HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-13, Page 6ere i$ yp°r °p+ n portuo'ty iQB about ilia oY L. e�ret4 . «49 MQ°axc for yourself, : 'ilinp 19 see 'it £:.. , . low-,_. ". Yo va a arbiie., the ;;Mage `'tiesN..: You �wil , of,is entr ott in slung Braes seise of cote£ "with isS,.p� tier ' lite, hood . ear detail. U 1� bp, _engiod -er�.e? X ew.--1 _ - l ono the= de ere's a wealth inside . t `. appointee is°., , as Set 'New toxin Veit N t 1949. Monarch o£„m°toxin8 a IIew standard when you in to agree e ,k,- uz you'll s e ze. see, it° acv oro i o icirc NOW ON DISPLAY AT C� .. o •l h Motors rs c o ''ORD -MONARCH GODERI: _'_. V diuirl tees. •_, T�vo . eta tp---- s.Tani:_. a-(�ontir-nhed--baebeloi_' 1 e'iS pow.,' He 'sent his' :flletur tiled Sliarbil Elizabeth;' I-:nc her ."`*- 1 Harts • Club and they f « t ri � MY 8. - �Z'.. to it Loney e iittlo' dauihter- of Mr. t d sent • it 'back with ii non, saying, A.' Lockhart; and • Gary :w h -in, son *were not that lonely„,.” of \ir:..and .firs. 'Ifai:o1d. B1itck, n Next Ctrndtt-y, will be .1.4nmtuii on - Sunday. We hope fur a gond at- tendance'. The W.A. meeting has been Cav- rellefl for this nw itit. , PORTER'S ,HILL, May ther's Sunday' has eerie . and gone 'Therewas. a . splendid turnout both at Sunday school and at church. Beautiful dowers were aii"the altar, one in loving remembrance of Mrs. Milton Woods by her husband and t.� yµ0{•. Require -Attention• The innnediate t eUf Dr. Weed's Norway Pine •.,s , . , yrilp re ie es' six -I.!, i 5 • • ,gr -11 o �; .•�`z,:: ,pllegznandl mucus, open tlie air passages and soothe ,...;���.,..., the irritation. Dr..Wpod's %orway Pine Syrup cont ins no ' harmful ingredients• nor habit-forming drugs. It has been a popullui household_ remedy_ for nearly 50 y-earsw_ _ On sale at drugeounters eves «here. ' The T. Milburn Cn Toronto. Ont. J n HELENS ;a ST, .HOLED,$, May L..0.--*kir, seed WS, Jaeh Bre fit of Detroit were r, and.. Mrs. a' -pati t is inion. Her ur . a speedy vyeel -ens _i dents •of Gordon McPherson, -Mrs ' Jas, •hunt is Victoria uospital, L many friends hope ieeovei'*,.;. resen tonr. a old Iliiutphley were gu at a gathering• in the Hall 'recently, After sts of honor' Comiuunity luiieu they fyere presented , with ' 11 ,Sunt -of � money. The address was read --W )ick, Wxltllerbead.fand Allan Ntiller made .the presentations. �, . Dancing teas enjoyed 'to iuusic ;by, Farrier's orobeStra. i Home•fo Mot ter S 1)a .- -Visitors house for Nattier s Mesa i'uauded Reith Gardner and fentily4. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gardner at- tended. the :wedding Of 'Mrs.. Gard- ner's sister, ;Miss jean Scott, of . Auburn', on Wednesday of le§t week. Mrs. Melvon Good, Wlia Underwent an, operationin o. Seaforth hospital lasf--Friday,,. is progressing 'favor, ably,, we are pleased to report. ' Rev, ,S, E. and.Mrs. Hayward had .as 'g tests fiver the week -end their daughter and her 'lnisband front • 'Air, and Mrs. Russell Hill, of near Mitehell,� visited on Sunday 'With Mr. and Mrs. S. V'ahstone, Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Mathers of Porter's•11111'*1')ent Sunday with ;Mr. axed Mrs, all.