HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-04-22, Page 6•
BA YRE 14) •
.13AxrxEl.a), April •210,-.1Sir, and clay of the death at Brantford of
Charles Reel. Mr, Roth was 'ben),
Bayneld, the .son of the 'ate, Mr.
and. ItiValeritine Roth. Leyj.
ere as a YOntag man, he 'had liVed
BrautfOrci ever s,ince. '„Interment
took plae$ At Brantford On, Tuesday
in Mount -Hope eemetery. Mr. Roth
was in his seventy-sixth, yea.r.
Tile local fishermen report large
catehes or whitefish and owing. to
thei. JewiSh. Feast of the PaSsover
next. Week tbe iirices have seared
At the V* of last wo.elc the lisuor-
men, . were %etting ,sixty cents.' a 4
ound at, the. dock with indicatiPps
of tbe priee's going higVer, •
• •• POO Ai -PERT
1 ,:.:1‘1rS. LOROy. Obtit...and, pat 1"1i1ii
eturned .to their home in the v -fl-
» after4,-spendint•4he-
Winter in Kitchener. • • :
. Mr. Lawrence FoWile *Of ,r;91.149.11.,
Spent the week -end with IttS. sisters,
Misses E, and lit....-roWlie. „.
Mr. and Mks. •E. .1Kend4lt and
f4Adly,.. of ,Ehnira, 1,vere week -end
guests of- Mr. and Airs.:VS% ' R.
Jowett, • . ' , __,... .
4' 1‘.1r.•• 'and. Mrs. ...Jack 'Stewart ' Of
tlamiltoiti spent the week -end '..at
.their :Nine. in the village: -
• Mis. Anne Drain of Detreit was
the:gues.V of Mrs. E. 1.1„Owarty ever.
••the'. week -end, • . • .„ , '
.r, hud. mf*, E. uo"ara, Airs, N.
Heard, . 'Lloyd Ilehrd and .Miss,'
PhYlliS Lindsay sPent Sunday,, in
' ,Owen'. Sorind. •
. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon. and
Miss Jean Sturgeon of Preston Spent
the, week -end wit:11 Mr., and Mrs...E.,
• '
Bturgeon. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Currie
wereln London„Over- the Week -.end.
• Mr. and. Mrs. J. M. Atkinson of
• Detroit Spent the week -end at their
home in 'the village. • t _
Mr, and Mrs. Jim' Catneroli of
-Toronto :Were at their home on
• Blue Water IlighWay South over the
week -end.
3Irs . R. H Larsen attended: the
annual meeting of the, W,,A. ;of the
Angliean . Church. • in ' Lendon last
week,- . •„;-. , .
Mr. and Sirs. Charles Rogerpi
Hamilton arrived lost week to spend
**tue season at their cottage, , "Char-
- • . , _ .
Miss.' Beverley York of London
spent -the-week-encIT'at-her home in -
the village. . - '• . • , •
-All concerned Ire ':asked to note
that daylight saving' time .begins on
Sunday, April •,2t.ith. . Don't forget
to _put 'Tout_ clock aheadone. hour
on Saturday dolt. All -church ser-
yiees; Will be on D.R.T. on -.Syniday.
•• Word Was reeeiVed- here on „Mon-
. .. _ ,.
cHave you renewed your subscrip-
tion to T -he Goderieh Signal -Star.
• Music
• ,
• • , . Cr r
THE0,4y,-..lan...1 10, IL' and
• P.R.A.c,IICAt.-4rAs arragged-'-'
:AiTtplications and f.'es must
the Conservatory not later tbm _
MAY 1, 1948
15' College Strest, Toronto; 2E
. • . .
• PORTER'S, HILL; April'
-Sunday, April ..25, -.the . service in •
•.Graee, Church' will be at '2.39
.daylight .saying time.' • On- the . -first,
,Sunday 111 May Sunday„Aellool
open- ter- -the-iuninferv'uninflis -it
•is, hoped ther,e Will-- be -a god at-
ten:dance, "
• ou, .• Friday,last- - the Community
• Club held .evehre pa rty_in the
scheof. Ten tattles were played. A
batqs.et of apples • doaated by Mr
. -
Warner realized $0 for the'. Club:
very ,enjOyabler evening waS spent.
Lu_nehwas served.
