HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-06-24, Page 12irwlicra TBBGODIII0 SIGNAL,S RSDAY,tl' NE 24th, 1040. SUNDAY,..,IUNE 27tib 1948, • 114411 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. Hb4, VO LJON THI REmou, 10 MI DXiliONABY SPNDA34 .$01094 A1 -.,MORNING 'PRAYER AN» SERMON,. APJatiEVENINO PRAYEWAND-SERIVION; ;Maitland Masonic Lodge •Will 'attend -the eVehing sergiee, • Tlie: Rev. Canon F. -OE LIglitbOUrn; reOferof janae's*H• Church, 8tr4ffetd, will, be Wiest . spake aL bPtil R.-erViteS, 'WSW Marjorie 'HAYS vklit be 'Pest Soloist at both Services: ' ;II.EV.--,BEVERLY-4L-FARK„B.A.,;--L.Th,eltEOTO,_ --•- ' TON`7VgaaktloT Knitedl:Churcii Wr$I,EY COPE, V.A., t D "Minister' 41‘Irs'; Siilder Ale' Organ,, gr.....immorempossa.. • ‘,1:t. 'a:41; C.14j*CH S•ek001,40 r 41, a.T: ..PCOPNTER. -ATTACKING' COMMUNISM" • • -77"-riciii;141111IND-S-11111:•41-TS INGRXIONTS"-- — - THE CHURCH WI[Til TIJE SINGING TOWER.' ,krogrome.mriorro.. •-Knox Presbyterian.Church , .._ . REV. •ROBERT. G. MaCMILLAN, Minister 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOL AND BIBLE CLAS. ''''' • , 11 a.m. •HOLY ,COMMUNION. . • • "For as often as Ye eat this bread, and ,drink this• . cupop ye do show the Lord's death till He come" - 11 a.m... JUNIOR CONGREGATIQN, • • 7 pan.- EVENING WORSHIP, . . • . Friday, Jae'24t41,-8-Pan., Preparatory Service mid Reception of -•• New, Members. ' COME -AND woRsmr.•. ' , Director of Praise --Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. • COW and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. ) • Vie-toria.:St. linked Church IIHNL.§TER=REV: LAWRENCE. II. -TURNER, B.A,, C1.1*,iPireetor,7-Miss..,IVIarOgce,.,'StraChan„., 10 am. SABBATH SCH0,0i. ° ' ' , . 5 SERTES-qAPPROX. laVIATING . THE IDEAL.", • • -"THE-IDEilEtr-MAIDEN" 7 Pm., "THE -6ROUND GARTIEWif . iP45 a.m.' UNION CHURCH. • • VICTORIA .WELCO),ItS YOU . • Goderich. liaptist __Clutch PASTOR1-:REV.G. V. 'II. MEDLEY. Organist -:Miss Verna C. %Her 10-a.m. -CHURCH-SC . "THE MAN IN THE. CENTRE." 7 pm. "CAUGHT IN Af'TRAP.77-AitE -YOU? 'Tuesday.8 lain.- The *Glad Honr-Stuily.-Fhillipiani; Ch. 3. If yob live wrong, 1(.0'U, 'ean't•DIEfRIGHT,---W.A. Sunday. ' 1.1 Al 01 BA:07.:TACt and BOBtA#' MT' Ey Lewl$ *11.11P0 4 rellOrt frou4.-: a nientAl flStitli•-^ tion in London, England, states that paintings by patientS ire "reinark- 'ablY akin to those of SOme infAiernikit artiSts." , One ofth,e- pationts;”it iS said, painted *ingen4uti$1,,y. when, her' Mental .condition was 4t its worst, Wit WaS lillabie to paint atoll dur- ing* ber intervals .01 'normalcy. • Tills confirms 'a lurking; ,.suplciOn that -1111111111-tetraa law .....,-,,, ;looked Upon ,those latonstrOsitieS 411 paint willeh, for some ubseure yea. - son, aie given so' pronailent a place ,In 'art 'eihibitions tliese days, ' "• Attending 'One Of these exhibits recently J. Wits .Satily `anineed*.as L, waOlteil three very young men p4. •gaged- in a serious diseussion riefoye wittiflooked like a retirOentation Of a papirhangerl,s'elippings, Mixed 'wifilsa, few parts of a pieture PUzzle. Otte of file, 'Young men was pointing and making diagraink on the air i With his tioger, apparently explain-: ing the mysteries .of the decompos'i- 6034r-while his companiens were try- irfg Weir best not • tO, look as- if thy ' didn't know what "it 'was all about. 'Oust. of the spectators took 4- side.