HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-26, Page 6• M .,oTM,rA4 A' 411.PURN► A;ug, lt%:- 1 lss Iiel'n Merra11, 'oro Oto, is visiting her 'aunt) 1411$0117m. Iteherton. Mr*, J, Choiiint '.t'orputo, is heli- 1aYi g ''with, her .parents, Mr.; and Mrs. j, Q. Stoltz, ' • NM. i'. Ross rand Donald are visiting the former', brother, Mr, E. 0. Duff`, and Tars, Dttff ext Jeaw- in,gton, , . Airs. Roberton, 'Mrs. 1'V P, clril1gr Lix� 'j`husz, McNall and Mrs. liueeshaw •attended the district Wo- men's institute picnic at tloderich last "week. �. There will be a - special service in Nnox . United church under the auspices of the SttuditY school next. Stunlay at 8 o'clock pan. rte%. 1Vni, Fingland; D.D., of Niagara Falls, •*ill be guest ',speaker. Westfield ethic choir will provide special Inusie. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dawson, of Detroit, called '-on forluer acqua nt- ance,s here last weep. 111x; Dawson is the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Jag.. Dawson. Peach `ol: Mrs • Johp eta y aE ) Death has:claimed d a rlected resi- cieut • in the person of Mrs., John Raithby, who passed away in erode- rich hospltal-' on Monday morning after a lingering illness, MrS. Raith- by was eighty-one years of age. She was formerly Matilda. Lansing, `thrtightes of . t iic late--1)ai i1 Margaret Lansing, formerly of Pic" - Ion. Subsequently they moved to Hnliett township, to .the farm now occupied. by Sidney .'L:EpsAng. After her marriage to, John Raithby some fifty-eight. ',years ago they •• farmed in this community until, Mtheir 're- tirement to• the village. r.'Raith- by• passed away ten years ago. Mrs. Ttaithby, while health permitted, was asi' active and devout member of thea• Baptist church and Ladies' Aid. Surviving- are two- sons mid, one daughter. Earl, of (ioderich, Frank, of Auburn, and Mrs. Stanley Johnston, of Auburn. - elft ivaq...�. bothi wartime taxes trade-marks''(mean till same thing. and orders. - Authorized bottler • of Coea-Cola under` -contract ivitit coca -Cola Ltd. -� ..„ �<, -„p : .14t111ia; a Aug:x:24'=Thresh'in'g• le -the: order of th'e'day in, this community. • It 14 -hard to get a , machine and .when you do it somethnes, happens that -two come_ - a -t -once, __and_ _ thio mikes it hard to get bands,•'wbich are scarce at any time Church se vice will be usual tittle xt Sunday, with R g , ,well and .Alvin Derr. There., were fourteen flower -bearers to :Carry the numerous • and lovely,hewers. .Nephews and_cousins acted in his capacity., Mr. 'and Mrs. Albeit Thayne and Mamily,l)f'Tordnto,• were -up -to attend- the funeral of Mr. Girvin, also Ernest: Girvin -of Tor - .onto.. Mr. Chtirles Girvin, son of • d could not be located KINGSB1 IDGM, ;Aug, g4.-7eers. 'Williams,• Mr.s. James Bowler, Mss. T lizabeth Bowler, And:firs. Eeley, all of Toronto, are Yislteis with Miss -Stella Dean, fol; a. few 'days, MTV. Cavell -Hansford attended the funeral of n, .r:ein,tiye iu $trat ford on Saturday. Mr,,- and Mrs, Tons Drennan .of Goderieh are `visiting • with .Mr. a•xd •.