HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-25, Page 1•
lout ,irp.A.R,
.Darnage at .Ckider4 Harbor
' May Amount. to
' $200),000
Since" the danage to the. harbor
:piers :from ,thek, swollen Maitland
River was -reported..-in this Paper
• .
041';Rall LADIES' AID
*,:last:Ikhursday, the turbulent Waters
"widened the gap in the nettla pier
and caused further damage to the
„. se -nth plerf. but Friday the.
water broke threugh-the lee at,flie
river mouth which had .diverted, It
to the south andtheIsituation `wag
immediately eased. . •
On Friday morning the water
in the harbor. had risen above the
• level of the wharves and Vessels
strained at their cables a$,- they
rose higher and ;higher. • A cable
- on one vessel parted and one of .the
mooring-b-itt-S7WIITP-hiletr•trat by the
pressure, but the :Water fell to a
• safe level before danakege was aerie
• 97 -any• ofHthe--fifteen-freighter-s- in
tile harbor,. The smaller boats in
Snug 'Harbor. also escaped -Serious
damage.. .• .
Situation.' Oe'coming 'Desperate
• At this time (Friday „morning)
the entrance channel was filled from
end to end•with.ice piled high above.
the piers • alongside and so .solidly
. Packed: that men wal.ked. aeteSs from
one pier t� the other. • Water poured
• throtigh; the south pier to the bath-
ing beach, the landabout the sedi
mentation basin was flooded, ,and
t1W-situtation-,:waS-- hourly becoming
more desperate. ;,Buildings. on the
north -pier, -ingluding the Govern-
. nient,to9.1-house; Were-:"Attened"
the • ice: Hundreds of photographs
weird -taken Isr-prEfessienal-.-a
anniteut eamera-carrters. „,
Then ;the course- of the river
ehanged+and‘the water in, the harliVr.
A gaP 0 -abuiit-1.-56--..-febt was:left
in the north pier, and the the south pier
was. damardn' to .a -sinillarr length Mrs. GordonTienderson, president,- burg, Broek street; ..ow FttslaY- last,
• hut i, not'Vedallerr out -J dondifcted ir-thett-tfifaineas-teSsionr -1tth.z-rlbi..eillbe'.4§.- •Hc.44.11 hvge'Y
tric installatiortS conveying eurrenit when. it. was decided to have the with his daughter in ago:Tench the
tse the radio beacon station; the AMU .thank -offering Meeting the last three months., - Seventy-six
horn. and the range iights were-pne
ehutch,-to- which the piiblic 'will be years ago, he - was born in New
- out of • business -r-",- cordially -invited, Miss -Nellie Lam-- Briinswick, and for sixty-seven years
Damage Estimated AA $250,000 port, a returnedmissionary, will' be •
. Fantastic estiniates of . the dam' the guest speaker.
age from theflood were pub1is11e4 The parcel committee -reported
, by the--- daily papers, as . high as. sendirig three parcels oftcloatingrand.
$6,000,000. is thought by those food to Scotland and ,England, ane
.in"a2 position to know that $250,000 anotherone- is to 'be' Sent as aeon
may covert it, though further ' 41,- as possible,. Mrs. John Patterson,
vestigation mak show that the piers the representative from. the Attila -1r,
are 'undermined to a greater exteflt Girele. toltr'rif the woriderfni-
than is noVv evident: . ' sponse of used eldfhing :for the
Pedple from:Many miles aronnd._ Presbyterian Relief. . Abroad drive
; have been flocking to the Scene, and which is *now in pragress, and said'
on Sunda Y it was difiladt to ,find nine bundles had been pdcked afid
• pOrking,••space. for cars. By 'that Sent,
time" the spectacular- aspect of the A *play eominittee Congaing 1-6,f •
, floodedharbor had largely passed, Miss M. Alacfie, Airs. C. Edward
Allison. Burial took ,place in
theugh the (Unpaged piers and seine' and Mrs. F. Lodge'wasapPointed to Oakland cemetery, Delaware.
• by the river `still remained. ofl. in tile fall ny the Arthur Circle -I'
It is believed, that the vessels now Players. ;• - A resident of GO erich for the
:t‘144.4141,,,,tic, •
Straiton, -President Of
tbo -Ladies' Aid -SOciety Of4*
Presiqterian, church,' at .0)4 regular
meeting; cin,- VridaY. 'announced thit,
the alteratiqns.in-th,C Chufieh 'kitchen
were atID4St_, Completed.. New, ,e,upt
boards 'have been built and up-to-
date plumbing in4aricd; New table
clotha, hemmed by Mrs. W. .T.1$aker
and.4.Mrs. NerMan' MaCatila, are
readyforUse, ' - •
.It Vila' decided to purchase 'flowers
With which to decorate. the -church
for Easter services,,, and fir,
rangements , were made for a re-
ception to Rev. R. G. and Mrs. Mac-
Millan after the _induction serviceon -Friday, April 2nd,
The. Scripture lesson -was read by
Mrs." George Sanderson and ,praYet
was offered by Mrs. Reg. Burrows.
A. plane duet by Mrs,' J. W. Fraser
and -Mrs. T. M. Davis, and a ehorns4
by Mrs. W. J. Baker, Mrs. N..Mac-
aulay, Mrs, George -Sanderson and
Mrs. T. Davis Si.`ere appreciated
musical number's. •' • ,
, Tea was 'served by Mrs. 4N. Mac-
Aulay and Mrs. W. J. Baker and
lumbers of their group I.
