HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-07-15, Page 7titin
• °I. E.A. • McMaster, Sea,forth,.
has been • anpiointed .a eorotrer for.
the4 county of Huron.
a$ WawanoS U• t:' 1atte. l
1317th, died ik the Wingham hpspital
4:otr•-July 5thr .at .the'age of ,seventy;
:tour, • Tears; Ilex.husband, • pred-
eeased`her last year, T„
On '; ul.y,,. 3rd, at , Knox United.
Church„ London,, Mrs. Mary?ivelyn,
• Leola McGee, daughter- of Mt;s. ;3,•
.S. Naylor, 'Whitechiiirch; and the
late Igt. Naylor, was united in mar:.
rile to Arnold qiladwick;ryoR:
London. .. f
Mr, and Mrs. Sing 'Reid, Lueki ow,.
celebrated their fortieth • wedding
anniversary on July 1,st. Mrs: 5a's.
— Certified Certified. Radio. Technician
Widder St., Goderich„Phone 598
wade to suit you.
General W 0ci working
10oWaterloo St.Y-..._
Pipe of Goderieh, 'whit wa: . their
bridesnpaid QrtY IQ trs. agar, wise'
Present Or • the :anniversary, cele
bratiuui' d en.
Reid �vPitl> beugr et---•et-'-0.0 age.•
blossoms. " , '
4.0.1141•S 41ih„ . of Ippen, while•
•dx!tv:ing 'lira'Gar' at night `apparentlk
fell *Sleep; with.' the result • that ,he
found himself in • a deep -ditch at
the ;side of, the rod, .pinned under;
uettth the•ear,• . •Ee'was'able to reach
the .horn: and by sounding thin he
waked the. neighbors and brought
,aSslstance. He was not seri,ausly
Peter `Watson,. a'Iafelong and well.
known ` resident of the Y 12t1): 'Con-
'con-cession of West Waves}nosh,died
suddenly on July 3rd, 1n,'his 'Sixty-
third year, ' He was., a ."lover Qt
horses and ,for many, years was a
successful exhibitor at local fairs..
He is survived Iy his 'wife,, the
forui:er_Marion Casemore of. Wing-.
ham,- and one daughter, Mrs. Harold•
Gaunt of West Wawanosh.
13'oung ,hely Drowned ` . •
' 10 -„Grey Township
• Louis . Steffler, ten -year-old' son
of Mr:: and LVIrs. Giem Steffler; Grey'
township, WAS drowned on July 4th.
while playing in the Maitland River
near Cranbrook. . With some
younger children he was paddling.
in the river when he got' beyond
his depth, respiration
was carried on for: three hours under
the direction Of a registered nurse,
Lawn Mower
_Fully_. equipped to .handle _the
=sharpening and repair, -of . all...,
lawn mowers, either . Left •or
right handed blades. Also
shears,and other garden tools.
R b$.- ]OYES
at residence' of J. T. Thomas,
64 tiFast Eib'�n, '.er . ,22tf..•
but without 'effect: " -'the,' Steller
fau?;ily TWO,iu, Tlxckeifsmith; before
,moving :"to • •'Grey tov nsi>:ip: ti . few
months age. „, •
Swept under,' a concrete bridge
'on the 'Lower WiugmT m,.:cer
eleQeu�yeuux=old�~Donnf d; ~#ig�e"•-dis.
