HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-25, Page 2PA. 111'TWO
.Phblia,hed bY Signal -Star; Limited ,
0-14gr104014.• Rittea'÷QhMtda OreatT3rithilli42'.00 a year :',to 'United'
. „ ,
'**. • . $441tes; $2.50., , . •
Imilrettlsing Ratea. on *req. -hest. Atitberized,„. as Seehuil-claS niatiy Post
01Ace*VePhrtmeht,-444Wa. Telephone 71„
ehleer, Of' ChaadialOVeekly $ewspapers Associa‘tiou
,,TH,pR .§1:4'3r, • AfA4c-fiii•:,''''.* . 1Q48 '
-Tat AMP4GNG' ' RIVER Waked With 'the aggreSSiveaims of
- • i '* ' ' '
, ... ,—.--"-t- ,.. ' 4 Pc`,Y,i:0P-13-hugrY !Oligarchy •who 'are
ie experiince,s of, the past week, endeav4ring Ilud.er thegaise of.0e,m:::
, ili00aeriell lindlin Unroll collUty IhnliisU1 io, promot,k,' treason ,ainong,
iihouid *not • be 'torgotten. ,i 'Rather. the' subJects Of other n'aV,ona and
theY iheuld:`,•previde the inetive fqr se divide ahd wealten thesefiltionS'
• 0,00,4 provent ioxp!,rieueea. that they Nvill.be powerless to resist
the futua . ' ' . ' ,g,greSSion. It i',.v• tfeaSon festered
,•01441--mat_4iome., foresight haVe by 04:411anuniStie Russia' that we
, 4l.Verticl, tlie, damage which ,resuited. Wave- to teiti,',,, Of Itself -CoMmimisin
at 4. 94eFielx harbor from the diver- is , a: peor thing. • The, greatest
41,017--Pf the •Araltland-from-its a - punishment- tba4-could be Inflicted
t-- - .
t tuiteMed ehannel? • People -today en Palladian Communists-wonld-h
, ,
are saying thf bit .of dynaini4n.g to banish thein to 'Massie., where
•aV'-,the -MOUth the river* Eit _the their lot would be in -finitely ..worse
right .me ivould have, broken' up than'in'Canada. . ••
, fit inake their escaPe hartuleSsly. • *What kind of town is in Mitch
".the -fee and allowed the flood. waters • * •
hat is. one thing to be borne in fanners like, to do *business? Act-
• mind4or-future years, -- :
Throughout the course of the
riVerthe -spring freshet has caused
'.--.-drunafrihis inconvenience"' some
degree of physical suffering and
'danger to 'fife. It has , been worse
Pim ;Usual thiS year; but every
year, though there may be 110;fiendk
the fres:het Carries away • soil 'and
.leSset* 2 the. • f ertility Of the‘ farm
lands which it, tiaverses. Preven-.
:tion. of thiS annual loss is„, one of
•;the ainik, of Huron County's
• .ServatiOn Program.. Should-not-con-
ersra,,tiOU ,,tn.e44i.ires he *carried out
•.raore VigOrotfalys and extensively and
efinitel. plan of,' flotld
• • Pr..efelliOn-?
On: cannot .lodk at the eampagiiiif
withent' thinking of
the,W4terp3Wer -that is going, to
***sie....,,,,Vears ago, in the early dayi
ills of various kinds,' whose :pia-
-Was'driver.('- try% the..wateT-
piwerof the river. Tile -newer is:
•,,,ptla wtt
were; i9it could -be properly
• harnesses(' foif year-round. use: 4n -
tad af• rushing off in ,ong. big
Springtime flood. Wthild. it not be
, „
*erths.while wto- have a snrvey Of
• •
fiVer, by ceinpe em -it -engineers'
w1th, a. view to, obtaining definite
•kilowledge of its power- possibilities ?