. ,
• ,
• More than. thirty-five niembers of
the, Artinir Circle of Knox' church,
met at the :home of Mrs. Elraer
Cninsfori on Alonday evening. •
After the .„ opening hymn, Mrs-.
• ta
the story of the Good Samaritan
and .,Mrs. IlaYmond JackSon led 1?
prayer. Mrs, Beverly Beaton, *whose
then flaked for the reports'frem the'
secretary' and •:.treasurer.
•• GpDBRICH, 0
Flood at
II 2§thi 1948.
ar o
()linen' Votes ,„ Down,- Olinger
Fgoposal—Market Clerk
4002 *
'At .the xifeeting of ,...-fuo Towl„9,0011. iiTliii4ev'ingginita4M,,,4t13,,,,.01•0e1•101.t0,4•)riefa.kGereii, 'llettifht4.. „. ..x.fori-0.,.ors of „ 040 00049), .
,,, 4vti-ettlioerieso7treree.-Ot.f,43,4frittaetnnalabri.opec, panied.,. il.o1;11Aelli.i.edrl_fe;te•wesesill,coonersthulatnanytowtihtt._ Itvireerct , boeiatreitptaleci,ents,,t, tuot,41,4,t, palso,.13,0.
. : thil 1;10fr 1;-11:dli?::hat I -b:..64. p' e there
:ne'sen:1 )it °I:2:w) :: rt.ael °IP:: '1: 1:: 'ef:1 "QergP!trl ^t '-'-*Alltl 4.: andnet i: :CISP- "11: h' 1 ttt:eta.:;tbile thates:' :John 4' Rs cu I " '4 '8' 9:1 3147-3- 4i.ge. () :.‘ I ia: in:4te41:21:h7. 4: .9.'fi l' .1CCI r!err'4. ' 4 FC les:1 ::4::c secretary
Society,4a.' tII*1-0i'CI andp1. ':11t, .t;4111' 7:: ' a' ‘rj. -,1-1V‘ who ire: 111;14:E41 1441.1111' ' ' '.. Wit: t it i i713:::1:iefiel*::: :1131i:S1' 4 .Vh:311 waited4elei joirr, kir°::1'. . l' 1 7 T'' r7 1 t°1:9. I 3 34 ''''' 1') '0411rrirmt e -- bi 3174t- 71: • „. :: :' County' OttawaQa: 6' :1 i.1f ' v ' d',‘t°' prospects :4t011fe°.°'I'iltrit4:4reteitilT9v'hAt:'en1;41411311:1:t:3:4:611::51::7:lr:
concentration- i
.e4 erf,',:',kridli.Y.' nJght: .14alorP,Alit.
,sults. i ' *
Petroleom, .94):, renewed his request. „man V. the war
_of • Montreal an 44440' to' ''.Wle Plellffein PIS
1:04:Lb.i:,;:, with the
isth:viedxeLva' eeXp;oilleci: 1.1111, trtur oa:puutetadt: wtoxi,,,. ttivin:0177:14eenit.
Canada and his Ability to make this 'taken.
Problem 'YlsiblY clear -.in . the minds : The' deliutat,ien headed' h3r. G. '..!4• „
of Cana.dians places.. gr. Esimison pargons, president 'of the :Goderich
intheforefront--as----•a.--leilder -4, ..haeViitOr 09.; Tifeliided aise iraYer ''''
. Ice piled high •a$ the. River 'Maitland poured ;through the. gap in the *north •pier,t* Picture *,show's
• . • . . . • ,-
the scene between the 'piers, with the radio beacon station, (right) at the -outer end of the` 'north pier- and
electric light standards (left) on,the south pier. •'• • • •
Melville. Bateman, a 1.,:esident • of
-AliddleseX-cocinty,- died -at -the -home
of his daughter, Mrs. Donald "Vro-s-
Tie--116:d-rdell'Irresident-of-ehriatine;-- -
near London; wbere he :operated' a ' •
13-r telinding-hrto--shape-and-are-new-
formerlY Ethel Sritith,4a son,, 14. S, hearsal, Air. Peters states. A num-
Bateraan,_ of Ottawa, • and. three ber of them *have already been pre -
daughters, Mit, W. H. Kearney •sented to spiral* audienees' .coinpoTed
(Mary ), of Kirkland Lake; ,mrs, 'of •Dramatic Club members tin:U.0:e
.1.. A. McLaren: (Jessie), of,:.„..Ylint,. casts', of other plays. There are
Mich„ and :Airs. Donald- 'VoSbure still rough spots in all six. plays
---(BerthitI., of Goderich. • . • that need to be worked ofi.,-as all the
'• -the frmeral took .place on Monday plays are of a: standard -whitilf
froni• the 'Wophey..ftwerai home to amateur groups_ find exacting, and
Delaware, Middlesex county, where difficult of attaininent, but -it, is ex -
service was held in Christ (Angli- pedted that On the Festival - •nighta.
;can)••: clifirehi•-eonducted, by Rev. d:
cussion and the 'reading of a letter
from the Victoria Home and School'
Association' opposing the „granting
of the4peftait, a yote vv.-Os:taken:and
.the proposal was defeated; 5 to 8,
Those • voting to, grant the permit
were • ellrieillins--McGee•-•-and- Gra'
114xa and Deputy.- Reeve EdWarft.
