HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-22, Page 2157A1011 SIOTATATAit ZANITin 24a* Ma
comvryto4114*.. 0,8T ,WE*04r^"M,
.rous'iled-bY Signal -SO! r Li* 1*.d. •
O 1146*-,Ontradn 4n4 Great 1riinin,,V.00 aiear tQ 1ited
'. tat -ea
tug tat.e4. oft reque4„, Mtbor1ze aS so0014-01*agt zP-.1414.,,,rePt
(mei. ves,rtme.nt, ottavia.,...,•Tel,
ephooe •
Member- of Oanadian. 7fireeltlY\.-NeWspapers ASeariationr,
*, awarn Oireulathin Over72'47Vt.•
11,03104SON ; OE0ia.41Ss
• . •
THURSD4 4ANITABY :22nd, 3.048 • '
- -
By .tlarry J. Boyle
Oe' hanglel of •OtuiiinP- kora , a 4tatall.b7IngRe;• Sor:11:641r. IthliP
-10,001tOrIN4,110,k . ,
14asi"AleadOws has a WOoden110,410, , Past Year
Thu particular handle was carved,
out to Soqe. Qt .dRY wood t.414 I 'There was' an unusually large at:
bad Put up over' the. granar'Y
but :one a few years ago. 'ten44:11c0 at the annual 'Ateet$48' Of
thattywu..beito get through th-elai4(11ean4 the ' WQInan'S AeSpelatien of ',forth
arOuppesed to hold it for pumping , street iYnited hutch, held on Friday
purposes, quite, dirroly. 101he *eta!, nfternoelrin the churcb:parlor4, Mrs,'
partooney,th t tirin resident a
; • • . 4;5 p
tlenists ."would 'drive ▪ '.any 441an to Tha bolts during, thyeara- haVe' in the chair. to conduct Om yeaes
-deifdien • Ow' sane kr. Backwell. ‘sqlrrli0:9ser ocCatai,04` ao441.10#unfinished hilSiness 'and, to TeaeWe
''14"a343iig•befOre• kluee'tlikg:of the ),olot4?g'• age dee ar ,moothS ago it turned out h wever
ed th t there been- tIghten44 uP'eg414. 4tut *tle 111141141 'rePOrs• •
i A apl-endid; rePort WaS • given bv
fs• left- in , this proihfce. Tlie• belts that; the nuts kept, working. tias,. yeaf's' activities, the higylights'•
ttoro0,4anat.141's `neVY„e§ must be loose. Thew the' • baodie.:. split ,QUe, of ;which were the large-inereate
it of 0.1:rei when he ellew,e a „tew, , day 0,4 It was wrapped 41'.13:14. SsOO:Jo' st4 elobatMP,.. the: ,successful•grOuP
balling% wire ,that • •happened-• to be 'nie lugs the nurses'
:pesp felfoy(S.--ta'lronble• ,• andy-iirthe- shed., • dirknera; rv-ed.`402:-i.ii6a0.44-Tritekt6St431-•
WI So, • .' X Was positive that the Matter recleration, and the bazaarandtea
, • *. *•, o„,fthe pumP-handle had been sat, held in November. The drive' for
4'ilopi9/4. ho per:ves,, ouu4a. tied, •The wire, although. '100. Phrj ,tieW ol)4e10er4 1414 resulted in ''a
kept 11) Y., the monthly g,roup
or_ Irbil, tax 1..eviett by th,3„,rpdend,. the mits that .0me10,0SO il•na. the gatneringe Wkere.
tiationat•Liberid; VederatiOn at-Ot., ' w
,, ,a 04 • %IOW ntght, , Prinie: -43
lithqopz.:looreazie•King announeed". ;#
Sit- --tetlre*P-t,- -frO4'.-,---tbe--,;444he-rill, 9.
- Virty. leadership 'Whieh, 'Ve ilee het& ,0
400", 191.0„ and asked that a*nationg
cation. of, ;the ;Duly he Palled,
tbe.4 ,conxine. sOrauie,r to „select • a-
4 ' "leader. : : ' .ti 1
ike* fte gave 49 1ng,Ca. on e
or, to yyiii,t,i> .Fho Should sue. 4..
loti,,.„, ,,, ., - , ,,,
Ia the: conrse ef, his address be 9
dn,":001,1ook JAghtly 111302 t
tbe poisible.,-4sleyerarkee "of 'Xie.i.....„
onshipik-W.hich.have made UP: ' 11
large. a ort' of nay.i,life. ,_ I
'Ish:I*4-004-feel-it-Were in .the - 's
• ‘. 00143:14144the -34titY ' not 'ut� ' the- dovernment',S
hat-severaneerb t reirenueproducers.
