HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-12, Page 10Asonstsasommasms..aawnalfsemossamema,......,_ „ tona .4:,:„..„,06p14rfra, i0414hiO8T Wp1licV5.4 Pubiltglei by .^iii10.1-$141r.. Limited OblieriPton atee•-L-' Canada and Great Oritala, '$2.00 a year : ti United $0,10, „$2.00. -4941:Vert1aing- Itti3Os-on.-4eque$t. :Oftice Departtnent; 'Ottawa.. Teicaone i. COnadian• NV'eelrly NewsPniers Asseclition Sworn, Cireulution'Ove'r 2 775 • • 11,11OB1RTS0z4. GEO. TA ELLIS TuunSPAN'. AN-1•111th$T,1..4)th, 1048 TH.E NZIAr ,LIBERAL. LVA,DER • " L " • The' Liberal con.Yeutiou 'A:Ottawa last Week did the expected in :chips-. sing Alr,: St, Lanrent as the party' ieacie in the Federal, Sphere; .Two 'Others :went t� -the,ballot, hut the. vote for Mr. St. Laurent was more than double, the cembined vote of • , the..twe other candidates. The" bal- lot Wits: ,St."LaurentS48, Gardiner 823, Power 56. Nally old-line Liberals wOuld have lig.ed to honor • Mr : Gardiner for his -work over . ittany years'as Ariniiter of .4,grictil- ture and for the valiant service he lads rendered his party in yarlia- Vent and on the platform.' He had strong support front Wgtern • Canada and must have taken many Ontario' votes. Mr. Power since he, Cabinet beCatise " of disagreement over -the. qiielniu. of military conscription • has been . playing a lone hand, and though he made a stronk speech before the convention 'his support was just about what was expected, even by himself. Mr. St. 1:aurent, who cattle into the Ring Cabinet after the death of • Mt. Lapointe; has more than Insti- '•'flad -the -high expecta-tions held. for, him: His father waS French,. hiS, • , mother was.lrish; and fronillifancY he heard in his home both, Vrench he 'seems to have acquired -some- thing of Scottish shrewdness. He •batter....than-ITIOSt• •:;pepple -who -know- other tongue, and- the fighting Trish spirit Was 'exhibited his; declaration after the • Libeitrdefeat, in the Quebec .. Provincial elections that, he was more deterinined than ever to at,: cePti. the -Liberal leadershiP if it .44--ore--air-444-40--111-14-1A la.Wier.J.14: , • _Profession, he had one ;of the best '• practices In Quebec before o:•oing ' reluctantly, into politics,. He is not a "glad -hander," has not the hu]nOr whieh Made his compatriot Sir Wil- frid Lattrier o popular with his t • • where there ha S been unrest...and trubulence. Tilos old Mother Na, fur% they say, yvill do more to prevent war' than all the efforts of the diplomats ciin accomplish.- A peeplii will' not be: so quarrelsonie. • .• • * .-Frinn all 'reports the Bruce gglinty, • reunion was a spenditl soccess, .and • besides. naakiug opPOrtunity for the. ;renewal of old •frieudships it -gave the colinty.a great deal -Of pleasant. publicity, . Financially, too, -we are told, it came out on -the right side, and it is. planned to repeat it every ten years. We wender if "there is'. enough_ Co-operative. spirit in Huron to make a county reunion feasible? ,it took considerably more than a year to work out the plans for the Bruce reunion, and the task of organlzntien,filling inevitably tip,on rew- shoulders-tn eir-e-h-Cournumi , would not be an easy .on But if Bruce did. it, why not Huron? • .• The Stratford Beacon -Herald is disgusted with.*the "cynicismc and "partisan bias" of certain news- papers • whieh give another reason, than illness fdr Mr. 13ractInn's re- tirement front the leadership Of the Progressive Conservative party, that other reason being -..dissatisfaction with his_ leadershiP ivithin.' the party. „ The B. -H. •mighf spare , its indignation.. It cannot deny. that .harsher`thIngs have. been saidabout Mr. .13ra ck en's .leadership in_papers supporting -the progres=siye.,...92uerv-.. 