HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-08-12, Page 6' $'erv.tce..•. Eqqiprnnt... es . a c t lrtx ALL .r Outstanding ndin v rl�a LC dAre,A to All I Cnttied tram Page 1 ' ing at the. cable and .that ''he sponsored' by therm was • to play eel' -` (�.f'a for) grabbed the upper eable'oriviAisrjsu t al3f p tarn book. s a,d--°iak. 13- Phone1098,..for Zit hour boservice to oil' makes, oi' " eommerciatly and domestic refrigeration equipmetriti.. Me tern of sticA' agreement, • the whole; -of -the .'..prooee4s-. ro - ch: lieekey games were to belong to the4 said Leuzen, •\Vestbro.ok, Doak and Paquette, and they' tXllese four de- fenda•ntS)� were to pay -to the said Uarry G, Babb the sum of $50.00 - for each and every game o Hockey: .ihayed, 1 ursuant to '. stied agree - Went', the said four defenyclauts,4er• some of ',thea],, :advertised a hockey' -g played$tb, �ani.4 to ;be on., January ; Eith, t • r - i � which' k w i :said rink, n Y.147, < m. the . i , game n 'team 3n:bulgedand operated. West- brook, the defendants Laudon, \\ est-. brook, • Doak and Paffuette • was to take part, These defendants caused to appear in the said advertisement a notiee•that an admission fee would be charged 'and; that 'tipop payment aP an, additional" fee a reserved seat could be obtained These reserved seats were on the said -balcony, on beaches placed there by" the said four. defendants. . Pi rsuaiit,to said advertisement t,ie plaintiff attended at the said Link and" was admitted as a spectator upon payment df the advertised--•adm-ission---fee --anal- ►n-- payment of an additional fee he was, together with some friends, ushered to • seats on the balcony where he occupied a• seat allotted to him by • the sticl defendants or their .sere- ants. These seats had recently been installed ..or placed in position, ori the , balcony by . the . defendants Louzon, Westbrook, Doak ' and Paquette, and were clearly for the purpose, of''' . securing .. additional., revenue from spectators .attending the hockey game.. - The seating. .capacity of the balcony was in the vicinity.,of'05.ir:c1. 60. .:The defendant Babb agreed, ' iii consideration, of the said $59.00 fee for each schen dtiled hockey game, to supply the. fine British are now allowed enough- -gasoline • to : drive ` ninety miles =a month. Canadians can use that much, _up in 'an hour. -Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph,_: Miss Gertrude Thompson, native Goderich township, but resident of ' (intoe - for over thirty" years, .died on July 30th in her eighty- • second year. . s. Ilpholstery You will. be`. proud , of the Chesterfield, .Chairs, etc., that We re -upholster el. recover, for' you. Choice 'of'` velour, frieze, tapestry, damask. Quality coverings. hone 2.06J Pick-up and delivery SEE' Up !' PHONE US ! WRITE US. GODERICH THE SQUARE . T4 L. Oi RNEU, :'.'dug'. i. The spnpathy Of .this community goes out to 11t[r.' Bebert 'Rodes an& family in their rece,nt' sad ' bereave- • x " 1." ie aw tsst at Refri eratian Servide 1IPti Ain Oarsyvel1 o7, `� 4 'Byt'a-b1ethe-lower- Tel -911th of t ens a pu e R g s was ;t week -mid for with hel thxft he attended 4fthe rtak shGrxly • - rt�x.: gfiei- the Accident Together withtt0us> t, s ,y b *cane others, He lMeriapi)., the.' 7'RIQIDAIRE A numbei� from- this' eoct�mi niter judgment cotatin les, "found. 