HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-12, Page 16MS X IIT GODERICIi SIGN ^ffaa!rfaa. AVG UST 15t111.1- 1048 11.30 %M. 110143t CONOWNION... *IQ Aar,' m,AL4' AND rRIMARY SUNDA.31:•$(3100144, fl a0100110111-0.1110120•01%r-AERMON-.4-*. BMIALY 11 i'ARR; P.4.1.•; 1.4h, RECTOR, A., W. ANDRINON, Orga!iist and Choirmaster. g/44,4•Immalsommato.4.444.4 North. St "United Church „ R,EV„ "C. WPSI4gY COPE, p',A„' • Mr, Alex: Clark--40.rganist and Ch..tr Master THE. CilkIR:CO §0I0014.,. "TILE 'MAN WIT. .NO RELIGION:" MISS IVIARJORIE HAYS-rGUEST SOLOIST, THE CHURCH. WITH THE SINGII';',G TOWER KI1QX Presbyterian Church „a REV. ROBERT G. MacIVIILIAN, Minister • Mr. Win. Wickett, 1.C%L, A.C,C,O., Director of Praise -9,45 ar.m. 'SUNDAY SC1100t. 11 JUNIOR CDNGREGATION. 11 a.m. Subject :'"WIIAT IS MAN?" Guest Preacher: REV. J. REYNOLDS ESLER, BA., Brantford, Ont. -, There 'will be no.eyening service during the, month of August. Come and Worship.the Lord in. the Beauty of Holiness. , Victoria St. 4, United 'Church 1INISTM4EV. LAWRENCE if. TURNER, BA. Organist and _Choir Irieitiler,Nriss:*ary. joyeo Stiraehan •10 am. SABBATH SCHOOL., :11. a.m. -PUBLIC WORSHIP., tiViOnnAjgGESSMA.;131?.71RA_CIE!iwt1Dff4,=. 9.45 a.m. UNION CHURCH., • . I , „ . Evening Service .withdrawn during month of August. • " VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU • Godericlu Baptist Church PASTOREV. 6. W. IL MEDLEY, -;••• , • Organist -Miss, Verna, C. Miller 10 On. CHURCH HOOL: SE CES AT 11 -a.m. and 7 pan. 1 - ,BORNa BROWNe-At AIOXandra VOSPItal, Goderich, on ,AtiguSt` 10th, 1948, to Mr. and MrS. AlPert Brown, , Goderich, a daughter. • HAPPX.-At Alexandra HosPital, ' Gederieh, on .4..ugust 60;11948, to Mr. and Mrs, jOe HapPy, CrOde- rich, a on, „Garry grie. 3 s pit 1 ° Toronto, Q11 INItualoy, At gust 2nd, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs, Gerard Hill (nee'Wilmina Dannan), o aor- onto, -'"a daughter, "Mary 'Therese Sharon, . • JOANSTON,-•-;•%At -Alexandra Hos- pital, •on Friday, July 30th, 1948, to Ur.. and Mrs. D, C,. (Bud) Johnston, Goderielt, a, daughter (Dawn Collee1.1).• McILIVAIN,-At Arexandra Hospit- al, Gqderieli, on August2iid, 1948,,, ter. ' PAYNX4.1.---"-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, en July ,30the 1948; tq Mr. and Mrs. ti,„ E. Payne, Gode- rieli, a daughter. BOBINSON.-at Aleiandra flospit Goderiell, on "August 1,,st, 1048, to Mr. and'Mrs. Allred J.- Robin- son, R.R: 4, Goderich, a son, James Russell. " SHERWOOD.-At „ Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on. August 3rd, -1948, to Mr and Mrs. Earl Sher- wood, R.R. 5, Goderich, a son.. , • DIED Goderich township, on Friday, July 300, 1048,, Agnes C, Milks, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. J. A. Sully, in her 82nd' year. RODS -Ii' Ooderich. on- Friday, July -30,-1948, Mary Ann Jewell, beloved wife • of Robert Redges,_.in her 68th year. • IN MEMORIAM CULB,ERT.--,In J.pving memory of . Melville Culbert, who passed away at Dungannon', August th,.• 1038. ,Sunshine passes, -.shadows fall, Sweet remembrItiace outlasts' all; And though _the yettrs be many or few, They are_ tiled with mehiaries,..clear,- of. yeti. • -LEVer reniembered bY bis • wife„ Olive: - - '•-•32 TIGERT:-LInloving memory a our dear mother, Elia Elizabeth ager wi. passe 6, 1944. •• • .Thoughts,,,,ofsvveret remembrance, Memories sad and. true,' LoyeAnd.sweet_lievotten , From hearts that ache for you: • -EVer remembered by her family. 