HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-27, Page 9DE and Others ..
Huron Progressive . Conservative Broadcasts °
u�esday, dune �.st� ... o � to 9A5
rn ALBERT-. ERT oliowe,d, mrs. Willis
SORT' ALBER•T, is ' 2G.=-- 1r. , A chapter In . the •stt dy`• Taei-lnnr offered prayer and also read
• beak. •Mrs:•
VVIsi, Crawford 'sang 'a lovely solo,
,'I igher Greying,"a accompanied•; by
Mrs: Jas: Young oil the organ..Mrs.
Eimer Graham, ,president of 'the,
W.A., took _ over for, the business
Period, Discussion •ollowedregard:
ing the ,holding of a •,garde', party.
in June, • Considering the high cost
of .foodstuffs and ,entertainment,. the -
majority voted; against:' It was then
ixioved and carried th}tt: each'fatnily.
in ,the congregation... be asked, -to
contribute $,5i. to the . W.A. After'
the completion of the business, the
meeting was closed with theaMizpah
benediction. The hostess and daugh-
ter; Miss-isobelr--',served a lovely
lunch. - • •
g• M
gave the Scripture readinrs..
and °14irs, Harvey Orawford•,and two'
daiughters, .Fitsy rand Madeline, of.
• .;Toronto, „spelit, `last week -end visit=
ing with .Mrs. Wm. Crawford° ,
Mrs. Don JohnatlZ"iisd•"two. child;
•en, of Brantford. spent last week,
siting with -Mrs. Johiist;4n's parr•
AS. Mr.' and Mrs. Win. Yrooman.
r,'Joinston was bete 'for the- week -
'7" -end -end and his family, returned with'
Mrs -Howar'd Quaid and • he hus-
band, 'who Is in construction .work •
at, Parry Sound. visited in Toronto
over the week -end. ,°
_::Mxs.`_Charles Crosset and two.
daughters, af. W ngi a iu, visited ort
Sunday with, the lady's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Petrie.
Mr. . and Mrs. John. 1 ephson of
Brooklin, Ont., spent 'the holiday
• week -end visiting at the, home of
Mr. .Jepbson's niece, ° Mrs. Charles.
Crawford, .Mr, and M,rs, Horace
.'Cunningham• of WIarton also were
recent visitors. •
Mr.; and Mrs, Percy. • Dahmer' of,
ANOURil, May 26,=,4r8, +Clayton nrreseht. Pictures. in .the 'oresterS'.
Ladd' IS a patient in Gdderieh; hos" Hall on Friday evening, June 4th,.:
Mrs d 1 g g
operation. visiting .Mr. and 141rs: poruney�;.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob MCIlveen of 'Thouipsou, Brainitton °
Islington. spent the week -end with. Visitors with'Mr', and' irs. Edgar
the foriner's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lawson "over the' week -end 'were Mr,
Mcllveen, and Mrs.' L.,'Kruse and .son �villiauxr:
Donald Resta of Galt was a week-` and
G it;. and Mr. ,and Mrs, John
end visitor with . his mother: ;Mrs, rinlayson, of Se:fortli,
Fred Ross: Mr. 'an d ,Mrs. Eldon Yungblut of
Miss Margaret s€teksox .of Torooxo `Lonclou spoflt, the week -end with
7'• gents :4'1.•A •an '.Airs,
seen . "' . e wee *en r ,
J J' k d Mrs. Jac Join° `Yttirgblut,
1r, and �1'I,rS.-Harry Ttinderluneciit, .nio this suitlSO in• 64Lbal n„ 1,
7• • ^ • Mrs, Torbimto,.• ,� , ;,.¢.•
'Gee.. adle o, a i' th d > r k -e d' Misses Isobel itoliinson and Ft'ru
Geo.' Beadle over" the weekend.
and , Mrs.: Gordon Dobie And Daws of Tel onto slp'ent the.Ws,eek»
family spent Sunday' with friends Neild. With the fvruYiel s pflre'lltS, 1Ir.
y p and Mrs. A. Rollilson:
ti Wing Kennyarm ' and son • -of Mrs, `J, . opin of rJ oroihto' visited
VicTaeaR � - , . Mrs. •s. 3. Cr'
,her , paxrei S, Mr. and "i r ... ,
Forest, visited Rout, :J. Seatt aver t 1tT over, the .�yeek-end, -_, •
the week -end. Stoltz,
m ell of Ottawa Mr, Beg, .Asquith spent the weeks
Mr. Colin Ca pb . end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,.
