HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-29, Page 10,.s:uNpAt 10:04{0,104,'1.1,t;4940 , ti.OLY bOiVORINiQN. .10 AM, "MAIN nNoNst ,s000.04. aaitz.4ozx ol,ANIUNION AMR SiRM9,N,-,;"; _',..1eRMARYORKI'ARTiViiiNt; ,FVENSONO- AND ', SEE14014. EV plERLy A:4°W, ANPOii014, Organ -10'k ' • , WV- 4 ". • ' • I • . „ • am '"Flit$ST .F)tuSir,” , „ -The-fourtritierraon,na the serieson "The' SermOn on the Mount.' , . , • - . , . „ • . 230`p.m.. THE CHURCH S01100L. • , 7 pat!, "THE PROPHET JERENITAIr- •*•*. • • The third sermon in -the. On "The Bible SpeakS." ' . . , REV. C. WESIXT-C4PE.-BA, BP. Minister.. • Bffirs.`Martay Hetherington, Organist.and Choirleader,, • ox YreiVyterian tech 945ain. Sunday Seliool and •Young-Peeple's Bible C •1ani. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. ' • 11 a.m. PITBLIC 'WORSHIP. 7' . LrILJ 9k 0• ioire'ciar Praise -Mr. Wickptt, ; me and:Worship the Lord' in: the Ileauty • . • 01. • ,Qt op; voy,thiOal' SOOal'ev,,ents of ,the. •'season,•yill• be Ie1d ,a 1I qj.-044tts, 'f6t47 9 to, 1.-',04elock:',Eifie'$eOttqfc110Atra,".-..--42• rAr„couple,..•„ 4.149,he '‘xleslieus;• Of •Offerien .Olnir or obtaining4W formation' regarding sainei, "phene. 1$52.,o1 56174'.„ • e • • • •4: Tile,' Margaret Seger b Wilt ,1101d, a tea, in'..Stt George's arisli hall ,SatardaY,-- 3:anuary' 610,, rIgn' a.: to, 5:30 pan. ' There wilt be an eixhibitioll.,OrcOAkran`painti from the London ..A.rt, Gallery.. -4-5 • •Any "nlag,aMe? any time, any- where„*Miss Mary B. W4. Vineent"street, phone '21$W, ar ••ISiparlSteLean, Waterloo street. 2tf • Goderich Nivomeh's Institute Will hold its, regular Meeting in MaegaY • Hall,' on February-btli, at 2.80 Members are reminded that Shew'er of baby artic.les for . the' • Children's • Aid SoCietY will ba,xa ceivecl at this meeting, ' r • Evening7Aux.illary-t--of...North street Unitedchtirch will hold: 11, Valentine fea and bake ape inthe ehurehluilk-oli-WedneSday, February 11, corm/Miming, at 3 . The annual meeting' and election, of officers. of the Maple Leaf Chap.' • ter, I.O.D.E,,AS-postponed to Friday, rebraark '20th, to be cheld-at Mrs, George Ellia"-hoine at 8 p.m. ; -5, Don't forget St, Peter's parish party”. on', February 2i1d. Euchre, ."500,” dancing," lunch, , in Mason • Temple at 8 p.m.' Everybody wel- .Colne„• -AdmissiOn 50c, •'4 I 'HFGODERIM 8IGNAL7ST B.010T. • AVSTIN.,---At AleXandra e • deri*.121,-,.-0--.1anAl.arr)t--214-114-19413. to IV1r; and Mrs. Vincent Austin, • . . -,F,Q4'1A*IE __...'• '';" " ' R.B.7.. riticknO'i On. . --"`"---"----' .7'--."-•'''''-'1,- . ;VOA M.T4.1,1 ELEcTRIO Rg 4. .01-il`T.S.--"-T-9. Helen :Patriela.. (nee ..1: - ''..--„,..1•;,.., ....., -4., ,Atkin 00,)r '''?Kge 0 Calta"ill' le" our refrigeratiOXi*i:ePii:elilell't°:41-43-r - VRIGERA.TIO, WhitteVer iio Ilf ' A. 3.011118'.- .of St. Clair * - $t, Atiq)1104attdof ," , .. •WeSt- "1/e' "littrgft- or 42a1/1 you won't. go Qie wlird}10,,, Devah; tvziallo, at tue` Wrong, if. You illstall a "UPiversfil. gociler, Essgmatei. free,: '),Vrlte or NOrth-weqSthrA,.leh tgOr,.-aCe He -s:: P.4,„ .w.e.W. _.x.. . 4.„ • .....rv i,A„.A+ street, „pitoTt.oitg10h.,,94.3anutry QedeTk!Ilt01t, rhbi.f.e. 5E,44.'. :, -ttt- • .90. 1948,, n.ion; GaWain, Richard . Gren,Ville, - , '' . ' 101.L.$4,Proi.,-.P001.04:,$1)4110•144 , 117 1"$1403 pups, Phjebred. with-,...,r0.gisere.d; : , • ,. • •• . pedigree. J., ,A.; SUL,14, - ROPPY c :- GA.A.WV.