HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-07-22, Page 27,t 0•GODERICa SK4NAII-ST lor stIEVEIt IMON. • wEts., sukPoRTED a exit ,., 000,0,Trs:,04.m9ST virrzKyr . POW3ile4 by 'i,g1141.-StPir,; LiPlitgd :rittntlwt4sTie tritaln,-$4.1).;(),-a„ye4r4,to 171)1' itflk. . • . . a 4dVertiti1ng Rates • on :request, Mitt:teazel, as seetind-clasS mall, Post coluce Department, Ottawa. Teleptene.71- , , 4* Menaher of Canadfall Weekly'Newspapers ASsociatieh. — . . . SVvOrii girculiLtien Over 2,77,5 . • .W.‘ U. RODERTSON • . ,L. ELLIS TiftittiDAY, *JULY 22nd, 194$ , , „, ; ARACKETCS NATION •,' The re*igantion by Mr., Bracken. (5- the Progressive Conservatiye . 1eersh1p lias tiarovvit poptical. .0„.rc1es into a welter of cenjecture: gild! speculation,. , Thoughthere b,ail. been expressions of dissatiSfactien' • With Ur: Bracken's leaders* from withifl tte, ranks of the traity,"it Is • .116t_so long:,since Mr,Brackefl de- clared, that_ he had no intention of retiring, and his resignation, on the ground Of impaired has. . 'taken the public by stirprise. '- Since Ur. Bracken was drafted ferthe leadership "at the Conserv- ative conventioa ,at Winnipeg in , I9,*2 he has not seemed tot coni- rtab1yiflto 'snch. aSSociatien with. n party of which he had not pre- viously been regarded even as a .As. Premier of MaiallOba •- -Ails „nssociationg • had been rather with Lib-ern:IS than,with, on- .servatives.' , There is more than_a pat, tyCoons of the. doll- se'tviitive ,party had never .taken , warmly to him and ^were only wait- ing for anopportunity to pat seine- -Jim:1.y :At any rate; lie has tendered his • _Ioi an e,,'11etOals-ttli wilt.'enceeed hint, The name of . • -rremier ..Dreiv,at-once, comes ...to, . prestige, has been 'somewhat daral aged hy,the results; of the recent' Ontario.. elections it iS-117 good' bet that_ he will be the chosen one 'when tlie party ,cOn-fenes to select a , new lender._ Other 'names.' Mentioned • are those' of -jolin G. ,Diefenbaker,PT Saskatchevvatn. Gordon Graydon of ,Peel county, Howard Green' of Van- - 'i,ouver, and Donald. M.• reining of Toronto " • " . If Mr. Thiplessis is returned,,next :week as Premier of Quebec, Mr. , Drew's 'association with him, in op- position to theMnekenzie • Government will be a strong factor fairor of he present. Ontario Premier.' IS a strange partner- ship, but if Mr. Drew can 'reconcile his imperialiSt sentiments 'with the extreme Qiiebec nationalism of yin Duplessis there IS' no indleation so far that the -party will refuse to him; • With, a , netv Liberal leader in • place; of, Mr. King, a new Conserv- , --Jaffe leadei. and tile- C1.0:1Ti. con- . .stantlY .ntierUpting to push itself to • the front, stirring times are ahead • ii,on..iinqinn politics. 1 P.1.111 OSIFER'Of LAZY litiDOWS::: • -•AI Aim J. ff6yle '"*OltrilDS OF THE TRAlist _...... ..... .... , _...... , , .— ....; -- ----1---itaxe--alw-aYs.-.beefi Ins'elna e by the Senna of trains, We were liraWiug in hay. -from the east tield on a bliStering. hot day. • Tlie hiked r sucI1.)e Outlawed. • Just how OAS could, 'be made effective; -however, 13 a problem, :for which a *olntion is yet to be' fOund, . Short of for - 'bidding the formation ef „railway.: nien's anious—in itself practically an impossibility—how „eau suc;...... a body 'of .men be forced tO, continue at work if they want to quit? There' May. be sOme way of deing. it, but. nobody „has wale forward • as yet with a practicable plan. • . * • , A story froni Lake Success, seat of the. United Nations assembin depicts „Ceuta). MeNliughton. of Canada a -s a sly humorist. Gromyko, hard -shelled COmmunift, and some other delegates got on the subject of apples,. and Henry Wallace, U.S. presidential •caadidate, said that Canada produc,ed some of the best in the world: Groinyke asked Mc- Natighfon to suggest, some