•,•;•• -61_455
- a(
inter-worn'tattedy . with a
• For feirforiiicinCe
• For -Durability
• For Lasting Satlifaction
1.25 Allowance For Your
' Old Battery -
, Regardless of Condition
, 'yy •
There's a Mar Power Battery for Yourtar
Select From
"" Group" Humber
Butch '32-37 • 2M •
Chevrolet Call) ' 1M or 1H
Chrysler • , 2M
Dodge - • ,..1M of in
FGM,, all 4 1M 01.1H.'''
• Ford, '33-39 • -
Fold, '40-46'
• Husiscin, '34-47
Oldsmobile to 2M ,
Oldsmobile, '38-46 __2E
Phiehotflh tali) 1M Or 111
PooDoe, '39-46 2E • • •
Stud° orter,-23f-
StOdebaker, "39-46 1M or 111
WIllys-• --- 40 11*
• ' LIST
Group Our -• Fcgdpry• Our
No, .t,4o. •Type. List • Price
*1-M-• 1414 . Heavy Duty $13.95 $ 8.30
1-#A• HAI ler-SerVice 16.25 ..9.98-1..m H-23-• SFper $er't;Ice 19.25 '1.0.7s)
141 N-49 ArinOr. Gloss 219.5 14.85
2-L N,24 Super 'Service 1.6.15 .10.35 -
2.-L!„, 425- Super. SerVice 1925 1135
N-tr Arnior Ginn • • 2125 14:40 .
Supoi`Seti'vleo 20:45
24 N-22 • Super Service': 22.93 -
. N.33 'Wittier , Glass 2$.95 -45,65
2-M .H-27 Super SerVice. 22.0.6 *13.80
2-M-- H-52 Armor , Glass ..7.45 15.40
Super ervi ,244" 14.40
2 -FH H-53 Armor Glails 24,95. 15,39
„CUP!. ,
ptheps, taentteat t
to or. ,rf I na)
. equip:meta,. tit'4.
Sitbetantiat rev -
Inge. •
To' fit poids,. eitevroiets,• DocliO
tont)) arid Mrs
ost Othe,
2 45
Thetie kits cOntiiin "aIl the parts needed
to completely overhaul your present
sstizettr aded Trump., actiOn ifs eneetiel_
-far slaritat , tet *zoos in,
4 '-• '
.1.929 to l93 •71
thettrolet: ' tater toodeis- .. . .68
Ford; all *ritedelt eall and ,43'
Pliernolith. meet ihodeie ".74 to 4:10
atetwr enittr e-Aktf AND TRUCKS' ,AT
SIMILAR 114VINGiii 40,
, .
4 4.
." •
All Chrome
SIODEL-t•Triple chrOmei plated
ob solid bras % body, die -east. , stream- •
lilted =hinting bracket. .Identinal to
deluxe' car equiproetk----4.. Oka
, •It"
STANDARD MODEL—eltehtly eteaLler
irt size, but has irood appearance -and
•-fully „ 'chrome plated. RiumlietL,With
bracket/S-7' rof *IMO, ,10111-
;AMPS' FOR iViitY.'tiEED•
Bead LampW, s; Sand Tall Laing
Dash, e,•Panit-itit"71'rou
• Lamps. soled. Beare Bead La p
change -Mier replacernent Units,
MXU1ary1ogaid Dryint .7.413OPor Bart
Safely! • ,
/rich; 004
L. 0ittiliorsloitie
'it AVANT Pfay.'.4The., Mystery
comedy. i,"Peek,a-boo;, 'Penny,," Was,
played at theArtglican ,church .1141'
on -Wednesday ev&ing of lastweek,.
and, puttiug it mildly, • WW.11. de,
finite.sueceSs.. To say just 'where
. ,
the- plot centred was a guess in
itself. The play opens with the
Shadowed -and 'mysterious. apPear-
ance and disappearance ,of a would-
be jewel •thief ; then, as the stage
on;they-reverd-a Broad-
way play producer .(Ralph Foster)
in his hotel room telling. his favor-
ite playwriter of a , ;brilliant 'idea
he haShad .of bringing in authentic
characters to take .part in the-
-play they hope to ,prOduce.' These
include, a fascinating cowboy' (Fred
Crawford). • a ',4dumb" telephone
operater--Who is practising klepto-
mania Onthe' side (Irene Milne)•,
and an Englishschool teacher With
an unlimitett-vecrchularrwirose -•
ferveseenee of oratorical senorosity"
quite astounds them. :This , part is
played by Claire Foster. They call
in a- famous director -who.' sneers
at the . wholeset-up- but gets very
much involvedas well, and of CotirSe
a -newspaper reporter 'Coutes pry-
ing -:for informatien. • Theseparts,
are taken, by Harold and 3Iargaret
-Adams. The hotel manager. is Frank
Rooth, and, 3oe Magas .penny, the
hotel----deteetive;--:takes .'considerghte
pushing around. The parr -of ' the
-playwriter -is:charmingly' acted by
Quaid. - , •
- • .
