HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-15, Page 8444,101 "'trim oODERIMI JANUAItIr 5tI MS. frONDAIX affiNITARY 1803;1948 LSO 401110,,HOLY. COW -UNION,• a,41u, MADLS-WiDAY1SCIXO014. staki, MEV COYEWO*ON AND' SRE*ON, 3 p.mIPRIMAltylopPARTAIENT, • y PAP," EVEINaliql1RAXISR.. JOIJARY 19-8 pjn, ANNIJM., vEs00. AND CONGREOATIONAL mEETD1O., " REV. BEVIRLI;11. FARE,B,A14*.Th,, =mom 0• . EmoN, organist and choirmaStor.,.. ...,•••••••Noimmoma...0 • e ur THE WAN or 'To4oir e #ectind sIrmOn-hrrthh 'ierleg'onwoo &Ilion' 016 TKO ogug,Ou SCROO.L; 7 p.m.. "TIIE .MESSAGE or TOEttamx,” The first sermon in a SerieS of evening messages .flbIa Speaks" Amev„itc,:4ESLEY COPE, 13.A..; B,D, Minister. , - Mrs. Murray. Hetherington, Orga,nis' t and Choir Leader. 0-4 J(nox Presytrian Church i‘—§ypi.1a,c,11:01‘apd,,Young21'iops Bible Class, -1 a.in tiuN),(611 coNoREGATioN.. , • 1EV H y". TURNER, OF INGERSOLL, ONT. II aan • !1101111 TO WEN LIFE'S DAILY, RATTLES:" • 7•P•1.11. "GOD'S .MESSAGE PORA MESS AGE!' Director of Praise—MrWilliani;, Wickett, A.T.C.M.' Come and WorshiptheLord in -the Beauty of Holiness. . —Victoria St Unitedhjk --41-01STEit,4pyF1'ityikENcE IL TURNER, B.A. Organ* ,t7liz ; Choir DirectorMisg-7-MarV 403/ce• • - • 'QE_TI1IS DAY-11111iFLIAIL3ti3READ:- , WAY OF • *-- - ). 2.30- paw- • - '8;0 P.m.:7:0).1,LO* SLOP " -Monday ,8"#(.M. Xoung:keePlii'S-Snicin. Tuesday, IranuarY.-20.-Annnaf -0!ligiega#9nat Meeting. • -.VICTORIA WELCQME. YOU.7 • ekich •Baptist 10 a.ni:.,•'.0HVRCit'SCHOOL. W,e-haVe ROOM- for .3/01.). .1 • .c.11 g•MN - "THE: CIRITg011 QN, FIRE." r 1' "AikE7§1[T.4.1tS. A-130RE?"Monday-8 p.m -I Y.P IJ' • WEDNESDAY -8 p.m.—PRAkER AN pit.A.i0E. ••• , , ' W 11 MEDLEY. Organist and Choir•Leader,-;MRS. 'ELLA I.-DONALDSON. r•-• . BMN 1Pentecostar -AisseMblies of ..clanada) REV.. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor. • 10m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL. 11 a in MORNING DEVOTIONAL ," -- 7:3!) .p,m; ''EvAINGEILTSTIC SERVICE-, : --- ," EVANOELIST MARY SCOTT,. SPEAKER. • •••_, TIIIIILLDRENS EVA1S.LISTIC . SERVICK CONTINUING •TUES., WED,,:IPHURS'..Fa7;d rut- ,21,,k,,;7 P.M': , GQD BLESSiNG=-60 • 1 ee et o st CI - Sts Corner o• f Vletona & Par . 7 P". 6 • SUNDA1 SCOOOL. • .)/Ited. 8 p.m. 'PUBLIC . PRAYER - SERVICE. • •A WELCOME TO ALL.. • .• Rev. IC O. IVIeCalrum iPaster, X.areot311411: Y.,Vridart allernooni 411, the G.ttil, 0404 Me' .0111.47.difich-basittehall teams *tot 'cliaton 0,1, squads,tor thieell*, roaring games. , • The 'junior hoYs. 'started ,off with lots of zjp74and _downed the Q,04,,boys. Holmes Price •••were the leading. point -getters -for ,Next came the girls' teara, and,.under ,•the, leadprship of their %captain;-Rhea parnin,:.•they 'defeated the C4ton.•girls, 29,24, ,. Bisset with,' n15. points' • and 'yours truly" 'with' 12 led the iletora.‘ When '.the .Senior boys met the *1947 .._chanap, team from 0.0,1.4 they itlat da it" --but maybe next tinie.• . • r • .• AtlAnsSYM'InitrzI31?-9tI'.0.1tlyell;,11114°'0_'t,11.7Y7X140741 . • • "Btreet, 111)...ene 218W, Or 34re. may Nek • U.a WateriWfitreer..