geed •varieties- .for „Russia- a.nd tha-Gen, . - eral, responded: "Well, we haVe MacIntostReds, _also the .t,L41.411grgt Spy,': ,It'$.. a g-o..od • etorZ anY.Y511.7 but we Palley it was concocted some- where. outShie the --a-tigust Chambers Of the United Nations. • • * 7-..,,T-liough Canadians f rem Halifax O----ViiiikenVer an ve vent -TO- a sigh of, relief whOn anno:onceinent was made-last-Week-of-a-Settlentent-with, a mployeehinia- shunted the threatened -strike, 'the railway prOblefa- Still- rema Ins; in a mbdifieg. form. It is snitl. that each cent an hour In :employees' wages cbsts the railways $4,500:990 a year. The increase of .17 eents .oli which the settlement was based would _ac- cordingly mean, an added post .te the railways of $79,500,000 a -year. The_over-ail .euestilin then is:. Wirt' the railways racial -re another raise in rates -in--addition to the 21 'Per cent. increase recently granted? Every addition to rallivay ' rates means an additiOn to ,c.omModity prices, and an increase in the cost of. living„ Which is ;already -high enough.. So the GoVernment rhas another headache. - ,, • • . ••* * * A's "expected; Mr. Tviman was, . chosen on the„fifst ba lot at .tbe nt De'ocratic national' cori. vention last week as 'candidate' for President. The Southerners 'who hitire- rebelled , against Mr. Trmnan_ on the civil rights question put a 'Georgia man In nomination, but he did not get enough .votes to check the Truman parade. Some of them, however, walked nut of the-clinvention hall and later nmninated,Governor Thur- mond of South :Carolina as their presidential VI-n(41(10'e: • 'With the -Demacratic "solid South" 'sprit wide open, . and Henry Wallace .leading, anothes_body of former Dernocrat,§' out of 'the fold, it -looks like an easy, fliiini. for,the Republienits tili'S 71,111*. t o the Ottawa entivention n - go with Mr...Truman, however, is p,tandin sOlidly. on his platforni 41Ild refire's .an open mind to ehoose the .best man. as Cn wide'next Pr! Me to -recognize the prospect of defeat. s. Minister. 'Thrit Webet that (*iverv His rnnning -partner : 55 vice-presj:-, Than _Rick of mierfi ,wt,ll vote for a 'dential candidate is Senator 'Barkley tau stopped in the act 'of gathering UI) the reinains of a, coil and stood listeuing to the sound of the whistle. 1" began:watching •too.. We heard the fastexpress thundering.. down over the edge of the valley -had saw the plumed bonnet' of Smeice from. the engine. a matter- Of 'seconds the lotig tralin.looking,like an eaormous „snake, slipped along heside the river and with a disdainful 'toot for the crossing at the station., in the village it vanished. This Was the fast express; • The hired man said ' ulinats Whet - fully; 4•',Jest think Of sitting in one of' 'those ' air-conditioned cars with porter, to bring yot.i An iced driuk. ad •anything . you waut at .your commaud." He,stood %watching for 'several 'mere • minutes at the spot where the train had dissappeared and then with a shrug of his sliouiders *his fork went into the remains of the pile of hay. . "The ,air conditioning mitY not be working," he laughed, "And even, at tit ill bet you. half 'theveople on that train have More worrie§" than'We haye." • • • Trains have many differeat, sounds. 'Personally, I like the fat and good-natured throatiness of.the old freights. • You h6af thp engine pounding .up ever The grade, and m therelax a little on the down- grade into ige along the roadbed ' beside the river ,antl---comes. to_ a shuddering stop. at the villag,e. The freight' stops everywhere hi" a ';good,- ileintietatie way. it disgorgOs boxes and_ bar- rels and parcels and fakes on in return cans Of o,ream ntitt Cases' of eggs_ And cars. of_ livestock, and •Ripley,-Pert_t her: and Durigannon goes awawith:t y he road to- Another s for the pas.treyears, and has station-L-Uaning_baCk finally to,•the ett-y7With-s-the--produce.