• $T. HELEN, April , 1.9,
Mary AleBain of Teri:into Was a
'recent guest at the , home, of Ndr.
ail& Mrs. d'ordon •Miller and
Larry., and Miss Doris Taylor of
London and Mr. Murray Taylor of
WAnghtim- were week -end
with Mr.and Mrs. Chester Taylor.
and Mrs...AughS McDonald (ferin-
erly 'Miss Helen Barbour) Were
guests .:,of bonor ata., gathering in •
the Community Hall. • After lunch
.Allan 2IilIer ,read. an • address of
'eongratelations,aed,good wishes aed.
tion °La 'substantial sniff omoney.-
Miss Zona Newton', student nurse
at the Sick Children's Hospital,
Toron 0. Nva..Lisitor with
her'. parents., -Rev. 31.' 0.- and Mrs.
Newton. •
Mrs. R. J. "Wood's. hals returned
home, after spending the , whitey
mOnths with -members of her •fam-
.11y at Guelnh, Galt and "Dundas.
. '
---r - - -
- — 1•11(,'Ke 1 t',.1 ,ft, fantilwr.. stery ...oi_a
mail standing on ' a busy street
• &Priv', and offering to sell $1,0 billS,
for one dollar: He Inade verY...-few
sales, because the passersby were
suspicions. • One can ixnagine their.
chagrin on learning afterwards that
the bills -were- genulae.
The lieW -Tann account liook is
like that ' $10, Vii -it is genii in e.
•Its \Able has titready been attested
by many leading farm organizations
• and farniers.w,It was desigued by
• ti.e Department of National -Revenue'
in a sincere etiort to help -farmers --
to save them time, Itrouble and
• worry. ,
' Thilre are no Strings attached.,
'Ihe account book is_ free for the
asking. • By -using it, the 'farmer
ill no conce.Wable-waf obligates him-
self -any more than if he had never
seen or used a copy .at all. -
- First , and foremost, it provides
• f,iiriners vviiii a simple hookkeeping• ,
system. .A few!' minutes each week
will enable him to keep accurate re-
cords. These records will show him
exactly where he stan1s-7•What pro-
greSs his farm is making -Where.
he is making or losing money.
These records in the farm ac-
count book are , numbered to cor-
respond exactly with the T,71 tax
the farmer inakes Out his tax return
for 1948, all he need do" flt transfer
the totals froth his account book
directly to the form. I -Ie eliminates
the need, ef and saves himself the
cost of expert help. . • •
Equally important to the far•iner,
the farm account book Shows him
Ute dedtictions he can_inake Tot
• exponsm mid fok.dopreelatia. floW
,initelt. ' for eitatiPlb, he cat deduct
fro r depreciation on it barn, a tractor.
• or a lir of st•venty,five different iterns
of coinmon farrn equipment. ,
• Additional advantageOus features
expla inedin_the fa rill, account book
are the -three-year Average Plan
• .and_ the. Basic Herd. _ Both' are
,otitr(ioq"" 'TDO7-f4xiior';-,ea'.66-tUiii
'57"7,iiiir 71S-Tif.787-'eg,fzilr-TriTifirify
instances hit, Will he 'tit 'his personal
adviiiittige„to, do so, and the farin
aedount itook shows him, •howp-
lii 6,rief, thd Parin Account took
'and Income Tak, Guide has been de-
signed hi a spirit of fair-PlaYmto
help; the farmer,. and glve to hhh,
itli the benefits to Which he is en-
taled by li:tr. He has nothing to
loP„e„and everything to an by giving
it a ilifrIT114...,,,.. , °
. e '.ireforeStation '•coininittee,. of
IitiOni.' Oeutt044oatiell bag Author-
Ivitti• tlie rstrett#se of a 1,00-tere•farm
On 'Mr oth:.poneetmloq :,of Ashile14.
township from Ntre, Lau'ra Sting,
of Dungasn5m, or 'teforostation
•vtirtiaos, .. .• .
