The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-27, Page 10tRiCiR SIGISTAIrST Taugsasar, no' 27o, me SUNRAY, NAY fa.001; 1948. .a.111.-••11OLVCO11SINION. 14„.00" a.03: --MAIN anti. Pliii[MARY SUNDAY scH9a. . . . 11 .ugrANxdD SPOON. NvRimp pliA)Igt •A'NE,I SERMON,. , REV. BgvErtit,X 11. FARA, B.A.;,„ • 4 2eW:.AN,PEPT01$ Orga_1_1.1.pt #1.0 'dloirmaster. • REV. 1 WESI,,EY COPE, ILA., B.D., Ititner Fieteber t R C.M 2 T C L Guest Organist • . • 10 alb, TIT eptiRefi.scHoiq,, 4.63:.—tovEt MARRIA0,v, • AND 7 p.m. ""THE,,,NATURE AND DESTINY OF .MAN." 3. His Redemption. - -THE 'CLIU1CH-1VITH'TIIE SINGING rovvEit oi Presbyterian ehurch , REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister •9.45 a.m. Sunday School, and' YOung People's, Bible Class. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CO,NOREGATION;• 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. - The Goderich Collegiate Choir will sing the following num- bers: "Father in Heaven"—Handel; "Go Down Moses"— Negro Spiritual; "Brother:James Air"--arr. Gordon Jacob; "Holy Father Cheer Our War--Filitz. "I pan. EVEIVING WORSHIP. Director of braise—Mr. Without" Wiekett, A.T.C.111. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beatity of Holiness. .Vkt�iTt IJnitd Church _ 17ximsrgorAt,,,_, Org nis a Direct()r —Miss Mary Joyce Strachall. ONCLUDING JUBILEE SERVICES 11 .a.m. -,"THE FOUNDATIONS OF GOD STANDETH° SURE.? 2:30 13,.nt: OM SESSION 00 SUNDAY -pan-,--n-HRISTLXPERIENCE—A- :REArITY." ' ‘.1nbitee Preaelier—REV. r. -W. CRAM of- Peterborough formerly. of Vietoria, • --- Rev; J. F. and Mrs. Reycraft will be special visitors to these. 9,45 concluding Jubilee Services . , • a.m. UNION TO1VNSHIP.' 'Fireside Hour at- elose of Evening Service. ' VICTORIA WELCOMES you Take.'"Notice that the, following'. 'prePosed13,7-laveshall be sulnuittetP for the aStent ()tithe, ,eleCtors: ' The Municipal ,Counell has,, .by By-law No. 14 of WS, which:NM given its .fisse and second reading ou the 21st day -of Ma., 1048, agreed ,to subw1t to -the electors of the Tom . of 'f,Goderich. a By-law to obtain -.the asseht of 'the electorSfor the Usiiing af Se -Verity -five 'Thousand Dbllars (875,000.00) of debentures on the etedit of the corporation Ler the Purpose of ,erecting41,ina equip- ping a new Artificial Ice Arena on West Street in tile Town' ,of Gode. rich. The debentares shall, bear in, tereSt At the--3.per cent, per annum and shall be reptiYable in 20 .equal annual instalments... The .vote for anq against the said 13y -law shall •be. taken -on --the 22nd ilay of June, 1948, during the hours of 10. a.m. and 6 pan., at'the follow= ing places: Sifb-division No. 1, Gardner's Gar age at corner of Victoria St. and Elgin Avenue. Sub-diviiion No. 2—John -E, Patter- son's- residence at corner of Bayfield and Biltannta Road. Sub -division No. 3 Mrs. Wm. Birnie's residence on 'Ent St. Sub -division No. 4 --:--john Huckins' residence on the east side of Oxford Street.. Sub -division No. ..5.—.Town East Street:. . Sub -division No. ." 6 — Town Hall, East Street. , , Sub -division No. 7—Stothers' Wagon Shop On V•ictoria.-Street. ' Sub-division—No. 8, -John Boyle's residence at corner of 'V.icteria and Wolfe Streets„ - Sub -division. No. 10—Fred Beevers' Furniture Stores on West Street. gi:1949.11‘,r64-1. sttIP:tz-zcsi—Yfir • -Sub-division iffe. . teod's iesidenee at cornei of PASTOR—REV. G. W.' IL MEDLEY. Organt.