'alive party than in papers oppos- ing that party.' The,13eacon-Herald, itself .v.Vas- one of the .first to ques- tion Mr. prseken's '• effectiveness. There is no reason -to doubt 'th 't' . • r. itracicen's health Is not satis- factory, but the --criticisms he 're:, ceived ffem. within his own arty were not ealenlptedte make'it 'any better. • .. vp- • • The first. Sunday of Angust was n quiet day aVPort Stanley, the "rides." the side shows and,. othet. 1-e•n-ts.- • L. *42h1 t hi lack in these_downjor the day hy order of the respects may iTe a sertOns handicap c0nn(5, CroWn•attorney, n was re - a pplitiCian. Howeve-r, .from -Ported foin. Toronto. on the author.: this time he will be prominently ity -of 11t. reembe-r of 'the Attorney;- * :before the infblic, and the people General's., Department. that the beIrtde' to indge for themselves Lord': Day -Art governing, smell rm GOD4RiCil, SIGNAIV-STAR WitiE$DAT, "AligT.TST -12th, 11148 R oF LAZY MEADOWS .230lite LOOM IN To* �AR There's noinkiting abbnethe.'sniell o arn on a su• Liter'S-uay alWaYs, •APPeals• 1,0- TOIE :Stitt .day,. having .110 a snooze in the early ktfteiudoli,, 1. 'was poking Mind the barn with nothing much in Mind ' to do. The, newspaper -had been: .devoured. from front page to back page and the radio didn't Y,ield aaythbg„ of Pa re ie lar interest; The ban doors were WAXY open and 1 stepped inside. There was • that dry and Musky smell of hay that's cured Itind the flavor -Of timbers. seasoned for years and years by successive crops of hay•and Mingled...,with. it, a 'person Could detect,the sharp bite -of hemp from •repo and'binder twine. Isat down Oa a partly full bag of ehop • aid -Vein uiv vantage-- poll.] t I could leek. -o.ut ,acrOss the fields to the rhn .of the hill's in the'i'dis- lance. The Clouds looked like.balls of soapsuds floating across ,khe blue sky. The -leaves Were .blowing in the breeze and • turning as if to get a tan,op the underside. The Wind whispered in the spruce. tree at /he end. of the barn and tiekred the elm that seemed to giggle. in, a maidenly •and aljnOst-embar- rassed way.A cloada shrilled out his warning, about •the heat, of the day. Aro ss the fields A dog barked ,in a lazy, ..hot weather way. A. train moaned in the distance and -there •rrzsthkit,f1Irng- of -a. ear horn on the river bridge. A. motorcycle shrilled by on • the road, Above me the pigeons atm. - inured to one 'another with throaty gurgles. A bumblebee sedately swooped, into .the barn, looked aronnd and then scooted off in the direction of the hollyhocks around the old well. .• ••' The dog mooched in and curled no 011 t patch of hay. The cat stirred from her- vantage. point . over the- granary, watched the • dogto make eertain that there- was no 'ndieation ' of battle, and then witlt. a twitch of her -whiskers .went back to her sleep. . • etr...st3iftl4ed--44). • and-wegarded- -ine. with cocked eye. for some time. Tiien she stepped. briskly oyer -to _the zfnlsgfigeway and -popped into an, arftand•--tin a unday afternoon, lint she had'workto do. 