The enforcement' ofileers ,of tlio
. eoittniftteo .teport - they are getting
* km eotoperellon, in 'the: enfortement
' of tho Efuroo,tree entails Wit*
from alt Ittnihernlen.
being team
- captain has its 'responsi--
, '1141ities. But whenyou're
rounaing up yoUr teani,
411 you try not to make
_too many calls at once?
• 'up.,may-•;necd-that-party-
in a hurry ; . . Thanks
is, •
"..rutting it into:_piaellee...L.T:
onevery- call you m.alit0
la your best -guarantee
thit Others will do tlie
same for you: •
=sic' comPorinogrbit
4SlirraT41,), 0,01fOOV AREA
. 'The ABlilleld Area'MuSkeal
„Festival' vas . behl in the United
n 'Ton ft_erngoi and_
evening Of 0....iciast, 4Pri17.0tti,„ U.nder
the, direction of gia maroli Mae-
Deaald Of. -14,1c19,0W.Music SUPek-
o visor for the area, and under the
adjudication of Mr. Clifford kreland
Of Teeswater, There were, ninety--
etie lnni'ilrilQe1S,.111.willi; jlteetrt..ts1 a
'being -eligible for...entrYdn,,tht-Gode-
rieb...FeStival ..MaY. miss, Mac-
1--).onahj, the area leachers and 'child-
ren ue „te be, commended UpOn the
excelient Showingat. this, the firsf.
area •CertiAcate were,
•awarded to the high c4iididates by
• Mr. McKay, chairman of'the Board,
• at the Close of the eVening:niceting,
:The, three 'highest candidates !In
•eaeh class Are listed below la b rrier
of standing in their class,
,Girl's vocal sole) (7 years -and
rinder)-,Qatol Helm, Elaine MNay,
Madrism- MacLennan. '
Boy's N'OC111. solo, (7 years and
under) -Billie Rhoad, Jimmy Blake,
. GeOrge Hackett. -
Girl's vocal solo • (0 yearS.' and
--under)--liorina.Pentland; Ann Mac-
11: Keep calls brief:
2.,Spote yourZalls.
Give right-of-way
to emergency calls:
1Aso_guLs_sUrgy• L.TuRE
.0u Monday. Leyening- the -Kictoria.
Young,Peepie b` Union heist its regu-__
far -weekly ine.eling. Group singing
lethby Harry -Westlake .followed,the
biaginess sessien. The, Culture So-
ciety had charge of the devotional
period, 'Doug. 'Webster ..aciing as
chairman. Mrs. Ewan liossrEi-elyn
Breckow and ..Joyce- Breckow gate
fine .paperi5- oft-eulture,lefloWed W-
an open discussion.. • It was -pointed
out that of the many line- arfs,
music, literature and • education
ranked highly, and were within.
-reach of the -a Ve ftl ge --Terson. ..It
wd's •fatd „ that i.chlIdren acquire
a definite knowledge:- not only. of
these Ablef.,*arts but of other's -of .
• • -744. - •
Kay, Pamela Taman.
, Boy's, vocal sole (9 years and
milder) Douglas, Amp', .. Ernie
Magoffin, Eldon Lannan. . • •
Girls vbeal solo (11 years and
'under) - Betty 'Rutledge, • Lois
'Webster, Carol Gardner. -
Boy's vocal selo (11 years 'and
under) -John Wlm, Billie - Rivett,
Tommy Fow10'.' • • .
' vocal, solo (14 years and
mder) Nornm-Sherwood„ Joan
Rivett, Maureen Vassella. • • -
Bo'Y's vocalsolo (14' years and
Under) Douglas -Reid, Bill Mc -
earthy, I)daald _ Glenn. . . •
Duet (14' years '`Yind under) --
Norma Sherwood and Mary Young;
Edna Itivett and Douglas Reid;
Leslie Hallam and Donna Lannan.
eqttal;IMPortance. , 'Kindness, re-.
-pect. and thenghtfultiess ',were onl
a few obtaine* through early train-,
ieg-in the hoines, enabling, the in-'
cli_v_klitail.te take his place in ctU
Jzuecl.tsociety.-. -This •---Part---of-4he-
Meeting 'closed .With the 111.1Zp1liT
benediction. • • •• • .; • ••
„, Tie Union, has • decided- to dis-.
