HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-18, Page 7-- YOUR G I f T to the Canadian l Red Cross..enabies.you to bring a ,.
elp,--comfort life itself : to the need • a. d, the tri � tr
When dt aster
's ,strikes, you are -there with- food, ;clothing and medical
aid. in *solated districts where: the d c o:beyond i,_
o _ �t r i<�-aro �h - you. sesta It :
' Out osritbs itals Your• royide•free blood transfus ons«set u
.. p ,p Clinics. -You
.. , ., p i , p additional
blood donor. clinics.`•You teach first aid, swimming .
aid , water safety. You
cr operate .�;ed Cross' Lodges at
MilitaryHospitals,'.-S that wounded -veterans have a
,,dpla �e for recreation and for receiving:.their ..relatives
'and .friends..
• You become a'parjtnier in al! the missions of"mercy -�
carried out, in peace ,as well as war, by Canada's'skilled,
devoted Red Cross. workers.
ROLM4#VXX4I,E,: Mar, 2tir- MrR
and Mrd. Ebner -Potter fanallav
'-spent Saturday at-ereeswater,,gi eats
of Ur.. and Mrs. T. litakakinald.
• Mr, and Mrs„ K.ennetlt Lahgtord
and . Walter, •: Woodham, spent' Sun
.day 'with Mr,. and Mrs,
wartha,: "
r Sunday .visitors with Mr.• and
asrs, N. 'Heard, and ]Visa:. • Harrison.
were Mr, and' Mrs« •Ii ' Heard, ,Clip-
ton,'and Mr. aiidryMrs. Nelson,Heard't
`Mrs ,Dresd,a• 'Beek, Bev-11e,''is
visiting;helr piirente, Mr-:',',4114'Mrs
J; Htil1er� : Mrs-,' Hulle'r,;who'haa
been undergoing treatment's in, ();113,
ton Pobiie IIospital for -the past`two;,
w.eeks,, is no. w on ;Pe, e, w'a * to " re
' covery, and her:Many'fr ends hope
;she will soon lie well :en o igh „to • re»:
turn .home.
lli'rs;.Haughton and• little son, of
Clinton are spending-, a few days
with• ;the former's parents,, Mr. and
Mrs Aliiert ;:Bond; .-
- Easter. Frogram, - .- The regular,
eetin of -:the--'P .M.S.-was:--held=
last Wednesday in the basemenf,of•
the church, and was opened -with,.
an Easter ',hy?nn,::foilowed Y.nrayer_di:slocated•-ankle- put back - in,,place
the. bones In the heel. Scraped, and
set,. and._also a fracture. in his__ foot
set., --,The, 1'eg- is -.:in- a _-cast
wto , the
hip.. It as .necessary,, to give him'
a blood transfusion after • the Oper-
ation and he will be•in the hospital
for three 'weeks or more yet. Mrs.,
Rutledge intends goiiig to Toronto
--to vinit' i rer htjsband to the ospital
over the 'week -end, ,
V.M.S. 1V1eetkng. -- .Tie , March
meeting-rof-Nile "W:1%LS was held on
Marsh 10th, with the president, Miss
Currey, in: the chair., After', the
opening hymns Mrs, ;Morris read the
Scripture- lesson :Marl �:2-8 - A
letter from Miss Bernice M. Coates,
Crosby Girls' • Residentia .,School at
Port Simpson, B.C., was read. Ar-
rangements were,,made for a quilt-
- Ting at the next ''meeting and quite
a large parcel of secondhand cloth;
ing for • relief • was' -handed in. Seven
pairs socks; two pairs children's
stockings and three, pairs children's
mittens iv .sent to the Dun
r,' ttRFe.
slain _ of: It a hYmtt 41;',010 Arose."
.010 meeting clod With pira!er ' ley
aro, '''aVen « , « The W.A. meet
:hip",followed. Final. arrangements
Frere" d• $e` or -the prin eoiee
which"'is Ne ill` beid early April, .
Atter the lose of 'the' n►eetiug .
lovely lunch Was ,served by the,
hostesses," ;Mrs. Leake derris; end
Mrs, II, D. Oliddon. , 1
NILE. Marelt ' W -+There " was.. no
service in' '1V'iXe . church on Sunday,
owing to ,the. illness of the, minister,'.