'The eows'eame up from the Creek and lay clewn in th'e shade if t1ie. maple tree: The horses 'Suddenly_ sta rted rUnn in g and they thundered rieross the field -and watirinto the cool of the swale. • Then °T -heard my •wifa banging wi Sn'oon on.. the • 4-iisbps Ti • :Fi n - new at if was tame fa go up for slipper. what manner of plan .he amnsernents wus to he enforced Though • Many., ,.cliffer-ent,---view:!. throughout flte Province. ;However, points' on plibrie issues were brought Protests from 'summer. resort's evi- forwtid Tii thrttiltelition, the piiit dently. were ;too nuiela ;POr this re- adoptgd showed no startling' solution ahd on Sunday last Port 'departure from party lioliCies of the stnnicY and ntbei' ,anynSement past. When tile Government_ faces • the ,voter is -la- the next election, whieh may not be until the anti -Thin , tif-* 1Q49 • of: even laler.„ -Nk-111 be CHARGES AGAINST - MEN WITHDR,AWN -Chart.te,s' intituidatien against Robert. E. `Schilitiacker MidTattd, and •of the •Canadian' ._Seam6u'- T-Ti11011, v/C.1•0 wltb.drnwn in the ..weokly; 11Th •-Pourf last , Thursday _at' rerottsf of 'Crown." All'orney. D. E. Frolnies. Kr. • )1-1'; Holmes' exnla hied that four kr-itn-e-qses who were tnenllyrs of .tbe (TOW of S.S. Superior leTt the shit) weeli...s, ago find could not 'he loon fed, " The elthrzre atrniiist t110 ern sr(1 rncr, wlieTi"tbev linaTtled-tife Simev- inr in Goclerich harbor nn -and allogrilly threw -bottles aml ,t-oncs and int0t:foroe1 11101)11)0i,. places were going' full blast.. with rrfrho 41.1 nn no interferrenre from the' amtlmr- 1,,i11 f5.4.1.op0'nnil--flip m•fierp4 itieq. itisliolel by ninny, inelndinz lP1"141,1,.:11";";:ernoit.1(:11.:T;o.. , • of .eoUrse the °neva fors nf the • T 1 k r jfidged rather ye,i,ord arwe ninnSPInhnt'dpylres., flint the T,ord's tn ••• • ' " f• • • -ors,:i (11,1(1 11P: - than -hy chi., platform adopt -pa Day Art rs out nf• date and ihat 1-.0r15-inv; --oormit f;•• qix igst week's conventiOn. • I roon1r), oni 10011 th n 1,11. of fun 1:111014h1. w.Lon be nIended gniltY to -Attention win now be -axed' on on. the • “day of rest." 'Tbis -columb- " '1 `1'.11.~.°, ‘)-f. en rolPg•z 'driving: .11"• rbe ,•• . t • • • r -.• e 1111,, t110 004-onnle the Pr.Ogressive.: Con•seri vative eon- not • 'I'll'''. to 'argue' .flIP "11 itli'llvvnv. 21- • five ”1• 1104nnrfh of Cnilstnlaip rotb told the en!lri• flint fl,e acCitsed been own v for " wool:- -oral. ruler 00 rotromirres loft TN Qrrtrn :),4- nn ...'venUon tn b -e. beld at the endof biit wn believe that most Onderich September and. the .seleetiori of a people . are 11N -11111y , glad that this party leader-tosueceed Mr. Bracken, , • . EDITORIAL NOTES • • Premier ....*Duplessis,.....„..,of Quebec . eralms.that the Provinces ,should be cOnsitilted regard to -the ; a 4- issien of .Ne-wfoundland • to the DoMinion. He , Seems' to be the •,Only'Previncial premier who makes .•;31.101.1. .0 claira,..and he makes itonly bteek the project. In tibe mean-, the.plans fer 'fife rounding otit of CenfederatioR by the additten of • gress.„ . • a reslititriing; of portfolios in he • Provincial Government- of 'Saskatcheviran , sinC'e -the' reeent glee - a. • TT. Shirt:TY,: nstiye of Eihrett, who hifa been .Minister oethe Depa:rtment of Reconstruction and • Rehabilitation, is made. Allnister of Soeial Welfare. Ite will 6118i/114S to handle; rehabilitation,' his fernier ......