HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-29, Page 1••". • 1 lOjst YE Labor nis e ea ERIC. T IIVESDAY, 4RY, a9thl 4..948 --- Meeting ilitereet of TI10„0: Pryde Addressed by Hon. C. '90a1py , • Charles fl1ey, )41n1gitei of .Labor in te Drew Pabfrtqt; ''ad - .dressed a•,„ Ineettfig in the V4Senic Temple on Monday 'es ening in the interest •Of Thomas Pryde,'PregreS- • 1ve C,ohieryatiVe-':-.0andidate in. the br-eleetion fel.* .the Legislature, , ,Helleald his department was conr eerned. with' ' -the- protection of the rights -';'°of • worker and employe)... - "It was.a.PregreSsive'CeOservatiVe 'Government which gave yon -a 48- hour work week," the Minister said "Today the , agitation is for a 40- - • heur weekandI am not going to pay that is :wrong. I can't, hoW- __ever,:pgreethat aphelia -1 Work week than we have nOW wlirProvide-more• iebS. But today • the • world- needs merle geode andlessening of hours doesn't ''bring that 'abet." . .„"We also; ..introduced -Vacations With 'pay," ealt1thelninieter. "Now • we hear the 'argoment it should have been two weeks instead of. one." • . The Minister said industryhad. paid out $4,000,000 in holiday pay last year to worker. , , -The ,Minister, said the Workmen's: Compensation Act , in Ofitariol-Vgita the. best piece: of legislation any, Where in the vvorld. , It. was -E,•••:Huckins•i Lorne $r2,000ch doeslet anitnely,-,..:adminfatetethIn cases -youngiof-the--33lue-Water::13arid.:etantial •aluatints--raised7by,ithe_Wo, Where do4t existed. the -Worker was Atter the .pregi.w...Tefreehments . miesiono,-y se-dety; • ,y_the always looked after. .and the remainder of • Ladies' Aich the Arthur Circle and, • Last Year there,. Were 138,000.. in, ''''airafr(Melningrfttl`firtintittrt . . . - favor- of union organiz- 'atiOn-rtlie: Minister declared'. '"-With, „•,,a *goal understanding ‘. between worker and 'employer unions can be . of - great benefit. The labor, rela- tions court proteets_the labor man. Hit is proved a:man has been tired for vunien-tretiYILy the court sees , to it that he be reinstated." - • • ThO„,..,0AndWatet=',.,: „..Mr.--Pryde defended the retord of „the Drew 0oVerinnent The Prenaier has triedhard, lie said to make. good 'his, promises : in the gen- eral eleCtion. of 1.945:7- ,.;SchoOrs', 'hydro- and roads. were three major iprojects'-of the Gov - eminent. • • . however, did did not _thin Iik any Goverment, should boast ; bout the 'amount of 'money it Spent.* ' Looritt forget gets the money- ritethteandid; "stated.' ," • suecession-to7-IteV;-gf'Sfewart,"-- • .• "ANN-ETA:1.1/1E0m OoDglocH _Drew_.hos, taken: the , toad be unable fo• assume • charge af his !TROTTING- ASSOCIATION ministerial duties here: until the oit.-Pk.oPert.Y. ()timers through' his ' • '• fir .t_of _April,. In the • Irigq'iitinke-- eduegtionarplaji: . For 'every $1,000, keSSMent (1,w:est, -Bev: 11. '11. Turner, of Ingersoll saved $1.87TbecauSe ‘the-:, -Drew ‘• Gov-, delvt of -'the: Ooderidit Trotting andlois,' been .conducting. the -'servrees ' for several Sundays. ernment Paid 'fifty Per vent.- .of Agricultural ---ASsoditition at - the an- ••• . -F -erguebit7 . T'SP-oke. With .education Anal meeting last week:. • ' appreciation of the work (lone by I'V•ther-officers-elected are: lst vice- the 'effielent clerk of session,- Mr: president, D Muiiro; 2nd. vice:proPi- .11 T. A. UaePwan, -in his Onerous 'dent, J. W. Oraigie; treasurer; J. Utak- of keeping the records _during yritioman; secretary' 0 Ginn': ex- the pulpit vacancy: •-• ec tive council, J. Newccinibe, .Thoritae ,Santly, Dr -ill' It 11411, Allison, A.. Stevenson, R. A. Robert Bisset 'and George' Stokes MneEwan; • .• 'Were reapPointed• to the board RANI) MEMBERS JIM A 3:012/Y PARTY ccessjui 4 successful And Very happfW601111 IIOX UIiurcLi eVening. was enJo'cd by the!menv ' *•.• bers4pf )•41if• TW'fft‘:".35rit,L$ Exceflent Reports Itei*.4 by. and- the Girls" tugle.