--4-,I71 lovini'anienibrance of rarma,"‘Baylield road.. ' - " • -52tf ': „My 'dear' slater: Doris"and,„ dear. little PePlIew.,, Larry 'Grant,: and • dear friend, .iin", JOhnston, who died-Xne--Yeak-'agoi-v-anua;r-Y-13r 1917... ." ... _ • :-..SatIly. missed -1)Y Marjorie. ' Olt .14.33 as ed FOR SALE „ NOTICE 't Choir 'Director -Miss Mary Joyce' Strae 40_,a,m,...„_SARBATH SCHOOL. ' • - - .21•In; "A We Forgive Thein That TresPass Against '1 pa 1frst Of' .litieS`REIVIEMBER!"--*-Thy Creator , , • • days ;of -OW Youth. ' 2•30.• Tan. UNION CIWItelt ; * $,39 pm. Fellowship of Goderith Christian .xOuth hi Church mai, • '• North, St. United Churgh.4.• ..Mond'ay 8 p.m, Young People's Union. Sunday; Feb,'411-1-, pan. • Atiifes of Health Week. • ket visit of Han, Russell *mister. _offiealrh.. • • _ • -CARD OK THANE'S ' 0.UR HEARTFELT THAS' TO eomforting gyinpatbLand_helk in •'our recent Oorrow, 00r. .the - bfiiff olferingi„ thiTonn. of . and-Otlier -1-InnIEMITelit6PlrintettifU .AND ALEX. FOWLIE 11 oderich Bantist. .' • PA8TOREE.V. G. W: Organist and. Vhoir-„Leatler-MRS. ELL/LI.MONALDSON; - Obit' a.m;---There's Class -for 'You. *. MORNING • '`if/ORSIIII-11.• a1in MONTHLt CO1M1JNIONSERVIOE. • . • -Baptist. World. Fellowship Sufiday--Circling Globe for Christ. .ttYtrtNINO-7.,E404.0.W.111P-*W4AT,,,..SIR,- :Kt 'YE-$: SIR *• • - YOU •41-1fr-SeerEtWdlarcha,pter,-41:--- Inter Youth .:Vellolvslifp-80)---p.nr. North_ St -United. you? .,31CenidayA.p.in. Prayer•Mceting--,,,A1 iVaie-s-dirti8 pan. EXECUTORS' SALE' „ BOGIE, -In fonqi and 10v-ing. menil • ory of a dear huSband, ThomaS L., Aogie,' who 'passed away January g9th, 1914, . 7 I :do not need a special day, 'Tom - dear, • , • ---,To bring yon, to my mind; • For the days I do net think of you .A.re, very. hard to flud. • They say time heals all sorrows , Andheips' us to forget;• . _ Four years, "have passed and only shows • ' . •• . .--- -How iinith_l miss you y -e -t -,., -- - - ' '5x . ISTERED Hereford,. bulls. d . 91:1 S.ALIOL-PUREBRED AEG- . . . . -Lovingly reme.mbered by Pearl. ••," • 1. A SULLY Rosily Farm Bayfield - - road. - 1tf -.......;_____—. ,.......... , . FOR SALE. .--• V E.W XT,„I N - --" C H DS T ER bold action-, single ,'--;_mont1101---also--.4.--litter.-Pf.-Inga--6- ‘"Weeki,,,old., ALEX, 'AURAE,'" Port AlObRert.S,ALE,... :7 rkEll-th'0. 01:1P1:04.: sows . (2 ,,cltie hi 2 months, ,1 in. . . . -,-,....- . 1101t-,--S-ALID. rirJ1, b -C" T 11 -R-4-L •', :. steel, beams, channels, ' angles, reinforcing mesh, pipes, boiler tubes, boilers for eulyertS, 1)oileis for heat.:' ing, h'ot 'Iv ater and Steam radiation, priee $1.60. •. No. C.O.D, ordersr also. any other types Of steel. Malce4 ivr;l3rown si, ,-.ilis your headquarte0 1)iellSe.... XelcE,E,*;1! Craig street for any types Of steel in. eoinblete L°.'itic'n' .., wtirehoue tines.- • 400 Lancaster ' 1 ,., street west, -Kitchener; Ontario. Phone 3-8282; 6.6465. Oben Satur- day'afternoon. • • . -39tf +p-. IV40:114;78:31:14,_treli_seS, • 'BP:in_ gl..,, (alnAost new), eeolting ' JAt.ensils'„ • washer, 'tools, dishes, lawn mover dressers, enamei-tOP table, ,eaalneled • lee ' refrigeratOr, "Beatty - elee Water- loo ',street • (OPPOsite Collegiat.el; eheSte.),Iield, ehaira, etc.' 26 Water - OR SALE. --....3111D%., s 'PRINO-- • • ,, FOR .- ' a A T-411.- nt, 'Y 0 ITN G •:thbrOnglibretthog... Phone 85 r0 Dungannon. ' •• --, ^ ' 5.X . . R SALE.' •••-•-- .GRXMAI ' SAP • evaperator, by,12 ft.,, complete' Palla.)and-rtanks. Goderieb... •TOMACH SUFF-ERERS. ARE Y.ou worried,?' 