• 11101 °VEER OF laliEADOWS•
,B,IrRairro- J.. Re
.- :rix,90 ropspEo. noom
,TIL.4y0 yhti ever• ,Speht an eternity
,,11, few' second?. I --did so, yester;•
day 'while balancing on a Sloan mat
• which seemed determlned to scoot
all.4levre ae SIP11490
.,,, ..ths' 1-1.,01,,,iSt, hefi,s fi0„:
had a small baSket of' eggs and 1
J41: Of MaPle sYrup. _in My •hand%
Eery time I tried•;to /neve One foot,
from the Matit wOnid SeoOt along at
a trementions Sneed-. nuttily ra.ak.
deg 4 daSh for theflafety of 'a door-
-Way . . , the m•at curled, UP: wider.
.nlY foot . . , and- I crashe4 into a.
•tiower sth;ud.,. , •• • '-'' :.-
This incident ciiule about because
'of 4iUcluess., 'Airs. rhii, having an
aunt 'in town who was :feeling in-
-dispesed,-deeided. that, I should 4e.,
liver 'a )ar .0g, maple syruP to
:bedside, As <ail...added , token* She
placed two •dozen fresh egge 111 .0
basket, and with detailed instruc-
tions as to Why I was top...,quess
my sorrow,* at "Auntie's" illfiesS 1
wars -sent- off, • : "
The triP l,litO town was: • withont.
incident. A pretty tittle maid met
me at .the door, looked surprised
That a man whe hadn't -shaved -for
itwo daysand who wore overallS
that w,ere chop -specked- could be
any relation•to :the folks who lived
in such. d fine, big house. I was
tcording "to what , •members ef, OP left Standing- at the -doorway.' Wbile
Federation of Agriculture say at she consulted Finally, she
admitted me, •
Travelling down the hallwaY
wasn't too bad,. Then I was tad
'flitted into -a large room and told
to walk across it to a side room,
where. Auntie was in bed. • The
floor was polisbed ,so.7"highly that
you could see your ciwn. •reflection
in its surface.. There were little
•their ineeting,s,. says The 1111drand
-Fret :-Press4.1erald, „woalcL ap-
pear that a lx.iiniciptility that wishes
to please its farmer customers will
do well to ensure that among its
services are hla.cksmithing, a good
failin machinery repair business, a
_farm machinery dealer with a good mats dotted .here and there, like
islands on a cleaflake sorface. '
stock of ' repair parts1 a*. vRterin--
- * *
•arian... a good storage locker -Inapt,
I started Out' . . . zip p .
a• progressive ..feed store and chop-
ping mill; and stabling and parking
facilities which cater to riiral'trade:
Periodic joint meeting,s • between the maple syrup was slipping from
rural and urban councils, a desire ut.y hands. I *let the hat -go and
On the part of local •inercKants to
push the Sale ,p.f 111 -PF•
ducts,: and the development Of co-
• Operatiye buying .and„ selling ser-
vices of.sudli ,basic requirygents -as:*
•feed -grams .,and fertilizem' are also:
programs winch -will eiTrn.---farraer-
-good-will."' :The Ooderich-.Boarcl• of
Trade . might ponder,,,,t.bespl,reeota-?
riiendatiOns,. and see how ,,far. this
town measures, up to theM..
one way :" .• . and then • the other
and -hinging . . . and
recovering balance • only to lose it-
ngain. The eggs were rolling and
managed to-..gef on a small mar: . .
It ci limpled 1) e red '
tht, doorway, landing* 9n top 'of a
potted plant.• ..
To make...matters worse, ,,A,An
began , to cry: The noise of -Phil
Osifer • encountering a., potted palm
...ttits:_too... much for "her- delicate
nerves. and, besides,_th9y-ilad -lets
of eggs. *Sileivouldia &I.e.:any eggs
eXcept those that„..were..gOverament-
graded . ... and • she didn't &ke..,
maple " y u p '
I cati--understand why doctors
mru Jr 'aster
Iii the crosS Ch,rist glo •
• - Towering , the Wreaks of ••time ;
'the'plight of sacredstory
' Gathers, round its hearinbli
thervbe 62 lif:e• o'ert4/40 • -
•'"-H-opes.deceiire,..4nd f,eare antlOb
Never shall the cro:ss fOrSalce ,
•*Lot. it gloms ,crith Peace and joy.- .