-glatice-at-q-be-,Pleture, smiled, and passed -OIL Th O se Wt() stopped • to examine it knitted their hrows. •in a tortured expression': swRrt'be- nett til their ' breath, ,,,, and • hastened' a way. •. , . These .p1ctures.4113vays remind me of an •articie I, read in an English agazine many 'years ago, in which the writer • told Of a visit to a lunatic .asylum.' -One of'the inmates he described was •,. an interesting character. He had rigged, up a • bench • high, np. against a 'window, to which lieLplitubed by a ladder, and spl..itt • his „lime • making ' freakish things,. Ile also did senie painting, With .' which he combined - his •meehtanical productions. De had• painted a picture of .the full moon, gbove which he had bung a small window blind on a roller. In•show- nig this to the writer of "ale -article, the dmnate recited some lines -7 Of free verse which rap as follow: O this 'moon is smoky, clbudy .rain. --Now- this-ploen is satL .an.,e15 ,.weeps; Becau-se be can't see his, grancE „,._ father.. , .Sii.iting the action to_the ,words -be rew-(Jon the -blind., If .that is luncy, • what can be said of- smile •Of 'the ;stuff that is ac- eyite4-and-,4x.hibite&as.- moderni,st. art by our art galleries? At least, the artist-rneehanielt-this. instance - ha d . a-. concrete- id a-. to:begip-with, :and he:sneceeded I.h Conveking. it to the Jenolder.with the aid of poetry. In this he might be .Said tb have inprgOdpuiceetdurtolhe.hrst • motion and tal.k-. As• • for •the verse; it ds; at 'Wait intelligible and does cOntabasome of /he elements of poetry, That is mbre, than •can .be said for some modernist ta,ve eonYe-Oldrof a lunatic asyluni. Indeed, when I tyy to grasp what these Modernist pbetS are trying to sax, I feel as: if' I were myself goirig insane. arid 'have tO quit and turn to Mother Goose rhyrnes to re - cove my mental balance.. Yet these vapid- verser are . Accepted and printed by editors who regard thern- selves as highbrows and above the conimon herd in .culture. klid, strangely enough, theehief repos- rfory- of stlen. verse in 'Canada is a socialist monthly that claim s •to•be the friend of the. commbn. people. Discnssing •modernist paintings With an artist of the old shoal, he explained- them to me as attemptS, • to get away from the recognized _standards of art, and to establish, new •Standards. ',In v faet,". he -said, • "they bave scrapped the Old _stand- a.rd,i --kill rely,- but na-v-e- failed- to- iliscover new ones. 'Ithe result is chaos." Perhaps that is the ex- • Planatia of the present chaotic eon:, ditiOn of the world.. Reverence for niental, moral and spiritual stand-. • ards is af a low • elih. Russian pot - :ideal leader:Shave discarded- them, - and 'their disciples in othercountries . have followed •;Suit. The Chaotic politi'eal_ifitture inEnropeand the Far East is the result. - in modernlife, but t is the ittia. , . I 'I'llere.is a lot of rag -tag and bob- itility of the artist and the poet, and' alSO -"of .the sincere politician, to br oll uver the *.chaos ,and • bring for I trtruth n $ trubeauty," wrote John 1 '‘ order and beauty. 'BettutcAls. ffealS...---And.he:tuttered--a lirrolhecy WheTn,he declared.: "For 'tis eternal 34,1,04, the first in 'beauty shall lie ArOt In might," ApecuOsarki. . 144VION SALE., OF • °gANX VALU413.14. USED HOUS* HOLD ARTICLES' and CLOTHING' SATURDAY, NNE. .2.0tb. , at 2 at West street Areaa, Groderleli. Many articles unsold last Satur- day °Wing, to raja will go on. sale SaturdaY. " ' • `TERMS-cAsH, • • . „.. ;M01.).41-tiell LIONS K.71,13B, -Propvotore ox, AuctiOneer. CLEARING' AUCTION 'SALE Or' $TOCK ANL?, MA.4-30N- . IsERy • * it 40, Concession 13, Hullett to,Wnkghip, 1a ni east, ope nine- siAtith Of Auburn 01* , . FRIDAY 1V1NJNG,4,1,1Dr-211.4: • at 7 pan -sharp. • LINESTO.cli.