HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-04-22, Page 4• 497, •I4 • _ THE GOtiERIbli,°,SIGISTXL-STAU *tMH1_71fi�rists 1S VKINTSTOCEVOICINEWEritirit-WWWWVOLLOWING isTocK WCR suotTLD-,EE PLANTED, AS ' SOON AS POSSI[W, FOR 'Douo-Ejts,, Ropu MApDENS, .A TrawsJITpX4PY'°-ILE'ser ornops laps orSeson, I Will Sponsor iraseball , and Softball iu Varioui'., kit/ISIP*4;(4,S$P$01 CMOrs) 5-10e per plant r • 44 T11:e 01414$ e fielsr'grOwn pIants started last 14. and transplanted frefe. ou3 . greenhouses to ale field ettrlY lasl aU They a're easily Several tiineSlax*er than box grown pansieS • lithich are nOrmallY offered later in,•the SeaSon, for t"`)00' te afie'p'er :box of' OveiVe. •The sinairot,ot theNe•plants' have .4-5 btanches. ''VliefifAS., (Asserted tol.ors),' ' 10f per plant olas: are often dalled-P'erennial PansieS.'as eotapared • to' ortillierYries-Witieb---a-rereall-Y-4.iennithottell7theY- Of ten:-:- fet3eedetilemse1veSt 'A, somewhat enialler 'Ana with sinaller bide= than tho Pansy, they, bloora throughout the -entire season in our 'Arteekarden ivbere we have had Some plants' for several years. WBREflA (Pate mauve in color) •• ' 20c per plant Perfectly hardy perennials excelleat for reek garden work or where -a „Low i spreading perennial is.desired. We have also groWn 414reila in our rock garden for years. - ALYSSUM (Yellow)' 15e per plant Another excellent perennialfor. tock garden or for low, sPreadin„ Work. These plants; spread to •f9rzu a perfeEt met of 'color atter -one or tiWo seasons a grOvetb. The above listed plants are alllop quality andare priced 5 to 10 cents per plantlesS than the same Auality plant from a nursery. ° FOR YOUR -GARIMN • ii[EAD LETTUCE $1.00 per flat of,„32 plants or 35e'box of 10 Excellent, bushy planes, just rig,ht for transplanting. This.. year vvitha ban on imported vegetables, grow some head lettuce in your eWn garden. NOW is the time to plant it. •• Head lettuve has been in 'tbe field in, Essex Connty for 2 3 weeks now.. It is frost hartii-and requires the early, cool Weather to form a good • head. Ahnost all failures of head lettuce to form geed beads is due• to too late planting resulting in too much heat prior to maturity of the lettuce. NURSERY STOCK 1 . • •,. JAOK,SONit'r FLORISTI'S handle the nursery stock of two of the • largest and most _reliable nurseries in Ontario. We draw a commission . for handling this_ stock. You pay less than if yOu Ordered direct because we absorb the shipping and handting costs. FOr the best in Evergreens, Shrubs:. Perennial's, etc., see us. Our edvide, is free. • P.R. ONE 105 BRUCE • ST. W INGHAM', April 15. Two hundred enthusiastic.,sportsMenfrom all parts of Western Ontario eon- wened here for the"' annual spring meeting 'of the Western 004410 .thteieAsSaciation. • Reviewing the,, pas,t. Year's iteSivitlee, "the 117,04.4,,, has just completed one AiT the- best" hockey seasons since -inaligurittiOne With teas in-aetiOlit'frontDeeember Aprit of Jliis Year. Presideut th,efg in the 'chair for Lthe-ineeti o • continued co-eperation for the coming ball ,seasdn. • .