• s Ittst.to.hold, On, taking chuneee• .atillugAritqllta,...neceSsityre-
,* what•the future might brivi. g •sponsible for its imposition.: in .the
fir .1Afie, -.Tliatt however, *mid' •first Place, and now that the ne-ces-
I know, fir end, be a mistake, siti •
has *passed the taxpayer should
• , .. • • . .
' .were,l; ' ent,yOyearS younger ._
iifore I.:feA. Oars -younger-,-4 be: ,proMptly relieved.
Odd greatly,l,nrize the,Oppor. . is, ..ii *"• „.... • , ' •
. .
ty,, tpi3OitlikOe in 4. posi,tion- The best Air. dart‘lne; Celli. 41:..do
.leop 1011 times like,tbe .when he sPake, on the quesOon- in
'pre,.t•o:: fre'isatiseees•-•vital
`At' t :world has 'faced are '
being • d and decided. '
,reanoot forget, !to • ever, that ,
. .
van's"alln • • , i -- • zctire2._
'104 ten, and ' a' °vein •
IDP.'";4400.11 * Z --year. It-'
PAteeeas t0 --,M tieforeper-
as only '4f-lianditui: at, ,firabibitian- that the -thread -NOS gone on -the the SecretarYi Mrs. Moorhead ai-thes
of in biat .,..awiti , be ,xaa ea..; out at the- •Suggestek, that it looked • terribl 'paid-up. ein 711,p g
Seemed. to: lackfthe handle 'in .lir4, 2 clint-0.148,,t.t.ibe-itlettr-POQcflentlY•n-eht.434-4),Ihell47
arliestvosaible moment is the sales position.- , I then forgot- all.about 4 A b
: split in the wooden portion of, ,the Work was earrleft 'on, for the bazaar.
overnment is resPCOSIble...fot ah split • handle. '. , „, • - , The report,.read by ,the treasurer,
nerease in prices of BAiloil more than ' Yesterday. I went 'Mitt' to TIMM. M fl 1 in
he. eight per cent. direetly levied:r water:-' far' the. wstoek, It, Wan' -':'•On -e* i4f0;14e...417.089tal.,w.401-1.1145118SCIt'Ltralidt-
A., -reduction in •• taxation' is con- Of those extremely frostF days when during the year, over $500 etwhicil
the touch. ----of metal on your hand was realized fro* the -November'
dettly.' o5petted -0.,, Oinand-se Min-
hitei,...21.4h44,0: ,iixt,luoget-,1 ali,4 the meant`IOSIFig a bit of flesh:- X britte-;‘ bazaar. Many disbaAelnents had
been made: $100 to the cliimes•mem.
alei-ta'i 1ST theweakpoint among -
V started. pumping and the • stock
-carae,up-d,etermined-IR driuk tis• fund; $200, tc--,• the ehUreh
board ;•• $2-00: OW the parson'sge-: pp
for flowers, po et -which was don-
ated:7-to-the central-, floWerlund rand'
money spent for . various "gifts, on,
ch14),it fowns,L. Curtains,' tablesr -and
vtis bad...enough., but my hands went „kitehen uPkeeiV.etc., leaving a sub-:
down and the knuekles 'en-11.0th" stantial balance' still in the treaiury.
Were bashed egainat the 'PuMP. Pid • :The -se• reports; ',showed. the' past
that ever :hurt?, Let .xne tell • you Ye4. to- have' ben one -of the fiiest
I 'howled. • - • ,.• on •wrecord. Much credit IS 'due thei,
quickly as -possible and then go
back tco the warmth of the stable.
