HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-18, Page 3, 1010 lEAR 1. 104 '12 • ".7••"' ; 4 4,4! , 1c, rinuEspi, 1.8th, pr8mt8s,*.j41,EotoiOr - -„ • 40.0.04,w • TS :Ci30I1J•4•TR*XDG* CHARTVIEHD ACCOU.14TAISIT Phone 1%10.-,Qiiice 343W;s1;160e , , •. G., l‘lcOANT: , .• Accountant. ' • Clinton,()uteri° . Phone 410J Albert Street ACCOUNTING.& 13001ORPING t.30.0VINTING'& BOOKKIDEVING M31011:01 For Small Businesses, Stores, gtc. • )3Qokkeeping 'Syilems Installed. , B-ooks-BalanCed-Monthly • Financial -Statements WageTSU,inularies Basines and Personal Income Tax - RetOFns A.I4EgB,T" $110414).- - Oftice Corner North St. and Square: phone .97.5. Residence Phone 444 INSURANCE itUT(14.L.FIRE .-SIJRANCE -*CO, -Farm Ond liolated town' preperti-insufed.' President,: Chris'. Leonhardt, ]3r - holm; Vice -President, -,Hugh Alex- ander, "Walton; Mgr. and Secy- Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth • DIRECTORS -- Chris. 'Leonhardt,i; Bornhotin; Hugh. Aleiander,;-Wal- • ton; Sam. IL Whitinore, Seaforth, E. ,i1;;)Trewarthai• Clinton; Robert Arehi ardrSenfigth-; John --Hr Mc-- 1,1Wing, Blyth; Frank .1VieGregor,, ounton,; ';iolui :L. Malone; -Seaforth.; Harvey -Fuller, Clr-d-defith Agents-40lin E. Pepper, -Bruce- field, U.R. 1 ;George A. Watt, Blyth, it. - •-•McKercheri:- )3ro4hUgent. A,' , ' " • policy -holders eau make all-pay,- ments and get their cards receipted • ',at the ROyaL_Ba•nk, Clinton; Keith Cutt'S Grocery,, Kingston Street, Goderich, • Rev, Thzns. E(...gati,..o .Strat- ford, • retired clergyman ' of • the Chtireh of England,. observed: )1is ninetieth birthday On Monday. ths pont Rev; B. EL Parr, rector' of • GetOe't3", church, Gederich, and .11,443; 'Farr ; were • at. Stratford ,for the anniversary. •• ' • P.S. lInspector J".••-11. Jinkeadwas a §PWter ata, conference''Of school AnsPectOra'.'..414 - :NOMA], Ze'hool, teaeherali! held , at the •.,,Stratford „rtnal-T,SchOelf r istEDic'Ai DR. • F.• J. R. FORSTER., , EAR., NOSE, ,:THROAT • Latellouse-Surgeon--New_YOrk Ophthalmic --and .7: Aural HOSpital, assistant_at itooreaeltrEye Hospital. and Golden ,Square Throat:Hospital, London, England. EYES- `TI1STEDGLASSES.. • - 'SUPPLIED 53 Waterlo0 Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. • ' • Next visit, Bedford Hotel, pode-: rieh; Wednesday, March ,31.8t, 194,3,; at 2 p.m. till, 4.30, p.m. d' fl,HIROPRA.CTOTi AND DRUG- . LESS THERAPIST • GodeOch,_ Phone 341 - OFFICE-1{0U1S-- *- Mon. & Thurs.-9 to_11,30 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. (only) Tneg. & Fri. -9 to 11..30 a.m. • 2 to -5 pan. 84.7 to 8 pan. aan., (only) Mineralfume baths by appointMent . only. A.TKINSON -51 Soutlr_St....' Registered under Drugless Practi; , tioners Act .for the PrOyince of . -Oritirio. • • 4144r, • 0 „ 'Optemetrist-Oppihni 7E1'70 Examined, '0!la00 Fitt A . :Phone Goderieb?_:.044 F. _T., Armstrong orwimAINT and OlPTOMpTRIST ' Square Cioderieh fiee Armstroffgitti-d-"Boe-Bitter" At Lucknow first 'Wedoestlay,of • ,% ..each month. 