• Meeting -here for :the purpose of drawing e'p plans for' the summer Months, the W.O.A.A. will sponsor the followipg baseball series; 'Inter- mediate. junior, juvenile, midget, bantam, peewee, The W.O.A.A. will affiliate with the 0.B.& for all hard- ball series. aild adopt their rules, except one • rider whereby twelve miles by well travelled highway be the distance a team may draw a player. The deadline for entries is May ist. Playleg certificates June 15th: • e- - • l'The Association will spenSer the f411.0wipg series in Softball: Inter- mediate, A, B, C, over 1,000. ponula- tion. 500-1,000, population urider 500, junior, juvenile, midget, bantam, peewee. Ladies' softball also will he featured. The, W.O.A.A. has ap- Referring to the "dep1orab1e-6n= Plied for an affiliation ,with the Iition" of Victoria Park, teresoltition 0..A.S.A. and will --uSe-itheir rules was •passed at an executive meet - except for three: Residence rule • •Ing -of. the Coderich Board of Trade . Enthusiastic intereSt ',marked, the' tweut$'-sepud annual meoting of the Izidies' section, of Alaitland. Gelf Club, field 'on Monthly. With. M. 71 flan- of •°Myers- resulted as• follows: President,• 'Miss Merjorle, Macile; viee-presidents;•ilirg., D. D. MoolleY, seeretarY-tre#!surer:il Miss M. Thortieloe. " liouee committee, --- Mrs. N, Jacicstn4 :NUS, A. „A, Nicol,: yeners; ;Ws. Graham, T. a. Costellefe, j.-; Gardner, Sliss J. Saunders, lirs„Ea_r1 Mc- Laren, • Mrs, Frank Rad.. Mrs;• L Papetniek, Mrs, W.- Coulthurst, Miss Mary Evqiis.: • , • SP0rts conunittee----MAss UzeUi obuinptekti-;--MrD'ed-Worth-Y” assistant; -Miss L. Irwin, Miss E, •Paters'on, Ikliss Margaret -Evans; Mrs. 0.4111Singer, Mrs. Fred Rouse; Miss 1‘.1arion, MacKay, Miss' Marg- N e t er len ds, immigration at eret Bruce. Chatham. • Arrangements were, made for .a, The moVemeat orNetlfeifiends ine field day to he held., en Thursday .0f • naigrantS. was initiated in• a Duteh each month; and a two -ball- four- church at Oluitharn and was later assumed• in turn by .the .Ontario ahd the, ylederal,Governaleun,, „The party of four families onTuesday was the first to come direct to u amines rive Jiere lupuigrauti from Honito. ri4d, eiint1 oil ,rs Four ,ifiallies from the 'ether - lands arrived In UOderiell. on Tues- -day by tram. • The party •Comprised' eight adults and, seven- teeti• childree. • TbeY left • their, uatiVe' farm lands- ,in ,Holland' to (tees the- Atlantie'ie alAitelt ves,,s,ek and on Arri'llti" tiUt aboard., u. colonial 'iii whielf tile f travelled frOM, the 'east 'G de Th were tired c 'est. tok, o r C „ „ e het happy es, tp..ey *pro greeted by liqrou eolnify •farniers.• and byJos ional 'Employmeet Office. • bete ' who had been notified -of their. arrival by: 'el i 1 c t officer -of JOU. 1 uga p e some 9_11 Tuesday evenings'."• The. annual _bridge •pArty will be held at the club ..houie.aan Friday, June 18th, to' be convened by Mrs.:, Murphy. • Tea was .served At the close of • .Goderie.h. • • the "meeting, with Mrs, N. O.