-12 York pigs,: 7 weeks, old ; g Durham spring calyes,.. IMPLEMENTS. Massey -Harris binder. 7 ft.. gut. one 40p; MeCor- Miek-Deering ,mower, 51,4a ft. cut.; ideal manure spreader (like new), ; Massepllarris hayloader. ,drop head; stilky 'rake ; walking plow • (like, rieWl ; jspringtOOth cultivator, •(new) ; 'aIl*-SteWcifetirar Saw, 32"T 60 .ft. belt; 'ruiSberqined Wagon (like new), 16-600 tires; 1041, slid- iig hayrack; 2060 -lb. 'scales; wiigofi box; gravel box; breeching harness; collar top; • cutter ;. whiffietrees; feyks;* neckyokes; shovels. GRAIN. -500 bus. mixed grain; -300 bus. oats. , Four chicken shelters; feeders and fountains; barrels; plank; lumber; sugar kettle. IIAY.--,20-acres of hay, to be sold n field. - • ! PARM.-7159. acres, -clay lOam, good.,• water supply ; 10- acres of bush. , Farin i1 in-paSturec haY and crop. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles; bank. barn ; drive - shed; garage ; double deck henhouse. Alr_jnaildings ,iri-"'excellent repair.. • laitter, carrier andwater in barn. Property sold subject to reserve bid.. ARCHIE ROBINSON,„ , HAROLD JACKSON,' rie .Any• magazine, any thnei, any., where, NliSS 1tary41), Rowell, 4 St. Vincent street, phone 213W, Or ;Mrs. sinay McLean, Waterloo street, -'1.24 BAND CONTESTS - MENTAL CONTPST'S FIRE - „WORKS at Wnterloo Park, Water: Come and bring.,'05 41.011iission charge for all daY ,ancl evening, Spectacula,imusical tattoo 'in eyening; with 40 to 50 Bands and great fireworks spectacle., 703 ries EOt;.sAm: Ftblv $.414- .L.. yup,mg • DUCTS,.,Perii4O, ,•arnd hquse- obl brushes,'; broOuts and- niapq• .Lectil agent, HERB. BRIDLE', 100 liyFon road. Phone 2844; 20-20'X 'OR SE. — SEED ii*UOIC: WHEA,T, Phone 78 r 5. Dun- 4annon RAYMOND FINNIGAN, • GradUation Teward, Give your bey Or girl a new Firestone Pilot loyme._when school doses.' Reserve, one now , WW1 n, small.: deposit, AtERHART'S GARA.GF,, Alercury, Lineoln Sales and Service, S. An- drew's St. Phone 625W, Goderich, ' -26 onD OF THANKS. , JOHN JOHNSTO AND -wish to- tbaok friends and relatives for.thewax. -kind expressions of sympathy, eluding floral tributes -and loan of cars.'' -26 FAVISH TO EXPRESS MY sIN- .CERP.) 'thanks to 'the "hoppital staff in .general fof the • many cour.tesiek extended to inc while I was a patieat there,and also to the many friends Wild' sent floWerS, cardS. etc. MR. 1J. 0. IgMAIRE: • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS VOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. -1:• OTHERS. • All -persons having claims against tne estate' of 'Michael Ohler, late Of Goderich, are requfired to for- ward,full partieblars to tilt under- signed by July 10, 1948., After that' date the -estate Will 14€ digtrjbuted. - _ViRMsTlfs-:DONNETX?"*..e-o. •,. Gederich, Ontario, ' Solicitor tor the -Executrices. - .BY-LAW NUMBER 3 FOR 1948 .A.--13--nrw Of ate-Board- TrusteeS ofthe-__RontaivCatitalic,. • •Separate--Schooli3--for-thei-TowtnT of-GbderIeb to amend By-1OW - Number' 2 for 1948: • ' ' WHEREAS the Beard of Trustees .of,- the Roman. Catholic Separate schools for the Town of *Goderieli passed By-law Number 2 of 1948 .f.or the purpose of borrOwing $19,000.00 for school Ptirposes asset out in -the said- By-law. • AND WHEREAS it bas be n 440, BEHEL TABERNACLE • xPentet9stAl Assemblies of Canada) L REV.. Ji A. PEARSON), Pastor.