-)1111-.6;4r1;414°11'' ami i`-0bo l Mi. nit Mrs Frank•• Young, .and Peggy, of. Godeich;. spent the °Week-. .eid,^ with Mi• 'an(1 'Mrs. Girviri Y oung:. x„ Mrs. I. Jervisand Mary,,of °' Ur Murray -Taylor,- (if -:1\' inghanr, LL -Holmes zillesiient Sunday=witlrMrs;, Mt and. , Airs. Gorden ' Milier .,and Lgal°iY • and' Miss • 1.)oris Tavior,_''of London, ° with 'Mr- and Mis. Cheter Taylor ;' fir.: and, Mrs.' Charlton, of Port Alma„ with Rev. M. G. and Mrs. Newton ; 1r.' and Mrs; Alex, :1LXtrcli(: :ince• Bobby, of Toronto, and Mr, and' 3lrs. ,Mei, Brocvn, of Water - /00c • with Mr; and Mrs. Jt. Woods,;. wire and Mr's. Roy Robinson, of Bel- grave, with Mr. and Mrs. W.- M. Humphrey.. Women's Institute. Officers. -Mrs. (4ardon •McPherson was re-elected president of the Women's Institute at the annual ' meeting held at her home. Other otiicers elected were Tice -presidents, Mrs. E. .Barbour, airs: S. A. Todd ; secretary,' Mrs. E. W. Rice, assistant firs. G Rintoul; piisiiist, ;Mr ”"• l 'Ta 'lo ; ."asSist'ti'flt .. .Mrs., W. Rutherford ; auditors, S;irs.� Fred McQuillan,, Mrs. ITarold Gaunt (l trice. represeutatire, Miss._. Mary.. Murray.; convener -agriculture and -Canadaihn industries, Mrs. Fred AI& Quiliin; social welfare,ATrs.' ':' Stuart ; ..historical researeh, Mrs. S. A. Todd; citizens'liip, Mrs. L. Woods; 'home economics, Mrs; T. -J. Todd ; publicity, Mrs. W. A. Miller', Walters, and •Floyd. and ' Mrs. ''Fred White, John and..Mariene, of -Goderich., ' visited yith Mrs. 4%Vhite's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. 1.1. ,Good, on Sunday. Mr, and Airs, Iti:hard Park and Sharon, • of ' -Dungannon, called on their grandpaents, .• Mr and Mrs. C. A. Vanstone, on :Sunday. Mo'ther's Day. Service, -.A , large congregation attended the impres- sive Mother's. Day service' in Ben - miller church on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer. H4rdy presented their' baby for baptism,. and ,,l1frs. Steep, being the oldest mother present, received a lovely bouquet: Jean Snider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siiider,_.sang .a pleasing solo, and the choir, composed of mgt "izaTA.11 ongregatioti, -rend: lend special music. TAYLOR?S • ORNRR TAYLOR'S CQRN0R, May 11.-- Mrs. 1Y. •Stracluui has•been visiting her aof the7th er, Msio?Iloward iSturd `° Mr s, n, Mother's Day Observed, -Mother's Day ..Was' observed "in Zion United, h onchurcSunday wide 'a large eon- gregation present.-. A. children's and Ming People's e'ooir led the wusic, .with Kathleen' Holmes' at the organ.. e super n en en o • e un ay school, Mr: Wm, Snyder, r, conducted the service, while" Rev. 'p. Tay.ener, gave an inspiring message fie keep-°' with- the WOO ° tete. driy, Tlie, regular Mother's Day program was followed. .The story, "Broken, ubes,'! wits given .,by' Lois Ginn,. A baptismal. service' 'vas, held and Cal a1 Eileen, infant daughter of Mr, and: Air's. Pen \Vhitely, =was baptized, _The clranlaatization, "Standards- or- Worth,"'wns presented by eight boys' and girls. The. •part of, the {leader was taken by Lorraine Hicks,, while the others- taking part '+ were Jean Prouse, Jack. Hicks, Vera Wilson, Kentietfi Oke, Loi* 1161mes, Meredith _Wilson and Derald Nornian, Ladies' Aid Meeting The Ladies' Aid meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. Ginn on Wednesdayafter-' MOVIN..., WES.T M. Rawlinsbn T iniited regularly maks up. and ship Household .rurniture. Con. aolidated Pool Cara to Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan. Alberta, British. Columbia and to California. Write, wire or prion for reduced 'freight rates. Established 18850 146 • onge.St., Toronto. Kingsdale 5125 MOVING,,., PACKING, $HiPPLIIQ sail STORAGE f.... , , g Reg. ,noon. f last meek