11cKee'S 'SOMA,* PoWder gives fast. relief from 'ritating, Tgnavvingyconditionawienr. gas "and .bloating after meals, :Money:back guarantee if not im- provOd, Generous .supply • • . WANTED . „Notice is persons having the Mate of '-Ue slade, late of,the CREDITORS Ivan - '411 ,y claim against yge Edwin Green,- Tawnshi pof Gocle.„ ftwar:nlfeth' °Itt‘tiQUXiarT:.4%.4b.0.41164t11;.. to. send •Saine to the •. UnderSiPed on -„or befOre, the nineteenth". day of -Velfrnary, A..I.Y..'.11)48, • '•nn. • "after 'that date' tIO executirix• ot,t4, as4dilateirittlittio.ns11;0afnthilt•Q• 41Seedt'Sotli. 014r:Okfe, haVtzigregesd, only:to the elainla Of •Which} she .has notice. , • DItile66 -4Cot utnItetyl:f90Wf, .46‘nrC}QAQ(1, ertIthisl' twentieth' day .of -January, O.,,•,0.01t;-•HE AD: -ST.';07:•-,•i"e. 4-04" • Girellieeftlochr'f,e()rilt°';i9). ate. • - THURSDAX. rn4.i 2OUh 1.00 , l*atice is...herebY even to. all persons having any claim_ against. the estate of Edward' joseph Fisher, fate of the Town" of Goderich, in the County -of UnrOn. ..retired farmer, wh'o -died on or about the tWehty-seventh day. of -December, A.D. 1947, to send same to -the undersignedon or -before thelwelfth pkhot danaYd 13afiterrePtrhuaatrYdtate.Dibe194e8x,e:tistogrns ALAIIV011-41., MATHER,.. InSuranee reofaktheei.a.s.P-:.4iidoersitb4uttlettil01-1j:thrlieee-ae-sdste-Va and Real,,Estate Broker, . 7t ereof. having , regard only. to the, claims of which they have notice.% daY. of JanuarY, A -.D. 1948.- Executc,Gfrosd.e.r‘icp, Solieltor" Tor " the Tz...sotr.;ibuted, FRANK DONNELLY; -5-7 'in' the County. Of Huron, this tweIfth-dn'i „Te.wn of Goderich, • cousin, Dorls and son, Larry; WANTED. -LISTINGS 0•1,' PRO- -1Y -PERI:VIES for 'C';'• F. GRANT.---Iti loving memory of our As in the hour they passed -away. ,`22 rifle, hooded foresight and• • • Phone 18: .- CHA„PhiAl* Real Estate Broker. Passed away, 3'0119.7. 28t1* 1947 Their memory is as dear today • 39tf Missed by cousins, Evetim Shot adjustable rear sight. Phone 775111. SPLENPIIi OPPORTUNITY. . : I"' Average $i500, Vcte9kly for man and Anstin., . ,_ ,,,e .r, .5 - GRANT.--zin lov• int, 'memory • supply :more than„.250 - .T 1;, of my- , J.,TIOR SALE. --7,- •TAI3LE MODEL or ,.`"Y!'''attu i';', . .. Genet 1 leetric •adio in Al Familex necessities to 'the people .1 • 'in your neighberhood.-' ,Write,todttY for complete, details Of our .*tiine-; tested plan for fait, easy, direct -to - customer sales. CATALOGUE FREE FAMILEX 1600 Delorimier, Mentreal."-: • ' - -2. • dear wife, Doris Grant, and -dear- -5 • little ' son, La'rrr,"c•Who died one shape,.- Phone 1171'a* • • • Year ago, ..TazinarY 28th, '1947. ' Sweet memories will Under fo.rever,--1.7°3 -SALE. ---; GOURLAY UP- . B,I0,1.1T piano, in good conditioa. ,..Tinien• t_thilrue?tovn;ymoa..tv.,, .change 'them:a • Phone -192 -bet -ween -6 -and -7 ---.pan: --5-- MY-0,Plig::..-rehlere„. hzilAce oil- Y°P•• .-„7sgiz .e,-4-'‘',"--sicoi he.;:iSLICs4Ai71-$' nitss'ed.- b3 liiiiblin-1*... "s s 12-174; sweat:Ws: an. •-:. ' :•ra.-5.r size 10-12; navy blue un c, si e .., G.11-A.-Nr-g-luvhig-rettretotome , •dr,cszes--slzes-.12-..„----Phon 7.4. .___t5 - 'Doris' and Larry Grant,: whO•aied,, S.B.',... ALE.---7-,BOB,E WIT,HiTOOD.,. one year ago; JaribtifST 28t1:-.1.04:77." L.K.P"°. lining:- Ami• ty 50 -Brock' .street: The depths of SOkr,ow We cannet tell• •— -5 • Of the losS of 'ones we loved so -well.; - ' • ' And while they sleep--- a Peaceful FoR 'SALE. ---;-- BRICK HOUSE Their memory we 'shall always keep. close to Square ;„. 