„-„departmeflt being: dfine-away Wltb reeouStinetion work. added to another deliartment. • t , • he; $t*. Marys journal -Argus .11ilrilegiltatsporttinTetitireteef-reatit thitr 'guitif.: "'Wouldn't :our urroundings be it lot. More Inter - asks. "0 the ‘,Wended area„Ef-,tit the district harbored deer,, • beat ;and :Otheranhii14Za large 'and atnallt it dOttld earOtbeitigtounded �utanJjt- n Sightt"' Welt, deer,wOnldn't.liurt. .'tinYbedy, but tear=,--wtiulAn't• they tititet tab "Iriter.,, •of year* grain ,CrOpt iti:ZttrOPe. ItTOit,Ott btlibtottlip t e- vXeit,Apt OV tailtrititi4it.'etap# IiiAmcri.0440. c160,WoVe 'the Weotld teed situation will be grOdIfetiSed, :Otigetverit believc thig .W111 itictko to•-••pcitcottit In, deuntries town is not like Crrand Rend, fog lust-a:nee, on ,untlay.i. HoLmgSVILLE • TIOTAIESI'ILLE. Ang. 0.—Mrs. M. F,II•intt-•nind of were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Igrewartha'and Other friends in the village on Sunday: - Mrs. Edward Grigg and -Don spent. a few daystile past worli-in Toronto.. Mri and Mrs. Draper, Detroit, were guess •pf. Mr. and Mrs. Fred N,Inlholland and other relatives over the week -end. ' • ' • • • " '71ev: ari'illaTer.'411MIttl'effiAfttr. their, holidays on Monday, and ex- pect to motor to Nova Scotia,' where they will: r,ene.'w friendships made while 011thcdi• first charge,. Nti.sff Lney Cozens will accoinPany thena as, tar as Montreal, whence she 8af1s for. England en the • `1npress Of Canada.' Her many friends,in this vkinit extend best *wishes or a • P1easnt2 vOyage, • • ' Miss Tt1ee Gliddortretorned hotne froth 'Toronto on Satday,. Miss Marie spent a few days. }with her _at the _end of the -week and :teeom-. ponied her 'home, Rev, andllrs. 5. -Miner and Ti3the1, of rordwieb, have been spending part of their liblidays with Mr. and Mrs; li J. Trewartha. St. Peter's Lutheran norm, ',74urieb, wtts' the .scene of -a ..pretty wedding... 'oil UondaY. -morning, 'Atig114t4ndf,r When, the tritirriage';toek place -Of bin. Bohn, daughter of Mr. arid Mrsz,t0. BObh, of Blake, Harry 'Westhrook.sqn... of, :Mr,. and Mrs, George W.. Westbrdok, of Gode- lehr.. Eev. Xr." lielnrieh The . bride was .bencialligtvc-gowneiriA rose • crepe, With .earsage. Of -White gladioli' and, pink citriatiOna, with, .0oy aecesor1eg. Mbs Letitia Vit,11-4 sob, ',Gioderieh :township, was brideSinaitl, wearingroynl blue with eorsage of pegOlk glAsitol,t and Iiosea. with b1atk,A0ge80erlee.' John West; break., neprieW' of theiitaanif was best, Man. After a Wedding' dinner ht'ate Itatet, Zorleh, Air, and Ut1. Westbrook left On a motet trip north. ,Vhey doderieh, • • nil -o,a1.,0--4Ind Chester. 1.110 ren fly ha vi•nr. fallen n sloe»aia• ii•of Trilli.'11111,yr QoPintr t'he onnrogrli, 111 r,0 r 1,•i von 1)1,-1311 vinnrul CliltlerFt of • _ander! ch. *Damage id the ea rs • 'Reliable -Efficient a , RAD' 10JSERITICE DEPT. PULL S TO CIC -OF TUBES AND Wosac Puaranteed--- e a" s 00.10r /44;* *PO '..VOODERICH ' ONTARIO , 1. , PhOne 114. 'West "St-: , 23.tt Ridoey:' • 11,e10 Back :Ailments: .116,eitattie may _liff_Atti*4.,:by0404. erderS'Of,;the Mdnoyti. cor4,0104,1, if yoluffer from ba4404g6.44,-.1,0. Kidney Palls may he 1104)414e no. Because of their f,itinitilai.ioCaotaeri unihe' kat. eys and, pritlary,ssastels, Deinassist f4„4htf oliminatjon of iOtritiit trent tho'helli, ' tat4,,deponfiable and quielimetint, Don,n4 1idnoy--15110,,,c0 bo ed b7°Ntb. $,oting alid old. tOokatoho , • won is minor- urinary and mat. dot tilintento *ay bo olohly relieved by thin titaa-proveri wattled, .1101r1 at all attg ,sforco. Thi, P. MJibjrn otent,o..OiiL ainounted, to 4800.and*, MagiStray, ',Cook WaVi41,, Cheater Of the danger t drkilDt a cat', with insuacre4. '.414.4e Otte pro- Perly, you hale te baY0 sill yettr. Wits,".13,e added, AStIOlt-INSIgY. Sunnier Oewers formed the back ” - ground for a pretty Wedding. in Knox Presbyterian' Church on Mon- day afternoon, -A.ugnst 9tii,When:. :Tetin .A. Janney, daughter of Mr.: i'?it711$108 **Ella-, A RTERiS RILL pativw• • m, I§ 44telifled. r§.., Vic* Biliett, in her _sad and inkiaiya iogs. 00 4, lox" )Austland. Xr 11/111-ott Passedaw,ay en aturclai Morning' as the result of_a heart attack Ilecent visit -Ors witi/Mr.