HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-22, Page 10• MAR " 0014 •COMNUPNION, , SUNDAV SCHOOL. got. 1,y4ORNING RAYAR; AND SERMON. pan, .RARYMAY DAL% •Vgigkid,VRAYA,A, REV RfivEnT0., VARA: , bah., RFCTOR . AN'oRWIVNt. ofpni4°-and (flukirt!ta,40r, brie' .919.••• or e•Ureft -combo" ipEciiin-0,7 '0" tbrurovbermon-.4040--serips.va-mile-45eliilort ow.ti?erlionnt-4.4": '•3tI°1!111.• THE VHTXRCR ooftoo!.,. oTHE pAorRET, A116s." , .,',911•111119111111. I Thesegond,sermon in the Series or "The Rade Speaks" , !MV• C WESLEY COPE, .#3•4 Bp., WI -Mister, We; Muirra' y Hetherington; Orginist and choir te,ader, ••• A �x ,iesiteiian iureh , • 945 a n,$1.1-pilay-Sehool and Thing People' -s Bible °leis. Ji a.m• JPNIOIVCONGREGATION. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WRSHIP 7 p.m. - -REV: it 11URNER PhD INGERSOLL. ONT. I , Director of "PriiinMr. William Wiekett, , • . C;ome_andL_Wership the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. , ,.,_ , ictotia United Church , ., , .\ • ____MINISTE,Ik.4-,X,E.VOAWRENCE--„AEINElt-,--13.-A-.---4.----• .-Organist al-d.„.V.koir ,Direetor-,..Mise Mary Joyce S7trachan. • • • • , , • , ruBir-jrwoRRrov,.'SC(H°Wam?'-.rAk.ajii,--- ffAND:PO' ItO11.7-t- - ,-IiS--' .011-117-, TEESASSES.,-,•.ASN1„. . ;.,•:. . • _. . , , RHE.70,.--17,STItEEIV. - . . „CAR: -"It Doesn't Mean Anything” !ANION •CHURCH 2.30 p.m. • ' ., :-. ' 0 -. • • ' ' ' re1k4ship Group', at home of Mr; and .Mrs.- Harvey, Webster. ... ..,44.41,,y.4.8 P4n, Young People's Union. t, VICTORIA 'WELCOMES XCI.V. . o:dItT13PtiSt • siovE scnookivr 10 a.M. for:ALL. . - 7VVORSHI• p' SERVICE -11• 41..XAir-UP; Gp. FORWARD” rE-40I'VSTIVIr‘ SERVICE -7 p. ..`91 InAy' Am!" " •EXODUS •• . 7.- BX.R.U.:Monda* :8-143.11,4 PRASE-ItIOilYPRAISEL:.-WEDNESDAY" 8; P.M. _ D.AY IS IMPROVEMENT',DAV:119T,, TOMORROW -7, . ,... - • FASTOR.--REV'I-4; ' ganist and Char Leader -MRS. ELLA 1. DONALDSON. • ... ,• E AB- NI --.ACL- . (Pentecostal Assemblies of (anada) ' ' REV. J. A.:PEARSON, Pastor.. .. , ..1 .._ . 40 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL -1)PEN SESSION. , 11 •a.m„, MORNING WORSWIP. - ' .30 -1)4n; -EVANGEL,ISTIC SERVICE. • • . - ur-last-oppo tiiiity-to-hear-- __ --- • - -, - --- , "NGEL:IST--MARY. •SCOTT,11-HAIWITON• "QNT: , Thuis. 8 P.m. Worship Service.' . . ,•••• . . . • AIM- 'WELCOME. , --• — 0'4 !Tr • , . The Free . ethodi§t Church 'Corner .of _Victoria &- Park 'Sts, • MESSAGES FULL OF SCRIPT•IIRAL INSTRUCTION AT, )1.. gtflIDAY SC/100,14.' „ • ed. 8 -P.m. Public :Prayer s EFUG e v:rELCOME. ALL E 'Ale".4"Tht Past° , W:ORKiI, SZAL. worroRIA 0, Fromm . (ContiniedfroM Page 1)•._ ........;.'_• .bteon;heeloa"t70:047;ep'Itr,enese01,7:410.0vIre..otinn;i tildct.' Iv0.11, .$4.4..E.E.Q,,,,,___71twisol, 15.4. •tra, -flarry--sanderson-00-eleoto _.... ITV:, . VQ- ,M110,1c connnittee. Mr: William "rRIGERATION: ,---, Whatenr , ' proi--Yerty .for -010„ ' Phone Westlake centinnefE 40 give leader., yOur refrigeration requirgments DAY . MALOOLU MATlitR,S, .In0nrance. ship' on `the. POSSionary` and main- ' be, large or, Small., $On: Won't • go and Real EState Brokeri-46W;----7.tt 'tenance-4e0nnuittee, '' The eontribn- wrong . if you,'instAll a you. . . tionsWr e°sfl igtletleY11.111;e4:ecne stIlis So f'D'athIele4Pirtie4:. '4,Ch°06nreet*W" ':'E'rittlatMetX7W:ersWt '0ittr'eee4)tr• lirNETEnTITE"-SPI -LISTINGS IT; ',' (°' CP; • -I tl", ceding year's. giving!, • : .,,,_.,, •. oderich„ Out,' • Phone 5132j;'' ° Ott, 'CHA.PMAN, %Beal, Estate Broker.' measrs. Graham '• and , ;Webster - - VII,One 18; . , 39tf- ot es , •- 4l•IY,O4e . desire110 Of: lniAlng, the • Qederich 'Ski club or obtaillingA4 •formation „regarding Salpe, phene 452 Or 9017b ; - - - „.° • -4 CfautraI •Ifome ;and' Selleol =lib • will ' hold , its tirSt meeting .