HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-06-17, Page 4pox Yves.
• 'y �7
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AT • 8 PA
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ADiN1�S �
411,y., and MO. Albert Kitton at-
tended the funeral • of Mrs. Kitton's
brother, William Robert Walpole,
3rd at Sarnia. •.lir;, WaI-
• . on • June
pole passed away "at Westiniaster
Hospital and leaves his Affe, . wad
lives at Sarnia.- He was -a veteran
of thefirst- Great- War.
Rev. G. W. H, Medley is attend-
,: .ing - the- sixtieth annual meeting
of the Ontario -Quebec Baptist. Con-
vention -a-t ., ere le--Ba-Dust--chu ' a oursome ma -
Windsor, • this week.
grow in popularity and an exception -
Mrs. M M. Young of Toronto is ally large numberarticipated this
the guest of her ,daughter, Mrs. Week. The best scorerize was
Leonard Westbrook,P
rs won by Miss Florence Fatterson and
Prof. H. Grant Robertson, M Mr. Glen Eggo, while the hiddeiii
Roberson 'and a Miss Helen 'Robert hole prize went to Mrs. Verna
son; .af..Toronto, .spent the week -end • Worthy and Mr. Ken: Beattie.-- .-
with their relatives. here..
"the. unusually heavy spring: doods
delayed.' the openings of the lower
part of• the¥aitla�nd 'golf ',course,
composed of numbers 8 • and .9, but
after Some. weeks. of "thorough
expert reconnditioning work by the
Supervisor. and his ,men these are
w, o ieu:,f.y
or. pl .--and show .stir,' -
pri ing4; little ,evidence of the dam"'
fact; it' is, .expected,--that:-
xpected -- 1•at:-all trace of any. damage, will •have;
,digappeaxed in .another fortnight.
The whole: ,course is in very fine
condition'• and is being: used •by an.
ever increasing -number . of players.
Many hundreds Of , tourists' .and,
visitors .are e attravted to this; lovely .
spot on and•after.3uly'xst, and it is,
hoped..thftt the Town will be able 'tib,
,give .attention to the bondition• :and
appe prance of the •'approach' to • the
-club, which" is, very .badly in need
of improvement.
The rear Frida evening"brid
was well attended last
•e kr„ T e.
high score ' prizes for ladies 1(nd,
gentlenien were won respectively
Y Mr.S.EileenL very ` and :Mr.'
Frank Darrow.
The annual bridge party under the
aus ices of the 1 dies'tection will
be -weld --on, Friday evening. .of --this
week, whe>I ','0d attendance of over
100 is expected.
The regular la Tuesdayevening two-
Tile Louzo.0 Flyers continued their
w n ' Streirk 'on- °,Monday rn-ight
when they•.seored a 9- win over the
1 21'4':0-dd: Iuteim4ediates. ,. Frank
Y()un went"7disttlnce for . the
t 1 ecea ' 'euctory,
locals and gAi ze41, h s,;? �}
of the season: The game ways
Played at Agr•;iculturaL.Park.
The Flyers- took over . a 2-0 lead
in, the first on runs'by Fitulkner and:71
1Vaxsell, ,Faulkner.. gained ;his -run
by .'w aiVul , ,„stealing secend" and
third' , •and• goiug ' ht)fne on a balk
by .'.the pitcher." '
Dashw:oOd Used: three -pitchers in
attempting •to cope. with the G,ode
rich batting attack, ytreiberg,; o. sib
been -year-old: right-ilan,der-,-- started
and ,Was relieved in the fourth ;by
Wean The• latter lasted until the
'eighth, "when lie gave way to Muss. r,
• wlio finished; :.tile game: Wale
roved costly to the .visitors, as
eight ei reached. first via the
free: route: '
-Young on the Goderich mound
was -never in serious difficulty,
While allowing seven scattered hits,.
.ham --struck out twelve batters • and
had excellentcontrol. second.