w.if:a~,„god ,1t- po , AbeLuduesr Aid,” was re',ad•' ,#eu ante.Names a andmonv for .bv Mrs. btu l�v.:A splendld the' xuto ra h• uilt were handed in. musical .contest„also • Was eonductec1 'to thp� treasurer, 4paa, memberis by Mrs. Reg.' Sturdy,. to secure -ten ' names, these tri 'Make ix a block; A letter of thanks...from g a he En _land was read, th' nking t ladies for four • food par cels sent during the late winter. The ' Scrip- . ture reading ' was given by ,Mrs. I' enneth.I3olmes. A humorous react ing,” • "Levinsky at ' the Wedding," was given by, Mrs,' E„� G. .vert. A PORT ALBERT,: May 11. -• Visi'tors' at 'tile home -of 11Ir. and' �1rs. Harry Lednor4 last week -end, to be with- Mrs: Ledrior to celebrate 'Mother's Dayon• Sunday. were her The rtlcall 1 was responded' ed to__ NOM five daughters, with some of their families; Mr.. and Mrs. WM.-Balk- will and Anne, of Torontq; Mr. and Mrs. Roy •Shtitler .and two children, Anne, tend- Donald. • of Hamilton; ,.tong; \j.rs. • Doug._ A -tient,, : of a.p41 1i--? -•-931 i( ill , L0onai d Arent -- t¢• off- --.anc1 twos..ers" Sant i a tinct: laticiilc, of Goderich, r - ' .�Ir• and Mrs. Harold Pepper and two. sofas, Allen and-le-rfk, bf •Hasa Ilton- sent Iast week -end it their cottage here. Tii '-were formerly residents here. Mrs. 1ierey. Graham; anied Percy , ac .� om p by her sister -iia -law, Mrs. Roy Alton of Belfast, spent a few days . in Toronto at the • week -end .visiting relatives. , A :,repeat performance, of the popular three -act play, "Peekaboo- B_ENMLLLI R,_._May11-Visitors . Penny," -by the Social Club players 1. .lint _b re. nth- Air,;a.nd--Air,'s:ofJtlie._:Aiiglican .on Sunday were -Mrs. Chas. Coit, of .sent:ed in.. 'the basement , of AIR. Goderich,;; Mr. and Airs. _ .Ames, Anglican church on. Tuesday,' MayBobby. and Pettit, of A thvooa: t Mr, .18th,, at J p.tn. sharp, 'sponsored'i.by. and :Mrs. Carl Fisher and Joanne, of the W.A. of the United church. .-= s- and25c. , : a niis� ion. 40c - . ehich . \ii, and Mrs: .leo and - God d -babe. of �doderich township.; firs, Guild Meeting. -- The Women's i1 i fAnglican;'rel t FlorenceG-terllrrH, of iIaiTi-ilrton. '. m G i ( o the � c}iu ,1,,,,�,� . Group No. '; of -the W.A., are fitly- on Wednesday. • afternoon of lata ing a quilting and" luncheon in .the Week at 'the ,hbine 'of Mrs. Walter.r� q g church on Wednesday of 'this' week. Tigert. During .the business faeriod The.. Women's Association will a committee was formed to look hold''a bfizaar .in Coderich, ;it.linc- after the bazaar which,vill be held Kay Halt. on May 29. with fang- iit'the. (*burghabout the middle of work. -arid home biking of a,. -wide ,JT-uiy- "A social hour followed '.tear variety. ing which the hostess serv,edlunch• - • .airs. s: 1B. Gardner of Goderich spent: Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. suggestions of `•'aids'- to -summer entertaining."' Mrs. 'Stanley. Todd, the president g'nd the district' repre- sentative were- appointed to .attend the* district annual meeting.. to be h�el-d.in Godei ch on May 31st, The financial re • ort showed that • man donttTk 'to -,l ort a rl d's -li d gi 'en z ming ie year,- vizir-it btl a ce of $15.38 -on band. Mrs. W. A- M'11� a read an 'iartiele on ."Yrwenty- five years of-Ttosa oina ice,"'Mrs. .W. Rutherford favored with a, piano _solo and Mrs. Rice = gave n reading, 2Wishing." At theeonclusion after- noon 'tea was enjo��ed 'with , .Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs. S. A. Todd and Mrs. W. A.••Miller: a* hostesses, ' . - . BENMILLER WATCH DAILY PAPERS , P. R CURRENT PRICES %Y 1 FUNEYtAL .-13E&VICE No extra chargefor the use of our Funeral Home, Toroil- to' Street. Prompt. Ambulanc6 • Service • NEW iST DESIGNS BDST. OF MATIRIALS Guaranteed workmanship - St - _prices ' that will please - You'i,' SAVID ALL AGENTS' FEES' ' Can at our office: or droP�>�b line to Box 161, Goderich. We will be pleased ` to call ' and help. choose.. a suitable memorial for Your family.plot, ' R. A,. SPOTTON ' St. Andrew's St. ' With Minard'S; the great rtbbing ncii, sworn foe of muscular and joint - r eness stiffness and seri., Use it eo a , p , generously. ,It's ' greaseless, has no unpleasant odor, dries. quickly. Use• it for' dandruff and skin, disorders, too. Get-a.-bottie-at your-drA ist's - "y gg. today. -KeeP it handy op your hat room shelf:, t'251F Refrigeration -Phone 1098.for 24 hour service to -ail makes f •---commercial -and;-- -;domestic refrigeration equipment. Refrigeration .Servide • G-OD>RICH FRIGIDAIRE " -. CommerciaF -Ag ent for erich -' and District. Satisfaction '. Guaranteed.. 49ts ;T. PRYDB. & SON- (%rnierly, Cnnnihlgaam & Pryde) . -.�:C1ntQn, _ Exot+fKr,.. Seaforth . ort...h 'Write Bot 150, -or. phone 411;- . 1 t;- . Exeter And. we 'shall be pleased to' call _ . . ad167 Repairs t - ..1.1:00.:_, . .RADI,9; SEF VICE .DEPT; _FULL••STQOK•OF TUBES -.A - �]'D PARTS. -CARRIED_ ".- A11_,Work,i,a `ai teed—�. Anti .1farcr i Nerves Often keyed -up nerves cause .restlessness, ^irrita -1?ility and even -nervousness:. If you suffer fr'oin- keyed -up nerves. thin Health. and - Nerve Pills. may be of help. . . \fiil�u„n' ; • health and . Nerve Pills a're ” a well �a 'rrnce(F medicine foe" those-- vko ire=run-doil2r-a-nrl-rine rreed,a gette,Yal:cou_ ditioner to �.eip''build up the system. •They stimulate -the nervfr:s system; improve the appetite, aid digestion and thus.help promote refreshing rest. -Get Milburn_'s Health and 'Nerve Pilin -at your nearest drug store toga,':. Accept no substitutes, Look for the trade mark the "Ircd _• The T. Milburn, Ci.. Limited,. Toro +o, -- for sale by Beevers. Auto and Bicycle Supply PHONE 295W . WEST STREET ;� 'fie FISHERS WITH N -DRAFT VENTILATION l UNISTEEL BODY MULTI -SEAL HYDRAULIC "SMOOTH' AND ECONOMICAL SIX AND 'EIGHT. CYUNIYETU =I LE:AEI !NGENES S'H'O.GK.'PROOF . NE=E -ATI Oi TRIPLE -CUSHIONED RIDE: as *Avofloble'of certain models at extra toil you: and your , . girl friend doing home work together, by telcphoile. But ' it does tie up the « party lfue — ,perhaps_ when someone needs it ' bMUy s-So•--npleuse-4olni't..a. make it `a habit .. Check? ` rrsn.,.tiR'i. rutting it into practice on every call pout,' make JO- 'your' best guarantee that others' 1411 tno the causes for you �• 'Keep calls, brief.' 2. , Space your 'calls. Give i'1gat-oi` to urtiiero 'dolis4. Swift's -Nig Co=ncentrate gets fogs to market ,fasteir for top profits! -- You get more for your ttiOney."with any Swnft's .Because the -Swift reputation depends on the. p roduce'you.grow, wift's want:yogi to have the . hest feeds possible , . ►''and have the research oto , g d ti .. ie .them. • alien. •mantl a . 1ix f�icf�it>< s �to' see you - get ' You ,get the pion, for your feed dollar' when you h10$lifts in three bag with the r'sl 4 •. -. GEO., RYP:N1 & SON, GO ►ERICN, ONT`• PFRI I Eft ,EROSE,. BEN ILLE&, Olft `NU' RITION IS OUR BUS NEsS.»ANt) Yotmst