The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-03-04, Page 2Pat** givuo.x, •CoUN'trEr WEEicIat ubiionrhilt.jaed-_-.W.SignatStar,",'".-Pirnite 40;tes•-"-,04nada and *eat 13441a.* $2.90- 4, Year z, to United', ' - „ States; M,5q. „„ • * vP#481Pg tatea On request., .4utherize4 as second...class, Dian, 'Post " ffice•Pepartment, :Ottawa.. TelePhene7.1. 01 • Member et' CanadianWeekly N. evvsPaper.e .,Asso"Oation -+ . •sworn ..oirehiailon,.0ier ATTU, • •11 %,1,4:30Xi/R,TS01N" • Gt10,'.11 EL 'is 1R1&Y 4th. .494 .0043KPLE PowER reMict,r'Oto,r7pas 040,?00ees1 iihotitartcf•jate-ha-i'.e-b0-0elo irAilver insfead Of the .2:5-7eycle fre. 40.eircy`'. wixich • it had since ANTiakara Vaa 1$8& s.6mP fcqt5'' years, agq. There',i :fa- 'question . 44 the. anpeitoilty o tke 60-eyele" fTeTteney., hh,t tt .will be fl liege task,• , ii•overfl.goe4 mini yearstito make 'cliffinger and the eost of install- •/a:W..4AV equipment throughout the '.14-iagara--,.systemAwill. be hinnende. .,iflovirever, if the ehange is ever to be Made,the dest wI11 be g,reater • the longer it Is delayed. The pro- , ,jegt heing-cli.sciisSed-at•-theLnleet • ling of the Ontario Municipal, Electric Amseciation at its meeting in Toronto Ws, .wweeir„, and, the oulbome shoUld 2.be a' better understanding , of • all that the change-over_will mean. A !WASTE OF T,IISIK Many People are wondering what •;AIM Opposition. OttaW4 hopes , to brevamping the7chargeS of Misinanagement in connect'iqn with the' 'Sending -of Canadian 'soldiers- ' to ,Hong•'4ortg overseven years ago, Even if -eVeryth,ing harged were latabilshed,- what would 'be 'ac- ,„, -eomplisked? . Every war has its 1 ,Olixriderd.,- Perhaps the worst dis= aster that 13ritish arms suffered -1n th444-,410C.--Wnr the -7-16s•4-. ''Sitigatatre,--bUtr" the' British; peeple ViSely: have. sought to forget •4t rather than to haveat fought over in. Parliament.. • .The Orillia.ciitteltet- and Tithes, , • .,, ...an influential weekly With decided , Conservative leariings, has this t� pay' on the subjeet: ' •, -• ibU•orpublication. -of "%the Thedeteh :et; Opiaditin troops to Hong "Eeng wOuld.bring some interesting revela- One, • 're a 1, st. -a wy •these • ocu, •• ,Ments shOW that 'thete",had b'een some. •serlents-,Ithinderin• g -Obvionsly, the Progressive Conserv- *,ative Aeaders-.belleve, they 'would 'afford.. setae _LnSefill_ campaign, raa- • teriaL' . But Whether arty goad O'er- toese Will- be.setved by stirring up• ' the 'old etintrovertY'leynpen-to,tnies-- 5 "tiaFt, Pit." .teinetery •eopiinittee, ,a4ight..welt.glye, it serous atroA, What 'We • hello'', is,. needed atthe4emeteas4s--semethlag-lafthe: nature Of, niatisoteum.,„ or mortq.. a4/' chap,e1 *111.0). funeral serfiCes might *inclement weather, 'with :-the' actnal ' 4interment Made later, This would be a dignified'ad- • dition to ihefacilities war beauti.. ful• cemetery and waild Perhaps save many sPells caused by standing about •a graveside in storm and calk , .0 • Eaving ,noticed some comment upon the a -range absenee Of any poetry about Barbataltnn Scett, the, Sante -yd. Sage -Alas peme rorWard` with this -•• "0 Eafgata AMilglides swiftly &or' • the- ice, - , She was the best).