„: , ..ztt T40' replar Veet1118 .the. wflL »e.heideon junuary 20th a mrs, :(400. .31*Astowii, Stanley ,streer,,•at8.: Wile annual dinner of .41;e:Coniriluniti Nursing' Registry VIII be ,held,,at, the BedfOrd aOteren.34.1444 Annar'Y'.28Alt at 6.40.: 13•1* , Wes 4ildrbd, Z. Wal,,Xer, professor of &rang. education " :at' the thilVer4itY QV:Western Ontario, yvil1:b0, guest speaker, • long.:, 44 her :subject, iqg .11Ulty There Is Strength." All:lh• e ite n 4, e oatioato nOrses. wishing Watiepd -Are •la4ii4J*Writt,'pOwC*4-x,EAdirt,, ,. *I.4,140.0,,o drug,,'Store7Until.,,,W,e_dile01, .ottnufkry .g.10t. --*, „' , • 1,-.' ." weleotee.- •Ticicpts -will:' be:On Sala 14 li.TrangtrialRWIT ,--TO_ - T,ifinetelb0-10 7iniir'i -ftatAgnew-Surpass. " 'Agnew-Surpass.Agnew-Surpass. storeorWith, tilq, ,,§464(-1 .sellLe id'in 'the Gode, ' 'Old Unused spectacles are .requesied. Tte". get- price list .and catalogue and order than ha lf-';fd.Wshed, .tke . right - forPlay, contact Mrs;e: ,ix*.'•$41lotiorgt: Spectacles.. go.94•*7Don't wait oil laat-minute„.ruSh; off:pesitione• is 'grOring steadily ?letter salvaged and , _inliceecis'lised. to:. hOY We doubt if you 64 .:get- botter- any-' And-ailnest eVerr•teani in everygroup food for B•rttaln.' ,,,i:-.' - , * ',. t..3 Inlere; ' ' Ogna411, APPr6vOili: breeders has a- matheinatioal .chance of fhlishing• • ..The regular deetio ,of the 'Evening Pulloram-tested. • Ask, for *Particulars. in4',1:YQli9t.Ve.Rl9,2, TIger,sAlii4rY'61rN°th'streetilil*4'U.";Th'si ' it7'a.1:-3''P.I:de:`7C:(der.' iel: and;1rcotre4)gltig.itnii1n*roxp•.chuh'-41-will form of afe-4,•3 ,r4!Autit.iC,Agiti...4. Norl,_...(4.4gi..4igno.oiyar. an 130t-iu4 supper_s.nd will be held in he iii,,,64,$AJ4E..„-T41,1(iTtitAI.,. -$TEFIL, grouped..church"•hall AtOildaY". ,J'aniuirtiOth,' at 1: -. beams, , channels," angle's, reinfore- hipergia,roi r,iolii;:l3N.„0",* riFrdritai;illeervsailtorr4 i .sirt,..., ;Oat, ' pace and 'oot, W. cecorps.e..wwillui, ,wriniiit- e- cavnemesh,r-44s,reb4osmi -1 .6- ,b,r,r0441., lacoaitatohbe,p40:t4;i11•4bg,Q0,704e01 0.tinja,1.7,,leppuarcitye ,41hgripopeupr.,00...,,,d,..gooddeetrlochh..discpst4, 4.1chapter of the itudY-lboc,ik,' All the ladies of the 'congregation are other types ',0 steel, -.Make M. Brown and Sons your -headquarters,-for-dny- types Of steel in-coniplete7warehotiise lines. , . 400 , Lancasterstreet:west,- Kitcheneic. Ontaillbi- ''''phone ' 3:3282,. 6-6460.; '01'3en Saturday '..ltfternopn: • ,•; -;..., ' ' •'• ••39tf, simr ERATIO,NWliatelret your woo., Oration requirements. max.h% 1.aige or yeu -won't go, wrong if you install "Vniversal Cooler." Estiniatea freem "W'ri.04 Or-Pholie -I#1.1s1Pt iYett Poderieli, Ont, -Phone 08* .404 X• b,‘ . , , stake #e0c1' starter ARO; geuvrator ; fnel, pimp' and :carbi.z.retor; ne.,W,, set W:lbrersar Ilee414110../ Barg 1n ...phone Oarlew •" .8* clIt SALE. •••-," 00041DIt; SPANIET.'