• in 1048 On- tA0Sday,r- 41111ary 271th, . This. . vtese,lluttion otowtraor Ae.v...0,..w, ,,wer,e, the recipients of' Wanks for, *0 It •,/,ii•IA--064bIKPR•.$,YANIOL, ,""'",,, '"----'""----- • .....' ..., • ' will be ,l‘ccommeneeliterit night," With' ..03vo, ,,,istia 00 ti4,,,Ivi.o,00 ,s.,,pql,44Fi, ,,,,ek, ..s.prx.y.;,,p9,..as retakes 'Of the .1:144,-"Pnrehred, with ,regISte5r;dx,,v:resP:rjw:71:7,.1:0 ''-u9:,;(r:4:07:117::2;"0,' •••,,t41:41-iiir'4;c:aiL°',,' 414" .r,.9.?t,i '''''''°et,t141' ..1:1.:11Treh..:ffra'tatistie..41' ''''',''rP.O.1..-",reve4.lie .4.1-7'°0114tagreS•°.0' Xli'lljel.44;0'0;d8(1' 14•7? -'142-•:. "4-°nI '•'X'. A.' :1,1,*:C:27:::Ce4:s:Qie'''SiY,:o1";:(3• is•P'e:941-4O. - • 'Xilo. . Margar4; Senor, <no' • Nio: •13...4PtiSnis , 21, mar4triehlagro;01,8w,-.4dreeatr 6. : . ' — .0 .18.1r,a;...,..s ,I,..xi ., ti* 0. I, iv. ItAL.iitin:YocOtirointieelgtel",4111‘940ids. ,4.,4'..tratilt:toundaoy7, ' hall,' '.'on". Satnizt.h4• janOW • • -bold' .4 -Jett' .in ',St, (4Orges.# PAribll' :1470,'''''r171.4,14:e7 177 , , 1.: t : : „ ,. 33,,,si.,i._ceiVed ' .inte tl46 TeIlows14., of, the; V Q13'' ' steel ' ' betiunisi, °bin:Weis; tti*les eustoweran focittrief,:0t.;,,,,,e047*.xstlirogeot-ut- Iron), '8° ,t'd .5.39',,p,m; ',, There. will be" ' no goi*h.fo, . ... 'ehifoteiii,; Mesh, fillies,. bolleftnljek,i. gin eXhititlonlot ganadianitaintings'• ` 9f,:°,the::leu3lintler, b011era for culfertS ,beilers°fer Iteat;' Jr' BEE pvtuailx.,10.00:110oriTier, • ott...G0,01*„..,,,,,kduct d 1 ed,thanniversiiiaty-seb., ,r-, yRiCe13.- '• ', 0-w.f., „....-te,. .„„1,--/i. nd•-steam,..-,r.,Adidtle ..---juont..,14:4:,..,.. ..• . .,, ., . :,,,,, . 26 Itreet 'United ehureh-Nvill , 'held.' A E'Venin•g•'Airxiliary of 'North .4,,t510411,:01:01„,:itouweli4l..,:w4s%fteolt.;e1.i. r.mt42%. aarnon7Y,,C4h29:5;efii;e0erflh,•0 jet:tied]. jou:rift:to:. A-Nvil-p, wo. ,13vy.,,,,,,_4 0 rap .•_1-40rfiesand, dad animalssult;• , Ya1°11t14e .i°4 4114 ' btll° sale In th-°' KOIJOY• Minister (4 ReP•ith In the ' 'vv•Pii.:0:611$0, Blies. 400' rifOleitOtO' 'able for Mink ° feed, Will' PO - 2O' A °,3",t43-°eynilh„,Zgeoth,,zgliall: 34°,;y61,!etkim' .„5-, - nny, serVicee COadaetgd by Rev. G: WoOl.,- Phene '3,-3282, 6-6465.. 'OPrt.•SitlI1L.' 14ame, „Dead. atnimala r'iteeordinvto. Where,,,, Miss 7, Wipy.y.13, Howell, 4 ',St. ehl'ell•b411 94 Weclu9sdAyl Febril,r6. ,Pci:vtionilila„,1,'Pabin,..et .,;,'' harvest., h,,con, e• Street west • Kitchener*, Ontarlo, .4,1°-.,,fp,.-=- horse And eau' and •-pleir up , . frey-of Ontario' street:United:church; day afternoon, ' -'01,..v. 1 value.LIf-artimals .dead, phone col4 .,, • Vincent WOO, 101600-43-Wi-er-i•lirs:- The hilhhiter 02 the„ 0.0,,rol• ., ,It -e, .17:. oli.,, . sAtx. ,L... It_nox.,sT. Imo 1.1pReetE, E,J'A .00x114,-116luI.LI3RwERT,. aculDer 9•3-xo."2,,,,g, Ismay McLean, Waterldo street. 2t2 Lawrence H,. Turner, -.---and Mrs. , "Cooker-SI:14)214) PoPS; '-six-weel,c0....Goderich'.., . ' - -•- ' -45 . A. new °beginners and advanced ., ,aarl situtrt.,rs„ 1,,90,1,,.. ars pil. 6r, .05-prainearta7selreortietheoer,tirtrft-gearetiriviel: old, sired. by international; ehaniPion Iirookwood Candidate.' • H, , .0. .ANTED. ----.14.14110 TO-,R=T' OR hridge ;Class will be ;started, Thurs.' .uyGood fai : land and .r,build .7 beginners,- and' cat 930 p.m. for ad; rendo;k1 ,the oaufie•-• - IDARY, Phone 2 or residence 954f b ; • After the 'bilsines of the eved ning • . 1 Aings :,easential. "--, Writ% ,..oith„ foil -vanced class. Classes to be .held . .. Natiotoht, awPaerstmt setnreteto.f:MRegiS;terA.noiw, 4ciiiic,t_v%i4olnitu-41n_offi%Wirtii•a:fil:f.tutis4e.4.aehgriiial:kn! ....-E704,16'4gtz)....,. ;iierpuRefErctEi)Diiiiri3.,EGi ,:STA1,t, Goderichr;-- ' --1,' - 4x particulars, , to RO?c, .:45, SIGNAL- .Vvith7:Mrs.--Nie01.. Phone'138'.. ._ serving refreshments, .