- • 10 4.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. MORNING -WORSHIP. 7.30-R.M. --EVANGELISTIC ....sERYN MacMILLAN-- SPEAKER AT BOTH ' -Fdday 3. p.m. Young 'People'S :Meeting: ' - - A 'HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT BETHEL. , Le: Free Methodist Church Corner a Victoria & Park Sts.' 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' • 11 A.M. - PREACHING - 7 P.M. A Cordialjnvitation extended to all. REV. R. C. McCALLUM,'Paseor. • THE. SALVATION, _Aft Capt. If. Agar -Lieut. 11 Burgess SGT.-IVIAJOR NOMRS. S. IIMISIOND, OF LONDON • • WILL CONDUCT' SPECIAI, SERVICES. Sunday -41 Holiness. Meeting. Sumlay ,SchOol. . • • 7. p.m. Sah,ation- Meeting.. . EVERYONE WELCOME , BORN St: Slary's *Hospital, • Timmins, -Ont., on June 20th. to • 'Mr- and ¥s. It., J. Austin, daughter, CarOl- Marie Ann • TIIOMA'S.-At Sarnia General llos- pital, on jime 11th, 1048, to Mr. • „And Mrsi. Wm, J. Theinas; Sarnia, daugliter, Heather Bruce,: ALLEN. -At -A.lextindra. • Goderich; on June 22nd, ,1048, to •Mi. and Mrs. Albeit F. (Bert) • Allen, R.R. 2; God'ericli, a "(Mush- • ter, Judith Mary., ; ANDERSON. --At Alexaralra • 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. John- C. Anderson, Dungannon, a daughter. INTRTEIt...-:-••••At Beckriffe I-Rispi1it1,- .11agersville, Ontario, .on June. 8th, to. Mr. and Mrs. W,alter Inkster SOckett), a son, WilIinlfi • Carfrae. • • ' Me'REE.,-At Alexlibdre Hospital, • Goderich. on June 18th, 1948, tor ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. ..McNee,, 3, Auburn, '0 san, Grant. • Wesley, • • • : _ 1HED .1-011NSTON::-In Goderieh, on Wed- nesday, June 28rd, tolin Edward JOInqonsaill.418 09414.4ear.',. rtineial service- Sathrilay,' June 0 sliiiREHoLpEits xiienizRIA.:, Oita lawiliED TWO',-0111, be ,Pleased to -look after the_plirellase_wan. .3. July 1048. It Will be eCessarY f Or YOU to' 'bring yo,ut bearer. certillcates„With all coupons •Including coui>on o 76 attached, • These rights -are vA1w*bi ftd ninY be exercised or wtsr s d ERIC • , 26t at 11 a.m.; at Brojtljeyshin. era ;.home. Montreal street. Inter - n.1.6'.: la 'Maitland cemetery. ,.., • . , , .: IN MEMORIAM .. • MCF41.7.YRE.In loving memory -of Mir son, Jimmie, who 'passed iVivay June 23id, 1911; , 1)(40-) In oiir henitsis a lettire • ..ofteffitvg-wir-wq, : - - - ifir Ittlbeinory's ffatrie we Alnill keep. it, • For he was one of the best. , i Ever remembered by Mother, Tii. dtly and Sisters. -• 26x !,,,, • S ltilELSHIn loVing memory of a :ither alid grandfather Who died 11- Itidetil3r-bffe-year age, June 10th, .47. - Gad saw the read was getting rough, ,lAitl the hills were hard to climb, So .he closed your weary7eyelids, f` id 'whispered, Pece be-th-ine-i- Ever -lovingly- • rem em befell .17. _ lighter Dorothy, Iiitck and Grand- Idren. -•• .-..-- - •• 25X ee-reecl-a-dviSable. Bylaw. by ' repealing Paragraph thereof and sUbstituting, therefor- a paragraph- as hereinafter set forth,. NOW THEREFORE- the Board of .Trustees.of the -Renaan Oatholie• Separate ,'Schools for.'the-Town of Godertch ENACTA,S FOLLOWS: • Paragraph 8 of By-law. Number 2 for 1948 aforesaid is hereby repealed and the said By-law is -'amended add -4441s :Pa ragraph 8. thereof the - following: •, '•, . • The Board of TruStees shail have the right at its option toredeem the said debentures. (Inc In the. twentieth ,year ,on_apy,Inferest date