-w.hft.b._i.L.hat- exchanged for th,e prodncts of a -thousand...farms, . Trains binelys sound in Winteitifire7-Tdir -libItt-the---tinourir- ful sound of the whistle as the train comes up over the grade 'avitli the snow. and ice and the 4 frost bearkng down on it. It almost saundS as if with each grade the old, monster is looking for a nice, wariii roand- house to climb into as •an escape from the wintry elements. W ' We lietir the fast .train 'going through in the anitldie-df-the night. snuggle down in °tit warm bectk and are thankfUl of where we are. viII admit,' however, that on a hot, day in the hayfield the•thought Of the air-conditioned ears I urns the • advantage around. • NOT SO MANY tr.s. TouRisTs AS LAST YEAR There -a-R- not !aa many 'United 'EDITORIAT., NOTE'S. • Among all t -he nnines . suggested for. the succesSion tel. Mr. Bracken, how is it that Gefifge• Mernilagh deesn:t.. get a sing -1p mention? Has he turned- into n Shrinkihg violet? Toronto' Star urges '4th t delegates The annual AteCabe-geNall ve union was held at Maitland Grove, toMe of Mr, and ,Mrs. Sant NieNall, • vv1,04,, Bort .QYa ef---Auburn•-40.--,tharge,---Th games for young and old, with a bail game between the single, people and married one4, after. which ail 'enjoyed 'ice cream and - One of the highlight:4, of the day, Was t,he presence of ).1. and' 'Mrs. George Keech ' of Denver, Coloradp, Mrs: KeeOlt, who is in her eighty-ftrst year, Is a Meinhcr, Of Iport The eeljamittee also apPreqtate& the "tt.)-eperation $of the newaPapers rrialting,plans-.of the COMMittee' Well known. W; O. PANSONATQRY The felto-w-14 Sfatement ts ssaed by the Huron ,Oeunty P.R. 4s$001, ton: The mass x-ray surVey. o the PeePle- in-gerennut,Nt tqfg comp e ,re. yesponse- from the citizeus tsof every : ,part.. of . the county, as stem/ by „the following silgures4 X-IlaY • • Number °entre. • 2,31.,5 Dashwood , . ' 915 Zurich • -, ..,, ... ,41k. OM RenSall \ 1 73,1, the acCalle family, She and .iter. ertli,,,...1,497 'husband took an -active 'part in the „canton• •1-734 - ... sport, . , ,. ,...ifilayfuoi, ,, . A bounteous supper.7cas served On russeis g estsomIngw .fm Gerrie, ,., ,..4 4: 11480130 the lawn to 1215 u,4 Colorado, Sarnia 't OWerieh, „J.Juel4-_ _ In order that people who `have now, ,Uarriston, Auburn, BlYth.,-Ntle, contkacted the disease or .who are Saltford, Londesboro, - -g4 Mt ReMC." under observation may have Michael entertained, with,his guitar , Periodie ..examinations, the comMit- '"d gwngs.' w1li.011 we'e Qiii°7.e4 1.''Y tee is paying for x-rays in monthly till. • ,." ' clinics in hospitals throughout the • Air. George MeNairwas appOinted, county. These _clinics tave been chairman- for the election of ef- carried ou'for some time and the deers for. 1949, .which resulted as - clUctors are referring Cases to them. follows: Hon. president, George The light to rid this county of Keech, Deaver, Colorado; president, -tuberculosis iscontinuing, and the George McNall. 13lyth; vice-prest- committee feels that the splendid 4dtaernyt:trWeanisiirFeltre,rmGoodr:irgic,hkbtir secirie-; the support of the paign, as well as . response, to this mass x-ray cam - program committee, Chester MeNall, citizens in the purehase.of Christ- -Robert'McCabe, T. X. Young, Robert McNall. • , . The 1049 reunion is to be held the ' third- week in , Jiily at Maitland G. roVe.Earin.