HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-06-17, Page 7:' 'ATJBURN`, Tune 15,• --Airs, Bert, were. taken up.-. and_ :t Miestou
Marsh of. Kitchener spent a. few Band leader, gra, Sid; Mcclin�Gher,
days with her, parents, Mr. and read ;a. very ,interesting story. The
Mrs.. Herb Mogridge, Meeting elosed with ' a •,hymn and
Mr. and; .Mrs, 3 0..1301 x are the -benendiction'tiiu
visiting friends' 'at! Ayr,:. Wonie, a ,-^Mara. •Her .
Mrs..r, ,Ray' O'Neil •and children, Mogridge presided • for the; dune
Lyn., and' John, of . Ottawa, • .are meeting of .the Women.'s Institute,
visiting- her' parents, Mr, and Mrs. held•in the Foresters•Hall .oa►ea
Ferguson., day. . Mrs, , R. x Phillipa , presided
Mr. and Mrs. John Graham or at .the' piallow The ,aeeretary`„r,.Misa
m d d.. the f. neral M. Sin _ ;. read, several "Thank You
Detrottr-�'wh4-�.t�en . ,e4�, .. • ,. u..�-: ... _F ...,. -. , .�
urn. d to notes A re ort or ,. the distrlet - an -
oi' the Rate.: Geo._ xrurin .ret. ee . � ,
on a -fis ,' aanaizneeting"Iield recently. . Gode-
Detroit on: M .,d y. . . , ,.,. �-�
itch li of', rich 'was' 'given by'Mrs; Edgar Law~
•Mr; �aud Mrs.,: Chas. Tw _. .e r ;, � ,.
nisi ed•'141r. °wad. Mrs, R °•:d. Son'
and Mrs,' Alpert C impbeU. A
Minton t Mrs Bra
Ph 1'i' arlcl Mrs, Ci, Aa • norsos .solo. 'was ” rendered. , by . d
o 'owed b y a readingbyMVA.
it Sundays' :. � .. " : Hoek, f ll. by:a ,.
�' rM .TI
iso an.
n ,
s .M W Ro. d
Frances Houston, R.N8,. Of Ted .:E+a. tx. ..._s, ..,. u ,. b ,
,. ti- Visitor r red ,.,Plaetzer- •contributed .,a
L on was a week end , , , M , M, �'
ons,_.,, . ,.. k
• a eats ,Mr,' and'Mrs. •Sohn duet and Mrs,, .Wilfred :Plus , ett
with. her p„r, »c 1
Houston: • gave:',a' reading., d'he{; Coll: a l° was
�. 3n of : fees,,,' ' The
answered 1�2Y •'pad - g .
• o li Or
�lant;'e�d�i• , ve.: �: 'it. t#a_, k; &i:.-�!f$.�+�_....
�} 'r,� "la o to
r. tested
�f mt
R'Pi��aiE�D>�"� �....o _.�ra h'y',
nx arra' t�
a to:
e e
..edl s-.
oolatl"o1Yed feed aBgr � f e�x, . , . , . 'produce
- � _ � , . .. rod C ... a
a , th26t' will' growand Mush �0 aquality,
hag ,. P 4
ater ro t`p - o'
t to the roduGeria:: ...., � x hoe
ALL CLAS.f, 'Qroso,
roowUVE Stout
fllR :REAtul t'
„• ...TARTER
..� A
aVrAiTB& 0'W
' RTE '35%
your own ' grain, .
Remember it costs less.- to ._
feed a balanced
ration .
' ..on & Allen -Herman Car'efoot
The :regular, monthly. meeting dot ,
the B.lz,l'xTJ, will be held iu the 1president'•weleomed'two new mem-
bers. The July " Meeting ; wilt. he
"children's' day” and a' picnic will
be held at Harbor ,Park, ,Goderieli.
:Lunch was served -by the hostesses,
M .s -•Geo, Sturdy, Mrs -Herb,„- Mog-..
r r
ridge, Mrs. H. Tungblut' and Mrs,
'0,, M. Straugha�n..