Opposed were Reeve Ilteklps and
COuncillor's -Elliott, Sturdy, t. Taylbr-
and Walzair. ' • ,
• An application from C. E. Marley
Limited, London, for permissibly. to
ereet. two 25 -ft. baster. paneis*. 9,11 the
• ,Huron. road at Elizabeth street- was
referred -to the public works cona-•
4nittee„ and an- aPPljcatiOn two Mrs.
*Alice Chapman, Gerrie, fof• a per-
mit for a:cottage on Gloucester Ter-
race was sent to committee of the
whole for consideration. • •
ItequestST:TF'grants to t46.1.Nairy
League pfCanada and the Canadian
Appetti for :Children, also a -sUg-
gestiort froni the Red ..Cross 'Society
that group be organized in Gode-
anee 'committee.
,••• A letter froM the Davey Tree gx-
aiert ColapanY, Toronto, with re-.
. gard to sPraying of trees, was sent
to the eeinetety 'inad parks ..com,
a7" ind--inarr 'Glen -Lodge -4, -nnttee. • -• . ,
eiirahial 'reform. . . •, G:. G. • -macEwan,..L' Hugh Berry, • •
Visitors •are Weleen_ie to.hear 111r, wardoo iiurpu county, .N,4,.r.o40,
Edmison speak on therscloy, May, W. Miller, -repreSenting--the;Otide=••.-;-,
13th. . and plaee will be made. ielL 2•
Board of -Trade- and the'guron
Comity Federation of Agriculture,
Captain D'Alton Iludson Of the .
•steanier ,A...1:1-ludSon, and .-Senator- -
paterson, a Ottawa. They - were; .
accompanied by W. .11. .00I044
ernOntario. --TReceiving Ivere
three members of the ,Cabinetf.min.
A. • Fourniet, Minister' 'of
1. • ...r.,-...4,••••••
defence of Canada does not
rest with the armed services; it is
the, resPenAibility of every eitizen
of Canada. The armed Services are
only4thetools. The•individual must- works, Right Hon. 0. C.
Minister ,pf Trade ,,,and-ConnneKe,'
and Right...Ben. G. -Gardiner,. Min-
ister of '
,Large Payments to -Federal easin7
realize Conditions and, be willing to
back moves to 'provide adequate de-
fences." So Stated Wing Cora -
Mender A. C. Hull, officer comnmnd-
ing-the-fe:C;-ATF-;-'-station-at;-•C11nto.fr The brief -presented ''-by; Mr,4%.
Oias..74119111ded- -figures-showing 't
great. 'aevelop*ent in,..traffie,at this,
.,port. From an average,'...of seven•
inililun rhtshels of. grank, per 'Year -'
from 1930 "firi 1039; receipts of, the
:Goderich Elevator 'Co, increased Xar •
theperlod 19404? to an avethe of -
19,577,000 .bUshelS, and 'in' tile.
number of _gneSts Were ..foproarsof,this*.merib(1theLWere4,,,,-„
, present. ineluding Aly Vice -Marsha? 21,000;900 rtd • 25,000;(100;:-
J, A. Sully. " • • bushels, per ' year. :Ili" the period:
Speaking on "The Defence of 19.4047 the Goderieh, Elevator.'Co;i
(iii id) Wing COnimandet Hull• paid to -thePederal Voyernment .
pointed out of future ;income and eiCess Trrifits, tax( s, *no,.
*wars will be very ' consiclerably. less a• sum than $674,306.71,' unity
changed from that of past • wars other industrie$ in -4oderieli,•;.••eon,,...."
because of new developments. He tributed achlitional' amounts. ...This
Canada-,m-ust:.,Work WitK.etlaer was held
nations prevent war.' „In -.the ture for the finprovement of .the'
event of; a. sudderktack on Canada seventy -Jive -year-old
this country, lie said, 'would need ..etbek harbor itT' 'O,,,,Itlaftia*- Ode
an. Air force .equivalent in size „to •th of the Great Lakesi ,it,,..WaS stated,
'handled such quantities or.*iribs.,,
4.1.4.eding grain as did. t.111.
The.--"busineas---of Prirrt3r...Plour
Alills, the Godericli'•!•Salt'Co.
Imperial Oil also, it ivas pointed'
1 04 •
1 II •
1 11 11 1 1
the. famed "Ghost S.quadron" • in
World War. II. • He , was guest
sp ,aker .'at a meeting -df the ,Gode-
r• h Kinsmen. Club, on, Thursday,
Final -announcement on the ,14rtim_ S e ,
bellow io maexay..„liog • A Micitation,on dep-lic-ater .,fer ••f presidenYTS.',11:-Fanton presided;
0' i, • • • pliti'Nunaber. One--t"Brethers in; „tile 'Tewn Clerlr'a--olffee'-'-•W_a-S,• Tel • while --Mr. ee introduced-lhe
eeiyed,,,and, 3v(p_ reW.red „nn -
recreation direetor,-;speaking for the .sented by Oniario street United ance committee. • • . • _
Festivial committee. • , church, Clinton. ,Play director.: Mrs. Assessing Ofrieers to Meet .
All Ways in the FeStival are rapid- 'Roy Feb.r., fanfous Canadian, •Connty-Assessor 'Alexander sent
• - :comedy, has had many festival ap-
pearance -a and-'1S-a""fa-vorite--*Witir-
Little Theatre groups', everYwhere.