- Jack- The little children, -ranging in age son •and, Mrs. C. •Sehneiker , as from infant in artias to approxim- ately tenor twelve years, were fair- hostegses." haired bright little things-,' wear- ing Iioods and warm coats. In the balmy spring au. which prevailed when the train arrived, •the mother - of the largest family discarded her coat; but was kindly advised to take .it with her in the ear, by the•farmer to Whose ..'Place they 'Were -going. The 'men looked tired 'and weather- -beaten, but_a_.happy ,feeling of com radeship 'was *noted as they con - . versed ip theirt„native 1,angt1age. -Mr. • aid DeWeerd and seVen children, of Dwingelo, Hol- land,- were as,signed tojhe farm of Cfeiger) A.R. p„,„ whosg;tiv-e-dtiat car was packed to the, lthlt. a trailer behind carrying, separate house oe his .farm for the new•familY, but •admitted, he' was a bit napplussed about „providing fOod for the present; btitgarnel rose, to the oceasidn by 'Stating all would' get -edjusted .in time. • • • Mr'. fled Mrs. 1..; Klitevrand three Derkje. NV.iebrig3e and Lysbeth, were assigned 'to • the fa mi. Of, L. .Eedy:13ungainfon., Mr. and '3Irs-: P•-lieemer.sand five children, Hiltje. Baukentkaltje: Wel- nmed, Penne and Paulus, went with Mr., W. Ratz to his -farm near Crediton. Mr. M. K. Jolms6n.• R.R. 2, Auburn, was at the.statioh-to Nce-1,•• Come Mr, and 11"011rItla two children. Lyepetli Bud Dirk Ape. The woinbil did -not understand nor speak Englieh, bit * -one- or.'l-w.o. :of thr,' men:did suffielently to answer - • questions. . • - , . BOARD OF TRADE URGES ,, CIVIC IMPOVEMENTS • . {gin nged - to -May- ist„,-dista n ce f o _ported Player. twelve miles; entry deadline- • May • 1st playing '-cer- tificates, Rine 15th ;birth certificates, minor series, July- 1st. LION'S HAD BIG DEFICIT ON 'BASEBALL LAST YEAR 0•4 ' re: . SIONM'CHAIRS and u lier1,5 occasional zhairs,:iiirch and waInu;,' frames, rep, • Velour And, silk .coverings, web and spring. Seats. Re- eliiirs with ottomiile- • -- Every One REDD.O-D PRI -OE for one :W9e1.' • , 1.11CA4F—L-A-MPS- Ladirebt floor Tanws, giving you 100-200 or 300 watt • ht,- with 3 oa,ndles,'r and handiewn -Silk shades. All Conste1eirfe...$15.95 •.pHONE, 399W . A recommendation that -entries he mada foe -miner baseball tetimS this. season was passed at anexecutive meeting, of the- Goderieh Lions 'Club on Tuesday night: „The recominend- • ation •-is. to 'be brought before': a ----,-•tierin 'meeting of .the club in .May • ..for apprdval.-- . • P ' .1t was revealed that there. was .. •a. deficit of severalitullifired ,dollars' • on the operation of the teams laSt year. Doubt was expressed by some as 'to' whether 'the players' apprecl- ated what was done for them ,And • hit was-1•,..nggested that only one team e entered . this year in order to. . a vpid . continued fi ri a n ci a 1 loss •in - •sponsorship of baseball. Othersoin:•-' entered tho-nrtruatt• te:tnisos.h. ortld wbal., .' finally decided to recommend to 11 ' general meeting of the .club that -all,''teamS 41e- Sponsored. again -this ;- coming season. n