•e nan. , Mrs; . Ed: Reynolds of Ialxiilton is visitixtg- with Mr. and Mrs. Nuke, Martin. Joseph I.' Sulllkan and 'Mr. Walter Dalton of. -,Detroit and Tui Joye attended , the' funeral of the late Mrs,. Thos. `Garvey, Messrs. Thomas'and Frank Q'Con- nor of Detroit are visitors with. Miss Stella Dean,' u' , :V:lrs. P. Vogt and• Mrs. Art Riber of Detroit are holidaying with Jelin And Frank Sullivan. Miss `Catherine Kenney of De- troit is visiting friends ,in.. the vi1; lager•. Messrs.;:• Antbrose aacl Frilnli Hoglan. and .Pert Martin of Hainilton were here for the •gl}rden, party on Monday. The funeral of Mrs: Thomas -Gar- vey,,, on Saturday was largely . at- tended; ,showing the high esteelii in which she' was held in the . corn= Wally to the,,_sorrowing relatives. Successful Garden Party. — The garden party held on the churhh grounds .on Monday. evening was a decided success, from both a social ,fiance a financial point of view. With the wholehearted co-opei•'ation of the parishioners and -the Mile man agement of Rev. Patrick Sheridan, it wag an evening to 'be well re- membered 'is a . pleasant one. CREWE 'CREWE, Aug. `?3. ---Miss Norma Sherwood is visiting with friends Marian Ross • of Lucknow spent the past week with Norma .Sher- wood. Mrs. Will Alton and Wendell, of Winghtim, • were week':end visitors with Mi;, and Mrs. C Grolier. Misses Joanne McLaughlin of D,e-- troit and Aiiiie G'hamriey.,of •Be1-., fhb ,decease '' ta�re.espen-t S.}turdlty with Mr and_ Funeral: of 'Roy Girvin.--One of 'as he, left about `two weeks ag�to .Airs. „It. 'Finnigan. • the stiunnrals-- ee•n f -or -many- :o-salii�ng-fibe--sympnthy--of--the -Miss Shirley,Sherwood; who spent -ears 'in. this section Was that' of -eoinm nt1 r is ex-tend'ed -a to- the „the last two: month's --in Goderich' at.. ., -" -..l, ., ,e .... ... .:: e ... , oy Gir'�in; who tvas killed in a ieiea�ed ft[ Il;�• "111 tifi1S veryk °And toe Ventis, rettifileiT'hifi�Se-S"tittidfiy`" car accident• at Brucefield on Tlnirs= affair. Mrs. Girvin, who was fir 'evening. day of hist week. • The funeral .ser- the car with her r husband, is -still ' Airs,' Marie Gran'at•�'of Hamilton is vice- was conducted by' Rev.. C. W. in the hospital in Se;iforth •. in . a visiting this week with her brother, Cape Of North street -United church, critical condition. Their daughter, MI G. A. Durnjn.• , Goderich, in the absence o- Blue- .` S. i't`s: ' Soh es lake- 11ir-.. nni-_A1 -iIsabell., also IS rs._ Jack., (nrran..a PORT IM ILL PQklit'S HILL .A . 2$,•:--l'be Cbmmuuity Club • held its August meeting at the, home ' of `Mrs,' Arlie Lockhart on . Wednesday last,t h' a °'fair attendance.. Mrs. J. A. Tor- . ranee, president, was in. charge, It' was de4icied to piece a 'quilt for Sale, and, Also to "have' an afternoon tea alW1, bake .rale on Wednesday after, noon, August, . 25, at the horde of Mrs. . ;John Torranee.4 After the meeting -Was brought to -a close a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. • Mrs. Jas. Lockhart spent a feW days at the homes of 11i!r, and Mrs Glenn• Lockhart, Clinton,, .and: Ur. and Mrs. It: E. Bowden; liolmesv'Ille, Lois Rowden returned,.. with her grandmother for a few hedictfiys. HaLMgSVILLE• , HOLMESVILLE, Aug. - g4.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, Brantford, called on friends in the village,last weep, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson and family moved to,their newhome last weep, Mrs.: E. C,* .Ross, Goderieh, and' her sister-in_law, Mrs. L. Symonds, anad'Wayne, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J. B. MacMath on Thursday. Miss . Eileen Glidcloj spent - the week -end " with friends of pit. Brydges. Rev. and . Mrs. S. Mine and Ethel, of Fords -with, are visiting Mr.. E. Hayward who -wasy aw.en_ boli- • in'the hospital with broken ribs and family were-unday evening visitors' held at the days: The pallbearers were ' Geo. a' badly bruised' shoulder. Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Min Gilt ran of ev. Rutled e Hei'.b. Stothers, 'Reg. ;Westlakegot off with only a few- St. Iielens. S. E Hayward in charge. Ryan, Henry Matthews,- Will Cald-'bruises: Pen -pals -Meet.--Miss Eci,.na-Rivett :•.__, 4 -met '•helpen-•pal;- i -i , Do•reas--Sillery 'And 443. '. Trowi tMa. " d[r. and Mrs. pharles Oudzn re, Wha have spent the past fow weeks Tor"ontot, 0.allefl on flriends byre. On Sunday. Mks'.. (Dr.) 331.ben'Alexauder, 'Knox, Vi11G, ,Tenn.,,ls visiting Mr. and Mrs. .. W, Trewartl a, Clinton, and other relatives in this vicinity,' 11f rS. Smith, G.04,erieb, who spent the past• few weeks with hey ,niece, miss Dell Finlay, Tetirrned home on Saturday. , The many friends 'of Mrs. 'wm,, -Mepliuehey alae -so rn site: has been -ill; but hope she will soon be••feeling better: IMNMII+LER, Aug. 24,r --The Wo- men's Association will,: hold. their regular monthly meeting' on Septern- bber 1. Airs. S. Vanstone, Mrs... Girvin Young and Urs. A.,Iran-' stone are hostesses. . Sir, and Mrs. J, Huller . and Mr. and Mrs. adkin of I3olmesville visited • on' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A Vanstpne. : Mrs: Walters and 'FioSrd• spent last week with. Mr. and.; Mrs:,. Leslie 'Jervis, -Iolmesvilie, • The young '.people's class, with, Mrs. Durst, Mrs. Dunbar and Mr. Rpss Fisher as leaders, conducted a well prepared serViee on Sunday in Benmiller church, with the choir .as'sisifng in the service of song. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kilpatrick had `guests from Toronto at- their Sum- mer um-mer:home in Benmill'er "iiver- .the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Sieheg of Windsor called on their relatives around Ben= miller .recently. .� Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Hayward. have returned from their holidays and Mr;,Hayward will conduct the ser- vices next Sunday as usual; Mr; and Mrs. ,i. Goocl and Gloria and Mr. and :1lrs. Fred. White and family spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Hayward have AA-. from their holiday.. they_ report leaving bad a' lovely time on Lake Erie, holidaying. at Port Stan- ley,.Amherstburg, Colchester, Kings- ville, Point Pelee 'National Fark; Leamington, etc. , Mr.. Hayward will be in-charge'.of- the services op the 'Nile-Benlnilley charge 'on Sunday, August. 29th. The -pi'tblic life of any nation ' de- pends-upon-thexpri hate -•Lives. -of -:those.. who run it. -- - of 1~;seter, who with her sister Alma called to see Edna last Sunday and visited i -1 h r,for twoilay-s: .2zhen• Edna went, back with thein td' visit at Auburn and Exeter for tile rest of the _meek; ��w ;..r •.,5, .Meeting.—The • ladies of Crewe •W:1LS. held their 'Apgust meeting at the, 'home of •Mrs. J: Sher wed ortthe ;everiin;'cif._Yh ttst 12, with -an attendance .of seventeen ladies and girls. The program ,NNP _'in.' charge of the president, Mrs. .7.inii, and after the devotional, period. readings were given by Mrs. Berger, 1+'alna Rivett, Mrs. Gladys •Rivett, Mrs. H. -Treleaven, Norma Sher- wood and S,ttzanna Fines. 