'the Coalmereial Agent for Goderich attendeded the to once raves on,' Mall- eable, table broken at the upright but held ' and laistrietl . day, also tightly .at the COMP. He , found e . Satisfaction Gearanteed, . the -evening, strands of- the cable broken at ;So', 49tf Week -end' visitors with Mr, and 'era/ laces, It . ft pears that the s, Irvin . Oke and family were+ :. �r p Mr. and Mrs, atrium Oke, ,Mr, and cable consists ,of,'. • seven' Strands,' loci' - :lfxs, Wilson Oke and Miss Mnrvilla ,seme places'' as want', as , three t nein .loved' until Deoemb.er, .Pa lain tin oP Wiudsor.w strands, and to one Place four, were. was t la. L Yvi• an ' when h secured' a ,position A, week -end visitor with i.. d broken.'? �. I9 7 t e a >l missing or 4 \Ti n a €> tad w � ss ` sti s $n A r. r >V• � u y• ' r hest°a s, u . . "'Do M in ,, r fir in r o. Pr ix► ,. TO' judgment' kroceeds,� ., as•�a}esniau. , Sell :' �rbni En nr, ,who leas. been, �: . , i Ontario,' tis Weekly earnings. in, . y gid X find as a fact that the repass n , .. �' f Visiting Mr. and. Mrfi, D,oug, Robin - lease to the rink, were all made after the . this position average upwards o , s g *find l • that $40,00:,,,During the period that the son !of Zurich. lease was able n I rind a so . $ Guests. witld Mr. and Mrs. in tiff? was in hospital and unable', any ..reasonable inspeetiioi>: �s e�apt, plain.. ination would have disclosed to the to wont, his` salary was Continued° Sny c1 .r are the latter s sister and town authorities -'or to' the lessee, by the Departmexnt, - of :Veterans' brother-in-law, lair, ant} Mrs. iatbie- or to anyone .capable' to make an Affairs because the pluantiftz had son pf MeK 41 1 o r T0ranto has s been , ins etiun the unsafe condition of. substantial sick leave. which he was I -s• - - a, s. Ito e „ r r d s lira er to M I�. the cable, .''„ • The evidence directs .allowed and *Irish was. exhausted vis t g h s s• , me to the conclusion that, notwith= during ,his illnesS," Ladiest .Aid. l'icn�itc.L-Tkie annul the town did re namages'are assessed At $44895.51,• Ladies' Asti picnic was held oh Wed - standing the lease, easddiay �evenin August 4th at taro some : control over the •'including• $370:51 for- medical- ex g. �„ Harbor ,Park. A"bountiful. supper premises. poises, etc, ; $225 for loss of time; "I And as a fact that, the $300 for pain and suffering, and was served at 7 Pang followed by defect in the said cable wasAlla, $4,000 for permanentdisability ; and sports: The . followin, g won p• rizes : a 'nature that' it could be ;seen by 3udgrnent against �tiie-de of 1 I is Children 5 Years-ttixd tndei, Do, a' proper inspection and that? such Babb, Louzon, Westbrook, Doak and 'McCabe; young ladies'' race, Lor, defects t'onstituted a dangerous con- Paquette is fqr this amount raine Hicks ;- kicking the slipper, Mrs. E. Fuller; throwing the rolling clition and a `trap,' ' I find :.as a ($4,895.51) and costs pin, Mr:1.-C. Sturdy Married ladies' fact that the" 'dour defendants race, firs E Fuller ; heel and toe --Louzon, Westbrook, ' Doak and BENNMILLEIt - "r ' e v� s :'°'! Fuller a -Kathleen' to Paquette, or 'their servants, placed Holmes ; btvs' race,: Bruce Holmes ; the seats -on the said balcony rw th BENIILILT:EI • : Aug 3.^-A^,great men's race, Earl Fuller ; spot' es ; the knowledge and` the approval of many from here attended the fun- -Mrs. E. Calvert ; wheelliariaw` raise, the defendant__ Harry C. Babb. I eral on .Sunday of Mrs. . Robt. Jack Hicks and -Billy -Wildon. rind as a. fact and in point of law -�.- that "the lessee.Harry C. Babb, Rodges,:Godericli township. • __._.__- under his agreement with the said Mrs.. Wm. 'Strauglian visited with ASHFIET,D foul defendants dict retain a degree her. daughters in. Goderich township i-• of control overNthe premises suf-last week. - • ASHPIEB Aug:' 4; .