WITAMM I - The -wire
the nuts flew off the • endat„of the.
bolts and the handle split, That
thS. Ageretsi17, the treasurer,and t,a,‘'
group,l'leaders, for their untiring
energy in Mahiug. tbe, year so Ue-,
„, • "- „
:Xi:donation- "et-se-fiefitl-'ealt. arid
pepper. ;,$baliera,trom.
vvasi gratefully aeknowledged..,
ter* ottbauts for Olovers. Or Ord*.
received, .AliSS gan1Pbell read • an
aPPeal fromthe•Canadian''Couneit
of 'ObOrebea ' streasing, thf3 urgent'
need of used olotb*On, Western
Europe. ' The , Asakia404... offered to
JO_14.. With the other Sletieg of the
ahnrch, In • this or 'Clothing,
•ciOnts,. '000, c41)4, 004 which wero
to be•.brought tothe ahar,Oh the -144
week in 'Onnary.- , • • „-*•4..
Pe.f,ore vacating.
'gooney 'thanked. all merab.ers for
their 1-,tarntonleuri co -opera, dur-
-ter' two-year term in office.
-Thet. installation - officers was
.eandlleted Rev; 0. W. Cope, who
hnifresed 'Von .the ,respons.:
.lbility.i.assumar' In taking office. ..
° The -following were Installed tT.Pait
, president, 'Mrs. ' MooneyPresident,.
Mrs. W. P. Price; vice-presidents,
Mrs. L. Barker,. Mrs. 0, Worse 1,
•-Miss Vorr8kwrage,r..,,etai,ies, Mrs.•
E. J„.1.Prldliam,...-Mrs,•-;ClareinOnt ;
treasurers, Mrs. , Cale and Mrs. Den7
nelly-;.,,corresponding, secretEtry,s, Mrs. '
gibbert; press ,i3ecretary, Mrs. Arm -
The stock -kept bellering around -Yetiring Presfdent, .1Vfooney;
the Flouse-Was-to7Sayf.. "Waltand and.,41iad to tnin In to 1x thekpurap-• ,
have faith.7. :in feet -he placed 011 Itandle.---':,Dor,---you -think I.. could get •
HanSard'' •,-,-(P.-,,.502) .:( these J"'extiet those ,cows to go back in the -stable? - - 7: .6 ---"---, ,
,. , . .
,worda_ti:,tTrUst to God and Cfardiner No; sir, they carne out to be Watered • ',•,--4
that things 3011......come4out _better • an.41...seeme,6 determineitto-sta•st.imt11. i • ,.
, than , -they • appear • right-iiii•W;6- they Werer-TWbh-SliieSS. of -having
13caviniville.,,,Sta" • .: „ : ir -,---"\......_--; .. . the punip-handle .brbk,ep...is -,enough,..;,
Reference to page 502.ofTlansard . ItoOF
....,,,,,,. .............,.."-----m-------,,-
40,0,.0,100.40 , e....OP.PortunitY. t.0 . eve- § tiVire-thIstgbde rdvfmnat- ' -.Om-1mi, 1.1itz.:L.miap.,___ _i__i„,,,. „ti: T
.,,Att0740i*t.liefsairtk,---811°14 . , .. x....d9allY.fetnd,s_piece 9 sean pg.
3040.00.y•ootv,liklts;:iivW_U€0.77 :-"tric 4•:..-7.- 'of,.-miirePreSentatiOni-41r:- th:at;wieuld-serve .-as-a---'tereporaty-•- • ,,-. •
- •00W-PaY be 'f•O Ole best; ,and,,, dArdirier'lit addreSsing -the•THoOSe bandlOand----Stifek, irlk: the MeK, ,"=--7-;,.7.=----T , .-----
ee AO • 1#itler, •T `PbOuld• not' • : of commons !ntq •-readil4g • froncu.., elainilk.'.'etofl, wrapped ' - solos 'wire
Aieoifestionsibie or longer With-.
leiter, he ,had, reCelvesl.„:„.„froni*:-,:•-a- 'around -and Started. Pimping. The
holding that;'00Pertiniitykp . ,.. '
......,_____........ , ----- • ai * ,, .., whole'apparatts slipped' out and I 4kft ,
- ---g-Iiiii'lreeix5n-s'tires',7.pUb -tariner,51na,;$4.:WA‘,44434$:--44tAr. -slirtPedz,_OrL,BnLieypot::._a:ML,w_ent
eye . fet,, •00„ wag .0,_ perionearly that the words .above quoted were skidding off the pump stand. After
404' yeara'. leader .o.f his _ Party used. The , Bowmaaville paper's - -II couple more bad starts I managed
to get some "water -,pumped. , , This -,
-aniL.To7-•'"6:yer'ttireiity years of that Propaganda department should do
a, „real accomplishnient._ but I - •-s
.. ..