32x MILLION. In loving piePiotY et our Wife and mother, Mrs. 'Minnie Breen Million,•who passed_ away July 31st, 1945. , rIPEACHER WANTED. In our hearth your memory lingers, . Sweetly tender, fond and true; _i____God.exidi_Taw/Ls, Area • teis Any• magazine, any' time any any- vtheTPt.-MiSS May B. ROWell, 4 St.. VinCent StrOe; PhOne 213W, 017. mot; 'leinay"McLean, Waterloo street. . ?t -f U you are Wan -Own bargai radie and autematic record hanger eombiliations, eome to Hilt0hinsOn's Radio *Service • Goderich LionS Club's earnival will be held n. .Court House Park, on 'Wednesday, August 18th, and Friday, August 20th; Valuablet prizes, given both nights„:" Monster bingos and many games of Skill., • -31 , Dr, i. It, Hall wishes to ail- nounee that his °thee, will be closed win August llth to September 3.8tb. -32-3 Auction sale of. household „goods, at the residence ,,oX 3,1,1tutch, 15 Victoria street south, "S. athrda.y, Augu,st 28th. • Harold • jackSon, auctioneer, , • • -32 McKinnon's millinery stere will be eloped ,from. August 16th to August 19th- inclusive. The Misses McKinnon will attend a shoWing of Fall Millinery at Teronto.-32 The gW.o.y.u.. will meet on:Tues- day, August, 17th, at 3.30, at Harbor Park. -4- • -82 Mr. Frank Reid a Reid's- Bea'at Salon left last- week for a course of two and a -half months in cutting and styling hair at the N. Louis Hair Design Institute, New York City. ^ • -32 Lost LOST.: -- LADY'S PALE.. BLUE sweater, on Civic Holiday, near Agricultural :Park. • Leave • at SIG NAL- WI:JAR OFFICE ii -Pan 852M. -32 LOST, , • ,T(L.A.CK 'WALLET 'BE- . TWEEN Bridge street and Cap- ital Theatre, containing important. papers. Finder please phone..371W. • 32x LOST, LADY'S' DIAMOND wrist watch at Ashfield church' reception on Monday, Alb; 20th, Finder - please-- leave at- sioNAD. sTA:R. For Res FOR‘ SALE smx.—pumqgs, TALK - strain., wee]a,' OW; MRS. , ROY VINNIGAN, • Anbl.141, 11,R. 3. Phone carlow 1820." -82 FOOT- • inbeard moter speed. boat; good condition. .14Itone 589, Godericli (be: Lore 2 On., Please). • . Fon • 644111.4-475 COLL.A.PSII3LE etinip trailer, sleePs four, .600 x 16 tire- $35, p9rtab1e Tadio• J. BACON, flai-Per Park Camp. 32x Ii1OR SALE..FORP AfttslY •"'"' trUeir, 15 cwt., geed conditien ; +Mahn*, tires, l'rice •I3v, or oeb-t mfer. Phone- 1193W. istf. FOR - „)VHITE Royal Escort Cook sfPve With reserVoir; used 'only last winter. MRS. J. E. MTJTOII, Vic - :Writ'. street, •••• ' - ••32 ' 7•4'," Fog SALE; $14ENDOR• Tell- ' LETS are egeetive. T w o weeks! supply.$1.; 12 weeks', $5, at Campbell's- and Emerson's drng stores. " • .-gikai R SALE. - RANGETTE IN .good condition. Apply 10 Ilincks street, -31 poR GOOD EIGHT- • ROOMED frame house, , new furnace, new three-piece bath, Wired for electric stove; well decorated; Excellent lOcation nearSquare.# • Ap- ply to ALEX. BUTLER, 14' 116n- .treal street, ,Gloderieh. • * 29tf "POR Classified Ad nut 0.4LE R •SALE.---BLIJE '`IJAMID OIL burner, uSed QUI), abo.rt while. W,T LIJMBY, -West street, 42" i 11, BALR--1'01711 ,LOTS ON McDonald street and one•lot en It- SALE, .'-7!):. BU. P.V47'5ET$O-L4:1). -X • 11 * , • walnut,. "Unlit() " drawer Space. !Phone 383. , ' - • :32x SLE. -GLADIOLI, 75e A 't dozen- (beautiful range of Colors) ; *also other seasonal garden flowers, sweet peas, asters. snap- dragons, 4rtnitts, 'mums; etc., MRS. 11,---HOLMAN, Cameron" street,. phone 722. 