order, to keep a elle& on ex- Penditures for .basehail• teams, s the • . Lions appointed N.ormare-Miller,fts •Ernauelal Manager .and purchasing agent;-: without *hese apProval no purchases could be mede, . ., ..,... • -Nip" - Whetstone reported . that on the operation of tbeLions.hockey. teams during the past winter there • was a„ deficit . of more than three - hundred d011ars. These teeth's, were the •Midgets. Snvenilei. Peewees and Tinntnms. A ' vote. of ' Sincere ap- preciation was extended to ° Lion_ . Whetstone for -the time. and. interest he had :given to the managing_ of_ - the--11-6-e-keY-fealtii. .; . Wednesday night -urging that it be "cleaned' tip and • kept clean." A letter. to this effect- .1.S to he for- warded to' the t own • Council. . A.' Mair, of the resolution, W. A. Mair, stated there- was consider-; able broken', glass 'Over the. field which was particularly dangerous for 'children:. Mr. Malcolm Mothers .pointed" outthat with SOTinitny :tour: ists passing this perk ia the stinpver time it was not in ei•conditiqi to he any. particular credit to th.e • The .ehairmAn. of the 'civic cone, was voted. fifty 'dollars' for expenses - in bnnection • With----tn beattelfleation campaign, May. -.44 to • .r.rhe tourist eoininittee whs author- ized to-ereers,igns at the approaches to the to*ii advising tourists that there is • a to-nrist • information booth in the Square • for their con- venience. The tourist;.committee is to have charge of the May. Meeting; Mr. H. D. Helstrop stated- that the---Tinited -States -.,censnl , 'at 'Ham-. n- recen t i tor, to God e-- rich And was. impressed With his visit here.., He made a quick "Stirvey of the town • from ,an industrial .standpoint. _in -eluding • a ,survey on the pessibilitieS••for exporting goods through •Gederich port to • .United States-eentres.: • ' • • -FUNERAL 'op, 'miss FRANCE'S- JOHNSTON The funeral serviee. for Miss -Prftuees--hnston;'-w-hlY-passedaway- on Wednesday of- List week.• was conduCted by Rev. G.' -W. H. Medley on Feeley afternoon at the Bropbey funeralhome. The interment was -in Maitland -remetery. the pall-' bearers being .David. Green, Jas. Campbell: Wm-. McLean. .D. Wig- gins,\. Newcombe and R. ;Tames. Th age- a t tend ing from_ a 'distance --ivere.'1,ir., and Mrs. Panl •teinploWski and son, .TohnSton, • ef -,--Detroit.: Mr. REV.DR,. O. HAXEN •Digs AT -LQNDON George Neil izeh, former •heloited Pastor •pf Igort11 street- ket1ia4tst (now. United) (tura, died on Sunday at Victoria capital. London., .whieh cit he had resided „Siti"Ce 1s tetirenient from 'the active • mirtistr, fOftteen Scars_ ego. Dr. -Hazen, WAS, eighty,f, Xears of ag,e. ITis feur,,Year 'Paito.ral term in Goderieh WAS front 4004 10. 1008, MI it ""waS cinting• ft15 term 'Oat the . present ,Nortb, ;street churell. " •06,i17 it. Port ROWan, December 18621, pt. Hagen was ti pubTfe teaeber ',far five years before entering,:the ininistry; lie entered tbe ViiiversitY of TorontO, and grad- uated In 1895' vvitrhonors phiios- QPTIY. :The seme year he „completed' theologF,a-mt„-w„ &fined in the London': Methodist'. 