,;at•the-head'Otthe: doVeriiinefif '
better7'-than--that.`--,7`-`7,------ '''''' had to spend all .evefl in g carving , out
: the .handle :and the ,biggest Part" Of
'it,.'hig-i•etireineat will:Mark the •
, ...
ose....;•4.,,...„, „,--•,•-••+,,,---iii,e__:his.tory of , Mayor Saunders of 'Toronto states the oeXt morning getting it fitted..
__,`'' "H",____ :'.--'**--- 7t, ,'-- that he•has b • - '
been utformed ;.by• . Fin-. Novr-whypiftfuth-. MAI du that
,anada.,-,,Tnere , •are many, strong , •, last fall -when the weather Was fine?
t.,-• ••,.,,, Liberal .; , • __;. .._.' iii-: ince .. 1Nlinister Abbott ' that, ".• the , , - • •
en in, the-. parey, in I, .0 , " •• . , .
Government' plan0 to , With,. WOMEN'S 'INS UTE
'*0.,..ipabinet 'and outside, :Wit:
•draw.,, the Pectoral, amusement tax : ' ,, HEARS MISS IVIcGOVTAN
Cever May i? 'called upon to
04., ,s.:_ow:., mantle,74.11._.leadr-ship This stateln. ,. ent has ' been. follo;eit ,...T. . ,•• .: , 4-.7-,•,!-. , ' •
- ..:: • -by-the suggestioO:that the Province ,-The. regular ,ineeting:of Oodericb.
wilitake Many years -te, establish . - W ' 7,Institute wfts "held in
,,hi Joelf..,botti .,44t, ,w,ty,itt- 4 -should 'continue', the taX ,a..nd ear-, • HiblY :60j,00thetrIlde, amazing new :
, , MadiCay :Ball Iti January 8t140,..MrS. i
, . •b=.•-•cutuitisH-.4S---te,'W`bole-_-the--eon.- 'hark it for relief te•flle•.tanniciPal- .• A.,' Wilkin, esident-WelComed. the • 't ,, •• ,' ' • - • -': -'-• . • . •
olobytbat haa ben rested in Mr, ..,fies. :AVIiir . fiof_ give sainl'!relief Members%and ,spoke of the. fevs sta.- ,e .6 life ' . ,
„ . to the heads of families 'whti now's" blessings of the ,...Chrietmes seagen.:-..-. . . oa
,, • - . • , - .,, She also,- spoke teelinglv of ' th , ,•.,:
have to provide- the -svh-rew_ltil.a,•1 AoSs of a. belov d'''
for the payment of the tax? • When Phillips,. - a life e memmbmer e Oi,' thee
. .. . ... • . .
•-The lannarrhUSIness. meeting'of
the *4-oderielk. •Piaraftito WAS'
held last. Week; sin - MfieWay•:
"Firat aMong •;-.thel'eeniPleted Items
of .;•busbies.gf, wag, the meeting's' con".
,firmation. of`. Mr.' Th_oe-. 00,Mninge,'
, •
aa's.Preeldent of -the' DrapiatiO, Club
• . • ••
to,r. the Current Year, • Mr; Oammage
has been-pothetiii,preskientsiii3Oe the
, resignation of -.Mi, giennetkIteMalre,
The, Meeting,' expressed,....Ata' :thanks
to 'Mr.' Gamtnage, for the mannor
in wlee:1141:4: Arlr bek:71;i: iffi t4has 4. °IT1.14 i°b411: :11"hs
1 t 11*
°V!. taehlit. T! during.°4the pastbte"
iiiied-hiind -0e-standing' .COMMitteee
were readjusted conform to • a
motion m4do Mr, ' QoPP'er,
-These ,ohangeS,' are. as follows; Nrs,
wits.,eleeted vlee.pregd,Aent to rep1n0
Mrs, • Totem ---The-reorguntion-ot
marjorie Mieile , as 1:000r4Iing
seeretant was `regretfAllY 4000004
to :sets% in her ,Plitee,.