-=MISs Verna C. Miller _ 10 a.m. CKURCI1 , SCHOOL. • 11 COMMUNION: AMPLE PROVISION fin' JOURNEY!. -711-,nr.--Iff-charge-of-our-YOUNG=PEOPLE. •• THEIR ENTHUSIASM will 'WARM YOUR HEART. June6th--Our 46th ANNIVERSARY—with Gosnelaires of Toronto _Inspiring Vocal and Instruthental Musio-7 Varieties- _ - • --- Ileart.-Searching. (ntui in .PreaCh Monday 13. pm.-- , 'Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer and Fellowship. Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) • Rgy,_,L_REAR§o " 10 a.m. .SUNDAY -SCHOOL.- 11 a.m. MORNING, WORSHIP. VLD-FASHIONED ,GOSPEL--SEMIC ties. 8 p• .m. Women's 'Prayer Meeting _.... Wed.. 8 pan. Men's prayer Meeting. , ,4.30 Childrees Church:- . Fri. -8 p.m. 'Young People's Meeting, YOU WILL.ENJOY THE SERVICES AT "BETHEL. The Free ethodist Cliprc . Corner of Victoria e.Park Sta. FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICAL , ' EVANGELICAL .YOU ARE INVITED TO TIIE"SES'SION.,OF TIM aukiDAY SCHOOL -AT 16.A.m. TEE MORNING SERVICE OF WORSHIP AT 11. A.M.. THE EVENING -EVANGELISTIC RALLY AT 7-P.ig. Services:in which the spiritual interests of each member of •the — COligtegation is. of prime hnportanep. REV. R, C. McCALLUM, Pasta. Capt. R. /1:rgar and Lieut. IL Bugess COLONEL AND MRS. L.. URSAIiI "Saturday.„Nig11.4-8 p.m. Sunday, -.30 p.m. Sunday SehOol. I' •- ,7 p.M. Salvation Meeting.. _ YOILJ Aug wKiLcomE. Elgin Ave.,,aild Wellesley . 6-6-(1ision."'71s12"----.Ntrs-.- --WM. J. Jewell's residence at corner of . --Britannia, Rd. and•Eldon $t. „ MASON —„tu. Goderie,h, oir Friday, 'hold • theix%monthly nieeting on 'Tues - 4Y, jiine 1.A, at 8 p,m, in ti,e Quild reom, , ' -22 AnY nlagaZine, WO" tie, any- where, Misti Mary 13; Howeili 4 St, VinCent Street; phone 218W, or Mrs. IsiaylqcLean, -Waterloo-Street. 20 AO 1)114710 places in GOderth c, Will :remain open nail' p.M; On, WednesdaY, Jnne 10th, for the, con. ",venience of these attending :the 'Huron Cou'iltY Federation of Agri- .retiltiare Field ay. : •-22.3 Alumnae are holding a, runimage sale, at Maclay Ball, on SaturdaY, June 5th, at .1,30 'p.m, -21-23' There- will be a dance in ,the parish hall,Dungannon, on.,Vriday, May 28th, under auspices : of 'the Agricultural Society, Music by•MO...- Doweirs°five-plece oreheStra.: Lunch. -counter in the ball., ,Q -22 - "The .1.14-11. present: a male, na--ed ohoiiis andclose harniony concert at the Gaderieh pavilion on Friday,"Mity 28th, at 8.15 nan. Mixed: chorus *ill con- sist of fort,Feight 'voices. -Also guest artists froin London. Acon- cert you will•re'ally enjoy! . -19 'Bedding plants for sale. Sep our largeadvertisement` on page 4. JackAons . Florists. -22 Bazaar and sale of:.home 'baking to be held in ...MacKay- Hall on Sat- urday, May 29th, at 2 . pm.., spon- sored „by,. Benmiljer United chnreh- :Vegetables, farm prodnee and home W.A. Aproiis,_ chi,ldreft'.s . baTkihneg.regular. meeting of. the Cora-. nurnity Nursing Registry will be held on- Thursday, June 3rd, dt 8 in the Collegiate gymnasiuni. Miss Madalene Baker, RegiStry. ad- viser, R.N.A.O., and Mi. Lewis, of the -Collegiate ° staff, will be ',nest -s--Itallz'ouerit--7'.s.Gtklerl'el--"- 17:N. -22 will held a "500," euchre and dance on Friday, -Stine 4th, at 8. o'clock street.. Dancinefrom 10 to41 o'cloick to music of Valley Five, orchestra. •- . - , If the !assent of the electors is obtained -to. the By -Taw the Same shall he taken into consideration and passed; after the expiration of one month from ,the • date of the first publication. " J'his, By-law shall tie first pub- is ed in The Signal -Star: on the day, of May, 1948.