the- placewhere' and in the moneys in 'which the' said debentures .are expressed to be payable upon payment of the principal amount thereof' together with interest aecrued to the- date -of-redemption anti -upon -giving -pre-, viens -notice .of said • intention . tq. redgerff ff;st• ave?nonliie. Ontario Gazette and otge; in_adaily newspaper of *general Provincial circulation published in the City of Toronto and Once in, a local. news- paper, such notice to be •adVertised as-.aforestid al leaa.....thirty-dayg before the date fiX0 for redetnntien: Notice of intention so to redeem' shall also he seat by post nt least thirty-Ttlys prior to the date set for such -redemption to:each person in. whose name' a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at: the ad- dress shOWn .• -in the . debenture egistry _Book. _ 1eaL,,the40,1„secon&.44-m thin2rid -day of. June. 1043. _ . 3. E, 13AEWThER, JR.; - Chairman. • W. A. COULTHURST, A9ecrefarrTreaStirer. *Read 'a third • time -and 'finally passed 'this 22nd day' of June, 1948. 3. E. BAECHLE4; -,• Chhirnian. W. A. COIILTHIIRST, , ecretary-Treasurer. 26-7.18- • • From office boy • to president like their hurdles high. • • .4" OM) PRIVILEd!a i8 OE or :the Rate meet On 9ivie Holiday, p August AllienderS to'13e addressed., 14eietary • flodOch • 1i3r iul3r 100;1048; 1 ooks E 'ARE AG ENTS t•-••• . . COUNTER CHICC:k 'MKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY pAf ETZ'AFU CT 5 41* Styles for every business Various colors and designs Samples sow:lost ions prices withoof obligations SlailA14,-STAR PkgSso • - doderich, Ont. :- .Phone ../1 • -NOTICE- TO -CREDITORS; • Notice is hereby given to till:per- sons having any clatm-ggainsf-the Estate of Allan Duncan McLean, -late .".pf-fthe -Town- I-OfP o died- ort the -94eh::day. Of Mpy 948; .to send the spinetothe undersigned, ;verified by declaration, on or be- fore the 30th day of June, 1948; as after that date the execbtors herein wlll"proceed-to -distribute the said estate, hattirg---regard only to the claims of which they shall then .have had notice. . ' tdaj f junc,- A.D.-4948. •• WILLIAM. A. SUTHERLAND, • Solicitor for Eva_ McLean.and • • Allan' Stanley - .24-6-- • • : • Executors. SALE, -TWO TRACTORS, * one pii rubber, one on.steel ; alsO 1030 Plyniouth coach. Phone er• call IL ,PROUSE, Phdue 083 r 4, Voderieli. '• IiRICK/,'CENTRAI, ON ,Vietoria, street, ,suyable. teUrist 'location; 'Seven (;1Q111$4, ftiU floor cellar and ,attie '; hot, water:heated,' J. V.-MUTCIL, phone '532. •t-25-7 , , OR SALE. --NEW" FIVE,7ROOM co• ttage, centrally located.Phoxie 741.1. -26 FOR, SALE. :(3,064 • house, brick and 'stucco, 22 Essex• street; hardwood oors rongliout7 iep ace, -piece a dduble garage. Apply. WILBERT JOHNSON,' Deer Lodge, Bayfield. Phone Clinton 909 r 42. .2,2tf FOR SALE. - 1942 DODGE • sedan, in good condition, good tires. Phone 317.T, 26x FOR 'SALE. .IX. -14,20".v. COT- • TAGE. with all moderiotonven- lences,, double garage, double lot.. henhouse, fruit. trees, • Immediate. possession. JACK GLO,USHER, phone 10 r ..Rat.tin and Eeays- streetS; . 25-,6x FOR,- SALE. -ICE BOXES ,AND new electric rangette. Phone. 243. • 26x FOR SALE. -- SE.1;..V R 0 0 XI • • house; insulated; yaeW ,furnace; beautiful Corner lot. Immediate occupaney. W. A, SUTHERLAND, phone 7.00. . •, 22tf _ . FOR' E.-1.935 CHEV; STAND:, ARD,: radio, beater, excellent condition. Apply 58 St,' 'David's street, Geclerich-,--after 511-na. • 20x FOR- SALE. -4 FORD. 40, ARMY • truck, 15 cwt , ,,,,•ood condition Chalirs5-tires. 