1 .EX.PERIENCED AUCTIONEER , DONALD Licensed for- Counties, of Huron . and Brute- • RIPLEY. _FIIONE 49, - For information 'apply to J. N. -liernighan, Division Court Clerk, Goderich,•Ont. , .„ EinkrA1iti:VVELLIOTT- '1.1chNglem tweTioNgglz . . uerreeiseirdeuei--pieinapw- -Fiwered. -frumediate-arrangemenla can he .made for 'Sales Date- by Charge moderate and :satistae.:' .„tioniGnatanteett 1.0tf,_ • „'•!TACKSON • • LICENSED AUCTIONEER • • 'HURON AND PERTH, For inforinatiOn ete.; -.-R-Jt-4,--Seiforth';,..or, phone- 691- ' 'pet). Seaforth, -or 867; Goderich.. . • Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, 'ACcident and Motor Car. Insurance oFFICE-MASONIC TEmPLE WIEST ,STREET PHONE 230 GODERICM INSURANCE - 1,nd . , REAL •EsTA.TE PHONE •24 -GODERICII WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS - Bus Schedule Now In Effect -- 'Polo i 1 STRATFORD 11.'. 12.15 p.m. - . 12,15 p.m. A:15 8.15' p.m., , 134.84Dr London leaves at '1.00 a.m. on Saturday and Monday only. Sundays and holidays the 12.15 !Ps goes to Straford.only.. Connections at Clinton for London, * Detroit, ,...W.mghtun, Walkerton, Port' Man „and'Vvirdb-Seruld. _ Connectkins at; Stratford for Wood- ' Tato-ek-liitchoninTGiuoliPhi-afTnit- ton and- Toronto.• • Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. 0••, F'1411. „',104l!`' 4-11,ardi*es:, in '.,411.1,POrt, of Vkliad#4,, - 0.9044.°A.B. ,-114.10,11.., .. ' r•••••,..,;•,a1. ;.••••• 7 'I Forty Members were ,present ' at • . , , ,..., . ..‘ a ,meeting of;,tbe-ptinadion Seamen's, prganr2e4 ,by the Companyjo train, S : 6 - Union, intt,he lsfita.5iiie Xiilr"-O gri.: A13614tart47-41x-to :11 cf: 4)34 *444f 4,- dAT- 41ght, ''E, Xttittiiig presided, 114ce'.' bf rOtPa. graders and abler th b ildd •Ela vtAIN'• ,0*.E11,40)Agf, • ,4),F 40AD: MAOHMES • ber-';,:of 'ent.,•Of-teWW-Agia are planning 4004 •st";,v seheol.' Whig $110$0red minjOn •40411,,,,Xachindry OP0:1.4.114te4 in Gederich, 4on, 'March 4 a& 0.c.12. 24. •' • schOol, has lieen• ..kaachin erY used 1.1.1 n and Joe SulliVan,•of the C.S.13., livas ,maintenanee ivads and hi4hivays. present 4P4 gave an address. : The visitors •Wili be tho guct al§S _jtme"---))likeiv---or--33aTitelctr o . e provably, at a dfinier to e one of tic%) women` delegated. at -the :hold At the Br2tisIl 4xellatilge Rota convention • Toronto; OP on Tuesday _evening, March 23. The February ,23rd, gave a report. She program `ineluUes lectures, moving said that 1.05.,delegatelr were present, pictures. and tiractical deinonstr•a-. .repreSenting lakeanddeep ea se i io in" th ii Of .:,SariOns rdafl , men and 11Shermen; and the., Presk machines. -In addition, Visitors will dent ItengougliT br Ihe Trades • and _taken on a tour of the plant8 to Lobo]; bour4,ess_of • anada praised,tundmie tnt,....yArtias§tage.