HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-12, Page 24- 1.0X4111T — • • , .$IJNDItY GIJS 1ii, 1944" SAO Sal, HOLY CONLIVIVNI,ON- ,MAIISLAND,_PRIMARY SUNDAY 4110OL. 11 a.m. HOLY CoM811.09N ASP ..0f1Ri4ON.rt 4EV. ptvEniy. IL 'Filfa„ L,T124 RECTOR.' .A, W. ANDERTON, "Orgaiiist ,and, Choirmaster. North United Church 4 • REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., B.D.,•Minister. 4 W. Mr. Alex. Clark—Organist apd.th:ir Master I I , ' 10 aan.,tt DIE CHURCH SCI1001.,, 11 a.M, "THE MAN .WITH NO.RELIGION." t, MISS. MARJORIE' HAY' S—GUEST SOLOIST • • THE .CIIIJACII• WITH THE -SINZIING 'TO It. • • i Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MaeMILIAN:Minister • 11fri Wm. Wickett; A,C,C.O., Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11 a.m. , JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m.. Subject: "WHAT IS MAN?" Guest Pieacher: REV. *J. REYNOLDS ESLER, B.A., Brantford, Ont. There will be no evening service during the mond' of Angust. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. • • ••••• Victoria St. United -Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE n. TURNER, 'B.A. • Organist -and -Choir- Leader—Miss-Mary--Joyee-Strichan. 0 am.' SABBATH SCHOOL. 1-14.61.—PUBLI0-WORSHIP:- - -•- - REV. W. H..BURGESS, BA., B.D.,. OF BRACEBRIDGE. 9.45 a.m. UNION CHURCH. •. .• * Evening. Service witlidraWn during month of Angus . VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU . • • „ *Goderich Baptist " Church • PASTOR—REV. G. W. II. MEDLEY. . Organist, --Miss Verna C. Miller • 19 tit.ln, CHURCH '.CHOOL, SERVICES AT 11...a.m. and 7.p. , I• in charge 9f". I PASTOR JAMES GIBSON, OF liENSAL PARK, LONDON BORN • #• 7BROWN.,•--At AleXandra Hospital, ,Goderieh, en Anglia 1,00. 1948, 'to Mr. and:UM Albert Brown, GoderiCill a dangliter. „ • H4PPY,7-At AteXaildrft. HoSpitai, Gaclerich, QIL A,ugust,- GUI, 1948 tO • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Happy, GOde- rich, a, son, klarry Eric. (QS Osp Torouto, on Monday, ,.A.ugtitt 1948, to Mr." and Mr. Gerard Hill '(lee Wi1an1ua Lannan), a Tor- onto, a daughter, Mary. Therese : Sharon. Aleiaadra ,Hos- pita, on Friday', July 30th, 1948, to Ur. and Mrs. P. 0. (Rea) ohnston, Goderielt, a daughter 151,1W Collee,n). • . MellfWAIN.--At; Alexandra Hospit- al, .Goderich, on August .24, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Me- 2,Goderich, a daugh- , ter. P.A-YNE.—At Alexandra HoSpital, Goderich, 'on July 30th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. 'Payne/ Gode- • rich, a daughter., • „ • ROBINSON.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, 'Godericir;'•on August ist, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Robin- . son; R,R. 4, Gofierich, a son, James AuSS,e11. SIIER"WOOD.----At Alexandra Bps- •pital, Goderich, on August 8rd, 1948; to Mr ,and Mrs. Ea'r1 Sher- '. woad, R.R. 5, Goderich, a son. . . • -DIED MILKS.—In Goderich township, on GOIDERIVII,MNAIrS Any magazine,' nny„time, TAPP. where, 103S MarY13. Rowell, 4 St. Vincent street,: phone gisiy, or Airs. IS-m.fryllef-,--e427-Waterlcritygetv--211 If you aree :wantiog 'a bargain in radio and automatic recor1 changer' cobablnations, come te lintchinson's Radio Service.t.32 Godeffeb. Lions Olnh's carnival • wal be liold °Quit Reuse Parlc, on Wednesday, August 1.8th, and Friday, .Angust - 2th. Valuable prizes given both nights;" Monster bingos and manY gareeS of •Skill', , • ,31 Er. H. R. Hall 'Wishes -to an- nounce