HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-06-17, Page 14414,
- • _
. The, JUne-SesSien-,bf Htirpn County
noon: Ptreng,-, recently elected
DePiity R&ve ofHowick to rephtee
E. J. FarriS11,. :NOW .as joiued the
-Dairy Department at Ottawa, took
, the ,oath Of .office administered by
Connty, Clerk N, W:11.11er, and was
. •
later welcomed by Warden Hugh
Berry.. ,
. "As •vit; lock back .ov'er the 'months.,
• We realize- We; are 'Stip. living 'in
the ....finest 7 COnntY, and free from,
devastating, fires and floeds,"
Warden Berry stated in a brief
address. He extended sympathy to
Reeve Finnigan, of •West WawalleSh,
in the death of his. father; and to
Deputy Reeve Rowland of Grey in
the ,passing of his mother. He was
PleAsed that George' Jaraes,
;Court House janitor, was fecOver-
Ang, and welobined his successor, Mr.
James Sheardown. , Ile congratu-
lated" the. parents of Reeve John
-Armstrong, of ISUllett; onthe cele-
bration of their Orkulend wedding
anniversary. • • ' •
As Council would adjourn to ac-
Cept the invitation to visit the
University. of Western Ontario on
• Tuesday "afternoon, and to attend
the Federation of Agriculture field
day on Wednesday afternoon,- the
Warden re.quested all committees to
expedite their business in order
that the Council might conclude the.
session on Friday. ..,
• County Tax Rate 6 Mills
•-` County (Treasurer ,,Erskine
presented -the revised estimates for
194, showing. estimated ex-
Venditures .on general. account -Of.
•$219,910.; estithated. 'rvenue of
and siirphis Of $3,682.
j.he- rate --War Setr:11r64-Millsi madeup '
as follows ;---,Generaint, 312
; County highways, -2% . mills ;.
3ehold., I Stand tit the door and.
knocit,"'..wa-S--the text chosen ferman
aPPropriiite sermon___bY Rev R G.
MacMillan on , Sunday. ''evening,
where there was a large turnott
_ ,
of the bers of:Court uteclerleb,.
Canadian Order, of ForesterS, ,who
'Paraded' to KnoX church for -the
annual service' Of dtviue worship.
The verse inbired the artist,
Hoffman to paint,that great picture
afi the Saviour standing outside the
door which could be opened ,oily
from the insidea figure- sknibolic
of the ehiist knocking for entrance
into the hearts of men. Men have
a constant choice- between_goad and
eVil, said Oleo preacher. Sin is often
thought of in its groSsest aspect of
murder , and. •theft ; but it is the
.sins. Of pride, selfislineSs ah4, petty,
grieVances whieh often cause -,the..
cloth' to j3e closed.
SthcMillan coniMended the
Order far its noble principles ;of
liberty, ,benevolence and concord.
The anthem by the . cheir was,
"Gnu(' While I Sleep.?
After the,' service, 'filins; -of , a
Jewish service in a synagogue. and
the. . celebration of • the.• Passover
feast in a %wealthy Jewish home
Wefe shown in the lective hall..
Blatt D P dir10' 41Ti.Ye *#970;
,,,S,11r9Pe-',-*9Stly yell!
SOMe •wIth.beathing iles rind..
.otlierp .witla a faraWay-leek of Sad-,
nesS in their eyes,. eight girlaT from.
:displaced yersons' camPSI in Europe
arrived in .Goderieh On Friday te,
take jobs as .doineStics.„ Two of the
girls are Yng4-SlavianS;,*tweUltraiii-,
ianS and four
$ix _of the girls will 'work. at
Alexandra HOSpitall One at the
residence of Ur. .and 3/(ts.heitii
olikinsgni and, Oita at the Iken1e.
of Mr. and MrS, 3. A. Sully.
Brier sketches of .the *giri.S.- are;
cest of seponOary schools
mon was. preached., by .Rev. C. H.
-to- th towniliffs_Or4a-rts-- artowir--
-. • IVIcDonald,----Lucknow:rd.-
erator of •the'General • Assembly.
Mr. McDonald expressed Ills person-
al -esteem and that of. the people
of the community for the work of
Dr. Larkin, who was for twenty-
eight years minister of the Seaforth
church. '
Members :of -the.. ainily who
cupied front pews included Mr. and
•Mrs. Herat& Kerr,- Toronto:, Dr.-
and Mrs. V. W. Moffat, 'Vert Col-'
borne ; Mr. and Mrs: Fred Larkin.
Windsor,. and members of their,
families. Flowers.• decorated the
communion table. The ehoir sang
the anthem, "God Is a Spirit," and
Mrs. Prank Kling' sang In the
Garden." -••
Miss. Helen Larkin, now in Alaska„
was unable to attend.
