HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-26, Page 31 Awl Q,FIQST A 301st 4B.. • 'H ' ODERICIL ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AITOVST 26th, 19:48) .4,, • PA :111,I3E(fttigi iW.T.AINESS 3?14114TOBY CHARTERED IACCOILINTANTS W. CECIL ATTALDGE. '7- CH,A.11•TERED ACCOUNTANT Phone 01:fice 343W. 'House• Goderieh. ' ., ,-----•!--7------ 1Pt,, G. Mee/ANN,' • . Adcatmt•ant , Olintoni coutaria ),,, , Phone. 4763 4: • . Albert Street ACCOINTI.NG 81., Booluirzer_ou ---,---------7----------, ;A ccouNTilsTo 4, BOOKKEEPING, 116•'• -•••• ,,,stavAvii1 - • , raT .aman Bustnesses, tt.:kres; late. 4,------r"--k--44-. Bookkeeping Systems 'Inistalleci.„ • ' Books Balanced ;Monthly,: Financial Statements •' Wage Summaries ' • Business and Personal Income Tax i . • - Seturas %- ALBERT silo= Office : Corner Worth St. and Square Phone 975, Residence Phone 144. ,. .• 11SISI.JRAN4JE • - • IltteKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- •aITRANCE'.CO. Farm 'and ipolated 'town property insured: President, Chris. Leouhardt, Born - •holm; Vice -President. Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Mar. .and SKY- Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth ,, • DIRECTORS - Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; • Hugh Alexander, Wal- tOni Sam. II., Whitmore, Seaforth, - J. Trew.artha, ' ,Clinton• Rabert, Archibald, Seaforth; John Ewing,• Blyth; ktank McGregor, Clinton;LJoini L. Malone, Seaforth; Ilarve,y Fuller, daer410: , Agents--JoIL E Pepper, Brucer field, R.R. 1'; George A. Watt, Blyth, • 'it -.111•--.-'1;. Fii1fly MeKernher, • Dublin, R.R. 1; J. F. • PreWiT • Itrodhngen. . • Pm' nients andIer,theirrgardw-i&n'ipted" • at the Royal Bank, 'Clinton; Keith„ --Otittig,i:,Orneeryi,, fg PAP n Street, • Goderieh, MEDVAL ' EAR, WOS10;.-THROAT Late Houie- --Surged-xi -i,::Noiti! York - - Ophthalmic . and Aural Hospital s sista iitat Moorefield Eye Hospital '.and" Golden Square T1roatIrel,P1411.; •„ .,• London, England. - .. :. • EYES •TESTED, GLASSES - •• •• SUPPLIEI)• 53 Waterloo,. Street S.,'Stratford. Telephone -267. • • • . . • Next visit 'Bedford.*•Hotel, Gode- ' • I •.: ,Opo. 0.0Macgwa_ Fire, -Aiicidentand • Motor Car -, c , at 2 pan. till 4.30 p.m.. 4 _ .OLM 1IATIIERS. ISSURANOB Fir'. Automobile, Liabilltt, ete Rria. ESTATE TNT and Farm, Properties , For satisfactory iesults in the' 'sale -or rentabof your property , (.list it with VIALCOLX VIATILE.BA. ' WEST T. Them) 115W OoderiCh A.L'COLE -'00tOmetriatr,rOptileian,: Eyes Examined, Olassea Fitted' Phone 33 • Ooderich, Ont. . F. T. Armstrong . . OPTICIAN and OPTOKETRIST 4- Squaw • Goderich 1- •-"See Armstrong andSee BMW', Luelmow first.:Wednefiday of ' each month, Jeffie cces Big AftHernoon -of ,Fun, And Fxob .Pro-Vided for. ' ..Large.,gathering ° A spirit of •goodfellowship and hospitality was felt everywhere in .Jowett' s Greve, Ilayfield; On. Sat- urday afternoon when the ,annual DIVAICO picnic was held' by the