that his, office will be closed from August llth to September 18th: -A2-3 Auction sale of -household -goods-, at the residence ef J. E, 'Match,. Victoria street south, Saturday, Augng8th. Harold Jacksen, •auctioneer. '• -32 ' • McKinnon's' Millinerystore will be closed • from August Idth to August 1f)th inclusive. The Misses McKinmin willt,fittend a showing of Fall Millinery at Toronto. -32, The W.C.T.U. will meet on Tues- day, August 17th, at 3,30, at Harbor Park.. • -32 Mr. Frank Reid of Reid's Beauty Salon left last week for 'a -course of two, and .a -half months in cutting and styling hair at the N. Louis -Friday,. ,Ibly 30t1i, 1948, Agnes Hair Design Institute„ New york .• • of Mrs. LA'. Sully, In. her 82nd • year. , RODGtS.—In Goderich township, on' on Friday,. July 30, 1948, Mary Ann Jewell, beloved wife of Robert Rodges, in her 68th year.. IN MEM61IAM tt, 0. Milks, dearlybeloved mother CULBERT.—In loving Memory of • Melville'Culbert,, who passed away at Dungannon,' August 9th, 1988. Sunbnine passes, Shadows fall, -Sweet 'remembrance outlasts all; -And thotigb. the, years be .many -or few,- • . • • They are tilled ivith memories; dear, . ,• of yob; • * • —Ever. remembered .by his wife, Olive. • '•-32 nierib--7 • unither;•• -Ella-- Elizabeth • Tigert, bo passed away August 6, .1944. •. • , ThoughtS -'of sweet 'reniembrancet,. •--XteinbrieS sdcr"and true;'. Loveand sweet, devotion . From hearts that ache for ,you. —Ever reinembered•-byher fainily. 32x BE HEL TABERNACLE (Penteetistal *Assemblies of Canada) • REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. _10 a,m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. •• ,11 IVIORNINGft DEVOTIONAL SERVICE.- • 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 'Friday 8 p;m. Young Teeple's Meeting. • • • ,EVERY SERVICE IS DIFFERENT—GOD IS BLESSING. COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF AT 13ETHEL • - . • ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP t SEE • BRITANNIA ROAD (at 'Victoria School) - „ FOR THAT AWKWAR,11 REPAIR 30B • FARM IMPiEMENT -REPAIRS IN A HURRX, Advice 'Costs nothing. '?HONE287M 30tf • • g45.wwvY of our wife and mother, Mrs. Minnie Breen Mililon, who -pawed away-7July '31st, , 1945 • • • In our beartS yourmemory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true ; There is not .a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. --Ever remembered by Husband anl Fahaily.. 32x McINTYR.E,--In nimbory of- ^ LOST Or rOit FOU. INO train, Week • MRS. ROY FINNIGAN,. -.A41),11M* p44.ohe Carlow 1820,, l -)Jt =-,STXTE41N-FOOT inhoakd motor speed boat; good condition. Phone 580, Goderich (be- fore "2 pan„ please). • . • -32 POIt SALE, --$74 COLLAPSIBLE " C.:amp trailer, siep our, CoO 16„, -tires; $35, portableradiO, J. 1;iACON, :Rubor I'ark Camp.' •3'2x • 114`01-t,- '40, ARMY truck, 16'ewt.,---g0cenclition,; chains„ 6 tires. kriee 4415u, nes); Phoae 11.93W. 2o,tr FOR SA.M..-Tifieg-FL.A.A.uitQIL •.h,nriier, used only a obort W. T. LUMBY, Weal Sti'eet, _4,32 i'oi sALE.—ratat tows 6;.