A plagne. in memory' of the late
Dr. F. H. Larkin was unveiled and
detlicated* .in Fust Presbyterian
phurch, Segforth, on ,Siinday
lag,• The unveiling' ivas. performed:
by Dr. Larkii-i'S son, Tred-Larkin,-
of •WindSor; and` the -dedicatory 's'er-
ships not includi
ed n high sehool
• areas.• ' , •
The Treasurer's • stateMent • of
• estimated' expenditures and revenue
for 1948 was as foliows :
Administration: of justice -18,006
•'- - .....
Municipal government, •
, Children's Aid -Satiety' 10,000
- Grants • • ' -18,060
•'Gaol - 9,000
•Cotmty Home c- 19,000
P. L. interest •
• insurance. heat, telephone 4.000
• County property
•*Printing and poStage
Registry office
•Ana_ ,
Cornborer and weed in-
.Schools other than second-
. ary
• • ...Sundry .•
conimittee • ,
• Postwar
Discounts on prepayments
Health nurses '
-Wolf bounty
Debentures and hiterest
• Rebate Goderielt;.re health
Fox bounty
- 1,500
• 600
- 100-
• Secendary schools 11,060
• ' $219,p10,
Townships ,re hospitals $ 4000
Administration of justice 5,000
Ana -,IOVILUONICh.,_ ft_ Arnge-itiviali
who befOre being taken ii'prisoner of
war attended a university „medical
school.- fel' three years, She ;:w en t
to the SnllY home, ';'`''`'`. • ' ,
Milenka Rajrci, a Yuge-Slaviani
worked as a 'civil servant with the
:Ministry of Foreign Affairs before,
being taken prisoner. She was
tijen from Belgrade to-.A.nstriti
t'fie Germans. In January, 1942, she
was taken by the Italians as 'a
prisoner Of war to 'Rome/ from .a
concentration- camp. She. was re-
leased in May, 1944. A clese.friend
of Ana Jovanovich, who went: to
•the Sully hoe, she wept -at the
station when -she parted from her,
but was assured she would see her
pal again Often:2- Miss Rape, went
to the FlOp_kinsOn
The 04owing All went to work at
the -hospital: ••,
Nadia Chimitsch, 'Ukrainian, took
a• Course in pedagogy, before spend-
ing -six-inoiatlys-,- in Germany:
-prisoner. - .
Lina ZoloboWa'Ukrainian, IS
graduate nurse. •
, Alttrij.C,2einaitiene,
widow, was a school teadher -for-
fifteen years.
Stase Lithuanian, 'was
still attending scheol when placed
In a:German labor camp. then in a
priioner-of-rvat camp,- by _the Ger-
mans. • _ •
Margarita Rakutiene, Lithuanian,
-a wide*, took two -years' in a_nurges,
aid' courge:, before. being taken
Prisoner. Reeords ,show sheis deep-
ly affected by the loss of her three
babies during the war. -
•Brune Strikaityte, Lithuanian, at-
tended a dentarTfiniversitY for one
and a -half., years. - Records show she
has •a brother' Working at Val 1:;,001.,•
Quebec.,, • -
On. hand to greet the .new ar-
rivals were Mayer 'George 31-a'
Ewan, Miss Dorothy Westbrook; of
the Selective Service Office, Miss M...r
Dickson,-: Superintendent -of Alex-
andra ilosPital, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Sully, Mrs. Keith Hopkinson and
Mrs. A. F. Sturdy and Mrs George
MacEwan of the Hospital Board.•
The ages pf the'girls range:from
eighteen to forty-two. Most Of them
can speak several languages,. but
_English ',As_not one__ of_ the 0-4.:
connsoia languages spoken.
ver, several several a thein speak broken
Rnglish. ' _ „
I Registry office •
• Province, "re cornborer and
eed inspector
. .
Province, re health nurse ......3,600
. .
Inter_est on bends .. - 0,450
8.50 ntillS On assesinaent, • , „
'.,,;$54,,258,666 -., - - 189,605
, Secondary schools .,.., ,.•.,- . - 11,060'
Estimated "sniping •, .3682
.•Large Sum Paid -iiirFox- Bounties
• Mr. • Erse remarked that the
'estimate of $1500 for fox bounties
was high, but $339 had -been paid
in the toWnship of Grey in bmanties
on8...plips and seventeen adult
•• of $2 for pups aiid $3 for 'adult
"foies was set. •
"1 sonletlines wonder if Grey is'
populated-bY people Or by foxes,"
the Treasurer stated amidst laugh-
ter. ' " '•
Following are further additions.
to the record of G.C.I. ex-studMts:
Mary Graham has received her
diplonia fog successful completion
of the one-year course at Macdenald
Institute r Guelph...
John Graham has completed, third
year of the general course in arts at
the University of Toronto. .