It. is the story_ of a , high,u?oiver
business -man who finds himself. far
out of -his elertient when Irttemp
to '7deal with ' tw'o ,Canadian back-
woodsmen. The cast J. -Altrus
Browne,/ WM. •Gould; Dorothea
farm: lie is survived by ills wife, in their last week Of intensive re-
•ef the'ice and debris carifed dow,n" begin work _on a.; play to be -put
:- in the harbet Will be able to • make • Mrs. Ileriddrsen inAlits. Kaitting
. last forty-two...Years, . Mrs. Jones-
their way; 'Out, though soundings rendered- an appropriate duet, Bateman, Widow of ArchdeaCon'Wil-
'Will be carefully taken -to deterraine "Christ �f the Cross." .- • fred Jones Bateman Passeenway
thekondition of the_ entrance chan- Mrs. lean -.,ClemenfS: gave. the last Friday in Alexandra . Hospital
nel. Navigation on the upper• Lakes group an interesting and instructive. after: a short llbless. Born •severitY:
• will.-nor•Opeirfol-it'fe,--weelcs Yet- -account- -of-lionle- Missionary, w_ark•eight years ago in Allegheny, Penn-
Make Canada Thine Own," .telling life until overtaken by, poor health.
under; the title "Lord of the Lande, iyhrania-, "she-liad Spent useful
. On and the 'help that is being given P4„„ she went to Britisn2Gifiana,,
of the work that is being carried After her marriage li_L_]. Pittsburgh,
' where 'het . husband was in :Charge*:
The ,interloi-' of Victoria 'street to every •nationality in•Canada. •
churchr-is-peing,-•redecorated in pre: rearing a social :half-hoUr which of an Anglierin,-„Chureli •misaion.
was Later she lived in MeXico, where
foilowed:-the •meeting- jpn.ch
patation 'for the-.(liamond Jubilee -her 'husband was appointed," Arch-
geatees-Wie--a:*re to be 'had- on ser-ved-by-the...-refresinnent...,...crint-,,,
--th-e-diotead; •aird•-••aird,in-
four Sundays in May, when former mitfee, .; ... ., - 11 -017611 -cif
._ ., - Michigan before coming to Goderich.
' . Moor. ' ' • • W rl 1 ' War 'I sit s rved
_notice:of a,meeting a nseiong, a-
liv'e'rs- to- be-:',-held--a-t-W-ingliani-:•:on2,.
Alareh 25th, and the Clerk and any
member of the •Counen who wishes
to attend were authorized "to (lo So.
----:•requisition. -fro* the- Pnblie-
Linrary Beard Or •-$3,500 for 194.8
•was referred to .the. finance coin.
rowne, Lois. Connell;- Syd -White, A -request -frcari- th-e ..Goderich
"iiss 'Afertili • Charlie Henderson,
erald Nelson. •. • - . •
Play • Number • T.Wo---'he.• Step -
other,". by Arnold- Bennet. Pre
Dramatic Club for ..Pernlission • ta-air. force -stationed• in Britain at.
make minor alterations to the. •sthke the height of the blitz, b.:Lit...Canada
at MacKay Hall' for the a‘laramatie :could not afford-,sueh_an-expense •
Festival waA.'referred• to the publie ••Anather 'war, 'Woffid See -Wan -it Cap-
. works ---------•ee. • .- .. •••0 , a ble of hying , .farther.,4han ,. from;
A letter 'ffilho .th-C.- ciffice -of thel-E-brOpe ff. .America,and back again
Provincial -Ore '.-Nlar8hal 'advised-as---withmit having to .Stop for refueling,
he d. • .
The permlinent.R.C.A.F.. mug be,
of necessit-y, -a- -highly. - trainpd
lindens for . quick ' training of Der -
Two More Tag 'Days sonnel in the event of, anoth'er war.
PeralisSion was granted. fel* tag he ;sale. ...-- -,,,• . • - 7 ' ' -
days 'to be held by the Shut-in's Day . whig- Commander ., HO . -:St. ate d
Oariciation and the Canadian Legien`. that the MIS engaged at
°six excellent. perforinanees will- be _seined by •the, Margaret, Seaget.010,
Rev.. Anson .E.
hopse, -gev,.. F.' Craik,1ev MC
Parr and Rev. A. J. MaeKirye, will
.occupy the pulpit. A jnbilee booklef
is in process of compilation which,
it is hoped, will reveal the Story of
'Victoria's origin, -life and serviee
'down' the decades,. The congrega-
ooking..,..gorward. to these
services with eagerAnticipation.
• •
During o ( , • e
for three years as a N.A.D. in a
hospital at Herne Bay, Englhnd,
-vvhere her. husband was the chap-
lain. She was' a member of St.
George's'Anglican church'Goderich,
and e• former regent of the „Ahn3eek.
Chapter, Her htisband
red ' eased her in July„.1937-... Sur-
-COMBINED .S01100I. •
- On Wednesday -afternoon a school
range festival was held„in Ben-:
miller -United church.. Thia festiVal
program included soloists and &let-
ists from the• schools under. -the
. .
The regular', meeting of the W.C.,
T.U. was held On March 16th at the
-twine of Mts. Edward'Grigg, with, a
good: attendance. The ftitt vice-
pilsideift, Mrs. Doherty, • preSided.:
• IVirs: IVIedleyAhad charge of the de-
- votional-period-and,gaVe..i-fin. talk.
on the gardens of the Bible. Its.
