HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-07-15, Page 3- • . •—•17(''• • littliot 'KEA* NO 9 *.:.011RQN • 4 p • . ho IP 5 • TY'S FoRE TTRSD 'WEEKLY trar-1011; 1194 • BUSINESS. DIRECTORY ciiimagrtED, ACCouNTANTs A A 4 NiTn''' Ogg ‘ATT14KIE9 • CHA.RTERED ACCOUNTANT' Phone No. -Office -843W, Ilonse 3433, 'Ooderich,. G. MeCANN, 'AccouAtant Clinton, Ontarie Phone 476J Albert Street ACCOUNTING /4.1300/1IN6' A OCOMITING BOO/CKEEPINQ ""j" • • SE VICE "' For Small Businesses,* •Stoies, Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements - -Wage .SuintaarieS . Business and Personal Income Tax • ,•Rethrns •ALBERT SHORE • (Alice ; Corner`North a. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. INSURANCE •AfeKILLOP---111-141-T.14AL., „FIRE, .11sL.,- — S-URANCE CO. -7- Farm ' and ' isOlatett-town•-'-'property Insured, 2 ' President-,-Ohris. reonhardt, Born- • holm; Vice -President,' Hugh.* Alex- auder, Walton ;4a-'----lNigr. and Secy- Treas., M. A: Reid,- Senforth DIRECTORS ,--, Chris:. Leenhardt, -Bornhohni-Htigh-,Alexander,„. ton ; ;Whitmore, Seaforth; E. Trewartha,. Clinton;, Robert • - Arehih, „Setif° rth John IX. -Me- , rAving, 'Blyth; 'MCGregor; 011137Uni f-TOta-.04.7.--Maloner-Seafor4.3., - Harvey -Puller, Goderich- ' Agents -John E. Pepper, Bruce- R.R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, R.R.. 1; R. Finla'y McKercher, R.R. 1; F. Preuter, Brcidhagen. Pplicy-holders--.-cAn, make all pay- .4:Gents and. get their cards reeeipted at the Royal • Barik,_ Clinton ; Keith 'Cutt's Grocery, Kingston • Street, • Goderich,....- • MEDICAL 01 • • lin. F. .J. R. FORSTER, EYE, ,E,AR, NOSE, TROT Late House Surgeon New 'York* :Ophthalmic and2.-,-4uta1Hospital, 11150•Stallt at Moorefield Eye Itospital and Golden 'Square Throat Hospital, Londbn;• England. , • EYES TESTED, GLASsES • SUPPLIED .. 63 Waterloo Street 'S., Stratford. Telephone 267. „ Next visit Bedford Hotel, • WeilnesdaY, Sept. -22rid; -1948. at 2 p.m. till 4.30 p.m. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST - - •Goderich, Phone 341, ' • • OFFICE HOURS . Mon. iThurs.-,9 to 11.S0 -a1. 2 to,5 p.m. (only) :TueS..& Fri. -9 to 11.30 ,adia. • 2 to 5 p.m. & 7 to% p.m. - Wed. & Sat. -o. to 11.30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume baths by 'appointment only. A. A.TKINSON 51. South St. Registered under Drugless Practi- ,.. tionore' Act for the Province of „ ant 'azio._ • •'•1•i-; • • . .1111ALCOLfili- MATIJERS,' „ . rtioul/A.NcE:, Automobile, Liability, etc REAL ,ESTATE Town and Farm - Properties For satisfactory reSuityS hi' the sale or rental of your prOperty list it with , • MA140014/I IVIATHERS WEST ST. , Phone 115W OOderich • L COLE Optometrist -Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted' 1Phone 33 Goderich, Ont., F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN ani OPTONCETRIST Square ,GOderic.12 "See Armatrong and See Better" At Lucknow first Wednesday of each month. A•a• irt••••••;,•••0,1 • , 33: S1er;i1 -EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER. Lice -no -Ca for 'Counties :of Huron aitd Bruce RIX'. LEY.... FRONE 49 _ -For information apply te • Ketnighan, Division Court Clerk,' • p — EDWARD- -W,- VallOTT 4.C.g)J,LED: AUCTIONEER. • • Correspoudence promptly an-. swered: Immediate arrangements -- can be made for Sales pate by 'calling Phone 208, Clinton. Charge moderate and •satlifac- • tion Guaranteed.' •19tf 4 7 BOLD JACKSON LICENSEP AUCTIONEER HURON AND' PERTH • Seaforth Phone 11-661 or • Harry Edwards, Goderich, Phone 1.44 GO. llacKwap 1 • Fire, Aceident and 'Motor Car •Insurance OFFiCE4IASONIC TEMPLE • .• WEST STREET ,ployig 230 . • GODERICII. - , - W:CRAIGIE iNsumigio, And • -MAL ESTA:TE •,- ' PHONE. 24 GOD§RICH INSITRB THEIVI NOV:7' Threshers;•-tractotsr-cars. All hazards coveted in -one - --policy. fitom - WIE-$. TERN" 'WSW" • GORDON Jovittir MOTORWAYS R.R. 6, GODERICH • -- Bus Schedule Now In Effect -11111°" Variw LONDON To STRATFORD , • 1.45. 7.45 ,a.m. J 1235 0.m. p.m. 4.15 pan. 4.15 p.m. k 8.15 p.m. Bus for -London leaves at 7.00 am. o11 Saturday and Monday only. • Sundays and holidays 41te 12.15 bus' • goes to Stratford only. 04.§.4k Clinton for „Lo don ; f 'e ;mitt, 3Vniliithir4Viintiiir . pre VIT . Port Elgin and, Owen Sound; °. Connections at Stratford for Wood, 'ACCIDENT.' & SICKNESS stock, Kitchener,. Guelph, Hamil- ton- and Toronto: ' Connection's' at Mitchell ,for Listowel and London. • • • For Infornition phone Reg. McGee .44. Sons at 765. " INSUILE IN .•EURE INSURANCE CONFIMER.ATION , CAR, ' • JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon. Now-4`Springtimo in the Sierras," in TrueoIK With, Roy Rogers °IL,' Tues.. andl . , "TIiIS TIMEY YOLT wifl enjoy .4.0.1we Mammoth Technicolor Musicab Pea - taring itistritnit wxtritAms,111 her dar,llng imier MTh; 1111t401-/Iestt'S- sinking, JIMAIY DURANT% is the strat, Thuri.1, Fri. and Sit. - ;Johnny Wegnauller, lir;tda Joyee and John Sheffield „ pt esontng a Hew and, thrilling' epiSode In 1dgtr Rice 13tirroughs'. matchless $3tory ‘)f,,, primitive aillieixture,, ataiian. and Ihe'liutitiegs Coining--,-"qentlernatt'o Agreement" with 41regory 1tk Dorothy lyieOulre. Matinees holidays at '20' pant , Magistrate Pmes. Two Men COnvfoted on Cha,rge. of £umi dation—Conspiracy Oharge, • Dismissea ... Four Tenths, 11),11gli :or the Can... -..adian , 'Seam's , Union, were , at - quitted of a charge of eonspira in tile local 'ilagistrate's:•conrt last week. ,,They. wereFred,', Stroude, Brooklyn, ' N. S, ; , Chester . ,Me...diiirthUi.:, ' (j,oderich; Ed,ward ROgoznisky,' Cal-. gay, and William D. ileski Londes-. itbrio, . ',121ey, were , charged ,jointly in. G edericli. On Jun -2nd ••with eon; Spiracy to threaten violence or in; jury. to the Airoperty of Jiiseiali C. li,fly, with a view -to restrain him. from carrying on his taxi service business." Each elected . summary. trial :and pleaded not guilty. - Mr Kelly testified tnat on -June .22nd the' four men came into his oilice in the evening, 6troude4 asked if he