HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-07-15, Page 5t 189;6 VROLET SEDAN', QIP TOP shape, 1942 MERG`URY.,�w FORDOR °- k • SEDAN( . tl ,1937 PL'V`7 O T'H SEDAN axe so'1"Yll: 1946 FORD 3 -ton DUMP '171[70.1 .C, Fir$t `class oonditiai, P. 1935-oHRVROLET 1COAOH Sta dard-.-1'x ced, LOW ,1935 OHEVROLET SEDAN ---0 ASTER Brand New Motors, • 1940 FOHT)' 3,ton, 10" wheelbase; ° with stake'platform, ne'w factory rebuilt inotbx,; ,new seat -priced LOW for :QUICK SALE. DUNG• ANNON, duly 14. Mr,. Harold Sproul and •.sister-iu-law, •" Mrs. Warner "Sproul, of Davidson, Sask-, are expected to arrive here the •latter part of 'the week. It- is •dour years -since Harold visited his.. [native' village. The executive of the -Dungannon Junior- Farmers' Club met last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer , Robertson near Auburn and decided. to have a` beach party at Port Albert '•b+n:..' .Tuesday ereniaig my ' 2i1tlh • Plansare also 'being - made . for the C.oiwanosh flub to "attend church ing town .on.a Sunday evening. in August. • IVXr. Abner Mprris on the 12th -of July _quietly obserxed .:his seventy- eighth birthday; receiving, congratu- lations from .friends in Person 'and by mail and 'phone. - We .wish, him many happy returnsof his birthday. Miss Gwen Treleaven, nurse -aide' of Winghttnl -' hospital, spent the week -end. at , the home 'of her par- ents,- Mr: and Mrs. Bert Treleaven. 'i Sssti t Jos he making her.. homelately with 4er cousin, Mrs: Henry Hbrton; received eryice in a body at sotue•neighbor the shocking news this wee' of the° Manufactured . bye Standard-. J.Vtot'or Co,, of Coventry,E land. ALL OI E ' IMMEDIATE DELI�TERY' 1Vx LS . WILL, AVL : MILES O NE GALLON W TIS E 9i L 4. OF GASOLINE, _._...+.. , w u B DESi -AS--SMOOTH ' AS ANY_ BIG CAIt,. • w . VOM2 IN SEE* IT AT BVI AND S • • death of her daughter, Mrs; • (Dr;)` IL L. Treleaven of Woodstock, form- erly of Lucknew. Mr. Matthew Shackleton. with his brother, Mr. Elmer Shackleton: of,: Detroit, spent. a few days last week. with their sister, Mrs. W. J. _Larkit , New Toronto. the guests tilt ° weed of ¥iv R�eti dltt's poker„ Mr...�� ddt- Mr ,aud. Mrs, Art i it Keays and. dao leer, of Barrie,'re spending : 4., holidays with MTs. X ays' totuer, Mrs, Ruth 0uxwe:. _,. ',1►fr, H; ,T, '8 -Oberland,- of the Capital Tleltxe and Mrs $utherK•'; land pare spending a iuonth'.s boll days at LOS. .• •:ageles, • 'Pailforula ....,...;. • Mr. .,and Mrs. W, J, Raithby have returned 'to town; after honeymoon,. ing at .R,oellwyxrn Lodge as ' rake: Cecebe: ' . Miss Kay ''Whateley,' Of '.'Toronto,.;. is speitdttlg`huhday with 'her par Neencs,lson sMr,t`ueetid.."Mrs,; :C1.;Wl ateley, r 11zis, , Cobert. ,�endry ,and •daugh- .ter' ,surer., Q1 St, ' R'etershhrg Florida, are visiting Mrs Hendry'e. parehtsA...Mr,, and Mrs. D. M. XQhn-, ston. .Mrs. Cxordon Lindsay and son 'Keith, of Chatham, are ;spending two weeks' holidays with. 'the. fdrraer,'s Sister, .Mrs. 'J'.ohn •Thorpe,':and Mr. Thorpe.. '' ,.Mr., and Mrs.; Robert Nicholson, and young son, of St, Catharines, are visiting Mrs'. Nicholson's par- eat , Mr.'' and 1,irs. Albert. Shore, Victoria street, „. - Mr. ' and . Mrs, D.. 