HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-11, Page 8•
LOO11144.'"41A3111, SPVflOOL
L� *411.,?*-MORNINO MAWR' AND. sEgIvi0.
"00 11434,--RAMAgt bErAitTrosp,
p*,,01.-OVENINfl titAlrgR AND 8xzw01,.
107,024 onvi0E.EvEtv wuRspo EVENING -8
!EV,* 1.440131{136' .1f; V,AgIr.a B.A., 14.9fh.,*.RECTOR,
.A, W, ANDERV)N; OrganiM and clioitmaAer.,
• It
41VOE S% • OF:. • OU fiEtAl;ITEIRANCiti
1itt10," !„,enteir Sernion on. 44.7,Che 'erOss, Fore •TO'llai,"
.• .
Pan.,----•13ARABOAS-14I,Vg-MR015,041, -DEATH&
"Censcienee t the CrosS." •
C, WgSMY. COrg,--BA.ili:D., Minister.
Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and eyoir, Adel*. _
eormitioa MIStAleS
0-r(101111/in 6i7trit
• 1`; •
-.-.. uncertain tlines 1,110/00.
indeefl. .,is el, man or WOMan'.. with t , BORN
pitiat,odorich'rtin;February 26th; 7
iable prico'S• next- falland. ;Winter -
"ThreatS of slisk-highlege,-- AWxtincir4.
- 1948; tO Mr, and lIfire„, 33,K.
•won't scare •14ese..pOpie; %IMF: e4A BrindleY, R.R. 4, Goderick sen.
grow;• thud store their uwi, hX 41(14 JPIl.TSTON.7,-At* Alexandr.a• Radie4•Serviee.. Phone:
cation to a'siendy Up111Y,fresh' and. ,pital, GOderich, en March 7th, 2040",- „. •-• , 1,6tf:
yight. 41't 'Of tli gardelb frO14,.." Jane 1048, to Mr, and Mrs. Keith. , Victoria " Home and*••,SchOel
On. ,Tohristen-(nee•Jean IlasSan),•%W .sociatiOn.,Will.ineet*Thursday, Mal•ch
B-ut that S: only -one advantage. . .7,1neknow,, a SO,n„ Murray Keith. 18, at; 8 :p.m. Aty4. McDougall witn,
As. a 'hobby, recreation, exercise; PRICE. AleXan'dra! Hospital, 'soMe,i)f her -pupils, Will demonstrate
or whatever you call it, garciening Goderieh",.•On So.tardaY, Mareh.8th, the Use of the reeoid player Sn, te4Ch-
ranks at the -top list, it is .1048, to Mr. and * Airs. Ronald inn music, gverYbne WelcoV., -11
• rOsit,•••'SALE.--41114E,ORED
Ma$47.4ilet, any tlAtet- AO', 4" .1,.....,T,..101BD27-04-fetON 'builoi
Ny110%. XlsS May ,HOWell, 4 St., Y.1414Y* 4084Y 4141,1$
ViPPent street, .PhOne 218W, Or Mrs, road, • 3.t1
ISnaay NicLean,Nsiaterleiratreet, 2.tf
inette ,
Qt °C4er":Wfl g
SPoPs6,r. 4. home -hake sale: et, the Real Estate Broker, phone 4.8 or 810,
-Babbette, Gift *:SlioP; , Saturday,
Marela'1804, at•2 o'clOek,
''Poniletitinfli7o.-11MilieletrhatatVinediSt,SeltT'e"4cabfl" 4 9.. 1.18.1:;"4,i4ittotT; Artijs?;e1S,taTnt,
grown froth Gtherninent-teSted Seed.,
LEO -.CIIISHOIAI; half -Mile Senth
Of Goderieh, „Blue Water .1.10-wak,
011, -.SALE, 165 -AG* It" E. PARM:
Bakfield „Goderich
ship, Oir County,. roaki.'„Ilydre
stalled, bush, .A.pply G. T.
PLEWITT, 10,. 8, -Seaforth, or
'Phentrr0-14-1*-34, Untu
hreapensive-a, few dollars Will,,heY Priee (nee Whitely), poderieh, '4 Reserve :Thursday, J-iily 2-nd, fer
it fertilizer" sen. • , • • St. George's church garden, partyw
necessary. -It is -- .. eau - • tte
ox Presbyterian Church
9.45 Sunday stimoi and Young People's Bible Class.
11, an. -PUBLIC WORSHIP. 7 p.m.
8,.20 pin. -ORGAN RECITAL..
P. A. Ferguson, B.A., Interin& Moderator.
• Director of Praise -Mr. Wiekett, A.T.C.M.