:visited his father, W,tn, kl'• Campbell.. C, E. Asquith,
and brother Albert and: Mrs..pamp pretty wed-'
Mitchell—King•—A' pre Ity'
beoti'er, the week -end. Ellis i ding Wok place .at • St. Pauls church
Mr.. and . MrS; Ellis Little e . and � ,� f
date liter Joan spent 'the week -end of :England, Stratford, at 2 o clock
with _. p.ui. on Saturday, May 22nd, when
friendsain . Ona on. ' Rev. • M. IL II. Tarr united in. near-.
Mr: ,and Mrs.. ChasY xE, Asquith. 'gage Pauline � Tsa�bel'1;:.. youngest::
and Reg. Asquith attended the May nage ter or,lin Jlr, Russell. King,
Day festivities.at Alma College, St, auburn, and the late Mrs. King, and
Phomas; on: Saturday.• . "'Mr.. Warren Gordon Mitchell, eldest
Mrs. Robt. J. •Gra-�--•bass returned ti son of Alli. azd Mrs. T. Id.. r'�ZitGi}cil,
home 'from Clinton hospital, whereL>
She underwent an "oper'ation. ° w•-••-:
'Stratford. -The bride. chose
of London, England, afternoon dress of pale blue` taffeta
:Mrs, Stevens d 7 . With. accessories.- in navy bine. and
is visiting her -daughter. Mrs• Ken- corsage of yellow ..rases,:.., Nass
netli Campbell,,. and-'Mr.,,.Campbelk Dorothy Ward 'was- bridesmaid isi
Mrs- Stevens. 'arrived In New York back taffeta. -frock made iii Street-
-length style. She wore white ae
cessories and pink roses in corsage.,
Mr, Bruce Smith was best . man,
Tlie couple deft later an .a honey -
1110,011 trill to Toronto.
A Fine Entertainment—The fin'
aiice committee of the proposed
community iixehtoria1 hall sponsored
a highly entertaining and success -
f i1: ro ram. in the: I;'c0re-Sta,>s%#T
t p d with Dr: B. C.
On l'ridsiy night, art
Weir as chairman. The ``Harbour
Aires," a male Chorus •from Gode-
rich, under. the. direction of Geo.
Buchanan rendered excellent num-.
be,m-amOng_then "O C'a. edt}," "We'
Are • Bound ,for Rio Grand," anti
i`Jesus,- I: Give to' Thee.". Leonard
Drake was soloist for'. the last nuni- •
bei.. Jose K.e11ly •w-as._acce p;allist.-
Miss Joy • Lutz, .of A'uburn,.. gas�e
several displays or Scottish dancing,
accompanied on. the .bagpipes br"-D. - p
A. MacLennan of Lochalsh. Cam- J olio Loekridge, well-known crest`-
eren ,,Geddes, bass . soloist, . of Mit- clent'of «'ingiirali3, died on May '15th
e hell, . entertained with a " splendid' in his seventy-sixth gear,
performance. Some of his numbers �,_and • Mrs. Wi1li�avr `" liuteh,
were "The Big Bass' Viol," "Wagon ,'Clinton, , 1•ec tly observed • their
,;Wheels," `"Waiiting:in the Shadows. ! olden «f ddhlhg _anniversary.
pitai, where she underwent a .piajor el'Mr. and4 b;y the li;glnens•Xilatltute,
an offs, e b aro 'rid e aro
ASHFIELD, gay 25. --:Mr• - A.:lex.
