HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-07-01, Page 1vices at St :Geor 11. gtragOrcl. 'C1e410 •' " • es— Masons in ImPress.ive sergceS Taalfig thes `11.4.1th' anniVersary of the fonnang of th'e ehurelt and Parish hi ()ode? rleh. Were 'held, at St. George's An- glican. elinich on StindaYg• conaYeteA by the'rector, 'Rev, 11 1 Farr. „ Wilmer 'llo*ers-fle'eOrtiting ,.4.ecteru ,a,n4 Wiiit enhanced the b,e4i107 “nf the sacred edifice. tboSe altar being placed in memory • ,the late Mr. and Mrs.Sainuel Vickers, by their ..grande.hildqn.- .The ,lesSenstit, the meriting serviceere read by, Fit • the, Rev. T, D. Jones, padre 4:Clinton. Radar- 01604 Apecial music, beautifully sung by a full cheir, was. under the direction of 144 it; W. Anderton, and consisted' :of .the anthene: "Gleria in Excelsist! , •(Vozart)-, and a•-splo, "With Ver. - dun. Clad," sung in: pleasing* velee . by Miss Marjorie Hays. _ 'Rev -Callen F. G. Ligh.tbonirn, of " Si. James' church; Stratford, as the guest- preacher, was introduced by the rector.' He prefaced his tbought-provoking sermon by exm• presSinrhis "great joy to be with you.on thisday of days." He said bis mother was a native of Goderich. And was -baptized in St; George's church. The 'Work •of the church here, he- said, _ antidated that of yearS:-. There -the- fir,st baptism as performed by -.Rev. Mr. -Campbell-of-Goderieh. "lle -paid- tribute to the eaflY ,ettlers. Of both .places for \ planning .and erecting a • firin foundation • fer `the Hth sermen was.based on the text: .'.`But 1 tarry- rang, that' thou Mayest ---imerw how their °tightest' to behave I'll-rself" in theThOuse pillarand ground of ' the truth" (1 . Timothy 3 :15) . The function. of the pillar is to uphpld,,so the Church must uphold the trutir'befOre the' world against all oPpositioTilTotalitarianism, 1.1311/1iSill, and against that most • subtle _enezny of truth and adversary o -secturianismr-eation-2-Lightbourn- said. . • "Godhas a- purpose for the human race, which he has revealed in the, person of Jesus .Cbrist, and has (tailed' the .Chureh to -witness for Him.' The truth is •groun.ded an a IcArtm-PirtrO gisTATO:It NEW XITCHIPT Wrge ,attendance •MentherS Was' plreSent :pt. the tneqing' the Ladies', Aid 80101:y:Of IC4.0x 1efikt texitin eh arch 'hist 11.vidas,?, whenAhe vr9grant Ayttfi Presented by the group tinder the leadership of las'. Wry4 Saunders': and Mrs. (4),111,11QP, Mrs.' Alex, -Stratton, ,preSident, 'WaS- in.'the Mi. IL K.: Revell read the 'Scrip- tnre lesson and prayer was ,offered hy- Airs. J ¶ Xiison._....4ra.---Ray... Coope'r,, sang a 'Solb, and mr.W 11 Wiekett played a medley of licettish. Airs, Itoth •of which ,were nmeh cnioyed,z • , ' Plans for a supper fer 'the Int- perial Rattan, Company, of :Strat- ford, on July '17th, were made. Mrs. M. J. Ainslie's and Mrs ; N: Jaekson's groups \yin:lie the program conimittee for the next three uton2tlisl . • -• The ladies are feeling, complete satisfaction with the new . -kitchen, its equipment, new 'Ilishek and new linens. and :glassware: The tables at \the Federation of Agriculture dituler. with • the pretty white ,and' geld -dishes, Nverii,n, picture and the iarge„erowd was Served with elock- work prevision: • A new double -sinkand table eentres the'ltitchen, which is equip- ped with a large, up-to,date