-COMO' and Worship- the Lord in -the Beauty of 'Holiness.
ic t. United Church
__,-4,m1msTgit.„41,Ev.71;mititEszcE41.___Ti.igNER„Al.A. -
Organist at.d Choir',Directort--Misi Mary Joyce Strachant.
10.00 a.m.,-SABBATII SCHOOL. •,`,. .• ••
.11J)1)„,a;n11-__XONTEN-IVIEDITATIONS- '
00 pan -.--Auspices Womari'S Eitotly.
' Ri'Stanwar %K.A.,--13.0- of- Brueefield, fonnerlY. China .30 paii.-431VIONI:0111URCII.
8.00 pane-FellowshiP Group at home of Mr. Harold Squire.'
. ,
Monday, l3.0i) pai.-,--young People's Union.
oderich. ,Churclu
' '....PASTOR -:BEV. G. W. -H. IVIEDLEY. •
t and Choir. Leader -MRS. ELLAit. DONAUISON:
4 •
THE; CROSS give g niuch to SAX
.a.in.-‘,CHUliCli 'SCHOOL. - •
. •
Li 00
AROSE an'd 'WENT'S."-130 YOU1,
, , ,
.. . .
*Monday, 7,:o
(r-ei,tescostai AsseMblies of Canada)
---Itriri 11: /V.-PEARSON', Pastor.
. . • . , , '
0-Atra-and-7.30..p.m„.4.Missionary. Services with Rev. and Mrs..
.„,E.‘11._KERIC, returned from A.rgentine.
. .
i ax, ch.12th-Rev. Mr. Kerr Will• show moving pictures
t ----..of' the-tvorli_laArgentine: 2 _.'' •,,,,
, . .
liursttai, 8 p.m. -Praise and W' Orship Service.
_ .
Eh Free Methodist Churc4
-,..torner Victoha .8z Park Sts...
let -crucifixion Message of interest to alt. •
'When the'liidg Said Farew
• • 'YOU wELcomE_ ft
• ItEV. R. C.` McCALLUM, Pastor,
• , • - );
• I, Tlip,rsda +*Very week Cranston's Furniture
- Store are offering TWO'CaatStanding
specials., The wise buyer will look
for their 'advertisement. -41
,v500',..' and dance,-Friday,;_March_
1.2,th,. at 8 pan.; in MacKay Hall,
Gederich. AdmisSion 25c. Proceeds
Lor. Oddfellow,s' and Rebekalts',-
P.*4 T. fund for the relief et distress
occasioned by- cancer, polio -or TB.
Tp, be used in this community for
cases regardless of race, color or
creed. . -11
• A.hmeek. Chapter, I.O.D.E., wishes
to thank all. those, who donated old
spectacles -ti•Y the Sir Charles Tupper.
lak for Britain _ _-11
ItiVAIORTAM ' Don't n forget March-„„ 17th, StAJL.
-4 •,k-,• Peter'S parish party, Maionic Hall,
prOud and ever7lov-
. 8 p.m, Euehre, "500,”-difiiting. Ad -
energy • as -one likes. or .the--,(1OCtor. March 1.101..1-0,48„to Mr, tuad Mrs.
advises. It takes one-eutdtiors into • James -M. Redditt,---a son. '
the sunshine,. lets him follow the• „
natural spring:urge of- diggieg in• IN ,
Likg. sell: Audi tuat.41- gaidenil4g ...TENVEL.L.-In fond and- Toying -re -
gives satisfaction that comes- only •, membrane p of,a dear husband -and
from creating something with one's loving father,MelvontJewell, whe
-own hands. With a few tiny -seeds passed on -one year ago, March
and plants_ 0pe.cnn. produce a 6,0"wer 11; 194i. "
garden that as' individual as His life was le-Ve and -labor,
a. painting: • His heart fer his family' peat true,
CoMmon Mistakes
He toiled --s--6--hTafd-fOr those he
. Commonest mi.stake ,of new gard- loved-,-.- • •
eners i$ to plant too close. together, • What nio•re can a -father,. do?
whether it is lettuce seed or Maple
trees. This is l'ut only a waste. of
seed or nurSery. stoek, but . it also,
encourageS weak •Or 'peor growth,.