-.:Onn4'their V: Ongr.0640111"at Annual fainilies and -* ' Met' tlends'ln•theM0enie • • , ; , mg .; ,AsSextahlY• „. aftended-hY4WO-handred--people: ` l'..4c444,11-5`.0r;" tholgiv-ine"' , frupted by the:absence of a regular •Presidcnt.Arthur: Curry; of. the • minister, since the removal:Of...Rev. dederich Blue "'Water Band RichardStewart to 'London, was -donled,,,the ,guests,' and -Arnold me- , , Connell, as roaster of cerentoniee on in ie VePbrts' Plesented • at Presented the.prggrap.," •A -fine ,theaonn,A1. ,,Meeting of the eon,grega- sentation of moving Tietilies of the tion, of Nnox-Presbyterian church. bands, inehgling the, '`clOWn band!' on Wednesday evening, 4anlXarY. in action on various occasions: last- , ...suinine'r, wag shown 'iv Earl Mae, -"`"•-••• • • Laren: prom Majorette Grotto • ' The, -„meeting was constituted. by ,, ' •. • . Arbon', executed expertly several, Iteir7.;. PergnSett of Hensall, . tap dances.. RalPh Henderson sang ;interim Moderator' during the DuiPit. appreciAted hari•tene solos, and uksi,, `yacai3.0." Ur, W. 4alinclers waS 'Arnold, Schutz,' contribUtett- appointed ehairthan Of the business, aecoMPanied. by her husband, .meeting and Mr. a J. MatEwant 441 her usual ' Alex; ulerk---ef-the--SeSaiOnivaLs-seoretary.--, - Donald, a new member of the band, ,• The-Vatistical report' of the ss - played Several selections on the steii showed721members .on the euphonitini; which highliglited,the-lbinmunion' • roll; .•of whom tWenty, program, -He . Was accompanied'hY. wereledeived during , the . year introdUced-the.fot- eertiticate: Families represented 41, lowing executive of therGirlS' Band: -the congregation', nunibered. 324.• .president, Miss Vileanco** Martin; . There were twenty-eight bafitiSms, seeretary•Miss-Norlite-IVLaelCay,„. and • The: average -attendance ;at the. the •.leader, MissMary-;',JoYee•-,,Sunday-eehe01"wat.'481:77,-Mr:. Glen, Strachan; ;the instructors;' jack Lodge succeeds 'Mr. Robert Bisset Buckins, jr., ..in bugle playing; ,.aa, superintendent of„,<the-.'”sohool,. , 'George JaineS,, drums; and Thomas The total amount raised for 'O'Hara,••ef the R.C,A.P.; Clinton, in, church and missionary PurPosee'dur- precisien drill; a1s613rol1master J.• ing the- year was apprexiinittely AvaajoW4,40144P244441141 , • There Was an merease of $440,, CHANGE IN SAI,VATTO1t'-77 ,erfier6pe cOntributlaild' ARIVIV-OFFICEit-S- eerease,:;-in---centribution the, budget:* ' • Re. Mr. Ferguson.announcedthat, Captain G. Smith' and_ Oaptarir ,the allocation for the budget in 1948 ,Lockwood of the , Salvation Army Would be filiseitte -$2400. The m1.7 ' leave Go gregation had exceeded the 1947 have received' ertiers to . , , rich and to take '.up ' the , werk . in. budget; for •whioh $2;a05.wits raised. Ttoill.stohnabnzg.e;,y.'e.?ynouleea.Vvyinhgo, thliie\yo,„;:yst:ceoh.ineidweiliid°45riita! :1311_eg,a;1.1:41)7thaen,d°.r..,p7ongi.zrietstsi°1vn; ported the,u1. during their stay,. Als$ Lotting 19i7, the board of. man-- they are fgrateful for the generousres (Oise totalling $188:4,52; --in;th,_the_zi.ittii, agers rieirtaotedthetheext-useer. floor. of , . _ Red 'Shield campaign 'under 'the ..., leadership of Mr, 1 J. A. sully a d hardwood Bears 4nd redecorating Mr: Sy& ':Sheiltear and alfthel..le' ill)--- And -Carpeting the _stairs, - An.other piano. was purchased for .thfe San - Captains. ,Sinith: , and Lockwood .day school, and nece.Ssary repairs will leave Fbbrual-,-_5:4h and. will- 7ere- Made to the :church' building. be s cceeded b ,* I • It • was announced . that Rev. Agar in charge; assisted -by ,.,iedt, ' ' ' . . -MacMillan, of, ,A-thelstair lieleil ..Burgess. - ,.., Quebee, Whohas accepted the call - '7"-• 'of the edrigregatitin to the pulpit in , 1 - Mr. Pryde stressed the workthe ------Highways Department has done this winter in keeping* , roactS open. :Nearly every township -had' ita„ovvii - snowplows made possible by gener- ous *grants " of the Ontario Govern- ment. _ "The tax load_ has been -shifted th-the'lhoUldera of .peOPle • better to „Pryde eon-. Touching on - hydro Mr. Pryde 'noted--7-niere---fa-rmers,thad• receiVed, , hydro under the •.Drew •regime_than any, - other.:_ Lire -denied the Drew: ,Government was to Waite for the --:, present power .shertage. (Since' the. campaign opened Liberal speakers - ,-7have ohargectbianie for the shortage should rest on , Drew's shoulders). II/V.:Pude oleo. 'Spoke of the ;116e- pital :grants and gave assurance that, , the promised . grants , to ' three hOgm' pitals ' hi Huron would be paid. - It was 1 blustery . night* and the • attendance at the, meeting was not large, ::•::,,„_;:,-,:. , ,;..,;.• -...--. •- :7 ,... ' ..' '. intiDaki:EVENTe • The _ /nterniediate • Duplicate Bridge Club get tinder Way on:Wed. ' ' . •,neisd,ay evening at Mrs,,Nieelis apart- ments,ten: West.street.:-'ThisTgathe, .... • :wiliell.:-Will.:,40lield-evell'3VPA*011Y, . evening,- is 'open te„Ateginte'rs; and -Anyone wishing' . to improve his Or her game may join:: Lase even- ,._,..--c.inrs_winners were as. followsl.: Ast, WS.' P. Reid and • Mrs.R. BreWer ; -. 