Dominion Roach 4achinery Coin - pally, attended by 175. employees and im *nal „number of members of their families and guests. • Air Vice-Maislial J. A. Sully was everywhere directing eve,nts, and there were no dull naonients. The Children Were` made happy with'giftS uppliei.1 gratis by the ,,Cdtapany, and there'were free soft -drinks, ..ice cream and chocolate bars to 12e had for the asking. Mrs. J. A. Sully .was in -char.fife of the arrangements for the supper pl'oVided. by Mr. Stilly and the Com- pany. It Was a bountiful one, .and was keenly enjoyed • by the •pic- viekers:-- Rev. Richard Stewart of :Landon, •I.ilxrimEWED .AucnollErm DONALD B. BLUE 'Accused for Counties' of Huron-- •and Bruce. . . RIPLEY, PHONE .49- •' For information apply to J. N•. Hendgban, Division"Court Clerk. €144,erich;•thst- ,„._. ......-. • EDWARD W. ELM= " ..„_.,“pipsiswit.M04),LsZER_ Correspondence7promPtly ai,- Swered. *mediate arrangement's -can.,be-macle--for-Sarei Dat_bY±. .411114 'Mine 203, ;1211.hittin. • Charge Moderate and satisfac-, •.thinGrnaraite.ed„. • ' • ' 39tf • termer' Minister of Knox Presby- lerian Church, who with 'Airs, Stewar4 Pick, `and David WaS, Listen to the ONTARIO' STOCK MOS • BULIXTIN . featuring WALLY FORD • every Ttiesday morning CKSX, 020, 7.30' .• Ammifilmoimmimiumoilio Low Raii leifes • To The - CANADIAN-NV*11MM. I HAROLD JACKSON AiletNSED• AUCTIONEER 'HURON AND PERTH-. Sgaforth Phone -11461 -Or Harry Edwards, Godefich; Phone .144 . EXHIBITION XiIONS 0001M'AGAIN AT SECOAD OARNI1rAL MOM 4104, chorp411 a -019, ,The_000.0),UW-loions_Cinh.scpred., 1403.te eon" another success when the varPtval• Mitt, warinly, expressedthe thankrif Frida night In Of the empleeeS Itud tO w" reljeaed'' on for tlie ge'orous aetta. Court Housq Park, under the direc- tiens „made brIaluiseig and the Cern-. don. of the president, It, G. Sandel:- pitny to: the success' of the, inenle.on. oanies were„Well* Vli•froi:' In: reply; Mr, SollY said it was sub - great ptivitep to havegam. lied, and- the ISieceed4 ..sub- ering.. Ile felt the`pienie proinoted 4, fine spirit and thanked'theinfor Coming to it:. He cOnelnded by WiSh- “thq hest of Inek,” All. jolted hi singing ",For ; He's ,Jolly Goad Fellow,” and the popular i president ivas tiCeorded three rousing cheers and ti A singsting of Popular airs for adnits. and, children ,marked the sapper •hour, "with accorfipaliiment onthe plane. accordion by Rentild BabstOn, of Stratford; who played several' times during the afternaft, - The children were delighted with the antics of a clown (Bola Henry) and, gleefully 'followed him about the grounds. • Features 4;-"f the Afternoon: Prize▪ s for the sports eventS.Inul been ,purchased from profits of the canteen fund,•and were well worthy of the keen conipetition in' 'each event. • Horseshoe -pitching had a spade 11,„t(.1 iiself and --many enthusiasts had a good time with this popular sport, with WiLliain John- ston acting as judge. The winning team was • Clayton Grant and •Bud Jeffrey,. second place being won by Mike Hanahan ad Dave HannOn. With Harry Barker, first-aid man, in, attendance with .a pail of water for all -Casualties; the egg -throwing centeSt was one bf the most ,a.nans,,.. ing events. NLined•Up in two rowS,. the men threw eggs to their girl - partners, • Many -thnes-the„ catch,ers. 