6 rociffis, breat::-. • sleep . • • - . • • -,17--So . sadly naissed by her family. fast noolt-, finished attic; possession 5x, -arranged. 'MALCOLM NATHERk 'Insurance. and -Real •Estate Broker._ ••••Phone- 1-15W7 ' tXEctyllORS' SALE. • The •Executors • of. the Estate. of the late Hannah Phillips will sell • by public auction at' the premises, -Sitt1-0,ted-en-Let--1010-on-t e north. side of 'East street 'between :Victoria and Cambria streets, on ' "FrqTflTh. Th1 Trft mit or THEL TABERNACLE : (Pentecestia...A.Ssemblies•-.,of-..Panada) .,.1{,10.,J., ,A: PEARSON Pastor. :.10.A.in;',,.;:SUNiDAY' SCHOOL., 11'' -..`Iiiiir,':141s.gi(oNt*Y. SERlapE, t , * ... .f... ' ' -` . • • . .-.1.39"..p.m. 'GD'S PLAN OF Rib ipIoN :4101S- TRATE)1):!,,, . :._..... . d 8 .;.;ThUrsay ': P.m.... Pralse.und Worship.. _ • ._ . , . ,, -,...3- .11/1K-,--BLESNAJL-miL.3.10.0 ISAN- EVERY SERVICE. •C ,,,---L. '.,, .- -.•• ,--01).---gNeWr :TIM : SERVIC,i '19LIETHEL.-•, - . . ...• - .. .. „=„-: . - 1 e Free ethodist 'Church Corngt of sVictgria & Sits. A' IVIES,SAC4E FOR "stai .8 TIME AS 'THIS." -4WE'RE ALL GOING TO THE SAME. PLACE - - • ,11101 ROgS, IT MATTRR.,.„ • Am. 7: 11 aan. f‘THE WESLEYAN ,IyIESSAGE.'," ta`a.tin:.%,ST,NDATIt'SCII001.- • Wed; -a rraYet-Seritiee.... • A144 14RE 0.* MeCALLIkvt, PaStor., _ TIOE .010, N ARMY 1SUNpAt -FAREWELL 'SERVICES FOR, CAPT. G. RUTH & CAPT. M. 'LOCKWOOD SEUVICES AT ilt.a.vii:"and School Z.301i.in, tif8R1i or)V1014040‘7:- • „ - FEBRITA.Rx.;.. T 1.3Q RM. • 1. The premises described as -fol- lows: The ea -St half . of Lot 1010 in the., Town of Goderich, which :con- siSts of a two-story brick house and. garage. These premises will ,l)c• open...for inspection on Saturday, •Jtilfuhry 31,froni two tofour (2 to 4 pan.). • addition the following. chattels' china • cabinet, 1 „oatension table, 1 kitChen.cuphoard,• 1 sideboard,. 1 -oval- • table- witk, enamel- taw- table, -bookcase, 6 cane. bottom chairs,, 'writing desk, 6 rocking-. chairs, 1 hall rack, three-piece settee, 1 organ, 1 sewing machine, 0. kitchen chairs, 2 folding chairs, 3 -piece bedrooni suite, chest of drawers, 1 dresser, 2 beds with: springs, 1 • vacuum Cleaner, .2. ferd-stands, 1 floor lamp, 1elearie- table lamp, 1-Songo1.eum rug 3 x 12, 1 nig 3 x31, number' CongOleum rugs, i bathtub, coal stove , (nearly new); 1 oil btirner • (Perfection), o11 heater, electric •heater, ..heater, and other articletoo numerous :to mention• . TERES -Real estate -will be sold, subjeGt-to-reserve-bid0q0-tlie-daY 'ofthe !Sale and the balance within thirty days Ihereaftem., Chattels - Gail'. • :--•• ' Ford.turther. Partien 1 ars .apply- -to MATT GAYINTOR, Auctioneer, Gode-- rich, or E. . HAYS, „Solicitor, • Goderich. 'NOTICE I.N$ULA.TE NOW.-7-FOIC A COM- FORTA)3LE • home with) blown rock wool ItAulatiOn., Prompt in- stallation, experienced applicators. Free estimate without obligation. Phone or write HURON INSULAT- •ING COMPANY, lir:Elgin avenue.,• Phone 6p4W, Goderich, Ont. 47tt • TENDERS WANTED. . . • , liSt, etc., and •order .soon. .If you TENDERS WANTED. ,• • ' .' Vont them; '..Hatchery.---ean-,--give • ' prompt shipment on day-old and ---- Marked,. sealed. •tenders Will •be started; ? Order the right chicks for .'. reedived by the undersgiued until, the good markets-TWM--WALTERS, February 2, 1948, for wood to be 42 Cambridge street, Goderich. -5 , 1 eft's'Baker: --oki-if(04,10 of Tasty Pas • `BC4013,70isent: Orin* rums . .‘. .050 •'Creme Tilarliotrittis 3i1O, 11,3. 