, When the surf. ,bliss bOumink
•• -1.iikht and kve "uppil my
Prom the cross the rO414110e. streaming' '
Adds more, tustre to
• Bane and blessing; pain.' and preasnre,
tile -cross are sauctifiedl- • - •
Pehee is there- that' knows no measure, .
' Joys that throtigh•All time' abide,
• In the cross' of Christ glory, ,
• Towering o'er the wrecks of time;
the -light; of_ sacrectstory
'gathers 'round its head sublinie,
-J. Bowrink,
Shp: "Who ikthe dreatest, woman
in -the world?" He.: "I don't know."
he: "'yew mother." ' • He :
smother!' Site: "yes. To whom do
you owe More than yon- can ever
repay?" He: "My "andlady."
, •
•• '*1•3$` 4000* tiStOr- Rhtledge •
Ve'sterday'e paper the-- daY
doesn't matter, becanse Might be
any' TorOtit0 *eitizen Was
. .
logsedht..of Ills car 'and left to
• freege 4n a ditch; miStake hhd
• been mistalte GQIIrte$'. '1104114
• seep a. ..p.O*Ifiting ,,thinnb and • had'
sto •ed to ive Pinter' a lift,
•, whereupon :three armed 'men w,
•had beep Waiting in -the bilekgrOund
• 011,t'd41:IrelThitt:90'.dt4rieVelb.r• t ofIlitsh6e. aallit;*
13.saelaing „a quiet neighborhood they.
• . beat him insensible -and tossed hlat'
a ditch,' • That -he vvae
; veneer.), ,n; theirs.' • -
• Whntlgr so amAing ahOlit
It Is a ,stor. *varying ,qtay,in,minof,
fwdooteairilsi.w.tcliktaite.tqnore,ptoewatiiesil awndeekieuhct.
.Nirt:y,sepyellntouvaeir 0;41:01i.vdeur;.;
,eldentS in(ve hn outcome ,,.otherthah
and SOnittinlea the:Crib-A*0.S; it
4a1ni•Y to aloe the more wary
- of is decide that, under ne'eiirn
stances wilt we give anyone a, lift.
And the point we would • like., to
make is -that the4e law -bare
not only breaking laws but they,
are . also. llieakilig-doWn the little
instinctive courtesies that make for"'
4.eI°etnmt- may not Come :-Within: ire
Points Of the. layv; that must deal
,with facts and not civilities, hat
we feel that it is a factor that Might
well..-colOr .the judgMent t.f '• judge;
or magietrate. ' There should be
some added penalty for men Who
help to break down UAW cleent de&
kindly..imimIses_that nnke
less tldsiuip-
wor14 a ;little happier pladdiii
• mrg.itioMmuipymemvowygmmovr4t.mtommu,...w.Aramm1,9,14.aLiminkft ILA
• • =
stock in goers...When he built -the
4;?sifer homestead he used the rough
-beads for the flooring. • According
to -him, floorS •shoul&bc,,c_oyared. with
Carpets,and the knots wouldn't show
*under a covering, That Nvorked
ver 4a his day and age, but
by , the time that Mother took over
• the place linoleum 'was:beginning .to
* *
- • •
How lnothei; ;used to complain
about .those floors? .11irs.,Phil- Is
just ' the same way: -She ; ca refully-
built ua.layer uponlayer' of news: -
Papers on the • frOnt...parlor;._flopr..
When she,figuredthat the knot § im(1°, •
slivers NYeye .C9ydred tip, she had;
the linoleum Placed, 'Fbr quite
801116 • tinw „everYthing looke.efine!
rana fly ,--lioss eVer,:.-flre-newspapers
egfen 'to wear 'down . . and. the
-knotshegatrto peek up'•through -
floor covering.' Ridges began to.
'opt; caused- by . the gaps. 'between .
the • warped_ .hoardS ; of the ..flooring„.
Mrs. Phil has been „determined foe
•sonte time to have, ii7liew floor
that Trent
just as. all men do, when. their wives
w t---smnethingl. a d mu rinural that,
wonid do. something. about it the_
next time I was, . town. • This
morning -...she has adoPtee -4neWs.