32tf FOR SALE.-C'OCKER SPANIEL ,pups, purebred with registered pedigree. J. A. SULLY, Rosily •Bayffeld road. • „-,29tf- FOR sAtE. — 1933 FORD coach. GORDON GILBERT, R.R. 2, :Bayfield. • •-- 32x -envelope. Finder Please notify SIGNAL -STAR -OFFICE. Reward. LOWE-BLACK4FAITLET WIT suit; of money. Finder pleaSe leave at • SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE and receive reward.- 32x TEACHER WANTED • • . in charge of PASTOR-AAMES, -GIBSON; - HANSA= ,PARK., -LONDON_ BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemb-116§- of Canada) - REV. J. A. PEARSON, PaStor.. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, , 11 a.m: MORNING DEVOTIONAL SERVICE, 7,30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Friday 8 p.m. Young People's Meeting; ' EVERY SERVICE IS DIFFERENT -GOD IS BLESSING. . —COME -AND ENJOY YOURSELF-AT-DETHEL. SEE' • ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP • BRITANNIA 'ROAD <at Victoria School) FOR T -11A:' iiiTHWAIi,D REPAIR, .10-B -• F.ARM IMPLEMENT REPAIRS IN, A HURRY • • Adviee costs nothigg; PHONE 28:7M 30tf ,WILL YO 'll HAVE'AN ENTRY IN THE. • • 11:1 • -• There TS Pdt--t-i--dayi deaf inether, requires a Protestant • teacher for NIL 6 school:- -Blease -state qualifica- tio'ns, salary etpected. Duties to commence, September. lst. FRANK 'YEO, R.R, 3, ifiton,• Secretary - treasurer. -31-2 That we do not :think _of you, ' • -Ever • remembered .-by Husband and, Family. . • 32x McINTYRE.-.-In-lovin.g memory, of our son Russell,, who passed. away ten years ago August 13 " • COme ,to my Heavenly 'garden And...,SeP P.trfgct.1119,9ni , Tire-ffeiVei-YOU. loved so desitlY; ' And thought that plucked to_o , soon, - - Then you will:know my :reason, • Though yqu know itnot today, Why in his promisifig fnanho.od- I took your son away. • • - -Sadly missed by Mother , and Dad. :OF TH,E GODERICH TRADES AND LABOR COUNC/L? * `Ever -ST class is open to liuron County, 'Ther is .approxira ilatay" $300 in. pie money.- „ ., Plan yoUr dii*titrOOVi. You..11.9.44,t0 ent,031's mailiost eardjo mittee;q,Box 9390 GOderich” 8,0 13001I trpessible. a 11EltE CLASiES AlsTELAUZES 1.81) 2nd Br . Industrial...Pk:eta • $15,00 $10.00 Atereharit rlOata ; 20;00 10..00 ,5.00 Lod' al, Union.klcoto. , J.:. „ 25.00 15.00 10.00 :Decorated Orin : 15.00 10.00 5.00 Parnlers' Entries - .. 4.00 15.00. 10.00. reon310 Floata ;.., 20.00 10.00 5.00' Best „ 0.00 10.00 5.00 :Decorated Bicycles „ 1. . - -3.00 A.00 1,00 Decorated, 'Movies' ........ 3,00 2,00 1.00 dren'a Pancy 110664 8.0 . 1.00 04, • „. • Rev.,,W, 11. and Mrs. Burgess Of Bracebirdge are occupying the-yje-, toria street parsonage, . yr. Bur- gess \ICI...preach at .17.1ctor1o_street_ aiijf Union chnrches during the month 'of August. muserwaraoharrar FARM FOR SALE FARM FoR SALE. • The east quarter .of let conces- sion '6, Eastern Divisiotr4AShfield Township, consisting of "50 acres of clay land with. good house, barn and somktimber. Must` be SoIdg.to close an bstite. For further par- ticulars apply to r HERBERT C: CURRAN, • R.R. .7, Lucknow, •Ontario, or • -FRANK DONNELLY, 31-3 - Goderich, Ontario. FURNITURE REPAIRED - CABINET MAKING,. SAW EILXNG, ETC. All kinds of general hlaeksmithing. , T. GOWER (Formerly Sheardown Blacksmith Shoji)) HAMILTON ST. 42tf • „ • - . — TENDERS WANTED 'RILED IINDEUSIbbliffs-strY to the'unclerigtioil, and ,endersed "Tender for North ahd