Ladies' Arid,—The Ladies_ Aid o£
the Bnptist'�e"hurch held their June
meeting at .the hove of;Mrs. Glen
Raithby on, Thursday, with -Mrs.
C, • A,, Howson 1n :Charge and Mrs.
R. ,3;,.. Phillips at the piano.. •The
devotional period was taken by
Mrs. A, Forsyth and Mrs, 'S. John -
Baptist • church os ,Sunday evening
at '"7',3O when :MrS. I4.F{ra,sen of
Exeter°,will ', be;. the guest Speaker,'
Everyone iS welcome,
m 'Mrs; Toho-'?rifdri, Mi4s�eraO Ti _
and Mr, Andrew Mcllwain of, Gode-
rich visited Mr, Wm� MCIlwain and
,Amelia on Sunday.
Mission 1$and.--•The• Mission Band
of ''Sno$ 'TJnited church met. in the
Sunday school room With. Lloyd:.
McOliinchey in charge. The meeting
opened with 'the members' purpose,
A 1iymn was followed by prayer by
Christine Cunninghara. • .4 piano
(instil« MShiny, xsotn an, 00404,Howard t u l
.Fieeiaertounay Brldgeo, bounty
Sagliw, leb., and BarrT, Be .air A „...
Toronto. I ntermeft was to DO-
gannon, eeretery h'riends, • were
present frons; Detroit," Toropta,
Saga W, Mich.. Port l lgilx, 1Ci11-
cardiue, 'Brantford, Waterford •.and
Goderich; . .,
Celebrating Sixtieth Anpiversar$,
--`►ixty.: years of.• service as an
organization ..was celebr ted., by., the
,of _Knox' PrelOyterlan
diurelt ort ThursdaY afternoon.
Guests present frera fretKnox W;•M.S„
G. r'
ode ieh . send; 'Old St. .Andrew's,
ented= tl a 4110t1 n -So-}
elety in observing the i►nversarY.
h • "GS1' M SR was o..:anized In 3unei
1.888 by 11i`rs, I`air-oi' Ciiutona Ars,
Edgar Lawson'_ presided and after'
the opening • ,hymn offered prayer,
telco ed the
Mrs. •d.o>a.t?. M.QI$t9,u Ra
S' • read_
re a__
guests, .The.. S�IFt>ii. _ , .
-Mrs., Fear •of Blyth and_'prayer: -was
ocered by. Miss, , &IlIe• Toll, also "of
Blyth. :Mrs, ',Lawson read greetings
from" t. Mark`s Anglican church.
S Bisset ofGoderieh,
Ctrs: Gordon et
president"''of Huron Presbyterial
M.S., brought greetings frorc . that
'organization, and Mrs. Redditt
Dg " from .the W.M.S.
raught.: greetings.,�rm._,;, ..._..�._-
of"Knox: church, Goderieh. A pleas
ung duet, • Beautiful Garden of.
Prayer.„1.. was -gendered by ,Mrs.'
Geo.Sanderson and• Mrs,' Nelson
A u , -;gal ou Nate utak par*
chased -00W the Pott Albert airport
was erected. last week at !'mien: to^
see, -x a the. v1f Otge.
the posto�ce staff et Blyth fox PIA
Fears, bus accepted a iwsitioa on the
Clinton ` Scheel. Heard :'bas • AP -
pointed Mrs Bert, Moyes, 'organist.;
and choir director. of Clinton �Pres-
b teriau . church, as music ,super'
.�, of:A.1»
i' a::'
-- �bre l
• G r � o 'C741404, . _, .. eY:« ,.
recent honor. ; graduate'. of Western:
'i t
ins s • dm
�, s a
` v"' it
in bu S . .._rsl,
tion arld . political science, has;' ac-: `
ce ted :; a .Goyernn e�t :appointrent",
P ,,
t . awa.Before • , the war ; he
taught ..a:t. Paramount and' fiolyroodo
• no to tion r meeting.will be:
held in M�gllio� ,to. �c`righip on, . ,
21 ' b 1. a' tacancy In. the Town-
21st to . >a, s..
ship Connell. caused by:the resigns
tion of Couucillir' Frank Kirkby::,
Mr. Kirkby has 'sold his farm in`'Mc..