•T '1V,Icp'onaldstreet and one lot on •KellYs sfreet. Phone 475: ;32x . • , s.44E. — BUFFET, SOLID • walnut, itinple drawer Space. Phone 383. . • 32x FOR• SALE. --ALL WHITE. Mc- ."' CLA.RY Ifoyal Escort Cookstovd with reservoir; • used. • only .laSt• MUTO1--1,, Vic- toria street: •-32 „f• FOR SALA SLTINDOR TAB- • LETS are . effective. - T w,. ol Weeks' S111303= $1; .12 'Weeks', $5, at Cainpbell's and • Emerson's drug. stores. • • 28-31 F'OR SALE. RANGETTE -- good , .cOndition. Apply 10 Hincks street.,, •-82 FOR 'SALE, G.00134 EIGHT-, • ' atuomal, .. frame house, new 'furnace,. new three-piece. bath, wired 'for electric stove; well -decorated,. Excellent location near Square. Ap- • ply_ te ALEX. BUTLER, -14 Men - LOST. — LADY'S • PALE BLUE treal street, Goderich; •• 29tf sweater, on Civic Holiday, near Agricultural • Park.. Leave. at SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE or phone 852M. :-32 • . • . FOR SA -Lt, •RITCHEN CAB- •— INET,.,percelain, tray, -medium' „size, White. enathel finish: Apply - ,224 ,Jones street, GoderiCh. • FOR SALI1,;7-FRAME BUILDING and sun poreli. -Phone 337, t SA.ht.-LON' LIEGE TWO- - PANE window with storm sash; Screen, and complete' frame; •oak frame for French doori • drawers' and doors for kitchen. cupboards; also a Storm porch, conipletel 'These articles may be seen \evenings at F. E. HI1313ERT'S horae, Elgin ave. *-82 "LOST. — BLACK 1WALLET BE- -• TW.E.EN Bridge street and Cap- ital' Theatre, containing important papers. Finder 'please phone 371W.' - 32X LasT• _2_ LADY'S A:MOND wrist watch at Ashfield church reception on Monday, .1 uly- gar - Tinder Please leave. at SIGNAL3Li STAR: 0ST.—$134 OF MONtYIN PAY envelope. _Finder- pleitie *notify SIGNAL -STAR -OFFICE. Reward. it, • • 42 LOST.—BLACK WALLET WITH sum of mond. Finder please leave at,, SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE _and -receive- reward,- -32x • TEACHER WANTED 11:5)R SALE.:, --GLADIOLI; 75c A dozen. • (beautiful - range of colors) ; also. other seasonal garden flowers, sweet 'Peas, asters. snap- dragons, zinnias, 'mums; • etc. MRS, 4L., R. •HOLMAN; -Cameron street, phone '722. • 32tf. R SALE—COCK:ER SPANIEL pups, -purebred -with registered pedigree. J. A. SULLY, • Rosily Farms,..BaYfield ion&••. 29tf - OR SAL,E. — - 1933 FORD V8 . coach. •GORDON GILBtR,T, FOR' S4BEAT,TTIFUL' suk- MER cottage, furnished; .3 .bed- roorns, living -room, k it che n, screened -in verandah; electricity, - wire service. Cottage is located at Port Albert on the beach just above high-water mark on a valuable lot with 200 ft,' beach frontage, with a lovely sand beach. A good road runs off No. 21 highway right to the cottage. P. CHAPMAN, Real Estate. Broker, phone 18, Godericb. , Ont., " • -32-3-4 - •• WANTED W•ANTED. WOMAN housework, on hourly. basis. All coifveniences.• Phone .429. 32tf WANTEE.--LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES fpr' sale. C. 'ClIA.PM'AN, 'Real Estate Broker. Phone 18._ 39tf WANTE,ii„. TWO OR THREE• unfurnished rooms. , Phone --- Von• . .sAtE.—opo • Phone 9911. , •• 32x FOR; SALE. ._EULLERA,P__BA" — DUCTS, personal and bonse- hold ,brushes, bi•oonis and mops. Local .agent, HERR. BRIDLE, 109 Huron semi: Phone 2843. -31tf WANTED .TO BUY.—ALL ODD • horses 'and dead al:AMO1f • ultablefor ininkleed will pay more • than fertilizer pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at mice.. GILIIERT BIOS.' MINK 'AUCH,"-ti-orat- -• e °fleet - 936 r 21 ort930 r 32.: . • gifIT-MSDAT, 4VOVST i, ,194$ ••• W/TH BUTTER' ICREME ICING Aps:0 e0=1141:610 NEM DlirBBENT -4;4' -;ParktrYty— A tastYPlicacy not found 'in many bakeries Also a large variety of fancy buns 'and- doughnuts, fresh every day; ' The above pastries featured this week -end at BAKERY of-r.toty Paslryti— 't Orders .91$.1.004ind. , over: delivered.. PHONE 486 •"t WEST ST. OF•T4NR$ MR. ROBERT, ..RODGES Ni • family wish to extend their heartfelt -thanks to those who so kindly .sent tributes or eX-' pressed in any way -their sympathy in the time of bereavement. -32 , FOR SA,LE.