HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-11, Page 6fir o;'#1s. ;90;0QO,000 :gins 'of, kceortIbtf • to theweather a pexis.. • *NI lit of it will: reinaiin in our, , aY e Ii Dasa $ o ,r a ` !When -the,' ,..... � .' ed ears, r's,• the -Stalled "busses and erable hardships #tom • forget. S theyh : will' ' n �a'eltj whose t ll'turn. tune, readily to • lan'ghter, Onr,•bila spell of cold weather; we .. r s.e1 °b k n, N o w: , Ars1its with 'ice u deree thcana et3illieu tT ,editor or,;the,'Si al• i 880, wh ii i ttei a ii' a age `;‘,.4 apprenfti e there, used'`to•»u't in tl,• o regularly ` about. this, time•, ai` the year : Tt i A .• rirst it blew';' then it then it ;thew, .then, it 31z�rri now„, ; 1 m tod o .�.. t. c es .. w. 'r -.4,1, • Foad. rieee`.1 tilrnip'3 ents b r •:35 cents e t Y.•1 r .'head, of •cele g> apples, 40 'Cents ,1 pepper, 1.5 cents;, X head, „Of lettuce, _ cent$ " I . real eabTiage, At/ ;' sent ; ' ,NorthernSpies, ,9 centskeachl 1- smallish picke>el, ,cents.,• At a special, ele'cai,,en fa Congress- man-in. ongress-mala-ib. the 24th Q01 '4Slonal triet in the Bronx. yesterday y the"left- wingcandidate didatf Ffenr A. Wallace,ti'G.' � third party corfteric'ierr•for the I'resi- ,cl ire '. reP . f ' .. weela-ing and .sur ris.. �� x, ., . , ,. 5 p i logv e o ,. e i ••.. .. r: t r h a r t a-' 1 .cFvrsbecA 4R y 4 ubliean °.and', Li oral , party' gip an- ants; . ,lits, 'Roosevelt rind • ,Mayor ;,Q'»wyer both s ,ke ,eaxzles ly but. ' Q n' '4 rh • t 'Z a of regular . z4lnbe . nt i.e Q '71)emoeiratle .nominee., The. event" was,.•of definite anntianal . poli.tictil significance this :year s Biesi dea- ' c, otatest.. en ocrats'dre wo%rigid, Republictta'is . • iubildztt; D•reiiiiiy idealistic Henry Wallace,Who fierce- ly attacks 11r, Trurnau's Russian *Trademark Reg'd. '.galley and the Mars411 Plan, *now boldly • tell'iiig .the caputry 'that "his third party' will in a,; few.:months :become the "hist • party. :'�lle..Bronx 'descry bsz; f Rrreralilr<..: Ag rrlval,, •said we 14ave33,O9,0, C00iMunists. New 'York. City alone, • All to the• can no* count them, he Reds and; pinks.,got •oot ,every: Vote. Henry 'VAS the man yespons-. iple 4 for illiztg° ,about , IO,OOQio0Q. yours, pigs. td 1eep up latices.' * * *' . . , jr i » `.Pro and t.ou• ,h» ries 1 the' t* t � r l» zi � a e t ,: n ! 14 .0 argil st S i t &e °e g.sh, i. �fitd . .r:R p , in the. Stiiiday� . ztga4ine, sectiono.,t � filte ve\ 'Fork ymooeni0 114 that our sk �-'pi,€• g aereln • towers. were, not at i11 y arti,t'c.,, h `•:tire W :ciutif • it eye , e . i.. �•ttud�. that theY• ,Shp c its..to be too n;in%, 3� ,, u o. terialistie,, solo .little inclined tovarcl, the ;higher things of life, .w Hey sale°,, too,:that New York awoke' in -the e'''4,11ing like a orsl, ,ixittppy .'•wo ,mau' anddounelen jewels -the •uyriatl1 is. Qf"`afli�,., .« e'-a•re•-�ttr- unhtWpy, restless lot, , etc: Thee writing chaps get bookings for., lee Hires all-over the Wilitry, always. for cash on the barrelhead,,and<then tell 'Members „of women's clubsand' 6literary, igroti' s by the thousands ;w1hae they don't. 