Gederich falls *fliort in any of the, have...highly polished floors. It's tactics. •• KnoWilii myr'e'ficeitniii.
requirement's for a geed "fanners' juse-like• taking an insurance POlicY with. the 'poliShed. floor in town, s,he
to assure. good business. In a way, announced today that she is think -
town" -and we are -afraid it .does-
BArusT-ivussiON. aRfax
• The March meeting of the I3aptist.
Young Ladies' Mission Circle was
heldat the home of Mrs. A. Hutchin-
son,. Huron road. Miss :Vera
Wilkins had charge of the devotion-
al period. - The topic was given.
by Miss Verna Miller., A: social
hour Was enjoyed At the close -cif
the meeting and, refreshments were
served by the hostesses,' Mrs. Hutch-
rnson and.' Miss Verna iVfiller.
..the_Board. of Trade might' put forth 3;o1u,taight give, tlie same reason for ing of having 4 man, from town put
hospit.als. On the In a--pollihedthurdwood--floor,_
an effor•t to remedy the deficiencies. Iotrer ehand,„what possible good 'do ;The matter is „now settled. ,,Itr
, they ••do• dentists?. After, all, the the front room. of .the honge-We'are
• number of times ;that you land on *0.0.1n,, to have a new flooring:, How-
it„t4i-s. prefect th,_count7 IVIArTLAND -RIVER P.QWER
_yOur face infalling would net:e'Ven eveci,-it, Will be a smooth, luipolisheil:
*Could undertake,.a committee migh • c„
return interest on the Money. in-
' he' ".forined 'of _rep- tesentative,_men' -044itlor The signal -star. • vested .by dentists in the slippery
Obrit the various coipmunities along, •:•Ir.-T-see---therei-is--tilk again .-form-ef- floors,-
- Grndf, '
Ali:‘,4venelniting: those in Perth a olit doing' sometIting to develop aathernever did take much
teep.p.tytp•balre a,aurs—'ey 6,6 Maitland
posver on ,River:
take•Stich further actionas might don't -see why it .cannot and _should.
not be done. • Nothing but delay
-woula d'ome from depending • on
Hydro to at, as it/is interested
in big_ developments on the Ottawa
and St. Lawrence Rivers: I believe
Adam Seck*made certain 'promises to
GOderich away back years ago when
Hydro was first intralpeed in till's
-district,. and the , God.erich 'people
-Woredisappointed-that. the prOiqt,
_of .getting power from the Maitland
never came to anything; but whyT
kvait.for Hydro to do 'soreething....
or nothing? As proposed ofn a letter
• to • your -paper, why- not do some=
• .fotind. ..'-advisabie. It is • hardly. .
.neeessary- to dwell- upon the belle-
,• , •
Ats.that. would acerue to the com-
-.mimitles-. along the -river „froth an
• -dePendent power supply.
prOosal: -by,_the. Provincial
yerninent of British Coluinbia. t�
•lOse-a-three per cent. .st..4eS tax
•,;hati aroused vehenaent opposition-
LW Well it might. Possibly the .13.C.
Government is anticipating the re-
: thing, for ourselves? The whole
nor.th parl. of the county, through. Move th.e Federal sales tux o
-.2e1gh.r Per 'cent- Mid .is 'Planning', to
.;-..apprOpriate: a .siiee,:of•,it- to...its...Q*11
,Purpeses.-• This would defeat hi
„ eine ,degree the Fecleral---Govern-
ent'splan to lighten 'taxation, "just
. . ••
as the action of the Ontario Govern-
• ment in 1nel/eas1ng. the .gasolipe tax
which: the Maitland runs,..should be
interested,. The first thing to be
done wauld, he to have a survey
Made s -try-, a qualified engineer
to determine the power possibilities
of. the river froni its sotirce to its
mouth. 1 am told there is a fall
of about 350 feet in the length or
the river, twice as much fall as on
seven or eight dams, ench one with
a ,reservoir,„ from oneend of 'the'
river to the other the water could
be Conserved' and We 'would have
enough power for severa
. l. town_sns,
•qaerntnenrs' abanclonmea of its
three -cents. tax-. 'The . Federal ..,(4tiv-
-ernineiat Might,' ceuriter, any firther
, - ... .