Both.. teams scored in the
innings. Snell reached first for;
Dashwood on an . errorgMantl made
K einstiver's hit to right E. •Peachey, arrived at 10.57, base lines cro�vded�.with.spectators.
home on 1 s ... ..
field..:_ Goderich gained two runs In Peaclieyr's entries, were also :third Score by •innings: R 73
their half of the second on one of and fourth. at 10.571h, and 10.58 re- Goderich 00Qtl000 010-1 a'
the queerest base -running '.plays of spectively. Fifth was P.Johnston's Dresden 320 020 010-=-8• a 2
the` season.: Hero atempted to steal entry, :at 10:581k; sixth and seventh
were-Peachey's, at 10.59 ; eighth. was Q�rY AY
Johnston's, at 10.50/2 ; ' ,;.ninth,
Baker's, .it 11; tenth, Peachey's; at
-The ,Annual cornpetitiou:, for, the
Fred T.' Craigle "trophy was ;held
at the 'lawn bowling greens on Mon.
day ' night. Ten greens were in
Malay .t .doubles. inners 9f 'the
trophy.,were• Walter . Heitman and
i . Nichol:sou. ' , Second 'T wore"
FEarl Ilison and. Fred ice; ird;'
Dr: [. R..I3all And A. r , StiliwY
fourth ,!Geo. Mathieson and ' Clayton
The, Mathieson ,wins pair were
the winners ;off - the trophy in 1947..
made to suit -you:
General Woodworking
• PHONE:a3/5W.
Lawn Mower
.Fully equipped - to handle -the
sharpening and repair of all
lawn mowers, either left or
right handed blades - . Also
shears and other'garden1ools.
atresidence of J. V. • ho'iinas;
64 East Elgin Ave.- .22tf
Strawberries and Ras • berries Early
--z QST
:'Vf► J[
Foliowifig i' the standing -•of -the
'teams in the Huron -Perth Baseball
:League including games played to
June 14th inclusive: ,
Won Lest Tied • Pet,
Goderich •i 4 1 0 400.
Hensall 3. 1 0 •750
1 , 750
- ue n: -•
L, a 666
Clinton • r:,' 2. 1 0
Clinton•, Radio 3 ' ,2 1 600
Exeter• t,.. 2 3 1 400
Mitchell . 1 2 2 „333
Zl n''ieh.....,...:.........1 2' , 1 333
Dashwdbd h 1, > 0 333
Centralia • , 2 4 0- 333.
Marys 1 3 � 0 250
The weekly race •of the Goderich
Hoining"Pigeon Club was flown this
week• from Port Hope, an 'air dis-
tance of 171 miles,.- The birds were
released at 7 a.m. and -the first
and 'second 'birds home, owned by
,Era Aqc011.14, for hni,g load
of.Last Te 'r''s
Champions '
The Dresden- �uZib�s.x4alneci
-their t.asterr—over- rt%,e---•Goderi.
Juniors. on . 'Wednesday, When; they
defeated the locals 8-1,. „Last year's'.
champions d•'emonstrated that, they
will be; hard to ctefea,t in the coining:
Ainslie lasted the nine"ininings (
the €oderich inou'ud, giving ;up Ste;
hits and str•ikiug ,out• seven,,' ?clot;
'fielding behind him "lost the game.
for `'Goderich, as, errors accounted
for almost' every Dresdep, rug;
Dresden got ofl to a good start 1-y:
getting three rues eft :•two hits ,;tn
the first innings, In the second
they added .two more, giving them a -
comindnding lead, "; `'`
J. , Wicks, ' pitching for Dresden,
,allowed six scattered .lilts in beep,
fug .Godericly off the - run •column,
I the .ei eighth innings Goderich ,fin-
?a , g g
ally averted. a ,shut -out when Bill
Craig doubled, stole thiN. Rind ?nade
home on an error. ° Wicks chalked
up ten strikeouts . during' his _Ape
pitching performance. '
Tlie game was played' as part of
the County Federation of Agricul-
tre field meet and as a result there
was a large crowd to witness it.