- sk,ater at the Olyrapic, - ETerybody" says:She irtitirtully ace, • And If were looking for a girl •she woOld he ihy pick:" "It didn't take , me much over an hour :To-do that,"r said the . Sage proudly, i'and it You give Me a "little -tin* ,I-Ca.do Scipio mere for- yoe, and ,VerlApa better.' We thanked him, . but that what a poet dashed tiff the spur of,, the inomentwas---rorobahly .tire best; anything else would lack the spon-, taneity of inslifratiol4LenteS:' be lierd Yen're :right," responded the Sage; guess that's Mr mast, - , * Of all the' Months of .ilae Mareb,--is- the one, in -which the Change Of season -comes' toest Anick-• and abruptly. , "March comes in' like lion'anti goes out like a lemb,"' go and get ',After all, ma. and hinlren .mayhe-we should delight your ears as it did the writer's, with. the velvety accent of The ,,first -part of the .month,..18* like. pa are getting pretty_ old to pit 3-11:1 this mighty atorn. • _ Sugar!! ' HOW sweet, T tenet, a prolongation of . wieked tebrnary, but about the middie-Of the month one steps out 62 doors ta, find then. sun ',beaming warinlYT little streants of; water • running. everyvithere, the grad' brightly green. 'Winter has . ned, leatring 1tssowdFiftc1othing lying. about .in itd-ilight- andlyou,'.realize-that the, tinie.oi the singing" of birds , Is at 'hand. 'Some thoughtless, people say, tio_n; The war was full of mistakes If -March conies in :like a lion it „-rratinot no*. be ,retrieVM,Ifiid: 3vilr ge out Iike: a lamb" -or the . of diSpittabledecisions, upon Whirth-.1 other way around "If March &tines' befor..-history_to argne and' ' P011. OS$F[R OF LAZY MAJWws 1,,„Boyle • OD' NOIS4 • 9h, but they 'Mahe a, lot of noise. From Op ,finie that glehael tiptoes bito•Patricii“Antes,, ohm in the 1110rU1hg pUllS hoe:hair while se' $ ,Still. la bed, Until they are both ,cliased to bed a.gain that !tight : there'S noise alr. the' time, !Its*, .of all, it wpi ;develop that Patricia- .411.' wants to SW In a', - . certain ••citair., 'Then Michael sud- denly feels: tliat no other chair ;in the -liatiSe .1$:„,:tltlito,-as.",attraetAYO'''44 .014 .."4e:citortherS:up Oter the oritv. She boosts .him On to the ..floor. Ele ,YelW. and "makes ,another attempt to get in the:. chair.... She ;'S. efeania., be- cause in' trYlni to get in ,the ehair, ,he„.has grabbed batItlittl Or her pose.: One of us hasto'separate the )18,1r-flis a sort of handhold, I sup- pose, They retreat,ieeking'verY, angry at .each - ' •-Que 'goes. upstairs arid., the otlier fol).ows.: There's an argument, Tet in the next dye Minutes the, two of -them will-be-doWnatairs,opraWlecv, or the toor looking at. a newspaper :or • a Magazine. • Then,Orte .of them wants to turn a page and the other doesn't Agree, with the idea., Whanr! They're at' It again,vv1th resounding strange part of. it all is 'that if you. chastise 9ne the other Will collie to the defenee. you juSt Can't do that ,sort of thing, -Sunday afternoon' is a „time for rest and quiet. ,I always 7•try • sneak in a Sleep in the front room somewhere - about 3. &Clack.- The. good wornan":goeS:-off. to 'bed for a nap, The ehildren are warned and threatenettand,caleled an bribed - We go • off td have a .EktoOze feeling that it. ,will he -undisturbed, CRA.SH ! • One -Or, the other huS gone_into. the, pantry and knocked the -preserving kettle 'Off' the hoek. It may 1.2et_.,A,•xdwover-a.:_comiC- b-Ati, E.. 00/one eccasion a water pitcher was knOeked from the table.' TheY were playing house and the water ---pitcher, was the chimney on the 'fable. • • , _ Row_often----Welve- nidneknowirourneedsTthe-hess' YeAfens, if a person could only get no,v1,410.,„view' When:seethinglY from; rest last' nOWnere-Ane.-"bassess"• grabhethtlie- :weeli they wept off_ to visit vvith the, granclixarents.