'Piher$150,--ofifittkr offer, Phone 1193W •-95 701-1,—;SAL-ID, -- ON ,-EqtAY--- painting machine With,lohliston Iron Horse 11/a .11.13. 1'11.00r:find fib fee,t 'Of hose. ApPly.., 38 Regeht street, Goderich. • 26x FOR -SALE. FIVE -ROOM house for sale •part brick •and part frame Possession in month. .,Apply .38 Regent Street, doderich: NOTICE WO CREDITORS.; All persons having. clairoS 'against the eState M of Ellen.artha Sturdy, late of the Township of Goderich, in the -Courity-er Atirdri, who died„on or about.the 26th ,day Of April, '1948, are required to file the sone with full -particulars with • the undersigned by the 3rd day of _July, 4948: as after that date the estate will be distributed. R. C. HAYS,; B.C., Goderich, Ontario,' „. Solicitor, for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND , . ' OTHERS •All personsjiaving, pfestate of George Joseph Brophy, late Of WawanOsh TownShip, are re- quired Jo forward full partionlars dtily verified to, the undersigned, by July 17, after which date the estate will • ,•• • FRANK DONNELLY. dodprich, Solicitor for. the Administrater. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND ,OTHERW All person g having claims against the estate of, John Myers, late of Ashfield Township, are required to forward full particulars duly veri- .undep.signedy.jul after which 'date the estate will be distributed.. • . • •'PRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Solicitor for the Executors. -26-7-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . • • AD persons having claims against the estate .of Robert. John 'BOA, late of the Town of Gmlerich, in the. County of Huron,retired farther, who died onor<about the'25th day of March, 1048, ah? required to file the - same With partienlars with the ufldersigned by. the 17fh day of estnte vI11 ISe fl gliti.471•1:195411iyitse-7(1.17, • Goderich, (Warn). , • . Solicitor for the Estate. NioTicE TO, •CREDIT'ORS„ „ IN TIlks ESTATE 'Or v.tMARIE •TOLTON, jate of the Town of' Goderich, in the tiOtinty of nbroh. Wiaoiv, deceased, •Oreditots and othershaving' Oats against the above-named de- ceased, Who died on or about the 271'h day. of May, 10480 are required to-send•-fifil- pri-rticula-r.s of -such- claims SO the undersigned. on or be. Vire the 1„Oth' day Of :July, 1048, after., Wlitch.-dp-teTthe-asSetS,,otttlie: estate will be distributed, haVing regard only ,to •claims, Of which notice has thta been received. . "Dittetl at °Atratford, Ontario,. this 181•11 day of June. 1948. • MePIIERSON, pr/oursoN • •.ailtponv, , • • .20 Downie, -sitre6t, - _Stratford,. -On t•it •. Solicitors for the Aanfinistrators, atiiiete was never Made,sitting '.048y .efittir and eVery. •'gketitichStgitlaii has' Spent years 'Of preparationi—cften doing . the most' . and undesirable of work. • • Sacritle,e hnd,derdal,are absolutely . necessary toany great achievenient;" WANTED ANTED.--IBOYS OR GIRLS Sell Score ear4ls for tbeOodol. rie14 Saddle Club' on July 'lst, . AP - JAY "RUT)” JI0,4111, . -go ANTED. •S • apartinent or rooms, bY ouple With One. childMBS ]b�I4ND, - % Pal* Houle, plione,089.. „ NRSIT PERTIES tor sale. J. - cilAvALAN., Real Estate Pho.ne 18, ' 39tt Colhert,s • Bakery be ito,)„ ot ,,,iirasti,” "isfeaturi4 thiti- week -end traWPOrq Shor,t, Cage • 14rith, DvridpPeO •ol'ootO topping. AlsO, light eakes'*with) " • orange icing, at 30t and 45e • .1fou8.14. bit suite. • Phone ,857J% • ANTF,D:`TO BU) -ALL 'OLD .