The grandstand• was packed .to over-
flowing with both:the first•::and third
FORLihird, which was already occupied
,. CRAIG +CGSTELLO by Young. Maier, the Dashwood
The Goderich Midgets 'captured . catcher,' became dieted with -all•. the
another one-sided win here on Tues- traffic around third and.-threwwild-
day evening, when they defeated,
Wingham 20-1. Craig Costello
turned in his second consecutive' no
-hit. game • of the season.
1 • Riehl started on. the mound for
Wingham and was relieved in the
sixth by Curry. Wingham's "pitch-
ing was not their greatest weakness,
however, since -both, pitchers worked
with little support behind' them.
it .,the. high , score,: Caoderich-
�f � �L�a-ble=to-eo�lnect_ tit. might
safe hits
iy, allowing Young to reach home'
safely. Mere later scored, also on,
'11. wild throw.
The Flyers scored two more runs -
in both the fourth and filth innings
and after adding another. run in
the sixth :appeared to ha'ite a ;cont-
fortable lea'$::' • Howevero aiu the
seventh Dashwood made a last ditch
attempt to sa1`vage a win after their"
first two batters had gone -down
Bayahe.ln• •walked' and
second on L.•
- ,t ru
and coud, Wein; the ce41e fielder;:
11.0,g: - ..MRS., IJRNESTARRIS
Next race will be a• repeat from ' The death of Mrs. 'Ernest Harris,
Port Hope: , • formerly Bertha R,yau, occurred at
.. • Durban', Manitoba, on Saturday„
' • BATTING AVEEAGES June 12th. Mrs. Harris was ,,a
daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs.
The Louzon 'Flyer$ after -losing Wm'' Ryan. of the Nile district, and
game to Mitchell have,las -hiller sixty-sixth' year. „,Before
their opening her marriage she was employed at.
won their last four outings • d are Eaton's department store • at• Win„„-
playing a better brand ofaliOneanipeg. She leaves to mourn their'”
of, the .features. of the team's P , y loss her l ns'band and two". sons.
Alas been its hitting ability:""Gode-
•Stewart and, Lorne Harris, all of
"rich, Intermediate• teams in .the•.past,
s«:inging Durban; Manitoba; also ' three
L.14- ingXe to fefi •yearn -hare been-par-ticula-r-1 s
t0 , ,,:.�.,..tFaifit�rS�VY--1';� as,_91.,,,,.A ---
ocaL"Midgets 'got ,off` to- a rlgl�i field ��'`"�`�`�' nrter� ~�velil;'"'iIX'=tlAhZs`"�epai t>1reYrt.�"�`�
: Although the crowds have not Lbe'rta, Mrs. Burton Rb' . , of Luck-
With nine runs in • the :tripled, ' scoring the two runtters - been large so' far this season, the now, and Mrs. •David McGratten, of.
exploded . wa,t. - t- • Goderich, .. Anti --one Urather,.. John•=
Yours then struck: fans In -attendance have been sur-
e f hlln .. .. n n htd Th tuner ..