= • ny ' -tenant-- des-iiiing --te •:Ot-e----Sliirll, not later than the 12th day of June, 1948, file with the Clerk a 'tleciar-,. atibil as provided by the Municipal Act, R,S.O. 1937, Chapter. 266, See, non' 283 (3-i. , - -, - • Any Corporatien.ddesiring to an7 •point a nominee to vote. on its in,-. half shalf file with 'the. Clerk. not later,Alian the 12th day of June, .1948, .an appeintment .14:writing of A person to vote as its Aniinee and - 011 its- behalf: - • S. H. BLAKE, 22-24- • • • Clerk. ,. BY-LAW NO. 14 OF 1948 OF THE ' TOWN OF GODERICH • A By-law to authorize the issuing -of debentures fpr Seventy-ve Thousand D'ollars' ($75,000.013) for the. construd- r-tion- --and--equipping-- -of - a. --new•-• - • Artificial lee Arena on --;West Street in the Town of Goderich. WHEREAS the Goderich. Arena donntittee has requested the Conn - cit -o -f -the- CorPoration of the -Town - of Goderich'te'sulniiit to the eleetors a ,BY,•jaw propoSing the issuing of Seventy4lVe Thousand IDollars' ($75,000.00) *Of debentures upon the credit of th0: Corporation •for the purpose of• and equip. ipingt'of a new tartificil icearena c1n • West Street in the • ToWn ef Goderieh - :-• - AND WHEREAS the 'Municipal ,Act;, -Chapter ' 266, R.S.O. 1987, Sec- tion' 307" (1), _provides that the Col -Oration' May not incur any debt not provided for in the estimates. for the current year unless a By-law 'f -the ,Couneil ,afithorizing it .has been passed with the assent of the 'electorl. • - • . THEREFORE, the,' Municipal q'quncil • of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich enacts as fbllows.: • 1, ,•Debentnies shall' be issued to the ambiint of SeVenty4ive Thous- • find Dollar -s , ($75,000.00) on the: 'credit', of the • Corporation for the purptise of erecting and eii in: 1Wfillittrit •-••Fi'IV,-WVPHEr-71 Street in the Town: of Goderich.; the said debentures shall -bear interest • at the rate of 314 per cent. per -alt• nunfo and -shall be reDayable lir twenty &at anirahl installments. - 2. The By -laws -ball be submitted fon the Ssent of the duly qualified electoron Tuesday, the 22nd. day of June, ,1048. —, ; . „ 3: The 'vote shall. be taken in those- places -appointed by By-law 'Isin. -13 -Of 1948, alid the Deputy - Returning, Officers. as aPpointed by By-law No. 18 of 1048, shall, preside •at the -varies polling places rband shall take the vote under this By- laW. .• , i - 4, The. Clerk will, 'immediately after the plesing; of the poll, attend .at the 'TOwn Mill for the PnrpOse of: slinnalog np the lrotes given for ItSCON'Air 11,1tNICIQS Misi'Velnia•Gliddon isVisiting-her- • sisterS In Detroit. • *Mrij. a. Ixe 13roliter, (if Detroit is renewing acquaintances in town. Mr, arid Mrs. Edgar Pridhain Tbronto. visiteeat fife -home Of Nfr. and Mrs. Ernest Vridlutin 'over the week -end, , spent the past week with ird. don. •. . Miss. Jane Weijs_of LOndon %Vas a recent gilestwith her" sister, Mrs. Ciltasj-Iunt. ." ' ,Urs. Wm. Bina, the' week- - aiumiamearimmimarimo....eigamotaimaii. end with „her