• and Mrs. L1SLockhart wete. ¥ anct Ernest, Bradley, W. Lyman • Brad. •and Mrs,. WtlUam 61. LaintITY,.Gode- riZthl was limited 14 marringe-7te. WUuiiun- A, Asher, on of Mrs. ?Sher,' 01.-•CheTry ,street, Sirattord,, and the late, Mr, Asher, Rev li. G. ,,MacMillan dindiated. Mr. William, Wickett presided at the .organ,, and during the signing pf the register played '.*Because." The ;bride, given in marriage' by, her father, wore an imported gown ol -white (lotted .orgturza fashioned • with Peter Pan collar, "elboW-length sleeves,' and inn gathered skirt. Her fingertip illusion veil fell front coronet.of pearls, and she carried a cascade b'eminet af white. datsies and carnations, ' Her sister,' Mks. Wasp!' McCreath, was inatfron of honor, wearing white dotted Swiss over pink taffeta+ with pink hustle bow and Sweetheart hat- Her flowers were pink .‘carpations. Mr. Wilson McCreath was best:man. " .After a reception at the home 'of thebride' S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asher. left for a trip to Georgian 'Bay, the bridetravelling in a navy blue suitwith fitted, bolero, white blouse, with, navy hat, and corsage, of white chrnations. They„will live an aatlerialt.-- • 2 The bride- was entertalneT pROC to her marriage at the home of Mr. andw.M.rs. Howard Haley, where, on 'behalf of the staff of the 'A, & P. Store,• she was presented with a handsome mirror. • ELLIOTT—JOHNSTON• . A qttlet but pretty. wedding was celebrated at St. George's church by the rector, Rev. B. 1-1.- Parr, on Sat- urday, July 31t, at when Miss -Mary. lean John stoir,' datighter of Mr. and.:Mrs._J_It._ Johnston of_ Winghani. and -Edwin Elliott, son Of Mr. and -Mrs. Bert Elliott of 'Code- jazia.,_were united •riao•e. • bride was lovely a street -length gown- of white silk jersey' with cowl neckline, and :wearing • a .whii•e* intrl17-eine ad clrP'sw-7"itli-shoft-761 Of. illuslon. and ...white ,accessories. I -Ter corsage was of fed roses and' white gladiolus petals, and she wore a two -strand stringnf pearls. Miss Doris • Jo.hnsfon• was her ,ister's, bridesmaid. wearing blue silk -Jersey dress with cors!!ge of pink, gladiolus petals, and ...white acces- sories. The best man was Mr.=-1-teg.. 44111-elfr-of-74-edrricir-...-Xt. Elliott Will lyside•in .Goderieb:- omegisismax••••••••••••••••••;......risemm, ...)40.1-worry...about-your.,-present. or --future - security, Phone Carlow 24.15 or write • 13.. R. R9131;s101's1 Monarch -,Life :1•.-Assuranre ' sentative„ R..R..1,„Port Albert. 360 atter mIcUMIC, .e riNnigtf Xifie „De4 rovter avent. *c4!0' Aehtib Tfention *1th * Oh* And r. ant.'d /0fra. •Clt:Peittbr 'ntn'oth' .er.1 Mrs. arr1s414 • 'rhe' ita.r7rison fftlAilY 'SurrOised gelmesvilie, by all gathering --to• §Peq her birthday with her, The gathering WaS Saiblened by the pass - her: Jarollor, Vietor EllIQ.t.t, lue„ day previous. • - • , IcY,' New Tornto ; Mr. and Mrs.! B, Corbet , Dundalk.; Mr. and Some vacations make people ,,,ttp- predate the old saying "There's' no plaCe *like heme." 1Kingsten. Whig -Standard. • ,M.