With 8bruhber'y andtrees, theresult
is a bit of a jungle with lar• too
much shade ap,out the house and
groWth that is -liable to fall
a, Prey •to •heavy storms:. With mi-
nim], nowerS and vegetables,. proper
development is impossibleti the vege-
tables are liable to be stringy and
tough, the flowers bunched :so close-
ly together that they will -not bloom
nrnperly. " - :.. •
G•eneraliy:spCtiltine0 plaritS rO
quire -at least half -as -much Space
betvieliT-Ilieni as they are high at.
maturity.:Witli big trees this means:
twenty to. forty. feet-; With' carrots
it -Means -only----about-two- ifichesi-
with' corn, ,.or,"__-_stalied `_t_42,1n40.R.
eighteen inches. On the -Seed packet
Will be give4 the proper spacing. ' -
With bigger -Seed like beaias, peas,
cot1, etc., spacing will be-VasY, but
•it is Much more difficult *ith the '
fine' seeds of carrot, lettuce Or alys-
sum. Such things can be spread
more evenly by mixing with a little Sisters and Brother. . -11
dry -sand and servnag the mixture. _
_In any case, no matter how carefully • •. • CARDS :OF THANKS- •
we .sow; some later thinning as
-plants „develop -will-be -advisable. - ,
-Ever remembered.by.-Ails Wife.
•and Family, P1131114 Re•g. and Bob. Chapter, • TOronto, to aid .the Food
jeg galealor-Y of ,our dear son and .
• brother, 'Pte. Robert Henry Sal --
low/ (Bob), 'killed in action in
• Germany, Alarch-8tii, 194 Buried
, in Niemegen, Holland.
He. lies in far-oif Holland, -
His faithful battle done;
,He did 'nOt live to see ,
His • heartfelt, freedom won. _
•pat those of us who_hold_hirn_dear
'-ln-our hearts shall -pray
•To .keep .his sacred meniory,
• the Price he had to pay,
• --7•Sadly Missed. and 'ever reanem-,
bered, • Mom, . Dad, 'Brothers, an
-Sikers: _
rilicfM1)SOIST.-in hiving 4neinoii.-of -
• my(dear son, Reg. Thorhpson.
Cahn and peaceful he is sleeping,.
, Sweetest rest that- follows pain;
•We_w_17,0,_103ed_hin1 Sadik Miqs )414.1
• Il'ut •trust in God :to meet again.
-7-Ever remembered,by his Mother,
. Uk0.- •IN.IctEop-- AND FAM
Proper- -depth,-..in• •planting . is aisa ing, their -gratitude tor the kindness.
Important: ',Ehe rule here is „about- and. syinpatby extended' to them by
three times _ thg_diameter of the ,their neighbors and friends.' They
seed. With tinY seeds like poppies, would also like to thank those who
.alysstim �r turnips,.this means mere,
,. sent fioWers or loaned cars for the.
Iv -pressing the seeds ia • the 'soli funeral.' • • ' ,•
with big things like -gladioli; bulbs, MUS-. THUS. RiAiN ,AND FAM-•
potatoes and -dahlias. qt. _means. frau . ,, yLY are unxious 6...convey their.
four, to eight .incheg,; with '-beets, that ks . and appreciation for the,
beans, etc., about in inch of eover. kindness and sympathy extended to
• - . 'First' Jobs. • •them in theit bereavement. They
While. the frost is nin the ground, tiffSo wish to thank ..those WhOlOaned
of course. gardening- will be largely their ears or tient flora tributes.- •
confined to planning.- but -there are ., - -11
silmae outdoor . jobs _ that . caia be 1 -
tarted almost any time. . One of the' ; THE ROMANCE OF TEA'
first will be lawn -repairs .61 thel ten, next to water, -has hecome
starting of new ones. Grass. seed 1 the world's -principal, as "well a8
makes its • best growth in coollits cheapest ,beverage,•and the story
•Vveather: in fact. it.:innst be sown, of this commodity is, a roniantic one.
just :,:aS -soon- as the • s -oil -ca-ir: -be .kACEoreling:. to -Ciiiiieie -legeild,•• the
worked.' Sweet peas also 'must 10 virtues of tea were discewred hphe
in earii_for best: results.- 'They iieed Emperor Chintrung in 2737-1'1.C.. One
to develop, their deep growth before d.,.._, ,
the soil getswar _ If._ 4 I? Atc.JAe-C.1---i's 14,11t3tet:N.N...-i-11.e.-..• boiling his drinking
fet-= -ieitiVes_.from .. the
Attemptetrol'F, should get h go n
-:.v6r 7..1bl-finches that were. craekling be-
ILY take -this means Of expresS,.
missiOn 50c,,,, Everybody welcome.