-j. Granaten-egfered--11r ,a1S0-
gave a reading --telling-7-1roVr the:
ii.ostet mission :Started. ButinesS
Was discussed and it was decided
'to have tea after the next regular
- meeting- in -aid- of the Save the
ChiMren •fundiThe-clip sheet, "Why
ahatinence7"•• wag taken. by
different members and the Meet-
• .
ing closed with a hymn and prayer
- by Mrs. Doherty, Difting a social
Several *visitors were'•present an
one ` new. ' member was recelied,
goodly uuml3er of calls on sick' and
shut-ins were reported.
light 41n&-altogether__-dhannii)g out,. added Mich to the--•traille7Eit,"
Goderich harbor. . • • -
omedy in Arnehl_Iienne,Cs best Other ..nrembers of the • deputation -
tyle. l'he story 'of Cora Prout,'
presented. • #1a37" director :---Airs. J. C. Peters.
. The .stage 'MacKay Hall is A
being developed' by the stage man- e
ager, Mr. • Wm. Sutherland, to an •s
extent never before attempted p
ly aTid the settings rin4-. lighting u
should prove a revelation .to local t
theatre -goers, The ein-phYsis a p
been placed upon the, draped Stage C
as used in those theatres whete-DO- A
Festival plays are 0
presented • and:Hi-he effects will. be
obtained; -7 -.-through Taff -use' "ef -.-the
draperies and effective-clored:light: p
ing from floods and bets rather 1,
thankilie conventional overhead and p
:foot lighting: .
also presented their views ..„.in- sup.;,,
port..ef the' request. for harbor ilyn-;
()pular novelist, her secretary," her
ephew and her doctor; and how, all provement.
--"` The Main RequeSts .
heir problems were' solved. The
Stress was laid upon 'the necessity
ii -it ; -Cora Prout; Mrs, H. !L. 13arnes ;
of Witiefihigliie channel between the
hristine, 'Mrs. Mansell Chapinah;
outer ' breakivaters and , the piers,
tiarraiann,erP, r.39cur.t,c4A.1r,),.. BobDw Ci, ca 11..6 y ; ,I.)r.,
Ladies' Auxiliary, on. Aay loth and the present time in essential civilian and -second. to this was 'the request '
-pjay„ Number. :Three --.`qh._ Atigusti. 2nd. _res.pectivelY. Tbe-uP- phrsuits which_could be used to ad- for the remi)val ofotbe isla,nd in
to-tikey's-pAre,-;"--by•-• W--.. --W-.:2'Sairebs. 'plication from ;:. -the ---Shutz.irilThlY yantake_in the event of war. These 1111 bor, • to ' „(7i've :more , width 'lor'.
resented, by Antileek ..(•:1-1aPter; Association was 1)4 011)1) ny ii,:ineiiiileil " aerial: "ThetegrE-rpli•ing---of ,loaded -vessels- TO:---t4rn,....ifict to pro
,ais,E; play director: Mr. J. C. financial stateraent: . ' rast areas of northein Canade. and i vide additional Mooring' .,Spae for
eters. enfe of the oldest and most J. C. SteWart tendered his resigna- also using planes With magnetic] vesgels of the winter '.fleet. , '
amoui of all 'one-iet plays. The tion as.weighnia,ster sind'the indust- devices for detedting D 0 w mineral The ministers reeelVe4 the -deriu.-•._
Dr. Robert Hannah, the • adindic- story of Air., and Mrs. White, • an
to proceedings necessary for the
removal of buildings that 'present
a fire hazafd and was referred to
the tire committee.
ater,4 will arrive_ in .-GOceriell. >0 o
Wednesagy of next' Week He lis"e i
spent 'Considerable time, during -the ,ii
pat few' Week -a -in ..stildying thp t.
plays- to be .presented, se that his
judgments. wilLbeliased on- complete I
familiarity With the material being 1
preaelited. • Dr. Hannah will , speak 1
iinniediately after the hist play each
evening. . . S
Arrangementa are being made few ''.N
incidental music between plays and
•A • • • ,(1,314at soft-drink stand
will be avai a e or ose w • • 1*- N
refreshment between plitYs,.,
The.,„ plays to • be, presented are
hereinafter outline(1, together with 1
the casts ;appearing in them..
. . `Wednesday, March 31st *_. , .1
• Play. Number One --"The Grain) ,
Chains • Diamond," by Alan. Aionkt
hpilae. PreSented by St., Peter'S"
Id couple whose life is• wrapped' tin
n -their son, -Herbert. The, Whites
re yeryl _happy, until they _try' to
araper -. with fate 'through • the
juedium.. Of the monkey's paw and,
-the •wards--of--"-the old -Sergeant,.
earn "that them as does try catches
t hot." • The caSt! Airs. Shite, Mrs.
A.ndertoii; :Mr. _White, , Mr. Dock.:
tader; Sergeant-MaJor Alortis .and
Ir, Sampson, Mr. StanifOrth; Herh-
ert White.. Mt. R,oss*.;, • .