-. . DUNGANNON-TORT ALBERT • RECTOR TRANSFERRED LtiCKNOW, July 17. -Rev. R. A. • joselyn of- St. Peter's., (Anglican) 'rectork Parish of Byre!' and ,Hyde Park.' The -transfer -is -eft ecti_te..at_the first, of -September, with Rev Mr. Joselyn completing his pastorate • here on. A-ugust Mr. joselyn has been rector ofi 'the four -point -parish of faicknow, mas seals, shows that the citizens of the county i'vish to be identified:with this work, , . The eommittee - appreciates, the support given it by the committees of the Lions Clubs and. the other erganizations• which•have given sup - of Xentucky. Grit. A LESSON FOR TIIE ('.CF; People who. piny the stoe-k market' (Winnipeg. Fre e Press), nre asking the reason' for flip big After the resiilts in the7.0ntario plunge on the New' York exchange. and SaSkatehewan elections, itSure- ly must be growing evident. to C.C.F. We doii't ;knew much about it, bnt Strategists that ,the building of a We slloyildn3t wonclor if the situ- party on Occupational group< either atinn was that more people were ,singly or lin -combination. is. neither . . , 1 h -good politics nor souffd -democracy. -.wow is to el 1- an were nnxious Bruce county's' reunioN fo, eon- tinue over , two weeks, is,:bringing back former feSitlents.of the •eounty from • riirliarfs of Canada and be yonti. The exPeritnent-oy eountit- • wide reunion will "he,Watehe'd with -4-literesf In -oilier enmities and tt it • „proves suteesisftil 'will lead. to tIa „efforts elsewliere. • -* Th_p ;terrible affair, at .1eho Bay, . itt which 9: dog, a :family 'pet, nt-1 011.4: fACAI-Pect P. bow I)°:v. Is ,,:-retninder,., that • ofiaiiik, 6;61 J'ealetia :When, the .nttentionto* *14eli they ate neenstothedIr siliverfed else - .there.. AtihnalS, 'have' soth f the hest traits of blinnatiklikl, and „smile -.` Allierta'the prot-easioti #totitiCeS .general..relee .tro'ns, this eat. Votliag 'elite' re • Angnist 'Slochtl troyernmerit 'fed b prettier • nin M. *oDpOsed by the „Liberals:and a .nomber •Quelite, VeteSoi3nry nti4 tsitk 4e* -13ronsvi1ek •and'; 14aeltatelleivan haie airpidy •lelecteil their tegistatureEi this 'year. • .; Attero* NoO•be from • - rfla Strike' that MTh ereateil incalculable colifitsion and distress 0100016d the country has led to thic,iteinittid that. s'ach strikes 14-11ckAgalli"t- bE4 v'I-"eh' groups destroys i1e poit c.it1Thr- ninny or- the' part Y and 4tates tourists•visiting c4Oderich..or evenpassing through as . there were last year, accordingto numerOus Goderiel merchants and service sta- tion operators. Various possible reasons for'the falling off thir Year are . advanced, including than:: .Mo.ney is getting scalcer in the United, Stares; tout•-• -are- avoiding- the -Blue,-Water Highway bemire of the poor • con- clit'on, of the road between . Gode- 4'iIi and, Bayfield; the many strikes an. . rumors of Strikes are prevent - as many tourists visitinghere as, last real% ..' Goderich citizens Who have been luilidaying, on- '- Manitoulin., Island elaim that •the same situation exists there, .that there 'arel not as'mafl,SL tr;,q. . tourists: ther4' this year- as riii re were last year. On the other liA id. Goderiett-eitizens visiting in iNiirtherir,- On ta ri-o.-,ay' there are :stirnis. of ,U. -S.. tourists 'up 'there 'you'. run across more . TTnited St i fps than Cana dian .ears, .. . . been -very -popular -with -his parish- 'eners-and-eitizensniCierah----Atr- Byron be. socceeds Rev. John Don-' *aisiScon,---a,--fortner._tticknow rector& „:-,•.1,4,gv"--f.o,----Mtutte • in • January. • • . Rev.' and airs. Joselyn,- Roland and Patricia atine to LucknoWThree'., years ago in Septeliaber from Coclf: rune, where they had spent a year. Por fourteen 'years they were sta- tioned , at Albany on James Bay, where they did n splendid work among the Indiaus. „in a 200-niile areh. Mr. Joselyn's ministry conl- nreinWestetW Ca nada.' Successful candidates at Gederieh centre in the *Western Ontario Con- -§,erva,tory • of Uusic4summer exam-. Inattens. are listed Lt.s ,f01.10\vs.: •„. St." Joseph's, Convent; Pianoforte, grade YI se,nior, honors,. Elean9r knesr.er ; grade lir junior, pass, Rose111.arte-ChiSholm.