:eentinue thetelloN-Ohip services dur,"
ing the' -summer. These ot-to•
gethers have been. _inspiring .And
proved .a -popular Source of .recrea,
tion . (Iarin„,o. the Winter Months,
They will he resumed in the. fall.
Kitahaner---Water-loo•- Read)
The fact that Western Ontario lias
ngerOusly,.„. • denuded of
„foreits is aeconntable in great Part
for .the rapid runoff - of., water from
melting snow and spring rains. Frost
had,pepetrated-the gronnd to an
\\-inter.Pkobaldy that lessened- the
absorptive capacity .of the soil and
so porewater- found its way Into
the' streamS.,'''.. Great thiekire's'''' -tf
the ice in the rivers.,alse aggravated
lioed .'conditiOns. ..,.-When- one ,eon -
shiers the amount Of damage Vansed
by erosion eacp.:.sprieg. it 'technics
,apparent how great is the. 'loss of
good -.soil which is carrieeto :the.
lakes. 1'n Is .comprehensive Ton -
servation • programs are undertaken
with the active support of tile„pro-'
j:jncial- _and -2-Federa1 -G overunients;
Western ( nitario. "nay become. BB.
uthenvara -desert. The-flootMof
the last few • days emp1os10/4the.
need for correctise iheasures-On a
large -scale. • •
One Sunday morning the 'pahtor
of a. congregation noticed that, an
'Old -face had_reappeared Among hi,s
flock and after the sermon welcomed
the supposedly repentant Nick -
slider: "This is the first time you've
,been to, ehurch.: leng
he said. 'I'm glad , to ged you."
"Ah done -had to conie. -An needs
strengthenin'. I'se. got a job, white-
washin' ,a chicken .coop an' buildinl
a fencrouxid 41,4Yfiteriner4114ntaliP
• • '-'",Ai;:i1.•?'"•;•••,
ieffrfrOAS ,,,,,
4.4,4.4,4. •
,Syru• -Vrep Cgoorwnd foBrr::t.-:rurer6::; sr
the:. doctor recOmmends
Crown`Brand Corn Syrup as.
part of my diet.
BUT—why tie it down to me?
viaab.Psut..411S-YY°1/9.tlairC)791V• rira0d4
nig? o 'sweetener? And 4whi-o not mention hoW
'cleliciou's Is with pancakes., cereals'and hot waffles?
Yots ,can't Icid ma, mom. Crown brand Com Syup.I.i*
good for all of Us,
1, •
111, 0,110
tmv DsbttR6
rOz. yeas* clocto_ •tecoikunc.,niled
.the%use of crowd Brand. CrOril Syrup „
'at a malaria*, carbohydrate acting'
4hto kaostfeagrari OCIedI Cora Skit&
AleX: ;.'1141111111g is commencing the
ereetion of ne*Pin'ning Mill at
- •- • • ,
The „Toiviiship Council of Stanley
nuS'voted, -POO to the Bayileld 'lire
delnlirtment. towards the Cost of 'a
neW .engine. . .
•The faruflOn the littSe three
miles north of • Clinten, ewned bY
the late Qliver 3. jerVis has been
&old. to Layyrence Stephenson,, pf -the
Miro/ road, „r4-.".
Clinton's se•werage sYsteM, which
hai been under'. constructio1.. for
nenr13,7 tWo years,' letto*r oper-
'ation, Very ,few buildings have had
cennections, Yet; 4.10'sieft)if
and MrS, Wai."•ren fl. May
have Moved. froin • 'Seaford' ••to
Exeter and Mr. May has jelned the
firm of Jones & May, 'Exeter .i'mer-
ken Huieser, . sixteen-year-oid
Egmondville boy, Was' thrown to the
ground froth a loa.d' ;ot hay When
the ,tea th he was driving ran away
and :the wagon passed over him.
He waS taken, to the Seaforth hes:'
Pital with • undetermined injuries.
Mrs:4,, M. 'McMillan, Sea -
forth, ▪ have received word by cable
Of the safety. Of their -son, '3Iiles
111cAllilap; at Bagota,' Columbia,
where destructive riots occurred re-
cently. Mr. McMillan • is on,...the
staff Of Tropical..011-bo. at 'Pigott'.