• Grant Johnston has received his
diploma on.completion of the three-
year course at the Ontario College
of .Art.
- Alan. BoWman, has completed bis
second year at Ontario College of
Donald Ainslie, who has been
attending the University of Michi;
gan, Ann Arbor, WassuccesSful in
his first' year -in, the College of
'Central Heine and School Club
beld a special.meeting on Tuesday
night for induction of 'ofAcers, Mrs.
• Noble presided, After the4Seere-
tateS report, the girls' double WO
Sang- the two plecee '„Whigh,,,tbey
sang* at the .Music regatta. The
singers were:. Mary, Lou Mathiesen,
Betty. Dickinson Joanne 11,:ess,
stader•and Eleanor Lauder.
:Mrs. Wilmot .conducted the, in-
StfillatiOn 'of the , officers for the
coming year, as follows: President,
Virg; , Carleton WOtSell; vice-presi-
dents, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Whet-.
„stone ; tedording`, ,seatetary,
Hill treasurer; Mit.. Dockstader;
corresponding secretary, ' Mra,
;, press secretary; Miss
; (Dr.) JaCkson,. , Mia; Matintosli,
Mitis Videan,
After the 'Oath of office was ad-
ministered,' 'Ars. 'Morsel]: took the.
daft and plans were made for
the annual 'school. 'plenie,:, to tvo
held at Harbor I'Vk WediiesdaY)
lithe 243. • • '
, -
- -Photo h,y, MaeLaren,
-1,-------E-ight...gialS-trem_displaeed- irley,,wm! ctlinps,liii Europ_e -arrived in. Goderich 'on the C.N.R: train Fri-
day afternoon to take. domestic jobs: On their arrival theyjoyfiilly li 4d up to have their picture tiiken.
,They are, from left, to right, front row : Margarita Rakntiene, B reale 'Strikaityte, , Stase • Vaisvilaite,
, Mari* 4erimitiene..„ Back row, from -left to right: Lina Zolabevya, Nadia Chimitsch, - Milenka Rajic,
Ana Jovariovich: ° • - - ., . .. . .
_ ..
Temperatures of the past week in
Goderieh,... with :those -of the cep -
responding *week . a year ago, as
officially recorded, were 'as -follow.':
•• *• .1948 1947
•Max., .Min. Max; Min.
Thurs., June 1."0 73 , .. 45 86 07
Fri., Julie 11 ..71 • 56. 84 69
.Satr-JUtie 12.65 - 52 _03 43'
Sun„ June. la ..71 45 79 • 51
Mon., June' 14 ..75 ., 49 75 .58
Tues., Jnne15 ..72 48 , 50
Wed., June 41; :s :63 45
Peter Vogt and 'dalighter Patsy, of
Detroit, are visiting John and Frank
Sulliva n.-
-Mt, Mike Martin of Haloilton
spent the'. Week -end -here visiting nitip
'relativesand. leaves- today for Wey-
burn, Sask. — •••
Mr, riank Sullivan is holidaying
In ,Hamilton. •
. Mrsf, Martha O'Neill; who frac-
tured her firm a Week Ago, came
home fioin the hospital today, but'
will, be disabled for sofife weeks
yet. • •
Mr. and Mrs„ Wilfred Smith and
Otingliter-PanThie, of COlbortre; were
visitors with the Martin S last ,Sun-
day. • '
tNewlyweds very
evening in the parish hall on Mon-
day evening' at a reception iii boner
of the newlywed Ur. .and Mrs.
Mark' Dalton. • During ,an
mtssliii. they .were called to the
platform and Rev. Father 'Donnellan
read -an ..address Of congratulatioll.
and beat Wishes, While nide Martin;
presentedthe couple with an en-
velApe of kreenbarks On behalf. of'
the -7-Tile"Itoraft-rePliedr
tendering:thanks in ft Sineare. Man.
tel for the "aft and • good. Wishes.,
After luner.daneing continued Until
2 'alai, and all liad an ,enjoyable
time: '
ill., and Mrii, Thirit
two daughters, Judith and
Hosiery laitt
eageg 'Visitors
Several days after .the_six g yls
•had,. commenced their- duties at
Alexandra HoSpital Lthey were all
quite- cheerful -and niore than -happY
at -the opportunit*y. to make good' in
Goderich.• •• -
'John Van Doorialck, Lighthouse
street.a. native of Holland but now
a resident of Goderich, who speaks
several -languages, ...has,- been ap-
pointed business manager for the
hpspital. Each Tuesday and -Thiirs-
day night he will hold a one-hour
elass in, English inStructiop for :the
girls. , • . . ,
Lina Zolobowa, 24, Ukrainian, is a
gitl.who has a fair command of the
language now. She is a
graduate nurse from a Ukrainian
hospital, She spent five ,years' at
foreed labor in a; hospital' in Ger-
many. 2 '
• Miss Dickson -stated' that arrht
• temPt, will be made tp--bave---lier
Ukrainian.' nursingdiploma reeog
nized in anfaria :so' that she may
work as a registered Muse 'here.*
• MisS Zolobowa Spoke eagerlY and
ception accorded, te_ ber an
•other girls by the Canadian people
"They have been- very friendly, very
helpful, and we are all well satis
fled and very happy Wile here," sh
told The Signal;Star.