"When it reduc a a tsuchraX reingu atod ct n
'Y P()vidthi
vvell as. for the farmers. , of.: ,this '..„sort..11
, •Sliall net be e ectilVe in ariy.,Province • 1 see ,b3?. the paper that .they
„In:Which a. similar tax Is imp' osed buildta,..1„., several ' - danas on
•-- Thames to.; control *the- waters.. of
or increase" .
• . ' .—that river; Whva can't, we do the
-. ,
., ,. , ... .
. . 4- — . , ariae_with:the Maitland? • We have
-641•to4,0f..-The Eicetet_Tinies-- been_looking.W11,Pse fellows in Tor-
•26-cycie'...to...;:09-..o.Y.cle...PoW,er. -11-e--,:te- ---I ani nit ap . engilree ,,grt
"*..:Advotate does not *appear to be sure iellrirlloce,11smetdh(1:iii
•*.hhent :..the ,Propostd •Change Vain tnifPelt.hilitsi:
„ ,. , ourselves.
chiliT&Iliat' -"the , old-fashioned candle is my notion. 1301d:the, first of this
i;. hilt this .-
didSomething 14 the Way of flick1O-Odam
flicker- Serf s up near the source
.1hg.,. yet 'the 'heavens •did •not faof theriver, even if we
ll ' .-
100 h.p': • Those small. desagsetw, °one. would
, t4Seful, Welt . Some :very°
re.:40.0tptHi,ft.' revenue woufld,
as,. the..cilndle Was slit
!••••.', by .or Was 'nut:cost much and '
COU'itS; Were had' as -the 'clay ilegin °;11 4 -111: -;Na 1 ?,, ie 9drig 'Vil
' "ea,10.1ed. indze' .. Stream, aiWayS'.,h8ese,en'tigneercxaatlr'ep..itigoe't:, u$e
'etinai... on .-- Rond,red ' 'With,' a
desk. iiiithlelli,1:the 'ffill,' At
as bridges atnhde
• Th itiegek:`e*Lteh '8'°e"'”' .6f his
, , s, , h. did. not hinder' the Work....
in o Id*
' n ' the cost if th
,44:1,:(),,,,ixtrs,,net reeennMend a return t9usttlY1.6glagg: at 4tlih
wyco°. illitgl; 1:Lge
e4110: co..0tffiote judicial Inind.". -The C. Cm' t W cooperatei 207 most 'e,
• 11.0,,i•!;6,99090 -1s7* fltc...t'. , '',.' 'AMU! ,',y°_e4.T.g. ,tany:one (!.tinNI..)it.*Itittfid for
.: at „tho etu,5;"thii034-iii;i074-laiie-tiv,,,walUtretelcottlie j.471-.1Ltrte:, Is
ow hr
,i, , A , stif' the 'candle, hut, h -
,16Le,,.,,e,._?,,,_(-4911/Ing .keONI 011 '110-k:Sn! lip 7ia::::r.li.111:1
*oiat,.,040,1467e8„11,tt flie editOr heard as ' h 'bac---..
oryionleb6ay _Isruthent, (*.„6.6 trkdro--..win s ave OW CerantV from liQwer
,le,y,edeVelopitie our ow
tott.,.... . _:.-- . ofio--"Nottt' 7-- 'lobe' in 'the last" f ,,,,4,
$ i 91 .0 6 0) 0 66 'lin 0 yd: ge"o„riri in, ogtt: ,:eo:ci i ile puto6,. i .7 . til..e': fay. ,..hab;litliholcle ot.ii,b, ditviref: i I 11._?.11. .0' ntiii icp_.:iiie.0:171...alemto, ,..litibt: ..0:11h:It7a; ofinitfntigyt
. 41.0.t.' T.,,:otai; .,•' •• ' ' hiiiticl hall .tr,41s.,kitio hous6 , the
t Qoldw. * ' th C't . n' .'w 8 It"
0 f ear alig:'
'SOO, When Ite: " eit tiro,./'iubte,, ,dV;iti'vdhlr4liat'biticqg g
as; 06 .0- ,W1t1.64 X1,101,ertient* r * -"ye '6 °C)e4v1:11g' And yon
()11 n'nd
tovo.er:irthil:i18't° drit6.'ar6li(c)11!°146"4‘tr;5117t,I.Ihri:CdI
.14,14e a , Warns: that '
.000. 4.1016it. trodunk ,*.iitotit. ii, ttrg• to , . 11%,, ,,,,-iuoata. .