regarded, personal danger to reuse
a . telt' 'e,a Q.il .. ;, his Ym4te, , aer ;a'
Storey, from. dro iixg,• When;
reached . the Storey . boy he was
grabbed around: the neek .in eight
feet' of water and nearly -dragged..,
under. Thetwti•ewere 914'0 d'upder
the. bridge, bat Biggs' Managed to
Break Storey's, •hold And pull him
7t9"shor'e, k: '
Walton .Man
•Dies ofilr'e,
'Walter Davidson, reported last
week •as• critic ally injured in an ac-
cident on OA farmof„Harvey Cralg,
near Walton, died fin'. Victoria.Hos-
pital, London, on July 7th. Mr. -
.Davidson, waS driving a mower
wlo pg the road . between the two
yQralg farms township
2auer 'lie,. fell:” off
the machine, the horses going on to
Walton without a driver. Tie 'v asf
found Wand given • medical. attention,
b>,ttdied without gaining conscious-
ness, He" was sixty-seven years of
'age. His wife•, and one. 'daughter;
Mrs. Oliver , Hopson of Bayllelds
survive. •
PORTER'S FALL, July 13, ---The
Afternoon •tea; sponsored by the W.A. ,
'of Grace—church and held on the
lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. John
Torrance` on July 7th was. a, real
success. There were nineteen tables
of guests. The weather was ideal
and' everyone." seemed fo be in a
�happy'mood. • About $50 yeas •real
,zed. r ' •
Jinn and Tamara Lockhart. of
Rory 4.110 r, 11'Iii�li.; grid ' Carel mid'
Don Lockhart, of Clinton, are spend -
i -ng as gew holidays' with their grand
pa ren ts: •
Mr. Lawson Lockhart, of Boyar
Oak,. spent Sunday. with liis par-
.tots; Mr: ,nd _Mrs, J. S, Tockhart.
..:�.•.i21a.:g' ,� •' , of
short notice you're likely not to,: be
tii<esi -Jing;—Guelph Mercury._
You' wilLhe }proud. ---of the Sl esterield,.Ob,-- -
to -
airs, ..eto.,n-that,•_
we . re -upholster or recover for'• 'you.` Choicer of velour,
--frieze; pestry--damask: -
-Quality--coverings,-. Phone 206J Pick-up,and'delivery
SEE US ! --PANE 'US!' ; . W ITE' US 1_.
Phone 1098 for 24 hour service to
all makes„ fij-, conlmerciai and
domestic refrigeration equipment.
Rye f rigeration . Service - A.
Commercial .• Agent for Goderich
and District.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
” 49tf
SliptTAR»TON, July
,lath Rogie, nurse-in-traiuiang 4, Sit,
Catharines• 'b,tispitnl,. returaetd
t,.-.'th roes onida Xastittet
• spenillnq'tbree" weeks' vacation 'with:
-her ''"pareiftS; li r. tiiiid mM � rDert
S t:. A« .Foster, . •og the Rada&
School, 'Clinton spent. the .week -end •
at, the home or Mr, and, Mrs .it4Zph.
Foster, Mr, Aob Walter Of ,Sandi
wick also_° is` visitingwith lilt, and
Mrs; F''oster.',
11ir,' Wm. p$t ,Wk ln' -quietly 'Cele,
brined ,his eighty-seventhbirthday.
on. Wednesday of last, week at ' the
bona' of hj daughter, ,Mrs. Agnes
Wester,, • His brother-in-law ' and
sister -In-law, gr, and Sri. O. Green'
of Goderich; spent the day with nim.
Miffs' 'Marie-' Hawkins:, ' student
nurse of Vieiorii Hospital, London,
is vacationiiug at 'the home of her:
parents, .,Mr. and Mrs. r, Hawkins.
Mrs; Pentland •of : oro>to spent
lost week visiting with her ,daiigh-
ter Mrs Ralph. Foster. '
Master J*'Catlin of Detroit . is
spending his summer vacation at
the , home. of his aunt, Mrs. Fred
•'Mr. and Mrs: Patrick Murphy are
visiting" with the former's brother,
Jim and Mrs. Murphy. We are
sorry to report Mr. Pat., Murphy is.
not • gaining as speedily • as his
friends would like after ;the.accident..
-'TAYLOR'S ,CORI\ ER,' July 1 .
Miss Wilda Wilson spent the week-
end with her. aunt, in Winglia.m.
Mrs. C. A; -.Whitely is visiting tier
sister, Miss T. 'Durnin of ,+'ort
Frances, Ont. .