'Iscrambled" the_egg as they grasped it,, and ran to the first-aid pail to wash-off--the_clinging snbitance. - -Bob 'Henry and _Jocelyn, Vincent were the champion egg -throwers; -vdth---Wilfred Klnahan--and-Mar-Y- ;Muhday (erase' Te-WITITS'rand Mr: and MTS.' John K. Sully placing third. lary-treasurer; John :G. 'McDonald, publicity Cliairman. The Sports cconmittee was• Composed cif Bud Johnston, Rill Sallow's,' Mel. Co.V. .Tim Morris and • 1.444-1 Johnston. airman of the- grotinds committee wiit--Vom Hampton; , prize cony. mittee chairnian, W. E. Dockstader; tfitralb f 'refresh,- Guir-.ra-ce-,-12,tcr-14-ty Donald Stewart and Gordon Smith. transportation - c-ommittee, Burns 'AT TORONTO . AUG 27th•--ZEP'f. lith• rare anzt -one:third • Jor the, Ronixi. Trip -(Goveruthent-Tax-Extra).,•••.: • -Good going:Thursday, August •26th to Saturday, September 1.1th inclusive •Return Liniit-Sept. 15th • Full ,informatiOn from 'any --Agent- ' Vanadian National. •, 33-4 ' CHIROPRACTOR ' AND DRUG-, LESS THERAPIST *•• • Goderich, Phime 341, • OFFICE HOURS. Mon, &' Thurs.-7-9 t� 11.30 a.m. 2"ta 5 p;m. (only) .Tues. & Fri. -9 to 11.30 a.m.• • 2 to 5 p.m. & 7 to 8 p.m - Wed. & Sat. -9 to,„,11.30--mm: • ) lilineral fume battirs by appointment Only. A. N.-ATKINSON 51 South St. • Registered under Drugless Practi- • tioners Act for the . ir.)rovince of. • Ontario. • WESTERN ONTARIO • MOTORWAYS -Bus Schedule Now In Effect -- To LONDON To. STRATFORD 7.50. a.m. ' 7.50 12.15 pin. 12.15 p.m. 4.15 p.m. - ' 8.15 • • Bus to Stratford at p.m. Sun- - • days and holidays only, Bus to London at 9.55 p.m, Enclayg, "Sat-• , days, Sundays and holidays. • Bus to Kincardine and Owen • Sound via lilug Water Highway • leaves 10.45 a.m. Fridays, Satur- days, . Snudays and holidays: bundays and kolialtillid-1245--bus ' - goes to Stratford only. -- Connections .at Clinton -for London, Detroit, -- !Vaughan), Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. .' *Connections at Stratford for Weed- ' stock, Kitchenerif Onelph,. HamB- • ton and Toronto. Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and • Lendon. , • For .informatitin phone Reg. McGee WM-IL •• • ' stantiallr ',augment rthe fuudS' for crippiecl.- 'children an child weltare work for which botli•WeduesdaY and Friday carnivals were The atlendiuICC prize on Friday nightagain created considerable Interest 'Thq pewer nanWer was won by Mrs„ .NOVle Irianaway.. As .the first draw for the inixmatter. was made before all tickets were 111, a second draw was made and thetprize was duplicated. The 'first was won bynr,044, ee4ge ,Olianabeis and the seconeby Miss --Sharon Sachs, both of 'Goderigh:.