• •,.. • •A. ,SULtY, Rpsny Farm,: Babield 400. -, „,..2..., • ' .•. .;....- •111 • BORN •BRINDLEY..- At- Alexandra , HoS- pital, Goderich, on JalinarY 17tb• to: Mr.' and •Mrsa' Clifford •• Brindley, ItR. 6,-Goderich, a son; • Douglas Wayne.. : „ - At Alexandra. Hosp1ta4 Cfoderich on January 15th 1948 cl • t.0 , Mr. • and MrS, Wilfred_ Rau, ,Goderich, a son, joSeph paul.• •WATTERS.7---At- Alexandra -liospit-..• al, Goderieh,- J'anuarl 1.9th, • 1948, to Dr. and Mrs. W.N: Wafters, Goderich, a son,„William, Conrad Lawrence. • • , TENDERS WANTE TENDERS WANTED. : •Signed and sealed. ten.ders for. caretaking of West Wawan.osh .sehools, No. 17, NO. g, No, 3,W4, .No.12;-..from February 1st', 1948; te J'Anutrry,, 31st, 1949: Prhelowest teiider -nitt necessarily tieeppted:- :•,-•. Tenderft tote in secretare.s handO not later than January 26th, 1948: IiiRyarAk' il,°, ''Ryan'sVArpierto%ubcre7idoso: . '••• . 7"-rn DIED . deril'clhit: W, A-. STEWART, Secretary ,• • . , _4 NOTICE .. ---DungannonOnt. • • i s - .• _•._ . • ;10.49T441209=4.01gca&j=§04.4.010 POTT.41E.=-Iii. dodericia,- on . Tues- TENDERS W ififf,----------:- 0-4-':-f-ts-4xfks---4-r-'-ottiE- . iVitcyk-ploiL:4-6-fitt'?iiTz.: , ..,...„ . _ 1 .1,01e,d,:-.4uit„:.siz6 _1,44_ . in good .4 - .• t ;one..7.W.L.Ox•,..CAW o. noon. daily •,•:for ' an experiented 1- .. Ann:r•Craigie, widow pf- the -late .7grenWitird7P,TAIU'er-vritUer -for:-Wtsv-a*anUrs"--"WeIs-i7N6., Cana ma 'road* corner -of Broc4.-' . '4 . VO,WIle, br-her 76tItypar. , for the following -quantities of -wood .13LOOAIFIELD.---In loyine,..ineinery 17, .20 Cords; No.. 2; 29 cerds; .NO.:3, '° * IA1'131'4°29 .11W/T' ED44'./- • L'•----771N7MEM4ErAIVE"- " ' of klarriett, Aline Blew:afield; vvho 25 cords ; •No. 4,. 25 'cordS; No.' •12,,. ..-;-..71geod: • niotor, breS,... heaterr,; In God knows how,,,Inuelrive miss- her,: and not under 5 inches in dial:deter nuiple good • running ., order.' Aiiirly, •2 '2 '0-'-e-ol-di• a. The weed. to. be passed -away January...23rd,..1.946.' ancrbeebb-bedY woOd, 16 Indies long_ •Hin. sTstreet. vvOod to be -delivered The 1,1--: .0,14t '$ALE:"-•"'ELEC:TRIc STOVE Never Shall: her memory • fade ; . or over 10 inches. in -diameter. Loving Ihoilghts .shall ever wand'er . -Sadly miSsed but always re- • by • june ist, virtA(aicoe. larY), 'in 'good • condition.', Louzpn's, Fruit ',Stot4. - -4 NOTICE. COOK'S ' 'ART.; ' over To the spot where She ls. laid.• - 1948. ,' , : •• , -. - " •, • - membered , by -bel.-13-usband, son•f3 , We_AII'd Want tender's for One cord,. , , u I and tiangniel7§. ., - ,, -.._ 4.x. op eedar'.tor each school: ' .," ----,•-_,.; , 4 "-1-$A.I.Ei. LA,Dr 5 BLACK • -.• IN MEMORIAM-- „ ,'. These tenders to be iii•secietaTfe . .---2-- The Blackstone ' orchestra (7- hahds not later than January -.26th, winter ceat With Persian lamb . 1. -,00M -FI -EL -13, --,In loVink-memory ran !I'rosmo.,..,yi_o_d. lle' topcoat ; 131••-vri_. pieces) Is open far all engagements, Of pt.,. Carl *pow:held, who died •19-48'.• ' : , : •, . - ' . I. . d. . . . . -•----- -- - Illodern--and-old.•-t dances, musie- ,,._ Dungannon Ont. wool e tailored sant; light . green tailo e suit; sizes 18 and 20. All fe"r""ell.7-:-Pcestigien•'' . - • ' , '"For music..9f the day , . of weiinds' received in •.actiOn, -. • W. A. STEWART, SedietatY; January 14th, 1945. • • .! ' . . in et, c, Rent .-cOndition. Phone 365. -4 Try. the Blackstone way' r He would no more -ietnrii,,.. _ .-A. • 8uppOrt home ' talent.. tO,r bill H -e Wee knew- when leaving home , riribN'DERS WANTED. . ' . i° ': -,, oltat he in death soon would sleep, , ' ' ------'-'-: •-•-:` . 1PO4 , A-Lt.--NOit.,HE N ELEC- Marked sealed tenders Will .be. .-1--• rA particulars • see or . phone' -Hii3Orli , , .. _ And leave t here te7140orn; - reCeived- by the underskined' until .1.