', ilio and moved to, Walton,: in
Grey' township, r.
- Fr derick Gibbs, of- Londe, sboro,
e -
ial on
.o t
't n, hs
• in.' rice Cli .
died n e• �!.
Wednesday, . June k, '• 2nd, in''. his'
-i ht -fourth year.., Born in ;Eng-
land,. Mr.:Gibbs came: to• Canada
of GG, der ieh, accompanied by: ;when quite.=young • and spent most
Hill o r
Mrs. R. E. Wilson. The guest of his life in the Londesboro diS-
speaker was Mrs. Albert Taylor of tr.'ict. He,.w-as not married....
Goderieh,, • who gave - an inspiring The death 'of .Albert . Morrell on
message •-•on "Prayer. In her re- June in
removed ne of the oldest
marks she said there.. was a Zimit men in the 'Londesboro di -strict. He
in s,.were iven by Mrs, almost all things; blit prayer Is was in his eighty-third year. His
•fit wzta pla�ed�, 'l�•,.,and-..stun;,..,...R,sad.,...g,.,.,...,,,...., „.g •,,,.>.,. , ,,..., : ...�„ tQ, s•t
h w he roll call ,was V. Kneeshaw. Mrs. A: Forsyth, Mrs �,n,- limited. We should `have wife, the former Isabella Farquhar,
Marlene Eastim, The
bytwenty-four members: "Glen Raithby and Mrs. C, A. How- faith in God, as. He- is`;alway°s will- died "�sotne . years : ago :and a son,
answered Mrs. J. Smith. of
The peering was received • by Ber- son Thee topic was given by Mrs. lug to .''hear our prayers. God Harold, survives. i i and=
nice ''1VIcDougal:, Bible questions .W. Vesterfelt and. Rev,• A. Forsyth doesn't ask us. said the. speaker, .Godericl' township, s a grand,-
-. ' gave o, few remarks 'and offered ..the, to do more than,.we span bear, and daughter.
• closing prayer. Lunch ,was served. ; no- matter how small ,our talent Gs od d The death. - a rht n Edward Hen-
Funeral of George- Irwin aarhe. can use it A poem Sixty year o e n, ofoccurred on
was. held �,�from the home of :-his Isobel' Graham of Seuforth, who on the previous Tuesday. Surviving,
sou -in-law, Donald Fowler. . on for . twenty-one years was cor- are his mother,. his wife, the.former
Thursday and. was largely attended. respond-i�ng; recording. and press Mary V . Hawthorne of. Hullett, one
Rev. A., G. Hewitt was in charge secretary of Haran Presbyterial,. brother, - James, of Seaforth, and
of . the service, • during which Mrs. was read by Mrs W.• T: itgbnson o three sisters; Mrs. McClure, Col-
Ralph- Foster of Sheppardton • sang 4 'VI A Lamont, Sweetly ,Solemn Thought," ae-
c inpanied by- Mrs. ' R. J„ Phillips.
The pallbearers were Sack Graham,
Detroit;' •Wm,' Irwin, ',Kincardine
funeral •of they late ' George Irwin service,” composed by the late Miss Thursday, •June 3, following a stroke
• h�• nton.re i.
' Pisa.. Q
Haar d 11740* .
Meroh ��..
,. air,
2.24° Olass
Z�B _icl
ii IId�
1 Vp
-4- Races
taxiing Gate
• :.,. lVtabile
I'm for
2 Strained; tense serves' are •often the cause Of
meatless nights. Improper rest, night after night, is
smell ollowed by -loos of appetite, -irritability and :.
a tired, run-down condition.. • •
hesor ilburni�s�Health ,
�W--For wdiao>~de�►� , ,
-��►nd3 erve iHs., ar_e ?iglrly'lseaeScie l;TTh ir6n and ther;ingreh ta_- '
thoT-contain- holp-to-impioga- the : blood • content, stimulate the nervous`,
s tem, and the appettite, avid digestioa,y_thue ;helping to •promote sleep.