elec- ,trie stove, with -two ovens: ,Spacious cupboards line the Walls, •and _large. drop bakeboard •and n6w kitchen utensils add te the joy of workingthere. New glassware was a more reeent purchase: „ ,Oar Tiirna Over on Blue Water' The 61=1100 Was startleethis '(.ThursdaY) • evening by news of the death. of Mrs. -George Freeman (the former Grace Mason of .Gode- rich) In. a9Motor ear' accident on the' Blue Water -Highw'ay'iive mils SO Ilth of Kingardine.1 'akeident oCcurred •sliortly•be- fere 6 . o'elock this evening.. Mr. and Mrs,' Freeman were driving tO CaILCOliqUer, hate, con- vert' the heathen, and it- jb`y that - Can rise above' disappointment Set*, to and bereavement "FOr trufir.in action; .feiroVship, and the Caurch mut. sferVi. its :quality 'ef :-worship •So' daft people will S'ee, it is the pillar and ground on -which it stands, -and' : • this will result in peace and happl„. nem" - • - Masonic Service The annnal church • parade of Maitland Lodge, NO. , 33,, A.;F. and was held- on Sueday"eVening, • when- about ,seventyAve brethren • attended divine •serviee •at,, -George's, ._ Anal -eat- :church.Th • special speaker was Rev. Canon ' G. Lightbourn,- meter of ,St, • 4".anieS' •churdhl, Stratford, . and tie. • • . member 'of the Nitionie Order at - ,Stratford. The Service was ip• eharge._ of_ the fectgEev.i1 11. -glheseri--was.- Frank Walkom, worshipful master • of Maitland Lodge. Special music was provided by the choir and a sole, "The Lordis Prayer,''• was sung ,by Miss Marjorie Hays._ CantlirflightlibtiFti-noted • 'the. "happy circumstance" of the annual Masonic - service occurritirron the • same 'Sunday as the hundred and fourteenth anniversary of St. •'George's church, He- pointed, out, • that. both St.,. Geerge's •and the Masonic order in Gederieh had gone down the long St ars together' and both had .played an hnpertant part the life of the -community. The church and-. the . Masonic Order 'worked along similar lines; he said. 6 "Nothing happens_ by Chance," • warned Rev. Cation Lightbourn, •:"The idea is always fundamentat'to the object," he say]: By way of ' illustration hp. pointed otrf-that be-, fore the common safety pin we§ •• actually smade an idea exist0..1a,the. .tt*N-tox*Jogx•et02.7-fitalii,--i: • be made' and of. making -it; "HoW • mtich.there true is this of the Unit, VOrge!" (le:Oared Canon Light -booth.. "The charircterikic :\fasoniC idea of God is •Os the Great Architect of • the Universe: Thus, the werld wits alt, planned. Ilitek,Af 'the Vitiverse plan' and a purpose in the mind of God, • 'Man eannot 00001)0 oa change the laws of nature, but he 'can work With • them and. use :them for his. elfere, One heed only rook to elgy and 'see airplanes:as heavy 08' locomotives going through the air tdr realiZe this. •With• the pass- -ing _of time man applied' bis knowledge ijm e'er opera tion with been' S1 considerabie inerealie ' , growth of wheat% Man ints wrought ' intrados by learning the laws of. God 'and' obeying them. • •41' ' . "Unn, however, Intik co-operate With• Ged,'• 'Man has learned •to elDannel almost all 41)0 .forees of •naturt. to his Own Welfare, &VOA' -Ida-own variatis.._ prilses.. Man seems unabie-to. etirh lilO own anihitions .prejudiees,ttc "The individual. must- fit • into it scheme iarger, than himself and In deifig,:se •Ints -to