Rev, S. ,Il;, Ruyward, -
' ' Jaek� WIlsbn• lutd, two `fingers Abad-
ly injured in the pulley_ Of .the tan
belt in his. trucl �ias1 :'week.:. X't •is:
hoped`' the .fingers"titin' be saved. '-
Undergoes: Opoiration, : - Wilmer:;
IRutiedge, 'wiio 'had ,the misfortune
to have. his foot, badly -Mangled by
a b`lizzsaw ' while . cutting ` ice.' in
oder ch, is in, t.. o'soph s..Hos-.
pital, Toronto, and. underwent an
operation last veok. A= bone ,was-`.
takon from, his • hip and grafted :in
his foot: ;just, above the ankle, the
by Mrs,' E. J. Trewartha. An bap-
Proprlate. Easter-pfogram , was pre-
sented ender the leadership of: Mrs.
H, CudmoreThe Scripture lesson.
was read' by' Mrs,`>Preenian; after'
which ; "An• Easter -Message'•' was
given' byr- the leader. A duet 'was
sweetly rendered by Mrs. E. Grigg
:and -Mrs. Elmer Potter. Mrs.
Gliddon gave , an Easter reading,
and- .Mrs. Mulholland' a reading,
"How and What Shill). ,I Give This
Year. . to My Ohurch?" ;It was de-
cided that the Easter thank -offering
: would"be' taken at the April meeting,
A temperance reading Was given by
Miss Dell' Fin"la ,: •. and: a reading,'
"Easter, Love Triumphant" by Mrs,,
TO ••
B. 'R, 1VVUNDAY • •
Certified • Radio: Teehnician
...P.Htils10 `o cAfZ ..y "7:-
7a7 Wilder St., G.oderich, Phone 598
• < \ • ' Your donation will be 'gladly t`eteived •at any branch' of this bank
You woriy !bout-- your present
or-- Ititure 'security, -
Phone Carlow 2115 or write
Monareh , Life Assurance, regret
sentative, R. R.1, port Albert.
division of , the Red ' Cross.• The_
study' book was read by • Mrs. Thos.
McPhee and the meetin closed with
the Mizeaii, benediction..
,IN Two Shot years we have added. over.
257,000 telephones;,pttt m: hundr'e`ds o .
switchboards ..and trained: thousands of
people to extend and O p'av'epone
service. •• •
We are 'adding more, telephones> to .meet the
continuing detiiand Jor service just :as -fast its
equipment becomes available: ' •, .
All this is bemg-clone in. the .face
U to'sts: Yet, up to now, there, has been no
anej'e' in --the basic=telephone:-rates
" 4 estate iished�21' years': ago: - •
ing much better. •...-.„, •
Mrs. Leslie Jerviss of Holinesville
visited on'-Sanday"with Mrs. Walters
and Floyd, °
' Mr. Walter Mooreof Straffordtaille
wits home with his parents, M'r. and
= -M s .—jt y- Moore over -the -week -end:
There was no 'church .service -min
Benmiller Yiniteci •church on Sunday.'
Rev::S. E. Hayward was suffering
from a bad cold. -
Mr: J. R. 'Long: was taken .toT Godes-
rich hospital on .Friday: 'for iob'sery-,
ation •: . y . t3
A=number' freta -:here attended the
Saitford Community. Club's card
party •en Friday night. •
The ,.saciaL. of.:the-.yo,ung"-married
people's class held in the , church
Fyoti,th means- greater value than ever
are fQ us•,rthg*tisfae• n vtT,'di i
."the -best telephone..:serviceat tfie..lowest''
+ ossible cost".
on Tri ay night was enjoyed-, by,.
all present. -
Young Adult Group. -Q.' meeting
of the Benmiller Young Adult Group
was -held in the- basement -6f the
church on Friday night, with group
1 in-charge.-AisJ.ohn_-Dunbar••con--
ducted the 'devotional service, with
Mr. Frank Baer speaking on the
topic ,'"Consecration." Mr. Qrville,
Blake and Mr._ Stanley. Snider • had -
charge of - the recreational period,.