South:Piers-, Goderieh, -Ontario," will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wednes day, August 18, 1948, for repairs to barber works (north and south piers) at Goderich, Macon county, Ontario. • Plans, form of contract and speci- fication can be seen' and formsof i-teiider obtained -At the- office ti'f the. Cilia Engineer, Department of &f the the District Engineer, Dominion Public 'Building, London, Ontario, and at the Pat Office at Godericli, Ontario. . Note; Upon application to the undersigned, the Departmentwill supply blue-ptints ,and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of $2500 in the Min of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the. Minister -of Public Works. The de-- pcsit will be released on the return of the blue-printg and spedification within :amontb. from the date of re- ception of tenders. If not returned: within. that period the deposit Will be forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless Made on printed forms sup- plied by the Department and in ac- cordance with conditions set forth therein. • Each•tender must be accompanied by a certified, cheque on a:chartered bank in Canada, payable to theorder of the ttonorable the 1VI, inister of Public Works, equig to 10 per cent. of the ainount of the, tender, or bearer bonds of the Deminien of Canada or of the' Canadian National Railway Conant:cm?"' and its Constitu- ent • cowpanies, unconditionally guaranteed as terprineipal and inter- •Phone:991j. • 32x • • FR SALE. - PULLER PRO - CTS, per,SOnal and house- hold: brushes,* brebliiS Obi'd Local agent, HERB. BRIDLE, 109 Huron road. Phone 284J. 31ti FOR SALE. -BLUE PRAM, IN good condition. Call 8 Britannia road. 32x 60ir.p.4) Scripps *marine en ine, ....aamp quantity, netsWith_ corks and rads; .fish and ice houses, etc., Wrfte.BOX 705, Goderieh, Ont. - -32 F'0,,,tt SALE.--CHENIII , SPREADS, $4.99,. s, Wholesale AN -TED. --- $3.00 • CASH„ FOR a ._:____ .. .pricei„.„,,arsv,,qualir.oheullles-, - " --.,...,;,.4,iitevim.4.05.6rgitrokiyirvists,-,...-...-F... double or single beds. in all beauti- ,thg con . dition. Write IAMES g genic supPlies (rubber goo_ao_L turpastel colors_,,, worth inuch-move.... A ,, HOLD; -Ne-w---Rall'iburg,' mailed postpaid' in 'plain, sealedi Ontario.* 31-5x. envelope with, pe . list. Six • -• - " --,- samPles 25c; 24 Samples $1.00. Mail WANTED. - HOUSE, APART- Order Dept. .7-53, NOV-RUBBER 10NT...or Jooms in vicinity of CO., Box'.91, Hamilton,, Ont -1-9 hospital,- by •adults only, Write. • . . . BOX 16, SIGNAL -STAR. , -32' , F'OR SALE:" KITCHEN (JAB- ' IN333T, Porcelain try, medium size, white enamel finish. Apply 224 '',Tones . street, croileri.eh 82X F" §,,,,,LE.-r-VRAIVIE BUILDING and sun poreh. • Phone 337... -32- „ ^FOR SALE. ---ONE LARGE TWO - • ]AE' wind* with storm saSh, screen,' an complete frame ; oak frame for French:* 'doors; draw.ers and doors for kitehen--cupboards; also a storm porch, complete 7 These articles may be seen evenings at F. E., 1-1113l3ERT'S home, Elgin ave, -32 , . FOR SALF1.--BEAUTIFUL SUM- mEn cottage, furnished; 3 bed,. rooms; , living -room, k i t e n, screened -in verandah,*electricity, 8 - wire service. Cottagevis located at POrt 'Albert on- the berteh just above high-water mark on a. valuable- lot with 200 ft, :beach, frontage, with a lovely sand beach. A good road runs off No. .21 liighvvay right to the cottage. • C. F.