•---•- second -to build. -.u. --.a .wide. -lead.,..:."....,.... ah ast. 4.._. _ 1 g .._ _$yR..,.-_of...D�'tij .g€tn, Pr ... w._ _
,e A,
_._.-... n d:.ill-:a-�firie Perform- out Maier and .retire the •"side.:• —prised :and pleased .tc�. s� a hard -:,took lace on T �iesdiy, June '],5th;'
Costello tar e P-- l -....- -- -
good control. In GODERICH _..'_..- AB R.> -H -hitting home team: _ - .. _
nc end hovs•ed _ _.- � � __..with interment a� 75urban.: - � --
a e s ..:5 2 Ken Miller, the Flyer shortstop,
the first four innings he struck out Mer(), 3b
twelve batters, while allowing only Faulkner; rf 2 2 Q who ,played, for. Clinton. last year, .1ZISS CHRfST E KEMPTON
one ,walk.•` H, was,'hof'. till the Worsen, c 2. 1 1 leads the batting parade with a .025 The death of 'Miss CEristene 13,
seventh and final innings that he" Miller, ss 3 1 1.: average. Miller hofs been the pay- Kempton, a native of Ashfield town--
ane trouble: After',estlake; 2b .... 3 - 0' 1 off man• on many occasions bs knock ship, occurred on Tuesday- at: "'the
encountered3 0 2 •in in b
"-striking out the first • tWo batters to W. Westbrook,. of g ' badly' needed runs. ; home of. her'rother-ha-1Kw and
9 in
him �_ xton_ walked and, then Hayter if ,�1 0 The following are the batting
.-._ face'_ ,._.Do .. _.. y sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bogle,
aniero n ._11ia<........,, ...,..� .: 4 -:.:0 --0 averages- the individual -players: ste m road,' Sere had e
stale-seeonow to third bases—heal G n, 3 2 0"-' AB it H -�o `id, b
a wild throw to third base allowed Young. p _ _ . ' __. •. for .the last -motif of -a. -long--period
e lend Winhaza run: •DASHWOOD AB R H .ltZilier....... .... 16 11 70- .625 of illness. She •; was ainlour sixty
tTt g
GODERIGH--•A.ii�..R �ay.ninm,;- 2b 3 1 1 �y third gear. ' Mi Kempton . was a
Doak,. c' 5 1. 0 L. Haugh, 1b 4 1 1 1p 8 4 1 professional nu a ';and before ,her
2 5 417 �
• large foe:
'th• pew,
�q�><pp�a with
e axed
stOrage ,.ire ` are T1ov� px �
' ice re. ]aver
SOT#,.. � ,> q�,
Ur S ,
to , Cyd _ .
was conducted
{ . . Mrs, -Bogie and
illness held a ; position of . reSpops- a:nd S,,eMillan •'of;
•i Ford Hospitals at De -by Rev. Robert G. is
troit. l l the vi. � b "tet fan church.__ .. • , The
troit. She is survived by'. her. mo -Knox •Fres y
',they, • living : in Goderich, atxd .,bypallbearers were David McMurehq,
"`" brothers, Thomas, of wRipley,Roy ;MacKenzie, Henry MacKenzie,
1` ' �of Lucknow,' and twoWesley Hill, Neil . MacKenzie and
ani Wni > m, Bradley. The interment was, in
sisters, Miss -Sophia Kempton; OfJ. B y
New York, and )Vies. Harold Bogiethe Lochalsh cemetery. -
Tobitlla), of Goderich...,The fun- counted .on
: rs- Advertising should be
eral service took place this (Thu ' meet'.not (ivy] expense.
day) afternoon at the home of Mr.as an invest ,
• me_ 1
three-riin lead in the--OErst and .then_
W.Westbrook "16 5 8 • .500
Mero. 19.
Faulkner , 12 ' 4 -.
B Worsen - 17 7 6: ,353-
i3 Worsell - 9 3 3 .333
Westbrook, Si;;5 4 2 Maier, c•
I--loll-mut"i£ ,4 0 Westlake
2 H 1 3b
Erskine, cf .4 4 -R:,. aag i,
fellei .1-;,,-,c,., .--.„,.......,,-.4_2_0_, Kleinstis:er, ss '3 0 1' H.. Westbrook : 15 . t3 3 :200
24 2----0 Musser if -and p ......