—BLUE' PRAM, IN good condition. Ca1i-8 Britannia , our son Russell, who -passed away tea years -ago August -18: - Come t� my Heavenly garden And see in perfeet bloom The flower you loved so dearly, . And thought that 1 pluc'k-ed- too c, Soon. "hen yon will know tmy reason, •. Though you know it not today, his premising manhood • • -t • I' took your son away. —Sadly missed 'by -Mother and Dad. --Rev. • W. H. avd _Mrs....Burgess. i:")f Bracebridge are •occupying tbe Vic- toria street « parsonage. Mr. Bur- gess will preach at Victoria street and Union -churches -during • the month of August. . • • _ FARM FOR SALE - WILL 40U HAVET-AiriNTR't INTE - t'ara�e ot".. OF iB1 GODERIQH TRADig 'AND -LABOR COUNCIL') -* Bvery class ..is open to 14ion bounty. •• • • There -is approximately $800 in, prize money; _l_an_101t.911111i. W _ Yo'n 1an.t ehter, mail pCst card to "Parade Con-. mittee, Bog 989,, ti-pderich" as, soon as possible,. IMRE .A.RE' TEE watotr.si OUSSES ANPRIZ,F,S A ' 3rd. ludustriallyleato °es. — '.$�0'T"$1.00' $1040 Merchant Fleas 2000. 10.00 5,00 Unioii•Plosts. ,t. 25.60 40,06 tt 10,00 De0Orated; CM'S . ; 0.00 10.00 5.90 • parmete Eutries, ; 25.00- 15,00 :10.00 teroitdo rloatit 20.00 - 10,00 . 5,00 'BOA OloWn. ; 60 5:00 Decorated ; 3.00 2.00 '3)6tOrated ViitY0100 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 ,Ohildvotott Piney Doss' 8,00 2,00 1.00 • Goderich Township School Area • requires a Protestant teacher for No. 6 school.: PleaSe state. qualifica- tions, salary expected. Duties to commence September 1st. FRANK -MO; -MR. -3; ' treasurer. . -3I-2 FARM FOR SALE. The east quarter of lot 2, conces- sion6, Eastern Division, Asneld Township,. consisting of 60 acres of clay land with good hofile, barn and some timber., Must be sold to close an estate. For further par- ticulars apply to: HERBERT C. CURRAN, - MR. 7, Lucknow, Ontario, or PRA.NK .13-O4NtLLY, Goderich„ °Maxim...! FURNITURE RtIPALREE • CABINET MAKING. . SAW FILING, ETC. •iencral blacksmithing. • T. GOWER (Formerly Sheardown Blacksmith. Shop) • HAgILTON ST. 42ti `41travigarrouriff.a..tr roa FOR SALE. --'-FISH BOAT WITH - *00 .1hp. • Scripps. marine-engriiey lifter; large quantity nets,with corks and leads; fish and:Wel-muses, etc7 Write BOX-765,-Goderich Ont. ---- • •• - -32 " TENDERS, WANTED SEALED TtNDERS ADDRESSED ''",_ to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Tender for North and South, Piers, Goderich, Ontario," will be received iuntil 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T._), Wednes- day,.August 18, 1048, for repairsto harbor works. ,(north •, and south piers) at Goderich, Huron County, Ontario. -•••... " Plans, form of contract and speci fication can':be-•seen -andt•fprms..of tender obtained at the office of the Chief • , Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the office of the District Engineer, Dominion• Public Building, London, Ontario, and at the Post'Office at Goderich, • Ontario. . . • • -Note; Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will supply °blue -prints and specification of the work on deposit Of a sum of $25.00 in the -form of a certified bank cheque payable- to the order of the Minister of Public Works. • Thede - posit will be released on the return of the blue -prints and specification within a month from the 'date of re- • ception of tende.