time in Huron County Court that a...defence coun- sel'„ trona the Attorn6y:Genera1's pfirtfrient Ims_appeared-undeeth new, regulations. WORKED ON BUILDING - GUELPH -CODERICH LINE • Conductor • William •Kellett, Glielph who retired last Week after fortyltivo years of .service 011 the C.P.R., began his long railway career with a . construction train on the Guelph-Goderich , line, then being ,put• through. lie was a supply -train bralcepa,an' for a year ancLa.,thalt wt.,. helped' all. hrough the -laying Of steel between Milver- ton and Goderieh. 1 • • .'N'E PAS1RY, CitlitS an OVICi$--111,0411 DA111,43t• • Watl'4 this spate each weck • for Specials. • A. . WEEK -END • SPECIAL GOLDEN CHIP cAKB. • I • 3-04. each I:4114V PEI,IVERIt TO •• .VOULDOOR • Phone 184W B. sEATiqx,. Prop., KNOX. .CHURCH The opening' Meeting of lhe Can- ' adian GirlS in Training KueX Presbyterian church. was held ' in the 'form of a. wiener roast On Tuesday night of last week'. After the meal the foliovVingfofficers Were eleeted' for the new toxin: dent, Shirley Young; vie -president, Janet Samis; secretary, Evelyn Mc- • cabe;, treasurer,. Marlon &anis; Pianist, Catherine MacDonald. Mrs. McNevf conducted '.;,the initiation of new Members, assisted by Itobena • Grant and June- Sparks,- The ' paeeting closed' With taps, tYour *vice for PkIii:up and Delivery • . We can handle all your cleaning problems Godetiob French." AT,1,..:t • C.... R. LOWERY, . • GODERICII, Wm' •••••;,.•••••••••••• T'-`75t:Z;Z.(•‘•'" •aig•RO We believe... mak. 0 FOOD STORE OFFERS /gnitgk Dee, 011169 TI/Clesg ,0,40 ISTABUSHED ' ^S, -GOOD NEWS. NOT NOT2... BUT NEW MEMBERS OF THE A &P'S FOOD FAMILY A oulkuiviltobo.dt AT A SAVINd, t ' I •-• ••••-.••••6 15z tinS , QUAKER CHINA PAOK'AGE OATS cliCk AYtMR • TOMATO CATSUP • 5KIshr, No. CFIOWN OREtHlii4 CORN SYRUP .::!cl‹.eve • SALNION, ..J.ELLY POWDERS. JELLO pLEANsaFt 'OLD DUTCH OLD eNO,Ltsti • PASTE WAX' , A & P FANCY Ott. 'JUICE ' •• v, I -are la et. • Pkg. *';.• ANN PAGE -WHITE or BROWN • MILK BREAD - 21!: 100. A & P CUSTOM GROUND ROICAR COFFEE ibe 510 •GREEN GIANT, FANCY, UNGRADED GREEN PEAS ' ' 224.);:. 350 P CHOICE • TOMATOES -• ' ANN PAGE. OVERSEAS PARCEL Bd. 17 1"*. •- FLORIDA MAIISW SEEDLESS No. 1,96's •r for • ram CAKE. FMB CANADIAN OLD, -CHEESE tj Tins 370 3-1b. ran Cake A ei/.1 lb. 470. & PIRUITS and VEGETABLES • ONE l!RICE. NONE HIGHER [if RKESAfiltstkeiikiffigt?4,AWW EXCELLENT FOR EATING McINTOSH RED COMBINATION GRADE 6 -qt. 6ask. &E. 3 "25c WOLF RIVER 011 ALEXANDER' , POO bOOKIN'a h" COMBINATI,ON. ORADE• 6"CIL 'balk. 49c „WEALTHY 7- BRITISH COLUMBIA 1FANCY GRADE 3 fbs. 25c 16.7°1. 2,90 4 '•-• a •LUSCIOU$,FREESTONE, No. 1 aaaaa, 0 no PRUNE PLUM ' • „ , OyiotEtri' 90 bask. * - 390 fi.0„.111C....sitotroc..EEns •,sHAMI:toOK' SKINIASS ' Aljrgablea 40117.' e WOODBURY'S 'FACIAL • SOAP • okes 28c . •••••••,•••••••