41. New Life in Canada.
EXpld ining in 'broken English Ilia
she was llviiig under a denaocrati
system for -the---first -time in he
'life, Miss ZolobOwa ,Sadly recallet
how, up., to -the p'regent time, sh
had IiVed under a dictatorship. "
feel: as if 1 had been beim again,'
was- her continent, through an in
terPreter, about .her new life i
Large. Attendance On -Open
Night at "Holeptoof"
• Factory
"Open _night" at the plant Of the
-Co. Pn:- Friday,
drew an attendanee of about 809
visitors, most of whom, makinttheir
firSt visit to: the plant, were a azed.
and .delighted with the extensive
equipment of,'the factory: „ Some .of
the departments •wete oper:
atilin and bright -looking 'girls Were
deftly terning.mit hosiery of varienS
kinds .'at intricate but smooth-TrAi.;.
rang machines:. • . ,
• Each woman or girl , visitor Was
handed. -a nurnbere -ticket and
Mayor Mac -Ewan, was.present,
with other nAginber, the Town
Connell, made a drawfor prizes,
which- were won by Miss •Ramona
MacKay- Mrs. Gladys Vincent, Mrs.
E. Drennan, ;kits: Alden. Allin 'and
Mrs. Noah Geromette. The.. Gode-
rich Girls' Trumpet • Band was on
hand andgave a program of. drum
-Frid-tiquiipet -so eh-- a n-indristry;tind the girls- are,. -tter dis--
* Sixty-five gitis are ...at- present fortunate. who are employed in such charging her cargo at the elevator.
employed at the.,plant, but -mote are a clean, btight, *ell -lighted factory. , Arrivals tit' the elevator during
4 •
_ e. week were: Saturday--2Algorail;,
217,000 bus, wheat. oats ahd barley;
-Monday' - $riceldOc, 312,000 bus.
oats and witint: Tuesday-7-lioward
Hindman, 113,000 bus, wheat. and
.1,Vednesday-,,S;uneriori, 7900
bus. *beat.
youpg Swimmer Nearly ••Drowned -
Young Bowya„ son, of- M"i•-.
and... Mrs.. George' - had
narrow escape from drowning near -
the moth. Of; the Maitland Mi. -Sat-
urday. D.onald Bem. Mac -
Adam and 'Alex. Mallough two.
thirteen -year-old boys ---Billy.. who•
a par or se yotinger. had gone
up the. river in a, towboat' looking
for bait While they were ashore
the boat. drifted out into the •river.
Billy attempted to swim out. to it
but couldn't. quite make -Seeing
,he was in trouble .Donald Bert went
to•the rescue and held him up while
Malloegh swam out. and captured
the boat, into , whieh all three
rambled and rowed back to harbor,
rather frightened • at Billy's ,close
• Al) three nre.good swimmers,
7 -there a limit to'. youthful
strength and endurance, .
TORONTO, June l0.—invoking
'section of. theCanada, .Temperance
Act which. prevents an.. appeal to
the Appellate *Court..froui a decision
of a fridge in chambers, the Ontario
Appeal Court yesterday refused to
interfere, in the eoiaviction ot'janies
T. Asltton • for unlawfUliy_jaking
liqiior.,int0 Huron gennly7(-iinilet:
the c!T.A.).
AW0107raS• cOnvictedin*.Groderich
byyagistrate A. F. Cook Of -bringing
beer • .ftona, Stratford, in .-Pei•th-
,connty.,- into Huron.. His defence
that this was within the provisions
of the C.T.A. was disaliower].
pickete TORONTO CONSERVATORY """ onto - MactwantilusselL.T.,'
•, •
needed'. Mr.-J.490.__Walzak. the inan
tiger, informed The Signal -Star -that,
,girlS are paid '• learning ._tg
operate -machines,' with Increases as.
they become more expert. Rates'of4
pay are highest_ift -the industry.
The girls have a fiVe-tlay week of
forty-five: hours, with rest periods.
morning and afternoon, Latest und
best equipment is used, and working
conditiohs are excellent.
Goderich is . fortunate -in having.