We extend congratulations. to Lor-
raine Hicks and Kenneth Oke, both
pupils .of _.�.5,. N.o.-,:_�vho were : s.uc-
cessful in passing' ,their . entrance •
examination.— •
Several • ladies ,from this . coin-
milnity attended the tea at the
hone of Mrs. .John Torrance oil
Wednesday afternoon. of :last_ mels,
We are sorry:to. report tliiit. firs.
TYl A. Stirling and Mis. A. Oke are
b h 1fe i'11 -iii- Ale• itha- 1osplt'
We wlsh . diem a speedy. recovery.
--,4Ke1.- Sturdy—.- also—is quite 411,
At lit hhouie on..the 7th eaucessiot
Ladies' Aida ]P.1aus.�-Thew I:a dies';
Aisl:-met...a.t,.:the._hoiue'of ...airs.. S. Mc.
Nall on' Wednesday afternoon of
last week. There was a good at-
tendance.. A good. program, ' ar-
ranged_ by' Mrs. Roy :Wilson.: and
Mrs. Irvin•Oke, was presentee. •Mrs,
;'6V; . Hicks y read the Scripture. pas-
sage: The .business meeting was
under the leadership. of. the presi-
ient,-M-rs.. G,—Sturdy,. 3t; wa
sided to hold the annual picnic at
Harbor, "Park on 'the eveningof
:August '4th, supper to lie at.7 p.m.,
followed by sports. It was also
decided to prepare a box of used.
clothing to be sent to Britain early
in -the -autumn. � -• _ • ._ .
BENMVIILLEO,, July 13.—Tar. and,
Mrs.• J. C. Green of Toronto • visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. A
Vanstoiie. ,._ .�
Mr„ and Mrs. ` Gibson of Detro
and:, Miss L. Maedel of Goderich,
spent the past ten days at thei
summer home at Benmiller.
Mr. and Mrs.' Aydin Allih hay .W
moved to Goderich to reside, but
Mr. Aline is still our mail -carriers.
We regret to -lose Mr: aid'"':Virs:-Allii
from our _ community.
A baptismal service was held it
Betiiniller church on Sunday, whe
four babies -were presented by thei
'parents, Mr and firs: C, Brindley
Good stockof parts and'
accessories. Prompt and coni-
petent service on electronic
egttipment,.electric fencers etc:'
Sewing machines adjusted `►
' and repaired.
' Pick up and delivery.
., Beside.- Currey's ' Whiter Rose
r'+«M, Station.'"
82 HURON' RD. • Phone 264
PlIONE 626W •
10.' arid Tad Mrs. ' .1 •ldazlitt,' .Mir .and
�'l�Irs: K. Brindley, -and M'rp. •Wilson:
r Mr. -,and Mrs.- Ken. Bowden and
nn, of. Oriilia, spent the week -end
With Mr. aptl Mrs. Verne txiedhill'
l ind . Clyde.
• i A number. from here attended the
!1,2th of July celebration at Clinton
' n Monday. -
P- Callers with Mrs. Walters on Sun-
ray: were kr. -and- Zi 4tobt. •Died,
rpt Varna., lir. and Mrs,. A. Grange
l'i'and family and. Mr. C. J. Walters,
.;of Auburn, - .. • ..
'1' Mr, and Mrs. Ben Straughan •and
amity spent Sunday in London.
NILE, July 13° Next •Sunday,
July ' lSth, cvitI btw (*iminimt'oii
;Sunday' at Nile 1Mited church. •
s': •Mr. 'Wiliil,gr Rutledge returned
lioane. fxont.Toronto on Monday night
inner being in St. Joseph's Hospital
Ifor a week.
A few front. nroiind Nile attended
,c(t he 12th of July • 1..elebration nt
` Tinton:
Acord ing t#) an astronomer. there
only • one chance; in 20.000,000.
1years of a-cotnpt 'colliding K ith•.the:
,earth.- ,It's• •pleasant to hear re-
,'ussuring news once• in '`a- while,—
.''Kingston Whig -Standard,
Stomach Diserdets Mal
Cause att:tioadaihes..