2nd, Mr.' and Mrs. Rcl.. Nelson; 3rd, '- .SLEIGH -RIDING PARTY . . -11/ is-STEil 1 Wriiiin . and .gioi.,irior-. .. Mernbers-and friends of the 'Gode- ence Paterson, .,, -.• ' r • rich' B.Y.P.II. had an enjoyable eVen- • „ , ing no Monday - in the ,forin of 4 •' "MONTY"' '18ESip;•`, REGARDS ,, Sleigh -riding ',party. With much • 1.-4.1r:•;,Rgyn.peoperrporchirsing.Agent-singing-and-t.lnierriment Of -various _for_the jibminion,.Road. Machine ' -kinds_ thei=vie V Arraputps. it , . --- -----pr.;-,,-z:A.;M:aaejr''nZffatcLlia-Atapr oe vrailfijrzroter • , ,9r approXiinlie- • • business flrlTriirragt. we-erond l'y two hours. Ver- , cold but'lfriPPy's jtiet Miv4 IL • M. Monteith, 'former they returned to the Sunday school,: * tntinager for the tank o/ 10.k:real anditoritird: Or ' a ,shOrt , meeting • here, and new thanager•of the •"Soo"' , braneh of OW pal*. „ Mr. Monteith asited-.r.to r,he. " remembered ,' to his friends in .GederieFY • # DEN OP HORON IDLJOIt BERRY; Reef/6 Of 'Uslionies: • • •was; elected Warden .of, 'Huron- :Po untyt-at the opening of the County Council meeting last week: Mr. Berry, • a.• native ; of •Blanshard town- hia_Peith -county, movedtoUShorne-toWnship; 1904. Ile has been a mentbef of the Ushorne• Township :Council four- ,--teen'Yeare ;and this is his 'fifth year' tas reeVe of, 'fife. township; • mg prinelpal .hobby is judging horses, in which he has been engaged •throughout Westein Ontario for the ' last *ten years. He Married Sara Allan' of. Usborno- and of . their family two survive, a • eon and a daughter. The son with his fanilly lives with tile Parents on • the ;414nm:stead, 300. -Acres„ 1)002 cattle. Berry is an, *Angliean and an Orangeman. • , . • • , • .. • or -CO Itepcirte- at • Annual Meeting , „,, Indieater,(4realy' Actwity- in4947 The' arinuaf',coligregatinnal meet- ing of 'S,orth' Street, Viiiied eliurb was. held in the ehitren hall' on ',1‘01011. day -evening. Tile reporta-,'preSented: by the va.rleus , organizations re; vealed that 1947. was ' / the niost :SuCcessfilf years.#4ii the lend biaery of, the congregation. • • • - • Mr Os S.. Tiirier„, the chureh treasurer; in submitting the. reports of the,,:committee of stewardS4 the iniasiellikry and _maintenance. , fund tire7T.TInited Churehl4pitril pen4•1011 fuiid andltbe meniorial'ehinies fund, ,rovealed•the-bost--lifeLof-tbis;•churcli officio', and the congregation voiced its appreciation of his labors. • The Oonunittee 'of,,,steWard4 reported in- creased givings in 1947 and that the 41minchastanding,ef the ,cUurch-Was stroitg. The, givings to the mission-- ary And maintenance fund' showed - a. Subetantial increase Over the previous year, indicating that ',the congregation •was alert to the need wider -work of .the ch,nrCh. 17The appeal. for the United Chnrch capital pension ',fund yids `,`•crapbrted as Proceeding, and the _work of'this onoitittee_ will. he. completed in the -gorepart of .194£3,. when it is .expected tlilei; the ailueatiWsfirhe-demplately --metThe--7--friemorial7 chimes fund report -revealed an almost.amdzing ter‘se_clivrand timmworturrthe enniimittoo Trtieps ;together.' with the,",,,,,;_afaplificatitax• systeur which will ,make.,:.theut-liCaXd 'over_tht: town, will'. prdceed. almost oninediatery.. The contract hap been. let and the .-hrin Ivhielt-is to make. the ifietaliation reports it will begin work early in February. The choir 'fond report; presented by .Carlton Worsell, revealed that a healthy •interest is being taken in - the' c tigiftles Of the choir. 4 *Seel:al' vote of thanks was passed to las; lietheringtdn, who in her 'gracious -and- capable *--manner.-has-led-the choir as well as presiding at the organ.' The report of the. Woman's Association showed . that • it had a very sticcessful year: • The -member, ship in, 1947 was the largest in the hiStory ofthe aseociatien; lUirtS.—atLike.....WAtille Missionary. -Sb-Ciety ett,the Evening Auxil-. larY- indicated- that -the ',ladies of the, tht*engregattan'-ndecls of ..tnheit'loQIIr otanbg-9rreegda---'f-tioti. bat also were vitally concerned about those less, fortUnate Ones who live .elsewhere in Canada, and_ for tims.e_in,_ the Amt. :areas beyend the' seris.to Nvhich• the Church ministers. TM -Central newer fund report, pre- serited,by M. Cranston, showed the interest of the congregation in these who. are 'confined to their honies or toTthe hpaPitai through: illness., The Sunda, school report, as 'presented by the superintendent, 'Alr. H. S. Turner, indieated a Suc- cessful ;•ea,.r.