'A,inon.ster &rade. is to bol
11Ionday4tight in.Goderick the
° Interests, of the new arena by-
law "'Vote which takes place On
Tuesday, •
-Beaded by two bandS, the '
,LegiOnettes and the "Goderiteb
Blue Water Band,* the parade .
will proceed from Victoria )Park,.
at 7 to the Square, where
addresSes will be given. The
• main speaker will be Fleteker
Smith, M.P.P.; St. Thomas,
included in. the -parade viTill•-•
, be meMbers *of the Goderich
'Saddle Club and their horses.
Schoolchildren from . Goderich
and also from surrounding rural
• -sTeliools will take part in • the
parade, All children are *
corebally invited to march and
are 'asked to be at Victoria, Park
'at 7 p.m., sharp, on Monday.
• At a • meeting - the Hospital
13Oard• on 'Monday night it was de-
cided to have the official opening of
the new wing on Yirednesday after-
noon,' June 30 Hon.- Russell '!J'.
Kelley, Minister of Health for On-
tario, *ill be. asked,to officiate. '
Mr. John Van Doornick, of town,
has. been .appointed business man-
ager forAlie hospital and his duties
commenced last week_ 4m_r•-•,-;•,
..--The_nurses' bonne is to have a
new heating plant. and extensive,
exterior repairs.... Interior derat-
ing -was done this • spring.: Addi-
tional accommedation 'for, nurses
lias-begti_--provide,d by utilizing space
in reSidence whiehTitherte 'bad
...ere WAS SoMething deing elre
Minute of the."afterAOQp_, ,
cultural*Park,"on Wednesday,
ximmi .field 4t0 the., UurOr:
ounty"..1,0ederap.on of •Agriculture.
The attendance was eAtitaated;itt
4.I.Uhibits. of larM.11140.14ii:e'r *el*
SbeWn Abe' grounds, 7 And, before
•the gramiStand.a fiillprogram, wit*,
.001 nterruption, .entertained th0")4
'-ercw4. Tbe'Weatber Wag,ideaL
The'00derfeh. MAO '1,7p:or 4404,
and the. Girlie „Drum and': Trumpet
Banc1;11:eaded a prceeSsfeWjet "Achool. .
children. to the grounds, and an ex-
cellent prograin of*bandnanSin..under ,
the direction et'BnIniaster
. interspersed the';',IrAek,
events: ' . .; ,` • .•
'The :Federation Dinner.
Some 209 people enjoyed the•noo'n
inn-Cheon on. Wednesday
Knox Presbyterian., church " c* -4, •
nection -with, the avert County
Federation of Agriculture field
praise Was 'heardt 'from, all
4:des on, the-exgellenee .the f
server] by the .ladies the.clinrel4
—Amongst those at the 'head. table'
Were Mr.' Robert , Saunders,
man of ' the
president of the Huron, County
Federation of Agriculture, and Mrs:.
Lobb; M. J. Aintile, President
of -
the Goderieh •Bpard, Of Trade,: and
;qrs. Aillsfie; Atayer* George: G. Mac-
Ivaand Mis.--.MaeRWan : '064'
Robt. G, .MacMillan and Mrs,
; john Ilanna;
Mrs.. Hanna,: '.Efugh Rilf.and Mrs,:
11111-;'- -T.• PrYde,'MP.P.; Ex -Mayor
D. D. Mooney;!:ChaS, .CoUltes; '44", „
vice-president a the Fede,intien, :and'
Mrs. Coultes;.Hugh Berry, Watdell. '
-of „Ilul'on epunty, 4inl Mrs. ;•,
Dr. W. Gallow,i-chaltdan of the
Codetieh---Publa.-VtilitieSI-Comnais.• ,
sioil ; E. i'VeaVer,, managerIGO.dej.
rich P,IT.C..; J.113,• Kelly ; Sara -1101,,,.-k,
fire marshal for the- Cit 'Iyor-r.
not been brought into use.
. ,
S. • Boltc;ii, past president of tlie-Feder.
D'Altou. Mcaughlin, internation- ation, and. MrS., Bolton :Itobert
•Prolihicial Police on Hand to:
. -allY known organist and pianist, Kercher, 2nd Arice-tresident of the
Itedp Order -Notes . will conauct current examinations
, Federation, and Mit. MeXerehet;,
. from the Harbor ., ,for the`:1.,Royal Conservatory: of Roy, ,secretary -treasurer of
Tie freighter -Superior arrived in "ifi Goder ch.. Mr. McLaughlin has
given2Prganreeitals in: New _York guests at the head table, arid
Roy:- - Mt..7..-MeKercher----paid---high-wo'
ilort---en- Wednesday -evening .with 11 -.-
tribute to the efficieneY-Orthetadrair
cargo of grain for tbe Goderich and other large cities of the United
Elevator Company, and far the third aSttaytegsr.w.lifiesteisr ailturprche,spenotr'oonitgoa, nainsdt ,
of Knox- Presbyterian 'church- vilio`:' -.
time this .season is having trouble
h6.0atshproersgetiented.anmdancyh' moraaloiliserved the meal. ' •
wte°tr!tsuriei. :. %.* n`EJE`' Cil'ai.11.°1.an.
awaited- her arrival and put -on a
_here with C.S.U. Men. Dickets.