• . The following is the result of tEe main- draw : • Easy chair•-tM. J. •Snider of Mea - ford. Iiit*le=-Mrs, Fred Bowra, sr. - -Electric tea..kettlb,-,-A.. L. Walker, Toronto. . Presto, cooker7--Mrs. • Frances, Miller; Goderich. ' Casting rod -FI, Gilbert, Cloderich. Kenwo-od blanket -John McNall, Goderich. Ki$aftoducew Champion Quilt slisox„rgAira 'CHOOSE DELEGATES' ments, "Bucky” Graham' . The gate prize, an electric iron, was d.raWn for by ..italy McTaggart, and WAS' won by , Adrienne Hilde- . briulil. • , •Races and Other Contest . The following were the results of the sperts ,events: • . Girls' race, 5 years and under- DIque .Morris, .Sharon Sachs,, Donna -Do -st-aderl- 6 -and 7- years--7Marlene .Norman, Joyce Bosnell, Mary:fa-ay.. • Mixed orange' race,' 9 -years and 'llelesic, Gwen ,St,'teNvart, Larry Jeffrey. , , -.Girlsr,-'-race, 8 .and • .S?ear g 'L -- -Prances; Morris,4anet, Hay._ Bos - Clare ilainiOli Jininrr Helesie; Larry Jeffie,Y. • • s Moore, to 11 years --Bob Ham- ilton, GregOry ,I1ildelorand, 'Ronald GroPp.. ,Girls' .slipper :scramble -• Jean. Gropp, Betty Knight, :Sarah Jeffrey. brand' and Bob. 1latai1t0*.;--2.nd, Bob Dockstader and 'doiden: POwell; 3rd, en's Institutelgin0 First • Prize. atToronto ••DeMbitiArt The Ottail, IVolcnen's, Institute have rO'ceiv,ed word that they wen first„ prize, $100, fo'r their quilt at the Canadian National, Exhibition, Tdranto.The qualifieations• elated for .an-aiaplique maple leaf as the centre : block and, the surrounding eight blocks to be Wade to depict the various industries in Canada,' such 05 fariuiiig, ftliit;grOwlOg, etc; It had to be finished in eitherap-' pliquO and *embroidery or both.' on a White background There were seventeen entrants in the Class'frOta 411 ' oVor 'Canada. '. The Institute ,woraen were for-, 'Elmer Bell, Exeter, presi- dent 'of the Huron -Perth, Asseet7 atiott; Harold Jackson, of 'Seaforth, and Charles UcNaug,btOn, of gloter, were, delCgo,tes..clOgen by a meeting 0 the executive of -the Progressive ConSprvative Association of. '1):V eltt /tn.* t 41 t,•teOn dt tat Dominion !etCOfla Ot September., lAseinb tericte: Grand. °MP. °''Ee.g EE. Clarice, ,Seaforth, and -William PT- 1erington, Exeter. ..TheniasPryde,„ itlso will attend• the 'cOnyen- tiOn as a delegat'e, wheii the party' chooses its new leader to sucCeed The meeting . also decideirto.hOld Perth at, Mitchell on Wednesday, Odtober 20, to choose a candidate ,tunate. ixr secdring Howard. Cowan fdt the Federal House at the next , of Lucknow to design and"d.taw their. patterns for theln. The centre maple leaf was .appliqued and embrpidered by Mrs. Dave Cowan ; trade. and. ,commeree block by lkir.S. Dave Mc- Kenzie; -wheel of industry" block by Mrs. Nell, G., McKe ?de; ftirreing block by -Mrs; G rge '.A.1,9ncrief ; fishing' block 'byJMrs. , Henry ' Mc- Kenzie ; mining block.by Mrs. Ray Dalton; lumbering block by Mrs: Jim Little fInd iVirs Wm, 