Cul is, h , , • r2 - Cameron • , e.::...:.,x.....18' y-=-2• ' '• 0: .000
,,,. 0 0 C •on
:C.itlp, .1b - 5 -�3 •• 3 •'fV'eiberg. ' p . �. ti .. 0 '0" Y
Holmes. if 3 1 1 Wein, p. " . 1 0 .0
Hawthorne, ph 1 0 •0 Score by innings R H E . The pmost.:im-port tnt day in music
' WINGH,AM • AB R H,C'ODFRICH. 220 221 0-9 - 7„ 3 in 1948 will be the Waterloo Mtisid
�Iclnty •'e. ss - • 2 0 0 DA4HWOOD ,...010.001 2-4 7. 3 Festival and 'Tattoo in . Waterloo
Hanna. lb:...,. 3 0 -0• Park; Waterloo, Ontario, Saturday,
Loa -ridge, 21) and c 3. -0 0 PREPARING. -SITE OF NEW .Tune 26th. Music from 8 a.m. to
4Leliwo,c l; it �., ;: Y3 0 0 THEATRE` * midnight. "'' ;Over forty' bands
Brophy', 3b ' 3 0 0 The ri ail: of :demolition has tom- ,hundreds of individual contestante ;
Fo.xton, of 1, 1 0 rented (tithe two store buildings en great Tattoo in evening; .fireworks;
Hilbert,- 11' ' ,:.••1 0-- 0 the Square, where the new., Slither- the most amazing And -Interesting
Yemens, e. 1 0 0 land theatre is to be erected. The spectacle on the continent. Come
Simons, 2b 1 0 0, new building -will make• a great early and spend the day in beauti-,
Reihi, p,-. 1 0 0 ,improvement in, the appearance of ful • Waterloo Park. Facilities for
-Clur-ry-4• A • -T . ,a - ” "1 0 ie block. • family• picnics,;' refreshments served
_-on-=the_.groundsz-- 'ew--Y-or-k, Rocha.
• ester and Toronto solo artists. -25
desire to extend sincere thanks to all those who in any
way aided in tie success of thein Field Day on' June 16
and especially to the following:
G�derick Tawn-Counci •
Goderich Board of Trade.
Ladies. of Snox Presbyterian Churg.;!
! ;.
who prepared `the ''banquet:
Mr. and- Mrs. John Vincent, Al-
bert street, visited their niece, Mrs.
Lloyd Miller, and nephew- Mr.- Ray
Vincent, at . the Queen Alexandra:
Hospital, Byron:. on. Sunday.
Jane 5
•...�QU'R�S.TYr �m � •
21tf , GODERICH,
i i-pat--lu Rh
ypur ca cooesims s<0
Not. Scr
.. atch,
Maf1rj 1sh .
�✓�w? wf11 0
be uges d.o
Tres'b!g`nr<wt ailiatEtal'cs:more•iretlower; .'
prfsssus1 (24 lbs.) and give • iensatIonslly smooth rids.
(Rel. 60044 equals a 670-15 Sflp" Balloon:)
25. Phone 664W { CAMBRIDGE ST.
Franchises � Open in the Counlles o
TO apply thils;material over wood.or
l it ine eo rui
ctonl� utetai lath:or
wire OreCO is first sed' fired to • the
sVrtate, followed by the first
toat and; ,then 'thesecond or. final
'Hurort - • Perth
Bruce • Grey
°,1 hese
franchises , cover . a• new, , revolu-_
Onary stone-like veneer which is quickly and -
ply applied^ by trained -crews over any •
ire of .wall . construction; : including brick,.
ncrete, ;cinder block, stucco or frame; also
rterior walls, ceilings and fire -places.
Ody •
' . boTh trade marks
mean Tho. same thing:
coo.. fo vow e.,41.. vial
4.. jiffy. 'ad
*Ws safely fo I ht. •
►; ; Wew••tr .;yonr-.lnen'aai<, Lake• viewn:,
r' lntario,i just a, few, miles outside Toronto •
nrt• l -•they are " fully, qualified. All, expen-
ses are paid by . us ;during 'training period, .•
ingluding transportation both ways, wii?als,.
' hotel roods, etc. _ - y
importacnt: Rank •references required by pro.
eetive franchise eeekelrs.,
In the ease of concrete, brick; • etc.,
nti screen or lith,is required,
Pre-w'af' Price .
Witrtime Ddxes' & Orders, 2
A.utherrized t'bb i ,. r`. _ i4 Co�a: glu LtdW
'wait ,o`f�P�oca��C,ola�.vnt�e cai►trract..i�,tb ,
(bDEItIC w SDC 499