• , • -11
Owing to W,L. presenting erCFPL
Goes -Caning", on .111ondaY, Maich
15tht Dramatic' Clula-1-4-gular Green
Room night is cantelled: . -11
St. Patrick' tea and homemade
bake sale at Victoria .street church -
on March 17th at, • 3 p.m„, under
au-spiee-s of W --.A.- •• 11
'Watch for announcenie-nrofenter;
tab:b.-tent-by the -Alaigaret Seeger
Club, on evenings of 6th. and 7th Of
..),Lay.. • '• .41
..:•Rairainage sale 'i)Victoria street
United eiartrclf on Apkil, Un-d7er
-ansPices- of' EUrekaz-ciass.-• -
Dr. F. .1:.ReVorster, of.Stiatford,
will make hie regular visit.to Bed-.
.ford Hotel, Goderich, on Wednesday,
March 318t, instead of March 24th.
ment .bulletm on how to build it.
In Your planning.,
oiurttth unfallorable--th
location, there is sortie flower. vege-
table or shrub that, will thrive in
it. • The ideal garden, of course, is
open to the sun and the Soil Is
rich,. well -drained loam. • But 'there
ere many plants which do net like ledge of tea was carried inte japan.
theie ideal conditionS. Some flowers,
vegeta es hnd ._certain varieties of 8trangelS
The reg-ular meeting Of the Even-
ing Auxiliary of North street United
church will:be held. in -the church
hall on Tuesday .Ovening, March
"l0th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. H. Turner
,ilJhav_charge 'of . the prpgram.
Please,,note change of date, -
The- will raeet on :Toes -
day„ March 10th, at Mrs. E. Grigg's,
Wellington Street, at 3 p.m. -11
• Al.jCTION. SALES" .•
.FoR $4LE.
blyoge, - two 1ot4r: Thvep-piece
batArroonal-full-size basement, 'sun
poreh.. Sma1,1 fruit trees, raspberries
and . black lurrarit buSlieS ;" good
garden. sosElp.ii 0. (NARK,
Regent street. . ' 9x ANTED.--7MAN, TO iNsTA.r.J.:,
phamberlain .Weather
VOR .,sAL4.-WHY. PITT YOUR •-trip. -.teady work. .c.tost,,,iotve
-•`• chick- buying oft? . You knOW 'ordinary fOols, and be -euraibie of
handling same. ,,Write Q. HART -
WICK, Box 7.1,, Kincardine.. 11.x.
• _ . , •••
or in town, by single man.
Write 130X 56, -,.SIGNAL -STAR.
. -11
.By .virtue OT a. Writ of Fl.• Fa.
issued out of the •Suprenie Court
of •_Ontario and to me directed
against the goods and. chattels •of
Ralph M. Parkinson and, • Georke
Gadbois, 4.4-ading unda the name
and style of Lakeside -Motors and
the --said, ,Lakeside Motors at the
snit of ,Harry Ryckman and Donald
• McCall, I have seized and taken in
execution the following property, -
_Viz. Entire ..restattraut,
practically new, Tricinding '34--Cii". ft.
Kelvinator, steam • table. electric
-stove, electric meat sneer, french
frier, grill, dishes;eutlery, etc. Alsoa
tables, 'cliairs,...steiols,- counter, cash
register and electrfc floor -fans. -A
the time of said, sale;there will be
boats, 2 -wheel
trailer with box, awnings, cash
register and adding machine and
-numerous other articles. continu-
• atiolf 'of 'existing, lease may be ar-
ranged. Which goods and 'chattels
I offer for. sale at Lakeside
Restaurant.. situated MI Kingston
street near the Square in the Town
()HARMAN, Jteal -Estate Broker,
1)./3,04 "- • •89tf
14$TX VOA'
property * for sule, • 'PhOne;
and BeaLEStata Broker, 1.3.„Yir,
• „ _
ANTED: TO BUY. -:-A1.4.4`. ()lip
booegt extd; dead, If
"„suita'ble, for *WI; teed P4k'131,9Fe
th4a SertP4er not,: will
pay.fertilizerlUices. dead,q0Aene
at, once, :,iaIp3Ewx1oRos,' gusTK
Plidzin,e collect
9;30 r Or 938,r og, •
•„ Capable! :of ,7euring-' Au; .three-
year -Old boy: tVhi' fthre0. days A
'Week. Phone * 744'. '
AN-T-r4D.-701PRQYX tic/1JB, il•IL
• Clas.E..„-FIxcelational-toPportull'-
ity ler funbitions` pemon to develop
• n blislne.ss panelling - profitable'
•722.7..:Alexandra,. ArVet;
'• 41.
•ili,ere'll' be good ' markets next fall
and wintea Ann fei the -test”
markets. ' -Get them with 111 -arch.
chicks. • Kitehener B1i-4 chicks are
the claoice of wise- poultrykeepers.