--•11nitncially.-: Tribute was paid to the work of the staff, and to the leaderehip:_being given by..., a .devoted . of teachere,- \Vito give, freely •&f their-tinie--an - talents: Speciat-menthin i- fiad of the fine piece of work being, done in, the nursery and pridrary school, Which has a large group Of yonnger children in attendance each Sunday. The decorating. fund report dis- ltelosed that the treasurer; Mr, Walter Hem, would be relieved of his _duties, since expenses con- nection.. with the redecoration and iniprovenient of' the church have been met. •- The repOrt of the committee in charge of elections for. the board. of steWards revealed that thefive-re- tiring stewards.- "Pridham, W. c: .Attkittge,. s..,Anderson„, Earl Westbrook and M. P. Noble,. Vere returnedfora three -gear term,-, Mr, 'Carlton' J. Worsen was elected as. the ;sixth ' steward „far a similar, period. inr.- W. Aroorheact, who has beeneent by the •Canadian Bank, of Connneree to in image their brincli at Thedford, was' the slith retiring. steward. Mr. Howard POWler was elected for One year to the hoard of stewards to • lit,. the vacancy created by the denth of Mr. CnrltoiY W. The report of the'Sesilon fer-clo'sed• that there,:_Were '20' baptisms, 21 funerals and nine marriages in 1947. - ;ANNJAL 'BANS/V.0r .PWNq1GISTRY • , , The Annuar,banonet of the VIVO,. Ult iit'egistry'waS held in Aptel ford On' Friday when IA Ulldred.,Urilker, professor efilarirs.7.- r at Central R!,/),Ort roxit Memorial ij15Kag_atio, ,n,_'t_Oer4litY' Of, est': ern Ontario, was the guest ,speaker, Tboentroi: e "4 w,.)1001 l"?yn3,0°0,Yeeedr'Atelldh4int-tabillees'eowkierriescheffelneteIvoet- POle‘ang(r4at SetleelT4Weltb-d4';ilielItett-41%ag 111°.t sP1044° lu*eY was 'Club held it4 'aminal-coniineuggannt purple sand gold -with, floral decor. which probably ' Set a new reeord. nwtokrIsbeotgw, 'Ter tsortanyd4.11401,iietist; nr-rtihreors lilMvtethr ethpergelotpdeneniexclo,OHotxmateezettg present,- -grAdliates. from ,the ,-rieettog was lorwd„, over to *, ilitogrihnetSoi4t General,a1S.1C4etteg tett, d, Cleveland,L0n.o. xdpewen,_. who ;.presided over, the 'presentation of rivyards.„ Guelph, •,.. canton, Madison., WI Scranton, PA., 'Chicago,, Kitchener- r Shaekleton' presented • 1:410.174,te0asruli:e0111:14,. oryavyag7grGe"notudS4::.: PBC. 94: rrdetrohtn LU) ler:Fab McCabe, William '1111:abet14.117- 064017:417 _•Wwaastetroloporrildted0.7e 11:71t41, anelal• reports. wpt ir tribc;140 dum Gi oile.4, eremcalledwsartsnr oprAio. .cdenligeredsina!" tvt roes DoreenT I s rt g:r rac . A 71: t ri past: president, reviewed the. adtiv; okniiilayoung, of the past year, ecalling- • TrioRobert Park inen•ieriAt'inek14.: for highest *Standing'', in 'the glass, 'awt411$1t11:eeMS(.1:1.41$.‘itt°;f1r2".019.11::;.:M.Mate:$4e.rit'--- 13ettger /Presented the:' EnterSon, first for juniOr.: gr/F Gerald 'Wahl, first for: junior b 'Bab Hamilton, second ' for jfiiiior boys ;,EVelyn IncOartneY,:lieCOnd• AO! •- juOlor,:'girl'S; Bill" McDonald, second tot-inftinediate boys; linth BOWen,,. ,first for Senior :girls; :Patsy .,r)or.' quette;• second -for Oilier giris., BR-fgera..1-#6!- prekented • the Lienis, •-; ,"" Club" trophy for Senior girls to ROW LKGroNAUXILTARY'Bowen,- the Whetstone trophy „to- - - junior boys to -Jerry Wahls-and: e, le • _ 3 . gi or , e =dieo •PtirgriliTgreitt Henderson•.. • •-' Mr, *-.4137e-sented the writing...to. Ann tc- AWard-for ,proAblency-in spelling. to. ,. Lois Campbell,:the 'Pilsinger' aW-Ards, /or science -Ito Bili'MeLcan,, ,and the,;-• Smith's Art Store sart AWA1'4 to Robert- Hays. "Miss aliarnaan'e, „ award for composition and:grain,. 'mar tileo-Wenrte-Rili-Melbeait''',:•:, ._-.:•11111ex,is-presideljr ''.repreSenting'tho edham secretary . of Wavvoamrdenfiso;ir .scpiroe:Ienet:t10, an ee examination to .Cynthia •Xoung,,,tvh alS6 reeeived,,t„he Ahreeek ,ahePtq*, awaiit-from . - Miss`--S"annderS thc Maple Leaf. Chapter award for .hret' , in. social.".atudieklo One:Lean Mid ' omen or ers spital Giorge's Elects - Officers for 1948. Mrer-GIVIacEivan Head ComingYe Encouraging reports' work: were presented a nasetini . ivome • 'Auxilihry on, Monslayil which -Mrs: D-.-D-.-Moone ---,It was decided to hold the annual managers': ' Membership of, the- There- Was a rade meet -on -Monday, August 2nd, budget tominittee also remains -no- hone' civic ,holidAY. - A total of $_2500 is changed. ' to be given In prize ' money, $1,000 The meeting closed with the Na- welcomed. .