• IC-table-Iliodel radio' inrsh BLACKSTONE 240, Gaderich. , -4 We..do net kno What pain he bore, Febrilary -2, 1948, for wood Or be, butte', long and short wave in good t,‘" °TICE,' ' .a:i. Ilit.edr_sp it__41.44,=, , 4LL&Ciidi,ilion. Phone .r.„.97; _ 1, t4x IN . ., • And never Said god be • ' Ashfield -Township . School. Area by 40 stead, . .stifihg and ' overlay. Central and ,Tirieteria schools:have The- even • a -i -r_ skating-rinks-at- r-allortlitfollowingsChools-in-the 0 0ALr_r.:7,-FOOT -3' SINGLE F° We-onlyiknow--know ,, . ,L. -'. and, SiSter.S. ' membered by his Father; Brothks, GRAN-S-"---Tkwitig---menioty • ot..-follows"F4Teords at. No. 11:r 10 cords ,Marehilst, 1948:- ' MRS. .T. L.-THUR- : one year Ogg, . January 28, 1947. each at NoS.. 1, 3; 5„ 7., 13„15; .1.6 Doris and Larry Grant, who died each at No.s. 4,. 6: and 10 • .,..15 cords IOW ennett street; ,doderich: 4x - IN MEMORIAM • • •-, • '' . ' 4x Also for aPProxiMatelY equal parts o SALE. -ONE YOU AYR- day Saturday and the hours of 8 to: cedartto each school except.V".”1.2:. ,_„ _ _, _,.. - • to everyone wishing; to aSe, them, all maple and jleeeh 14 body wood -as- - ___:..S: Iltacowy-will-freaben-_-.around-19 in_.„.., e.venixtgs-,,... GOD/MICR. . ..„..., zion 297._ , , . . .-.4., had ;lights .iiiSiage.dc:- and are open . I ... , YOSLICTSCIIOOL,TIOARDL.:-..1_. -.:k --;-SadlY missed ' but, .alWays re- June 25, 1948; Two Cord Of dry 12''. I have . only your mendry, - dear and 17 ;.29 cords at Nds. 9; 35 cords at No. 8: • •• •- • ._. - - Doris • - To -remember my whole life Lowest?ornlily -tender pot neces- ' through, ' , - sadly accepted. . .4„ ", ' . , . -•.• . But the sweetness will -linger for-. RICHARD KILPATRICK .. . .• , .' '• Sderetary-Treasurer, • - As l -treasure -the" ---image of -you. 4:5- • Ita.-NO. 7, LUeknovv. :-vex rememberedy,..*Jessie. FOR SALE,--"R'A.I.SED 485 COCK- ERELS frOin .500 ordered," says •,„4..,• _ .•. _custoiner R. • 3. Alford . of „Eortier -•?...t1-6,-.E.4m,••.=---;---..,RJ;04,4,DE_ItS,_,- ,,IN Man., °falls' 'Big -4'. Chteug,--"reeeived ,r -private home with all eon. venieliceS. Centrally located. Phone in eafeellent condition.", .-' $tiirdy, now, i hut suggest yen get early alt on. goild-stopk, Canada -3•176.:111 .AlpprOYecirbreeders pullOrinu-teSted; ', -----' ------•.-:— ;•••:° .ASIc Metfor prices:, -Book .your order WItITER., Write. ',BOX . 44; SIGNit-L-,STrAlt. - ‘. . 4x chicks' to mature . for the' right r, - , . . . e.. 111111111111/1011111 474N"T'El). ..13001.XICEEPER2- "STENOGRA1'HER for,Gogle- iich storeGOod-working conditions. Phone 2403. •••' •• .' -4 , • r • CIRCLE The atinualbot-luestipper of the 4xthniirele WAS: held in the lecture' room ot the chiirch onMonday Oen, inZ,' When...Over fifty'. Members and th1r7frivadir-otoyar. tt•-•-delleidui` meal, folle.*ed by the lik-onthIy meet.' t. 0, McDougall. the .guest ....speaker for the •eirening,::: was in. , e.rSidend• ve , er ners grap, e r p on or the music of the )31b1e,' :with the- - ateoiliPtiniment bY Mrs, ;.6. Edv'vard. ... • ", Cilt( Itleiviatalar34113. "kflar:-$ •and Miss Dorothy Ohiistbii., Were. presented - 'vith nee membership certificates.: • - •. A letter .,1from Miss liL Brow.o, forMerly of ,C4Oderich, 101 11 Eng- land; telling 'of the Scareity:of food land- clothing; '-was--..retrif7and---It-w, decided Alla • a shower- of baby . , -IMULATE COM,. F0RTAI3LE-3-1i.o1ne with/ blown - rock wootz--,,, insulation. Pr-Ompt°in stallation,•. 'experienced applieatord. 'Er,ee estiratte without obligation. Phone or Write IIIIRON INSULAT- • ING COMPAkTY., 117 Elgin avenue. Phone 604W, Goderich, Ont. Ott NOTICE. TO .04EDITOR$ „ . 