., tn:beeotin:A; 'ettuvrt,46,01:to, i. 400‘,11, lipoon_es.eat.:i,t'il. ..,0,tt.;00.:..1,41:.;..,,;.f0;:iy::::;,1:::;711:11,01;natti,wa,3:,.!-.1:161isiigt;v:""e1:1:0,..6',:;elftlit:Iiiitt:1,E(411),:tiroie:kt;',
' ProtiPeriti it* ' -• ' P64,00;nitd, tile`t ' ' ' *. e: txMli aa '''' aP thr8
it'LC*4iiit tnlii*)07.„ • vp'''Ittillhe ttOrld'ii tip;cit:16%r Ct.tO4SurtVtilvir-tr6k:
-., itl' 4fA-Iti ' 4)"6'.1 ,.., ••.'
floor covered by a rug .• . . not an
eNpenstve "rug . . .- but one with
enough- fabric -that- --the,re_will be
116.• chance Of.
At your llome
• or Our Studio
Gbderick St. Daiid-St.
Telephone 4014
-Expert Worlananship.
Free Pick-up and Delivery.
„. - • • _ ,
Og 25thr 043
(SIX ors,AOT PLAVi),
,A.11:4Plays presented •,by sixcial. arrangCnient ..with Samuel
• . i
.. Frefioh (Q,anada 1440 •
„MamgAY HALL ” •
, , A
7--Wg:IMESDA,Y beritA14—•
The Criand Ohpimg'S D14106114.. $t: Feter!s•Dihniatie Society
hq. Spinsters. of Lusbe ."; ••• :Wipip.en$ Institute
• Oanip13ell of Kilmohr . *.,kr.thur
Brothers pi Arms. .4, Ont,'St, United church, Minton.
TheSepother-..-.. ;. :Margaret Seeger -CIA
. !rile Monicer's. Paw . . . .. .*. Alin:Leek
Dit, ROBERT ,FANNAH, Coynell Un.iirersity
18.diniSSiOn.7' 50 CetitS
• Tickets now available from..Dramatic Club 1Viembers and'at
-Agnew,. Strpass Shoe'Store, Gledhill Shoe Store. and
'Babette Gift Shop- . •
...A.Ccomodation is limited -so de ur tiekets iard-Y
1)qors,will close proniptly at 8.30 p.m, and 'ad-
mission while ,plays are in progress must be -re:.
greffully- refu"sed.
. P •
CH 122
rench Draltan
Weit-St. . R. LOWERY, Prop.
• .-
; • Pi 44
P oif suRilit'BOOI
All *Unemployment Insurance Books now
in use expire orr March 31st, 1948.
New books will be issued by the -National
.1249.10.12 tt4
to -t
Employers are Urged • to Axbliaiiie
--'0i4p1oyrnent_ ;Insurance Books promptly at .
' IVIarch 31st.
Penalti6s are provjded jot faiitio
.to con:41y.
•• 4.-44,.,e egairtION0' '
hisforter.• '
BIS.401t; •
ChmiCoaontitionert: ,
ge.Y.I+AttofT, -
. .
. 4 Prpctuct of • Goner• ot Motors 4„,i
EVROrrl • ..'612.401Ogittitii4VAitirititheiee.tttireein
' one' is No. 1 -7 only-Chevrolci0 fir0',7-4n
alt round value as in popularity. conSequently, note peopre
drive Chevrolets than any other make, according to,official ,
. , .
nation:Widw,registrations; and, more people, Wgtif, Cheyroleti .
IhZal 'any other make, .according tcv Andependerit
the new! 1 948. Chevrolet,.
meet the, new stontrord` of Bici-Cor 'beauty,I* You 11 IsnioY Big:Car PPifeenleinie, when Yee nati?nrwid, 'survey -s* aHnedree'veinn. milre.tuxutioo stylintvtolok •
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