- If not.returned within that period the deposit will. -be forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms sup- plied by the DePurtment and in ac- Certhmee -with, c conditions set forth therein. - , ---t • I, . • . Each tender,must be accompanied 'by a certified Itheque on a chartered bank in Canad' ; payable to'the order • of the Honorable the Minister of Ptiblic Works•sfecital to 10 per cent. 'of the 'aniennt of the tender, •ot bearer. -hands ` of the 4Donainion of Canada or Of he Canadian' National agliSAMARNA, ., ent compa les, ... unconditiona ty ' guaranteed asto principal and inter- est by the Dominion of Canada, or the 'aforementioneth bonds and tt* certified. cheghe if required to Inake up an odd amount. . By circler, " ' 4. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary.• Department Of Public' Works, . Ottawa, IulY 23, 1948, -31-2 I . SPREADS, $4.99. Wholesale price, first quality • chepilles for double or single beds, 'in all beanti- ful pastel colors; warth much more. Also habitant band hooked -rugs, size, 18 x 36, original colorful pat- terns, 3 for $4:00. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money, immediately re- funded if not -satisfied. - HANDI- CRAFT DISTRIBUTORS, 254 Sher- brooke street" West. Montreal, Que. . 21tf FOR 'SALE. —• SEVEN" ROOM frame house on large.corger lot; .garage; peultry house and fruit trees. Desirable, property with all conveniences.. • TWO blocks from,lake -bank, immediate.passession, cerner Elgin avenue and. Wellesley street. Phone_ 726J • xtrANTED.--HOUS.1, IN GODE: vv . RICH, with possession, in buy or rent. Write BOX 15, SIGNAL -STAR.- •-32X :WANTED TO RENT; BY ` young couple, four- to six -room house • or self-contained 'aPartment, Warm in • winter; careful tenants. Write P.O: 'BOX 240, Goderich. .30tf MRS.• GEORGE BROWN AN - family take this means of ex- pressing -their thanks to those who were •so- • kind to them in their bereavement and to those who sent flowers or loaned cars- ;32 WANT tD — W AI T Itt S -SE S full 'or part tbne. Apply "VENT.I.S,RESTAIIRANT. ' 32tf WANTED. — $8.00 CASH FOR, — organs with stooli in good pray- ing. _condition. Write . JAMES. WIEDERHOLD, • New 'Hamburg, Ontario. VOR S.O.LE.—BEAgiri L, • modern Cape Cod style summer 'home with, twe-thirds of an, acre landscaped grounds, at Bayfield. A 'desirable summer "home for United States citizen, •Inquire at SIGN2A7L-tf STAR. jOR SALE. — ONE CYLINDER • A.J.F. motorcycle„good condi- tion, -priced _at $160. "GODERICH CONCRETE BLOC$ CO. -32 .Vi.! P,1 ATTENTIO ds,iIeaL a gents ,.•., • 'and antinterested *tales . • ° wel• l.knowit..chaiu- of tidies' *ear stores - would; 1ile:to locate' in your community:„ equfre a WeitlOcateit store, 'Will pay a fam.rental and d� 0.41d, renova. 'tf�nsat their own egpeiute, 'Establishinent -cif our store here ivould'make a definite 0611- • tribUtion to the • shopping services' of 'your • coliuminity, and woUld provide gainful ou- • ,plonefit to local people. We will lookinto ' • eVery ptcpositiou propoteti fib tut. All re, . lies Win Ito treated in a confidential " - • — • 'Write 'to Bos.Afti ghop, 69 lvtiedenuell, St., 'Guelph, • WANTED-. HOUSE, APART- MENT' 'or rooms in vicinity of hospital, by adults• only. Write B1)X , 16 SIGNAL -STAR., , -32 WANTED. •;-7, pxr_alinNct'D welder; good working condi-. tions. Write, BOX 17, SIGNAL-, •STAR. -32 NOTICE id CREDITORS NOTICIO 'TO CREDITORS •AND OTHERS , All persons having Claims against the Estate of James Finnigan, late 4 -Dungannon., are required to. for- ward full particulars,. duly verified, to the undersigned,.on,or before the 14th day of August,' '1948. after which date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets. • FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich Solicitor for the Administratrix- . -30-1-2 . FOR RENT roem, private: entrance.