$ 14tw the seainen for their loyalty to the ananufactore of road Machinery. • • • ' cornPliance with. a resalutiOn O.R.M.T.A. MEETING sent from the Goderieh organixatioo, • The kluron branch of the Ontario • a __fleiw......sion_hau. securer:I Registered, Asuei- at Thorold, and those at,other ports atidn met. on , -,,March t1iinton; vi/1 be renovated and • repaired. •The guest *speaker \% LS .M4S' Cora brought down tjie house as they led reedont of the Press. ss'eptiai EXeCatite Editor • of:1:02.1don • - ITTeet Pte0t4 AdclPesset1 ' ,Lions Club "A Xrea prPse' is" absolutely esL sential to ;the ,vVelfarepf•Ae rorldio declared- -)kr. R. 4, Charch111,1,ex- eeutive editor Of The London Fret' Press, addressing theiGedertch T,Jions Club here on Friday night. Whigfi- news, is today traasblitted. around the ,world; " Mr,' 0410111Stated, "The Atlantic Ocean has disap- PPar,ed; Europe ' is right at -your- ' . • rAlS , 4Q17,11." :0111$1 • .-prfigiRESUNq sP11004.4* 'ow*. to • 06deria1i:" on '1410nclaY night ;TOM LOnd011;:,' .1)resentqcl At_ ,the Vailliou an exeellent.prograni Opp- -Sored . the local ,I.Iranetc..of tlie •Women's. Institut. , • The entertainment hacl a delayed opening, as the troupe Lialtd, 'diffiquAY' 'in reaeliing Goderich froni LOUden", . owing to a heavy Ng whiell..madi "dfiVing perilous. The weather also affected the attendance,' as :people from the surrtiunding rannicipalities w,bot„, were .,expected. -:were reluctant to risk driving in the fog. .Notwitb- standing the unfavorable circum- stances , the -re was a fairly good -audience.„ • • •- - The -troupe game frbua thepal, broadcastingstation, at Louden. Uurray Brown Was the master- of ceremonies and Jack Bennett, an- geer ot “CFPL Gibes Calling," assisted. The 'orchestra pond -tided -- by 1)on Wright gave -a lively setting to thetperformance, and; W11S equally . at *home when directed by Mrs. George -pand,erson .and %Mrs..' wed- MeAstoelter, both 'of goderlph,, who , A ' survey of "bay ports," .laclud- -k; -Ahregs); Mus. Bac., Lprr.Q.44, . of -bag :Goderich, Will be ."roade\- -this- stratford.. Miss Ahrexi*" spoke oll spring while' on -0.14111g Of -vessels is "Ear Training and Piano Teaching. in, progress, ,to 'locatesuitable ac-, problems." , Thu _next meeting. wilt , toMmodation for Union 'halls.be held during tlie. week of the CS.0 Recognized Unifiti" . GOderien Music ,Festival. . ir..f'1°oeSnulS1Sullivan told tbe,..meetiag, , , • .„ , • • that increased WageS, 'haVe ,been - granted by the Shell Oil _Company . . it wo•stated, is the only unioii that and the Quebec and Ontario Paper the Shell 011 U01111341.1ST has recog,- Co.,, both of whom are Making a ilized. . • . • i . , check-up of seanaenis. dues, onvessels- , operated under ' thern:'. nie c,s,:u4. illiThes,eespileatikliery stated that.