()Oen a headache is caused byn ailment of
some other part of .the body far relmoved' from the
Haiti.. It may. be an upset stomach} or "lomq intestinal
If troubled by such headaeh s,,why not try,
Burdock 13lood-I3ittereff For' Btirdpck Blood Bitterrl is a favourite
remedy •for minor int;edtinal " disorders. It helps. to .'regulaito the .
aige'ittve organs, tone 'up the liv r.Iand aid the natural action of .the
bowels. As a result, there may be n:mproveni'ont'in the general health.
Burdock 131ood Bitters is sold t !tit drug counters., •
,„mirn T. Milburn Co:,, I LXnited, Toronto, O, t-
in the HC WIE:•
Canadisiln,rai'ls%rays f'or exampte,'aro
aging more•: a,nd. nioio aNuiininurn in
freight .carclina' passenger coaches.,
too, more and ' itiore' 6t1i'tle#� are
beingmaid•er of ala mina m washing
machines tubs, far lust"ante.
t�t /,
15.1.1 11 tLYDtt :.
Thv'ir8'erisans'� ex x m ny ,,�. �► g• � g>M ....•
easy to keep clean. • It is .durable, ' cannot rtist..:It is ,
economical because,' through research • and targe -scale
production, the,price'"has' beci reduced 25% since 1959.
•i'oday' ,note than' 1000:'Canadian companies are lash-'
sha s - as vatic/ as buses aid'-airct-aft, gare.eti tools
and vacuum cleatxers. .
Tomorrow :its j vanta es.,w ll be adapted. td, make still
other articles wbtich are lighter and more attract'iv'e.
Next time you 'go hopping, notice how many things
• arc madc of aluainutn, •
'tfOREIGN, EXCH (1,GE'A` •
Tfie diomiriurri producers in" '"nada
east year found' ifs' way to 48
other countries, the largest buyers
abroad being the 'United King-
dom and the United $tater.; Our
e7ducti as so gt:hat re
_r on iIv ,2i
atter ' - Canadkan martufdcfurilrs'
ese ppliecf,. vire sJl�l � d 4,
85% left for'• expo'tt a valor -
ablQ'sourq of foreign exchange,
Ask to see our .Vireddin Albums with's. series of
infori'na' pictures. •
'Producers and 'pre cense rs of Algtrimum for'Canadian.' I.ndust' , ctnfd• Vllorlrl' A+1alrkefs.'.
�MONTItEAt y •" Qtkeagt •.. TORONTO • tANcouyt R e_'�11yrt lr o1R`., • •.
St. James church, Middleton; with:
'candlelight and •standards.,o' �vlitte`
roses, peonies .and orange blossoms,
made a beautiful setting for one of,
the loveliest bridals of the season.
on Saturday, July 3rd, at 3 •,o'clock.
Rev: Lai•.erne Morgan officiated for
e the double ring ceremony uniting •in
marriage .Huth F;le t,�i r3�:,tlghrer'os
Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton, and
Norman Edwin Tufts, son of Mrs.
Truman. Tufts .of lirk-ton.,.aud the
late Mr. Tufts. The bride, given
in marriage by her father, wore a
beiautiful ivory :slipper satin gown
styled on princess lines extending
into a full Cathedral train. • The'
yoke was of French lace with'
calaelets;;&Lntl_,iung,:.)rily rwint, aloe ea_-ri
,Her long; veil of -embroidered illusion
'flet w`is held in place by 'a coronet
of orange' blossoms. She carried a
bouquet of American Beauty roses.
Mr:,. Keith Tyndall was her 'sitter's
matron tIf honor,' gowned' hi pink •.