'Instru- mentals were rendered • by ,Nornia .'he rwood. Mrs, Alma-Fines--a-ntl Mrs. J. Sherwood. There wer so re- - - ports- from 41l1 the heralds .n temperance readingby Mrs. S. Kil- patrick-. --The-ttreetti'ig' closed with a :hymn and the benediction by the ..president. . eo le urs e. ha iness. Others create it. I utchinson s' 'Radio• SOrvico Full stock of parts carried; at all.ti. a Guaranteed ms, repairs to. all types',. ,' of radio equipment.. Pia -up and delivery 82 Huron Road. Phone 264 .GODERICH 'MEMORIAL • ',SHOP ,. NEWEST ' ,DESIGNS BEST OF MATERIALS . . . Guaranteed worlgiianship at Prices that will please you. SAVAl ALL. W.G17NTS PDEp Cali at our office: or 'drop Us R, line to lox 161, Qoderieb, We will be pleased to call and help , choose• a suitable -memorial 'for your family plot. • R. A. SPOT'TON. St. Andrew's St. quality of the ' candid• •wedding (photographs we have. made. They are a remarkably fine. adjunct to our formal studio photographs. 'Please 'phone and let us explain our • t Milan. We're sure it will please you. Quickly helps to clear up .these blemishes leaving skin soft and smooth. Proven over 5O•years. _.. __. ... „ No -extra charge for the use of jury Funeral Eome., -Torun: to Street Prompt - Ambulance Service Phone 335 • Iteg. 365 • or 7 ELGIN and VICTORIA PHONE 234 GODERICH Brophey s Service The'ogxca� Choice lime Who is the :Best al, a• ' Most 11 ' e ate . 'Price ' Helps to cleanse impurities:.:from_.the body and tone up the digestive organs. It has helped thousands who suffer ,from dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or minor con- plaintsof the liver or kidneys. `-It should do'the same for you. On sale, •for more than" 60 years, Burdock Blood. Bitters is available at drug counters everywhere. , The -,T. Milburn, Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CANADA has a banking 'system'” which, fol- :efficiency and dependability, is unsurpassed in the world. Competitive, flexible, adaptable 87. West St.-," Phone 574—or above Agnew'Surpass Store, Phone 1199. -OW. series Canada's producers. her industries, tier traders—axed it serve; your personal needs, too- . ,p• customer has to fear for the 'privacy of • bis regular banking transactions. This privacy 'is completely free of political pressures lir consideratiots —it is rooted -in -Canadian. ,inling-Fractice and tradition. .'�l,i!d.5!t7i`r4§�{�N,WA•'4��,i,."".'w.�'�;�4,i'3S.t"CV. fvmau With Undamaged Hides'.and According To Size and Condition ,Cows up to MOO HQlrses . up to $7.O0 Hogs. (3O.1bs. each) $2.O0 Plus '.$2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional weight ..ry • AT YOUR FARM - .. - 'Phone Collect - •• 910rt6 'CLINTON • 21 INGERSOLL' 390W Seaforth 936 21 Goderich • WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL -CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1870 FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR CURRENT PRICES °MIND _. Ca'n�irrl�t"�th'�`��-�trrt+arilcs;�r•vway. with:•condilionslrt• [ands where freeclom is cleniecd-Where emery' bank is a political 'tool, V every banker a State. Proposed afficial ! Sta'Monopoly no�Iol�r. ,of banking,o h o . , by..S..ocialists:..bore,. _wot id.x_fasten..the. Marx .sf � :'... . foreign pattern on' yo'u� ;.: -. ._. 'e: A cellaente happen in a Os b..1f Vitt:aro not flaw shred, repayment Tinay Cost igp1 your he Q,•' ' ui• � savings or months of income: Let u s explain Pilot , Antomobilc ineursncoto yofl,, It 'costs' o costs id `9 'wr to Pilot Inetiranep to cover .elected riiiir# `fn Automobile • Fire, Person*1 Prepper't/ F1i oitbr, Bur61ary, Pluto Gloria, Public Liability and other gerieriil' inetlr, fl . r :.,. • Geo tli MacEWan, Goc1eriie`ti -, •Gorti'onr Tercel; -11.R: - 6, 'tloderi9h.• ; CONTE W. A TD µ LOOK :THEM OVER.. tl .s .__Precis on. t