-,--,Many of _.Mr _ and Mrs, Ralph trillion and those whoa ided the centennial daughter, of Straffordville, spent the. wee =end with1 r, an J. Moore and family,' Mr. and Mrs. M Kie--of- Toronto A with Mrs, h n and Other relatives. Mrs: -Walters- and Floyd. -visited -fora few -days with -Mr -and antd--Mrs• i Jervis at Holmesville. -he-decor-anon=ser,ice-a•t� ori cemetery. . on Sunday, Was- largely uttende-d. • - _. Aug. — ti r re- LongI3eiilaii`''was in Windso eently-Atten,dina..,the wedding- •of Dorothea _ e , er. _.. • Threshing •is the order of the The . Good family held their inn- �� ff nal:picnic :this' week. ., ' Id a 4 0 6 Mrs. ;,,\\xalters a°xa•n;d� ,:�Fliiyt�iv�i:sitedn � s :-� �' with her brother in Goderielh' on r".v " ate • You re as - .0 et Dare, pan, t Mako. tea excrctly� ,as usual. ; While stili 'hot ' pour into glasses filled' With cracked' ice .. ; Add' ' su arr; and oil ion to, taste b., . is officiating as nurse at the Kintall. Presbyterian 'aro. e MrDuncan MacXey is ' visiting at her Koine itn. ;tl ulitnr,,a.: ficient to -make . him an, inviter,. and anniverstiry of Anffe d Presbyterial that the -plaintiff was art invitee of the. said ..five ' defendants, Babb, • k l \I d MrsR J. church have returned -to their`homes after an interestin ' and delightful 'Louzon,.. ' \\restbrook, ., Doak aird P g building, ice, • hydro, to: clean . the ,,.. ,.-.. reunion with old acquaintances. ice .;between periods,. and.' to gil,e'Pagtiette. • On the uest�on of .liability the are spending holidays' Mr. Maurice Lambertus, accgm- the hockey team of the four defend' i n judge discusses the law and Wm. Straug a 1 ' th ' ailed by• his son;_ rev. Father Cyril ants three ractice_ periods a. week' eek lea ed J g ambertns, °'and Mr. Gus Lambertus, a p p cites_warions . cases and finds khat without furter charge.• o k said ,under thelaw the def ndant torpor- Dimer-..._r.esidents,-of. tai farm at - - four defendants were to loop after Leslie . preseltt ' occupied by • Mr, ' Coiu...• - ation 'of tile. Town <o •Goderich. is the.••sA e tieket-sgancl i -ere respo... _ ... Kolb >Sl!'i :e , afte It 1> ertee�slf� - , excir pa ed`"ffiiii �l ty,' I ;regi• ears renewed acquaintances in • 11e fir -searing th�speetators.. The he ettrtltr':=ham states,:,"heett the :Years, • the'- defendairt'..•--H`ai4y C. Babb , agreed . *_., .-• F.-. - Ili mu ell wen :�iever rico a how m eh 'a wife u eans to them until a judge , - fixes..Lthe alimony, ---Quebec `Ohron- isle-aTelegraph. ;• Five miles ,south of Goderich, sandy beach, r running stream; =roads, hydro and water ail in. Few congenial families wanted to build lake ,front honies,50 foot lets• at $300. -district. They -wove neeo u a'anied - ' •with the said' four defendants to be Plaintiff through the, failure iff the CouncilBENMILLER, A g 10 Miss also by Mrs. Arthur Q'Con.�dr of Pckri - on hand and to.make. himself avail- or :t colts of the corporation df the i e ng• able fur,' such further .sertices...a. • ,:g • •; ... Miss Mary Si4mpson, R.N., a mem- Town of Godderieh toproperly'emir i1lTss ' F lk bor...