'Waring; hunting block by Mrs. Adam John- ston and Airs. Lorne Farrish ; fruit - growing block by Mrs. Rass Bissett. The following women assisted in the gaffing •Mrs. Ewarthinieson, Mrs. Robt. Nelsen, Mrs. James Little, Mrs. •Wilfred Parrish, Mrs. Lorne. Parrish, Mrs: Neil G. Mc- Ateir.J. MeKenzie, Mrs, ITenry -1VIcKenzie; Mrs. Geo. Mon- crief, Mrs. Russ Bissett, Mrs. Fred McGregor, Mrs. Wm -Johnston, Mrs, _Adam -Johnston, Mrs. Lorne Par- rish., Mrs. 'Sarah McKenzie, Mrs; Dave McKenzie and Mrs. John Cowan. '• erry,..an OFFICE-MASONIC TEraius Vir,ES1STREET- •PHOP1E 230 G4DERICW lianntANcE • and • REAL' ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICII SCHQ0L. OF....Com$imitfpg. ).., ________-:-OLINTOlit-L----ONTAMer.' • • Register -for -Fall Term -Starting. S-ept. lath, 1948, Chartered under Ontario Deptof kdueation Courses - Clerical, 'Stenographic, Commercial, Secietarial,. M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist,, B. F. WARD, B.A„ • Vice -Principal•• Principal. 32-5 INsung „Tlipivz NOW Treshers, tractor, cars. • All hazards Covered in one • . policy. FROM - GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, GODERICH Phone Carlow 301.-4 • AAA. .INSURE. • IN SURE INSURANVE2 " • cONVEDERATION-Lrep ; voND. intr.-Preferredrat.s for preferred Adm. ACCIDENT & ISI(..)KNES'S , , JOHN FARRISIr Phone* 7r15 • Dungannon CAPITAL ATRE"' 4 Now -"The Voice of the Tiirtle"-Ronald Reagan Sr/Eleanor Perim. • Mon. Tues. and *ed.. .• IARRY PARIiS---ELLEN,DREW AND MARC,PIATT It's in Teehnidolor and It iIritnimed With adyentiyouS action; .0,0arkling. romance and high humor, • "THE. SIV()R1)..S N" Thur. TM.and,Sat; TWO FEATURES. • RICHARD MARTIN -FRANCES itAttERTY & RALPH. CONN ,Take ;us to old Al.exieo for,,a. colorful, fighting adventure • ."The' Adventures of Don Coyote"' --JACKIE • COOPERA-441ENE "ROBERTS aid C1RI1i ENDFIEtn '4 Offer the scream :version of the hilarious. hest-seliq "Stork • • Bit• es thf. SHOWERS" with .0-aelt Carson., q, 1Viatinees'Wed Satand holidays at 2.80 'p.ia. r • . • W.C.T.U. PICNIC .MEETING 'election. • • TOWNSIIIP COUNCIL WEST ,WAWANOSII • • Tlie West Wawandsli ..Township 'Council held' the regular meeting, on August 10th with all the •inemberS present and Reeve Finnigan,.presid- ing. • •t • • On -motion-et Councillors Gaunt 'and Johnston the Clerk was in- • structed to •notify the. tax c011ector to return the 1047 tax. roll by Sep- • tember 14th. •,•, •• A delegation from the Dungannon Fair Beard waS present and re-. quested that the , •Township assist - in the ,construetion. of the new hall. On ination of Councillors Durnin 'and Johnston grant (d. 050 was .oldered paid to the ---•Board.- • - It was -moved -by- Osunt-glor Gaunt and •seconded by Councillg :roTinston • that,the_Reeve'cOntact the-engineei, Coemlie,, and if_ , .pessible obtain pertnissiOn-to-riistall_metal.