• CHAPMAN, Real Estate Broker, phone 18, Goderich, • Ont. ” • .-32-3-4 WANTED WANTED. - 0 Al A N• R ' ' housework on hourly basis. All conveniences. Phone 429; 32tf WANTED. -LISTINGS OF PRO- '? PERTIES for sale.'•c. F. CHAPMA.N, Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. 39tf WANTED, - TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms. ' Phone' 1182. 32x WANTED TO. BUY. -ALL ()Lb. " horses and 'dead animals.. If tritableletm_inkfeed will lay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at -once. GILBERT BROS.', MINX RANCH, GoderIch.. Phone ,,collect 936-r--21. or 930"r-32: - • • T flEligROAXt WITH ItL7gElt:ALZRELME IiING • SOIVIETHING NEW AN DIFFERENT Danish 'Paitry, , A tatr delicacy not fcund in Mani, bakeries Also a ,large varietyfart .ef cY:Ou4s .and deugbnitS, freh s, • eVery, day. • TIe above pastries featured thi's weekendat 4,• LBERT"S E ---The 'Horne Of Ta•$ty Pastry .•:'• Orders of -$1.00 and over delivered. • MIONE 465 wEsT,IsT., CARDS OF. MANUS 11. 1O ERT RODGES , AND family .v.vfSh to extend their heartfelt • thanks to those who , kindly, sent fierat-tributes or ex- pressed in_any -way their sympathy in the pine of bereavement. -32 MRS. dEORGE I3ROWN AND -7- family take this means a ex- pressing. their thanks to those who were se- kind to theni • in their bereavement and to those Who sent flowers or loaned. cars., , -32 FOR.',RENT . ITO RENT. BED ..ITTING•• rooni;. •priyate entrance. . ,Elgin avenue, phone 534. • - - ,NOTICE TO CREDITORS • , yppon. TO CREDITOR& lism , OTHERS AlPpergons having claims against the- Estate of Runes .Finnigan, late of Dungannon, are ...required to for- ward full particulars; duly. verified,. to the undersigned, on or before -the 14th day of August, 1948. after which date the Adminiktratrix wih proceed to distribute the assets.. •FRANK DONNELLY,' 'Ooderich, Solicitor for the Adminietratrix. OTICE Td CREDITORS AND In' the -E-Ste.9teTiloEt 11,.A8lbert Harold McCreath, deceased. • - All: persons having. claims against e••-estatet-oft---A-lbert---H-trrold'-•Me Creath, late of the City of Toronto, secretary -treasurer, who'd:lied on or about the 17th day of 'December, 1947,, ' are, hereby Jo.tited to_send._to, the undersigned it-dmiiiiiirator on WANTED. -HOUSE IN GODE- io9rfull'before ptahret t2uOitahrt3doafyt hoefi Aeulaguimsst; • ' RICH, will). possession in After which date the adminiStrator October. Will buy- or rent. Write will distribute the assets of -the' BOX 15 SIGNAL -STAR. 325 estate -among the Pahles entitled 'WANTED TO * RENT. - BY, thereto, having regard only "to the claims of -Which _he shall 'then have young coupae, four- to .six -room notice. - „ , r self-contained tiPartment, warn). m winter ; careful tenants, Datetrirt--frollits•-•22ntr-drrr Write 13'.0. Goderich; of Alb', 1948. • RALPH 'S. MeCREATII, 30tf • Administrator* ANTED. -WAITRE SE 5, by Leonard, Sinclair, *Goodenough, full or- part time. Apply Higginbottom &,McDonnell, 320 Bay 9 • . -3143 TO -RENT.-FIJRNI.S11111X131{1D- Raoxis in home of one. adult. :11 Cambria road. ; • . '32x AUCTION ISALB - _ AUVNION SALE OF BEAUTI- FUL ANTIQT,TES - AND •• 11,'URNITURE There will :be .offered : for , sale• ,' subject te prior Withdrawal, the following effeots at the residenee of John S. Henderson; corner of • Wel- . Wigton street -and 20 Bigin oVentie,.