'brocaded •taffeta with • matching
,Bonnet and, mittens: She carried .:
a bouquet' of pink Dream reties and
bine •.,delphinium, The-bridCsma'ids'
were. Miss Lois •.Ifiddleton,• sister of
the bride, wearing Peach taffeta
with matching" bonnet and mittens
and tarrying Talisinan..r`oseR' and
Miss' Norma Tufts, sister of the.
gt;lisitn, ' wearing •.blue brocaded
taffeta with • znd.tching bonnet and
mittens and carrying pink Dream
rose;:. Master Danny Pannell of
Wo'odstnck, . nephew of the groom;
iu long white flnnneL, trousers and
•navy blazer, carried the, rings On a
dleton of St. Marys. nieee of the
bride, was the winsome flower -girl
in n long Pink frock wifh natural
bine flower headdress. She, carried'
flower' basket and preceded the
bride scattering rose petals,' - Ros;
Tufts. was. hest, raisin for 'Ili,: brother.
The ushers ',Vere Ttos4 Middleton,
b:rotlier ,of . -the bride. and Leland
Be ns'ers of London. Mr. Kenneth
Mills of .W'oodhetni played the -wed-
ding .musie
well=ding..uausie ,nit,d. Miss Jane "Middle
tan. sister Of the bride. was -soloist,
singing "The Lord's Prayer" lipfore
the ceremony. and "At 'Driwiriirg"
(hiring the .:signing •of. . the .register,:
The reeeption was held At "Rose
Lawn." - -home of the .pride"::, par-
ar-•eat .,-, reeeived the
gtte. is wearing •ti: becoming light
bluer dress with, hat to -watch, The
tntfihr§' "-Y'noth e cti ie',7x si it,
Both •wore Corstlges of .pink
and white eltrnntititis ors Hine ostrihk
featt1 ee background,, The wec1dhig
breakfasttills' served to elgllty
'guests by- M,ndeline IJoliing.�tt�rit�tti,:
Berth,,'?`ileart1, Hazel Weii'..Jentt )out
' i:�"•"�ty' :�1!fir#�i+i�;.�'ti,eti�t��►t
Um. •rind iiIariorie ,Citrlson. attests
were present from Toronto. Art;
fe'irt(Thii;'. �G'o cto ts, tl ..14r�; eq
ntitl . :3titfit'f(rrd, 'Fir - the !�eRrliYl'g
trio to':lius1rflkil ' ir,rtor, the bride
ware ntivv ni,d. white nrintod sflk
° resit,, trtf'h.w iite. slioitip'"'c+oat., ltzitt
litre' neeeaeories: On their, return •
lift, titin Mra: Tufts will reside ,Yet-
t�orbe ave.. tr►li(on, bite., Where Old
greseotti lq stn tie tea:011 a state
t,:iwre;r, ren:clit'tg Client's last will
Oct !foRtttmeiltrto pinch° rif ernebtnnt
rolfolveA : "AM ser, ,tirilliac `6f sliittttl
iti:itrrl, t stanrit• ere'rv, <+siit ;,I itta
•bo¢ore r' sliest''' , u
yy'1`lle.. tu.ti.rt.. wish fl0Pa tl e t,1 r�•�yrept h1e
t7,iltor 'tat1Y'o vt,: r,.4itilS,i' !i'tY611e* F't$4t1fl('lt ,
, do 1,-- d 01 1t 'J,1te1,"eurYa
With -Undamaged Hides and,According•To Size and Condition •
Cows up : to 8 OO j` :Horses 'n to $7.00 a P
Hogs (300 lbs. each. $Z.0O'Plus
$2.00 per 100 -lbs. for additio0;1 WOight
Phone Collect
390W Seaforth • 936R21, Goderich .
�..._. , � >,, Oil` 'TEOLT�S .�SE��YtCE_';
AS -
y■` ulsittcs Op:
FARM eta SifOd f
FUR • itARtMa
Mama VAS
A • , Prope°iy bti1a,nced
���a1r`yy" rat�it�l'ar ,c�esignted"�‘%'4."
your cocks the extra, minerals' .
and proteins they gleed when;
pastui e ets e„ltort
e •�
i ll :FA'Ys ''1`0 PIEED
n «
DA'LANCF"D li,A17 h1:,:.
'0 fotm COWS yt
Wassou'&Aiku• cult Carefoot
. inig' bila .Stii :iodeiieh ' ` * • Ss►ltf'ora