grantldanghter,i'Mrs... Jolla •MeLectd,,,,,jr.,....,in-atyliad4„,„„,„1-: Mr. and Mrs, JIM Clutton of Lon- ' dou spent the Week-end:14th the latter's, Mother. Mrs. JOhh, Atergart. • NIrd. Harvey SWitzer of .Gnelph Visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Brad- ley, Huron road, over the holiday. • SquadrOil Leader P.. X1 Nichols and,Children have returned to Moir lotte,.bri Belleville after visiting,at the, bolo oftrs W. 0, radon.. „ MISS Matgaret Strang, of•Toronto, spent fhelioliday Weekiend.With her - *ten, MISSeii* Grace and.Ma , 'bel Wittig, • Ittith; Ann Pattortflt,N., kt5f St. Thomas, waS a Week -end tiriltOr tt thwhothe'a het. ri), ()Mori ;31k6* C. Patten. ' Register Now - , with Mfs Hue 25.6-40ish Hell 1112 ehlitt *a 8 V. 4• 0 eligible. May 21st, 1948, Cecil H. Mon, • hiS 55th year., • • • • • BORN • ••••••-•.•-• • COSTELL0.—At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London,. cffiMay 21st, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costello (nee Madeline O'Leary), 177 $t. James street, London, ,a son. -At AlexandlosPital,. • Ooderich, on May 23rd, 1948, te Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. oak • (nee Phyllis Jeffrey); Goderich, a. -Son - Rol3ert •-'Joseph., " _ IRVIN. ;kiexandra- Hospital, Goderich, on. May 22nd, 448; to Mr:* and Mrs. Robert Irvin; Dun- , gannon, a daughter, Elsie Eliza- beth. KNEESHAW.—In, Sarnia. General -Spitifi, on May 23rd, 1948, to Frank and Delores Kneeshaw, R. -11, --No: 1, Corunna, a daughter, Rebecca Jane. • •' •• .11!.1,4 .„,„40,1•41,„±st.,,,,,.01.9...-..4.1,I,.."10,,WILtilAt,,,,,0- . itfiy-'403,---une:" Coat:felt 'the--iiiinilier- of .votes east for- and agiiinst the ily-13w. . 5, The Mayor, .. oi4 (th&-,member of the OcitinciI desigriat?id• by' blin, shall, if..so ;requested, appoint In ZAvritifig *two personS to tatenti at the final Summing up, of the rotes " by -the.filer.k.atict-ono,persork:,to..._attem, at eaeh p(illing,,place ,on behalf, of the liertgOrIS interested in and de.. •altous .of promoting the ProP08•0(1- 11Y.laiV and a like number Of- Perspna inthreStetl in 'arid desirons of op- posIng the proposed.tiPlavr. " , (a) Refore tiny person IS: so apt voided, he shall, nmtJd ser1be a deelaration .aeonording to Perin No. 23 of the -Municipal AA, R.8,0. 1037, Chapter %O. ---- - 1 , O. ,S. stateinept .of 'the' 4)nestfort, to be A ubrnitted to the eieeters shalt be ..published once a Week hi ThCi •Signal -Star, a' n6w8pitrier inibUShed in the 'Town' of ,Goderlth, together With "a!, notlee titgnea br the Clerk ftatiklithat the ttatement is a Cot- , , . . A district rally -was held at Bethel. Pentecostal Tabernacle on Monday-, May 24. • Workers and friends -were present, from London, TeeSwater, Clinton, Exeter and Kincardine.• Rey.' W. Howells Of Kent,'England, -was-the—speaker...at hoth...SerVices... The ladies 01. the church served lunch•to all the visitors. • led- statement- of ,the by-law sub- mitted. • - (a) The notice shall also state the day and places appointed for taking the votes. (b) The ,notice shall also state that, if the assent of the electors is obtained on the by-law' -submitted, the, Council shall, after the expir- ation of -one month-from.theldate---of the, first 'publication, take the said matter -into censideration7 ,• (c), The notice shall also; state the 'date of the first publieation