Wednesday, April 21st, was the
• ninetSr-sixth birthdaY anniversary of
Daniel Smith, ,urich. The old'
g•entlenTan is the 'father of Chester
L. Smith, Publisher -of- The 'Zurieh
Herald; andLaxiatherson-is-Glaryton
0. •Smith, proprietor •of the Peace
Grove Farni on the Blue Water
•HighWay south of St. Joseph.
. Mr: and Mrs. Coates of
.Exeter c'elebrirted their.golden wed:
ding anniversary on Aprir Gth. Be-
fore moving to Exeter they +farmed
in Usberne township arid Mr. Coates
was a. meniber- of the Township
Council for- many years and reeve
for four years. There are two sons
zinir two. daughters.
Of Goderieh, township, died en April
Gth in his seventy,SeVenth .year. His
Wife predeteaSed hirci ;and surviving,
are Orie son, Tem- - on the. -hbane-
Stead, and three daughters, Mrs. Al-.
fred Scotelimer„. 'Hamilton; ,Mrs.•
William, Barber, St; Thomas,: and,
Miss Wanda, of, the' IncOme,--Tax-
Luckno* Business •
,111eti Elect Officers
• At • the ,annual meeting of the
Lucknow Business -Men's Association
officers were -elected as follows:
-President,TE:. lini:die; secretary-
reaSurer, Harold. Ritchie executive,.
thWelra.'Wes. lingo'''. T.,
MacMillan,A. E. .31cEini and
Pepper-LDalryinple •
. At tlfe Brncefield„ Utmuse, -on April.
10th-. Rev. E. R:•Stanzvay performed.
the • ' Marriage -ceremony uniting
Helen Grace. daughter of W. 11
Dalrymple. Brumfield, and RaY-
mon'd Pepper, son of Mr. and, Mrs.
'John_ }I':Zepper. Stanley township.
The -cm:11)1e will make their hemp
on the' 2iad concessithi of Stanley.
attaw4; Xpril 20-7-;Cew 1104/narks
n• the number ofpoliayhelderS, amount
• liteinauranethrforeeAnd figments
o policyholders were „ attained 1)y
. 4'etropo1itaii We insurance ComPany
ji Canad,a during 194/, Glen. J, spa,bri,
,a the company's Canadian,
•Perations,-Imiloanced ‘coneurrently
Vith the publishing of MetrePelitan'a
annual.statement„ ' • • „ - •
The' nutriber polloy4olders
'Canada at the end of 19471114 2,340,000,
$11ewi1g tilaf fl,PPTPxin11401Y one Out ,Of
ve Canadianis a 1‘4',etropelitan
fiblicyhelder, -TI e", amount' - -life
-•insurarree that 't.keY held 'vitas
sg,0,83,391,707 eororaire'd ,w;ith
$1,937,785,40 9lu 1946. T, 1947 state -
Tent shows'that '58% of this. total
"isel%c(w-tyed inliyctu• sOoridtiiinarporilopyohlioeichrool;.d;prsd,
11%'"bY Groan pelicyholders. •
The illriP111# paid-fOr insurance
issued during 1947 was $209;634,649, g
OfigliTeanadiaWniliclahusicnateSrsiedin' Mfoertere°Pb°16yita'onn'de
•the two -billion mark for the 1.•ist time
IA its 7,5 years of operating h Qanada:
Payments,to Canadian pelidActlders
and their beneficiaries last year ammint,
ed to $36,222,913 in death claims;
matured pelicies, dividends and other
payments, Payments were made at.the
rate of $343.61 a rainilte of each
business day, and of the total Amount
69% was paid to living,policyholders,
In this • connection' -Mr. Spalm
pointed out that the total amount that
Metropolitan has paid -to Canadiane
since it entered Canada in 1872, plus
thi,t amount now invested in Can'ada,
exceeds the total premiums received
from Canadians by more than_
)end of -1947' • arnoutOd-
Metrepolitanl totarinvestm' :nts in
to $4$0,303,977: Of this al:hi:cunt, 51%
s in Dominionof CanadaJ3onds. Since
the close of the war Metropolitan's
new investments have gone increasingly
te belp Meet the needs of industry and
the- community?. just as they were
loinbefore the •
• At the 'end of 1947, Metropolitan's
asetsfor its entire operations in
Canada- and the United -States stood
it S8,548,422,601: 'These asSets,of
xhich $3,876 -92l,624 were in Canadian
Indnited,Statea,government bonds,
-were held 1 -to adstire Itilfilment
obligations .to policyholders, bene-
ficiaries, and other a amounting to
$8,04_8,865,24, with general . snr ph;
;fonds amounting to_.$499,557,356 which
4resented abont six percent Of the,
company's obligations.