,ra, • Itay,'Coopep ivas `added -WO,
plays. andprolectsmittee With
liefeSsrs. Gee. Oenner and/4.00,Aters
as fellow •COrornittee raeMbere.
WhaleY As • Chair',
lokt1,1. tila 001100 ,and!PraPatian.
CemMittee etiCese 1118 oww
'committee meMberg as„neescled•Z MrS,
A7reve1l continues as ,c0avenert,4
the Pranni ,VestiVal committee an
far e0minittee., .meMbers will, be
asSlAtekby. Mira,:.•1Thace
IloYd., °Lodge; 'Mr... -O.. Whaley,, .4.0;
etera; -•,0(seanve11ers _at
-the soelaX eannnittee- are' 'Mrs, W.•
pougherty"and, Mvs rerman
moot, , • , .
, It Wag. ankounaed, that threugh
the Cooperation-otthe ,Publ•ic . School
•liaard-, the stage in M,LiaiKals: Ualt
had beenobtained for rehearsals`a`
• Drarnatic,'Club's• firat.prodUction of
the year,. whieli will be prosented•to
'the. •- public diiring the -week ;
March 7t11., • ;
It -waS,-,aiso „announeed that the
-St. 'Peter* Draniatic- !'4.Ssociation
Was the tirgt ofilscial entry to be re,
iVed for the Drama Festival being
strakig; planlsts ,-aiss McClinton, rneeli .'Peters :resigned as vice- sponsored by the D,raplatie
• SIpan- taking. the chair, Mrs. Price Press.; seeretarY.AutV ;7;4 oafa±tbe; ',.Cach:m.plasy.pbliranloinadir xaoutah raotiosUes. One,
Atrs- B. johnston. ' pl)rie:rdivinellteotipo mttee-e-u.11: tlie.-4utIPs:•4 `$t. Peter's will .preSent!litleprand.
tilanked• the members foe/the honor
Conferred on her and, eipressed, the • .• . Notice was, given that the
hoPe that _all. Would* unite in' AA. Dramatic • '010 'present . its
effort to.'maxe the. year, as succetSfUl seeMot radio play , over ...Stitt:loll,
. •
as the;:past-'''one;"1-•It-wassuggest-ea-.
that the group. syitem be continivel.
but.. :With fo'nr.'-rgroups,-lnstead
three as formerly.
It was aimonneed that the 'Globe
and mail 111th of Princess Elizabeth's
life had heen secured„ to be: shoivn
in the ehurch on February 24t11, the'
men's choir suPplying the' muSiaill'
part of he. program, ' ••-•, •
• .T14 allowing appointments* Were
de . Cotincillorg--Mesdaines ,Ker
haw„--Patersour:Heitman.,/sloble :and
E. -•Westhrook And krs....;.Walkora;
d?-a,thing relief, Mrs. 4*. Sheardovvn
and Mrs. :R. Wilson. , ,•
A 'hearty weelcome accorded to
'Mrs,- Cope, anka vote .of thanks. to
the re,tiring offieers tendered bMrS,
KershaW. brought to close 0„,, very
-interegtin.g meeting.
tenta,tively decided that this Play
should ,be,_!1.4.ittle ()lass ,Houses,"
short, Comedf:vvith -all-felninine'
castset in theIashionable„waterlig,
place -of ,Bath, during the 'days of, . „jet often 1nk ot Our own
Itegeney„. , • ' • • • 4
' In
ra"eWetihrthg.,aalld j,obninusinectsws ictvomtphi:t2, jctugftr9ies: ultt ,1 et so waaard,fi zwi he ss ke a 01 oetehoenLe
. •
THE it.OX' lit-EICTION , ,
Ottawa dropped out of the gasoline! --Institute. MrS. 'Phillips,Was. a
oSt_ISer:W.I.tiir.e0,---and-.Liberalsamve tax. field, 'the ProCtince InsteailIrf
'—tute, being _presidenL..th. -',. 1 forl,,a
qi)laeed candidates in -the field for allowing_ th10:measuye of r! to t__e,•4n_ -
4,and also a- district' president
fi,iitoirixiel'al. 4y7eleptiOn and up. -go , to the users of gasolihi stepped for aterm:. ' She WasxkeenlY. interto -
the pr'esent it, looks like a straight in • and added the amount of thel ested In Institute Workand her
---ht- between the two "oldw-parties.' Federal tax to the Provincial' -"t:it* ,-inv4:11s1;:d111-, es_' ''- : 8 P, r.r. c:e. - *W.1
1._,,.:_be. greatly -
.0001., cat.aldattCare,, eitiienS. .of This; : vire:_-,submit, should not be . 3irs.. wilkin also • volorthe i.sym,..