• , RENT. BED SITTINer • Elgin avenue, phone 584. . ;3 TO RENT.—FURNISHED . BED- . . ROOMS in liOme of one 11 Cappria road. • -32x ,• 4 • AUCITION SALE .„ AU6T-I0N. • SALE OF' BBATITI- FUL ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE There, Will be. offered for sale,. -subject to 4prior Withdrawal, the following effects ,at the reSidetice df _John S. Henderson, •corner..of Wel- 1inton street, and 20. Elgin avenue, SATURDAY, AUGUST • 14 . ; at 1 o'clock p.m, - Three-piece cane living -room • suite; 3 -niece inland suite; black . walnut ;love seat *; .3 black walnut . tables; marble top carved• oak din-- •ing-room suite, antique bed daven- •'port; rockers ; rtig5,;..6 oak dining chairs ; °Idack walnut' sideeoard; 3- ' • piece wicker'• set ; lawn swing;.., -wickerfernerY _Limn _ rack; lamps; chest of •.• drawers;. 2 Platforni --- rockerS'-; lounge; occasional chairs; •- steel ice box;. glassware; 'mattress, new; lila ek—Waliiiit Sofa.— and beatitiful black walnut' be.,,: marble • tops -and other • articles; . melodeon ; set, blue willOw 'large • quantitf :Th -f* ornaments; antique •clockS; table and,floor-lanips,-;-h.attery,..radie-- - VOTICE. TO CREDITORS AND • —0-THERS 7-, 7 - In the Estate of Albert Harold Mcereath, degbitsecL-_, • All persons having claims against the estate 4f Alpert Harold .Me-' C'reatlirlate-bf th-e'City"--cif-Toronfo, secretary -treasurer, who died bn or _AMA .-the-17th., _day ..of. _December, 1947, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned administrator on or before the' 20th day of August, 1948, full particulars of their claims, after Which date the administrator will -distribute •the, assets --of • the estate -among -the ,parties entitled thereto, haViurregard'only to the -11t-i-tfirarm'ffielrhe-slialt-then notice. .„ Dated at" Toronto this 22nd day. of July,, 1948. • , •• RALPH S. McCREATEI; ' •Administrator, by Leonard, Sinclair; Goodenough, Higginbottora & McDonnell,- 3202 -Ray street, TOronto; his solicitors herein. WANTED -4,B- ECONit AN' INDE: PENDENT business' man and vour ci*n boss. If you are ambi- Hens, industrious and a good'sales- man, aunty at .once ,to BLUE BRAND PRODUCTS CO., 7227 Alexandra, Montreal, Que. -32-4 T-TOU.SE, :BRICK.. FRESHLY painted, central, 'Vittoria street,. fully fioored_Cellar_and 1tt4,__cloSed-. In iveranda, hot water heated. J. E. MUTCH. t. 28tf POE • SALE. --,ALL HOUSEHOLD `--"' effects, including piano, electric 'Stove,. dining -room and. chesterfield suite, Studio couch and chair,also two, girls' bicycles. Apply 12 'Cam- eron street. Phone 884M: 32x pop, SALt.--ROYAL ELECTRIC —• vacuum eleaner, upright, with all attachments, including floor waxer and demether.still under • guarantee,' in Al condition. Phone MRS.' VIIANK HAWKINS, phone 1711 Dungannon.' • .32i FOR SALE -LICE • BOX, 75. L13, —Capacity. • MRS. 11/W. 'CLARK, Blue Water Highway, '13ayfield. 