'Weilding: and Anniversary• , Cakes A Sperialtio a -Iv* 'Alt, order's .of $1.00 01: '‘ delivered: 34. sieily,fehnethb. kidryty'9, for jg.4,19,nry„ R. C. HAYS, 5-• 2. •go°141ecgoril•Pfo?ittbe4riltate.t siNip:i.1.014.1. cRtaiiTOR-g-r---. A:nYpersone haVing elalin st the7eitate (0.....11arry Charles Fil- Singer, late of the Town of'Goderich are-tieu'-rlaeruoUfPdtheP3saffe;"tordthfeu!'lulnpdear'r- signed by February 21,"-after'Whieh.e - date the assets of the -estate Nv Solicitor for the Estate. • I • NOr.VICE, TO-70REDITOI1S:: •• • . , • EGO-cler,.*ilicht'XOSa'; aKriCo," VOTICE TO CREDITOR • „.„ persons having any claim- against Notice- is hereby given to • all -A' • . • the , estate of Jessie Ann •FoWlie, late, •-of the TOW). Goderich, in , persons having ajny 'claim - aga ns Notice ii • hereby,. given to 4.1i the ',Count3,". of Huron,' widow, who diedeon .or about, the twentieth -day . 'of Januar, •,A. latp of the. Village of BaYflold; in the estate of -Jobii'Hichard Castle,' Andersigned op 'or D. 1949,„to send.saine - the -Otnity-Of -Hiiron,„fisherMart, who_4,t6w-,t'in16 ,, ‘bdore the ty.-eighth da,v of rrebrdary, A.D. , , ., ,.,__W.1,1c.14,.._ • . .P.L. . of_,N.ovember, 1947, to send sanie_to - . ' aY ' 194; . ason and afterrthat -date the . ------- exeeda.r_of•, the said estate shall _ . died an or about the fourteenth ir - -=-NrIPT-E-R-----ing004,-,-ceaditionv,-. -0.,-lindexpigned-:,04„-Or _ebfotdtlfer%- wwknR.4autA.2aLcat;,,,41 tweitill,;d _of::,Ferikii-ittyi,A.414.14k, _pro:Feed to . make -A diitributan of e I,..,:41,__.ssetS," thereof' ';WitVing-regi-rd T.ucknaw, ..fInta.0Q..,:_:.:111.100e _pun- as on •an „a e ' calik.tuthe'7e rr-'67.1.-wa ms....) "gainion,T717.---r-•2. -----.,_ .-- ..-6- n,ihmtratrix--0..Ltigstg„:§kit _...,e_Shall . -WANTED - TO- ;BUY L.D 'hors'es and dead anlinals, suit- able forLinink, feed; will -pay 2e a- lb. for horses and, call and pick up aniztals according . to value': If animals dead, phone cbl- lect.• JACK GILBERT, 936 r or - FRED GILAElly. phone 936 r 32,GorIcb_ • •• - •• -45• 34.5 - proceed to make a distribution of the_assets-,-thereof, having' regard - only to OA ehilms of which she has nOtice. • •- - , • ' • Dated at the Town of Godetich, in the County of Huron, this twelfth. day of Jarniary;-*A.D. 1948. - ' • R. 0,, HAYS, K.O., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. • tails, Ask mef . or: prices: Wont& • Air- Force -couple. - No .,-children; J. Notice 1 -ST -hereby given to all suggest you ' order now, ' delivery .Write-.AGX 46,. SIGNAL STAR . , . Persons 'haying any Claim against RDER BIG -4 'CHICKS NOW, WANTED. - .THREE. UNFURN- NOTICE .TO C• itEDITORS. -withoni correspondind ' ISHED--or-furnished rmins 'for „. - --7----7 , :. „..., .. . when 'you -wish.' bit don't leave too . ' . • 5x' the estate' of Frank Trick, late , of the ' Township .Of• onoderieh,: in the late.' Get chicks for _maturity when -NTT ' . rri vy ANTED.- STANDARD -,i-tpE, Coun„ty- of Huron retired. far:inert egg and poultry_ prices _giVe best' retbrns,"- Canada -Approved, breeders • ' WRITER, • 'Write .134.2) 44,' who Ille,d on or about the second day . SIGNA.L.:STAR. • • 4x of January; A.D. 1948, to Send:same pulloruin-tOted.- Hundreds Satisfied •, to-the-inidersig•ned on .01* before the- customerS• MO.' RYAN,: . Ryan's ---'.-----ANTE•D.-PERMANENT„ POSI,. twelfth day of.criebruarY; A.D. 1948• , Prodnee, Goderieh. • -""--4- '-,- IrION-brexperieneed carpenter., As. :on and __after...that__ date the: AS AGENTS - V 0 g, BR -A y' APPV -E'. 