'The , Goderich Drainatic :Club
1 g-
• • :isE
doderieli, combed -Ws. emilitig'frag Men; of Syracuse, `'N'ew York nnd
schools of Abe three ,t05,11shiris. of four grandchildren. • • •-t•
Colborne, Goddrich and West Wawa_ The funeral seryiee: on' 'Monday
, nosh, The adjudication Was in th0 afterneon- was held in St. George's
-eapable .hands' of Mrs, J. ,G. Mac- church_ and was Conducted' by the
Dougall, • and Mrs. * C.. •Polt, rector, Rev. B. H'. Farr:. Represent -
Ward, L.W.C:Al, both of. Goderichl; ErtiVeS of Almeeleschapter,1.0,D.E.,
' The Children-. sang in classes ,ae- weie present, .in tribute. to a paSt-
cording to „ages_ and were: marked ,regent....The_Pallbgarers_vvera.P._F,
for tonality, diction; and • general Carey D. E. Henries, K.C„ C. F.
and secondlifiteeS-preitch-age-grouplvatsen'and-Harold-Williains;Iturial.
will be entered in the GoderiA took plaee the family plot in
Festival of MuSic for Huron cetintY Maitland eenietery. Ainongithesein.
and mention Will be made Of them attendance Were gr. `and AIr S. John
in., these eolumnS 'later.. „..,.;_---_-Jones-Botelnani-of--*Sgroerise.:-N..X.,-
• - Mrs,--Burleton atines-Batema,n, of
• VIES • .SVIALMINLY Clatencer.Pa., and the, latter s Son
Mr Dt'ud McGratten, Essex turleton and his Wife.
street, -while on Iris .Way up town • "
this morning (Thursday) dropped, QUICK WORK THE
street n 'Iron o
houserlie -wai
year. Prineral-
riot yetcompleted:
v °
seveiitie •-•
There wed exciteinent•at the Shell
rangernents• are
service •strition'en Kingston street
on Sunday afternoon. A cat -drew
in with tin overheated engine after
. Dr pr a . through muddy roads and
ajor edging ogr at.Goderic
h "When leohol from- ..the0 ,radiatot
bubn•lednup And" Over the 'engine the
Harbor Font pier reault WaS a tiered blaze. Al L
OTTANI/it Mareh 23.
stricken regions 04 :Western Ontario
mist look to the; Province and. the
individual minlielPirlities Ali, con-
servation and•eontrel works, 'it was
indicated I4 information 'given the
COnimmis today, ; • .
Responsibility *ler flood 'Contralti
loutside;the jurisdiction of Welled-
- evil, Government except Cases that
-come cunder' the ,Navigable Waters
proteetion Att. , '
But from the capital today, came
a word of cheer . for at least- One
Strieken ;district - centre+Ooderlehtf
IIon Alphonse Fournier, 111inister
of PUblie'Vorka; agave assurance
, today that his ' department:. 'would
lose no time in repairing the site and
,flood. damage to harbor installations
at that Vet.
"That definitely is our departhlent
"and We will take care of that. as,
'Wilson grabbed tire
' extinguishers and the blaze was oot
curtain wil_l_rise nightly at 8.30 .m.
and" that, singe plays are being
idjudicated, it would be unfair to
play in progress to have a
tunaber of the andience coming late
to their seats,.. It -has, therefore,
been decided that Once a plat.IS itt
Progress the doors will be closed and
-,Draniatic -Society.
Mt. Ron Price. The , stofy
ii ler-clast--English-family who, se
li-trindrinn -life is 171106r -shaken -by
their acquisition of ma dianiond of ,
fabillous wealth which is;sought by
an international • Th!e
-tattr Perkins', jrances Briere-
Edney; „Air. Perkins, ,Top 13aker;
Polly Perkins, Margaret'Evans; The
Stranger, Harvey Lassaline ; Albert-
-Watkins, Pat Spain,
Play ,i, innber •Two -"The 'Spin-
Presented-. by Goderich omen s
Institute.. Play director : Airs. J. O.
Peters.; The -story of how. scandal
came to Shake the little world d
fashion l whose leaders are • the
Spinster „ladies "ob the village of
/Aisne. .This ehatiiling little comedy
,is set in the year 1810 When Nopel.,.
eott ,was • at, the height of his power.
The cast: giAS
E. Wilsert; Miss Thetitia, Mfg, J.
= .iPeters.: Ww.s Mrs. • A.
MISS000risle, Mts. Daften:
burg; 11liss Lucy, Mrs, N. Clare.
mont ; ptioe'be Mrs. B. Farr..
Play, "NuMb'er Three•-•"Olimpbell
of by A, Yerguson.
Presented •hyitl;fthe...•Artliiito Circle
Players.. Play director: Mrs. Aae-
ttl'ile--IleVell, ',Ili the year t745. th6
llattle Vallodeti Moore ernshed
the 'hope of 14COttish independence
and sent Prince Charles Stewart
fleeing for his' life through the Ilight
lands. This play tells of one brief
'episode of that flight tad of the
Driee-bilit Highland paid tot
.their unswerving loyalty 'to
•"„a hist eanSe; The east: Mary
Stewart, Mrs. Mrs.'. Floyd Lodge; '111orag
Citniereil'?Alar,gatet, Cooper; Dugal
.,*gtewIt_rtt.. Arelillnild
Cooper i yfae-;
Xerizie "XttcOreath; Capt.'