of the statement of the by,lavv. ,(d) The notice shall also state that any tenant desiring to vote shall, not 'later than the 12th day of june, 1948, .file with the Clerk a. declaration -hs previded for by sub-. sectiop 3 of section 283, Of • the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1931. (e) Any Corporation •desiring to afipointiihminee to vote On behalf Shall file with the Clerk -not later than 'the 12th day of ..June, 1948Al&t... n tb ve tI as ltS nominee arta on its behalf. ' 7. •The statement of the '13y -law and the Clerk's Notice, as set forth in the"Preceding paragraphs, shall be first published on Thursday, the 27th day of ,May, 1048. • Ileada first' and second time this 21st daw, of May, 3948; „ GEO. G. MacEIVAN, Mayor„ ii."-÷iT.,AXE, :Clerk. VOR 4—'UR 1D. ---ISTERE•Tier-Of-04-.1=11s-44.14- fully accredited' herd, • J. A. SULLY; Rosny Farpis,130.7,fieid road, Oode-- rich, Ontario. • • -13tf SLE, — EIGHT - ROOM • house, tirick.s„ and_• Stucco, 22 -Essex . street; ar hdwoO,d ilOors throlighout areplaCe, double garage: ApplY., WIL'PERT JOHNSON, Deer 'Lodge, Bayfield. Phone elintOn 009 r 42,224 • • FOR SA.11.,,-.1•IVE.R06114 001. • TAGE, centrally located. F. CHAVMAN.;, Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. • , 21tf FOR SALE,•—,T WO -ST 0,•Et frame-- summer home at Port Albert, Ont. Desirable location and r44s0114,14 Priced for quick sale. 0, F. CH.APlilAN, EState Bro 3ker, • Goderich, Ont. Phone 18 r 16. 1.4tf FOR, SALE.—NEW FIE -BOOM honse,' east end' lecation, mediate possession. ' Also very -good. six-rbom briek house,'east end, early •pessepion. MALCOLM MATHERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, Phone 115W. •.22 FOR 'SALE. -- L A.D•I 0-141JS • bulbs in wide range, of color; 25 large bulbs $1.25; 50 large'bullis $2.50. MRS. L. R. HOLMAN, 'Cameron street, phone 722. -19 FOR SALE.—FIVE-ROOM SOLID - brick cottage,- new Hydre, fur- nace and plumbing, completely. modernized, insulated throughout"; 1/2 acte: of land. PHIL •PRESANT, Seaforiii, Ontario. • -22 FOR• SALE.—CHENILLE tED- SPREADS, 34.99. Wholesale .first quality chenilles for double; Or single beds. in all beauti- Itil pascel colors.; %•vcirth inueh mote. Also habitant 'hand hooked. _rugs, size -18 x 36, qriginal colorful pat- terns, •13••for $4:00. • Sent C.O.D. plus postet Moneyimmediately re- fundedpf not Lsatisfied. ^HANDI- CR,A.F11. DISTRIBUTORS, 254 Sher- brooke rstreet West. Montreal, Que. • '1 - - • - FOR SALE.Z.-7,JAdKET HEATER -and hot Water, tank (standard size) in good condition. ' Phone 130. s 21t1 VB., ,i SALE.—ONE-AND-A-HALF, - story stutco house; large -living- roam,', ;with, fireplace ; , dining -room and -kite en ; three bedrooms up and ihree-piece bath; all oak floors ;° full basement • with furnace: ,Lovely locality, _ one block from Square, Phone -112W.- -- • - - - -20 -- FOR ''-SALE--A GREY TWEED •'salt , with blue stripealmost. new,i ze 38, waist 34: A good bargai' . Apply Apt. • 4, Bedford Ii Bloeg.•S '•. • , 210 . • - . F434 U ' SALE.—PRIGHT PIANO, genuine Mozart, in excellent con- dition.; a pianoanyone worn be proud te.' have in' his home. Apply' GARNET FARRIER, '-Whitechurch. Phone• 402 r 31, Wingham. 20-2x OR SALE.—'38 WILLYS CAR, little pigs and collie deg'. 'Apply PORTER'S. Phone 934 r 5. 22x _ • - OR - SALE, T.,ADVW BROWN tweed suit, tize 18. Phone 9893. 