--Xf ‘v,vite has; said it, once; .sherliad :said :It :fifty - times, . "Tht, hetite seein'S a 'or,gue somethiag withoilt the 4---d01)-ERIOTT SIGItAI:411 Stuarticev. L. 11. iurner e .fflaxolx.X 'The" ingredients ..of • expeotatleu which pre pt a. trip freiti-,Staart, , lorida; to the Olt7 ..Xialat of _ the sain&State parallel very largely 4 prepared voter excursion say'lrera •Goderieh to; _,Tor:01,40;,' „GeOgraPhle7 ally,the; distaaPg th_P'salnei tlie'• payed,- highway. exeellent Otte' could 'enbstltate% thei°4tlantle 44rIcie: rs, Nfor thitt t-iip.911141 d e even 9 4d More preneuri4d, Lor one never .heA).ati-Ahe--,sOnail-,44,--the-4gealter during the entire trip. Xndeed,.. the ingliway•hUgs the shorelirte se close- ly ;in placeS,:thAt-:9110 aiMOSt touch the Saline fOant ,from the ear./ ' Pori:laps: thej)4slo,lagredihnt frOna the Standpoint of the ladies was the healthy exPectatIon of shoPiAng in MiainI.-, Take :this incentive away from the "fair sex" and have virtually eliminated life's Meaning , Of course, a basieprelithinary was to consult genrietta, who Was elm* tO.'g t*-44,44.4it. n_glo sur- rounded by palm trees :The vener- able -• old lady of 1941' vintage was quite' ready to accommodate us -- with one stipulation, the necessity of the elixir, gasoline and oil.. -Cater toher needs in.. this 'partleitiarand -hew she On raiSe the dust! ° , -BY this dine We had -cultivated the. 'Ttlendship and cOnfidenee-of the Blue Sunoco garagemaTn- and his.' winsome wife; Who ply their Wares • ,a nearby earner. He •a ..retnrited, • "G.I.," ' not enjaying- toe hlgli .standard, of health, but an eieeltent. mechanic. -These 'Yanks possess the: .‘iknoW-hOw;" when --it comes . to diagnosing' and, Preseribing. to the needs' �f the motoring Public: She, •petitevitraelous, • a dainty *Morsel, • natural bloAde,Aq.,peroxitle about. her, was really the brains ,of the attack. • There are personalities One: -meets- lutbe-inarketp1aeeoWe register thereselyes -• this ninety-Pouoder was one of ,theie. 'What a _silVerY, languld ac. oextt she possessed; and wliat_a_high redpeet slie-• accorded:qhe Partynd rive firoril y 4Ci�1 pail hese of ,the gasoline Pump, saying to her. husband, "Now, , Sugar,. :look after .the Reverend and , his party ; you sit' • down and rest." 'Would' that • this description could with -chlidren of that age," L• tiaeni-myself. . • , PUTtlEN.GI,ON AIRS (Barrie Examiner) ' • ApParefitly-, regarding --the-mune- "Tewn Hall" too Old•faShiorked, the: II runt_ t Would-have-it-called,the- "Municipal Building." Before' put- ting en_such. airs, it Might_be well. for the members of Councilto wait' iiiitifirie-l'enefating job: ITfi-fildhed- -arid _paid for. •• • DANGER FROM GREEDit ,MEN (Sherbrooke Reeord), • The eapitalistie, system, which produced more goOds _for _Lmore people at loWer prices 'than any othet, system, is now suffering from, the greediness, -of -a -few men who are operating -Under its protection.