Were going to eoutinue earrY- ing "scabs" lit .1114, (10.'s ; , If he..4:on-: tinued. to do se, .they would 'put .hini out (.if business, he., said. • Ro.go- zinsk,y alse threatened him. 111e - 'Arthur :and' liesk stood back. Mr, Kelly later; notitied'the police. The.: men had'not 'specified how,)ie Would .. be put °tit Of business.. .., ., Donald Patt_erson, „Fit: Sergt. M. -Freeinan ,and-s-Sain.. McA.11igter, em- Ployed by Mr. Kelly as drivers, re- called 'seeing the, four accused. in the- offieey.and that -St-poud`le did the talking, . • . Aegis t-ra te A. -Fr.'-Cook'-ii7 -6111111.11111g u_p_the ease- Said there was no doubt -that Strunde. and-lOgniinsky-----did ha_ve.....son to hi ng to -say-; 4' h h t.......they; *ere talkIng ali4u1-"taxig.-':'"There- •„fs--t-041..-inuch--toIte assulneil- • by--the- iei court ,to phi cOnspir t y on these .four...men__imless the-, i g.-proVed - -to--flie-thilt -,-.1',Ifird,rt e -actin: e d 'net 'Ity " • ' . • . Fined on Intimidation Charge By consent the eAtidence in the • ceriSpiracy charge was taken --,on- a. eharge of intimidation 'against all four. - • The court convi&ed .Slioude and Rogozinskyand fined them. $20 or fifteen days in jail, and $10 or ten days, -respectively- The , against AleArthur and flesk was dis- • Missed. Crown. Attorney D. E. nolines„. .K.C.; ppiisecutedi Frank - 'Donnelly, K:C.,,, was defence ceunsel. . 'The caSe of Michael 1-1O-inak, Wel- land,. and Robert, E. . Schumacher, Midland, chargecl -With intimidation in canieCti-on -Wl-th -..bo-a-rding -the steamer Superior. ,wa s adjourned for two weeks, • bail Of, .$500,eacli-heing 'continned,' .. Tax Case The • Blyth .rarmers' Co-operative, throuit the president; ' Simon ' P, Hallalian, pleaded kuilty' of failing to file form T-4 with the, income tax office, and was:fined $25 with. cost. W. A; Sutherland represented the income tax department. ' , • Mtln is supposed to 'be:: MI Intel - !t from reading front-page 'news of his cloings.-Guelph Mercury. • , titg TO. REP.LACE: AUTO GLASS? • • „ • ie • CompletiKiaiety- glais replace, servic.i.< guick . eeo, :._._ today,,,-. for Hobbi \..,•and Duplate - - • BEEVERS AUTO, SUPPLY 'WEST .0T. .IMONE 294, µ (Or contact your local . • Garage or Service Station 7- • ,•••••••• -••• - NEWS6tINTOOT'Tb HURON COUNTY, FABIVIEtS • n 113y WT. V. RAY • CLINTON; July 13. -On Wednes- day, July Ttn, G, E. Nelson, former assiStnnt agricultural 4,..epresentatiV:e for Huron, and his :pretty !bride, forinerlY_ Dorothy •MOIn,t34e,.., -1:4,011140, upon their return from their honeyradon in Northern On- tario, vv,ore gnests of honor at a reception held in the "I'own- Clinton, The happy cenple were presented- with several gifts by Counly Warden' Hugh Berry, Bert •Lobb, president of 4 Huron •Pedera.