+;� .v4,c4,4
... r'�re
e §old' o.t dna � ' .
-I[ilbmu''tl.-Health"nnd^•`�'e%V'0 =1�llie I;r ,, g'*�o 3^�
•iSi'b� TT'Miiburn Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont.
pct' l.rs,
87 West Str♦hone-574--or-
above Agnew: Surpass Store,
Don't suffer any longer.Yoy'll find-quicld
• relief for tainful-pites when you- use Dr.
Chase's' antise uc O rye entz Qrovea
relief for ower z•b•
Ir. Chaser O me-rii
Non worry about .your present
or future security;
Phone Carlow 2115 or write
cut the
Monarch Life Assurance repre-
sentative, R. R. 1, Port Albert.
. f
Auburn. A basket. of white fl`awers I:borne township, Mrs.
McKillop township, and MrsAles,
Wright, Tuckersmith:, ••
. The, wedding ceremony uniting
Annie Ferne, daughter • of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Xoungblut, to:•Donald
Ray IIennedy, son of , Mr. and Mrs.
Victor. --Kennedy, all of Londesboro,
was -performed. by Rev. S. Brenton
at the Londesboro.. parsonage. The
couple, willmake their home on. the'
b m' degrgo� �farni.- allett, town
ship. ' '. ' • ' "
ApeAmon—McCully : • '
.A.t the. Brucefield United effliren
manse,` on' Jwie 2nd Rev • . R.
..]... .ems v. .
. tri �...,.... ..
_taaiavay united in mstrringe. ary-
Grace McCully, daughter of Joseph'
S. McCully,- Brucefield, ',and Charles
---ightth V.e
n—of—lielgra, son
of George ' Wightman, Kincardine. '
After a. honeymoon _ trip to Niagara
Falls and.United States points, the
couple will reside on the'Wihtitnan
fa rni,. R.R. 1, Belgrae. . • n'
Loses Hand_ by
Explosion of. Dynamite
An unfortunate accident to Ross
W.illets', son of ;qr. and Mrs. Web-,
ster Willets,'•Turnberry 'township,
resulted in • .the loss, of his ' right
hand at the wrist. He was "wo"rking
with Road Superintendent `Harold
Moffat:When a stick of dynamite.
which was •to be used for blasting a:
:iargep.stone,, exploded. He was taken
to tile-Winghain hospital; -where
was placed on, the communion table
in memory! of members ; of the V;
M.S. who had 'been called tot higher`
service and a minute's silence wds
observed in their memory.. Mrs.
F. O.- Mellveen extended a rote, of
thanks to the:guest speaker and all'
others whohad- contributed to the .
meeting The offering was -received
by Mrs. W. ' Good and Mrs. F. Ross,'
.and Mrs. Lawson, offered the dedi
c tory-prayer:-, `After the -meeting,
tea was_sorved in the Sunday school
'000mis,-w•he.re-the-tables- War -e decor
bniteewwith ow
w • aa
decorated in the - W.M. colo
blue and gaud and with lighted
candles, centrad'the head table. Mrs.
Annie Goderk
whose husband; the late Rev,' Robt.
Henderson,. was pastor of Auburn
and Smith's Hill some fifty-five'
years ago, blew- out the candles 'and ,
cake; Mrs. Henderson- re-
marked that She considered it -au-
hgnor to •be asked to take part on•
this memorable occasion.. ,She spoke
-of the- first .president, the late -Mrs.,
Peter Patterson. and. of some of the
Members. Mrs: Oliver.0 ark of Gode- -
rich, a former resident of Auburn,
and member of the' W.M.S•., spoke a
few worth; .expressing her pleasure
in being Present. • a". did Mrs: Jas:
Woods-. of'--Blyth,,--another-, former=
rneinbgr of the W.M.S. Mrs. H. C.
Dunlop, of Godericli extended a vote`
of thanks to tine Auburn ladies for
their kind `hospitality.
Admission: Adults 54c plus tax:
To Park Cars 25'
DR; G. 5. ELLIOTT, A. A.M.
No ,extra charge for the use
of our Funeral Home, Toron-
to Street.