The. chicks_ have bellind them a
.program of planned.breeding cover -
Pig years La their own farms. Get.
prices from RYAN'S „PRODUCE,'
_ -
Goderich.• - - -11
'OR SALE. - 1000 nusxmLs
Ajax seed oats, excellent quality,
$1.50 .per bushel.. K:. E. CAMPBELL,
R.R.2, Auburn, Blytir, 10 r 15. -11
Holstein bull; one year old, sired
by, ---Duke DeKo1 Supreme. • K. B.
CAMPBELL, R.R. 2,_A-nburn. Phone
2-Bly-th 10-i-,15. •
. bed good conditiOn.
BROPHEYS, West street:• '41
(YR ilt;";.-ii94,af.AL nsr
gode'eofidipin: '• 7.131{0PHErS
• . ! -11
neath the pot- fell into the water,
imparting to. it a delicate -and ex-
quisite •-tficinifT7-Trirvqtiglifi-o-ii--ire"--
'vented that the branches were those
of the wild tea plant. It is an.
established.,fact .04ti the habit -61
tea4lrinking.first evOlyed among the
Chinese; and.-flom.. China a know-
. . •
enough, • although many
of China's products were ,known and
grass rifer sh e; Some want acid e •rouch.,e-arlier, no
re eirence• o ea ''S•
in European literature prior to 1588.
Early in_the seventeenth cmItury
Dutch adventurers, On their retiirn
from* the East, introdneed tea -drink-
ing into Europe, but Udt till the-
'-"-- 'of that centu
iish begin to use tea
years It ,was •a lun
4.1. s ce .
heavy .clay better than lo"am Or sand.
- The thing in planning is to con-
sider these Special likes and dis-,
likes, then to Select these plaritS
that suit one's special' location. ;
• .
T NV 0 well-known Gederich citizens
•Went-te-A-lexandra IlOspitalon Tuts:
9 • • 44 9 - _ns latitients. -Thek W;
t..--GeOiges$ Ilen'S Club will hold
teguiar.ineetihg on •ThUrsday,,
areh, Toliewing iveeklY
Ik/4011. Service: Mr. •Sara Aild4rgon
wfti gike_A-..falk OW 'Persia, -where
present, 'tinrest in the' Mid41,-6
tuSt should make this talk t -erg
Interesting to all vvlio attend, All
;men 'Are leurdially InVited.
* The Pentecostal Tabernacle. here
be- faVored with 'a Visit- this
Kerr', -retUrned Missionaries front
tile Argentine. :They spent thp 'last
-Ygara----there,...,atuLteturned to
Canada short:time -before Christ -
alas. They will have many inter-
esting things to tell. • as, well as
preach the Gospel. ' Tomorrow' (Fri-
day) evening, Mr.. Kerr, will -Show
moving pictures 'Of their work in.
Argentine, Both Mr. and 'Mrs. Kerr
re eipected to be present at•allof
e Sunday services, A friends
.nttriWorr rtalty.ca-
The annual missions service under
the auspices of the Woman's Missiba-
ary 'Society of Victbrig, Street 'Unite
church will be held an Sunday even-
ing, March 14,, 0-7---p,na„rwhen •the
guest,,preachet will. be Rev. En9eli
Drucefield. 'United elixir* Mr. Stan-
waY served the cluireh inst,Chinti for
Many yearS, and.ivill" e, Vivid,
stdrY, to tell. .
o.newl:Afetime Chiaittlitee.
-4 PLY -
. -10.15
' 50/gt .4 .'• . .
,,,,, ...,,AA,4 , • IP. 4 . 4,' ----- .1015 , r
.,,,,,, ,
16,;4-500/19 .
' o,--s-ouv/70 ' . ir 4. 4 # **.4 r'Esr, r : r o 9 .49, 9119.141V.. .
19 4 IP 4'14 *4.4 4 • •I : .. 4 4 '4, ;41236 *,'
'000111 '' r*44 ..4it ,ori 0 0.0 .0, 00, 0 .. 0 14826 •
. ..,
' 1110' ' , .:,,,,, '„, .., „.,‘ tri 841. 4; 'ii .014. .
de. '1i. • w • • o • ! ; 0, '.: ;11.05
Noivra B
A, Hay, •manager ()tale , Canadian
Rank of,,commerce, and ',\IrGordon
Henderson, Goderich and .district
manager of the Shell Oil Company.