- SATURDAY,. AUGUST 14 ' at I cislock p.m.. • Three-pieceI'Mane living -room suite; 3 -piece inland suite; .black walnut,. love seat; • 3 black walnut tables; marble top carved oak din- ing -room ,suite, antique; bed daven- port; rockers ; •rugs; 6 oak dining chairs; black walnut sideboard; 3 - Piece -' wicker*; lawn swing; wicker fernery' ; hall rack; lainps ;' Chest of drawers; 2 platform A'Oekers ;,' lounge; oceasional chairs4. steel, ice box ;. glassware; mattress, new; black -walnut- sae. and 2 chairs ; beeutiful black walnut bed; loom suite; dresser and ,washstand,„ .•marble tops: and '•other aTticle,sk large quantity of Antique -dishes; .• .ornaments; antique Clocks,.; table and floor laMps • battery radii). . HAROLD 'JACKSON; .• - • . . Auctioneer. JOHN S. :HENDERSON, • Proprietor.. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. • • When you, see me •don't ' :think INSURANCE. BUT when you, think of - Also: habitant hand hooked rugs, size 18 x 36, Original colorful pat- terns, 3 -tor. $4.00. Sent -C.O.D. pins postage. Moneyimmediately re- funded if not satisfied, HANDL: CRAFT DISTRIBUTORS, 254' Sher- brooke street West., Montreal,Qpd.: 21t1 hejkom,lation,“.$441Auttla the aforementioned bonds and a .certified cheque if required to make up -an' Odd amount: By -order, 1J. M. sognnvILTA, • . Secretary. Deportment of PublieWorks, Ottawa,' Tilly 23; 1948, -31-2 FOR -SALE. - stvw .ROOM :frame house on large corner lot; garage, poultryIfoue trees, Desirable..propertY'' With all conveniences Two blocks from lake bank, immediate possession, corner , E1gin4 avenue and. Wellesley street. .Faione- 726J. - --32 ro - ON 7---.14114.1iiii, Leif. EstitOT:400 •• - and. aiy. ft da, A ire114cnown*cliaift of Iddies' Wear stores ' would like t� -locate in your „community. , Requires a well located Ettore,. . Will pay a fair rental and do all, repairs and reova• 'Lions at their'oivn Establisloident .ototWstore here would mak 'definitedoir-, tribution to the shopping 'services* of your count unity0 and vvould provide, gainful env. • ployment to local people.. ''We•will lookinto ' every proposition proposed to us. All PliCa will be treated in ,a confidential Man- ner. • -WheWitt 411n*(4,$ , 60 MactIonnell Ect,, Onelph, . 4,414144 44, • '44 Volt, •SA.LE. BEAUTIFU L,, • modern Cape Cod style • summer home with two-thirds of an acre landscaped grounds at Bayfield. A desirabre snippier homeforUnited States citizen. Inquire at SIGNAL - STAR. 27tf FOR SAL1 — ONE - CYLINDER A.J.F. mothrcycle, good condi- tion, priced at $160,-• GODERICH CONCRETE BLOCK 'CO. . 432 T-TOUSE,• • BRICK.. FRESHLY painted, central,. 'Victoria street; fitly flooied cellar and attic, closed - in veranda, hot water heated. J. E. MUTCH. 28tf FOR 'SALE. --ALL HOUEHOLD effects; -including-Tdanovelectric htove, dining -room and Chesterfield suite, . studio couch and chair, also two girls' bicycles. Apply 12 Cam- eron street. Phone 8t(4M. • 32x • , WA NT r D. EXPERIENCED welder;: golworking condi- tions. Write BOX 17, SIGNAL- STARL -32 WANTED:, --BECOME AN INDE- *PENDENT business Man and -- your 'own boss.' If • yeti are ambi- • dons, industrious nand a goad sales- man, apply of once to BLUE BRAND .PROI)TJCTS .00., 7227 • Alexandra, llentreat, Que. -32-4. SIX 3VIONT1S' •, RENT IN, AD,- VANCE for suitable 'house.