0: SNIDER, General De-. ,-exeduter, of , the said -Estate ' shall' . • - get_l.prici„,_livery, ,Gede_rielk,....2.....- • - • 57; proceed to make a distribution of ' . ..-.4-.. , ,. . . chicks, we ad-tiso: a, ou the. irsietkalfe-felif, - having' • regard •only to--- the clahnsof_Which he has. notice. -. -- ' - 4 . • 'Dated at the ToWn of Goderich, -in the Oomsty of Huron, this twelfth. day of January, A.V.11948. . R. C. 'HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, , : Solicitor Or the Estate. Ammimaimisro .--4amisommirimai• tawiiisiomanwim gUTPRINSON'S i-- Radio-Service '.Operated 1,33'11v11111y rpialitled radio, technicianAblderof government „tertlitcateaofzpro,_ ficiency. At*, electronic • equip- ment' serviced, , trans. • Imittersv--inter.officysteinfir_ ele,etric feneersi„ etc, • Ali work. ;guaranteed.. _Fich4iti and delivery- . „. 02 'IMO O. PHONE -264 • Otf delivered, split and piled, to any or all of the following schools in the Ashfield. Township School. A.rea by June 25, 1948: Twa cords of dry 12" cedar to each school extept No. 12. FOR SALE,- FOLDING .I.T1Ay • . pen; large Englishn:an-with niattress; hassinette, all aeeessories maple and beech 14" body, wood LIP ice blue, hunter green and pink" suits, lisiko-e-also A1SO. Tor -approximately equal 'parts' idnoubexlee!birleenastt'ecd6nfidttietdi°11co'lata, follOw_sl_ 4 cords at No. 11; 10. certlakurown and bhie, dresses, variOui each at Nos. 4; •6 and 10 ;-1.5 cords skirts. and blouses, size 14, each at Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15;:.1.6 -10, all English models, MRS..GILL,• and 17; 20 cords at No. t.; 35 Cords St. Pat -Hers Street'. •Phone_210*. at No. 8,---4_ • . - aw_est_or...anyllender. not. neces- sarily accepted. . -... •• • . . • , • RICHARD ICILPATRICIt, _ Secretary -Treasurer, • XII, No. 7, Lueknow. ,NONTED. IMMEDIA.TELY,. • moth ad board by single yang man , temporary. Phone 582-j. ." 53f VITANTED. — ROOMERS IN v • home withilwo adults, all con; veniences ; preferably-- two girls, Phone 536., -5 WANTED . TO ,RENT.-11.0USE,. 'apartment or flat, by Air Force officer and wife; no children. Writes BOX SIGNAL -STAR: ' -5 .011 SXLE. WHITE-ROTARY- " WANTEV.:----2,001C1 AND ..130ARD . in Goderich ,labine.' • EVERETT TREMBLAY. • ' ••••' -5 TDRENT -- sewing machine,- solid walnut, • good as new. 85 Brock „street. ' ROOM APART - Phone 1097,.. _ ,0 _AIENT: •Phone 435J ' • ), :5 .3.01tmeimmolo..3.3.0 - ............— --...,,, „ ..-, g. ri,, litaduilyin 4 pit, terkii„ , - Miss :aerahitne• . Ads re•-. •And $/11, Alex. MacMillan Of Toront0. turned...to her. hoine`aft spending: • *etweekend ;0680,3_ with grand seVeral weeks in Victoria 1108pital, A.TChie Made., ' LondOn. , ' . ";," , 4. -I; ,:„ , • k ' imoralmiloommooldialim.momodloimiliiroloimio' .e i.°*171.111..r.117.r." , ' C ,IE or • • .a. a aye Ipxot. !404r,..,tontt ,b.o.urs.a regttired: 01311 465 00 • WABM VOMIT% ..„---- .00toinatie omitroned beat, -cr' Coal 001/0 burns "Oily Or kFxd of coal or col* • e toNoling oniy •...Oiloca dile* gelretlYVVii4ter We0411 OS*" sqiond,.., "Oo,y— cttn nflct whicr ..*Cath0i4 Deafl goof: tO ••_ C). ONTARIO i Dated at the•Town: f In the Canty' Of Huron, this t*entk--:' eighth day of January, A.D. 1948. R. C. HAYS, K.C.,, • 7 Barrister; etc., Goderich, Ontario, Solleitor for the Estate • - IlYgenic .sUpPlies (rubbergoods5, . -naalle&-postpakCia plain, sealed_ _envelope 'with price list " Six' samples...25c ; 24 samp1es.