Mrs. A. R. • Scott.,waS called to_
Oshawft on Wednesda y of last -week
owing to the serious ,illness of her
father,. Mr. F. W. Lee. • Mr. Lee'
'passed away on Friday. evening and
tondny (vetraflipiOffswEse,--5,111„ AlAtanie
with interment .in Union
ceineterY.' Oshawa. A11,-,,„„fjeott also
attetr the:funeral,
oslebsit_o___ $aturday,• the
• 11. h A.D. 1948
S, B LAN -
'4--KETST trtinksi cedar "chdst,
dishes, electric,: iron., teaSter, meat
chopper. etc.; chest of silverware,
Lady .Hamilton, new, battery radio -
with new battery, table niodef. All
going eheap.. Arso man's bicycle,
,nearlynew. JOHN'A. MITCHE
%-John Mc4i1l, Arthur Strebt;-after
5 -pan*• , llk
i•y- did the Eng -
and for many
for the '
As' its Use iinereased the .British
exPerimentedThvith-' tea cultivation -
hr -using-seed brought from
China, but the discovery by 'Major
Robert Bruce in 1823 of tea .plants
bo.rowing 'wild hi Assam really marks
the birth of the Indian tpii indiistrS,
an January of 1839, a first consign -
Ment of eight diets of tea from'
India Wit auctione in toAQuhU
big at prices' rangingfrom sixteen.
to-thirty-fOur a pound.
a •
pARLow, Mar. 9.--,Mte.- Lily Mc-
Denald, of Galt", Mr. and 4Irs.;_._ROSs
McDonald and Janet.; Goderich;
aiffro 'Mrs; Erringtai-Visited-with
Mr, _anti Mrs: A. -Afeelinehey. • 'Mr.
:Ad Mrs: .11.-110)0iiald'flieff VireV
neg-day for Ditifwa. ' ,
;sirs, 'Stoll of Goderich spent last
,Priday With Mr. and' Mrs. F; Clark.
,Mr.1-Vni..- Clark 'IS driving. the
school' bus .again,..having , been lid
up: for ..tWtY We(344v
The'West ertil group of The W.M:S.
at the -hour one o c oc p.
Sheriff County of Huron.
10-11-• •Auctieneek.
• LEEBURN, Much D. -Congratu-
lations •to , Mr. ' and '11rS. ,Harold
-Jewell' .the.'nrriral of • a" baby
Ilaughter,----Barhara --Iiotraine, • in
Goderich. hospital on Maych '2nd.
Mrs. Jewell and habp, and, Sandra
, are spending. a few days withiairs,
,Thos. Jewell.• '•
Fre,d Hortern, Wned,stock,
visited with her aunts, the Misse's
.LP.4zie Horton, on •S'atiir-
day evening.. . , •
• Miss Mary „Amy); `Who was int,
• .11,99,
* tilq—eAt
and •spread to 0 er districts' in AO night • :when •,; returning from" the
nordeest,and in:the smith of India FiUmers'. dance. in Dungan -
so tint today India has more than non,. is. a patient in the Goderich
800;004 acres iutdqr .04, with ah hospital for a Iveek, She Is suffer-
anual prodUction of. over 55040004000 ing from, cOnCUSSIOn. • Her,Mally
1);()111-111e-drse,-----whe'i'•e•-rh ninati* ers- tr1611d.Savss ali‘vishohcietrev-a fsPail(17,1toleiiti9:%-f'6M--
Eitriy` in the-nitiroiiwontury -the diSti•ict attended- the ;"SenSatibtittl
"China clipper," , type' of • vessel hockey, pine •Luatiovy: oji non:.
-Eng' vieforiout- eVei Wirigh '
rapid day night, when Goderieh came Out
• tC:ape Good -MAX. ,Tite,,Dnutop.gouinlui0.ty
.was intradliced,, .-Conipetition waS a etichre party in. the' School-hqnSe
keen as -to which ship should Inaito on. Thursday night,. Owing to the
the most rapid passage., The roost
celebrated of all tea raeeS, and one ethxetrettintteencodalndetthNidabS1°1reekt6(lie8ri.y"lraIgdes.
the -last, waS that Of 1866 When Prize8.were Won byltfts. noel:ton,
three Of nine ship S that Sailed' fronl Mr. T. Iltinter,,Mrs. and.'
rooclis;,* almost • simultaneetts17 Mr. ;TV Patton, A loyelyluneli wa.S
inado.the long Voyaga,of 16,006 served. Atiother*party will be held
in two .week' ,
•The It!arch meeting of the Leehurn.
,W.M.S. will be hold ne?ct.Wednekr-
day afterntion,.1Vfarch iltb; tit the
honk of Mrs, „Jos,. Vrectrin, •
stave. Phone 1178M, • '.1,1x
HE.64-D, buy Bray started ;chicks.
Off to a gaed-start,-fOr -Pallrivinter
markets: Remember signs point to
a good :Poultr.y, year. -"Wide chOice-
breeds, Get prices and ,particulars
from us. Order chicks See. WM.
