HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-25, Page 7Universally Celebrated In. all 'Christian ''churches, Easter• s celebrated as. one' ,of the most important of til the religious: holidays. ' seems to n.. tklat. the day: sliolld" be .ce1ebrate`d. like.. *rise • inevery C gist a> heart, for the ,w'pronise 4f Easter is a preciouspr oniise o • indeed. .. • No bnaalness radii agora to fac,. rhke: w hich. uhould fie .covered; ly.*oa ► Isnee. ,.Let ,u9 enable your neeat, epf*l • liow insurance can protect your f teaipepi from less in many'.waya andAtgraX1.$0 phi ned Pil •ev, uµliti Wes. We *rite. "Pilot Insurance to rover'44- esctetl mala In Automobile, Fire, Peroottel Property Floater, Bnritlary, Cargo, Ela loo Teamo, Plate ,Glas., General oar* lits Liability, Fide + .and Surety laoadi„ . a J. W. ' Crat l e eriicil Goeo. G. 1YlikeBwan ;?Goder efi Gordon':Jewell, E.R. 6, 'Godoileb 7Representi . NQ,. '1'R[TSTA' 4 r'l!. l.1 ig notice, mum;-"°-said;xhe newly -engaged maid, ".I find ~ Qu don"'t trust me."- ' "But, Mary, . you only cametvo'o saimmominenumaiwammummew F1.OYD M: LODGE DIRECTOR :„F3 TAYLOR'S OORNER, March 23. --Several from this comiunity at - formerly, Oinniiiii,arri_& Pryde-) , _ Clinton;' -Exeter, 'Seaforth Write -fix 1.50, or p}.ione 4].J,: Exeter and we shall be pleased ,to call. tended the ,commencement ill Gode- rich Collgiate Institute on i ridgy evening last. A splendid: program was. presented by the , students, Diplomaswere ° iresented to gradu- ating ; pupils% after which .moving pictures -were shown inthe assembly. hall while 'die^young people • danced in the Gni.• hreryone welcomes 'this: Lovely spring,,:weather.thougli- road condi . irrx�s---ia-sone-places- a-re--net-=-t • best.' Some culverts' are "out," and the 6th concession near Roy Wil- son's ggkte is almost impassable.' • St. Patrick' -s -;upper. -=A --St. Pat- rick'ssunper'"wa-s"T-aylor coot x : schQ:Quo. wine . e e a,•art ing, Marchr 17th. The :tables' were nicely decorated in a color sLhelne„ of `. green, ' and • white, with :pots of the traditional —shamrock, A, ' de- licious supper, was. served; after, - 1 whidi. the eyening was spent:. in cards and social'. intercourse. - days ago.' 1;gave you the keys of'• the master's desk my , jewel: = ease. and the cellar.: Surely thatwas'Y proof that 1 trusted you," r N "o, 'twasn't, mum, none oZ ,'the. keys fitted,,' • a . FOR OUR ,CON ENGEN , . a Our bonded: representative will be in Goderich every' _hT"_s--aV:..e, I .,• _ --. For information ,concerning .repairs :to: your present machine, availability of new arid rental machines, electile irons and cord controls, sewing notions, and. services, contact SINGER SES , 78 Ontario 'St.,, Stratford Try a :classified ad. in The Signal- -gt-a-r if ;you want 'to buy or—sell anything. • FtnCoghs and Colds - To get ,quick, welcome relief -from. Boughs' and r ; h 8 colds—try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. ' This }safe.,ana..popular--.remedy -is .-recommended: for the relief of coughs;'`colds,-, croupy coughs; sore throats and bronchial troubles, It embodies the medicinal v, rtues ofthe pine and cherry barks. • The- immediate use of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup may check ,ts • cold in itsearly stages. Dry, .obstinate coughs quickly yield to its,prompt and soothing action. __ _ You 'l1 'finny this pleasant -tasting, quick -acting remedy Waal. at drug counters , everywhere. Specify Dr.' Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. , • . a,' . • The -T. Milburn Co., Ldimitod, Toronto; Ont. This aerial view;-1`ii eking -inland; shows the field of massive arca- floes that svvept_down the Maitland River with the rushing flood and jammed 'against the north 'pier (on the 'left) Lifter • Lo'ndon Tree .Press Photograph taking out 1,00 feet. or more of. •this,pier, the torrent swept across at an angle to` the south pier (on the right), where further damage. was done. . During 1948 Ottawa will pay back this tremendous' total- • .' • .: to individual Canadians in the form of ref Inds on . 1942 Income 'rax (Compulsory Savings), and as cash for War Savings Certificate"§ .maturing ' during' the .year. Some of this. money may be coming to•:you. EXTRA MON:CY is always' useful and in home ' s across Canada these' payments Will be „welcoaec,a ualle additions to income. ; But the catch is that this additional spending power, if trans - ated into -imi tediate buying, would -d- almo t-eertainly drive _present' M prices still,:higher and increase, vont own cost of living. It is, therefore, ; if youh budget permits,. to - defer your n t beeRtiorrermwrea ffitrdiSe • tonal CANA,DA SA•V:TI'•iGS- -BONDS. Never for et; , t , money° , . g y you' iiav'e coming --to M -you as, a Tax Refund, th. ar .as the proceeds from, War Savings is- e. ,Certificates, 'fruit df.� • Your .wartiuie .saving-:effor . -I-r r g ti t ep exerts a cash- ossa "- . think'twke ,before yok spend it.. ' •Y:��,�.�;,,��;... v �+��t.'' 4:anadarSoxt-410 tt a �.�'t,` �,1e,..`il•U't"JCha.S4'd-fl�"e�"'-'•i%f�''"'��D:li w� • • p:t>E'y branch of The Royal Bank* o#'' Canada. Y6i ,roan, buy them "otiitriglyr for ottsh; orif you wish, use the p pce ds of your govern ment oheique as a. down;, pament for bonds to be :paid,' for by instalments. 'The protredure is, simplicity itself:. Our nearest branchb isll "'liobk` after all details for ,;Otis /00 .never be. sarr� ynrsa ed,r ' BAYPIFLD, Mar. 22. — Messrs. Refieny Larson and George Heard of Meafor-d opent--the--week-end at their homes in the village. Charles Guest left on Monday to join the crew of the C.S.L. steamer City of -Toronto at Windsor. Mrs. 11. „Lawson of •Stratford moved to the village on Saturday, and will- znake her home, -Here in the, future: - Malcalm MacLeod. left .on Sunda°, WHEELEiS FUNER .I, '..StRVIOE Nu extras charge for the use, 4Aar -Funeral ems; Tarots... - to Street . Prompt Atnbulaixc6 Service e Phone s$5 Res. 355. or. 7 QUJIO ERICH'�,.� MEMORIAL p, ,A�. �pM1"n.. fI�M����'•IY� �..y QL15Ti,QS,M • NIIDWRST' DESIGNS. BEST ,Oli' MATERIALS+. Guaranteed wo kmanship •,.^.prices' that will 'please y . oaut. SAMALL :AGENTS ' FEES Call at our 'office,. or drop us 'a. line to /Bo* 161, Gaderleb. We pleasedcall 'ani hel� R eheoso _ a '•siaitabllo • memorial for ' youur faintly plot. I Sty: Andrew's }St. for :Sarnia,- where he Will, rejoin 'his ship,: Imperial Cobou1 g. for ;the season. . Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and son, of I3ensall, spent Sunday with. Mrs. •N: W. Woods. Mr. and ' Mrs., ' Harold Xing and' Mr. • Anti -..Mrs. 'Harold Atwood of Sarnia :spent Sunday With ;Mrs. C. _Parker. ..Mr. and Mrs:•'MacRenke of Wind- sor spent the week -end With 3tl.rs. .T. Richardson. • • Mrs. TMT. Mack is .spending a few 'Ors in London . this -week. :tire: Josephine -Robinson of Lpn- don was the guest of Mr, anti Mrs.' Grant Turner over the week -end: 'Paster service will be held in Trinity Anglfean.ih ireh at 11•.a,ni. on _iii nday neat,, beginning; the- ser- vie,.es in the morning instead of the evening. • ' 'On Wednesday evening last L.o.L. l-o.