„, The continuing Spiral, of increased prices which results In--a'•-demand for increased wages can have only.. one ultimate end --Strict -statecon-. trol under which these -who- are seeking excessive profitS will ,suffer with -the rest: in -like a. lantb ,it „vvill go oat „like - adjudicate. But' the present daY ---1105,--;PrOblerils- enough and 7. serlaus- ' eneugh- for discussion without ra,k• g rip the.politics of the past. Certainly' the question Is not worth • -any -:differetiee '*Itlx the -Britiali- flaireinnient, who apparently" feel tyliat there are Certain features of •, the. evidence before the Royal -Com- • ' Mission. which it is Still not advis- able 'to _Linake,Pulille. There is no, reasont qnestion their: judgthent good:faith. Nor daps itU.e well 'the moeth. of, the Progressive Coneervatlyei-to.,Prate .02 Infringing, ••soVereigiity and *other 'nonsense, as • :..theugh' it---tvere , seriously affected ; an_d"...there,•were no CoramontVealth • •T7thligailinikt-L'r-The-chiefteffectoralt the 'fuse they have been: ..creating fti-Parliament IS to make Mr. Mac- hente. 'long, appear to . be "."..the eonrieous • ,statesman, in contrast Ith ',their Partisan, pettiness. -- Parliament has many matterst'df iiiifiertli14, the well-being of the Canadian PeoPle alien Whith . - dis- euston . and 'action :shotid not be nntteeditsatily'delayed, and. to Waste .pteclotia tiine, ever a,military action • more than ...Seven ..yearStago,.._the tUeged circumstances' of whiCh. eai establishedand which • If eetablished couldnot .he undone, •_ „Something'. _ doe's not to„the,eredlt of those who are , • -reaPonsible for Snell eXpendittlreeOf :411Me'for.' which the people'"of -canifttirpay, EDITORIAL. NOTES , In 'all•direetions Brtliants. pavtfer- , , , being' challenged. FA•en little ..,e"Oautemalit, conAiders it safe . to lion :" TheY'mlis the real meaxi:. ing of the old weatherwise saying; ",March comes it -like a lion :and goes • out like a lamb." pere no. "if" about It; it IS .an affirm- ative Sta,tement.. * ' . 0, 4 • Russia has added Czecho-SlOvakia to the vast area under tommunist rule and is .now..-hellying little Fin- land te give up her independenae: There are -tithes when: denioeracy is Juicier in handicap:- and this one -of thoseflines.:- ian Rxissia....,•actErlhe democracies 'talk( ant' before they , reach a de- 1.479171hte for them -to ae anything but accept the aeconin- lished. fact,- This .has been seen haIf-a-dozen. times. since the last war. When, the democracies Were sending war equipment to help save Russia from the •Getmans the etre°. ment was -or . so it ,was Midetstood noneof the allies Shorild. take. _advantage _of_ victorY_to increase its territory. • NOsoOnCrvas.,0ermany. •sult_dged,:howevet, than Russia, abserbed the small ,buffer ,States on ilestern horder,aild then' beg'an • a cunning, anti -siiccessftil, critnpaita te-bring:,the*Balkan-countries under 'bondage', and sheis- eveleabsorbleg the &stern part- of:Germany. Where she will stop depends, it seems, upon -bow soon the.democracies stop talk- ing and begin to act.- TheMarshall plan of extending aid to Europe, it) it had, been, put in effect, might have° encouraged some' Of the war- _ ttEttAir..a0Jalbrao Against -Moscow, hut this is ,eleetion. Year, In the united .States and the politicians are afraid to make any • inove that might .,alienate votes: In the,Meantimei, Russia ..marchei on. ,"Wendellillkie's "bee world."has ,• )‘•1.; 44, 10 twentieth *teittitry ,.Pitt In1:41gjit totrio Xingeten ..way11 dianuitic eritle,has beeri, saying' that' "High School: acts bite'. tendency, to atelier the king'i. English," ice' erfminat charge ten be laid agains_t _become •twof, worldsaggressiye , .,there.,4,03trever; they get., SO 1Ut,1 ,ConimuniSt -world and a hesitating; training that 'flick' don't-1(116yr gdoil iticeriain democratic world, English *hes, they ,see'it; so thelt , no' their "butcher'. ' , , ;. 