4,4r.he commisiban -firmly. believes
ifil He studied Singing iri New York and
tOrgari 6.0a piano in Paris, France; that the presOfit plight of the farmer 4,
demonstration, ..: but a :provinc
is a .-very'rseriouS one, and if the,
,Poiice force was on hand to see that -
, Duple nod -Ph -111i . 4 4
the demonstration did net -jet -WO with Wi-dor-
• • Music Tironto On Tune .and 24 the Federation who Intraducea the:
serial -LS. Tsvo C.S.:U. men, outsiders,' ig a mernber of -the piano 'and sing-
were4aken into eifOtoty ' this Mehl:: nig facilities of the "Conservatory.
--ing-Today,the Superior is dis.ellitrg- -.-, j- 11• ' • •. •..
Ing her cargo, while '.pickets %and 4,.-t;j0,0 FOR Nplv. ARENA '
finanCiarreport of the Goderich
During the presentation of. the.
police hover about ready to go into
action. --.... ..„.,_ .,,, ____-. - '
Lions CIO by Treasurer 'Wm. /lay
On Tuesday- there -was an • in -
that the Snm'or$1,500 is.earmarked-
ard Hind.. onfiFrido- night it was pointed out
cipient strike on the How
man, .which 'came into port during
for a .denatioxi to the new Goderich..
the previous night. The crew Went
ashore, cht.iming that,their contract
had run out.; but the difficulty was
settled and the men went aboard
again and the Hindman cleared
Gotland*. "
TITO . eOntrnSt of Goderich. and
Europe stands out. In. Europe the
houses are all packed so close 40-
ethr 111111 each -one- is .Uke
other:, Godetieh the houses are
all so different and they 'have such
lovely grounds around them. The
clean air, the Sparkling water in
the lake and the "Whole atmosphere
A So refreshingly different, she
The plentiful. supply of nice clean
bed. sheets and pillowcaseS amazes
them.. • Miss ‘Zoliphowft spoke „of
'where, there were neither he'd sheets
nor pilloWtases and what was used
was constantly dirty. The plentiful
stIPIAY, of good food also was strange
to them. •
All of tbegirls tecomit ter-
rible 'experipneeszt includiqg the
Murder' Of loved snes by 'the Ger-
rafinS, but wine of, them eare to talk
fibOnt. flits. They,. want ,-to forget
ey Supportt e_By aw
. The following business and professional .inen o -f Goderieh
are among those who have signified their inteniion .of_supporthlg'
. • • •
the arena ilylaw
Nancy, Week -end Visitors at the' beno
of Mr. and Urs, Charles. Love, War-
ren street, were Mt and Mrs, Ted
tovelind three childien„ of Detroit,
Mich.„ and Mr. and Ur8, Sid..LOve.
wlth -Mrs.
/ten 1Slichigith.,
CliAS. linnt
Toronto Were week -end • their now lite in ,Canada,
aboutithe past*aini look forward
' • 1
Ivan Papernick
Et, E. Cranston ,
• E. J. Pridham s• -
• Roy Breckenridge
.Kenneth. D. Croft ,
• It H. Cornish _
A. - H. Taylor
A. J. _Curry
13. F.' ;Carey
C Chapman
.-Vg, H. Blackstone
IL Blackstone • •
H. D. Helstrop
II. J. Sutherland -
Wm. *otters
• W. A,. Hay.. ,
Chas: Bridgwater
J. A. Myths
D, & Serf ,
"1" Geo. W, Schaefer .
• Gem Itos,s '
-E. Ross
F. R. Darrow. -
J. Alien
J. J. Hoggarth
E. M. 'Hutehinson
• R. G. johnston
A. 'W. 'Gillespie
• W. A. Craig
J. E: WW1
E. C. Johnston
C: MaeDonald •
Thos. Legg & Son
The-Goderich Elevator & Trot-
Ltd. .
Purity Flour Ltd..
Huron Efigineeting & Research
Co„ Ltd. '
Goderieh ."Manufacturing Co
HolePrOof I/osiers? Co., Ltd,.
• Mrs, pplio-cv
Baeeliler's Cafe."