„3..S. W. C. 00r1Sett,•TbrontO; Dalton Cerbett, Priceville; Mrs:. jim Mrs, 'Wilford BurnsidOS,. Markdale. Lawson Lockhart Royal 'Oak Mich came over on Simday and. his little dangliter, Tatninie, returned with •itim,;but Jim is staying for a.longer holiday. •' held,their August meet., ing -on 'Yhttistitly last. at the honaq of Mrs. Wilmer Harrison,' with a very good attendance. It Was decided to hold 11. chicken pie supper after the. anniversary services. The travelling apron was handed in at this meeting ; LAWN MO'WER • sharpening ,,and Repairing We sharpen spears, gaydep ••tools. ete. • ROST. .GROVES • kt residence of el. V, Thenuts, 64 East Elgin Ave, 22tf • NOTICE EmptoyEks' VACATION Goderich French Pry Cleaners, wiLl be cr..9sED DURING THE SECOND WEEK AUGDST from Monday, August 9th to Saturday, August 14, inclusive. C. 1Z. LOWERY. . PHONE .I.22 3042-a • CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED AND RENOVATED MATTRESSES -REBUILT .--Expert Workmanship. Free tick -up and Delivery. • RD: UNIOLSTEltif CO.. STR,ATFORD, ONT, ENQUIRE AT BROPHO'S FURNITURE, GODERICH. S°411Z1711g le 1949 140TORPIR RA1/01011111410N • 60146E9US FUR (OAT .4:441111c RifftiougoR • FOUR BIVICIES ' , 0.,WATER sofTENER. o.vAtuum •LthiE $toi):09 soN4 • ilifEi.vE $50.00 60Nps. , • To 6e given clskay • FREE,' VALUE OVER -$6 000 00 spvAziciaz-sAirE--Ticity-T4_ E,yadVaneTtkl(etlru of the p tiCkets, to, participate. .Ady.allpe Sale Tickets..,• 3: For ,$1. . INCLUDIN Pjqz,E DRAWING' gwviL1013 WESTERNFAIR ‘F.401 'TIM?' OMITS. I:A. ptiiT OR Orthip. • r- IJ?T 13 to 18 LONDON ' ONTARIO D. Jackson; Sdaretati • • • , The, Western Antes would feet' a I hind, her iron curiariti,iind'stay there, lot; better if RuSsia Would -get be- [—Lethbridge ' 11,e,rald, . — E3uRi)ock e BLoop 1TTEIRS Helps to, .stimulate the action of the bowels, kidneys, liver and stomach. It aids in the elimination of -wastes . and 'impurities from the body. The result is, often a smoother, clearer skin. Btirdock Blood Bitters IS' sold id all drug minters. . The T. MilhOrn CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 5 *maw DO YOU NEED - • WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF, FLOOR, .0OVERINg-S. :RUBBgR TILE MASTIC TILE_ 119 IEt. 0ttR.4.11iFoRD Phone 14E.35M, Stratford ESTIMATEei• • •w), 31843 arAF • 4. . '3444666614'' me,6- .4 'irk •yet teeoef with' a t'l.pcklge car" • !elation • - • its long, Jont silhouette . . anti thdre'a plenty .01 road clearance! - • Seats this vilde--• really sofatwiclel -. Vnt new nolfare ' "Black Ligbhng • ' • t'• 411,VP 11 3. irs a.dreamt • You'll say it.looksiilce iieustam•built tat. • V;17 '"•-••••• NOW "Itydt•O•torin trent, "Pbra•floc" 1041414, • ••••'- . Distinctive Air Foil Grille -4r the lookof the year! , lt1tr 1949 The new "Deep Deck. Luggage Locker Is 57% mongol' • • you .hauen't yd learned all about Ifni Ford, • "Forty-Ntner'. make .t% lioeline for Your Ford Dealer's right now. The '49 Ford 1* Fompletely•newi • from the ground urr .4. Wtih new "Magic Adage' kin -$1z0 Drake% "Picture Windciivu VisibilIty . 59% more rigid "l„ifaguarci'' ;Body on new Fnis-rnetilber bOx section frame.,. new 100 -Hp. -V-8 Engine; packed with °zip° and "go"",'feduringr 18%,taving- gasoline flew irra roadie( *Deep DeelF" Lugtage Locker.. . ne.Hydres. . -Cny"'Frant- poring* ... new 'Tact -Fide' _ Xtiar„Springir., .neW.'""Mid thip” ttIcte that:cradtes Obet,en:hgog tflilite`s:40-1.Nn-heii°9'ligeraZeuesrf . and many more ...-. with. On overall rfeW 41•Sign, inelcle and . • ant, that macs 0,orA "The Car -o1 Pie 'Yec.ai."1 Fo.RD At,I1Yr MONARCH' DIVItION FORD MOitR COOANY F CANADA, LOArreb _ 7Treret a • SEE IT. AT YoUR. FIORD DEAL.41q. 0(in RCN in yotir fultik Scut ' and MONARCHan, net ERVICE., dile 8 le one • •,