0' • , The Si piwrent "e:and Great trik,e4 deeper ivaterwaY Project ,ha's ;been 'Atrowit, out in, the' Senate at Vitaf'3144 'teen, The 'Tote there *as 6/ t� sh,yl the toronto Star will Say ••that the thirty ,,were liroadmieded A statesmen while the lifiY4letert 4;00 riettiittedb3r "Seiiieh" hiotivee'. •ft *ill, he a, *hue. .yet' before Toronto omet itn ocean Dort tit AnOtllentle to the oeholoo, to. 0' Taylorrs proposal' 'that •4 tOteeti'iter '04000y b wIdd,ter teals. itt ,Maitland cemetery. Is asking. her what, conaotation this, endearing --appellation ;feeling that:Perhaps it had become as hackneyed as Our •barbarous '-Said-•sher It; he is' • sweet, -.he 45, -110:•-inkrii ..e..yee.,....tho_ughjiaims_a_big blob of grease on the 'end of his nose:" only , we all cduld begin the -day' , with ."Sugar ,-Mrs; Oarage-' Proprietresi- 'filled her up, took -a look at the ' 'oil gauge removed te radiator cap, inspectedthe_hattery %and' wished lis. well as Hentietta with, • little persuasion Started"off in fine .fettle, ntrast -with a, -brisk -Metal* that one 'would' endounter ' in this northern latitude, here in this sontb.- ern land the air was. languid ,alist lazy, the: palm trees seemed to be sleeping at the sentry post,' the only •'S-ound.....hy way of..,„goritragt in- the ,sgence of this lotus land. beteg the lazy moaning and groaning of the Atlantic rollers . ittva.y to , our left. This, •however, constitutes an ideal change • for a Northerner, for . it. affords a temPorary escape: from - the high tempo jind fever-ofiifer - The cocoanut-cre.vvned paims willed to nod a lazy greeting as we sped on, tantamount to saying, ""Take itt easy, Canada, there's a to- morrpitr coining." Pertinent and tinxely advice lar_alt,of_us,L_Afte.r._ all, we were on holiday, and (lie'. better half: and let sister,had made up their rainda to- spend!, a -night :in • one of the swanky hotels o that the 'diary might record it in the interests of. pbsterity and that the social column might blaze It -forth. ,What strange mortals we are-!--- ' ' 'Henrietta was Proving her -Mettle, for very soon road* srgnd • iVere-re- 'minding us that • not 'far CIstant- .Wits West. Palm . Beach, the "half- way house" between Our Point of endiarkation and the 'object of our. search:T.1111mill:- •• .• • Her IS 'a: "dfeam" resort. Hotels in terms _of,' hraiteetrireLpossesSe of unsurpassed beauty ;the -climate and environment idyllie. - • One wondered 'IOW mueh wealth from our Canadian gold .mines bad .Backache May Warr 01 -iidncy Disorder _ Dun, •,aehing pains in the baelf maybe iirnig 144nsT ordere. li.on't _neglect these pains. . Dean'ti tidney ruls stimulate tne ilitionek the kidneys,. help to elinii- nate the ,vastes which may. be the • .causei30.4tIcache and minor ininary - and b1ad4i. ailments Thus Dan's Sidney ij1s lielp the kidneys to; clear tile °Ixapurities'. Do- -ad ease:tide of djan lae,1* dane. 'When troubled " With,baCkti*her•take_Doiii!igidliey Pills: sole at all atei Counters. The T. 7ktiniain. Co.; Ltd., Toronto Ont. . " • • bee/4'1011401 into ' this Eden pf thft'''$60434- *floie-40 t.ile•'huswe6s, sectioa'. of West ralm,' Beaeh one- way frathe rules and' despite our tuition on the famed squared Circle at "home We got badly "balled uP,". (raitIon the descent into the Talley of 'the vernacular.), '• Indeed,„. we were sailing along' on Our, supposedly right %side when -another ..speedster (111-edtioae4:00 fight.--Uendink[V4th, Opt .eeremeay and explanation directly latd our lane.' quickly 10 pullecl Henrietta 'into the side and r`a, KAU 'Am* our . cb*Detlter s'hOulti.