Prompt , Ambulane6
' • Service '
Phonal Res: -365; .or - 7-
the injured "member received surg-
ical attention.
Dogs Damage Livestock -
in Tuckersmitb
Doss suffered in , T,uclersmith
through ,damage to livestock by dogs'•
running at .large has become Yso
great that: the Township •.Council
has issued notice that owners must
keep their. dogs under strict control..
Otherwise It will. be necessary to
increase' the , dog, tax to provide
money. to pay for "loss caused by,
dogs to sleep, cattle and ;poultry.
LESS .".
you..have ;firstconsulted ;'your nearest Customs:
Office. The import of certain 'goods is now prohibited
in order to conseve -our U.S. funds;' If the article you
wish to buy is an this . prohibited list, it will not be `
allowed to enter ' Canada, 'even though, you 'haves -
paid for it. ' ^- -
Don't be_ disappointed 'Before ordering:. goods
from the U.S..ot.; other -countries, consult your nearest A
•• a,o 'SHOP . - i._..
Guaranteed workraaaishio at
prices that will please you.
'Call at our ogee: or
line to Box 161,'- Goderieb.: We
will • be •pleased - to call,a{d help
choose a suitable' metnorlal for
your family" plot:.
9t. Andrew's ',10..•
.-- ' "� S0 your money by regular deposits in a
Savings Account' at -The Canadian Bank of
.,, .1.: : ;, ,, ..- .: ..; : _, ,.:gin ��d•,n,,,y,-�
(formerly, Cunningham`•& Pryde)
Clinton, Exeter, Seaaf*th- •
Write Bog 150, or phone,4l3,
Exeter •
and, we shall •• be pleased to`
. . . . , . .
use' The . new Canadian -made .Massey -Harris "Pony"
beC0 -° has opened dip a great new market. fpr traitors. ,
Coia�merce, and- watch'.: tgid cr.♦ As 'your
savings grow, "so does'your abiiaity to buy •
- cash: Start saving today."IrouiVill. be glad you -did.
Eaker atty .
... Wi�ndnnills
7 and'8 ,foot ,wises:
Raker '& Beatty bit.'$ath
Pump Sticks
• Yee • we take - -
your old, tires as part payment
innbrand•neat/Gobdyearl. Take'.
advantage "of our trade-in '
plan today►
Y a ,a ° ' y ...witha
One year ago, Masse ••H•arrls• lntraduted a. new small tractor .. '. the Pon :. ,"with
full complement of mounteditbols.....,to_be made 'nits Canadian factory; , k•, y,
Previously, •all tractors used in Canada, were.'imported, Thus,i-Massey-Harris took••two
important steps which: are.,:•.b'ound to play al big port. in Canadian. prosperity during
-the yedtrs ahead.'
The "Pony" 'open's up• a great new market -or tractors, both Canada rind In the
ex ort,fiel'
The last Canadian census showed.nearl 500,000 farms still without.tracfors
. many of which are nail farms and market gardens where big tractor.outfits`aree not
racticakAnct therearea a great many: more` thousands ofrsmollfarmsinthe United States, -
in Euro e, in Africa, and other countries where Masse i�iarrls praductt are Sold;. most
every one of them is a rospect for a P . y r
With the practical`, economical "Pony" thousands More farmers will bo able to use
do their• work easier,• quicker, and rubra profitably. . •
�tractQr power to "Pony" . ':. � :. 3 n , ., •, years The manufaicture:of;the Pon Tractor in Canada will provide obs in the ears ahead
for Canadian, Workers ...°not only those employed in the Masse rYHarrisfactory, but also .
those' employed Ili the, Industries' which supply,;materials, ports and services;
'The great and -growing" derriand for"the, "Pony", from the day of its firs#public demon
striation, is evidence of its' real need and place in Ceantiditin- and, world agriculture.
Ezttiblishieci' 1847
Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Currejtt,-.Yor'kton,
to to
ii:d onion, •Yatn�titrv�eiw, `f+bi�taa,tal,.N�lortt�rslai� Moncton , .,. _ , ....... .