place, secondary particular runbittions arid pre - indices. That 'la theidea of Giefiv That IS the idea o gasonry., . ' "We must study, and l'ertrii Taws and the follow.:thetn,- If We gooft on our own, particular plans id at a tangent -we are heading 1017 diSlocation and disaSter.ft The "little boOk" to which .Mr. Parsons ,made referenee. in his: ad- dressat the testimonial dinner • on. June 23rd is a• booklet issued lby the:Goderich Elevator Compaurgiv,, ing a 'history Of it half -century of „existence -and- copienslystrated. witli .view.s and, portraits. . .• The .:narrative begins with an 'account of the great ;fire .at the •harbor in November, 1897, which destroyed. the • old G.T,R. grain - elevator, With a capacity of q0,00.0 buShels„, along with millions 'Of feet ltunhei and other-preperty: ljp to tlits. time, 'grain-carrierg reach-' ing-Godericli harbor ht. d been ves-,' .sels_ef from 19,000 to 4O00 bushels. .eapacity, and the grain :-W1.1s* trans-. shipped tavrailway cars diminutive in size compared With the. rolling Stock- of today, • • Front that -destructive fire,. how - arose th& pregent modern' ilant and important busineSS:i solving, that an industry that 'had -already proved it •.worth should .not. be lost- to Goderich, a small. band _of forward-lookingins. • took ,counsel and forined the Gode- rich. Elevator and • ited. The first directOrsLyere Henry Mooers :of liangSton,:a -Man of experience in the elevatorl.)usi- ness; his'son,.Harty'; MeD. Allan, W. L. 'Horton and james aderichI Nathan lel Dyment Barrie luMber merchant .ands.John' '1„:'A tin Pt London' flohr The - hive *Orate& May ,27, 1898, With capital stack of $150,000.,. The Grand Trunk RailW4 invested' the inSnrance,.. frnin the old eleVat(ir: and the TOwit of •Gederich guaranteed ,debentures, of 00,000.. 4, IL' Troutanhauset-of Minneapolis .was engaged to build the lirst grain: house, a Wooden structure of ,500,6(),Q.:1)110,els. capaet 10., The :first cargo' To. geUntethe' newTeevas.' one: ..:(71,‘ 411,000 bushels •brOu t by the steamer Segni!): 10 -No ember, , 1898. • - • The Federal, Public 'Works fle pa rtm en i s .approached'. in the Matter of blasting the rock -heft -0M of the.'harbar th make it accessible; to larger 'vessels, and as this 'work :•proceeded tile conipahy's. business .increased until early financial' .01,f' ficultie,s were_ overcente. • Then, on July 33-,-.1'905,1re---again •gor i0. its destructiVe work,nd !..the "new"; elevator Went '-up in 'flames. • ' • _ • • . ' 'Again there was an • emergency _ • sessio.n,,t7),' decidewhat was to 1.)e dope, ! and • fortunately, as events: have abundantly proved; the de- • eision Was to. rebuild -brit ,not of IyaqdTlie powl'i 11 PM.,"1,14,d'. heeff-' of mind' LioneL Parsons, then , an -office Clerk and -weiginnan, and he became the right-hand man of W. *LA:1°1.ton. Manager at that thne, andeventual- ly-- his successor. TrmeanhauSer was again engaged' and the structure 'this dine -Was a massive'. one, of steel and cenerete. It wai;,ready -by. the :spring of 11107 .9fid- from • that , tithe the business of the companv. has made uninter-- ranted: pregress. • The burieng.