0,--filtEDITORAI. Notice IS, herebY given to All riS011,00-having,-Any the estate of George Edwin Gyeenv glade, late of the TOW40111'lle.f. tittxle. rich, .in the County Of -Huron, 17friner•'' on. oraboutthe twelfth thy of January, A.D. 1948, to send same to the undersigned On, or before the .nineteenth. day of February, A.D. 1948; -40 ',in!, 'and afterthat date the eXeeutirix of the Said, ;estate shall proceed to make diStribrition of the aSsetpr, thereof, having regard billYrIO tlieLein,ima 02 *trek 0e has JiOtieb.•., • Dated, at the Town of „Odderichi In the * County`, Of , this twentieth olay• of January, A,D. 394,8. „ ' Oderich4ntavim Solleitor for the nState: • . 5'4'4 0110.SRAT, JANUARY 22d, 94$• u ertJ$akery. --wthemmurpoe atttistre— • "Vvrovs"*""`"":"1"1"" PINPAPPIM iiLLFiD • BUSS • 25c ar 40,X. NOTICE TO *CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given '-eto all persons having any clalin, against the estate of 1,WyvardtjOSeph Fisher, late. of the 'TOW* of •Goderich, In the County of iluron,. retired, fanner,- Who died -on or about the twenty:se-Oral' 'day of. December, A.13,; 1947, to send sanle to the• undersigned on or before the twelfth:: day of -February, A.D.* 1948,4A on aT,W,,after` that date the exeduters, .,thq.„ said estate shall procad- to Wake A distribution of the Assets hereof:---havillrregard-orrly--'to-the- claims of which they have notice, . - Dated o at the Town of Goderich, In the County of Huron, this' twelfth' clay of jartuary, A.D. 1948. •-.• . • R. C., -HAY • Goderich, Ontario, , 3-4-5- „Selicitor for Mt Estate. .0.1114PITPAS.,_ ' Notice is hereby given to all persons having any Clairn '.agalnst the estate' of John .Rienard Castle, late ' of the, Village- Of*.BtlYfield, in the Cunti.O1.1iuron Jfisherman,.:2Whe... November, .1947, „to send. Same. to • the , undereigned ...on or ebfOre •the twelfth dax_otyei„.‘,Auary,„, A.D. -1948 asoniand after that date IStn. -Mitiptratriit of- t4_ saieeStateihall proceed to make a, .distributioni, of, tbe.„asSetS thereof,: havihgard only to -the claima,of which -she has ' . • • Dated at the" Town -Of ,Goderieh, In the Cot,inty of -Huron,, thistwelfth • day of Januhry,,*:A.D, 1948,- • • it. 0: HAYS,: IK;09' GOderichepptailo, Solleitor-for the,Estate., •,•• .Eq mEmckumm, FISHER. -In loving memory -of MY ••Ilygenic -siipplieS -(ribber goods ),•; dear ,father, Charles Fisher, who mailed postpaid °in plain, sealed r-Pasg.ea__avv#4_41.34ar..Y. Atb„..._. 11414...,-enTelelae... NOth .:p4ee, 'list- _ Six, -village' practically -all-his-life- H _and my dear mother, Mrs.: Charles,JsamPles 256 ; 24 -Samples .$1,00. Mail •-wasin-the-Canadian.--forces overs'eas Fisher, wile passed, away April. Order 'Dept. .7-53r NOV-ii,UBIIER in ihe'last yvar, and married :after , 28th, 1943. • , ' ' ' ' 00t 13Ox 91 Hamiltdn., Ont. ;* ' • 4-9 'Ibis' eti.i.iii. .‘ Dear 'parents, yon , are' not 'forgotten, - • '•------ • ,,•• Vhough-onearttryou are no -more; 'Still in niemory you. are With us ' ? . As you always: Were :. before. ,,. -Ever remembered by daighter - ,-- 1 'Georgina and Family.:i- 1.. , . -4 IN litEmOitlA3f-- : • sEtE112W00D.-7.in leVing 'menfory of ' a deat.sister who Passed away one ' . fear ago,... January 20t1i, 1947. We who , loved you, Sadly -.-miss .you I • ofOrAR•c5 . ' As it dawns another . Year ;.,, . •. ., , . , xi. our ionCly lojirs. of thinkink Thougts--otyinr:areeyer: near ONTARIO ELECTION AaT,,„ i.07., R. :.,„ 1, CHAP. i4• 'AND ONTARIO' vOTERO' LISTS ACT-, ;hit,. cp-Ap. 7,' ‘ , . Mrs-lvek-:•-rernembered.;,:i)YSisitet, • , TOE ONTAI4. BY•ELECTION; FEBRUSI#21ftli, 1948 ,lames ,,pr'ennan. .• .' 4x - • _ : • IN , IVIEIVIORIAIVI '-• - --''' * , '' -----; - , . NoTf9p..0ri,- ITT -i -R, Gi. "OF REVISING oPripmt, .. :STEWART.--7In loving memory 'of TAKE NOTICE' that the sittings of tfili,Ijevisung -0'tfiteknior the purpose of bearing complaints or itpfieals with our ' dear parents.