- no one actual 'agreements _..... •... between J. A.. (Pat) Sullivan, ..e.f. - .tlie Canadian 'Lake Seanieff's Ofiloni: -and .the-4;tanada,...Steainisiiip; :1L-iiie's)-' ' •-4, \little Trzt ,Coloni41 and-, Sarnia.. Steamship . • . • Lines and the Northwestern Steam- " ' " R. J. eAuiconi.1,-..,. atilt „hip Lines7,_.4The__thrtr...xecogrii.ze-d executiVe7edit6Lof •The London Free. -union fcir ;sailors .on the Great Lakes' Press' who spoke on the gathering: 4 .4. LONDON. ONT. --KsT-th-{_3,s,u,r,itiv,iirintainea. ,,t.orfe,envx,e-We.ss.' sa_ntoddathe _im,pgrtftnce. or a _ _ MemberS:•-•PreSent...at.-.the6tuag dr.arda. '.. .1;tari ;VAX =it Si' ' Anmora,,Jar.earatrirgINKar.01,1141.....4rarf A' 'Signed:- ,ai . 'petition -, vp , -requesting , the- ..... . ,.„ ..- I 0.• .. V.. if,dnitiletit tO . 011!a, tO the vessels: -, FlA 4 , ' • ,- .......... " _ .w c , • - ;', back dooras , far IS n11% is con of those,eimipanies with hi h P at , ,....... . • ...... Our catalogue is Our sales. ;41 sallivan-didinis. to have an agree- i'w1"-,.?d,'-'-' ,,'. illtnan...bny from it and- Sive er's". ....... ment. ' • 5.2agents', conanaissions • ..and?',4! Mr."Joe Sullivan also told 'the - "Nothing. can happen in the wor„..k. toddy but it , affeets the .ret-• of the shins of tile companies With. 'Which world," -lie' Sdid. "It affects the fer-3-OUR NEW .,._CATALOGUE q the_ upe4ing of ,tairitatiothtit,tv InWlisione_p_a_at is said by Some world leader • .. . ' •-• .. rt. of the world has pro- ; asellitig expenses. , . ; ...Id seauien present ie. go aboard the "Pat" -Sullivan claims to have an ;stock niarketc• trade and commerce., for , or eyen the .very _peace of the world: . agreement, and to- 'outfitthem enter into 'no agreement.; with. the found repercussions' in other parts . - .r.1.,,t-r- to - be presented710--RoY Millrxdfc .-„,..., C.LA•Se.oljliecti.on- -was taken for a : ..„•.,„„-,„,i „int... ,..,f 9, ,S , . , , . ' -- • ofthe 'world. Eecause neWS trayels 4.1.ft...S.o fast, it -is a peril and must, there -- lb f • •- • d unbilsed " ...ail; , • .• ... ,,, '11,7„. • • ,COPY: - •,..„,,,,A,,..„1,14,..;41,..„.„3„,;;;.....„...,,,,y,....„...,,,,........--,,,.....,.= • ......................... ................... N.,. ...... • ...... • ....oa...a • ' ___,..... • . . ' toter_ e. lee au ,, ..„.. ... Past I''residents' Night ..• , • I h-onm-of hie':approachiog marriage. It was .the anon' al Past'presiilents' night ef the Ooderich Lions Clnb and. the past presidents had charge of the Meeting. Chairnian was Lion- JameS CaMpbell. Lion R. C. trays, li*...'.cL, introduced -the gnest; speaker:. -Other :Past • presidents taking part I were Lions NelSon Ilill, J..11. -Kin- kead,' Frank . Saunders, D; ' 1.). :Mbouey and Charles.- StfuoderS. 1f:Thurchill a.ssured his audience they could depend. 111)011 „ 11 4 iitt readers were given' fait news re- ports in their Canadian. newspapers., COntrary_ to : some "opinions,- ex- ‘.s:•,-,, pressed,. he said, neither eapitalisni-,-- a. ••A. c. big advertisers yr anythipg else•die- tat(4.-tlfe-neWs- policies. at„ collodion e, 1) 1J)( :111 former days, lie 'said.' .,;?