- Of- fice worker and wife, no children; urgently, require adequate living quarters., Would accept a self-con- tained 4- to 6 -room •apartment. Write BOX 18: SIGNAL -STAR. WANTED. -BOARDE,R, MAN " , preferred, near Square. MRS. R. E. WILSON, 11 West street.. -32 NOTICE FOR SALE,-ROICAL ELECTRIC • vaeutita • eleaner, upright, with r-,--uttitehnitiudfr-tnoltding—ntve waxer and, dentother ; still -under guarantee, in Al condition. Phone MRS. FRANK HAWKINS, phone 1711 Dungannon. 32x FOR TIOX, 7.1,13 capacity; MRS. CLARE tale Water HIghWay, Bayfield. -' 32x ,FOR SALE. -FUR ACRES or land "adjoining • town -property AERE IrcADAm, R.R: 2, Goderich. , -- Get Insured .7-.; Stay Insured- - Rest Assured. • North St: • Tel. 268r. yOU MAY OWN A BRAND-NEW -1948 OLDSMDBILE Two -door sedan, complete .with-, radio, "heater, defroster, spare lire, slip covers, fog lights, and 100 gallongasoline, w11.1 -be given-aWay O October th: Car shore subscrip- tion tickets '5 ter $1. Proceeds ter Kingtitbn Memorial. Recreation . Centre. ' AddresS° KINdST0* 11.JAKM,13, Kingston, 04,, Lucky owner nett; fled promptly, and also advertised In Signak•Star. • • -30-41 , NtOTICE. • For demonstration of new Dufold Mop, call ARNOLD demonstration* 858J. • • • - • 331-3XI • .Thunpifig dead animals or any- 32 3 thing else on the roadsides in the OR LE, Township of West Wawanosh . Is 8A,--XELVINATOR RE - FRIGERAToit- in good Township DECTItte-STOVE, 2 tion. Ph6he 460. , ' '''-- - ' A.• IlotpOirit, 4 burners o highoven. I ' - • ' 42 81-- ' _Wst anh os; ' tri,ctlY,J. - rder-of-tho- tortNE its . uperintendent. , • condi- • TownShip of ' ttoail eWaw Thunu 378, Goderich* between 5:30„ ---, - VOTIOR. taw .4_,..paio. . 0 ,, _32 ' 1 nereoy wgiv'en-otice that au...iieeds •.., ....------:..........., • are to be destroyed before going to seed as provided fOrThY-fhe-Vireea- control Act,Ohapter 844, Section: 4.' Any .person or perseps f,aiiing to Comply .Witli these provisioilg....*.M. be qtable* td It Dentl1tr,1111 `prOvitled- by. the•Act. , ,, • 1 __,,,.. WM. R. boxl6Att, Huron County Weed Inspector. 8i -P,• :' . „ ,......sorto .;,,,,•,.._-....; AllOTIONE1iItal10- atts. Gaynor, ticensed Auctioned' with ttventi tats',yexperience. ' For information write -�r' phhhe„187.10.00deticli (tolled) SALE.---liE4113T3t AND N'A, -T-(JRAL olo.r return., to grey: - it -kg hair. with Angelicoo .Grer Restorer. ,.„.Try'.1..t._ ,Oampheits, and Emerson's XYrug 'Store. .32-4 Wit §A.LE.---"tiAigela4G, tiAPIYZ feet you'll have, if you'll htit. use Lloyd's Corn Salve,„'? ,5,0c •trt Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Steres, , -02-4 mpil.-14omatil tow. cabin,..-ItetudIng huilt;hi% Cupboards; 11Ook covering •and talns1rosheSslou by Angtof Mt& EI);.4i1111V.ittit,AlbOrt street,-' Or Real state. .4 ia ARE, ANNOUNCED FOR Goderich Lions club Carnival AT. COURT HOUSE P"ARIt, AUGUST -18th and '20th Purchase- of a ten cent attendande ticket places pur- - chaser's name,in the big ATTENDANCE DRAWS which will be made on the nights of BOTH August 18th and 20th. Winners MUST BEPRESENTto receive prizes. Dg4Vi7 l'OR POWER LAWN MOWER AT 9 P.M: DRAW FOR IVITXMASTER AT. 10 P.M. A,Power ta,wii„Mo'wer ahd a 1V/ixina,ster will be given away* on both tile, night of August 18th •and the hight of August 20th, , • a • ;Prizes for Widtesday night on Display at :Pridltain's Men's weli. and fort Frida,y night at Cranston'S 'Furniture Store. • ' 11 14 -Way Hank' „ "PlleY never stoi he tar, doggointo only that A11 ga41;biiy• at•Gatcl.' - nor Motor Sa1c8.,!' hone 2 A "or, • You're sure to • with Firestone' brake linings. from Sale -.A° oriel"