Howes, who, spent the winter in,,.
met 'at St.
`-has .w •returned for- the ' on.- Sunday and was:e
Toronto, x Thomas on Monday by •'Mr. and Mrs.
t tit d with her bro the former's Parents, i d
then, JAS._ a e sozl, an r . 1 l� it Arthur a s ta'kin a
Sou; ••,, vii., e iig -
' , I in Itt
summer. q. • Campbell. She had a• very rough
Miss Anne NlacMurchy is visiting passage over, Mrs. Stevens' home is-
Kitehener visited` over. the week -end with her brother, Mr. Archie Mac-
'ith the lady's mother, 'Mrs. Jas •' 1urcliy;• in .Detroit. ,
McKenzie. Ampng visitors •home for the boil-.
Mr. Ernest, •Crawford of'•' Kenora *days.'' were Misses 'Anna and Chat-
visited, for a few days of .this week
h relatives in°the."�'icinity.�-._•
wit W.MS.
W.�M:S.::and WA..Meet..--: The
United ` church' W.M.S. • +and ' W.A.
id Sydney,- Alstralia, ,but• she has
been 'living. with: her. father in Eng-
land for some tune..
Miss Mary Munro, -public health
lotte Mackenzie; .tof .Toronto ; Mr. nurse, Toronto, spent the week -end
Charles MacG•re or. -o Waterloo; with her parents, ;Mr.' and Mrs. st.
Miss',Cathertne' Mackenzie, ;of Tor- D. Munro.
-onto ; Mr. and Mrs..A. Guilders and While working in his garda3ti Mr
T( eor e Beadle .dug up a penny date
g . 4. w
1$Eil, Xt was quit dark lit 'lir
held their regular :meeting' at the -children, of Goderich.; Mr. and Mrs
Archie MacMurchy; of Detroit.
• Mr. Earl 'braes and Isobel visited,
with- Nit •-James-Howes of -Arthur,
home' of 'Mrs. H. Lednor on • 'Thugs-
day afternoon, with the°,president,:
McKenzie, presiding: The:
program_ 'given, yin the .Missionary
e ar a
Beadle has 'cleaned it and the figures
gnd-inscription, ,are' finite. clear,
The---Nntian%tl Fiim Board will
In -the last ' 45 -years the average time°betwe$m elec-
tionsi. fre
was • 31/2' � years: � Gcreat project„ . require
r gient endorsation of, the 'People. That. Th "democracy,
*European countries wood be glad to -have the -right
to hold free elections.
Dusan VIM Cedar,. k
. . . what's more,.• she's Pretty'
there is anything about which, more argiiir tints arise than sports.'
—it's:babies. And right now there is ,;a' first class fight of natibnal
proportions• 1po ng.' And all because of an innocent little item of
lust` seven .lin s . wwhich appeared in a Montreal newspaper. Orig-
,inating in Regina, , it read as follows: `David' Patrick Davidson
logics. like an ordinary baby -until he smiles. , At 15 months, the
son of Mr. and Mrs.'K. K. Davidson' • has 16. gleaming:,^ teeth..
There's:'a Mrs. Wilfred Van.,Cedar, of Montreal, who is `bristlin
-' Susan,'who is not - quit
with indignation. Because her daughter,first
13 months old, has had "16 gleaming teeth 'since before. her
birthday party., And she didn't 'start cutting her first teeth until b • s P y old.gives her an . average of , about
as three mentons. . Which -- _ . _ --
she w� of
hr s. average e
�i nc
e o the
Daly dso
two teeth per month, compared •
only one per month. - - • " •
00-Qperat On` wl.' c OttaW4 so,'
that. this .province will have
the benefits of tie Doiniu.<
ion Hns„pitali� atiol�i :• lalx ;'
greater _control of : cancer,
tuberculosis and mental
�•seases , supplementing fam
ilyF allowances; '- greater' -' 'aid • r
• to annual bosp%tal; marten
once,; increased old age Pen-
sions groan .$30 to $40 a
Month; reduce age °limit, for .'