-. tion, and Mayor McMurray of Olin,: ton.. Russell T. Belton, past presi- dent of Huron 'Federation, aCted as chairman for the evening.'These present enyd a joesplendid concert by local talent and an enjoyable evening was rounded out by a dance to the ntusie of Ken Wilbee's ore14 estra. Huron wishes the popular young couple every happiness and prosperity. • Clinton Junior.Farrners: are hold- ing, a wiener roast at Bayfield on Wednesday evening, July Huron county farmers; to date, have failed to..„ take their quota of shares in the proposed ('o -operative Automebile Insurance Association. We can't expect to have this.service by wishfill thinking. B'eford Insur- -anCe•can be written, it will, be neces- sary• to raise' the necessary •reserve citpitait. Don't leS IIUIoll (lJUfl 1 y, deivn. - • - in the past, several affiliated' or; ganizationS iii the County Feder - a t 104 'of Agriculture_ have. /ailed to s,iend a director representing their lirganizatien to ,county_ dire& orsl. Meetings. In order that beth prgan- izations 'may tierive nail ual benefit from..this affiliation, it is necessary £lint at -fend -la •directeLs' meetings, . Let's. fIll together for -the future of the in- . Aus.t.,..;Y-, ••, iangeinto 'at, Cliitto, xi Monday Celebrate: Boyne .Annivbriay ' with Fife and Drum 1111i1,0o and.Speecbes f " CLINTON,July 1.3.=--T1ie Pr"otest. ant diuniS rolled -and..'boomed..in' ClintoWyesterday, as more than 800 , , laelnliers or tlio' Le.Y41* ()range As- sociation Marched to, celebrate the 208th anniversary of the Battle- of tEe Boyne. ' Twenty-lire.iodgeS sent . contingents, nearly all. of them -in- cluding ilfe-and-drhut, sections. „.A. pipe- band; a bugle . band, and it. brags band • On •parade , with the Orangemen ,swelled the 'strength of the marching coin*/ to nearly 1,000.. ' Clinton was the celebration „centre yesteiday for Huron C01.11107' lodges, and for lodge's from adjacent points An Middlesex., . Perth,. and Bruce counties. 'Leading „, the' ,"walk" yesterday afternoon was Asa beeves', Goderieh, - County .master for South Huron, motinted• on the :traditional while horse. ParacIZ -marshal was -his bre- t1101, Thomas 'beeves, Clinton, • Orange:- Notables Present • The day was .one of reunion for many veteran . :supporterS of .thse Orange Order,' kleorge • ..Taylor, '83, a former resident of .Amberley, 'came lack • from Detroit -to mitreli again - in '•ClIntonr where•he firSf.toak7Part in 'an Orange walk on Jiily,:12, 1885. .Maxi,Vell..Gray, i-7, of Kirkten, was .on hand_ as he_has been .almost, without, fail every 'July 12 for the l!aNstetsaixbiteYs-soe;tenhe0r years;nge Order who were -at- Clinton - yeste-rday included William Murray, Egin9ndville; nOW -1,taCTIFTin--.ilinEiTio-2-.affer 7. DITY:eigh. -years--in-the-eariadiar,r-Westi-aid-te past,,grand master ,of the Maiiito.ba 41-1.s.t ric,,i-±inebert.,!A.,, -Whit e,' Toronto,-; ist-grnird-riffister, -of-itret-AIII district -i • _,I. Carson„.