, _ . .
Lt1. ikr:•:de-
.Thoraaa-PrY,•-• the repeated with the-amuSerinelit•„taX, pathy- of :the- Institute- .for: Mrs.
rOgreiiiiVe ,Coiliceitvative-nomlnee; Relief Sbei:1141 i.4 to theaPeopIe who WorSell 'io. the passing of a beloved
, ta„±-, pt. sr&tf§.-, ..: hub. and and. 'kind father, . '
.. . •,„
'-'4-te eofeif iald.-esteemed,business have been paying. the' ts ' . *.kin-reported-th , -
, .6 , the•••;•village* He -was • the sTie:.cOuntry„.-Would ',then save the _ -
9Ci-11.4.1.food-Parcels- had , been sent
candidate' Of his party r iii4lie last 'cost ..Of collecting it, f:., _ .. . • to . England:, This. was Made possible
Federaeiection.:againat,,l0.: Golding_ s , .,z, by ,a gift shower :at the December
•, • ' • ,, - • • ----'-"--VONGRA-TULATOR-Y- .- eetitt---,-,--t-,---7.---
and'..-i-educed.'fhe---Liberai:•---majority , „.., 4,
-(-thesiey Enterprise) '.. Mrs. Price tread- a-letterrfrolii-'
In ' ' 0., ,,ilding :,,,ver7-, •e011641rab137' ' , :We- extOti Congratniatichs to The Mrs. Futcher, newly, appointed .Pro;
'Benson frtiekei'• the. *Liberal Goderieb. Signal -Star, which, is. to vinalal _ president p I. thaokingt,,,„,4hg,
0.4-4,10.;,:iats• .0, iii 4. ,p.' Tuckey,
i)os1„-• .'ee19,:brate. ' coI2Platiori' of , 100. years Ge4iich: Irittitnte: forcon'gratUra---"
in, of,,historY,. next Wanda. GoderiCh' tiOns‘sho her, new position: .She also
it,AniW.Of.pxeteri'194-bis j.,9-.1,,-,---.. is one a the, old towns OftOntatio„ rend a letter of ,thanks from the
is., atteated. -ii,x,,A1,11- 're-ele,gt,1°,!1:,. land,. the:,- Signal .was . a' :Iiealthy "War Memorial ... lilospitalL,,,Londen,
year after, year as. reeve of ' the •Yoliplster a 4.t. 440. feafr ,..before.•, for a donation. „, ....„ .. • _ .
•,:i...iiiiii• i '. • -.at; j,,-.14-.4 ierta, e,r,, ,,tyaoen• of,Chesley. had a paper.; It shows-. no . A donation of ;50,,,%„.was.;E:toted to
signs.•of , senile decay,- rbut ii. 'Still the Ofrig. Trumpet Band, and ohe'
, .
' :iiic •OtitilitY ;and ':scras ' the-*.unettc.,
.....,.. a lusty youngster, progressive and of $5 was made to the Hospital for ,
' '10.'adidate agalust,:.**.t4a-laT-r- forward-looking; andrits publishera, Sick Children,". :Toronto.. A _prize.
...„0,;..TaYlor.. In 1943, *_.*" hen h& wiir. possibly': . remarkthat"the first donated by Mrs. , V. Smith °wait, wpi •
-Xis. --Dolena----Carter Mrs. Iltig
,A:i. sipieklid, voe in -, ,xe Exeter, 100 Years Were the7harifeirr'
land . reported for the Recreational,
oh '• Igi`nerrifillY1.4 .strongly Opn-- KINDNESS TO
Counefl:- . . ': . : - ',.--.-, - ., •
Vy.. • al , present.. 'Miss Clare' ',MC-
_ , .. • , - •
:--•_.:' -7----"- -- '--- . ' Ilawarrof-the-Childreials Ald'•SocietY
eektitin;'Init'• the people., of :Exeter
Editor , The--ignat-star; • , -- WAS gileflt sPeaker for- the after,.