32x - Hygenie supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaid In plain, sealed envelope •. with 'price list, • Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBEA. CO., Box 91, Hamilton; Ont. -14 SIX MONTHS' RENT IN AD- VANCE .for suitable, house. Of- fice- worker and wife", no children, urgently ,require adequate. living quarters. Would•-ifecept a self-con- tained 4- to 6 -room apartment. Write .BOX 18, SIGNAL -STAR. WANTED. — BOARDtit, 3/IAN preferred, 'near Square. MRS.' R. E. WILSON, 11 West street. -32 FOR. SALV—POUR ACRES Or .land adjoining town pratierty. nrinn MeADAM, R.R. 2, Goderich. '4.111111111110Wil Auctioneer. JOHN S. HENDERSON, • * Proprietor. Clerk,;- • ViThen, you see me don't think 'of INSURANCE BU -P': -Whenliiillak--of - INSURANCE,' SEE ME 11. M. FORD . . Get Insured Stay Insured Rest Assured:- • ' North St. • 1t3 268w YOU MAY OWN, A ,BRAND-NEW • 1948, 0LDSM0B.11,,E '',rwotdoeir sedan, complete With, radio,' heater, defroster, Pare tire,' slip hovers, fog BOAS, and 100' gallons gasoline,. will' be gifen away October 20th..- Car share. subscrip- tion tickets 5 for $1. ProcebdEl for 4.1 •blit7404040111113ecrItatitont• Centre. Address • *XINGSTON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION, lox 204, •Kingston,. Ont Lncky'bvvner noti- fied promptly, and also, advertised in Sighal-Star. ' • -30-41 NOTICE: For demonstration of new Dub:Ad mop, call ARNOLD scnuTz, phone 858J. • 81-3x SALE.--IXELVINATOR ItE • FRIp.,ERATOR,_ in good condi OR LE,ELEdTRIO'STOVD, Hotpoint, 4 Inirners, high oven. Phone 378, Ooderich, between 5.30 and 1p.m. •• -32 FOR SALE,BEA.:(1TY A,ND TURA. ceior return to grey. ing 'hair/ with, Angetteitie-arey.:;:timr • Restorer. « Try ft, $1 at Ciibeirs anil Emerson's. Drug -Stokes, -32-4. - FO" SALE.—"DANOXNO, HAP'PY feit you'll, 'have, If you'll but use Lloyd's Corn , Salve." sorItt Coroxibeira and EmersOn'S Drug Eitores, •. -32-4 EtAtti.:—livonkttist: • A0014 'cabin, including 'buliwit. '4upboarits, itoer eel-6ring and eur- 0.114. POSse$Sioil b AugeSt Oth, Apply lin 4trOlulY, Albert street, ldrivrAticotavt. vivratins„Iteal •Estate, •132* Special Attendano — TARE ANNOUNCED FOR 'Goderich Lions Club Carnival AT COURT HOUSE PARK, AUGUST 18th and.20th Purchase—of a ten cent "attendance ticket places pur- chaser's_ name in the big -ATTENDANCE -DRAWS which will be'made on the nights of BOTH August -18th and -20th, Winners MUST BE PRESENT to receive prizes. DRAW FOR POWER LAWN MOWER AT- 9 P:1V1. • DRAW FOR MIXMASTER AT 10 P.M. ,Power_Lawii__Mower_and-. a. IVIixmaster will be given away on both the night of August 18th and. the night of-: August 20ili.. „ ' • Prizes for , Weclnesday • night on Display at Pridhean's Men's Wear and for Friday night at Cranston'A Furniture • Store. . A • , NOTICE. , Thumping dead anlinals or any- thing else oh the, roadsides in the -strwic.lit..1811y:ITpto:h:—:ibLIV4"Cla'otertdNbry) ,iovrrent:0:13f"tlitt*, Township a, West wiiwolosit.,. ----uoiid*SUVerifireiirdeire NOTICE., • beteby giire notieethat'all weeds, are to be destfoyed before,gohig t6 Seed as provided for. by the Weed Control Ad/Chapter 844, Seetian 4. Any person �r persons failing Vit117-these'p0'vi8lons--1will be liable to a penalty ,as •eyklect by. the Act. * . Huron CoufitY" Weed Itigbeeter, 814- •• , AvozoilEtp,p10,. MOIL -aa'Sfri-o-r"-:'-' Licensed Auctioneer with' ' tiventy' years'. egterienee. loer information write 'or phone 1814; Goderich (44114t) fly -Way Hank "They never steal the ear, doggortit:ctlY that swell gas' buy at Gard- • ner Mor- Salts.' hone A •'You're sure to .. • . • witlilifestone. • brake. ront Goderic •