„Loncion, past grand nuiste-r' for Ontario -AA:reit dis- trict, and, principal speaker of the The*. Ovingemen :td were ofially welcomed • to Clinton by. Mayor A. J. McMurray', who •said he was "glad to welcome a body of ,people whose Purpose ,is the support of: the Protestant , religion; • and loyalty to our' Xing and Queen." ' , •"No Surrender" • ""The Orange Association, has' no quarrel with the ,iinth 'dual for -his civil and religious cheiCe„:' said Mr. Carson. •"We believe that every man has • tht right: 1.0 worship- God in the _way of his choice. But as long as -,this association • stands to- gether, We. .areL,going. to. say 'N:a Surrender'. to any attempt to take ,our liberties- frOm us. , • - . "The Leyai - Orange Asseciation believes that people, in Canada shouid be taright the English lang- uage. We believe UM, the flag' of Canada is the 'Union Jackik and w0. intend to maintain thift, 'whatever l other fag,' oar Governmnt e, May try . to put over us.," mr, Carson declared.. „In:„„„the_P i rtlipl fl 4-,4L, of: -araagel,,411l. -Ulster, there wits no neutrality in the Second -World W.iir, the speaker Observed. "There was no argiunent, about using her ports,and there 1V153 .a.,..very. little red tape there. Ulster was'orightl'ilf• tire PitSt : Ulster Is rig -4r today, P 0 d Ulster will reniain 59. ..- . • There is no danger; he said, that .UISter . will Jehoose,.. to leave 'the British 'family of nations; am/ put itself under, the domination of a 'governinent tit DublIA!' "May we in n Ira ada:" he contini ei4 "be inSpired to follow their exainple." , 'The Orarige Li1go is founded Upon • the X', hrist la it, Oligiim," so id Rev. G..G.' Buiten, 1,1„0hrefield form: eal y • - Of , '<)iint on., 1f;4^. 10, f Olin ded on the ideals of the Clitistian 'religion. and that makes it40-able • in the world"tod.ty . ' -- .`T • : 'he Orange 1440 - stands tut -only, fer the Chriition- religion -it stands for' the welfare ,of ma.u,"' Mr. Burton said. '.! Reif.'0, W.11. MOd10 of 'qoderic,_11 also Was a .speaker. Lodges .on, Parade ' ;Lodges on parade Were ... Milverton L.O.L., 45, 85, strong; Blyth L.O.L. 96, 25 strong ; Londesboro.L.O.L.863, 40 Strong; BrOSSels L.O.L. 174; 2-mstrkgligpI*10•eval*,1*(4A,yriegic6 strong; Ethel •L.0.1".5.,1331, 20 stroq; Winghain . 140.14. 70-1, 20 strolg ; Dungannon L.O.L. 312-1, 25' strong Gorrie r.D.L. 767, a -:strong ;• Garde L.O.B.A., 80, 20 strong: Newbridge '1'°(75',4a15'strg4%el grave L.O.L. 40246-Sgong; lyfleid L.O.L. 24, OS:strollLogan 11.0.14 905, 25 strong; Wiati liain L.0.L4 492, 05 ' strong ; ' Viotori1 L.o.n.A. 837, _Luca il, 55., strong ; .• gen salt L;(1:14, 733; 20 striing-i, Seaforth.L,().L. 713; 25 ,strong; 'Varna Future Ledge,. 20 strong ; • - yarna T4.0.1..., • -1085, 2Q strong; :NI'inthrop 1-.(-).L. 81 3, 30 strong; RIvergton L. 3'4. 145, &lode - rich, 40 strong; lint on L.O.L. 377, Clinton, 00 strong; , Murphy L.O.L. • 710, Clinton,' 65 sti..6trg. Also Oh Ikkr4,-ok„,:....,..wl.the44;tainton,,„41,104,n6,.. un lid , . B.13 th .'ppi.ifie •TIO nil: andllirtfa, ltannoekburn Plpel , and. • The Aiva'ds „ ' ' . Award§ were . ina" e as. follows Best-diased lodge;. oodhain ; hest- (110S,0(1,Vomen'S'lot e. Gerrie; :best ht or, '1st Londes oro; • 211(1,, Sen.- •,4,4:44.(1ge..-,44.)4)1.,44,41404, I0:1„.