• pensions from' .7(1- to. 65;
grant ttixe ',necessary aid to
hospitals„' without imposing
provincial' amu bment '' tax.
As this is written no direct
comment has been made 1�:
the• premier of Ontario or }
-f --Quebec to the Dominion pro
in tax imposed by Mr, Drew.:; �10 re,.;
Eliminate the �3c gasoline 1
imposition of amusement tax. No. provincial income" ,,tax.
1in1NJS ,
17 e that Mr, . Drew' ' colleted "AtwentySve • milll;on.
DO, you lea � •
dollars more than was required to: meet -alae: budget? _. -'
•'Increase workmen's compensation" benefits to 75 per.• cent. ;and
"Old Man River," "The Man with b Elgin Shortt, principal of Hensall
-a--S•-ingle--Hair" and • "1V:owt Is theI. has -tendered his. resig4-
'Hour." Big •accompanist :was H. t nul'ii'school;:
nation, haying accepted the princip-
�;. Pyran of Winghain. • Mrs. Arnold alship of •a six -roomed school at
•Schut? of Goderich offered several ,,
� T akur'rston, `
ile�lightful• Violin toles, -_Such 'as ,- Leask McGee, --East Wawanosh, is
"Minuet in-G"-_:ind' "Blue .D.'t"nu e"1 '
in" --IV Ingham hospital -wltli (i broken
Her acconipaliist was Mrs.. R. J. Cleft ieg,-s-i)fTered When a calf he was
Phillips,' Auburn. . -The Richards• eaiding knocked him, dos 1 and fell
•family from Belgrave • .-;are ihe'r on' hila.. a
audience a treat with their acro- , St. Joseph's •R.C. chure,,hClinton,
batics. • :Mr. MacLennan gave •Hunt- I will receive $1,500. .under' the will
leis .on the •:Bagpipes. wi>:;' Pymn t of Mrs. Helena Jane-Pope:-'tcCaff
was heard in two p ada solos, Pre- ifretv110':d.led_s:eeentl.r„at.London
lade in C -.Sharp. ;Amor" and. "saber1 Tlie e4tate is valued at $1.2,982
•D'inL*e.'u I r. «'.ear had the pleasure •
E. •J.' 1\'ethey. formerly principal
of [1\m tracing that the • hall fundi of-' rho Exeter public school, is
11ac1 passed the thousand • dollar ,patient in Victoria Hospital, London,
mark. Refreshments were served where -Fite utrd`erwetit an operation
at the_ 'on`clusion of the
1 .Fifty . houses are to be built .in
t'r`act • has been "'awarded t'i the
Pa'rk`er,:. Construction,Co.; of Exeter,
and work is to begin sho't1y..
Consitt Shepherd
The, wedding of .Margaret Aileen
Shepherd,'daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
iaim Shepherd, :Hensall, to John
-Henry-Consitt,..son_.of %Ir:-_an.cLMrs.
.Roy Co-Isitt.. Kippen, took place a
the- United church manse, Hensail,
en,. Saturday. Rev: R. - ,A.1.' Brook
Serforniel the ceremony. ,„ t .
amuel _ -Kemp-- : - -
JMes at;.Clinton
Funeral services *ere •'•held • at
Minton an Wednesday. May '10th,
for.Samitel Kemp, who died sudden- I
ly the previous Sunday in' his.
seventy-fifth- year.. -• Mr, .-Kemp-.was,
: a- brother ,of,_.the late henry Kemp
. of Goderich.:" • Bern in, _Engleiid, he
carne at a1h early age"with the.rest -
a of his family to Canada and had i •
Aired - in• Clinton since. ` His; -wife �_
died•'tbi•ee years- asci and he leaves
'+ fled 77'14', ,to 3 , days; compulsory two
Slur teti.,,yvaiting Imo•: . weeks' . vatca•tion ry� dfl3 'r zsaus mals -workers i`,te> tswo
years'' 'employmeit;. •aissist formation of National ;Labor'
Code: Ir,
• AGAILtJL U.E_. :7 -- - _ _.1:,— '-_t.-,-, -y.