'M;- Hunt,, of Louisville, Kentucky, are spending three weeks with the latter•'s mother, Airs... Catherine Clark, Nelson street. Mr. and' Mrs. J. F. nu Bingham ,• of . Toronto and Mr. F. Denison of Rock 1iaVen, Newmarket,, are. en- j.oy ng • a vacdtion .at the Sunset Hotel. ' •Mr,> ,.and _ Mrs. :Reg. Fisher and daughter, -;Margaret Ellen, of Brock- vide, are guests of Mt. Fisher's parents; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fisher.. ' f' The Misses .Jenniebelle and Min- nie ,Boggle and, hiss Agnes Sieve - right, after Spending several days: at Hotel Bedford, have returned to _t_h air.,home...p.LDet• o,?t:- Miss Alice Irvim and friend Miss Audrey Dunkley,; both of Toronto, - are holidaying at the home of_Miss.. Irwin's parents, Mr.: and:Mrs.„ E.,; Yrwin, Waterloo street. Mr: Cyril, Brown, manager -of the local 'Dominion store•le4ves• 'on Monday for two week_k_ ji l.Idaya._ While -away -he will be-replaced by? Mr. LeRoy.; Keller, of titchell: - .• •11,2 `J': _ F _'I 1serlsan,-of-- oranto,- has' been` isiting `his bixother k: ' .. i res a""' na""fiiiiward'eoble un,"lydr a few days Mr. and Mrs:, Robert- son • are now 'holidaying at Bruce. Beach. " - • kr. Ernest Breckenridge, who was. confined to• his home for about 'a ;week through illness. is .around, 'again. Mrs. Breckenridge took ill' on Tuesday- and'was taken to Alex- and-ra-•Hospital-. • . Mr. and 1f s. Erland Betties, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Carruthers and two child- ren, , all of .Toronto; joined'vrith Mr. find -1%11T, -Allan "Reifies •of "Porter"s Hill and Mrs. Betties of town in it picnic at the lake. on Saturday. ' CARLOW • dARLOW, J- y .X3.— r, Reeves. Siddall, Mr. and Mrs. Norman ' Sid- - dal' t nd'•two sons, of •Toronto; Vare Svi 'tin r; and, 310. A. Errington: iV1r. and,. Mrs. Aldin Alain have moved, to Goderich. Mrs, Hamilton of Thedford spent the -'week-end,with;Mr. and _.1v47.8., Allan Stoll • • ' - 1%:s C.. Arlon is with: ,-Mr.--and- Mrs. Fred Seabrook in, Goderich. Mrs, Amos Stoll is visiting with tliee , Chi a'wfe d`s`�'a`t "their••'cnttage- at arnia.... vara Bean,sthe-- week -end with Maxine Blakepent at. Benituller. M s' -fltre-Yonrng-o De .v trait visited with his parents, 1,VIr. and _Mrs. Gordon Young,' Mr.• Charlie Mitchell has .pus • chased" the vacant ldt at Carlow and intends to build a house on it.., LEEBURT'�T - L BTJRi , 3trly- 3- M1ss•-Heieu. Fulford spent.the week -end, with Mr. f'th' ao 1Lrs=_�1bQ£.t-Harrison. Se r ,. -and dd and_Mrs..•_Robt..--Qua -and. of Detroit spent the •week- family, , end witlt Mr. and Mrs: Andrew. Bogie and family. -.• ' Master borne Chisholm, Goderich, visited last week. •wit'h his cousin, Master Donald , Chisholm: Mrs. A J: Ross, sister- cif: Mrs.- A. V. Falconer, 'and' formerly of. Gode- rich township,'passed away at Kitch- ener last Saturday evening and. was buried from Brophey's'rfinieral: home en Tuesday. • Master Donald Chisholm is' holi: Baying with phis dou$in,, Master; Douglas Pollock, near- Eincnrdine, WORTHLESS EEICHSMARK • note ;is • used by this aged German to light his pipe; The old currency has:now been replaced in,t!he • western zone • by 'the Deutsche Clark, a move.which has widened .'the split' between; -the -Russians•` -and -the --•western democracies. -The— 'Russians refuse to accept the hew currency for. ' the part of Ger- many under 'their control kr. and Mrs., Jos. "Clog were' week -4W guests,7urich; �Ia. .and :firs . D�.. � .T'i tterso.n_.a:ren_ •r aging -at -Oak fil- e�'mad--`l orenito Mr.,4Chas. Watson; of New. Xork., -has been spending- holiday s: ire town. J;Trs: 1 . Sutter of- Stratford is a guest 'with Mrs. r'.. Schaeffer, East street. .Miss Helen McCarthy, o. the P..U:C. office, is spending --a week's- hoLidays,.