WALTERS', 42 Cambridge street:
• -11'
TION.-• •
ROW -seed barley.-- -Apply- „.11...
TyNDALL, R.R. 5, Goderich. Phone
CoaeLin._ good- 'Condition, :size • 10.
Will sell. at reasonable price. Phone
803. • - ,11
• •
, - •
rooms with 'light housekeening
for .single oflice girl. • Write BOX
NO. 55, SIGNAL -STAR.. -11
TI1t111,SDA. 41,40p. 11th, 144F
Cilberes -Bakery
"The HOtn0 Taki leaStre
3,00 '4114 450ea41),.:'
-Rot. .0r940. Bun!,
every Tuesda; ,T1111,1144Y/•.
Zir.10;lay Saturday dUr- :
thq- lentelt S•a$011,
! 20C .
Ali oriters of •$1,00 or mere
•roomil .445•
cv.,Li*Rw, PrOp.
segend•Aloor,. unfurnished',
•total, abstainekleneed._•apply. Phone
•727M. ' -11
• With M,B. Finder Please-
pheae 10[,- Carlow,
John Quaid, Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Qn01, and two children, Sheila iner
Mr. and 'Mrs. .i,ohn=-MOPherson_ at
.Some of the young people of ,thel
EvergreenS Lar
community nuclei., the auspiee !?f,
theiAnglioung .Peoplefs __Society_
aim busy practising -a play entitled-
4Peekabero'Peniii,','" 616.-
pected will be ready for presentation
early in April. : •
The •Women's Guild of the, -Angli-
can church Ina on Wednesday after-
noon "- wk at the
Mrs. Pemlott, at Sheppardton: Dur-
ing the business period it- was de.-
cided to hold_the• annuai bazaar MIS
year on .July 21st. The reniainder
the,-akterneen Was -spent •.•
ing. The hostesS-served-tufich-and
a -social thne was spentc •
' A 'number Of -persons in the' eoni-
munity , have bad attacka Of "-flu"
lately -which last for a few days,
some being -Very Sick. • •
Mrs. 3. Petrie of GOdericli; Who
fell and' broke_her leg 'twelve weeks
ago,. has --been moved froja the Gode-
rich hospital ;-to the honfe of her
daughter, Mrs. Jas. McMillan; where
she is' recuPerating.-
Soeiallivenift.-A social evening
was held on Tuesday of this w,eek
in the basement • of the A.nglican
crOkftW-were- -pla'yeet---There-was
a good. attendance. High prizes -in
euchre were awarded • to Mrs.
Charles -Ciawford and Donald
-Bowden; and consolation prizes to
Delores----:MeGee -and-Eddie Tigert;:.-
in 'crOkinole for high to Anne Jean-
ette Doherty. Door prizeS were
won 'by Mrs. Wro- Vrooman• and
Harold Adams. !
• IEL female puppy -nine montbS-
ora .-„Oul*IY-"--stAtAlied brass
plute of harness. Anyone knOwIng
of lier iwhereabotits, -please phone
ward: • , -11
Hygenie supPlies (rabbet. -goodS),
mailed .postPaid plain, Sealed
enVelope -.with price, list, '
sim-PleP 250; '24.$aull)les'$1,.00, ;VIM
•Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER,
00., Bbx 01 Hamilton- Ont. • • • 4-9
Apple Treis,Pears,. CherrteS, Plums, --
1 Clies..:-.;RaspberrieS,
.4±.," •
Grape, 'Strawberry Plants, Blue-
berries, Asparagus, Shade Trees,.
hrubs, Hedge Plants, Vines, Roses,
you've been looking for-Lnder- FORTABLI, home with blown
wOod • typewriter, extra long, W' rock wool insulation. --Pronrpt-in--
carriage, recently reconditioned, net Stallation„ experienced applicators,
feet •repair -like new. -GEORGE Free estimate without obligation.
pARSONS, 618R, 11x. Phone or write, HURON
ING COMPANY, 117 Elgin avenue.
Phone 604W, -.Goderich, Ont. 47t2
vOrti-er2:-direet.. by r.; Mairalid_ save
• , • ''
A -Illustrated :Catalogue- Free,-
- 'TNffl'f�lk Nur,ery .
1146 -
"Y:611- ott.ci read,'LOSS
partially covered -by filth],
rarice. '
Bring, your FIRE ingu-
rp‘uce up to :value.