• • • Mrs. George-MacUw for • one race and $500 . each for Alonal. Anthena and the .benedicticui pronounced ,by •Mr. , Ferguson. ' tary,, rePorted a paid-up .of twenty -Six. The tag and the birthday party were activ- ities. to, raise funds., Two chairs: were purchased for t room; extrae kitchen of, the hospital, for the -,oxygen thera placed. • lt was decided .Board- in the purchase table tothe, extent 6 donations We're given t China fund'and the Que Maternity llome in ,L ' Christmas gifts the patiente an Visits • to the ho -pit three -races- Classes and conditidns ar-e-to • SPOpiL • MEETINGS - -tVvi)---weeks- -evangelistic dant- paign for bole pid• girls was con- cluded FridaY,...night Betlier Tabernacle. Each night there were ,lantern slides and Many Other things to attract the troys and girls. `174.., 'meetings . were attended exception- Mese of his boy.hohd. years in Gode- a.„1.1Y well. and on, Friday night,V Tabernaele was packed- tO, capacity. Many' hays and were,. helped spiritually in -the Meetings. On Fri- day night there wits.a. Rhythm Band composed bf Staniar Khnelinerab . Several prizes were given Out, -Among 'them was a prize, to Ken to the.,ineetings,.,plid'•One to Muriel 'Powell, :who brought nineteen.. Thb- meetings Were conducted by Evan- ,gelsist Mary •Sqott of Hamilton, ,Ontt • .44,, • OBITUARY . JOHN MdPiltrIS-Q$ Mr. Goldie Newton, Goderich township, hits r'eoeived Word. of. the death of his cousin, John-McPlier- son,, which Occurred: at -Detroit on: Tuesday. Mr. --McPherson spefit ich, attending the local schools, but had' liv4d for -initny years in Detroit. He retired 'tWo years 'ago from the einploy of the First' Na- • iti-B-ank,Of-Defirolt. as inadeby the YISiting 'Omni:Mee, Mrs. the-former;ggnes Newten.-:•4- ,SurviVed by his wife, and one A. D. „McLean and Mrs. Cow: daughterg •Mrs. Clare Copp De-. thurst. -Aegket was recorded in the roit----Ele-frequantlY;.-visited--his rot- latiVesin this district and Was here Jaet'suminet with his 'family, • • „ for • f• the' year's the ..annual 's Hospital ternooni for -opened her ood attend - here -we -re Jai:. as -seem- inenthershin:. day in ..TO1Y Plan for New Chnrch Organ4,1 Reports for Past Yea,r, •Enoduraging • • • . The 113th annual 'Vestry -meeting of St. George's church was heM- on- Menday eVening, January 13th. The different'ehnrcli orounizatiens, repotted' eonifortable balances at tneir.4yedit. on December 31s1, with thti-exT, • o • lance 114,: - which, is 'a nen.-pitolit organization: 1 ' grs. DTE:70 berS to Contribute to thCs hinds • tO assist •in replacing the cofamtinion linen. • . • The,lipe organ has practically out- lived' r s -usefulness, reports showed, and a' fund-- has been established to meet the . cosi Of installing', a new One_as scLon • as 'Conditions 'permit The -Margaret Seager OWN, of which Mrs. 'J. M. Roberts Is the 1948 presi- :dent, has already.contributed $100 for this purpose. - PSpiritually.. and financially • we can lonk:hack to 1947' with gratitude t God for -...0i. goodness , to us, and by-tt-potinuance of the co-operation which -We hdye been enjoying we Can face the future with hopeful., an- ticipation," Said the rector, Rev. B. H. Farr.‘ 1?. Offiait-:-Were ereetedfa11s Rector's Warden; He -C-. Blackstone, jr.; people's Norden, ,,,11.• M. Ford; treasurer,•11;. Carey; Secretary, A. P. ,WillteS; envelope `becretary, R. C.-Whateley; aSsistazit envelope secretory, 11. McNee,;ohlef sides-, Dougfas Beard of- management? D. Minn, Blackstone„ sr. i C. F. Chapman, J. T. 'Ghniniage R C , • Hays;"1.1. D. Heistrep, T. Reg. John - to Jahrt-_Mat 'ertram„.-Muna. eon: e;.Ge. tt, V, OtUrcly/;. Clinton ,,Staniforth. rold . Shore, Robert S owerby,L and 'Oxnard Wilmot. -• Dr. J. A, Graham, 0;• L.; Parsons vcrei&ttppointed lay ' delegates to the .,Synod, With P. F=; 'Carey, ,C. '.Chaphian and • A. P. Stu Ay as alternates., -Ary vieep.residents, Istme..,, Salltelds-„Mr&-*A. McLean, Mrs. e Cameron �r for the' and canvas y units re - to; assist the of: a:_steana $96. 'paih the-Aitl- t0 laden, Eng - were given linr,ses. • 1 'had, -been • I SAMHS'AlecIL'USXEY Word. has been- • received of the 'death of james McCluskey,' a•fermer n resident of --Gederich, who was-fOund dead in his ,rooirt- at the As:prim-6-7 Ceiltral ,Essex, Ont. He WAS eightY-f*O yea:re of 'age 'and ),,s survived' by one son, v tr.-MaCloske ent.