-41 once.. Nesvbridge., lottytift....mileg; largest -lodge contingent on parade, Ilaylieid; OR: largest women's lodge (4intIrtgent on parade, Gortle, 20; best . &winner on parade, George Armstrong, Seaforth ; 'best 'fifer .on parade, Thoinasi SherrItt,..:,Rayfield hest fife -and -drum. baud, Woodham ; 0164 Orangethart present, Thomas Apploman, 03, Crediten *,,' ranter -tip, Maxwell Or0e.87,1-tirition, • , • in a...teagoo'baseball game between the Ciinton„:Coits and the Clinton R.C.,A.1 ,„$rhtlo1;1114 Colts won, 11-0, When atiltarffes pull together for a tuition, it tistially ming throtiglf, .,-...XitchenerlWaterle6 Itetord.. • .. . . PICTURE SHOW . '•:' " • Members.of the'Sunday school of Knox •PresbYterlan church •• Were eiitertained on Friday evenink. with the.pres'entation of four .MOVing pic- tures in the lecture hall, this entertainmentbenig given instead of -ht-ustuit picnic:-T-redneationa ' pictures and two- "comicsr-.•VVere shown. Rev. R, G. mac.minah; Glen IA4E...superintendent of the school, Schaefer, assistant super- intendent, - were a charge,. assisted 'by the Sunday school teachers:: - The boys dna girls also had a special' treat of* an abundance of •ice cream, cake and choeolate . . — • DISTRIM:ENGINEER FOR • FEDERALTUBLIC WORKS iNbON, Ont., July 1 3.-D.. II: McDonald, has been appointed Lan- don district engineer of the Publre Works .Department of Canada. He slicceeds , Col, A. A. Andersonre- cently appointed western superin- i end eaf h -o ces- in, :Ottawa . • London district, extends from heri-inand-ChIxon,-.1S4,44;14-1:. Georgian Bay district 'southerly through Lake Huron, St. 7 Clair River, Detroit River and easterly on .Lakf. Brie to• Niagara -Falls. FEAdAN ' PRpST ELECTRICAL ' ONTAACT ORS PhOne 937-R-12 86 775M CUSTOM COMBINING Wheat, Oats and, Barley, .11,.. . 0 bn grass seeds' and, flax ,, i• , . Victor Campbell 1 '• Phone 10R7 Blyth , ' 13elgraire A.R. 1 - ,._ • • • 29x LION •DANCING EVERY :WEDNESDAY, AND SA.,TliRill.AY , AND ALL HOLIDAYS 'BOBBY DOWNS AND HIS ,OROliESTRA- M OttcTIMi DANOt rittDAY-411t)t 23rd DON no 'ORTgON AND:,711Z,ItANou'linfi. ,i99,11/90/49•99,50(.0,9A.94,41.6.940 , TOWN DOo'imifitNT, *lienever- colleetions are Maile f,01" itnY pib1ie orgaitization .the zz vassers in,variably run into a flock , , , . , of Complaints :from 'sane of the, • people, :Who. are aSlEeq , for 111„1311s-' Thus W. IA.; Coulthurbt secretaVY of tile 'Goderich, Board .of Trade, ran into„ a few Of them this week when. soliciting membership funds - for that organization,, • • TO list some of.them: • •The banks on Harbor, Hill' should be.. cleaned up better A 'number Of places in town.should be cleared of weeds.-• • . Twater The war pressure in town. last 'Friday night Was too low, . Unsightly old buildings •should be torn -down, such as the McLeod building. on Toronto street 'which is on a main thoroughfare usecl'by tiasOlig'�ut of Goderieh. kt ' All• streets' silon14 have. afanie• plates and, the houseS attabered. • Plaques show,p. he .'plaved ..'on plac,es of Interest 0640410. for the benea of 'visitOrgt, Snehas the Court House, the chainand'azto'or at the lighthouse, the, !ekiiiiionS,"ete,, • Of coarse; the Board - of „Trade has nothing to, (,10 with moOt., of these things. •" • NEW _ uron ,The :O.C.F. AsSociatian for 11` riding has reorganized with a,..ne Cex.113:ti:6171::: Wi1fre 1tizjer, . R,R. 4, .