„.:PereY 'Stewart, regard to iiie Voters ' Lists to be used at 11e p6riding By Election of a member ,df. tire Legislative Assembly or . and Esther Patton.'-atevvart:"WhO the EleetOraI District of Huron, Wili,be 1L�df for •theres,peetive municipaittles in said, Distrititi at .the.following I liasied. AwaY July 24t1i, 129, and times and "Places, mentioned in,the Schedn 0 lieleAv•--1.th the naMes-of, the Clerk of the, IteVrging Officer for Eiehl- jandary 21s1, 1944. ' '" Municipality, and the last ' date. for nial,t0ag complaints 'or appalsti, the said. Clerk: Remernbrance-is •A gelden-Lchttin -- •• - - --- - - -.- ----- • • ' ' ( , HUR N ' - --' i 4 , . ' • iliS Llanelli Judge Castello: ,. MO OW'S NEW POSTMASTER. • Konneth' Cameron has been. aP- pointed Pbstmaster of Lucknow, suc- ceeding 'J. Lindsay, , :retired. There were seven:, Candidates : for -the position. •-,The new vostraaster, is Axe son •of. Mrs. R. J. Cameron; and' the late Mr. Cameron and is thir,ty:49i* years -of age, n native of tuoknow -and a resident of the TO 10Nw;,-. FbTiN.-rl TOO ACRES -0V good. pasture -land, with fresh :spring water Abe' year round;. facing on two. roads; :lot 20, ' concession 3; 1-11111etti. For information,. write_to, MRS. LoTTIPrIATTY, :box _866,LSIfehnan pairr- Calif. LOST NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS. .• Notice 1s2 hereby , t� All persons having :Any claini against the estate' of • Frank Trick, late Of the- ToWnshiii of Godetich, i the (101iiity of -Hur011,-, retired '-farnter;:° who died ortOr aliont the...see-end 'day, -,of-3ativaryi-A.A-194$-,---tO-sendTsitnae-- to the Undersigned on- or before the. a on ad L after.L„.that dattlW executor of the_said Estate -shall proceed - • to• .malre, a • distribution of the --assets thereof having regard only to the:claims et .Which 'be has. • DUted at the VoWn 92 Goderich, in tile County of'Huron, this twelfth . day of January, A.D. 1948. 3+5- • Solicitor for the Estate. .QTI,CE -TO CREDITORS,. , . • Notice is bereim---given to al perSoris haying • any-IclItim against , the -Estate of Carlton William „Worsell, late of the Town, of Gode- • rich, .vvho died on the 1.s1*dtty. of '' ' January, 1948 ,to -send the sable to SNOW _the-Mulersign;dr•-verit. ed--6Y-deOlar-- P.. • .4 Febraary, 1948, as -after that„date avy on °New.'Year's-i atien, 'orr or—before. the , Tilt; 'day. of night. hone..1174M. the executorherein -will proceed Td diStrihnte the said, eitate,. having regard to the chains Of *filch • they shall 'then have hot 'rtiee. Eated goderichAhis •ilay .of jarlinity; :1'.33.• '• •' A. StiTHEItLAND, 4-5-6- .Solieitor 'for the 'Executers: • • Wedding and AnniiterOarY Oakes a SPoefaltY; oIrde.rs $1-A0 or. nr,rf? delivereti rixorE 465 MEL CULBART; hop - NOiICE, V,PEDITORS, 4TICE OREDrlati_ "•Notice s hereby -given to all, 'persons having any claim against, • the estate of Hannah Phillips, late of the Town of -Goderich, in the ' County .of Huron, 'wldoW,who died„,;° on or about 'the, fist day of January,' A.D. 1948, , to -send' same° t� he ersignecl-on-orteforeth SevPnth day of February,' A.D, 1948, as on °and., 'after that date the executors of the said estate shallproceed to: make • a distribution_ of • the assets .hay,,Dag, regard. only -to- „claims 92 which .they have -notice. Dated at the °Tovviipof goderich,, in the C•npity of Huron, this seventh-• day of January,' A.I). 1948..- ' • HAYS IC C •--Goclerieh,. Ontario, • 24-4- 'Solicitor fel. the Estate.. Death tries to break-but-allvin vain; ,clothes and food Would be held at To have, to love, and then to part the: next- meeting at the Is the greateSt Sorrow, of One's heart.. Mrs.