„ of the'. C.P.R. line qoin-• Guelph* tO Goderich opened. newV opportunities. hniVin 1910 another 500,000 bushel unit was bililt In 1922 thel'e was :another addition, Whitt is known as. • the 'Shipping toWer, facilitating' the • unloading of .c11 rgees,. and in the following year It ., was decided te. :deuble the capacity of the elevator, makmg it,two million litisbels. Fin- ally; in 1929,---anat-her-reiiiimi4ms1iel naitr was .ercetel, and thecapacity tr • • was, Increased 40 3,000,000 bushels: where it new stands. -. _ ., .• • Fr : a quarter of:a eentury, froth 1904,. until his death' in 1929, John I: 4. Hunt, prominent; flour miller of London, waS president •of the .cont any- Mr. Parsons; •. who:. hadi. heel manager since the death' of , W..CL. Horton in -inTo, „was 'Mr. .Huntts, Suceessor.,,as president_ and_ tints 'attained the top flight in' the c - o in pa ny with• whjeh he haa been asseelat'ed from •its birth. - DiScUSS ViataS HURG/4 :COMITY TO HAVE TURNIP CLUB, - for New Arena , • • . _ - • .Tiurcin 'county Will 'have* a turnip, Club this yearit is announced, by_ If_ Material- --Availablei- • Begin Con„struction in. - ' • .Few Weeks - • - _ . . . . Following • the approval of the bylaW :by' the ratepaYers , at the • ballet -taken Lon -June-2-2', •a •,ineeting _ of the Goderieit arena committee was heldAn the Town Ciiitficil- chambers on Monday, evening: - The meMbers expressed their appreciation of the claZens and the "fine •majoritY by which the bylaw was. carried. • Mr: K S. Hopkinson and his building committee have b.een work- ing on plans and several types • of censtruotion.,were wo,posed. Mter_ due' censideriitiong a building of ,eement. or cinder blocks - with steel trusses and supports: Wat'applrove.d. 'The' 'committee is Continuing its aveStigation.,, into the supply of building material and a,- further report Will be ready in a fewAays, The snggestion of'Sonte citizens that the,: new. blinding he bnilt over the :01(1one, thns assuring the Own a rink until 'the nets' one could be put into' operation, wak-fOund to ,be altOgether infeasible, aS the • new imilding Will notrile as high as the Ontario' Department of Agritulture. 'Organized by LeRoy G. •Brown, agri- cultural representative at Clinton, it is reported that ,this has thirty-seven. members. The lw-sis:of award in the- turnip -growing cempetitionlias" been decided as follows: • Field 'score, 400 points; fielrnotes and financial Statement 150. points '; exhibit, at sin.b_. fair, 100-1161MTItidillireeinpetitioh, 160 'mints; .00 work and cult:I-mai prac- tices, 150, 'points; attendance' meetings,°100 At a- recent' ineeling, the turnip coMmittee; Ontarld Crop Improve- ment.AssoOlation. pasSed a resole - flea, complimenting me.' Brown an Itis initiative and interest in turnip produetion, and Xpressing appreci- ation for his work in cfurthering the welfare of this important cash ere!). be on the Same fide... ; 'committee will wnit on the Municipal Com= ex,t' meet- ing to endeavqr toarrange ea have the present building removed at, ;once, if the building committee 'bids •,_to I) cons Julien it'irfffirf t Arr.ittliat_the_Gederieb elevator (lifting , the week . Were; , Starinick, 127,000 bus. oats_;- Sunday day -7A.. .134,00 .1)ns. --Altiuloc, 200,000 bus: :wheat 'wheat and, oats. • The sa ndsucker Si an erM-.