-2-4-held--a-Vuec'ess'fu2-euehrc and-• dance in the Town Ilall: -Winners' at euchre were: Ladies' lst, Mrs, Mary-, Gem inha rd ; consolation, Mrs;-. F. "Telford•; gentlemuenn's 1St. Mrs. John 1?eeves ; consolation;tl. Lvans. ' On' .Friday 'evening a successful St. Patrick's social was held in the United. chrrch, :'hilae+- -the- auspices of • the •Woinen'•s` Associ- ation. 'A .fine .program was pr 9- consisting of :songs..vibl n solos, rfkits, . a short . play and a '"fashion parade of - ''Willies," .the dresses dating as far back- as1848 right _up to the past years Owing. to -the weather and the -roads, .` idiot all the dresses; were able to ' be shown. ` Sure, it's delicious, when you marc It s ,with. Canada Corn Starch and it wiltbe a •favrouxitexith the whole -family:, The quality of Canada:Corn Starch the reason for its popularity with haus-ova-res. ves from ' Coast to . Coast. When -your :recipe calls for Corn Starch be,'sure. to use Canada' Corn Starch,' its : dependable : •quay •' ity ensures :exce1len results. - Also Manufaot'iiierr of Crown.Brarcd"Cgfn•:Syiaip p" Montreal Toronto Here's a career for', yOiing Canadiuus an active life with travel, adventure and the satisfaction of serving your country in a famous uar iforrn Never before nits peace -time 1nstory has the ,Royal Canadian Navy had so much. to offer a young man. There' are neva,. *Ts with modern equipment wide -facilities. for•-spur-i-s--aod recreation...:-. and valuable, slabs to learn. This is` a Mares ly job serviu ` with the Royal Cana-'. ,. y dean Navy . , :4" satisfying and secure profession. •t Ynty worry about your. present er, :future .. Phone Carlow Nl15 or write .1 O BINSON ' ur a esutcan are arcs: seut'ati<ve��°� . Calling at foreign ports, sailing.'the high seas, visiting 'other, Countries -- these die all in he line of duty for � y fheT'men' tberRoyal Canadian Na y . • r r `iL V .iii+.' , / M It is' o busy -"exciting life in. the Navy. --and a healthy "'one too `r Plenty of sports and physical training helpl.todevelop evelop_astrong clue. _..,. clue. and . keep;you In'top;conditibnx lluadi D e enouble e ous use � �N rrr �Tr ;'Strtdned, louse nerves are often the cause of" reatles :.nights.• Improper reat,.night after night, quickly folait'ect, by loos.o>t'appetite e,irritability and.` N t tired, run-down condition:. •., For disorders Snell in those, 'Milburn:0i '�IoaXth tfiacl Nerve Pills aro highly beneiieial. Tho iron and other ingredie is • they oontalt help; to .lMpreve°'the ilood.',content,. atimlilate tho nervone - ayaier if and. 'the a►apetito, floc Jgestlen, thee' h lasing to, pa"oinote.•aleep. ' iilbixrau fe" ea�E h ttid Netto '111115.00.. eol4 -et drug counter evorp1►er"eo i ' l."hs T, Mlibern <Co.. itited,, Toronto. pttlt. YO•U .°E;11R'N. A TRADE `You. can „learn about radio tele a^ graphy,• naval gunnery; marine 'and electrical engineering, radar, radio, loran,•.,ond Other specialized skirls, You p n•d' � nev.'.er,regret the thorough pratttsal training' you get the Royal Canadian, Navy. PENSION IOR' :�HE FiYURE The R.C.N. -looks.* after its mend. You':wdl. like the feeling. of financial security and the assurance of free medical' and dental 'care. Rates' of . W pay hclve',been increased, pnd after your service,there is :a generous pension -or-the--rest .0 f.your -life. THE. NAVAL 1E0ERU it. )4*I atr' *Mat'in the mltnent cervica,' �Qu can 3oii t1 e'RCzN (t'teeepre) end of*, • stain, with ay,tia your a +,'tune. he Cornraddead • the crafts. and skills foe' which *Wore Mie tentqus. .•.'Y t ia4s ter trawl! frim 14 avel floral hlagogle ro R�t>r+rl +trratielitr'IisvyR::iitfi +/i , 1 N.W*t