-0f file Wingham- hospital= -staff, - were .'r'eginred. -from:- time-- to lime during the progress oftpe mames: • Yon eight• -be the next victim-of-ire-fire-tha r< , - quickly destroy your home, ur lrusipess,�,oar-property, your whole -life's -work. Ler: Pitot -Insurance accept'the risk -ready and quick,to,pay any just claim.. The 'cosh is very low. "We write Piot insurance to cover selected risks in `Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, -Tine Glass,' Pub= 'lie Liabiliitey and other general insurance. Q . • , Geo. ' G. MMlaeEwan; Goderich: •• GordonJewell, R.JL 6, Goderich ' Representing It is clear froiu all,material'tim 's on the 6th day of January the . o aeration of the said rink,, in.so far, = s• spectators attend- ing the hockey ame 'were concerned, was uh'tler th:. supervision, regula- tioiin"'a d"`,Noi2 defendants; or some .ctf` them, jointly with the defe dant Harry C. Babb: During the c urse of• the second. period of the s id•game;a scrimmage took .place, o '. the i e under or nearly rtirrl:iff' nc�et �seated l�zlcony.. The - next to his its -f1 E k7e1►;trtmt>nt n Veterans' wife ilia tli4' said ligleony, 'it:anin;; ;Affairs and was reeefhin;; $2p'6.00 a game, with his ; niontlr '' This employment terrain left_han.d._r ti g, ort tide. Tower cable, t a•ted in, July, 1947, and' the lilaintiff, when Said iowe"r "'cable broke pre- cipitating •pini, along with several . ' others, to' the ice below, The plaintiff susttlined serious injuries; r including coniiniiiuted impacted frac- tures of both wrists with subs`taantl interferenef of the'joint. line, in- juries to :„r•sbs and left elbow, to= gether with numerous .bruises- and 'contusions and muscular and liga- } rtlerit injury to the -chest,. These in- �, juries necessita1etl sulr.•tautilil out- lay lacy ' in ' the .'way of hospital and medical attendance, and the plaintiff. is permanently .injured, --and for such injuries .tsk. il<inlages" froixi the diefendarnts.- -They jndgfuent. goes 'on to tell of the acceptance by the Town Council of defendant Babb's tender for the' lease of the rink and of the giving of instructions by .the Council to I Councillors •Moody and Taylor; to ' ' gether • With. the town foreman:, Roy Meriam, to- inspect the rink and re- port on any necessary repairs. On Norejnber. 1 5th,, , IO.4,6, -the defendant .Babb attendiid on the Council and -requested that c•ertalmrepalrs should ; be made to the rink, and at a. meet - big. of -the Council din' December~ '6th the' defendant Babb firrhished• the town with a statement listing such repairs as he deemed necessary and,. essential, 'and . siiJbsequently the Council. authorized 'certain specific: repairs. ,.Councillor Taylor. testified that he attended 'at the rink with . Couticillor, Mpody and Rig Meriam'. He said .he remenfbered Moody look out the. repairs to' the said balcony.: Here - lie etiYidence that at : In the words of Lord James of Ilere- - �:, flay around lBenmiller. ford , . . Moral responsibility, how - identical clearly. established, is not identical with legal. liability.' "The action therefore, is lis= missed against the corporation of the Town" gf Goderich, ..but,. -under. �Stlnday_ .... - m_. u■ The-seiVfee ,in �Stit3t fk n Ben :rget-your-ager ouswo4=are-pepp. the . special circumstances, without costs. . " "I find. liability' against the de- fendant Harry C. Babb .and against .the defendants Louzon, Westbrook,. Doak and -Paquette. -"The plaintiff '*as employed• Try "pepping up", with Ostrex. Contain tonic 'for weak, randown foci;,',; due solely to body's lack of•iven which m on and 'women .call "old:' Betdeliglhted, • t your money, bac1 'Try Ostrex Tonic l :, for new pep; vigor, vim and years young.; A ing, thisvery day. For sale at all chug sLocea everywhere. miller plaited church: will be- 'con- :ducted by the Women's ,Association, with .a choir led' by the men. ' Full stock of parts ;carried at all–times. Guaranteed,; repairs