-Eighty -err. cent:, _capital adv nee' to :tyaungr farmers , ;soil 'eon-
• serration, reforestation ; demoiitration farms., :e.`ctended• research
at Ontario Agricultural College. adhoeate. lifting embargo On
beef cattle. •,
More attention paid to our ' .resent highways which tare ii. -ii.
deplorable condition and less'; attention to 4 -lame highways.
The people of each ` riding have a right to have a
representative in the Legislature at each sess�:on, • The
_ Liberals could Have refrained from -nominating a -
candidate , ten there _ would have, been'
candidate last ry,
no b -election. Scores of people in the riding Can'---
an-testify that Tom Pryde has been of service, to them '•
as their.representative in"` the : Legislature. ' Let him
carry •on the work; ' -
program' for the amputation of his right leg.
to . the entertainers.
' This is not •a One --Man i'(jlic~y but-a:considered ?o.>;cy of the
Published by` th Huron Liberal 'Association
an at Coy daughter, Eleanor, a teacher i nein ....
oksville. Aniiong those attend= In a for a while with her 'inotlia'r,.
ing. the funeral were Cecil and Miss .tit the home , of Mrs.. A Foster. •r-
- �17tattde Keinp.of Goderich. - Ir: `iliitl airs. Eldon Erb, Melvin who is-not,as well as we should like
spent theher to . be.
d•eek-end at the .home o . � rs, , McCarthy
• • tiir5. 1: Rising, and air, hs isiting with her . brothers wit*
shater�_--- --_ _. �.. r — _ -_-.. ._ _fr�d' and -Fri_ '
It Was a wat`m day, atxfl_. a � dull «rnglham by the' Central ! or gage
d H Corporation -The con
ousing -
and Douglas of Listowel , •••
se concerning the rights of.„ river i '•
f tiZ lab 's Miss Irene `Idf Detroit
eonmxissionets «`as being argued. • 1I A•
C t d eches of in fell i Y TAYLOR -CORN �'_i S�i�P��
1 d•
last: Five new vitlh her mother. Its. Ashes Foster. G. Frayne. "
• • , ; Beta and Eileen 'Wallace'1'4•aliacc of'• oron o _ . �
"All right," he mumbled' bestI y,: Members were received inti; the lir. I'itblado also roisr ec oyer. ria were home CVrth teff parents �. A. Hartmann
fellowship of the church; . Goderich were visitors • �• • • monthly � meeting of Airs. Hattie '• I�'oster and Miss ;the, •
Have you renewed your suUscrip The regular mo -Betty Foster of Kitchener spent the I , Air• Bruce Hansford of Torci'nto , Austin's fi`lr .the' `24th. •"
tion -to` The" Goderich Signal -Star. the Ladies' Aid will be held at • the week -end - with ;Diss Elizalletll ii•as home for, the 24th. k``�
David'Bodgesc1h pas •:a.
onnse made' speeches w Rising
minable -length,- and the .�u ge e - , 151r. W 111 "Dltlton of 'Detroit was
into i dine, i Tt .L()R'S C`ORNI�:I{, May '2G.= SHE -PPA DTO`.. liay 25.—Mrs, ' here for the wedding of his son,
KINUSBRIDGE Mark on �Ianday
``Talon n i thunBove• �tbe fend ` ', c z nen the Lord's -Supper :T'ack Pull do -;and two- sons, of .St. -i.
Your tloitr,r." thauldereii .flit defend- Trie . -"
« ministered in Zion United Gathiitiues, spent he past week: R11C�ISI:]3IDGF., Aiay.25.--misses the 24th with.hzs�_=pa-rents, MrY"•and ...