22X° FOR .SALE.—KITCHENER BIG -4 _Chicks. Special summer prices. eockerels, nen-sexed. Started also,_i Immediate delivery.- Still time lo catch ins with •fall.winter markets. Agent, RYAN'S PRO- DUCE, Goderich. • -22 FOR SALE. -1929 MiZOEL 'POrd, iii gid running,. -order. or nearest Offer. Phone Carlo* 1488. FOR,. SALE—ICEBOX IN GOOD Condition; •. 50 lbs. 'capacity,' Pone 105. or 7. • • -! =,22 • R SALE. CHESTERFIELD _suite.. Apply- 85, Elgin r. vdziue. • -;22 FOR, SALE.—NEW HAXIPSHIRE pullet bargains while they last. 6-weett-old 856,05; 7 -week-old, $61.:, 05; , eight-week-o1d,-,106.95. • Also three-Week.old 13arted Rock non - 4„2,14. t;,11 1490tit4-0, eNTS-;-$20'.95-.7-Lig ussex -X- • .ew Haim/Shires, Barred Rock X New Uampshires non -sexed, d$25.45 ; lets, 386.95; cockerels, $20.05. DaY;': old cockerels June, -prices: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Light Sussex - ; X* New' Hanipshires, • New Hamp- slitre X lBarred,Roeks, $9.95, White LeghornS, 31.00. 'White ,Leghorn X Barred Rocks, $2.50. Send for com- plete pe list, 'TWEDDLE CH -ICK Ontario. ipprs ClONTRA,L,. Water heat, 7-roon; bathr•Ooote444tier.and ePitrF$he tourist • home lecation. Sine, pos.- -Apply to 4,, V.; MUT°H, phone 532, • ° • . . 'On S,ALV.--ONE GOOD YOVTG“ male collie Poe Dtin- ga-rijoii, -17.tr 1, • ,013, $A.—ONE )30ARD 0pftits1nge niatOr, in perfect Working ,order, •175, GlIORGE JAMES, .teleplipne FOR $A14E.- COOKER, SVAN-: IELS, black, • • reglitered.. MA.URIC,E VANDDIVI/ZER, R.R. 2, Goderich: -21-3 FOR SALE. —SEVEN -ROOM bousel insulateci; 'new furnace,; beautiful corner let. • Immediate occupancy. ,W..A. SUTHERLAND, 1)hon e 750. .1. -22 A tIOTION XitOrsp7 7031stAkt14147')of MPUIsAANLeiraiWIST(44110;) at• 'West street,,. GrOderieh, SATURDAY, MAY 20th . a 2 o'clotk - —Tliree-brece.hedrohra 47- cliair,. two washstand0, high lutt,130x,s. sinall radio, three 'clooks; wicker, set, picture. frames, books, glass„ vacuum "sweeper, 'carpet "Sweeper, two'SoDS, foUP'heds, 'two rockers, two tableii, six kitchen 0.a1;.,Ldba tve w1tk (Well, goal ' Oil Stove, ehina'rack„ scree,-- four high-baelt chairs",*•;-'; pillowsr -4401 :- •chair, lamp, small kitchen ta1.0, large •walnut table, t� -piece china _ .heterrd6iiiraHtini:e'e%elbultr,4151i1alreroccuza-,, glacistene;..pots, paint, electric stover •rolie; ,seales, two shovels, lawn ?newer, Many41•eontthwn.. er.arficles, .teo, numerous. to .n1 Tptiva—dAs}1, • .MATT: GAYNOR, Auctioneer, Goderich, SALE, Saturday, Juiie 29t14,. 2 to 6. Kroehler chesterfield -suite, nearly' new; 2' steel beds, Springs and mat- tresses; '1 'pedestal; nigh phair; kitcffe tablechairs, cupbbard; range with • water front; 5 Con- goleiun rugs; blinds; curtdins; rods.. 74, Newgate street, T. M. DAVIS.. :22 FOR RENT F04 RENT. -7 -TWO • COTTAGES —2' 'mon* and plareliV Furnished 'and eleetricallretfulpped. By Week, month or season. A..E. JENNINGS. • -22-3 ()TICE. — CUSTOM W 00 D .cutting and light. truelting. Phone '711J or, apply 10 Regent street. 22-24x WN YOUR BUSINESS! JOIN leading company of HOME .SERVICE' IN -CANADA. Let your - effort determine 'Your income.' Very little capital needed. If you ha`Ve travelling equipment; here is yeur chance to use it with benefit.'Write for full,, i.FAMILEX„ 1000 Delorimier, Montreal... -21-5 , ANTED.