• sse if ')WEVEllifiri to buy choises for shipment to Eng- land. The body was Weed 4 nikisoleuna at Essex, with,•horial to which was led' by the "steWardshifil ;rake -place later at Goderieh, cointhission.. This 'was folloived . " • • ' a-tepast uf 'hot bea.fli and' btittered "0610-04110U410kN, ittoVANCE rolls= •‘i mi and Mrs Davidson, , • L,41)(i)e-and.:144nagemen. ItTogethefirriOter Wtt$ Atendance of more • than 40 at the Collegfate institute , ikioitday evening when Robert Spence, district represeigtative of the „ , • tabdriVianageinent''' , Co-operation •-71Servides,-L---Alneral---Departinent%-ef- , Labors •addressed'.4 meeting: -lid - **.--Was intiodOed.II AO. R.M. Alenzie0 • ,.34n,tL... represents, tivea of betb....;labor ••••-•• And management. (104eriell i,vere .4,1u---'-attendanee,* ishOin along the Inc of, the address • • Mr.tipenee eXPlaineot that A loner- inAndgeinent 'Prodoetion' committee is a joint; Velitare in the field ;'''At _human relations for the promotion . common ;good nfinageniont and, •thbor. He stated that in World, War; labor-tnanageblentedioper- ,ntion hactirtb.de big atrido.ind had, 'since Continuo:1,4e Ounce: ; 4‘.altliough,` the War 'Is -o'er," paid tho sP9hicero, -"the teed for teani- •- Werk ceolitinues. • Diflietile and -00M# pier are the problems to be ;worked out, 'The'. Same energies, •the Same skills and the katoe to -operation that Won the war Must' now be directed toward s ;winning a total and, stable intSperitk -itr"peree.; 7., Air vire-,figitill' find.' "ourselves, .lighting kteo,',..a place in - the competitive , world' inarket ,vvhett empidyee cfliciency,". low-cost 'production, luiproved qua', 14? T and -high- --man-hour - output - be- come a matter' of, "selfiSII,Ao„Vell as. Patrititieceoncerk,' the 'Job. geeiirity of every employee from lahorei145' manager depend upon boVv diligently' all work togethers„tereach these ohjectiVea, knOtiledge,of one istolifenity clarllled through the Medlura lahor-raaiv agement production tommitteet :and tliqhppottiti !trek for." refirekentlitiVe eitpreSSion4 they affords VIII continue to exert a lasting' beticAelat effect in that = of Seininolo,a*e., Detroit, •atflounce the engagement of their daughter Aileen ;Marian to,'Squadroli Leader Miehael:I.!eiegrifie relloweas .*C.-, of the ' ROO ';Alt, Pored:" The , Detroit Yied Press in referring to the engagereent,states, that the rola:MOO began years %ago 'when death orMI-1-,-11171L-WigleratraCtive- -member for:many years, and in the reinoval of Mrs,. Brown, who loft. Ooderich, to reside England, 'Mrs. D. P...iCarepbell .gave coin- Prehenilve report of ' the ' annul; meeting • of the .Ontario Hospital Aide Association to which.,she.was the delegate, - and at Which 'Mts. A. D. McLean was presented with ati honorary life anembershilL The sewing .cominittee, ander the 01411.0,40041)247:1m 041,-4).KIF-S°3-4#1111•14d een',', 'active, 'toying `.7 'articles, ," • The -treasurer, Mrs, IN .D. MooneY, reported. total receipts of :$439-.13 and expenditures of $208;02; bal- ance. •$230.5 , 'plus. a $160--Viatorv ' -0 bond. . Th.e foiloWnv filteos,were elected: HOnorary 'presidents, inrS: ' Cafteron, Mrs. E. W. Carrie; honor-, 13. presideiit;' George Mactikan ; vice7presidents, Mrs. D. B. Citinpbell,'•Mrs. Illtralcarrrecortting secretary, Mrs; the young iBritis1i officer. was eta--, 0. P. Chapman; treasurers, Mrs. tioned At-Oederich, where the David-. 'George Stokes press secretary, Mrs. SOn$ ha-ve foryears had thetr 511 1)1- R. Redditt ; visiting cOminittee,- raer henie. He, Is the Son a Air A//t0. A. 13. 1Vietean,,- W.•A., t Commodore. P, rellowes, Cpulthurst, Miss .13. MaeVicat-; sew- ' ZOW'aild-ltritrltellowes, The an Itors are 4,:. M. Roberts, Cht.t/Plahir 1113ARINGI; ON .TOWN BYLAW Mr.-11ewland; ;of the -'.Ontario Monielpal Beard; was Cioderieh en -Tuesday 'for . hearing Of, pro- erty#oWnerErepPoSing the.passing of al town bylaw -to restrict the use of he river and lake ,banks ,for. ih- dustrial ot.cominereial purposes. A.• eport-mill;beinihntittedlateetrent he lVforileipal Board., ' deb, 'Xngland. He Is at present, phone conrinittee,Itiv.B. Mc -Laugh-. t -stationed At London,- nomad. - -PfktSttr DRY cimogRs, -molly- _oder/eh, ,Prezith. _Dry; - Olonnbts 'wire donated a trophy' to the (Imie, rich Xnanstrial,,, tovding League to .-tbstiondOg week -a, year:, ago, AS be awarded to ,the *winner of • the yficially-reeorded, Were as follows: ,gentleineres highfaverageftel.r.. the 4 '4 1648 pet season. - • Max. Min. Max. • ' 18 10 - V Tin, Vita. W. A. CoUlthurSt, MOS IL Mae -Vidor. ' •-THELIVEATIIER Ten1Perfatiires‘ of the past welt In tioderieh, with these Of the-COir ,r 17 ARTHUR HERE FRIDAlt, Fri., ,,lan. .23 ...al 4-0 27 la trii6 Arthur hckey toimwill be Sat..., 24' 4"*. 