-yOur •peregrinations take' yori ,renielnber, the regulationS „ Which ' *verb. the , , • "pre in In 'tlii,L,pontliern mettopqis ive came across a • "84 -Store,purchased a large bottle of ginger ale, •nnd armed with bread quid salmonr-oh yes, - we located Pleutr.of this deliCiouS food 11614 galte a -delicaey owing to its then scarcity at home,, --we sotight_the shelter and. Shade of palm tree, rather- --these'partieulars: The loeale ,was the parking lot where the reedy grass was tall and ohl Kink Sol was turning it on -just to show'. us how. he could do it. May I -say -that Wife- 'scolded me for -my- senilconventlehal attire -sweat shirt Oen at the neck,. abbreviated sleeves -what a marvel - bus escape froM the-formardictate-S7 ot. the. elerical collar! -After- were we • not 'knights of the • .open road?--- -That salmon, together with the ginger ale -what a combination, I hear my readers opine -fortified ,hY the searingsqi,together with. the elongated grass -all -these thiegs” impressed indelibly-upowour mind the first halt in our Southern pil- grimage to 11.-11atni, :"-One thought whieh seized upon tlie writerts, im- ginatoii the desirability :IA, _erecting:a small,Ampre ten t ioua home near, the shote line. - The' gentle lappiiig • of the, waves; the languid 'lazy atzaosphere-no one rushes around here; the Northerner is all g-htbe poetic...Words, Of_ -Tennyson,haunt,Why_Sharild. man . tell. the, reof_and creWri • of things?' In° retrOpect; hotveVet, one feint nalierS-that---this-Passiiit , this lariguidness±;- this :10ns4ike atmosphere can and does beeezne More than . rudely disturbed • by "thunder out the bay'," in this, case the Bay Or Gulf of Mexico. 1. This very strip ofcoast-line was, tali Months ,later, torn to shreds by — hurricane devastating propo gotta. Well, here are, rambling on., Out-of-doors dinner 01'0; w44 per- suaded -the, Aron Steed breathing aporlakrzasee-jeOSinile---la-44- •outherly.illreetiOluler, 41.110.ag.'AS Palm Beach was, . we .had a date .'with Kiang', the el,tY 'Of 'beauty. •". Hollywood we left hehintIL the COmniercial , highway to 'pick pp the %Pad Which definitely fronts 'the sea. Pre and here In an•ndhrOlten AMY hotels,. ,and estates 'greet the eye, Colored Men Were every- :wnere-dOingf.the= '14,001/4,gatliering,, the -garbage, triiinntrig lletl$Ok P,10.40PW11444,0vfit'' breamiuk *the ,,roads, 'and. "000 kindred 'chores. : '00014 Of • thentas',' .directions, they proViif-tTfre•roOdAS Of'coartesy and w�re well•groorried and equally,,well- nourished.i .Cpatianing,, we drove though the,entire aeethat, of Miami 'Beach where the re4PY swank hotels 'break ' the ehytline: ••• .bleauty and symmetry defy deSeriptien,' Owing to the alinest coPiplete,_ab- knee' of smoke thel_eXterlers would seent,,, to he, as ornate and clean as the day they were first opened to the pnblie. • Pastel shades, of pink, grAenAnd white greet the eye, with zneltownesa_in...lreeping_with , the.. total surroundings. We were not long in diseovering "of ;Jehovah to the. old patriarch AbriTin, namely, that his, 'progeny and -.possessions would be aa numerous as the grains of. sand upon tit:6 sea -shore was more than fuldlied'here.,They, Monopolizes, everything:- This -is -in -direct con- trast to West Palm Beach: ; • • Miami, Beach is linked to • the City of Miami .b serieS of Mama, fill °bridges, lagoons' bordering these bridges, and away beyond palatial' estates possessed to a marked degree Of -Spanish indifence. • This IS a _veritable -fairy land, the Azure blue, of thelky overhead Mending- beanti-- the Paster sixades."