1 Coeferenee, " .Subsequently,, Dr. Hazen. ,served, in the Methodist ministry at Strath toy, his •first charge; at Wyoming; Divin'e street church:, Sarnia, •-where- he- spent two terms; at Listowel: Blenheim; North street Methodist church, Gocierich ; Wellington,street Methodist church. London; andSen- tennial Methodist church London to -which be later returned after it had become Centennial _United,'and • from whieh he retired in 1934. • " In 1914 he was elected' president of the London Conference of the 'Methodist- Church, and throughout his ministry he served 'on various bonrds and ,committees in connec- tion with the church. For thirty: seven years he was an the board of management of Almft College. Ssi. Thomqs•••• Tn 1919 Victoria • Col- lege.' Toronto, conferred upon him the degree of doetor'of divinity. He was arehiVist-for-the Louden Con- ference and since bis retirement had acted. II'S-Presbyterian chapinin at Victoria Hospital, His wife, Annie. predeceased lifin Seven years. He is -Survived by a sister', -Mrs.- C. D. Pletcher: Salem, Oregon. A sister. Mrs. W. A. Clarke. London, died n number of -years ago. Huron Liberal. Association ENSAII TOWN nes Murnhy: "Hare ve seen Pat late - ',IV?" Mike: "Faith., yes. 1 thought T saW him :on the ether side of, the rend Yesterday, apd he thoright. be saw but bezorra. when- we21-a-01- Ian -to one •another it 'was -neither •• of 'Us, • ••.. .„ • . , • . -PRIZES PRESENTED , , Wm. Cie -Ogle. Mr. and Mts. - Albert Craigie, Mr. and Mrs.. Beg: Craigie nn AT BOWLERS' SMOKER . a dein:liter, Mr. Samuel "rraigie, , Mrs. Andre* • Hopkins, Mrs. Fred ' Sinit4L.,Zys.Irl TV_21 ippe Mesa," .T. B. Cii.i..ie i•-ind T(Wit-ertaiwris, tobernlie1W--* -nr. -Anil- Mrs_Chester Farquhar find ° Miss Katharine Martin, of Clinton. . The trophy- for the league eham , pionship. went, te0oderich French LAWN BOWLING' • - 11ry ,Cleaders. The team was com- , posed of C. Adams: L. Burrow's, r. -TOURNAMENTS FOR 1948 ktnith. I. Rumig and C.,Liewery..._ . ., , „_______ :. PreSentation of the trophy waS fnade Tournament cliates for district No. b,t the chairman, "Sid" Shenton.., 4. of the ProVincial Lawn Bowling , • -1 _ . ,Awards were presented , 'also. to Assneirition luive been -arranged as . the followingWliff. McManus, for ftfilmvs : • •_ • , , • high single' score:. Bill Wilson for Stine• 2. 1,30 p:rn,. Goderich, doubles • • _ high triple seore: Clayton Nivins June 3, 7.30 p.m.. St. Marys. trebles for high average. , " • •Sune 7, 7:30, pam, N!-tcheil. teAtes Runnere-up to the winniug Gode- June 9. 7.30 p.M., Seaforth. doehles Tien.. Freneli pry Cleaners team wa,.. jene 14. '7,30 pan„ flieten. ' trebles the Goderieh Elevator tenni, Win - ping team of the eensolatien series sill,: •the- Lions Clbh term. ' A highly'. 'ftecesSfel Industrial :League bowling season was .ended _last Friclay_niglit_when more than; 100 bowlers attended a "smoker"' at 'the Britisii, Exchange Hotel. • '14,4m4.1411111 • Will C. Ma **son Blue Water Piano and 'Piano Accordion Studios. - Gift -Shop and, Tourist I:. • Home Away from Home. -Picton St. — .Phone 286 • 16tf •,•••••••.