•atw. M rl n,. Ont. • 'Virg H..- Fined later ' (the -former Marjorie Bali), •of London, madea— Ibr"ief v-isit to town this 'week. -Rosem Telford -._.has -re- i afy turned. to= -her -home in--wen`-Sound _after visiting' relatives 'in 'town: • Mrs.- F. White of Chatham is re- iiewing acquaintances' in town this week: - - Mr. and Mrs, .Fred Rouse are spending a week's •holidays at Pott Elgin.. Mr and Mrs. 4G: P: Rumsey and daughter are visiting relatives. at Schreiber;. O'nt. • , "Mrs. John Marwick and Shirley enjoyed last week with relative at Manitcntlin Island. • Mrs:. 3, W. N'ewciimbe''visited Mr. 'and Mi .'R. E. "I'tirner� at Stratford --...last-•-�vec�l::__.�_.:.�. .�..._..-_..__:.; ___.._._.__ Miss Isabel Matheson, of Welland. is spending the holidays at' her Iioixre, .� . "'3�7trick' -Atee1. 1Ir. and Mrs.-Eifnest ,Pritchard of 'Toronto hnv`e been enjoying a. Holiday at. •Kintail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hi ,ii. Baird, of, Toronto, are making ttheir annual summer visit to Goderich and..are staying at Ilio Bed!ord nofe-i: -1�ir.-and: Mrs. • Harry-Jfrltaley were•. erent rgue'Sta` `vcit<lx " ir•r'irrrd ars:' Wm. Stoddart at Lion's Reid« -- Mr. and Mrs D; Gibson, of De troit,- are visiting. Mrs. Gibson's .mother, Mrs. McDougall of town. Mrs. J. T. Newell of • Toronto was a guest at" Hotels Bedford for a visit' of 'several'-da;sl:,in . town. Miss :lane Wells of London' vc a -s a weekend -guest with-lier-:sister, Mrs. Chas.. Hunt. Miss .Gladys Julien of London'was -the-•week=end- guest ..of. Rev: ' Gt�pe-�a7ici �JZrs:---C3ope. , . • Mr. Alex. Butler, jr.,-..of •11ami1- toll, was a goes "last -'week with ;his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. 'Alex. Butler, • Mr, and. Mrs.' J. H. Fowler and -- • _._ _ : son, Robert, are 'on a two -weeks'' 'holiday Whp to the Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs., ',v iaif' Lee of Loh don arae guests this' week. with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnstone. ohnone. Stanley SCI set. ' r ' Miss Mi rZnret MoeEwan i visit- ing- her nephew - Sheriff • F. • T. Esgener,'and' Mrs, l:gener .at OwenSraruld.. .,- Ars, T. G. ,Allen. -ofClinton, is spet3rl rl ;r a :few-weeks--in•-:town-7 Carel is staying at the (ial•lowapartnieut3, North street. Fowtie nlyd-tiniY htyer Patricia,' of Toledo, 0., .a re visiting in town. the gtiests Of Mr. and Mrs, H. •,7. Fisher. 1Ir•. hulk Mrs. J'a rues M.. Redditt and three- children. of Toronto, ;were Hygenie supplies "(r ober goods) . mailed postpaid in •plain, sealed 'envelope "with price list. Sia sample§ 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. `7-53. TQV-RUB$ER CO., Box 91, • Hamilton. Ont.' -19 Bisset„ Bros, are donating'5 cent on; EVERY GALLON OF ice cream sold ,in Goderich' and S�altfnrd to the New Artificial Ice Arena;. Fund. t .. ., � .; . INSIST °ON" BISSET-RR'0S. WE CREAM!' . Get .it' at the; following dealers z •• K T Harvey Cult R. C. Cott Goderich, Frosted P'oos Alexandra .Marine and 'General Hospital Thos. Raiida i Mitchell. & Bedard :. W. Roope British 'Exchange. Hotel Park House • M1u rill - " Burow's' Grocery Vance's :Restaurant . ' Hogan's Cont:ectionery Bert 'MacDonald • Venus' Restaurant ISaechler's Cafe 'People's 'Store Sunset Hotel Maitland. Golf w ,lob East St. -Bakery Besse's Dairy Bar: 1Vf u r. c1Ka us ,Dairy Dai ?