„, ,••••• - .it"was true:\that political intorests , ...:4,.: -held '4\ 11 jAlr til at - was. --not truo today. - • - ' ' Where :Danger Lies' , "Behind -the irop,,cartain of Russia__ lies the real danger of the world,"' --WaYlled-.-M-1-:==.1elturchil.k--,4,Wc•' ritiw • „ , ships ruled these .6 -entries.' Ile; the - same- danger before, --in ,Ger-, molly 111(1 111 it aly When dicta tor- ‘ pointed, out thatthis',stinie departure -; . .... , _ . • from freedom of the preSs was the • "An important 'part of my ,.diet ever Alice; my first bottle . : case In Russia. today.: !'The people .. iii. Russia are allowed tO-read onlY.' has been Crown Brand Corn. Syr,up. Now, that may be all, what thelidsign Government wants _ ............... • •thern to read,” he"ssaid..., Re rela,ted ,,,• „.,.... • .3,,, • A t ... ri.ht'for a little chari,eter like myself, but let me .tell'you;'- t ese , grown-ups sure.: are uc y wlat wi Y m servin , - 10 New 57.,pric City to wilt)in liie -..., -..'• them Crown 1)rand,. Corm Syrup with.. so Marty of their news of -the Ameripan continelit Was .,,yeadily,::available through the great dishes. And She uses it'in her baking„to6, as a.sVicetencr,'• ,' Ameritan news ageoelek This lie*S ' I Can hardly wait untikrin old '--'-*""--""4"4."*"""--s - . .. they sent • to, Russia, he said, but after -arriVing,there'• it, was rewritten epOngh:tO,have sOinc, hot Waffles .5, • • ••••,55. • : and in the. doing was -S6 colored. to or •panCakss .., sinothered with delicious Crown. Brand, If it's ', .....: ..., . •• ..,..„:, .• ;.ItusSiiin. '61overninent . ideils. grid so, 4.n.mtntrrnIt.'.. • 'as good- aS it g in my. cereal, - For years. doctors hat.,6 recOrd- meaded the use of Crown Brand „. . . - ..4,4.i:i!.,..,01..: . erican continent -are , really ,saying Lpeo/ile in line the Russian G.overn- --twisted as to be ,vastiy different • "people in Russia,. simPly; • do. net .know what "th.e people dn the Am, .4.s a 'resfilt,!! .said Mr. Churchill. Irour-.-the-origInal Ani& -lean story. and doing. In order to keep their Cotii•Syrop as a satisfactory carbo- iirelit-Seems to tliiiik they ronst In:40 , hydrate acting as a milk modifier:- their people feel they have enemies. %Lor bottle 'iiitalig. ' " :, ...: ,: , , when, in 10 41111 they have-not." . Mr. Cluirchlir traded- the "develnp- - IS -READY -NOW WRITE - Pr. TODAY FOR YOUR w4„ - . > DON'T TAKE A, CHANCE LON SLIPPERY. ROADS!, Get -Car 'Insurance today. (also windstinin insurance) - -FROM G014.)01'( OEIVELL ,,, tatr‘l• Phone Carlow 30-r.4 • • * inent of news transmission frOm tbe early part of the nineteenth century to today and told" of the birth Of the'Canaslian. Press with. ita accom- panying ,improvement_ of ;papa dian. news service.- OV1NG • -W EST M. RawiiziinL1mIted r.egularlY. make up and ship household Furniture. Con- solidated Pool,Cars to Manitoba, Saskatehw myan,,,Mberta, British Columbia arid to California Write, wire.orPhenefOr-rettueed freight -rates. Sitilblighed4885,' MOVING, PACKitill,' SIIIPPOIS, add tSTORAtg. 