-.$66.,titg,,,•Ny,6-1.sosww.,•-e-w,he.aidi-tyabro.,14nybods, ootatt.,,..40-v .10 nn
40iir engineers' are On the job now, altirin.for the' town tire brigac10- 1ii
Init• it is too' earlY* yet to 'establisnthe meantime the driverswife and
the aniatint;3-f-tUnniige or theanionnt • ehild-buildied, Out of `the , in a
of repair ',Work involved," • • ,"'7,111irrY.; and no great damage was
• 111r, reurnier, snow*: a London done.... ' •
Free, ,PteSS air photo Of the damage ••
at • anderieh.,;(reprodne-ed in the ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED
81glitilStar-thls, week), said •it .waS Mt, and Mit.' Frederick A, Wilson
the best lie had Seen, .that it teldthe .,.arinotteed the engagetnent of .their.
story.. , _younger daughter,. Helen Orate, „to
Further, the "Mitigter. indidated • Donald Atoka:lifer Caninheil",ts,on'
.he was hopeful that, apart' entirely' of Mt. and Mrs .James Canipbell,„
frein the repair, work necessary be- of oodetteu;• the' Wadding to take
valise of the ice jam,'. the Govern' Place 'Victoria ' 'Street.: Viiit4d,
merit,Woold,, undertake this'autintior • •Cliiirch 011 APritt.tra, .P''
It, Major dreging program at the: Mr. and Mrs.'1•XoWard .16htistOn 'Of
'entrance of 6(10:10 harbor..
Port Albert announce the, engage‘
• This, NOW* may toet well . over nient of,their'onlY daughter, 11ernlect
.doliars, recently wata--.Petirli...to, ItoSS Irvirt;,- OnlY 'Sea Of
-the subject of reptesentatiens Mt, t
Made Mr. and Mrs. tevienry ptick.
to the.Cabinet by Godericli district now; the marriage' to 7 take plizee
delegation'. * ". . early in A.pril. • •
, . •
rial committee wap authorized te deposits. . • • .
aet in the Jiiiitti+,-,. • ' ,.,_ . „ .
. A. letter from the secretary of "ilie7,;WINS l'ItAISE AT . - • .
Goderich High Schoal----.A-rea. Boa rdi . 'MIMIC.. FESTIVAL
stated the tetal 'sum' to be raised
by levy in the district this ry•eat• VMS - '
. 'Billy Acheson of Lindsay was
$17,282.82. re„qufring, a mill . rate of
highlY -commended-- -by tile •adjtidic--
2.4.'mills. • The . amount reqUired '
'it • peterboro"s -Music Festival
from the... TOWn. ' of • Goderich is at°r
for. his. performance in grade .1X.
$6,360.85, -Payable in_ quarterly in-
verse speaking, and given first place
stalments. ' .•
Lows- 7,1„th -$3 Marks. '
The local assessment Qf the Gede- 'th' t '• ' '• • '
"CS bile Billy .is only ir een„years
rich high school district is., as -fa,
old;. he .compeeed in grade XI •
. •
ttgliftettfftarMliip amp_von seem lace this
gra e, ging • ur er pinfs-e rein
Colborne: tow'reShip
tvoidmgirsessi:n, regretfully refp.sed until
the conclUsion• Of the play tife'n in
--The - adJildien ter, Dr:‘_ Rribert.
Hannah, will gi,ye his summing up
tit the eonelusion of each evening's
perfOrDlithee. On the 'first night be
will stres$1 standards in plays, act-
ing, direction,41iction, group acting
etc.. and oittlie, seeond night will
describe howethe festival plays have
Piet these Stfindarcls 'en, the
basis 92 his tfindings will present
V best V hes
pc ress
, k
Owen Hanfifton, a fopmer partnet-
in the Weston Dairy , at 'Weston,0111., '
o. .
enel 'Department of Public Works, mote
ilton Served 'eVerscas..l.h th°
retertur•-°•-of-the it,C..*A.FA; Mr.. Ham,
'stating . if :possiblo-he -would
,sotttrientitttios, f isnie:Aviva M:1011refer:-
or 11
"40_0. other interested part* with -
the same group. its was the famed
CanAdian pilot, Buzz 13eurling.
The former owner of the Goderieh
Dniry, 3'. "A. Snider, Operated it for
. * 580,663
the adJi dicater tor his, .e.xcellent
Goderich township
Thillett tevenshiP -
E. Wawitnosh town$nip • 285,300
Harris of Griderich.: ETA 1311,yileid) A
work,... . • , ; , • ,
, 9,650,35,4,
Goderich, 'town Bily his been tutored in dramatic-
, 108.600
art b:;•$ his mother (formerly Doris
W.. Wawanosli. townsbip, ., 980,150
who ,is . A graduate C.N.S.E. r ...• '-.:
is interesting to note .that; Mrs".
Bylaw provedAcheson sang in the 'Sopran,o section.
Ap_ • .
,of the, same- -testivaland- receis ed
„ ToVn Solicito? 3. Kt Hunter wrote. 82 ...iii.i.11,k
for her c'pefformance of•
l'eP"tillgrilLs-atteliduM. ifelltrir-------the "The ,13 -ells Of f.:;arr-Min Le.",
-Ontario -..quniciptilL)oard Tit 'Tor,.; - -11r:-Alec. RedshOw.--(if- -Grinish37.7
Onto on March 16th_ in • the iniftfe'r'
England, was • the adintlicator., 'for
of bylaw No: 6 of 1948 (miking both the Toronto and. Peterbotongh
certain builOing restrictions, apply- i.:}Tir.itta Iiirtw tostiyas_. , ...
ing*,-40. lands, -along tbe rivQr filtd
lake fronts),., and, stating Ithai, the
bylaw • was appreved liy the Board.
Mi. Hunter also -submitted a by-
law for the debenture • issne of,
$325,000 for the neW school build -
du an •IS. was referred to Om -
• A. letter froin -the OM( 4.6 Muni-
cipal ,Associatihn with 'reference, to •
a bill' • befere the Legislature ' to
amend the Munieipai Act Was 're-
ferred to the-An.ance .committec.' '
b. .H., -MeDonalds, acting istrict
engineer at London fpr the 'Federal,
thelharbor': some ni May..