-Citivin•Otlit, Mrs: B-ev.. Beaten%.. The.. years may ' • wipe ,051,,ILL:7111. ,b' in „•eharge . of this, - things, . '• , mrennr *IfititatliketheY6wilYe•Anram vor41, 7P4 The. memory 9T those happy 'days' When we werd-All together:. • • .4. -Ever remembered ii -,-Wilbur Gladys and Etta. ' Ilagliettf a.:forraer reeve f-- AsbIleld tew,nshitir now' living .With danghter, Mr. • Wilfred' ht Lzckn�, "obSerled is :ninetieth birtb, rty •on- January . 60.01--Jd6.11 ali;ENt PAY ..PLEASANTANORKING-- oNprrioNS-:!---- 1.+.. NO EXPERIENet N,EDED.. .'EARN Witt YOU LEARN RMA14' if -41:461' 01 •exdftent oppcy,ttimity for erla t0. 1 a ligitts tleau ter a 4:41000 oixtrAting selmiat hal.A•hcise kolitlog diin* •.11414 fa \YOUR, ilittitot •nq1e ;right „ 4,4.1 ft y Ny OE CANADA,IiMITED • ODERitit • PitfMa 960' 1.• • ..- ,Municipelty. Date of .ftgag,'...,..._ . aces. •Sitting"-- ,TIIO of Sitting. ' 'Clerk or &Wising Officer Complaint i-.40.waslaiiiiii-4•1044626tiv.i...-me teliejontitil*.i,kt*-191014144.V*Tokelfigaire'Aurreir4"am43-141. HU -Vett Tivp. .. ,,, ,. , ... '.." :a -'26th 06 lilli iA- tt Ti 0 ,• Loridesborb., 3.4(Lp an., V. COW:ad, i Loiideshoro...-... " *23rd" AleKillop 'Twii..-;;;:,;:... ' :' 27th . (ane!,ef Library Half, Seaforth' . :-.J. 111, Eckert, Seafertla,I,?...R. • , „, .. ' .1fliW M . -•• 14 0 1 .0 . 241-h Ildast. Daly for •• ,.... : --4- , , :t4rthieetrY 7,,TW.p. .....„..„ " .27th • To 45'njialli.• Varna. . ....,2,89 p.10„ , Pied Watson, . ttlYneld :'....."*. 24th '4 .- 2!"' ' Towli criaI.L.C., redigal„ Af..4,4*0(L0.0..t. ',...14. ',-,13,1-.Todisim,',,Cleutep I lit-. :..,!.'.$till CARD, .01? THANIi8 : iici,terSuittli ... 7 . , 28t17-7Ce(.111- a. pson's Iluse- " Bruee- , '. Edwin P. Chesney; Seaforth, -,_•-"---„' .. .. 1-1E• 'FAMILY 010: .T1.1E- 'LATE, . . .- :41,;.' 44, :' ., ' ', eid...f:.,.'• 12.30 P.m. '''" . ' •• ,.- ,• ,'-' . R.R. 'No. 4.:.. " - 24th .ivirm„, non .r•i., vouor .,,,wifejh , to ,L•trabol*,.„Tvvp.1-...:„.7. "• - 29th,Township Hai1l-1,4liniville ,;;:r..10,00 ',Ann; • U., II; 0.7,Stidnk:,--lielwall...: ''.'' '26th °. thank their friondS and neighbors Begforth - Town ..•.;.,,, ' o' 2oth Town I' 11g11,. seafortli ...„.„......$ 2.80 p.M. D. Ti. Wilson„ Seaforth.a..,..'" for 'kintInesS shOWnto thenr"in their, EXeter Village , - " '30th Village Hall., Ex.eter, . 10.60 a...m. ' .0. V., Pickard, --Eleter ,.....,:. " , -27th recent bereavement. They Are grate- Goderich Town ... ' 24th CotittrHouse,..06deriell ',.. .0. 3,30'Pnr. 8:',.1•1 Plake,' doderieh'... ...4,0., 2Ist „. ;f11,1...also,„to..4,4-who•sentitowers- and,,, ' rzoderfc.11; . TOWn.:••.-1,-,,,,,: _ „'"`;,,..100r.-;., coattigoose„.090pridkrwii.t.,..,S.00..„pS:,.. il... l3,)alterigoderi 41 •;.,-,,...!x',.. .271.11.; efirds;' And assisted In any way; 4 00derleirwowir fo....,...Feb,, 12.114 „ Ootirt)Hotise, Goderielt ,...„.„... 10.06, am,: '' 8".• II. 131.ake, Goile,riCh ,....an. '80th , 0:ailerIch'Voivii"...,..,... ' '.' ,... 3rd ' 'Wirt. lionise.' Ooderieli .."...,.. • . 8.00':0 liti. 0. II.; '1.ttke, Ooderich........,,,,,,,„ Olat t•-(NOX 011tRelt 81741.S. Ilengait Vinage....,....Jane 31st ,Tcovva Hall, itehsall . ;..:I0n.1 .00 At •••.% .A.:4`aterson:•-lienSall' ...,:... 2Sth: • The regulirintetfiti: 'i•Q' no* aiiaton, To•wit .,........ . " 24t1" 'Town Itall, tilnton, `,..,.....,.. 10.00' aan; ' 11, T. Zotiess. (illutou,.;,.;',,: q 2114•4, : ."charch - \V M,$. . Wiiii -• held- -;:iit-,4114 'Clinton toi,vn-g*ii,,....:,:Fehe 211d ,.-ToWn - Hall, •Clinton,„0-, ' - - .8.09 pan.' M. T. Coriess.. Clinton .,....,„ t!.: 30th. church parlor on .t uesdui afterneon. Pbderieli'lliwp., ..,.......iaii.,41 Miss 8. '•AelipsoU's , Resideuce ' , • " , IL 0, ThompsOn, Olintiiii,' withit good atfeoda000, .1%0..orost, ' " . , , dent.- Mrs.,;. Erskine, . o6upied ,the ' : IlnieSv olille4•.. i 2Iri .36 /),. - ' ' :. ' ' it:14t. -No-;',2'.., 'r2f4th •-„..• .•". ' . . • ' , . , „A.A... • , _„, ,- ,, „ eIt4eirmAlt: ggit),:a;i, ...ttre.,:et1l,e,„,,d...