$1.00. Mail - Order Debt -7-i53, -NOWRVIIBER. co., Bet 91, Hamilton,,: Ont. fc1:6.• , • CHAT, S, **AkD Ori4TAR' IO 'VOTERS; SIStS...1QT, 4037; 'CHAP. 7 THE 'oNTAR1t11, lay/ELECTkoN;, FEBRUARY. 16th, 1948 34.5 - NiOtICA TO CREDITORS. ' • 'Notice i hereby „giVen • to alt •persons ..having-- any-- !laliui against the. of 'Carnet• :William, Worsell, late, of the Town of Gode- rich, who died on th% 1st-•daY of January, 1,048. to send the same to the.....pridey5igna4;mified •by. deviar- -titian\ on..•-•or....-beforfg the .7t1Lilay• of February,. 1948, as after that date die execiitors •heiein' will proceed to distribute the_said estate, having regard only to -the claims of .whicii 'they shall then have had notice. Dated itt. Goderich this "1.9th day of jannary, A.D. 048. WILLIAM A -...SUTHERLAND, t, ,..7Solicitor, tor the EXectitors, • NOTICE -TO' ditE)4TORS• , -L. FURNITIIRD-RigkAIRED _ _ • - • CABINET IVIARINC.,-- • SAW FILING, ETC. , All kinds.;,of ••Faneral blacksmithing. GOWER --- Wormerly .Sheardown . Blacksmith. Shop), HAMILTON. ST, •`' NOtICO , Is ereby '.given to . all Ilersoni having any claiffi againF3t, tlie7eStat-e7-0f7Jblinte:" ,guti; late 'of -the TON*/ of •G.oderich, in the County Of. Huron," Wido*, who _died on Or trbout the tinth••' da.f a 'January, A..14:-1948, to send same to the .under- hed"'"on:Or before the twentY- 11th-day-of: YelintarY,ITA:-/)......1.9...4.5,.. -as on and after that Ante the ek- ecutor-ortie-Vaid "estate shall prOx ceed to make, a -c.listribution of the assets thereof, having' regard' only 10 the claims of which' he haknotice. rated itt-the•-Tevtin-a-GoderiCh-- • , TAKE NOTICE, that' the sittingkof the Revising, Officer for -the -purpose, of hearing enni1aiiitsorappeals with regard to the VOterss Lists to he used at the Pending Bay -Election of a member of the Legislittive AsSemolY Itor the* Electoral•Distrlet 'Of •TIuren, will be held for the respdctive tannicinalitieS:in said Distriet,at the -following, times and places, mentioned in the schedtile below, With the names Of the Clerk of the -Revising ,Oincei'for Hitch telpatz. Land the last date for making comp1a4its Kappeals:td the, said Clerk. ' • ----. - HURON 0. a, • • By His Honour Judge Costello , 333 •• g 0. " -'• ' •' ". _ _. . . .--- ' Last Day.fOr' ._ _ ff - . -%. _ .• . • , - •• . .1% 1 041 ei PitlitY ' Date of Sitting Places of Sitting • : •TiMe' et si,-ttieg - .-...01erli"oraleviging Officer •:.Conoliaint • .1 , . ' • • , ' , .se _ . . 0i#2.744Aigaiii;lintilitlARAUWAM464:414:4,,,'.45-4114411 ' 8rd''' 4.1tillett Twp. ,..; . , .. ..': • 'I '260 •,70omintinity null, 1.1,9ndetborO '330 p.M. G. uovvan; • 'h s OiOr.33;... . Mac31iOrr.9:70; ,.:, " 27th ,.' Oarilegid-x,ibrary. 114.t.ii, 'Seaforth : . -1,.M. Eckert, SeafePtii, _RA . . . • • • •,' ' . . .. . . -10,00 a.M.. . k. .. - . " 'No. 3.;;;..,"7 ' 241h, . ,., . • • . . ., . .. St.441/.0 ' TN6: " 27th, . TOWnShiP Hall, 'Varna . • .. • • .i• 2.30. p.m. Pred' Watson, Bayfield ,,.. " ''''24th. ' Stephen TWp. , " 28th ' Tal;./114,) gall., Orediten ..,.. 10.00 i.iit, TO' 0. 'Hodgson; .0entiqu1tt„,, ",Ith: Tneherselith_pvp, i..:" 28th :Odell Stinpaon's Mime; Aince- --... Edwin P; phesoey, Seaforth: '' '---- %' . . ..' , • a ' '• _ . , , .: ;field ,--' , '230 pan.. ' .. -. t a. No; 4,,,',. : "24th Us rne .TwP. " 26th , Toriviwitp: tall, tlimvillk ..,, 10.00 it.th, 1 IL 11. .4, Straog,. Helistill..,.'li ' 26th• St*,ti: arfh..Tall •,, " 23t/i 'Town Hall; Seaforth' .. -.. . .......: 2.36 p.m, -1), II, Wilton; Seafortlt.,...". " , .6th .8xgter' village, ..,..