•''borses mid dead •Aninials. If suitable for minkfeed will pay more •than fertilizer' pijces. .if. uot, Will pay,fertnUer p'rices. • Irdead, Phone at 'once. ' GILBERT' BROSA gxNK. RANOH, G,oderich, phoue C011ect 9,36 1'21 or 936 r 32. WANTED, • FAST-GROWkNG . Company, has 'opening 'in ydur disfrict for'energetie* and an) 1 1 -Personp2end1d opportnnity for aggressive • individual. ... Excellent earnings assured with future, secur- ityand independence. Apply BLUE BRAND ,PRODUCTS, 7227: Alex- andra. Montreal.-- • • ,22-26 F°R' SALE. - TWO 'STOVES, eleetric rangette, alSo coal, and wood nage. (Princess Pat)„ .w,ith waterfront. Phone 166J. . 25x • WANTED. -PART-TIME, STENO: • • •GRApHER, one who can read- ily • take. dictation. Apply in writ- ing to BOX 80, SIGNAL -STAR.' • -25 . • *WANTED TO RENT.--tTRGENT-. LY, house, with 5 rooms or more, by local business•man. Phone 97.7J. .• ''• - . WANTED:- CARETAKER Oh • • bowling green. Apply GEO. MATHIESON, Chairman Grounds Committee.*40 SALE. --40,- ACRES .GOOD alfalfa „and Timothy hay; also Cockshint No 2 bayloader, nearly new. FRANK LINKLATER, RAZ; 5, Godetich. Phone, Carlow' -148..- • .. 20X FOR "-SALE.-BUICK "'SPECIAL sedan,' 1938, for effortless, •com- tortable.driving ew.. can.eonditionr.-- low mileage; veryreasonable; after 3•• P.M:Saturday, phone 0813. ' 26k :FOR SAL,-VACtS'UM CpEAN- - ER, nearly neiv, Goblin. Apply 4 Church 'street. Phone -875M. • -26 •• 'TOM,ATO, : 'plants, 6 to. 12 inches tall with heavy stems, 35c a doz. or, 3 doz. for $1,00, „ Only a few dolen left. Also ' a few cannaS, for large sPeci- men bedding plants and some dwarf 12 . inch. , FLORIW,.49 Bruce street. Phone 105. •-26 '111)4 *SALE. - 1.8th* CENTURY , • - sidad mahogany nine -piece din- 'ing-room suitC, hd-earysed-thairS, five '.years old. Principals only: Phone 1075. _ ,COTTAGE FOR SALE, TO MOVE. -Good four -I -wined cottage in Clinton allready for immediate re- moval. Would make excellent sum- mer resort cottage, or a. home for small family. Amy .14.1UT'rriNitTfii7- Phone 71 r 8. -26-7-8 AF'OR SALE-. - 1414)}1AIR' chesterfield suite. (g- pieces), 'maroon and .• green ;- ,onb studi co(uch, Spring -ailed, good' as new. I hone 1090W., 26x FOR sALn.---liceLARY COOK . stove (Escort), almost new, Used only six months; wood Or -coal; all White . enamel finish ; •also• Prineess Pat cook staiv, wood orc06.4,-0. mn good eondition. Apply .to MRS. WH.,BUR. ,BROWN; Dungannon, Ont.: Phone 4-r 0. -20 ; _ _ . FOR SALE:-I-CHE,NILLE BED-. SPREADS, $4.90. • Wholesale - price, first quality. Obenilles f�r double or single beds. in all beauti- ful Pastel toloi•s; Wath mini], more. _Also habitant hand , hoOked • rugs; The 18 x. 80, original .colorftil pat- terng, &for $4.00. • Sent C.O.D.. plus postage. • money hinnediptely re - ;funded if irot satiSilet. , CRAFT DISTRII3UTORS, flAIDI- 254 Sher- brocke street West. • Montreal, 'Que. 21tf.' rOXt ACRE 2 ,farm,„iwith double_ honse with all conVeniences and barn. °Vali• be seim in evenings at end of . , ATTRACTIVE. F0sRinitS1'1U.411%-ise near Square, im- mediate *possession. Also lakefront eotta AO: and other properties. MALCol'Al MATIIERS, Iiisuranee and Real Estate Broker. • . POR, SALE, - 3 -4 - priced reasonably, Row crop' trac- tor' two -row corn. cultivator at- -tachinefit fitted ,with spring 'trip feet. Standhrcl high ,cleitrance. Low priee(1 • for sale,' FILED' 0 PLAtTZER, Auburn, .20.8x 'FOR GODE- „RICa..Post Offiee. APply- -9:17-P.XCX; -26 WANTED. -4-- COPIES -OF -THE- , June 8rd issue of The Signal-. WANTED,* TO • BUY. • ,-- FAM aear Goderigh•with.