0.01(onge St., TOrtintO., sdaj:47.7 .• • .4 - For information phone Reg. lictree & Sons at 65 Shifting- •W responsilliiitY can _make-deraotracy.,loSe balance. -..„L - - INSURE'yIN- SURE INPRANtE ColiffaiDERATiON,IFE • 'WIND- CAR, Torieferred-:ratAdtijor P 1341 risks. ACCIDENT &-: JOHN FARRLSH ; 'Phone 82-13 Dungannon ,e1 EArtit PHONE' , Now-terechnieblor-=-.Mirla Au4tez & Rod CaJneroil in • • • '• • "Pirates of--IVIonteite, MON'. and TUES. -. •4 Nelson Eild34--/loiia Massey -Joseph Schildttraut & tisti Lancaster Intrdducing the harmonious LI. Chorus and eat Airing glorious, '-'eriginal 11111510 b ItndolPli • VIOAT-Wal*Ory :of O1d4la1ifornia. , "Northwest Outpost” ' "* WED.. atia*TIlliTht, • 2 DAYS ONLY. HE BEST YEAR story, close to tli&iiNfdtydar,liVO of -ns all. Bright with idealistic romaiice, rich. with Understanding and spiced with uno7.'--- 1ected outbursts of humor,. You, we are sure enjoy it Frederic Marelt-.41Yrna!)Aoy,r7.4)ana AridreWwd Miry Carmichael 'Admission Pjes—Eveiilngs $1.20 -Matinee• 75`ez.• • , one 'shovVid 'FRI.- and '; SAT,t - " , • EY 'with it graurd stipporting eaSt In a ',revival of his singing hit . Cmii1ng..-44The Unfinished Dante" With Margaret O'Brien "East Side oi Ueaven" AVM; Sat: an& lei ilayA N SYR I) CANADAiTARIECOM4fill LTD. MONTREAL a /mg° '1 Aho Manofactuteri.Of Canada Cors Start", • • C86 EAD OR DISABLED each .$7.00 • .per - cwt. . . AogoRDINt4 TO ••SizE. AND CONDITION . Sia11 Anima]a Removed FREE 11 -0 -N -E----- 0 Onir °L,,E' C T." SEAFORTHAS -:. 'EXET;Elt 235 - ';011`AllgATiT2447 - • - •i .Darling OF CANADA LIMITED , airATRANt i '''' 0 TARIO . , 4"44`!4-14t0444 A Ae, ARE !-NERVES" A SIGN' TOWRE-,GROWING— • .- Often, ag 14 welter 'approtich'eS Indale life;hor nerves get bad, And • „ she accepts this as a sign of.ago. • 13tit why let yourself become edgy, , rim -down. ---or so nervous you cry without cause -at any* time to life?' For nearly fifty • years .wise -Women have been meeting this situation haPPO/ getting, plenty of rest, fresh air, wholesome . food and by ',taking Dr. Chase's • Nerve Food to build thou up. For • • .the Vitainin 1111 iron and other ,Iteeded_rnineralsmthis thoottostod ' tonic help build op 'yolk' Vitality and aid in tonit4 up thc do,tire 'systefii--.6o you can face thefuttird:„, with confideficc, . „ Give Dr. Chase's Xetey. e Foot a chance to help banish nervoto kars and, clout*. It helps you re6t -:7betteriAtid feelbetter. The 041110 "Dr*'Chpe is your hoguranceo 10 the big haild and,,reieXved plios of reeords for 00/41.g s0;' 't A favorite Was Bennett, ,Oart- ton soloia4, and- other 44.600.