Mg lawyer til such• stentorian tones 'la td
that the itttlge collie to. c lturc lr olh Sunday ay 4 , z - t 'Veronica --Austin of 'iorontn
1 i t l� tl 1 tl ' rents over 1�Tiss
`"but only a very hitt-Ia in mine "', , , �` eek-ecid with Mrs. Foster. :� el: -end. and .alt. and Mr
�', � e ;� a t Clifton ° °�
Mr.Don -Ft` 'ne'�crf-L-ond n spent
jl'rogressn a Conservative Candidate
f5 to 60 cycle will not cost the domestic (home)' conauiner one cent. •.
froinni a .. o t.. much,.l.ess77
'definite.- • � -iter- ;thea. •.change-ov�rmPot�rizedr,apphances,;. vinll,.e � , .:.. . _ . �,,.
• per cent. •
•" S d
• Mr. Leon Sullivan, from Northern FIRST PIGEON RACE,
and Ontario, is t rshting with his frieyids ��,+ Ti;�E+
haute of Mrs. avis 1 aster, i
- Wednesday4afternoon, June 2nd. } lir. 'and llrs. Don JohnstonSEASON'
• _.._ • • •1 int a I 1 Ti ••lirtf ircl were 'llolyday i fol a few doss.
a o
Ge ,T '. lob
Inv lir. Pigeon' C
'� i•u.l. Tc i P ori
'sl tier limning
d h Hm
- few days ,a^kiting- lit London atu visitors <i ith the lady I r The Goderich • g • g
- Lambeth last week. • i i �i '4' ti also Mrs.John- spent the '24th. with his pa -rents,, it'• in 19 a 'Club
Miss %'lorence Stirling spent t family, of. c T)_ It of Tariff ito
and .ins. cool M ,• . , ° f held itS:first race ofthe season-
Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, teacher in steal s parents. Air. and Mrs; 4Viu. :and Mrs. Michael Dalton. -
-_. -i S. No. 2, spent the week -end at Vrooman.:Port Albert. . • -- , Ari;. Ed: Reynolds and Ther�. sa. -on, Sunday from Acton, a distance
• . ' �i' the of. eighty-five ini'Irv, The laird'' were
- _ . _ -. .. -s _ -i , . - ilt , ere-jsitrngm Q
...r . , .. .. :o#_ to eJiehr3 0 „X3•tiuu.. -o .., v�...•
irrrk„A .. ... , ti-,�Ii,.s Y Bee ,
he'1_rrFinte rieti�.:� r - • ,lir: ' _. r, ..,.._.... -With. ME -and ,.-.�. • n owner of
r k-etrd -with• Mt. ,prod .Mrs. 4ace I released at 10 a.m. a d S
lr se lame for the boli- were Sundayvisitors tit h'lir. Roht.ee •
Among those ” 4-1 the ' firS.t ten to reach their home
dart,. week -end with •their respective iBogie drid Mr. end Mrs. Eitel~ Bogie. Bertin.
• Ri h •d Pimlott� Nir Bert ?4 art;in:`” of Hamilton I lofts Were as fellows: 1St; Percy
The continuance of the amusement tax will enable the government. to increase the ,main
ten ` • ee• grants to hospitals! from $2,200,000 a:� year to, '$5,400,000 (a 9ear.
�2ti�>�ji•.�'�'r' � ..���.�.�'?�....-�^.d�a�•..:�.t3.��' aid�i���+:a�,:.4,�ai.*•.,�"rk'��•�:s�'
The contin tance of the gasoline tax will enable the government to give larger grants to
thecounties and anun'cipalites soY that we can have our count and municipal roads Dept
in better shape both Summer and Winter. Then, again, why shouldn't the man who craves
10,000 miles pay More than' the man who drives 2;000 miles? • And. why •shouldn't the
American' tourist pay something' toward the upkeep of our roads/
which prevents,the shipment of cattle and certain other products to the ilnited States
is purely a DOMVIINION GOVERNMENT AFFAIR --;and the Frovinial 'Government has.
nothing whatever to do. with it.