--arrived from Kincardine on Friday and is. :werking-An-thel•ship- channel between_ the. piers -and the breakwaters; • The tanker Imperial Windsor on gaturday • hrought it itrgo of gaso- 104111e.Pepilo*ChSeirl'rjea .l With the water 'approaching nearer a'summer temperature, More bathers are disporting themselves. off the beach/and between the piers.. Yesterday "-Bert MacDonald. 811(1 his;‘gang Were ,getting out the rafts for the bathers off shore: Pleasure - yachts. from Detroit and other pointeAre in-' the harbor.' quite lye- queatly_. With fine weather, Denim- D:ay,shauld see the summer•sen-• sen -set in in earnest. . a NURSING. REGISTRY TAG DAV The Conlmunity try realized thVsum of 4110 from theirannuni tag day on Saturday last. , Prize. winners for•steling the greatest numberof tags WPM ;Wein Go Iletw„...FaeapiAzu. r.„ 0 in , TWO GODERICH BANDS IN': WATERLOO COMPETITIONS The'Ooderich _Blue Water ,Band, playing_ '__Novelty Overture," was. "awarded .the"prize for.4S-pieee' bands in towns 'under 5,000 ' pontil a t fon •'the- Waterloo 'Sins* Festiml on Saturdaii.' Under' the direetinn riandunister John Huckins,°''the, • hand turner In an chip ress re. per fen -name and earned a. score .of 87._ Ale,Mne-Donald. ',entered the euphonium _soloist : competition, 110.(1 tied for second ; place. The test *piece Was "Old Folks 'Down On the •'Farm' -• ti• • The smart Goderich Girls' Truni., pet Band drew much applanse from, the large gathering. In the •open class for.o'irlSf bugle and trumpet bands the GoderiCh Girrs' Trtimpet Band plated fourth with: a score of 59. • This competition-waswon by the Parkdale Lions • Girls' Baal of Toronto, with ft. wire "of 91: • . The two bands, travelled to 'Water- loo in two'seintel Mises and.a num- • ber of private carRI----'• - • „.„-- • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED •Mr. ,•and Mrs. W. A. Min•Litren announile the engagement ,of, their elder•datighter, Lois.:Margark, Reg. Robert Tweedie, son ..ef Mrs. MacDonOld ef_ Goderieh- and • the late Capt.'•Allf,118 MacDonald. The t ). 1111646Sigi. • t 1,14AIJ 'Pick Delegates • for Ottawa' To Represent North • Huron Liberalsof the Federal riding of North ,Huron' met at ying,hani on Monday -night and selected delegates, le ;the national ,Liberal convention to be held at -Ottawa to 8eleet. a .1)41tLY, tu,„„41,glit Hon . Ir. 1.. Mackenzie King. those appointed were G. L. Pa rsiins, Gode-. -- . • '‘' rich ; Brown, Smyth, \'(8t „Wawa- noSh ; .115r. J, W. Shaw, Clinton; alternates: M. IL Martin, Gederich; 'W; A. Sutherland, Goderich ; David 1(4 t nne, Wingham. ,.. f • lithling °filmes -Elate!) ' , .t: obert 'S. Hetherington, Wingharn, was reTeleeted7president of the rid- ing! assoetation, and other olliterk these): were: First vice-president, 11( ..,7s Fishclr, odbone - township; mil vice-president, :Mrs. .T. S. vriel Gbderivh taird, vice -presi- de t liroWn Smyth., W'es,twa- ii•O,' i ; se('.refit r,v-frensArer; „T. . K, Hunter; Godetich, •. ' A resoluf,fint :was passed directing that it meeting lie held in Noventher Atitikt.4aidiaRkIt ngfor the neNt eiectimr •••••• • • 444414.44.44.444444444.44444.4444. • MRS‘-. • GEORGE': FREE4AN' - Kincardine to attend a 'carnival „there, AVAtli• them --were...„-Mr, -.and Mrs. Patrick Murphy, RAZ. , 2, Anburn; The car' turned . ever as the result of a. blowout, _and Mrs. Freeman- was: crushed underneath it and killed instantly, .. `, •• ' ,Freeman 'was taken tp' the. Kincardine hospital, hut .it is tinders. steed MS injuries• are not serious. Mr, • Mnrphy also received•slight injuries. , • Mrs:"-Freenian*S bOdy is being brought to ,-the :Cranston funeral home here.