` Singing, grade ,X seniere, first-class- .honors, Mrs. ID, Rodger; grade- IX senior, honors, Joan Scott, 1N1arilyn, Bittler L grade viII senior, first-claSs-honors, Mari- etta Stingel; .honors.. ifelen 'grnj 1 junior,rst-elOs -toners; Eleanor -Driver. • Goderich., Town Centre Plane - forte, grade junior,' honors, Jayne For, Singing, 'grade. II junior, first-class ho,nors, Betty 13owra,. SIGN -AL -STAR' WELCOME VISITOR IN ENGLAND . . ... ,. .. Leslie S.-Wroot, St. Albans, Herd,' • England, in ‘sending a change of ad- dress for his' copy of The 'Signal - Star, 'writes: "f should like to take this op- 'pontunitv of saying how much we . appreciate having The Signal -Star. For nay wife it is a pleasant 1/41C. • with' home, whilst for. myself, it 1 keeps alive. the happy memories ing years 'sp.ent iti ,i.........y'the ireighbOt- which,' have ef two .most interest - hood of , your eharming town." - T Vobas bY ivroniPa 11:vrner ,- NEIL, NkKAY -Radio awl Recording9reltestra , -. MIL• D INFECTION A intld epidemic is sweeping Goderich these days and is inost prevalent among girls fromthe agei of -eight to twelve. Although no name is given to 'the malady, it could probably be called "majorette infection.", Very frequently . one sees thp girls, sticks tivirling • in hands, strutting about in an' en- thusiastic attempt to imitate the actions of the majorettes in. Gocie- rich's two bands. A Favourite Remedy • F„or the Past, hundro-1 • y DOCTOR FOWLER'S EXTRACT li'diar%4IRAW.gERRY- ha$ been a favourite'remedy for bowel . • complaints. :It ..ia safe., pleasant ani effective. _ ..Prescribed for Diarrhoea • ' Orr. OW.itEtfi: - Intestinal paint , XTF Sea Sickness Summer Comp.• ' 1:141 htint. ' You will be , suTrised hew quiekly- it -works and - better ' you feel. D- O'0T0 R • FOWLER'S EXTRACT WILD sTRAA-BTparaz_ Goderich Fretich Drytieiners- . „ -- - will be CLOSED, DURING THE. OEC0N1) ViTEEIC -from. Mondaii- Augrust„ Rtli;-to• SaturAaj.„.•.; ugus—i_14 -77 Please ilave yOureleaning in f Our d-ays beh fOre*te elosin-g date to avoid disappointment. - r -Desire , Serve Helpfully and Considerately. Is Refledet In' Every Service-. :We Conduct , tor Harvesting Peaches, Plums,. Pears, Apples, Grapes, Tomatoes and other: -Fall .fx7its::and- vegetables- - • Camp DireotorS, bookS',' Camp Assistants also Wanted. Accommodation in Fatm Servide ForCeCam.ps • . AUGITSTd15th to NOVEMBER 15th Campers must bring blanket, sheets and pillow cases For further infOmatioxi ,write; ONTARIO. FARM SERVICE FORCE, •• • 9' Richthond Street Mast, .Toronto 1 Ontario. • AtisvicesT.Domini-on-P-roviircial arm -Lab our -0 o*rnitt ee: KyoxycHtlizeit W.M.S.rife-w,.m.s. of Knox church met irl1ien church biill on Tuesday .rnoon. In the absenee Of the p. .!sident,. Mehrs. Erskine, UV, Al- tikt Taylor ' Was in arge, l'4.e ult,e1,ing.''which was special meet - g for the hatne helpers. Mrs:. Con. Wssett,gaveAlle address of welcothe to: the ,hoine. helpers -And- read -the roll.' B.,j,,,,MaeViear read the , Scripture, follOwed -by prayer by Mrs. Taylor. * After the business part Of the meeting, a lovely duet:* was sung by Mrs. Revell anti Mrs. qpap,guaAa,a..,tn.ejAtkingzNl 'Yen MrS..11alliliSs.- MrtAlbert try -10r spoke briefly -6117 the. simpl must lead to either (moor the....other!, i,!01.1c., and read: a_bonutiftil story in donfinating. Tri 1 lie„en0 of the this "Annection, - entitled- "Little ri.e.F. labor is gaining the .1u-4)er hand, which .Afirely makes. it .uhtin that the only kind of narty which ean reeoneile the centlict is one fidinded on good citizensh ip and: nubile welfltre ratherthan upon ecipational advantage. . MORE SUGGEStIONS FOR A. ttirirtit .00DElgell rtarther $iiggestions for tlie prov6nient 'and..Weitare of .Goderiett, Which have reeently. lieen 'nuide to the Board'OfTrade ittelride one. lilt ifre'Sgitie,-4Shhilitibek-4tertett;36411A more-Celt:writ', brought to Goderielt There 