Ivan Lotizon
'Monica Lanzon
Reg. Bell •
Sarah Antonio
A. L. Cole
. Gee. A. FilSinger
' Carlton- 3."Woisell
F. T. Armstrong
• Melvin ettitiStan
3. 44, .vvozt.spou;
Berk Allen
: H. Baxter
C. C, Tweedie
• Mrs. C. Tweeslie
'J. C. Ctitt
F. W. Sainis
E. G.' Smith
C. Woods
W. P. Johnston
Theresa Ail
' M. -J. Ainslie
H. C. Dunlop
A.E. Scott' •
• W. C. Lum.by
B. 'Y. MeCreath
F. J. Curry
S. Prevett
• . Jack Gardner
C. B. McManus
G. J: McManus
J. W. Craigie
-4 Gledhill' Shoe Store
• Heitintin
•• T. Manjuris
A. 13.. Sturdy
G. Rumsey
C. D. Robinson
Jack Cory
Fred Toole
Dr. IL R. Hall
• Clifford* Lowery
Malcolm 'Mathers
. Mel. ,Culbert
Wm. MacDonald
Jaeltson Floriste
George Mathieson
• Goderich Dollar Stem
Dr. L. M. Mabee
.zah., B.' Reynolds
, W. Wood
Dr. N. C. ' japlisou
Win. Sutherland
L. O. Whotstbne
• Dr. I. A. Graham
• Dr. 3, M. Grahtita
F. E. Ilibbert & Son
•11.1...j. Acheson
• Oily, 'Emerson
Reg. McGte & Sons
• R, C. 11ayS. "
Frank _DAntielly
• Don Aberhart
j• Ken. Hunter
'Geo. Gt: '1%.1rteEwan
• L Lodge
, Mittel
It. Besse -.,
• A.'33eeverS;
arena and _when work aim-
menCes on the proposed. neW arena."'
large crowd attended the sale
of fare] -properly and household
effects ef the estate of the late Mrs.
Prank 1*,Stanley of Colberne town=
ship, -Year Anhurn. • Thos. Menai
purchas0l---. the fain; for $2,550.%
Ha r6ldlillielOon was , a lied o fleet ,an d
R..,,D__Aftnaror. clerk. •
emit Derby iFfisr
rize Divided
-There .waS. fl veity lilrgQattend-.'
aye at St. -Peter's chureh on Friday
morel -lig last for the funeral,Service
for the late Mrs. William' T. 'goring'
of Colborne township. Mrs. Yormg,
a- 'highly esteemed resident Of the
townshiP, passed avny. on Tuesday'
• •last week. Requiem high niftsS
Wits sung by Rey. J. P. GleeStni and,
the remains., Were laid at rest in
$t. Peter's eemetety , in Colborne
ter&nshiP.• '. The pallbearer§ . wete
john Redmond. 'h 011)415 Garvay,
lames and Kenneth Bennett.' Ernest
Young find jam. Hussey.
Three More lettets on the arena
bylaw 'hare -been receive(' at this
_pilice-:withintheOast4wo,Pt.T,S, • WO,
should like to phlih all OrTiceff,-
Init.linOtatibils of space forbid. One
of the •three, is in favott.,,,of the
bylaW. One' is Opposed. and one is
noneornmitel. IA letter received
earlier in the week from Mr. Lash -
brook is published on page .2. We
ha*Ve given Okee fairly to both SitleS
of the onestion 4)11(1 11 is now np to
the voters to have their say. on.
Tuesday` nett. • "'
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig" annolin,ee
the engagement„ot their only (laugh.,
ler, Elizabeth (Betty) Christina, to
11.„eotaira William Attila mbitifit, only
Contest Ends in a Tie BetWeen.
Anglerp fromS0don
• and .Stratfora
When the, curtain was rung down
on the Goderich Liens Club's `,`Perch
derby' on Tuesday night, Mrs. II.
Reis, of Stratford, and Polite Con-
stable Gorden Runiming„ of London,
were declared tie winners for first
place.. each having C'anght, a fish
weighing one pound, seven ounces, .
These catches were in a cie early in
May. As a result tile $50 first
Prize* will be 41vided, $25 going to
Pan orthe fiformentioned.
e.t ,01440.9.4114.4)40.,a9
tea; kettle; goes to 'Alm If': Brawn,
of St. Marys; Ont.., with al eateh of
one pound, six and a -half ounCes.
The third prize, an 00101140 tic elec-
tric .was wan by Miss Hilda
n'i lili. 11 P1111111110 road, Gaderich. also Thos. Pryde, Itit,p;r7rtar Ituron,
I'nfavorable week -end Weather John Hanna, M.P.P. *foe 110r0*.'
Bruce, and Hughgin..