-.W.A.O. were•esPeclally receive'd, were Gayle --Gordon;,.' the ,Tozer sisters,: MiSs Julie FUuSt,•` and the "Oefur Ohorders." ' . ' , Wurd‘COneli UPOregOr. the,. "Carson! and. McLaren PPM- ed14)3s.". Wer.e-041,0Yed..in :their oke, oft of radio -,perSenages. Azyi, ,,ottcor coinic sketehes. -. --.7- • Prizes for. the treasure hunt Ji Sully, `E,toy Cooper. and Mrs, J. q; Veters. The, treasure vfar-hidden "Warm" the ,orcliestrirldated forth; . •The audience rocked with ianghter. When' Mrs, Sanderson and 1!?,„tr4L, Mc- AstockeeNolunteered- to: --,direct-the- orehestra at, the 'invitation- of the - announcer, It was well done and both ladies were given an -ovation.. Mrs. A. 'called to the microphone, on behalf of -the Wo7 Tc.ten's Distitutelgraoiously-expressed- aPnreciation of the. concert, '110 Of the patronage given it, ‘fornelm.r• uri.%zogs- „ .goildayi June 7, haS been fixed 4 filNE ,PASTIOt, t .00S,-410380 P atch 4his WO° cath eek 'Sped*. : :--;Week-Ontl. LOO?EE 11 • DAILY PZTAITRV YOUR100R. ( P for e officialce e ra ).on one a. the ` 10 d of the. King's birtlitVy, ,-The King' will. be fift-r-three--Years.*tInge OB December 3.4th next, You -will be proud Of the Chesterfield ohairs etc., we re-uPholater or recover. for ybit, Choice of frieze, tapestry, dania,s1.quality. coVerinis. :Phone 206,T - Pick-up and. delivery :US ..P13104NE.'.up! = wapr.E. THE SQUARE, ODDER 2110 • Rheumatic Dallas Way oft6n be caused by jekcess uric Acid., a „blood impurity that should. bq extracted by the kidneys. If kidneys fail, and exCess uric acid remainsit may .cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodds -Kidney -Pills., Dadd!s_help_Ly. kidneys get rid of trouble-making'poisons and excess acids -help you .feel better,. See what i)odd'scan do for you. ' 'N.A111•1A1.11111111•CsampaallAammealelaftilMASIANNIMMIA11011AW a • BITTER Helps to stimulate the action of the; bo els, kidneys, liver and stomal-i7lt-aidr The result is_ often a smoother, c1aror skin* "C. Burdock Blood BitteTs is sold at all drug counters. The T. -Milburn Co., Limited, ToTonto,. Ont. 141141111111111111111111111111.11111.1 • +•,••s% , — ••••.' Fool) FOR LESS A ° •WELCH!S GRAPE JUICE SHORTENING _DOMESTIC .----VIUTH-Naw-bETERGENT N • ALL; ,PURPOSE - • . 16-oz..Vo PURITY FLOUR 7"")°- 370 '2 4-1b, 1 Btl. 'Ba - B PINK -SALMON MACARONI 6L, cogEiF KRAFT- DINNER • LtdByts DEEP -BROWNED •• BEANS •- -,20 -;0Z : 200 er•ANi-Arto -'67111nirP *--k4i*" -- Tins X 74T2 30 sb, .14I 1. e'' 290. - PURITY. OATS ORANGE - Vvlbo Ane NECTAR TEA Pkg. or *IT1:, 19° Mg. FOR .CLEAN SPIC :& PN OXYDOIL 2 CHINO- ' IVORY SNOW ANAY SOAP- 3 'SNAP PASTE 7t, & P FRUITS And VEGETABLES ORINGES • • ONAALVIFEOL.R344N I /14,i • • 21 ORAITGESMEXICAN 7.1b. . Bestfor. Juke DV Sr1.1 n -, ""44'SEEDLESS 11191113, fkrl' 230 , 'LEMONS ImpoRTED,,rs14.,sobv. 290 APPLES' 13;ai tniLh & Extra C Ehjxrnhaari l i * sl a1;;Is Pkgs. A.PLES . 6 -qt. -gt Ontario Northern Spy, 6 -qt. 7 : Domestic Greete • . Pk -6. P Domestic '4'rade baik:Arif 5 APPLES 1,TEXAS 701E.r.: GREEN 14,. Cakes . Pkg', 290 'C41g4AGE , • Tin iso Clinger TATOES - , Peok impoterED .41w crio,0 PO• No..i,htew Branswitk 15alb, POI ' ' , !AVE EvERYDAY :ANN.PAOE, ovEN .24 OZ 'LOW? YOuR sEsf 9.11.01:114t5 :IticH PULL 1301511D•fi,