'l.s.sa,id toliea Seirere shertage vI tlita inaterlal *for- use iii small projeetS. • ktiothee Is that a bitildozei4- 1,3e tiesd torevel the bench from tire _rintg4house_sonth,_tp,the, hill below. the ief•• sent befieh is heconting"iiiore and! niOre ,crowded, andan 64.ete0s1on ls 'very"destrapie. Stilt another ,is that members of 'tile Board .of Trade *should do ag.; Anttch of their bhying in town aS tiossible ad by. so, doing itiaprp:Ve bisInsi itt the_ ..tOwitw. T116 nieto !chant witesuggested this said that Ile • Could' a did Meet o`fit-otttiltii price.s on. -614' giiods, anti he 'felt he shonid get:'a larger share of patroage. Vbitrists, • particniarly (Rose fon the United States, ask wht, the` M. formation,: booth Is tot' kept .stippi with. inforhation ;AS whrtt roads are being otied.or /surfaced, So that 'they might. be avoided, New ears 'frequently are battik' slAnSheii itt going over suett4001. ioes,” Which told of the great need' and some of the ways in vvitich this .ts met. Lutichr Was served and a Social Hate 'was spent after 'the ineetiag., Priiykound ayers.0011oli...stretc.4ing for,eit. • frequent -sClieOufes,- 'courteous.. service :to :call' Canci4ces...gily - vacation lands. 0 Here's 'a w• hole list of extras for ri grand vacation!Extra service with 'round-the-clock schedules. : .• extra comfort • aboard stnooth44ding Coaches . . . extra sightswitig altifig scenic Nationwide routes • . . extra courtesy: from highly- ""'''''''.'61-"ZierOgiZiettt'littd-lttillffiliditgectith.-- fitteaFtliattav*-~i- lern..aine.d. the bikg_es,t bargifiri_s in travel!' . mazirigly Low. Fares! . . ( • ... , . • , 'FAit' ES FROM GODERiCa" TO , Single' Return •Single ' Return • lieriAtorth ..., . $:.5-; $ '4.60 'Hank%it Vlice• .,.,... 4.30 2.35 ...... W- .- . ., :$2.75 . ' 4.05- Forest- . - .. .... .1.70. 3.10 .430 :',; Stokes Ea3r,,, . ... 35,5 * 6.40 Fbrest Town Lille .2,15 396 Tobermory, •'. 775 Sarnia' ...-.. , . . .. 2,60 4.70 , Espanola • 8.15 15,00 Chatha.m. , ' 3.40 6.15 Sudbury' North Bay. 9,35 17,15 Detroit 4 40 •7:85 o .11.40 . 20.85; Windior ' .... ;,. 4.75 8,55- .. ail ' :,t0.v „ arta, , 1.-.9 . ... 5 „ ale . • —All Pares Stubjeet to dovernanent Tax— .. WO'S ngPOT At -BRUISE EX6IiAtIGE 1,10tEL -• • • PhOne 691 for Information. , • - .,...-......., NORTHBOUND: Leaves Gocloriph daily ,at 11.09 aan. Q.:(1Tkt-Actuitp: r!ettve,..s Ctit)dglell.J_lailY. at 8.ge, pax .. 'Cit' OntiftlitYi :SuP4ii-44(1771vrcinailf:3.7.41-r"AjxtraThus also loavti Gotiorioliciotitlguittnitat 8.46 zaii: . ' - All times mentiOned'are Standard Time. • if A CAUSE or,RISINGl PRICES 1, (North 'Buttleford Kews). Let -us remember that one of the 'Oauses1 of rising pricesis our help .;to... other countries. • Wo:uld ' anyone ;suggest a substa,ntial reduction in the food and other products wiiielt kve are sehtling to Great Brltain and ertain .Other eetintrie,,, in order to- ,fiV-betterr.",•entritetVeal.,.7:1.1.Ftew;.thalt-#,7- adians. if ruay;• would advocatethi'S sitamefol. course'. '‘ye muskeentinue to do our part in helping' Other ..eountries because that pOlicy is right and also lipealiSe it IS wise. Marshall ran tshould help pi rope., $puth Anterica,--:,,the United -fes antl",-Canadtf--Wlien 1 into operation ; We'Should eo-oPer- ate' with this plan to the limit Of, our ability, but, while 'doing 'this, we should realize that our ovvn,.. problems will he solved chiefly by our own*thinking,. awl efforts and oet accordingly, HYDRO LOAD Arr HIWST PlgAg, itydro demand, 111 Ooderich lt running. high.' 'The inonthk.af •Sinie Showed th highegt peak load for the toWn sinrse-hydrb 'cable here, ad, • ,.ording to Mt O. Weaver,.roaa, Agee of 'the Public ITtitities -nisston, -trist tridsy, according to NIt'IlVoy„ e4Ilt4 operator, there Was -he biggest toad on the f4tlatford high, tension distriet station Since It was