• F D
Get Insured -- Stay' Insured,-
Rest Assured. -
Nort-h St.• 'rel. 268w
_ „
TAGE, corner Keaysand
2- co bath double . lot,
doll le garage, • en
Immediate 'possession. -Phone1419482.1t;
- one part Vacant, on''St. David's
street near Square Apply MRS:
JUCK, plione' 297, •• litf
• All kinds -of -
- general .blacksmithing.
111. GOWER' •
.(17Oimerly Sheardown
Piano tuning and repairs. to all
_. . _... .
makes. Cleitrihig,Ite'-mothing. Free.
estimates- Write or plione Wit:-
LIAM N GOULD 314W Clinton
C$B,• gALt. BOY'S - Tw, regret 1°•• gs
'1082c1%olalt autl cap aix! Sonler&;,- who WIT& taken for another
.1 - • ,
• .14 about the charact ox .,Wilbeit
OR SAE.. 00--A-r-gtwAlli4iianis,d-wiThorOkpeo-r-it-oWthiloi-rnbout-siiiint9esrsf,ere
• range .(McClary) • with .waterA
front and reservOir, in good • condi.. •- • P1004)
tion; also a small thicken house on
skids wellbniit Phbtie 644W -11
- Ammo,
niet,at the twine. of Mrs,. PaSe 1.31,,n, in- ninety-one days, all docking dn.
on ThurSdaY and "worked on a tiMIL.' London on the sato day, withih two
hours of one anotheE • The ope g
P.OterEit'S' 4 the ..Stie4 'Canal( 'in -1800 soon*
- changed the courSO of. all trade with
POP/XEIVS .1Iar.' :kir, the East,. and ia!'tt fevi" years till&
• ,Ernest-"Vowiithelid bought-, Mr. method .of troiiorthg, tea, 'round
--Lloyd."Preet's- farm 'on thetutli.e on: the. Cape of'Gpoilr hope was. a thio
cession.and e thteln0ve Shortly; of the paat. ItoMante Was tiO loon.
litz and, MrS. Pidot and family Will The ,einigrantii from , the trithilf
,move • to • Clinton. 16; Zrolin Mei Wes who peePled-•the Donainiona
COWitil 14rtice11el1-ii111 -rao-ve to took their taste ter141' *With Ihera.
renettit, ',Vo.WriSheilies farm at 4nd if flourished as strotigl adresa
POrter's. hilleOrner'. • •the ocean as it did -at herne•,
MrSo•.-0,---•Gardner have. Oanitdtt tea inertided in- the
returned-WM a three 'weeks' ea.rly -sidpmen,for,--iii the 'etrateetitif
day ttio to 'rotas,* Mr. and' MrS, centurA made ty the Itralson's ,Bay
• Iletert Young were In charge Of the CoMpany tothrei torts and peels.,
`farm In Melt absence. 1. Tea, te,- as 1 ronalnedr, the
, .
TO qgliniTolts.
, .
persons having, any claim agajost
the' estate' .of Glitdsrs
Alacnonald, married `Woman, late of
the Town,of doderich, in the County
of 'ituron, who died on the .25th
day' of,,Februar,v,- 11)48, to send the
same to e un ersigii-V-VeriftedTbr
deelaration, on or before the 20th
clay of ,INfareh, .1948, as after- that
data the exedutotliereirt pro,
pea td distribute„ the 'SIM, eatate,,t
haVing, fek-iti'd" orilrre'lho 'itarnit
of which he then 'had.
"Dtleaete'd at GoderIcIi rd daY. 62
March, A.A.. 10481 .
• • S011eltor for the Exeentor,
favorite beverage in ' Canadian
liohies„ as wel1 as the standby' of
the- trappers hunters' the
Par North, from tvhoin the Eskimos
derived a'tate for tea which makes
them anamigst t1ie,tVorki.'s greatest
tett-drinkers. • Aniong relevant ob-.
leets in the Collections tif the ilOyal
Ortthrio Milseum of Archaeology ATO
11111141'6441 of teapOta .and
inantleitenpa, -Eu$alan oressed tea
Od, a brick Of Tibetan Oa.
, stage.crew,. for
linter* Dramatie, festival for
sCene changing, painting and
t� Start immediateloNTAC3y-
r a 0 A Stittti 1 td,'. St
,Phone 1098 for 24, hoUr:serviee. to
all makes of commercial -and
domestic refrigeration equipment.
Refrigeration, Service.
GoDpoucH • •
. man:arab
Commtfelal: Agent for "Goderieb
• , arta District:, c; -•
• Satisfaction -Guaranteed:-
- • 49tf
.11.374Va.v ft
"Don't viortY. ilm't
Buioide -prof!". she just
prefeko. the nion of
Texaoo rite Ohief gaso.
to my
• OET AT--
, .
one 23