„. -on the- Emerson sideread and sideroad west oft „Auburn. • The e r-August....menting,toffmthe-W,G.. ,metion, • T.TJ. was.held at Harbor Park, with _ fair .attendance.,..' The. meOting WaS71rf- chrtrge-;: --the-irestdentf Mrs. Dougherty. . 'Serinture, John 14,1 AVIS read bY ,Mrs. -Peters and Mrs. Raithby also gave a rend- ing. • The'-ifieeting. 'Closed. 'with Prayer • and after*ards j lovely plonk supper was •en-"ov d ' I Eiloq rAsTItY...,0/111Es PUNS-VR*8 DAILY. .'Wate4 this space each week for Specials. ' f.4044.9.4•04-0044.,ros....4.00.9. WEEK -END SPECIAL. BLUEBERRY PIE, •' $5,e each .61IBLSEA' BUM . , "20c clOz, • DAILY DELIVERY, TO YOUR'DOOR, hone 1$4" ',BEATON, Prop. On motion of Conn'Ciflires---Cau and. Dickson the Township tate for 1:948,was,set eludes 'the Government sithsidy of one mill.. • • The. Kirke drain , was' • finally, passeden--metien---of Councillorjohnsteri 'and Gaupt. The -Clerk was Instrueter, tenders 'fbr the. *constructiOn, of the Kirke. drain,' all tender's to be in by September •; On motion of Councillors. Dickson GropP;, Barbara 'Hay, Bill Morrison. Boys -Len, rglen,. Ben • BoUy, Gordon Powell..-^ •• • Biscuit -eating contest -Ray Ham- ilton, Fred. vipcenf,' Isabel Moore. • Girrls' sackrace7,--petty Knight,. jsrawl Afrintr.Bth NtrT19 Gordon Pomeil; Boh • Mia -ed matelrllnitee-Ben. Bot and an Hamiltbn ; , Betty 'Knight • And 0. Hiideliraildr • ' • • Egg -throwing 'bonte*----:Eo 'Henry • and Jocelyn Vincent; Wilt THWalii.n.. and Mary 'N.Itinday ; Mr. and Mrs. John K. S. • •Single .1 dal4Vmtace---,:fean GropP, , Adrian I-jildebiyand, J oan Mun day. Single nien-Vie. I -Tay, Bob -Allen, Clinton Grant. , • • Married- , ladies' • race Hazel • Swanz, 'Mary Munday, Jane Gordon.. Men's -Bruce- Sully, Tom Foster, George -Swanz. • • • Ladies' orange- .race-lst, • Tevera • Young- and. Mrs. , ; , 2nd, Ann Ilanallton and Betty. Knight; •:Ird, Mrs. JohnSully and Mrs. Sid Shent.on.. . ' • • Ladies' sack rice-a:=Mary Munday,. • Joan -Murray, Isabel Moore. - Men'srsack reek Bob' Clay G•rant, Matt. Jordan: . •Ladles' •slipper scrainble-lits. John • McKinnon, •• Anne H.amilton, Mixed 'three-legged rnce--,--13ruce Sully and Pauline Pattetson; Mr.• . and:Mrs. M. Jordan: 1abAllenand Joan Murray. 'Rolling pip, throw -Mrs. John Sully; Mary Munday, Mrs. Leo Tug-of-war -Bob Jeffrey, Clay Grant, ,t'Bucky' ' Graham, E: Mae: leod, -iind Worthy,- _Vim 1-amilfon: • .(coach),' John Sully, }Tarry' West- • lak:e, Leslie Pitblado, C. Langille: Slief-put--:--GeOrge .Swanz, Bud • WorthY, "Micky" Graham. •• . • Ladies' softball tlitow,--Mrs., John Sully, Mrs. S. Moore, Isabel blank. .Morsekhoe pitch , (jndge, Wm. Johnstbn ) st,' Clay .Grant and Itul Jeffl'ey ; '2nd, Mike Hanahan '.and Ha rin on . • " ..„ Cantral Business ;0 -leak - GODERIGH, ONTARIO * Begins Another Term on Sept. •.. =Mimi Rui,iiies, Seinmig-Aggedation is-pron the Term opening of its Member &Ilea in your Distriet: ' The Association' (points out that the Central Business College - teaches the standard Courses of the Assoeiation, as taught by good schools of lyisitless,Education actOSs the Dodainion. The Diploma granted Graduates is the Dipiiiiria of the Asseeiation: .