• • Mr. and Mrs. FM-el/Ian WPre )1111r- . ried, in Goderieh-oitly three months ago, 011 -March 27t1t.• TO WC:L.:RECORD of....Nitmor‘1111114Se iooLaxthn inations announce(' by 1:10 •Tart - Meet !of F,ducatigin. last -Ratrirday .ccntoln, the !times of five s:::dents' of .1ast ;year, at'-eloderich Collegiate Inst It 11I0P - TheN aro : 1:111111 Dona 111- • sole, dougbter of,Mrs.' Wilfred 1)e8- ,E1g,i71 avenue. Goderieh: Voss Erri0411300, son ofmr, real Mrs.., ;Victora,• Erringt on, R.R.. 'No. 2. • Aehorn ; Gwen Finnigan. do tighter , Mr; inel Mrs. Everett- Finnigan. 1)u1141:11110)11 : Kir throor Holmes, • daughter ef Mr. and 311.,..Andrew- • Holmes, !OZ. No. 2,- Clinton : 1)1)11,1131 • 'Vnagblut; son of 31r. „ and Mrs.' Harry Yjinglent, •Auburn. All we'resin•cessrui „in .01)1aining. n teri m 0 rst -el 11514 •,eert filen ,Mrs. Fi'nn1, T)o0ii11y, 11081)0011 awarded 0 • seholdrship in P111451111:8 of- St, Michael's roIlege„ Toronto:. Jin n (LOA'. ex-stmlenf.. Business-anin Civk . rs Tributes PaidthG. L. Parsons° Elevator; Company's Semi -centennial 4 • s 1;4: 0. .ji.ituo).4neievreill;roni:d, 41:11:1:1.11:tite.:"- • more -faithfully And same. time, .gave,his tinie and talent p(tliFei e.etsilail:reetriTiffc,7:841",1:"to'nod. r,l'iloetiOnxItelei•.4,Fit.01-00.1:: tCesottnata01;411)6bt .01.11itcihueort;', , conipany's' in'eS$404, a; 14 OAT' liOns, at "Hotel *Inget 'On June '23rd. " friendly Manner lute( -wen .a,* host --of ffriends.„Jrnd has been a.4 asset. to the company •-.11e seryq§," said Mr, 'Ban& gelnueradielM111•11.gli,atitltlipgrtede-eoinuilt,aii-"'Trbrs; company lia# expanded over the . 'years until today it LS 00 important unit in, ,the great elevator ystcin throng -Nit -it Canada."' -Referring te John MuricieiL super- iilteIl(]LUt at the elevator, he said, "John: .3illuriStin 'keeps :•the elevator Siiiid- rti:snintii;gor,sumo,(G)ti,t1:11::,t,Owfo:11Bett:x.tet erson, be said, "Bert hits served the company well aid faithfully." • an ,offiehil welcome te the glieSts and passed on, the, congratulations, of the citizens of the .town tosmr. Parsons, "During the past • dftY:... years MT. Parsons has. given •sitintinglY of his service to -the town', ie many way,s. .We have,deeply ap- .;,•• • Predatedhis worthwhile contrib.n- tiotts-..to-.±Let-conntrutitl,-Xayer- --- 7 Mac...Ewan. • *In-a-ddition-to-•the4piessages-af-een gratulation mentioned in last week'd' • ign a 'fgrii-1:147:WirdliFfTd75g-ffirifir-"7"-, the forty-eight • empioyee‘ ef.' the' ('01111,11 ny,- signeil by pottinenh1:11-°:•ofthM6:-.: 'Aagrs414,14.c..ta-iktit9,,IIR'C.3111-01,AP7 Blind • Preceding the banqUet the blessing. wit.s.said by Ven.. Archtleaton j. N. II. fl1h. ef Kitchener. Ion, ;Members of Mr. Parson's! fainily ,were guests and occupied 'a 'table imMediately 10 front%.7rotwtheratead÷--,,,.,-• Direetors=,--nt?-. 511e4 company .introduced. were :- Fred Dun sford,_St Marys ; B. We -Men, • Lot -filen ; A. PoWell,- 1Vinnipeg; also Jelin snperintendett of ' • elevaters; R. G. Sanderson,„..-searez tary-treasurer; George .ParsonS.; „ grain-' shipper.. Others introduced were .T. • I'. Pringle,.'Toronto; vice-. president of Canadlite National l:14n,witys.aral 'other C.N.R..olficials; Main, Montreal. 