to all types 'of • radio equipment, :Pick-up and delivery-7-- 82 elivery- 32 Huron Road, Phone 264 'T[YIERAZ,. SERVICE No 'extra: charge for the uses_ of our Funeral Home, Toron- to Street. Prompt Anibulanc.e Service Phone 835.. ' Ree, 355 or'.? ' WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR ' CURRENT PRICES ..Phone 247 or' 658 . Goderich PHONE COLLECT GODERICH MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS BEST 013' MATERIALS Guaranteed workmanship at priees 'that ' will please you. SATE ALL AGENTS FEES Call at our office: or drop .us s line to "Box 161, Goderieb. We • will be pleased to call ;and help choose a suitable memorial, for - your family plot:' a R. A. S 'OTTON' • St.:Andrew's St. , ' Qfteii keyed -up 'nerves cause, restlessness, irrita• wy bility and even . nervoii"sness: If you suffer from keyed -hp nerves then Milburn 's Health and Nerve Pills may be of help. . ': r' : ':`; : Milburn's Finial and Nerve 'P::is are a well '.. r..,..! ..`: balanced medicinelei those who are -: en -down and may need a "c aeraI ten ditioner to help build up the system. They stimulate the nervous systt ::, inapr`bve the appetite, aid `diggtioa 'arid thus irel,p promote refreshing. rest, Get 'Milburii's..Health and Nerve Pills at..your nearest drug store today. Aceept no substitutes. Look for -.the trade mark the ",.Bed Beart". s _.._ -: - ..__.. "e'i' .Milburn Co., Limited,-To'rorto, Ont. _ •, -- Asa rine, the . most • inter- esting and successful people are those who have inquiring .inieds.they 'are always ready ,to: learn more -=' from all sources, including other deo ` le Questions -are keys to in- formation that cannotbe discovered in any other way. And you will,get worthwhile information ,from people' in all walks of life -- if you are not .too proud to ask for It Moreover, 1 find that 'peo- ple invati biy "open up" readily in response'to a query `a out their Weil hobines or- some 'other , subjects about which I have reason to sus'. p that they know 0.„1,c4, Ask foil' a ker way .. r` bi ..tivsionarAs' mott4e,,,,,w4fing. a'xv, rr, .Authorized bonier'' of Coes-Cola antler ontract with Cora -Cola, LtLL, .. Oltl(S 1►1€iCtiim 489 't '3t2rtntlat aged`I isles afnd A ccordiin .To Size•And-Condit fon- Cows ap to $840'' Horses p,to $1.00 Hogs . (3O0: lbs.. eaci). MOO. Pius: $2.00.per.1001bss0'for gdditiottnl weight AT youR FARM Phone., Collect 0100.6 d NTON 21. "'INGERSOL;I ' itl A g ? lh U:'Di FIRM, [ SI Atin IS11Er) 1 RIO . I try to summarize 'what I have learned. This, 1 find, helps ,line to remember the facts' More clearly. The your po'vvers of observ- ' atk n.,� "You w411 find it • a buil in for . future success surprisinglybigbel in • " '' g and enjoyment of Life! L ,r uw Yottz life instliraM=vxrlce a ina.ilwti'.'k° •tM•`•+�.S, .I qu#4nY+N•.P'1^•^-,^°'^"••• train b an3we, y011t quos- bents aboot an Inst raace pro. • graft ft ine# yo ncedssi [f,you a$k h i'or. ai Im will it LSititillr; 70AMIWO%G/AW Nt If you wish to save • yourself -the trouble of sending - ' your War Savings Certificates -month ._by ,month to Ottawa as they mature, here's a suggestion: Bring all your War Savings. Certificates to' your .nearest 15,44.M branchkor• a very small ...charge per certificate; Ve'il'glad" ly take ` care of • a[l the redemp- tion ,details for you, and, if you wish,, credit the proceeds to a 4aviw3s 'account in your name. This handy thartvs available in blotter -form for your Convenience: Pi& 'up a few At your nearest B of NI -branch'. . r ,M.0NTR1 A L Cloderich" Branch H. D. }ELSTEOP, Manager