„1..., .." ,00t11 . , Village rirau, Exetei4 c.',;,, - 10.69.a.m. C. N.- Piekard, 'Exeter ,,,... . ..• ,,"27th ' ‘goderielr 'PoP- q...,..i.;a; ?:!-`(24t11.' ..C,Ourt Hottad, Goderich ..... . .. 3.30 0,1n. *.- S'..11. Blake, Goderleh. ..,..;..e. " 21.st Gode'rieli-,TOWO, Arta..x.", -,-30th-t)oint4060044040Hc1........„,..t3,00 .Y1401". nia•lie.• goc.16:101 • •;• I" `1" til ' Ooderich. Town; .:„,..;„.Veb. . 2a4t ' 0ourt't0000, .Godeitch ..,. . ; 10;06 • ani. S.• ,14., 8irdwir-Ifodeiil tilair."1M- 00(10)46 Tonrii.'...ic,i. A', Irfi , COurt House'Cloicerich.:....,;,. :8.00 p.m., a S.'„ 11. Blake,. Goderich ..',.;;;-. "' 31st ' Hezisall. Vithige7.-.7.‘Jan.-.3.1st , %Own, Hall, 11eoSall ... . ,.,.. . „. 10.00 a:Mk, .1, A. PaterSon, Ilerisall•,..,;,.7°-,',28th-, • '' Olinton Towo*, ,.. . ... . ::, " -24th Mown. Hall, alintOn. .....,......,. '10.06•1t,m.' V f o' ' T., Vierless , Olintoti,.......' " , ast . : :Milton Tovim ,,,,A„.;.;-Peb-:i* 214 •,`," -Town: nalle, .thintorf--,,,,,,..t-', .8.00 -tan, • U; T.. Coritis, 'Clinton ,,i4.-....,,,;" , pow, ' oodedoh....t*p. .„oldn, 31St . Was .S, AcheSoti?s.,Residente • . ' R; 0. t hompsoh, Clinton, Ilohliesvitie..'......, '' 80 ii.te.' - • - ' itit.41•t#72-'-'28th, All persong are, t , lied uP011 to. eXantine the Vetors", IWO to aseertain that their naines are .coroefay , fitere'cl,therefo, ' .,; ' , - • . : ,.,• , • , , .. ,•, . * ' ... .. , • ; a, ,,, , --- , ' AND' PORTHPf04/tita NOTXCE 'that' the list- .:te heap revised is Part 1 and. 11/ of t.140'.Voterst List prepared for the ' oboe :Mentioned intinicipalitlea, ,, •"*"., .• V, • ' ' ' .-.-• , ' , 'xto .rip1t, ,viciiv, N'oTtoo Wet AO voter to ' any: et.' the , 60.i'd bautifelotattibit who dairee to eo-inplain that US;liable or7the...naine..4 atty,'„'person :entitled:to' be eitered on the said ilat for that nninieipalitA ins e- ... •-• • , .. , a t4h.fit.'41.0„.,•note4lettions •- " il t 'entitled te. voters have beer. entered - thereon, IllaY as.e.bOVe Set et,it apply, 'complain or appeat"to 'have b s. nape or the name o .aw .otiler, pex'soit entered en: Or reinOVed fgore the tilt._ ,„„:',.; , . ;, ". 'kJ! , . ' • ','-.---;:- . ' ,.. , Ail). 1.4111,11,11111. TARO .110t10/3 that ancit appeals Mug be by tick'tice , lin .ivritincin. the iireseribeci, torio On iiiiiilietife.). tjgned by die complathatit, 'told given to' the Clerk of the 13,01*thg Onle'r. ot lat tor11114.- at.; Ida7.1iffdreT3s 'ad' . stated' ,abolt. . . , ., „ • , .. -, ' ' - ., .. .-. ' The Ilata 'Of Votera May be.06*.tit the Ofilee a the tiorits, .0 -the XteVising 001cer In 'eabh nolnielpitity , , , 6 0 , . 8 . . , . ' $ 4 or ' t tit til" ififor itatO a write to lsoso t votp* i4i.v. deeper, )ox Oill doiterich. 'clerItNet ',..for the tle* Iteard 6 the ()entity 'Of' Ilti.rOil T bated. at ,Oederich thi 17th dity'ef •hni.. ti*Eitetion Elard pt the r te4, , • . if 'eaTiO; lLt.. aranintry, Ity, 4,, 1048 '' ,0, ', . . trrain tonnty or linton Refrigeration .Pluine 10941°1-'24 -hour service to- all-naake0' of commercial -and doifieSticiefrigeration.equipment. .• MANNING - Ethigeratim_Seryice " -GODERiCII F- Conimereial---Agent for Goderieh, • and District. - -Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1• 49tf . • 0-Stiing-You. „HAyx: ),:.9u SIVE lp.o4c1? *Now'. o .E0-1111- • IrerInlitired--;--• Stay InSured-4.' • Th Rest: ASSurea.' ' North 2_*0. 268* • ank ips "3 S PUOLIC "Z nder antiGadierMotor Sales offers, very triuttler - one .0 0 o ene „