Chas. Collies, `firSt vieepresident
of the linron County Federation or
AgrieiTlture„moved a vote of thanks.
for the addreSs.of Mr/Saunders. • '• •
Sports Events
Sporting evoits featured the Fed-
eration of Agriettitirre" field slay oa
Wednesday: Excelled weather pro-
videO 'the large crowd pep:
lett opportunity to ,watch the many
races asd„ontests,
Two softbii,lfgaraes find:one hard-
ball ganie were played Vining the..
maintainedanus electric energy .hi�
made availhble to hina wherever pos-
Sible,". declared Robert Saunders, ._
chairman of the Hydro -Electric
Power Conindssion of Ontario, 'in:
his address at 'Agricultural Park:
"It' is the firm belief of ,yeUrr'
Hydro Commission that. our .agri- , •
enitural_industry is one of the
economy, anitcis our oiunte.natornealo,
community recreational centrrtatd atoinrnitiontal.
do everything in our power to en- '
Carriage its development," • be said. -
Mr. Saunders was, intiodneed_by_
. P. 'Galles% chairman .of the
Goderich Public 'Utilities. ,Commis-
sion. Painting out that farinert
are going,te,,realize_paere.and_More
the intriartantOg-of 1141dto in their ,
daily 1i -es, Dr. aallow added,.he felt
confident that -the H.R.P.C., under
the chairmanship. -of ,Mt. .:Saunders,„
would see to it' that the -farmers'
nemt,eds W.s;:ituniniliiebresssupPopkieledin;13:„-ithiorni,-
of the, services tendered by .Dr.
K. S. Hopkinson and Mayor"-
MacEwan as naembers of the: C4ocle-
rieli°13iiblie ttihities. "Thele,arier0
he said, "have 'given wonderfal-sq-
vice. Particularly, -"however, do Z
pay tribute' today to your consulting
engineer, Mr. J. B.' Kelly, manager -L-...
since, the ineeptioh of . the ',utility,
and one who has. given
century, of service. The sucaeas of
the . utility thrpoghouts the Seat:0'4
has been, 1'am stare, due largely to ,
fais:efforts."' " ' •
The speaker •went on to telt of
the development •of the Hydro Ser-'
vice through the years and of :the
construction of new generating
Plants now in progress.
Wilbert R. „Lobli, President ig the'
.11nron County Federation' of Agri-
culture, 01rimi.2of
iidon pregram."5,ilayortleorge c-
IgolZinalelyItSelicdla6drend t'thiNeledawkle'lSe•c)pjlirtf'graanl. .
opened. Hugh Berry, Warden of .
Huron countY, poke briefly, as did
conditions hindered to no small .ex-
tent the number taking part in the
derby; hnt- despite that foot many
competed. Total number of tickets
Adid brought in a 'revenue of $804.50.
Although not announced officially as
yet, it is likely the derby will be
made an annual event. .
The winner -of the special prize
for the last week -end *as' Bill
Sinithson, 207 Simcoe street: Lon:,
don, who' receiyed an eleetric toaster
tor his one -pound ciao.
The second and'third prizes'and"
e- onO•
thlC"SIWCilll ift% ;Ana itrteg :1-stero- g -
generously donated by the fellowing Juniormrarineri- ilefeated-Ivo-r,t,"41,—
firms Northern Electric Co,, bert in a• softball game. „Early* In
the afternoon, the - CliffOrd ladle..
champions, -Showed' 'their
superiority in ,witiming over the
BrusselS ladies' • team.'* founding'
out the'day's actirItis, the ooac-'
%lob jitniors"snottkmbedhefore: the ,
Dresden,Jurilors by an: 8-1 SOOress
June Waiter's, vretty'brOnette 4
fssrALVOOdliatt. ,WaS OrdWaedi..XISs
cOinpeted iii the bathing heanty con-
tent. Noraii Wflhls of -401er1eii*
placed. Secend and Wet's, followed by
IV41-tda Stephens ..trom Exet,e.r. Atzl
in'ost inunediately dor wittiog itte
dinf;•Cianadian General Electrie CO.,
;LOntloti; Chadwick Electric Co., of
ritimitton ; Mettle,
Ltd.; rcitchener ; Crouse-flinds Of
"Canada Ltd., Torpnto.
.`-!SkilVer", *MaeDolitild, Chalkinan
of the detby, wishes to express his
thanks to.all those who 'sold tickets
mikes weie Wan by:the following:
The vatious speCial week -end
caktifig rod, Solit'Carling, London;
tackle box, 'It Shecter,- Ingersoll;
,fly rod,* L. Jaeobs, LoraTon electrre
,egg eooker, Ilerman, .trattora,
at -on of Mr alinatft ,41•I'Al2171,intWNILI-14!1)31:e:,edloenevtrie toaster, ibliceatitiltoy lidi.tdietettr:S.81,1:5,0Sitiiitt.erstoak, .rst,1#
wedding will take ;place on _ e _
dait June 26th nt 2 oleieelc at Itn(it Preaentation of pliz ,fig was matte, 121 ,a,(6..zi:traimantn utlzo
on Wednesday 'afternoon,