`adOrn-,,, • irig-the - :as: One gazes towarda the_ west:. _.As.if to _arouse the shop- ping instinct,. there, Iia laVely, mantle ,pf ---white,•-thet,-ritagnitle,ent Stqre-of Sears-Roehrick breaks upon the sight, proclaiming to the vvorkr its .identity through ° the medinm of a large illuminated,: alga perched_ atitreuraralt: the- SOUthern and ilbithettil counterparts: _wad__ thronged_ 'witil,.sb-oppers- • • :NeXt week. We shall shareith ,454154,— MIRSIC*T, M4RCH4tii;"1948 ross 4:4 ,you soni-ethil,ig,,ot, our' .Solearn in% thig loyelitY," and then on_te the ubub of ,111 lealt;-.-the,ItOnle of famqu or 'oth, rwise race -trach; ' ' ' • .T * • e Roa --.."Slart men at work." • , 311jTCHINSON'S" 0 _Radio Service 'Operated by a tulIy qualified radio technician; holder oftwo • government ',certificates of INT- • fieleney. Any electronic equip- -naetit-ererViced,---radies;trans- • mitters, inter -office systems,"*. electric fencers, etc,• 11-werk_guaranteed-..._ 'ek;iip. and delivery. •.82 Hplitorlirn: -PHONE 264 • 4fitf,,, i1s�nFurUaCC '8--L207-2g'i-140*e• er & Beatty hiclrnilis ..• „ 7 and 4 foot 'sizes. `: Baker & Beatty,011Bath Jacks— - &WAY FORCE PUMP ALSO CISTERN PUMPS Fitzpatrick PLUMBING & 11,BATIN,G. KINTAIL Phone 12r3 Dungannon BITTER 11�11eanse body and tone up the digestive organs. It hashelped thousands who suffer from. , dyspepsia;: sour stomach; Viliousneas, headaches or.,minor com- plaint§ Otthe liveitor kidneys; It should do the 'same -tor On 'sale for` more ilian 60 Y:eir-ii-13, urdoaa B1e;s5T-Iiitters available -at drug, counters everywhere • tt'e P MnC tainted, or , n rutsir, AirtAlr4DEAED • -TO • SICK RADIOS - .,MSO poRTABLE,FOOL.PROOF SOUND-SERyICE- ; -R. 1V1014.171.4Y - :Certified Radio Technicia PHONE _PR CALL Widder St., Goderieh, Phone 598 tE MANY WOEN 4ERVOUS without reaton? - VVhen women arerdist:urbed by • neises at night ... become so gety they perspire when talking to strangers...otcrytooeusily-these symptoms often herald a tinte , when they need peCioxi. " But actually there's, little to •• dread or fear! For plenty of sleep, fresh air, wholesome food and Dr,. Chase'SJNerve 'Food will help, to build up vitality and tone up the system -so you can keep serene __through the most trying periods:of • life. Yes, Dn'Chase's Nerve-Edod has helped tliouiands-of won -lento : :•face the future witli-,confidence. So if you're 'feeling -der -Vous, fid. gety or run -down -if. you don't . testwell it xigbt, and often feel -inootlyor irlit.abletake eheuserve-r 00 - r-a•rw , '441 d fo -111 - "-Keep yourself in good condition -,,,,- try; this time -proven tonic Which;._ has helped SO- inaliy. • 'The 'name '`Dr. 'Chase", ii".your assurance. 9 c L ;IS F,OR 4LL OCC,.SIONS • 4t Church • Home Or ourStudio it -1 VI S E T * PHONE'rilfilJ • 000-41115C11,-• TAILACT.., • " ' ' (Calgary Herald) We have often thought that there are too manyorianiiations."15 Canada, - th1t1 liold too Aunty meeting's and , that -they hear, tOO ninny, .speeehest People Might be 'better off' ir they0i$tened leSs and thought inore, might he better Ott lf they 'studied ,things for thetto selVes „instead of expecting 'scoot.. body else 10 da the ,ettulying. for .thentainl cOndlenae It into' a twenty,. * X:Ato, is tiotnetiniee unkind t� Inerkt :When they are horn, their 'mothers !get the good wishes. 