28 here' ternetiow (yrridayI night for gn; 20 game with thc tomb 'lyers at Mon., ` 8' 41, 88 the West street arena. Game called ; Tues., 2i----10 16 48 66 at 8.80, • Wed.: Jan. .28 ,0 40 28 ,• 4 , 3.4 rolO r SVESOBIlt.tRg tiletause of an exceptionally busy time ;hi th.18 office, the -iilaiting list. has ,gone uncorrect d - for , iv,' longer totted than ',•Ognal,„: .lt Of hoped 10' ; have it corrected; 41 d the subscrip- tion labels' brought no to date, before next Wee103 issue, and in the mean- ilme•A`se'*6\114-ael(ne,.biaulgeoe 9 thette Wire hare paid ;MOW SubsetiO+ tions "'Bike the last reVistort= of the list, , commendations placed' on the books and acted upon, during: the 'year, tilSe mentioning the,:interesting.4na entertaining speakers who- addressed the monthly . meethigs • of the „10g- iStrY; ' ' • ' • . Miss M., Dickson ' inoted..a" vote_ ef t Mi Walke 4 • IA 11 ik1111:SSo d°omrifeSnStecion thre'•.fact that t it Was the fourth tline she had ad- besed the nurses' annhal dinner in - .. , N . derich. - , FL-Aer-DEDICATEDHr LO, entertained at a -party in honor of the-dedication...of the flag presented, to them by the.Legion. : • ' The -ceremony of dedication was, conthicted,,by_Rey'. B. H.-Parr,-pridre , Branela . 109. A.fter ',,showilig of pictures by Boit Henry, and the, serving of ',„„rebeshments, the, re- .. ainder_ of 4 - evening was • spent , and liVe btindied, 'Af,rs...:Nontran 4d -Mrs. R. ,the .Avoriliary 114.RT“ EXHIBITION . AT ST. GoRGE!s•HALT,,' Bill t . . - 4Pef ar n°1Margaret1-dtleaxertIrIti:Qbntisst1 ' °h°Seagerlig. s:°b' 6 'P 1 cal paintingsil1 1 :I t11:13 7;ser d'oe:n1 4:b. 1 li ' ' t47:Td The prize isX'z e.°e3.1141ii_1.4."r Stt671:17:111-.1 :118 ' 44?;C7t44, --:"':1;tt. ;. i.4 .4. st ti 1, e 'y, Ai- scr::: tomii. eranio; Iiilawars to. tdifyo. i 0, : N:ii :fp: aa:rb. niX:r,er .Comp: ssP: : :la i . xi, r: 46. ilr)( tirs:2, * 4( t hit 7 ,be iyer rti7e,mbils:titi.:s,?_:174.:,:or)3a;e1.4..di,04,,:t_o.u,itv,c,,„thto:o. ellt., 41 ol, ti oohs , presented.- .-:a but,v v.,0: : ' „ Pedal arrangeMent With Ur, Moo; `,.yeal_attendance ' .tertiticates. ':. tW. : ctuuri_a,:o;lioifbitpoer.11,,Nevnidnonie.Eriotn t.4dAilsipeiraYi . ..A,i'mp.flincLe--misS tttichthe'ti,1,T1thearregsitra 9. Pt 1,c,cktlirectfl: In St. Georges Parieh'hilll Oagilil AlY Butjl, yksotook't vil,,Igeriere,, lvfar•,,_,. . -tifterhoon. from- ,3.36: -...to. 6: :Pan;'--at---it ilyn :19111utt,* Sylvia PeacheY, PeYer.7 tea being.given til the-mtri)gil-ret ley Boivra told ttobert. tovek.-, Stoner Club. : The -arrangethent ' Second -year :(,.er, tilida tes Went: to il. Taylor have also ..seenred a dis- . ' ' • ' °: iitWilluile_ A, laeLe841::::raels. ...4..,et6errdtiii,a,C4.:e Wattto',.' :, On heft& of,the.gradOating'clasi, • themers7lcboitt,kibsut.rlx)indielf.a.st.l.sie,i;sntailie:i•vri:lo: . pre_selited :to ellthia, yoone ,,, Of ''..Mrs; H.. Wats6n. ' Ruth -Bowen . and •No.rieY ','Wilmet-':' -tbillmai.:s..-0e,fs, ,I;htei;e4S,30,tinil_:g_ slye.71, tas:willos,vvrast,._tian.,42iNxt, sha.,e,stetowi ii.ii,i1 ,oirtithiii17,3tatm;,._:. The tea is being convened '0,1114. ...Preosselinitpeitla -°yIleolultdg I -al g. Al2:130.7-6-7‘t M. _ivirt.tphe -Cficyrillitol.TPwbmienlvgl..-MIN'vietnali....h.,7fiersti-5:;oa:A,;,Imrititr.e.lse..T. _ Pauline , Hill. • Both, vere,-ACeont=". ,.•:'' •,. a dnet ,Was sung. by Kathleen And fititied.Wkanice-MilneTat.theVaitoi14. '. - .. The public --1&'',c.orilially_invitetrin irgzisrte.uva' thie';,,:,....V,ela,sC86„*, •,3*,..:1,1„teeteniT•bitlipdL .,_ take advalitage: of,,,,, this :opportunity, ,,soting,_. Our ; saio.,,, Re , ody•Ised, to, 'sea 'theiiwork Of some qt. ottr t#tifltiittiwn --Canadian -a rag ts:- - thein that as. they set their Sails neix, , Will determine't heir course 1» fnture.'' "':u.''itlinSeAlDe.tir ofir'ttill:Ne .GCO'LdrerBie-1; 'B-41'4' .Y6ef 11rs1.1. X0:6Y•vv,,,)8.9114,xPlinia_tvaisjk: ith.7,7,,,,s;:' l' .president, , jack Whetstone; President, .T01111, f011oWing......,;011ders ....vvare. ' elected': nii plao for. inty et.' shiftless „pe0,04., ....i_, Minton Cinb,- held, ,J:t.IntlYon2.1;,sts.e::rieloe. ..::::ti3-i-t'•11-:-if::oilit' 7):::;.vv_lia'et:t*I_.11.ti -1-d-- he said; • ' -' ' .* 't • The meeting Closed. -With tbe.,1S1.0-, tory-treasurer, Pizabeth Tobin ; iiQpiii Anthem; after tolichlea :*,-dif-• , chairman social committee, Margaret .,.. sr,vect. -7.--,"----7-,' , ,..- ...:„......s-,,,,.. 1.