• Thi, Canadian BusifleSs Schools A. M. MILLS, Sec. 'Association •.0 P. WkLLS, President R. H. NIFAZLER, Executive Vice PITS. ossimissaismftwirxworroomamarmaimmtorm... GODERICH PiVILION Dancing 'Nye& and Sat. Nights HOPPY AND HIS ORCHEllEtTRA Holiday Dancing Sii4day*Mid-Mte, and Labor Day Night Set. 5 and 6 . Winners of eachWednesday, ni. t Girl Vocalist contest, •Ong tailor pay night fr graid prize. * • LastWodneStlay night; tiOnted Sept. lst. • FEAGAN& ?REST ELECTR/CAL CONTRACTORS Phone- 937-R-12 86 775Nf A kvourite Remedy. the 'past: hundred •yeaA .,1300`.14.01I -.E1OVILER'S--BX:TRACT WLEAD STRAWBETtlere has- beei a faNkairite remedy,for bowel and effeCtive. afowifER's EXT -OF 1. .STFiAWBERO; `4..4.1i•• • ' Prescribed for • Diarrhoea • Intestinal Paint • Sea Sicknesi SaOner Comp, be Surviged .hoyt tluieftly It works and - he* Mueli ,hetter yoll feel, D 00 T OR IlOWL:RIVS EXTRACT OP •Don't try to get the best of the other fellow-, Try to,,,,bring.ont the est tind,' Gaunt • the, meeting,' was ad., jourued to September 1.4th, .fit, 1,86 • DIJRNIN PHILLIPS Clerk 11.111. •• ••••••,••••••,...77.....,•••,•,.••••••••••••••.4 FIRST AID RENDERED.' TO • SICK RADIOS ALSO. • PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF • SOUND SERVICE ' ' B. R, MONDAY .-- Certified Radio Tephnician PHONE OR. CALL WlidderSt.,Goderich,,hone-598 .ob - ---Refrigerafrow Phone,1098 for 24 hour service to -4.'•,11-JeH,akos.-1-ne-reonrinercialrnint domestic refrigeration equipment. „ Refrigeration Service ° GODERICH Commeroial-Ageatior-Go-dokb• . and Distriet. • Satisfaction Guaranteed. ••• 49tf ••• 4.• 77— 112 IONA, • rsriw "'PACK -CUT -WAx-, — BEANS , " Tin IONA, (Pectin_Added) PLUM' JAM SABOINES KING' OSCAR CHOICE DESSERT PEARS HIGH. QUALITY LOW PRICE - ANN PAGE MILK !MEAD •White or Brown '0Z• LOAF ;i:;•4•••••.%:,2i•O.,.1*••••• ,••••-• Jar Ws Tin _ 20 -oz: Tin epteinber Oman's Day r, atilt& Now On Sale NEW PACK, dilrolgE PBraRRIES. MAJESTIC AND CLEANER I • 20 -oz. ,Ifieto Tin 3.4b. Tin CUSTOM --GROUND P O'CLOCK . COFFEE: . FRUITS ,& - • VEGETABLES 'None kigker THIS' IS 1:184 WEEK FOR BLUEB'EhRIES- BUY 'AND PRESERVE l'HEM TODAY: FRESH PICKED, No: 1 • . BLUEBERRIES ," cALTop..NJA VALENCIA No. 1,344's OnANGES ".. " * °°z. 190 OALIFOF,NIA SEEDLESS No. 1, 100's -. - GRAPEFRUIT for 290 NATIVE, DUCHESS, Domestic Grace 'APPLES 170 Sweet , -Corp: _ 39. SALMON PLS -i, SUAR SWEgT No.: 1 41p,pnoximately 10' Melons CANTALOUPES " SNOW. WHITE, 'LAtOt HEADS, No. 1 CAULIFLOWER • en - NSW OPIOP, ;: 0. POTATOES 10 SMOKED SHANKLEp • ihoiw SHOULDERS 1.1) 7c ••••t, •r•eA ••••., WOODBIJRYS CAKES P'ANCY & CHOICE T .JUICE "T-7.:' IO ,0 .1b.„290 the 410 AYLMEit (RectIn Added). PAWBERRY. 31114, :Jar st ANNAG lap BAISIN LoAr NEW tROP..AUSTRAIrIAN RAISINS steDLEss P CANDY JELL? 'BEANS Avuviert SWF1ET %BEI= • " oir*-tAoiDi•A D'ecHE 10.0i; e Jet 4111 7", •60110ENt ATto