„„Irop7a, , .• ..te„, i•n. xit. Min' e• the „:"Vote,i, • LisN';„. ,_,,,to,,,,,age„,__.e.rtiti,11. ,-• ,tlfat,..„1,11,0,1r_n:ii:res...7211.• ..i_e .p:T• otr: tatiktrit '),IIT•tort,,,!1/./iAnt'Agth`tf413108Pettb• 'et46,,, ,_ ,., ' "XND; Pgli1/111111, TAXI) dNOVOt- that ithe list' to.. be so eevisectiii-oilltt. )( finxtixiv.p4sYle-:84?t°r:lis. ' cent ',Presbyterial meeting held in I' - ' d 1 r the fthe've mehti°11414 hlihileirittlitle84 ' ' • "' ' . • ' ' '. -°-' •-'''' ' p epare o_. , , , , , Clinten, -Were, gi*en by Mrs. ,Clerport- . . „ ANtrFV11,THERIAIKE M T tly oter ; in '•••• !if* 4:...' i;•.$2 the said' roanieipallities;..."who.4,..„,desites tol: 'tissetAttral-MrS.--41bert-TayfOri. -Air.. -cornolain...tinit-his..n4ine:orthe...11,4)ainI)01..d.thnyatripttbrs. .Ovn. entftled. to be.'enfered'on the Said -litt-tbrtririnnniebnlitY-- intere'sting 'feature " of the ineetin0 ,.lias been omftteir from theItaree.kor that the nolnes% of .antrpersoril Alto are jot entitled, to be 'Vote's' ItitV% been ' 'vas the joint" rikesentation by the eatered . thereon.'may as 'above set °tit . apply,. complain or appeal:16..110e ,his Oi.11:79t.iy3nte, of tinty. Arthar, Circle and A1ie.'''W.140. -of' 'othfr, perion-.entered. on Or• refilOYed feta, the list., ,c,-..--,-,....,'..,;• - •••• " , ,7.; t(11 befforarY life ., ,Inembpitbiri . test ..... -AND. FlYt1:1/PlIt -Zititil NoTioto tbat midi' ',„apt)e`iiih• must ;be; by ",,netiee lin Writing ' in the .preSeribca,_ . . tilicate,to •Urs„ 11,e4dit(4,...,,UPis VIP' term On, dual:COO "sighed by the COMplainant, 'afid,,giv.en. to the'Oferk' of the tevistag Officer Or left for *hint read the addresstelling of Mrs.. ' at his 'address as stated abve ' ' ' ' • ' * ' ,. , ' '''' '''' ,_, .. , ' ' Itedditt 8 retOrd ;Of tvOeritYAVe,yelita _ „ - of actlye Service , in this- soCiety. - , Theitsts otifoters way be,Scert ttt the Attpe of tho ;clerks; of the nevipitig .0'ffiee ih' each 1:11,riteTtl.10, For AIX yeat* ahe was' president;' "3, ,. I ' • . t _ ' for seven yearg,'s•h4 isorviiii -011, tbd ''''-*Por..kiirther:intorinatioii... te to-MiSs' Evelio , Ceotter,,pot 38. Oodeilek. ClerU for the. Election Iloard , PreIltfter1a1--r4eetitiver0Id alstrfor 4) ‘.I:1A - v -..e.-.-,„unty.of..ilarart.!. - ' ,..,;..,,..;: . ' - ' '-: A'' ' '''' ----- --- '--:+:,:: „ - - -- - ' 'Ait. .MaciAren blade Da,t0, d'' At, GOderich .the Ilth ,daY 0' f ' ' T.' VI, -.CO STE114, ....,..i ... . .. several, 'Years on, the ', Provincial , -*41- ,, `,,, . ' . • ',.." 1: ,.• . ii *011).a.irtyittn•fer_theEteetleikikearrof the '•ConattotAia_ros • d'• . , ' U A 'small, sJhill.nWeia7:0; Efigh,gh 1 • ;from 19,95- lip: 4R4r ',A1TD • • oIrT S- ORE ORE EA$t ST• PHONE 193•' - r . • ' • -.77-11-Errarazirs-ow, de , ervice techun,..holdetoTit tWo -govetninent certilica,teaf pro. deloacy. •Any electranic • moatseriicedrittlios, trans., initters,- interoffice systems,,: electric fencers, etc. ro. - All work guaranteed; . • Pick-up and delivery. • '82 HURON RD. -PRONE.264. _ kuiNiTuRE-Ri,pAIREn -CABINET MAICIENG,, SAW FILING, mg.,- . of - aral_blacksudthing. voKtirart • • . T. GOWER .(FormarlY SheardoWit L.Z.:LP.1.nci0.ln4L1. :HAW1112,PON , ST„. • 42tf Refrigeration 'Phone 1098 for 24 hour serviceto alLinalieR and-. domestn refrig-eration-equiPinenC-- S Refrigeration „ervik OODERI.C11 • FRIGIDAIRE Commercial Agent for "Goderich and District. • atisfaetion Gliaranteed.'-4,; 494 ".0.11••••••••••••!* '111, Be SuingYou. nAvg YOU -A- C0111PREIIE11- ' styli; LuntuiTir PoLicir? • nv%ivo,i , ot•-•, ftp - Insured ---:stay-Insured.....;- Rest Assured. aro' St: ' 2.011w the presentation t‘,./•‘,11tEl. Redditt., January, 4,1), 1048 " orte 'Allahe doe,S01 eVela -1Iao chal,116-04y that hi-poViretttl Tet040(1 0 Chief . „. Iv Nv •,, • •• 0 erich ;4•-•i°-