-ans; hairman, ,ganie,s• conunitteei; , . .: Gertrude Whaleyt, ti-s-sistantS, Mild, ‘,.zionnigiTAN- yoion sioND0 red Whetstone and . Irene;Fester. Christian Youth Sunday •will ' be , Anyqne !ivishing' to join • this club- , - recognized. throughout' the Deniiiii00, • may get in teach with. any of the (Seers? _ ileen/a.,,,t tir•Ster_Iwtittlatlyt, .tr.prebervilnitirtry4,1roltit.. • To irkoxthis7:1 PERSONAL MENTION f -a -a -f s8,tr,_0:b,.r.agne'de, illh7ttitaSpttrietett.,,tiritilerfeiteiti.„: • , will. meet in -e-iiiiStian fellowShipAt,. Ilfrs. W. F. Naftel has returned. 8.30 p.m. All young people Of Oode#4, . . from a visit with relatives at:Perth . rich and district are..cordia*.,-fin-. 1 and- Ottawa. • • - • ' ; vited. The meeting will she held In. -Wetliti*--,41..n-C44o°mi.gneteil. INrsitTn°14,11-i4heli:?'"Idtal.l.gatt- "'-'ts1Tetree*StUnt(inaitYed.e.elihtle'rh6.°,rasr:::14, ''''*''''''-.: term,",-1.1%,.frpsa.uLtemvVoe(i)InSe, y 0 Leaside spent omit , low r.ile„ MANAGER . the week -end with Iris parents; Mr: ' 'Mr: E. WdfivM,,,.,9f-:lietrOlit WhO jtpd,g., ,._._ . _rs:Pv D..*00AcY. . , -, ifsw---.,-,-.11. • tiffettli*TIMPVErittWirefii-,. as'Tbeen,apPointed• manager' .10-1.--_. don, spent the weekLend with. her Missiot4 will take- 'over his •duiles, , mother, Ilirs*,-,-(1. A. Linington, Vic- here on Vebruary 16th, it N'v, as 14040 forth: street, ' V , . - ' - after the meeting, of the :Public • :ktr. and Mrs. John' Thorpe and' titilities •.tronunIssion on Tuesday ohildren, Diane and Nonly,„ left by. evening. ' Meter -car ,tOday for,',,taite .Werth;. Vlorida, on vacation. .They will be .1010A-0311IN'T ILISIMIIP.sitZli). aware. month.' . '• . %...i. , r. and Mil:, Edwin. ,0**Att.1.t,':-,., . Ivir,s, p, 'McLeod aiid,,,Xrs.:".Geo.,' StratfOrd, annoimee "the engagena8nt ' '' .. Beaconi- . were at Toronto , over:. the , of , their' ehleet daughter,' Muriel., ,,_ week -end to attend. ,the ' funeral' "on ..1,con, to Mr. Williion • ,Iosel)h ..340* moriday.--rifr4011-lare Hiltebislin Of 'gartirrynr-of 'AftlifttrIfIts, Ilareld ' Atimico, Mr. autehison Vii8 wrest. Ocggarth, ',OM:el./ell; ;the wedding i!,..litionst..beearne'rbpOeprodyeoesralo.copli.18t04:ItitY..e. neiittogottne at ot'oh•I'lttiete. s' tPilan,trottili,1 )s"aCtun).1.41;tty r.tifilt,Now*. , ai 7, at ' (00" 6,clock...., ,,,„ • ',,, ,...L. . , •4., Ifteen-Wer 1a o, t' 1 Of faith,onti,;St.:bsrc.CiirtitiCate'' from other, eon giegatiens, In the., laA five years *256; now •inembers have been '..reeelved Into ftill niemborshiP in the .North street „•:''eOngregfition. bpartyi-vOte- of 'thanks -Was ex, tended to Rev. old 11irs.0, W. Cepa', forlheir; leadership in the last six itiOnthS et„ the year, .itrui to Airi W. Andrew for 'his. efficient Werk as: sextn Mr. (lope nncl Mr. Andrew The. -meeting was brought to a. clew by the singing_.of the dexrilogy. after whieli those attending enjoyed a\sodial hoot undef'We'eare .of the Wninall'S'ASSOCiatiOn: " szouotior4ivitys citti During. -.the past Week members - of 81.---11corge'alion's4-01rib-inet at the hetine Of .144 'II; 'O. Willittrae;, The committee haS, outlined,, iin interest - nig series of ettivities for the Year., 'arid 11 goad turnout Is expected,. All ,"erTt6w,bacgo. nit'fOS".41,t‘"(4':ft)reegt3hita4.'40‘111ilit4s'IWilrl be Served' by the men., Ths• Annual. meet „rig_ for ub- seribers of 061'-tolbottolVLivilebitt rekphone,,kostoto will he tea in. ' the. ToWnship Ilan, it ,Carlo* on $''ebniary, 5th; at 2 o 4 -Farquhar, Oliver to Adiiress, 1eeting in Goderich-Wednesday , The, 1,6e -tai leader‘for Ontario,. .aitditoritun had .heen. preitiOdtdr en - the Itori. ;Farquhar Oliver. *Ili ,gaged by', another , bedy for out ,'Ilodericii Wedi-Cestiy next, night, all(1,--Aftvt '106100,4‘ bY,ekthe e'hrtai'rk 74th, 14 ithd-Iiitkrat-lit: Vcrliele tovon---t4y 'found like fbets Benson trieltey, Vandidate. in the they tool& dd Vats:, to ogrige. the hy-eleetian for ,Itriron; and a pubile large roorii recentlY attan meeting will be held In the eVirifing the pidDrietois Of the Uoli in the conyention hall, of theBrltlsb, change ItoteI for latg Ilkehange flotel.' Speakers &it this ings, It 'wilt held, a Meetings -besides Ur. be rivamberi brit it IR It be _the candidate, arid, Ilon b/Oririen before nian3t- more 'Mon fehtieriSr.-MiniiSter. of tabor 'Cloderleh ,proyl Iwo -Ammo. erifirinrinitY hall Ivith, rice ; The 1041 Liberals have bad ri ,for large gatherim0 -f.ktte 'difficult 'Hiatt iteettiag a rviate for .1)110t to boat mom; like Mi Ott( *omit Th e TOOT. *tali ilild,cdtiter loWniOn. pilaf