—LISTINGS OP PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. P. CHAPMAN, Real Estate. Broker. ' .89tf-, ANTED..—HIGH SCHOOL'. Y "tor ykork after school hours'and on Saturdays . at service, "station. 1Writ-e-2:0.130X-6:-Gbilerler.-7=22- ANTED.---404 HOME- FOR foincat'part Persian, used, to dogs and children. A real pet. Write or phone HUMANE SOCIETY.; 285. • LOST. — COLLIE DOG, BLAdK with brown and ' VThite Mark- • ings;.ansWers to name of "Chummy," somewhere •between Goderich„ and ,Corners. Anyone knowing - -phone 933 r28, Goderich.- •• . -22. ..TENDERS-W4NTED.. Tenders ,be 'received, by the undersigned up to. Jime, 15 for w#- JilgelloWiods.Iu. Ash - township: S.S: .16;-' S.S. 10; 'S.S.-7, S.S. 5, S.S...3; to be coMpleted by' August ' 15, 1948.- SPecificiftions may be obtained from •the secretary , or •Mr. J. R. Kinkead, LP,A,.Gode; rich. Lowest' or any tender not necessarily': accepted.• • -RICHARD -KILPATRICK, Secretary, LucknoW. -22 ANTED TO BUY.—ALL- OLD hiersesand dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer _prices, If not, .will p_ity-fertiIiier prices. If ilephone-- at -once. GILI3ERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, •Goderich. Phone %collect 936 r 21 or 936 r 82. ANTED. — 0 M A N' • F 0 R housework for half a day each week. • No washing: --N•P scrubbing. Write :POSTOFFICE Bok 173; poderich. • -22,23 TED. HOUSEK-bEPER;'. raiddle-aged, good cook; free evenings, no laundry: Good wages. Write BQX 74; ,SIGNAL -STAR. 22tf ANTED. — FIR.p T-CLA SS electrician for serviee work ;,, must be ca.pable a handling all types of electrical instruments and have some •knowledge of meter •GaIlbratien.,: Will be received at the PUBLIC taltxp.gs OFFICH Goderich. „ . • ,,, -22 • 'A NT E D. — EXPERIENCED - ..break -out man to take charge of ,Our Swing saw and lumber, shed.. Also .experienced cabinetmaker or youth to „-learn „Cabinetmak,ing. Pleasant Working conditions, good wages, very 'steady employment. Ltving accommodation available:Bee or, write fuil partienlays JAMES ,d0LE• -FtTRNITU.B7 -22 COMPA1724, Ingersoll. • • WANTED. — FAST-GROWING - Company has opening 'in your (Hada for energetic, and ambitions, person. Splendid_opportunity for, aggressive individual. Excellent earnings,assured with future; seem'. ity and independence. ApPly 1lLpu• , BRAND :PROD'OCTS, 7227 Alex- andra. Mont, .22-26. 1111111.11M111111111.11.1116111111111 r. No Immo Immo _ c • vonsimimaur. ,..vonsonnpir NOTtOt-,, - court Goderielf 82; will hold -.a ' -06500piEUOIIVEztitt-VA*0-Ear- • on JUNE,,4th.- „ ai the ° MASONIC HALL, West St. Commencing at 8 O'clock sharp Daneing frona.10 to 1 o'clOck Music by the .,Baylield • Valley,„Five Orchestra ADMISSION 50c , WITMER w: PRICE • " MR. AND. MRS. ERNEST 11121tIM-' MER take this 'means of thank- ing those who were so thoughtful and kind to them their bereave.' ment in the death of. Mrs. Pfrim- mer's --Hodgsori. They wish to thank those who sent flowers alsp. • - -22 THE FAMILY eF TtIE LATE Cecil H. Mason are very grateful to those who assisted them. in an'y way; by, kind acts, loan of ,ears or in sending floral tributes. ' -22 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs. Ward. Gledhill wish to ex- press their appreciation of the kind- ness and sympathy extended to them In their bereavement and also for tTJflothT Offering:— - LADIES. I -U-nwanted--hair --i-emOved instantl from Nee, arms, legs, with