'general shperin- tendent of transportation. of the Q.: :hid Other C;P:k. officials.-. • ' • - Ex-31a,vor 11. .I. A. Macgwan-. read 'and presented to Mr. Pay40,31S the address front the direetors of the GI)derich Elevator and Transit CoMpany which- is pUblished..011 page •4. • SNIDER FAMILY REUNION FIRST IN FOURTEEN yros . . -iTirrtpy foiturreunton-TobkvimeT • atthe home of ,Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Snider,. Essey.. street; at the week - •end. .The familyare descendants of • Mr. allirlirs. Eli Snider whO.Settled • in Vaughan' township, 'York countY a, after .coreing to Canada 'from -PPma- syl rattle.' 4ibout 1830.• .-4t,-.3.vag41ici-firsti 41 -me in •foutteen yearS• that the fatiiilY , ahd one daughter,. with their tam-. flies. Were tagether, -iViiii-A-TeTifIT enjoyed and the child- ren had a good time, at the lake. on Satnrday. ' • ,Suhday, the Whole party, Of • thirty-one attended the morning set, - vice in 'North- street United rhumb, Where they Were warmly w.elcomed, by the minister,•Rev., C. W. Cope. The ()dull menibers are all 'active.in . &tech work.. 'three of the brothers being elders in. their • respe.ctale churches.' .•• " • •Those present .wpre the families.' Of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. $.1nider, Code- rieh ; Mr ,and Mrs. Paul p. Alder, •Toe000; Mrs,. I-fenry A. ' "1)1(1(1, Wort W 11111rl n d, ;. Mr. and • *NUR. John Coates,. New Toronto;: kr: and Mrs. Andrew E.. Stilder,, '.Ont.f and Mr...,:and Mrs. Stanley .Snider, Goderieb. • • N-6119TWAIVIfERkfiNit IVIAICES CALL HERE The• passenger ship North Am- , ........_ , • vrican made an 'rinse edified visit ()I1 lwr 11,Pg1.111,1 r roitteefrant Chi 010- 1\ to Godc,:rit.11 on Mon(kk,,,' afternoon. and :Nigu,li'infie•to POrry Sound, site eh.count(e•ed fee 10 fleorgian Bay ilia deekibd to; e01110 on to Onde- Melt instead, 'arriving here at 3.3(„), . p.m. AloSt of her, :100 passengers ..,11111(10 unheralded vlts to relativeS 4111r1:101.11,11014::(ri w..1-111:1.01.1ti• town 111.:(1 .0:orne, • Mayor MacEwiin mill M. J. lAins- •-• tie, president of the Board •of 'tirade, were nt the harbor 00,1116 ..reerttral - of the. \o (11 Alneriilin. to -give an -Ati1ortua1r.'Aveleotire.-.1iterre7het,:bei ' •-• sulikeent time to arritrige anything further. . •' . rrhe big ship.'elettred at 6 o'eloeX - for I5etroit, r •Cotrfesp,Illonaon. Vree Pre4s.. The the'`new Ihtittre 011 the Square is .beingilspeedea tin ns ffist as,posSiblo afid, #roVieled thn" terinis' e(1111C, through its promised. • the niniti building should lie' up in two months, according to II. Stitlierittrid of the. ('a p1181 Theatre. It.will be sem0 time ill .kietober before nil work Is etnnoieted and -.the theatre 3s °Doled to the onblie, .110', ' • , InisineSs 'warrants it, both fite• new theatre slid, the CApttalthestit, will be "oper,optti' Suth,er1tit4 toili Signitt.,Pt Or. ' The lieu:ttheatre rill haver ag rtivtiVt‘ ellf.titolie front with a hig iltoric sign carrying the +name of 11741: theatre.. The name for the. theatre 'Dot not yet ; --been *decided. The new building will be ter! foot longer than the Capital Theatre%and •hares,a, seating Opacity Ot MO, whieivii1:4$evebty.iive MOW thOT the CanitnI. The now 'building NOV have the West. in flat Way of heat- ing mid Or, conditlening,