'and fiewera: 'When they ar6. wattled, their brides, repelye the' preitents and, the ttY iinit when the die, their Vidolte 'reeelve,•• the Insurariee- " 1 td' orimegoommormoniso, eid's Uph�lstery. yo -t -ill be -prate-of the - blieliterfield, Chairs, etc., -that- We re -upholster or recover for . you. 'Choice of velour, frieze, tapotpfry, damask ' Quality 'coverings. _ Phone 206J • • Pick-up and delivery Sit i US!, PHONE PSI' ' WEXTE US! TBE .SQUARE - ' GODERICII .1 1 . , eliable Efficient 8 10- 8 INOUR RADIO SERVICE DEPT. FULL STOCK OF TUBES AND PA.fiTS CARRIED AU-WorkGuarante4:-=-- r • I g,Tf +.4 eff /Or roo , leG-ODERICII • ONTARIO :Phone 114 445.5414 Wed gt. : 23tf r uuess 'AT.,:'SPRINli,IS JUST AROUND THE COLNER-,- ifiVE im PICK UP YOUR SPR/I4G 'CLEANING AND BE PREPAiED Kt. • ...LOW!RY, God'qic Tr-ue reports on the works of theRed Cross by leading Canadian writors • V9ransiel;. Th%re is a . man in Canada who has the blood Ofseven total Strangers in • his veins. Maybe you WaIlog, at • that idea. doesn't. Withotit it, • „he-VOtIld be de:". ' ,470o1Alk 4'41' .&"VOISIberittil.1313, • injured in a crash. J -le received . desperate - head injuries, and a delicate operation wasimperative. Eta shock arid loss' of blOcid,had so weakened •-hitn.3hat he couldn't have' survitfed one. . iseven tra'hhdn�tstep,ed in.' , , the *i,a,di ean, tit it in tor is dirty Or it •need of rpairs we 1.1431APE:agt a REASONABLE' PRICE. • 7,`"7"1"0". ASK trtt AOtrt: IV, 'TODAY! •;iimarilew OT MAXII A.',.'RIGH1.0 irtiEN". WN YOTY DRIVE 11EItt, M(LIM fideRadiator earl Cox Proprietor IONE 860 " • • 5,. 'They were 'Canadian ien- and '--women who liad mai given a blood • donation 'Co the 'Canadian Red Cross Blood Transfusion...Service, • When the iloctoss.called or blood • .to4 Save- the lifb 02 _the accident •victiro, it vvas the blood of those • seven* which, pulled him thrugh: ‘‘Nircre you one of them,"• • 't'oda4 he is a 'health/, happy, • fuLiitizon o Victoria,".B.ntish Colum iri. The• only thing that marks him as 'different from the aVerage Man is a rather searching' lotilc that sernetitnes cornea into his • eyes rts he walks along the etreet. , For he 'often thinier.of the -eeveu • who. paved his, life and $Vonderfl Who ihey are. Asha Its into 4: stranger's :face, -;:he- tly•' asks: "Were you cuie of thereto. If So, 1 thninlr you troM mybeat" ' • Syrillftily, the mother who ,ave 131,41:1 to twins and,would havellied ex - -44.9 elm ift tit /Could be kePt alive oribrby-tbinated • .blood the maimed the 'sick . . the oldr÷all those who 'ovve tfielt lives t�i blood transfuSions say: ."111zia. unknown. • ee Mood' fottihds :'blie Red Cross Blood •ansfusion se-Tvia platut, as-S•aon-raif possible, • . to extend whole blood and plasma lile0 to a 'Patients needing it, in ,-'hospitalreacrOgii Cariddrn,. 'two provinces-Britisli COlunabia , and Albetta-tprovi'de Tifet saving liervice. Last yearrAlbertit • and British Columbia 'distribute& 21,044 bottles of *h. e bloodi'and. 2,304 bottles of phis ; resulting in dad Savingof many ves« , But it takes rtioney as well as blond to save these lives, Betnernber ' this' ad the Canadian Rod Cross aPpeals to you. now for tundi. give'generously. Alife.inay • depeild tipeti Your •,• ; donation, Red Cross Servite4 in421e l3Zo�d TransfuilonkOnipOit Ilos# 4i4 to 'Sick • owl Disablett..;Yeterane, -Treatiniont. lot CtiPplot Children, Pisaet'er Row; AttAiti4ion sersw, 'lame SiOnining and Ittrotor4S4 ' he -work* niOrefl never; rw riiiirigiu to the 411313. Ail? ,