Flash lair Remover, ,,flarmless—leaves skin•soft and.smooth. Yon can't lose. Money -Promptly refunded if -hair grows back, after third application'' with no questions asked. Coinplete treatment $2 postpaid. (C.O.D.'s— Postage extra KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 344) Box 22, Station B. Montreal, Que., , •22 Fires You 'often read, LOSS partially COVered by insu- ratiCe. . Ming your FIXtE insu-. i'auce up to value. SEE 711e Home of Tasty is featuring tili,k3 wee)c-end _.„ , LAYEICOKE4 Ofar,Onlallow leing 300 aidr45c Wedding litAARniv'ereary,. • • Al! orders of "$,I..00 or more PHONE 40 , . MEII: CULBERT, Prop, ,OT,ICE' TO CREDITORS. , All persoas having 'claims against theestate of Elizabeth" Bymbagten _ Stanley, late 'of the Township of Colberne, in the County of Huron, widow, who died qu Qr AbOn,t the •10th day, of. April, 1948, are re-' (Paired to file' the Mlle with fnli particulars witl. the undersigned by the 14tlif dy of June, 1948. as ° after that date the estate_ will be distributed. , • " DARROW, K.C., • Goderich, Ontario. • 21-23- Solicitor for the Estate. VOTI OE- TO CREDITORS. , Notice is hereby given that, Peter Joseph Cantelon;`late of the Ton. . of 'Goderich,died on, or about the 15th day of AprilA.D. 1948, land , that all ber,sens having claims- • -against the eState Of ,the said de- ceased are required' to send theni 40 the undersigned oit or before the• .31st day .o May, A.D.' 194,8, as • after that date the estate vvill be wound-ArifT hai,ing' regard,- only the"clahns. of Which the executor shall";then have notice.. • • Dated at Godericli this 30thday of -April, A.D, 1948. L E DA.NEY ,, • 19-22- Solicitor for the Executor. TO RENT. --•--OFFICE ABOVE Me- XINNON'S ' mediate • possession. •For further partierilars apply .to R. C. HAYS, Barrister, Goderich. 20tf -- • succiiiiirmoionimmiiiii • Hygenie supplies (Lubber goods), mailed 'postpaid, in• selle4 envelope with price :list. sa 'samples'25e; 24 sample -A 3100. 3,1411_, Order , Dept. ritz, NOV-RUBBER po., 'Bo* 91„Harnitton. Ont, . '-1-0 • FIRST AID RENDERED • TO SICK RADIOS ALSO PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF • . . SOUND. SERVICE B. R. MUNDAY ' -Certified -Ratlio-Technician - PRONE OR CALL . • Widder St.; Goderich, Phone 598 1 'AUCTIONEERING . „ Matt. Gaynor Licensed Auctioneer with twenty years!, experience. ,A For information vviite or phone 1871, Goderich (collect) CABINET MAKING, SAW FILING, ETC: All kinds of s' -general blacksmithing. '"it Insured ay insure . Rest Assured. ,Nortli St.• • -Tel. 2681v $ED -CARS 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC,S 1940 CHEIT. COUP • 194a. OLDSMOBILE ,COUPE 1940 CHEIT. SEDAN -1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN; • 19p5 DODGE OoAot 1946-2 ON OHEIT. • °TRUCK -TON qm,a. °or Brakes Can.Spell Disasteir!- quip your car ow,witka.set- '*YOL,E RIDES'ARE HEREBY WARNtD • 11 RIDING ON SIDEWALKS AND "PATHS xsolarp/Ncl, opin,T HOUSE PARK. • 41 2. RIDING' AGAINST rtArtna ON THE SQUARE•. a, xtxrattG TWO ON ONE BICYCLE. Due t� ntintek:ous coraplaints reoeiVect about the , tr c violations, a nioi!) Ogid cheek wilibe'made. Grad ILL e pla,ces I • FIRES ' think ,eff Ur . tistborro.'w his ear AO, a: tank full, of Texaco Gapl,ine n". Get Texaco Fire :Chief , Gasoline pointiac Buick GMd Dealer ItiNettiTON ST. 'DE0N44 3