•••••••••... t. 74.4 TITOODAT,. tyil nudge! lVIERCOY FOlpOR 'SEVOT 1-847 cipvItozzir sEximt COUP,g, 1946, CILEY4OLETORDOit SEDAN 1939 Doli0E FOBDOR §.ED4 ivitji*UOW faq,tbry pbuilt motOr.- 1929 MopEz, Fogi), I • 1444SEYN"yilith-avto.:7A. Rgwer 3.01, jr.,, , • borbor,t1 Garai 2n-cf, 1048 11 ,ST. ANDREWS ST. pHoNg,625W- GOERICH . • • OBITUARY CAPTAIN EARL .TIPTKIN The death. of Captain Smiles Earl Jenitia, known in Oederich, occurred on Manday at his home. at Lucan, affer- e year's illness.*Boru in Colborne. - township, Captain Jenkin was. the"..sen of the late Mr.' d Mis. Edward Jenkin. Slucehis inaEriage to Viola Hodgins he had jived at .Lucan. He .had sailed the :Great Lakes sipee the age Of nine- teen- 'year -8' 'and for . twenty years was with the Imperial .011 COM- A:fatly, And Was master of tre tanker . (lately renamed the Cornivallir He IS survived by his wife and four sons. He was a. member of Maitland Masonic 'Lodge • . and of Huron, Othlfellows Lodge, Goderich. Rev, L. C. Harrtion 02.• ficlated at the funerarServiee at the , family residence on Wednesday) .and intmenent was in St. James' -ceme- , tery, Clandeboye, where Masonic' burial rites were performed., by Maitland Lodge, .Goderich. . • BOOST THE GODERICH LIONS CLUB'S "PERCIII-DERRY" •In -your Rersonal letters -t�' friends in Western Ontario, tell them about it. Buy an entry ticket yourself (wily . 50 cents). and now on sale at the refreshment booth in the • bathing.. house at the _dock. First prize is -$50 cash -and, itt -additioii, other valuable prizes tor largest perch caught. • • THE VOL. LOWING. ragio-HANTs AND FIRMS • SPONSOR TRIS.`' ADVERTMEMENT IN :HE INTERESTS OF A SUCCESSFUL "PERCH DERBY." . < • Equippewith new, '1Vge lee storage„ we are noW 7to. fill. your seasoiiii. ice requirements:- -4 '1111RON -ICE- CO. . June 1(Li7.30 p.m.. Stretford. rinks .Thne 21.7.30 pan.,:tnvistock. treblee , _Time' 23,1.30 p.m.. Wing:hal* donbrs 'Hanna, trophy) Juni, ,23. 7.30 p.m., Mitehell:-Itrebles June, 24, 7,30'p1rn., St, Marys, trebles .Trinel 25, 7.30 ; p.in . -. -Exeter, doubles X provMed pleasant evening for •' (purity Flour trophy+ ever eighty »Pl*SpOS at the' lliasonie..Tn" ly 1, 7.30 p.m.. St. Marys, dobbleS, i ° , a • ,TeMple on Wedeesday evening. -the .Tilly5. 730, Pan- Mitehell, trebles 4111/,)(14rQ.. fit a500.' were -Ari.,, Aviri. Tidy 7.- 1.20 p.m:. E,X.efer, ,d0iib1es 'Mills and S. Ti... Wheelq; 2nd. Mre. 'July 7 '1'36 P '111 ‘4VitiRlini 'l11114.1eq.' •M. .1. Ainslie and T. Sniulv : -Iird. ., • . , • .• • . . ' ... • (11n in iften:iroph71., ..itr.,„ Evelyn sentse nna .w. 4-,,. .Tilly'. S. 1,30 p.m., LneknoveAmibies •, minders. , - Liineli Wns served to .• July S. 7.30 p.m..,St. Merys, doubles epheinde the 'evening's program. .. .Tii ly 9, 7.30 p.m:. rs h.:, tford, doubles 1.""" • Jiffy 12. 7.30 ; p.m.. F.1,xoter, trebles• • 1--- • .---„..- i -., 1y 14. 