which Wits highly amusing. • It took
the form of 'a "mock court" in which
Mr: Frank Baer' was judge,. Stanley
Snider, . ,Orville.' Blake and ,Elmer
'Fisher were lawyers -and -aohu ;I)un-
Sar was bailiff. ;Ross wFisher, • Frank
Ailin, Mrs. Ralph 'Jewell- and. Mrs
Eimer Fisher••were tried for..,varipu"
"offences."' Lunch: was 'served .by",�
the committee, The next meeti tg
w lI• take the form of 'a "hard times"
: SCY,.;;.:::.r>;•yiA•;:;, •mfr. ter`
r/ .3•Y!' iffi:.:�j ::'�Fj$: i.f!''i?ti:i•}: :}i.•.}C
> ,:.
:Y:,::•;.r •„:,:>'�52 < 9'<<`$ ,..�4?..:,,,t,:'a9:+:%J/;,# :;C,:•ti: .;.:�:o- t.,S:},!:,+•,ar S?':
The single pjbble, you :drop ' into a pool ' makes- ring after ring of
w• idening_ripples:.: In. the_s e, way onekindness of ' yours. Will _benefit •
vast_nutnbers of people . ,. when -mil give -to-- the -Canadian Red- Cross.
.emter gene services , .. sheltet',-clotl "ing, medical aid
to communities stricken by .disaster, •
Davelives with free- blood transfusions;
e1p ,crippled children walk
ee a NIVM1d5Ei°
mg pioneer n$an,.
with vital medical aid' in tune' of accident, illness, childbirth;
_bring- amfort„to ;ill `and-dhsa4edr veterans` in ''hospital beds,
.reach- water safety and swimming;. thus preventing tragedy;;
maintain -the Juni& iced: Cross, now 550,000 -"strong "it, Canada
. '. leach First Aid . . suppnrt iMportant nutrition and`shdme
maker services.Y,� ,.. y,.• „
,.. t , m x�n,:�t'•C .+�•e"'"`": r .a....:.+,,.«y t::.a �.f"�;..^.:-i,....k 7..:uu�:.:`
All _these, and other' works ofi mercy -..you --wilt help: make possible in a,
slipped act of ki idness' wheal' Foix 4:
+ w•
w x
87 West St., Phone 574 -r -•or
above Agnew Surpass More,
.Phone 1199. -932tf
°Nn extra charge forthe use.
:if (Mr ,Funeral Home, Torbri-
to Street.
„Prompt " Ambulance,
Phone' 33tr . Res.' 365 0r 17
Guaranteed work;nanship at
Sricesw; that- please y'ou:. . _
Call • at our otii t.ur drop ab ti_
dine tub Box 161, Goderleh. We
will be pleased ' call and help
choose, a soltabl mremorlalt for
•-your' family plot'
B. A. SP' TION''
'St. And ,-
tvor iAg with • Canevery ,ilto lot ' avewaleo/
Once 1817
r> ,
Vous NEARt5'i s OF Mt IR'AN01-1 Witt ME �1.0` el AdOe r now( DONAYION rOIt ly4ifxto'H to" OAmem 41V Ni i omo
ROO, 0018
pane' , danriii i :lam & Pryde>
01111,tot, ,)Meter, Seafor'th
to oi• 150, or phone i
14 Exeter'
s+ load fre tialI lis pleaoect tel.
O ,
,1, Alii - . � , : .
ccim`li�c of : eat
. c•' g
passed «: and in anticipation of evert
greater years ahead . °. °. the now :offer the.
ISyiiatuic' Oldsmobile for '48. '
more than hist another
name applied tb biginohiic '.: ' les a
action word, capeelaI1y suited to AO
spirited personaiity of ;hese action,—styled,
action-ettgineer&l cars. -
Powered with au engine already'fatrioo,4
dcssig r : he ut 'et
curd" all around, satisfactiiau : arta wirer
. an option of `"Bydr�aniatic scar=change", .;
the .most' amazing mechantcai iulprovc.
Ment i:n the ,last decade, their great 5rltb
' Antiiv'crsary Dynamic, Oldsmobilcs • `aro
. offerers in sparkling new eo%1ir3, attractive
tacw intojoes, pleasing appoitttmCnte,
and:ip- s wtilc range of body a ylcs.
No matter wlint feature or quality you `
se''k---Oiilsmohile has it.