�`y B a Herb McAdam AT SAL- T OBD There are 'niany lovely gardens in Goderich this summer,- and. 'the' editor had the privilege this week of visiting' on' • hick isbirobably little k-now-n-€ronf=the-fact; that--:it---is-.at- ,tl-e rear,of dere residence. It is the garden „of the Misses Rose;,Brock street, where "roses and lilies aiid other flowers bloom: profusely under: the care of the ladies of.the ;house. It is' quite natural that the Misses Rose should be partial to ros.es,lin d 'they have -certainly achieved marked success ifs' the cultivation of the queen of • flowers.,> Blue Water Piano and Piano Accordion :Stu Gift Shop and Tourist Home Away from. Home. sifts r all occasions-- Reas�o na 1 priced n by ; ,Open Evenings Pi''ton St..: Phone 286- 16. `£ WILLIAM. FE CITSON announces the establishment of ;a serviceplastering, stucco' work etc.,'inGoiierich•a'xd .district.. Rates are reaso'nible and first .class work assured. Get -that ,job of piasterif4" •cl 'ne NOW. t 'PHONE:941X TODAY OR' CALL AT 98 SOUTH ST,• .GODERICH • CRg�r. ii . t por• k&• • loa,nc t/. yLt1r Chili SuuCe IO ▪ laoz. TIN 1111001101111111111116111,1161111 2 • for .a ■ All -Merchandise sold at• your -Dominion Store is u:noonlitioxi- ally guaranteed •to 1" o r Values effective until closing time Saturda.;i' July i7th, 1948 ' THE SAFE t.. g se,ETI Y"- c1 This 13e CLEA:1iS�EI LLQ+ CLARK'S, ASSORTED :3 oz. Tin ModernHarvesters' Excursion to Hefp farmers` A New Era in' Harvesting -Started by .;Massey-Hdrris CO1Tlbines Tray a co of Massey»I•tarris "combines rolling across the country to the .grain, farming areas • .Trainload e m von sight nowadays, They have replaced the once 'familiar annual:: harvesters Vii. . Y u S s .e .C.1Q...Yt�;llt It..br u hthou.ands�of..hTrvesi^:.harx sao�.the.: ecu -r .�,• v.'. ` r �`'� � � .N � p r Q5� K *Modern mechanical harvesters like the Massey -Harris self-propelled dombines, have brought many,'advanfages to drain growers. With their; crops cion 'be harvested,;,with .fhe mai nin)um of manual labor, a,great;money-sieving feature when, .in times like these, experienced farm help • is in. short, supply.and 'wage rate's are high.' r • , • ,Massey-hlarris self-propelled combines, speed up harvesting one man can cttt 4and thresh, -501te ORfiti •:r"'"n= `�'' ' mer liire,l,•,-,�, ..,,..� 8 ` .... .� tib+.p a4 ng"Cbsfis aireow foo w�crsef=prape� a t�1e 'irritzir supplies power ilo propel •and operate the machine: • Therers' no •expense for ti' ne or.stooking. And,tbe combine has done away with the work, worry and.;e tpense of.:thrething' • The deme nd for combines' indicates the trend towards modern mechanicgl har'"vesti=ng., F,rpm •factories with ca �; acit increased greatly, ,more :.and more Massey-11•larris combines` are being ',built esi�their craps easier, •quicker and at Tess cost. �bu�lr to help :Canadian fprmert harvest MA'$EY, ARRIS C'OMPA$Y, LiMftEa E>t� od t8 1Ninnipegr Brandon, t egtna, Saskc toon,.9wlft Current Yprktorr Cal a�ry«� Edraotrton, Vancouver, Toronto, ,Mar ttec*I, Moncton, ("LARK'S 20 ii BEAN'S Wi, )WN . TIN l � TOMATO JUICE ,105 T N 59c t,Aiti' TOMATO,. SOUPS 1 VE(41ASPtlitAGUS 'fiat �KT-Al " < 10-o2, tor ,q(* .. W,.tRLY MORNING GOOD TO. COFFEE THE »ROP ST . ,!lilts • .. Vega,. N Vt CtS Sifg- 344 CROWN SMALL :LARGE .piR U`IT JAIL'S L13 doz.129 doz. . JAR.. , RUBBERS 2, P1 1 o. ''1 OWAPkg.13e : • • • y. IA:RGE i � 111i{I*y�y�(� Sy,, ORE EEN, yONNIQI S • Al ltl'e'J1'4& .R ltillr-i1i� ;»MLS ` .,