't. like about us, all put in a way that baffles anyyrefuta tAoiiv. f tm-'their_._modest- _listeners, when -the- congregation 'w as spell Last geek Alastair Cooke, an ;Eirg bound,lie waxed eloquent on- the .Ain lisiiman who' had lived some years y of laziness, and workedin a story. about a fat, lazy ,,tail who asked. alms at the. back poor of i=i kindly lady.. The, lady enquired why. he,.' a healthy man, was not working. It ' wasa thot sitiriauer day: ; -Ah, there wasiso ',work in his business at this•' time' of the year. He got the hand- out, their.• -explained that he Was a ended up with •'Whadye say, Mac.?" ' snow , sh.oveler. ' .The congregation Another , overseas , critic bus an article "in The Times• telling us of our lack Of skin• in international affairs • in which he starts 'off by drov. as lazily. ai.ong treee. •and. ,hsds'es 1t "lane wanes ' its attractive as. the, En iish countryslde,now have litre branch roto.' Ai a>•chiteetttral, ,b'aauty - to take:; .care •oit thei£..4ul , ,'txxtttr°n euston 00, ' Tow , the great Macy' store has, a .shopping center in ftf atna1ea, center. *tour Queens; Qonn=' t .'....JanlUieu, ls'' 'l ._ •' WO K w" .O a lens. The eeteusie , o; ' su. ->±ban facilities. for hopping �' a;. a e .r r �z t e -f r: -New _ e�a �' n oX .r. .cl York department stores. philadelphi,�., has. rt had bt: b for ye . i s d a so it nn .s t4pl?infi; center.iii} ;TJpper Darby, on, its .west-+- ern.,,edge .where •1 -was- startled oto: See gretLt bnper-n hrket. j�tst'around the • ccrr?ter''fxom:.A tarsus. XfiAisterihl hunfor.0.Aradio elerg n ' r2 uta .ti 1astIu cltt3, i'ne ,lar'ging:on a' serious' and ,worthy thewei told. '4f 'chatting with, his' taxi" tl:;river ,..on. pal titcal affairs, ' They cabinan didn't eU''y President f •'Trtinian; „"'' and. Voulti i.. -f Tac .h> inyway, 'be cause there was no. chance for ads vnnceiuent Long ago; when. I lived ,in,n ]irook,yn board ng hot -S-071 1.1$e4rto attend De Witt 4-Tnlwadgets Schur 'h, Be was fl f (nous pretielier and his church Was ai yttys • filled with people from` all - over the country: One, particular Sunday, in Yew York, put in good words for us. He said New York was a happy place, .thepeople friendly. He liked our shopkeepers; -•cops, taxi drivers • who without. ,' v , saw rudeness, 1! liitci, e. say, Mac,?" - • He ended up by a- good - dressing down to Mr; Priestley for Ms old •Victorian prejudices and bunt out laughing. • : ' Karr Marx anniversary ; I' urge any who may be interested 'in Com - praising, our "adequate lalumbin;, ' nanism and who do not.`.eare to° That's' a' subtle touch. I chatted wade through books to findout what with a •publisher about English Marxism really" nieans.to read the criticism •.of .U.S... doings. He said people • like abuse -they love it. I• 'believe it. ' • Madison' Scjuare Garden, on- .Eighth; ayap ue• is a- fci-naous-place,.. but one of the ugliest, buildings lit New. Y..ork,• hNie•: original- Garden was one of ,thatost. beautiful. It stood. • on T the cc ner of Madisoil -r i ; `c cztalna e liy a, 'graceful . w • eotili be -happy." tower which was a . replica of _a r'* * *' ' fa Qb t�!k�Ter�i3 : e Te;