, Y
lt,he ins wnfe-,a're.wli ing,..OF. '.:.iibe . -4 pn ;„he has the wale y wain'
civilian. If he lives ON the station ho must have been xn tontario 0
6000/44 RS
°. famines were Maxine -Sturdy of
ford, Jerry Ginn of Oshawa, Murray.
Oke of London, and Doii Oke. of
Toronto. "
• The May meeting of the Sunset
Circle Club 'vas ,held at the, home and Mrs. Bob -Bogie.
•of Mrs. G. C. Gunn- on Tuesday sm., Andy -Foster. of the. Radar
•afternoon oi' this week. School, Clinton; spent the week -end
(,all' c rt andiisore,
attended the May Day festivities at
, the Stratford Norinal Sehool.•
Mrs. W. Elliott (nee Joyce Asties)
is spending some tune with her
mother, ;Mrs. Hugh McCabe.
• :several -names ou tbe• 7th con-
cession hare, been' wired for hydra
-recently. • ----.•-•.—.-- .
Mrs. •C'° A. Whitrfy, who teaches
in '.Ashfield, .spent the' lreli.day
end- at her home..
M1 +s . T rat, Wilson' of Goderich
Tient the eek -end with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs.. Roy' Wi1'som.'
Vines.lir, and Mrs.. c tri
apefiVthie" ��'E•elrnri-4.111.-0-crel ,h '-with- -visited-with- -his-friends here for. a ' Johnston. 4.12 noon ; 1nd and 3rd,
the la'tter's sister. Mrs. Harry
Vines, end- fear days during the Week. E. : Peachey, at 12.0g; 4th, - •E:.,
Mr. Tom Joye and son,. of Detroit,1 Peachey, at 12.01dAt ;. 5th; • 5th and
_1Ir. :
' Mrs. Pearl" • Bq ie of .liidlatiid accompanied byrMrs, ;Thos. ,Jove. sr:, i 7tip E.-Peirchey, at' 12.04; • 'tli. fnd
s isit ' over` the week -end with Mr, and Kathleen O'Brien, • spent the i 9th, Wm.. Baker, at 12,05; .1Qtii,`-P;
ed week -end with Mr.' and Mrs..James 1
l'Johnston, at 12,05.
\ allace. • The next rad --will be •from Tore ,
Miss Theresa Austin of London is onto..
.. . .; : s rvi � s: to the so
.. i;- improvement up,helpthe .hospitals provide e + • •
and beep the :highway ,improv
rove tie hydro 'systeinr and p' Ontario strong;
vance� a�li1, .p � . , . - •
t ` hed by. Huron'Progress v e-Oonservative Assbbia4ton
`• A ,Currey
White' Tose ServXtic
,: t'AItLt)'4'lr, May 26. -•-•• Mrs. 1°).
C'rewford-"1Slid :qrs. Pearl Foi•eithatl of
"l figtt. »41iC1i , Y�i r d tier .ii to •'•t1lei)
mother. Mrs. A. Wilsohl. returned
with therm. ,
Mrs. Sheardown and little seri. of
Goderich, spent the week enol with
Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Treble • „
Mrs. McLean and ' Miss Morrish
-of-(oder-ieh penttr.n.-felt
their sister,'Mrs.. Chas. Ailin.
1VTr Reeves ,Slddalt of Toronto
'spent••the holiday' with Mr,, and Mrs.
gr. Lloyd Young, Betty .and An:
netta spent the week -end with
friends ,in bettolt. • • '
Miss -Eleanor 'Smy tit ' tipent the`
,colt.e lid In titcheiief.tAV
Mr. and Mrs., Bob Snlyth of Ter-
onto: galled on Mrs. 'Smyth
randy ,
iriY win: Young's many frields
are sorry to"lxelir~ of her'' Being very I
E'E1IDA` , '(7N 4th, 10.45' dim.
OVN iCitt..•.740 'dN 'S O"prR »IA]
ttihli!!ia' • fr ' �btaitvs C00 1#0401`041 irony of'Oi+iut'In
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