•ff-.1, f.• 4""
4 . -i.,••b*Aux.el.;:that :the next- member •--siro-On .Saturdai.• ' nigilt when -.noon, taking, a's. her 13-2biett., "We
:!Wbe reegigiaiirefor thisriding l
• the telnperature waa-arentid...ZeiC,;4•. So04 tc). :the Futur.'..,'.• . ; • , : ,. •,,.. _
''":•.03.- be ' aieiddent of *their thriving dog;* a-*--.--ftinink. Iket';'' Attaie4' kinawaY` • miss. MC'GiiNtan,,in--, her. pleasing,
., . . from-Imiab and was lest. . One d.;
hearted pollee Officer' on .ftightltay,-
and alkiniEheartedlithhe'liefriended
VERLY-clay-mote_ancl_more_new 1948 cars
are -rolling-off the prodtictiori_ equip-
ped with a newiatnd of tare:- ,
• 'Auto .engineera who tested new Ore
the Super-Cushfon -krir Goodyear, . said: "We
*ant • this-- tire for :our new cars ..--- 1
Here's why:
Leiei: to ,Ittissia."-PeWsPaPer
' up -Or, "
so• leikg that a tarv
tit 3t -
0-4et hi-Ita 'Work first
Ur. Pandhl fasts and -harniony
t*stortd. 'hoe
*0, and ,,h4 Just„ gets .a big
'flit said.;_the„,,fialtfOrd 'Onto
witile 110 breshed an ',I:01CW njiIs
fl�6441 hear'they're,IM"Ving.it hot
On .aereqs• thlx ..tiver.,••• I, Wish
bioiv, seine' -of . the' .heti.
' • --•
* "
he .clag,--Saturdatnightpand4unday,
Nthile the' aureate "-Society -did. a
ttte inVestigatiOg, and _found the
-Were all parties, concernel
• 'Be kind te-dtitnb aninla10:
• al,MriltOBRATSOlsf:
manner...0044c in..part; ",When we see
hanniness shinirig*In the lalg-,,browil
:eyes, .1.1.n4 a look •of 'trustfulness in
the---big-grey-:yes" ,orthe
we a,re well -repaid for the work,
o or•-.•gr1 and we .knew- that
eventually - .A boy. -Or irl
busyk With something constructive
:IS .never ; a-,•prOblenr. It is easy- 'to
• lind a horodIor-ir ,Prettfi.kaby,-but
not 06, easy. to -11.nd one for a •baby
net 'se pretty ., or .Perhaps, sick in,
Births reglstered;*at - the Town,
Hall in -1-947rtiliinbered• 221; an 'in- “Theae need loveend-a-sense-:Of
crease' of 28 over the number id .security,of being; Virdute0, taith.lk"
1946. Miirtiagesr .showed- an toomene anfra Iword , Of encourage.
,•orcase Of eight-crer the 1946 figures ment." .•
and were exactly twice as Anaay. as After.this splendid, address by
In -1944, '•The nuinber of ,°deathEi.., ,MISS'kedewan,..,th „*48-. decided to
-MirrfeIeettilse'fWeHtallkiktikut- ofbaby&6thertf
iistison vlt1i the .0i:tuber' in 1944., the Children's .•..-4.1(1 ;. gifts to -p§.
The ligeree for:tbelest foUr`yearS •brought .to the • February meeting.
are as folk:onto:A' leaf .•Of homemade bread; den.,
194T 1944- 19A6 1 'zited by, Nfrif...•TeweIl and sold by
'221, • 199, -188 Duteh nUction was *ow by.MrL
witteriageo 58 52 "`' Holland. Thi'
Dentbs• $0; • iffstia elOited 'God ,Savo the Vtig,7-
tights' operdring.
jg tOtte:Allit 40tt 0. -
*1a 11e fluoit t�1i-.
he' (t* she ths,t4ii. tor
, •
1e an1*
on the ..yoterst'slItit,•
:biota Anyone die; it. it: loi't
jt Wet therin,-:,
its- 0. 4
oh* it, withering of itiotel,,,
• t011tecother day tbat'
tie or 4* pious*
Kard On.Nerv
:s *
.....Oftenleyeditetteg• catate reiltrien ,irnt
0'v5l e�sness ifyea .suffer from
'halts thea Milbura'S Health 0114*rya .