-or- Niithont. stoeit a--nd my achiner- .---kindly reply to p.O. BOX 366, Goderich... 26-7x' Wedding and Anniversart Cakes a sp6cia1ty, All orders, of $1,00' or more „ 9 'delivered. PHONE .461 MEI.J..i,11413gilT, Pron. LOST' Lustr.-A WALLET CON,TAI IN,pr' identification Papers. Finder please phone 840; DICIK, Gate Cottage, Goclerich: ° -26 , OST. SUM OF MONEY ON East side of 'Square qn Satur- day night, FInder, please return to SIGNAL -STAR &INCE and re- ceive reward. 26x FOUND, BLACK SPANIEL, • • young. • Owner contact - S.' 13ritannia, road, (lode - rich. • .‘ • ' • ' ,26x - • 1 • . • FOR RENT TO RENT. -OFFICE ABOVE Me- KINNCN'S , mediate possession, For further plirtierdars aPPly ,to 11. .c. HAYS, • .Barrister, Goderieli. • 20tf. * TO RENT. -SUMMER COTTAGE. • MR. PAUL ROBA.RTS; Gode- ,.rick,-0911P 1152 VietcTift • • TO -RENT5-4-MONTlit OF 'completely- •,furia- ished house will rent •to, o)ae or , tW.0 CP1,1P1PS, no c11en. C. F., *: CHAPMAN Real Est te B r ',NOTICE - • • • pIANO TUNING AND 'REPAIRS.. • WANT,Eb. Cleaning, de-naothing, free estira- - --Veterinary Surgeon fpr the *posi- fion of Sanitary Inspector for the Town of Goderich. -Duties to.: in- clude inspection of slaughter -houses - and carcasses "sl ttere. tion of dairies, .prthile etc. Considered to he a part-time position.- Applicationswill be re- ceived bY the undersigned to July 2nd, 1948.- • 8. II, BLAKE, • 26- . .. Town Clerk. - `......1111110.1111111.11•11111111111111.111111111111: ates. WM. N. GOULD, phone 264, G'oderich. , 24-6x TICE. .•... Graduation --reward, GiveHyt , :-boy or girl. a3-reW--a71-re5tone Pilot bicycle when, school cloSes.' Reserve. one now with a small deposit .• -.ABERHART'S GARAGE, MercurY- Lincoln Sales and Service,' St, An- drew's,St: Phone 625W, ..,Gbderich., • -26 A Man's reputation is ;tt blend of *. EVeryhody is willing. to pay taxes • -,..1'01_0,-)Ils:-friends,. enemies., and:reIa- .withi a -smile, but the tax. coliectot , tiresay behind his back, deniands cash. • IlYgeale supplies (rubber goods), mailed. PostPaid in- plain, -sealed enyelope, with price ....Wilt. Six samples '25e; 24 -samples UM., ,Mall Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton; Ont, -1-9, 0,11Nobao • - tt:Gaynor Licensed. Auctioneer with twenty years' expekience. Forjnformation write or _ phone 787,1, Goderieh (collect) ANTE ..."11111110811111, ..,,Siledtdrin Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready -to.: Wear.. • Full time . eMployment. Gpo, mr„ BOAA.Ezmit - - 1111111111111111160' ITENITURE 11,11:PAIREID CABINET MAKING, SAW FILING, ETC: . All kinds of , general blacksmithing. • • 'T.. GOWEil. (Formerly Sheardown • Blacksmith Shop) , 'HAMILTON ST. •_42tf . _ _ ....M.,_,11•10!.11•11.6111..trum..... • • : Fire- Fire.. Fires. ,1 -You often. read,. L.0,140,;,-- ---purtitillreovered by insu- rance. - :it:0/1%1.1p thvalue.yourF.11 • SEE . Giet'InsureedstAsmiud -Stay !Jammed- .lt North St. , Tel. 269w Vaminsisomissr • •••• , ” V, . ltodern...j)usinesi..1'S 'like football. Yesterday's' fotierideltp today's ..ganie, ' mtls err. FEK(URES‘PiSla',t1h1G. enledY mentioned.fti a kin.lc in the 'back.. .perhapfs - ... b etter try • ,Gardner IVIotor Sales Lubrication_ Mafti-Int/14;.*:54,, Lttbrication fox' eVei7 need at.i. cine , 'y'•• Keep your car nigh good - shape with IREspoNE & POLISII es' Go eric 1.• trArr, , , I • "