1.90 p.m.. 9eaf rth, tr 1es . • Fulle,r :13rusit6s_ (Expelleiree Flout troplec') ' • .. , if we niisied ; YOU oif our . ;Tilly 19, 7.30 p.m., Tavistock. rinks •spring trip write us- or Phone Jilly 21. 1.30 pan., Gailericli; houbles ...otleet; , - ' ' '''' ' (Hunt trophy) After May 15 we . exeeet to' 'July ,22, 7.30 p.p., St. Ntarysl treble's?* • 1July '23. 7.30 pim., Exeter,l treble • Gotleiieli phone nimiber will be .a(lVertised,' ' . :Tinly 2R; 1,86 PAL, ,Seitfortli •* ' 4111:V 20., 7.:01: tue11,11,1:0inng. ,r1Ii::$ . ( r.rastis.. playaowitliiki,- loiefte ,in Goderich Avheri, ' a Ilie.;Aiteanthne,..1.S::;.iorna , K- - Aug. "2; 1.30 ;Pan.: -gtra Void; ehle EN .TREITZ S Al lje., 4, 1,30 prxr.,- Wifighatil. -doubt's' 'Varna •• Ont. g:' An 'Phone Clinton "82a-R-42•(Western' Foundrytroplizir 4, MO pan.. TaVistock;doubr Aug.A • .• ug. 0, t,.30 p.m,' Mitchell; rinks , ' .17x Aug. 9, 7.30 p.m., Stratford, rinks' Aug. 1.1.. 1.80 pan., SeafOrth, ,tinks , (13oShart riirtilture*trophy) Mg. -12, 1,130 p.M.,„LnekiroW, ,treblea PAINTS 4 Bit AIMS Aug- 12, 7.30 0 11,111., ,st. aarys, trebles PLO -GLAZE • • Aug. 18: 7.30 Pant, Clinton, doubles Ang: 18;1.3pan., Ilteter, doubles , . Mtg. .25. 1.86 pat:. StratfOld, ritikg WA.t0),APEItS '''' ' ept. , 1, 1•.gf4 p.tn.i N'Vingham trebles' .,(4erchants.*_,Nlanufaclurers ,' .'., •-'4ournainent) ' • ,stiltWolvrtrif, , Odpkieh 110ifi Sept. .601..A60),t11., ttlekrIPW;dialbitg ,,8011t.. 8; 1.40 pan. Seafortb, doubleS • , ,.. :1Tip Too trivhy) Sept.' 1q, 140 6.nia gederteht doutiot pplivoice Shop,, , - . , (Wood trOPhY) „ It „, deOrge Viathlogon ,of Godefleh o 'Obinigh) ''PrOpe! ' idistfid. elutirtnad; IL ,Itiverb,' a pRONE iti Fhceter, is diStriet Vieti-Chtfiraian ,ttga ofGodkritliIs _sNite-' titty4teasoter.- :' ' • . • A GET-TOG1F,ThER PARTV A joint- eard party of the men's and ladies' • Lawn Bee-lhig -Clubs at 840 , for the purpose, of -nominalcipg. a Oandids,te to contest the - riding of Huron in the forthcoming •provincial --elections interestit of .the Liberal -prpry.„:. — IRt?Yk.,ICALIOIX/SOB: 'Preidde# Special speakers will „be , . . 11 Farquhar (Hive Leader of Liberal party of Ontario. Golding, and °theme._ WHYTE - - Secrettiry ct-t N's • ' • iluilt-ashcrrt phone paii to our office and yoii.r alt -e ou ;their v.tay to a bended cold storage vault, They!re'scientifieilly ,pr,oceff.: d'nd kept is.fe.froni: •niothsri drying heat 'and theft, All Of this at low:. . -7-at prices in,:ti,rra. Phone fiT into 2 Raw • L rasirieri, PHONII '85 '• MacDONALD • ELECTRIC 64 BRITANNIA ROAD PHONE 24. CURRY'S TAXI - _ PHONE 3383 , • CANADIAN TIRECORPORATION -ASSOCIATE STORE NORTEST. „ \ • • PHONE 69 II. O. JERRY . COAL .AND COKE GODERICH- -HARBOR • PHONE 22 • -JOHNSTON • & MAL4OUGEL, MACHINE SHOP HAMILTON ST. I • - PHONE 40:6W ESELL: BROS. •• • T,gE. siluARI. • PHONE 288 '.4nommumn, ' - AINSLIE MUT -MARKET- THE SQUABE • -111...:CitAl;t1STPN COLD ST,GRAGE AND 4.4OCKER SERVICt KINGSTON ST.' •PHONE- 350 PliONB: 21. • ,THIESO , •glageTitic AND ACETYLENE 'WELDINCt. 14EVITGATE ST PHGNE, 06Vit it7 44, PURITY FLOUR MILLS 00DERT011, MO; PLUMBING PARJC ST, HEATING INDER 'RE111 mziAL waltz • PRiC 1.27, _