Pills boo be efotelp,- •
Milburn's „Itealth' and Verve -POW gre a'Weil
')altino,ed, diaine for these, Ii aro ri.1iflo'Wh• and May iteda general`:e6A-
tit1ener tO.belp btuil&up'the it4 tiiey ttianiato tho
iotproire.ftio,appetitsenid digeStlan tonl..tlut" help. ponlefe. rdr,oltitg .t.z4st- ,
let .14111m-ru•!5" ealth mid Nerve Pills at.4rour neareat drugr 'titCite
iteceit to g",!..Ibstitateg, "LoOk Or „tile trade Mark the "P.
° 144001-ta 1.100.4 Tprotir, Ora,
irst-tite• ilek.literfitahOelt •
After the tests these eitgineets were openly,
excitedreallyabsorbs lateral. shoek," they
said; tire ever didTitlititittaTO:tibiilrbefore!”
, •
Springs and conventional tires .absorb up -and-
.. .
down shock. -Bilt until Goodyear ,.produced the
Super -Cushion, (crosswise) shock was one
of the`few thin Yet to be licked hi, the modern
=toe ear. Super -Cushions 'soak Alp'
•crosswise jolts. ,
• To yon,lhe inOtOris,t; meanS•a_Sensation-
• ally new luxury ride:. far less fatigue . . less'
wear and ear rur carfrgin engine, to, body..
Super -Cushions 'blot out shocks, help prevent
rattles,.. -len Tie iile :of" ybicr can.,
• •
. •
. ,
The Super -Cushion is:'ots altogether new KIN11off *ant this tire ler ourr,nevecarg-rzow"! In 1948,
4re. Leading car makersfound if madann.astonfshing -Super-Cuililunti will be'standgrd
improvement In motor car operation. Then -they . share of:Canada*s beat -known •automobiles. •
Anjnereilibly softer
easier', safer cat handling
The Super-Cus on _,
--holds' more airi but runs_:cni only .24 )3ounds. of
air *pressure -. insteid -4 the usual 28-tO'32.
It gives a sOfter.ride; Ear unbelievably, .qnoth,,er
not only on:bad roads but even on Ood
SuL5,,er-Clinhions .bring yon. indeidribable •new
ease and:security,: Your car hugs the -road better
. seems to float through traffic On a mall car ,
Super Cushions give .you the Tide and , feeling
of security you get in a %big cat , ;they make
big cars ride ,eyen, better.
Super-Cushions,i afiiafer—
Siiper-Cushioil run' cooler,. build'. lesslkegf-
sure,-gitiq greater mileage -ti,zart,tlie finest standard.,
tires. ••
SuPer'etishions literally -flour along the road. You
get safer -Steering, easier handling, especiall
on curv„,,en e they're softer; they "roll with
the .p•uncb.,' are harder to, cut or brulse, have
"extra blowout ,reSielance. •
SuperiCuihionilres 'ate BIGC,E11-.1..
-vonvoitknarsiz• Sop,r4mili1os
• " 4050 • repinded b 6.40
4- -r.,:lre4W701ilereirelh''7761
6,25,, roolocod• by:, a
440 ; -ieplacetl 1,),y 7;60
reiplaCed by 11,1b.
' ropiacoa by- 8.90
Until Goodyear' produced the Stirptuahlon, lateral
' :(erdasw.lae):: Shock, _,•'Wei# one of,. the ey_things yet' to be
iikcd In*t..10 in.00,0r4,01;ctorC• , '
• uper-cu. shion- sok Up 41otbkindt,-.41 4ihock,
Unbelievably' smoother,ildee:,botter.•tar'
, tut wear inid tear on your tot
on itiew tarS-- ,
_ e•It4
: YfirCrYlOW car .1114-hitire-Stipit-ialisiii6iiii.:71f so
you ar4 eady .,enjoym incredibly,. er
ride,,,Ifyon.hs_ye_yetto order, your new car take
• upet-Cusbions run on only 24 pounda- of la
• gitinst 28 td.g.poundti int moat tires,