• Chieflir because of the- decline in the
ate of -interest earne& on investments;
Metropolitan is revising dividend scales
, 4
TXTUA.SDAZ Anti,to 104-8
,ttn-r..- •
aterr3 srAnN
r5.0cOn4 Vice-Tresideng in charge of
the Canadian Head Ofre, who.
.-ijvii-oly.tgat the -total-, amdunt the.
Metropolitan Life has pai‘l, -tot-
Canadians since -it erRered Canadec
1872,plus the amount now ;in--
vested- in Canada, exceeds the
total premiums received froet Cana-
dians by more than MO6,000,000.
for Ordinary and Induatrial
This involves a redualon in dividends
manfcases. In`gpite of this, however,
the amount reserved for dividends te
policyholders payable •in 1948 wag'
$141,215,117 which is anew high total
to the increase in the amount of .
business in force, Of this amount,
Ordinary policyholders will 'receive
$64,907,117, Industrial .policyholdera
$45,655,000; group policyholders
.(excluding accident .and health) -
$22,725,009, and Accident and Health
policyholders $7,928,000. Including the
declaration for .1948; •Metropolitan wilI.
have paid to policyholders in.the „form
of.dividends a total of $2,54,$45,836.
As Metropolitan's business in „
'Canada,..as well us in the Unitdd States,.
o eh - •• high_ whits, •sii the.
company's efforts to improve health. '
have continued at their peak. In .
Canada during1,947, a, total of 234,835„
nursing• -visits
sured tinder Metropolitan Industrial,
Intermediate and Group policies. In
addition, the compa,nr.took , part in
54 Canadian health,'campaigns, and
0%0,500,00 painphlets on health and,
safety Were distributed.
. . .
• Cc
Your Local --Representative
Qualified- nieniber of the OrdinaiY Leaders Cluh..
'SAVES YOU TIME—You NVIi1 find" that a few minutes i week' keeps your_
TUfltBOOk up -to -;date.- The first 15 -p-ages of your dew Farm
Account Rook tell a straight story about what is required from farmers.
Your problems are. dealt .wish in question,and_answer form ancLan„ index
, refers you quickly to the section you want. The pages and columns for
accounts are numbered to correspond with the items on the Income Tax
' Return form itself. You can makeanaccurate record of all farm dealings -
as you go. alongI
You Haven'tReceived
• Your: Coriii_Gei it Now,
advantage of the lowest possible
tax and it may be datedback to,
• 1946. These are direct MOney-
saving advantages entirely to our
. benefit. '
110111(1 -Every. Punier legally is en. You can't lose if you take
tided to deductions for a wide Advantage of this. Two things
.• 'variety fif expenses.-- Your Farm are .necesSary to average your
Account Book has, 12 pagesde! income over tire three:, year period
voted to tOlumns•for*these,, You -ending December 31, 1948tirst_
armed ofitertts'-whichtither.. MOVICISVEtaj
wise yo naight &Eget. Deprecia, ON TIME -that is, by April 30,,
• 'non, a big factor, is !covered on•75 - 1948.. Theri when you .file your
nanjed 'articles in coramon farm 1048 -return in 1949 . you May
•use. make appiicaion to average your
incoine-for 1946-19474948. Thii.
You, are_ shown ho,W to .establish averging .8f income cotidntie
ye.ar sd'ahat-inarlf.ye-ar'yOEFFor —
a Three -Yea Average of your -re- taxed Only on the average of eaCli:
• turns. This latter gives- yOu the three year period. "
• ,
Last year: 'Canadian farMers-and there are nearly a million -Of them --
produced over -42,000,0600 in faith' produce.of.all kinds. No other-
single'industry approaches agctIture° in vOlmile cf piio-ductlon. And as• •
in, eery other buSiness-,--eVen* the smallest -every farmer -Inuit file art. ..
account of his transactions with the 'Department of National Ilevenue
qualify for the troiiy taX xeraptionS
, •
' ' •