$200 Grant to.11ighway Association,
The .liminee epiumittee passed
number of . aced -tints and .reeoni-
the mat ,sixthen years. Ile plats
to .move. into his house -bil,vES!ex 133naietilledeNetyaPtearYillIeI4Igthw*afy:$2A°s°socti°atitolinP.'
itfeetitOhe'near future. , ' The special. 'committee .reported
:that •invedigation',fiad been made
DitiviAog IN '00OURICH TOWN- 'ecipottitYg the coniphiinta of. a soot
• ' sum • nuisance and parking vehicleS
Damage in Goderich toWnship thiS -on the sidewalks' 3n.front.Of servIce
year from.: spring floods was small statiohs and garageS, find i1ppror1-
itt with•tbe record ate action had been taken.. .
age 0...„year-ago,..1teeve. lorge. Glint On motion . of ,Reeve Iluelihis and
informed • The ' tar; 'Uouti. Elliott,' Council deeided to
Stated, that ,probably about Mtst' petition the' , Department' of HIgh
WitalioutS occurred oii culverts ' ways to take over Cambria raid as
throughout 'the township; 'hitt note .ii-eonneeting ithk betikteen_highWaS
of thew ditinaged the bridges to any Nos,: 8' 1)110 21.
great extent. Ilis estimate • of the. ' rornikit xt,i,ftiod
erist -to repair thein Is 2`i000.. •COMinittee of the *hole
troNS aratIno NOTE .
• FridaY,` April 2110, will be "base-
- ball , night" at the Goderieh tions
Club meeting at which the members
. of Lions. baseball. teams will be
svg,toma-temeekE,3, vs*.140.4wefemit
ticket,s4 to -11m Goderich
T.itins Club "perch' derby." are Selling
taAt, "Skipper" MacDonald' reports.
,Ntnnerons requesta are coining .in
front brit..of-toWn list. The derby
opens on Thursday; April lat.'
tation most cordiolly,, and proreise •
was given of the repair of the dam-
aged piers as quickly as *-
Furthet than this 110 definite under- _
taking was given except that the re- •
quests preaerited'would reeeiVe care-
ful • 'attention and iMprovements '
would k Made "itg-coiotro-ii-s-yoii-to
rournier„ colthmented
favorably uPonthe splendid, "btisi-,
nesslike brief which wEls submitted
by Mr. Parsons, rind' alfegether 11.
is the conedent ,belief of meinhere •
nf • Goderich harbor were ,presenied, '
•Ei way, that • should bring geed, ,
NOTE OF ApPitRopiTiog
. ,
• .
Dorothy 'Johnston bas ' te- ,
ceir,erl the _folibwing
Rev. John rtitchard.,,. te,gboug..
11ond, • -on--S-e-ai-Esse-x-;'-England;
in-acknewledgment-ofAL:Red Cress_,,.. •
parcei sent froth Goderieh". '
Dear ,Alis Jolinston,-Misa.t), E.
Brown has no doubt acknowledged,
hail, ago, Ilto arrival Of the
very generous food par'eel which
arrived early this. year. She;
kindly eommisSioned3130 14) (1107.:
tribute its contents to needy -Tam-
psi 4.13. -AX
ilies in connection with :lily -church '
privilege to do a. veri
then I. have .1feeenierming. to .write
n personal note of appreelation and •
thanks to you n*Ood folk ,whe Were.:
responsible for P7tire gift. 1, divided
the contents of the pereel- and took ;.
them to some of otir 'old folk and
S0]114 folk who live alone and Wile,
therefere lind the food situation'
iiarticularly, difficult. Ali,Ilun
elpients were 'very appi'eeiaLIve'i.- -4
deeply:grateful. '1., expect . you ilii.
it diffienit To linagfrie 'JUR wliat
things,are. like over here. . We, are
jelearltr6a..iiivloytynOmt twichlthoiourt ,
thankful, but. the situation is, none
excoedingly difficult and at
'present 'it is more dithenit- than it
has ever been; even during 1110; war.
ilieW°C.111°IstIailfil":146.4theis*lair fgolitrsh'°111;'',.
of our friends.% Christ in Panaila.
We would 'send
ings 'front' our liere,,togethir •
with , our ,..grateful, thanks and
.1*64.t. 1111•411'S
the. application of, Mts.!: Chapman
ter a . permit 'for w`117--cbttage on
Gloucesteri Terrace *AS considered
it iVaS 1,',Q„99,#)*Pd-eti:
tini --
permit be refused- as not Meeting
the requirements of bylaw No. 0.
This' recothinendittion. was •adopted
itt COuncili$•
Bylaw No. 0 was given thirdesd
limit reading* .
Bylaw No. 7., to provide liindd'for
the new school, Nliklt readH a first
and secOnd time aria he, saw,
mitted to the Ontario. Municipal'.
IlAtird for rapproval.: It authorizes
the' -.issue of ',t8ventst..ye8r (41)enturei
to 'the ' anablint of ;$26,000 .at 31/4
her 'Cent -The Schedule,' tittaChe4"
sliOws in4reSt! pa*ettts tor the:.
term af the debentures an $i32,:352,
110, making;41, total of $45t13.52,.1,50
reiIitiritiganima pttrxiertt tot ali
average onVitint of;$22A67:60.
/WAWA, antliorizing work • by' the
Dell Telephone Go. were pas00,;`,
• X
a el
8ter' if yoll