-CllintOn; vice-president, Ephraim. Haase, W I n tizitrLo p ; secretary-treaSurer Allan Qa.mpbelt, ,A-.11; 1; SeafOrth. In order to -piigh organizational work in .the ri.ding,* the Association haseraployed a full time organizer, .Miss Olga 1oar6. „,.. ,Fon. roTny, CAKE - .!1301&4PRES11- DAILY. atith ph; • spate.' eack, week for Specials. •WEEK,END PRBO4 c. RASPBERRY PmS 400 P;!,0h ' DAILY DELIVERYtO • YOUR DOQR „ Phone 1S4W B. itE..0914., Oro. — • FREE DELIVERY DgRIcu. **IMRE ivkifyioliy-iitois!.--+ • • • • 2 10 -Oz. tins.. • _a • 1 FRESH SHIPMENT — OF SALMON J'UST • ARRIVED- ! • ' --7---Choicerkargercrisp, HEAD•IETTUCE- UITS- TO. :PRESERVE . 'Montmorency Cherries • Black .Cherri.es Loads arriving for the week- end. -Practise-Sconomy!— Aylm- er tinti„ 2 for... , Matwe Hous‘ COFFEE . ,....",.0...; . --71,4,•.....•,, ' • . NEW ,pOTATOES 1 6 lbs.' for 25c , ellogg 's • •Corn Flakes. .2 for . 4.. • 144, a- HRH .QUALITV LOVVIRICES N QUEE OLIVES- OLA,IN 16;0z. Ice , • CORONATION Jar 0•07" ' SCOTIAN GOLD 20" -oz. 1 ' or MITCH 13 ' a . - . . T& !TT SA•Cr. PEARS GLOBE DESSERT - ''"-1-'S .-Ein II* - 2°,--61. 200' OUR. OWN _ . . BLACK. TEL , . , lb. -.73._._ 24 i .lb. lia. DOG -IMOD s'c'E.7.7...„.:r 2 21,'-',::. 250 ...:„. -.PURITY FLOUR • •' :CcINTsBuYir A .gg, P FRESHRoixF.T .., i,z,.;:,,,,,- .,7B,altEr...1444‘11; ' BF: cA. "MAI L8:4M '17 -RASPBERRPe RASPBERRY JAN ioNA oa Wit# ctin Added Jar 0417 t01001SE - ANN -PAGE 8.434: 21tIt't0 • • Jar z. • gn an/ Ve iteo° g€ a , a• BEETS. NATIVE FRESH, 2 'or.' 9• 0 Large' aunehes CA111101'S Tender Crisp o. 41 3 lbs. 250 a • • • , Native Lamb CAULIFLOWER 2.50 White No, 1 . RUB -tErrucE-NativLeaeGil :own • 2 for 150 NATIVE F.ASCAL .No.' ' tEPIONS 'FRESH. , • Cerlo 19.0 Marihland. for 190. 'CELERY .STALKS Pkg. COT POTATOEli, NATIVEr *NEW N4): 110 lb". 450 oiams veLLow tooK 'NG tbs. •irjk,,‘ 'Naiive New Crop , 411/1" • totiti'MkFE1400 -111E enr..ttritATTElig , OX/1003104 Sliecd " 148 lige Bitieibbon MA:sroNNAitt .1.6 02, jar • no. A, witty.). store mallager .4.• EMMY ICED P • .BOICAR COFFEE • cusTom' 'GROUND LB 1•!`. MEAT SAUCE • Tin FOR DISFIES o;''WOOLENS, - • .Pkg. DREFT -WALL CLEANER SPIC.gi SPAN Pkg. 23 CLEANSER MAPLE ." 'A 10APTLAICES 410b.' 25° YUKON CLA.114-(Contents . GINGEB.ALE- 2'3ga!'2.50,- F,ApIHAve.14. SA1111111ES 2 This 150 A&PFANCY TOM. JUICE- 11 Fon- PriESERVIN - Tin Otilt-D " 9 .SEALEBS:.1.096t 1.23 Liquit) CEI1TO 11121 'STEW CHRISTIE'S„PRE.61-1 • SODAS.' - ' '. 25-40-60: WATT..: :SOLEX LAt.H.pii4q,44-74wErrt — -.:-..-- "111 PICKLES t.:. 27 ...-.....,,,-...;- ....-...,,—;.04....;‘,.:. , . moii tamurty:„Low PRICE. I.. . . . . , . , ANN, PAGE - , . , , ea4i 11 'OZI.ksAr :WHITE. on