. '• r pups, purebred • with, registered pedigree, 4':• A. SIJ,LX.X; BosnY.ra,rule,,, Ba'yileids road. . _ pon.mvo.,-4Afwv. ARE 100% .VIT4P,"„*YottO customer,• ars. 0. T. Egan, llyndford, Ont., of her Big -4. As agent here we advise you Salt- -Maehinists-are---lockettvtight,--„in- wel.00.1326; gronp "1).4, — . • liew'beginiiers and advanced.bridge. The standing in the Various gionpg- ,class will- be,'-statted ThursdaYr Jana - on Tuesday ,: January 1303,.Was aVY,'29th; I0131, for tegian'ers;•11t4 follows': . __• at 9.30 p.M.tfor Adyaneed elass..ClasSes VOINTS to -be held -at _the apartment ot mas. - , group A"— A.• 'A, [COL, West street Register : " k r19 - -'110w 7•Aikrs• Nicol., . Phone „ 1.3? x . • . Irnpr1a1 011 No. 2 Here° , '• 14 • Larder's Deco'raters 9 • % 13011.M00 Jolly Rogers - , 7 F,reneh Du Cleaners .,..,.. 4 Canadian Legion Np. 1 .... 22 - • C.N.R-No. 1, • 12 -----"PtrfitrJEffgrifte`fg":771-7'-' • NOTICE TO CREDITORS - , OTIC.E TO •CREDITORSt- )F„-_,,.....„; r . ' .. .,, ....a..........., ,,,,..., ,..-. . , • 1 % il: 40 :I ^1,$. h....QAIY , given to all persons &Ting any7-e1ann . Against tilb-teState• . „ of Hannah ThilliPsi late' ,Of the -Town f-Goderrehv-m-the,epturtinron,,, IIALCZLEQAMITLemov, Widow, who died on or about the grist .GoderiWrAlbtors - . 5 • er-orTarirnmi-7.41M-P4r-tir_sotir Lamnan7Alleys . , 2 , 'Shine' t6- thderfirgiletr6n1rbef ore- Grotip ."0"— , .. - , the Se.Venth;dar.af. FehruarY,'`A;P: 18-48,- . .;'Goderich Mei/at-0r -4 23 — -as-on and'nfter that date -the executors ' InberiaL Oil No. 1 ' 1.19 0f the saia:estate*shall.proceed-to make , Bankers ' - , . la , A 'clitriputioo,,, of the assets „thereof, , O.N.R. No. 02- .- , • 12 having regard only to ,the claims :Of _GbderichSalt Packers. --▪ 7 • which they hate notice. -. . -Lions Chib-NO. 2 I - 4' .. •Dated at the -gown of Goderich. In. •'--Eins•Rien Club- , ,°' 3• the. County of liuron, thisseventh day Grotip ',D"— • .of Sanunry, s'.A..D. -1948. • •dericliOrgan , , , .14 ,- .4• • R. C. HAYS, m.o., Purity Shippers 14 • . ' Goderich Ontario. G6- • •GoWrtich Salt Machinists • .....„ . 14 . 2-3-4,- Solicitor -for the Estate. • Canadian Legion Nd's-:,.. 12 N.ona____I.-. 0 oniz1.2.- cols' -• Lions 'Club No. 10 f • - • ' .,• . •, • Notice--is-hereby given. -to all persons ' Mjss Irene ,,,to.l'origtite, of •$1., having any ,.clo.am against .the estate ..H , of -, • l -. Joseph's.ospital, London, spent, the. Edward-Josepb Fisher, ate Of the New. 'Year's- holidaY with her •parenfs, ToWn. of •Goddriclic In the Colinty of Isf,ei.eati,id.. 4.Ir• s, it G. W. Laliwalte, PictOn ' , ._ •,.• VOR:S.A113.7-,-REFRIGEKA.TOR ,(11gt. • - °TAME); .deluxe electric /-cubic Capacitni,nge'd,:-?onlyH7Sixt--4-0eekk perfect condition guaranteed,' -BOX 43,-. SIGNA,L7STAR. •4 •• E.--STEWAR'k Amsrat„ ion table mOderradio ,with •aumatic record elianset,',..alliA set is Only. one year-old and Is in • EV beautiful ivalnnt ..;veneev... cabinet: ,,,Plays records or -1042" --recordsFrix_pne-3.,...., 8.11Yr. • ,•21L-1' OR MLR. „. wen's- tube 'Skates„and..boots, size8. •seareely- worn, ,A.pply .-RAVIOND HAGGITT, R.R.: 1, PorkAlbert; '„ WANT= OUP; LIST, !NO, M13,.. P40 - for Sale: Phone_ sAre Q014 AISTIIERS, InSarapee •Ir4t14e 14•01crp, 3•1,V 00 •' •,1tf IQ • .---PAIIVTPiEWfQ14rTleIN, -Oak R#°0' MAN, Real Esote Broker, ',Thane 18; $ OP,PORTIlNITY- , ni 2411411::: tng°46'. c supply N: ter' 41:1!Tt 7t1110: '4.2):4P 7e: ''';14)*()r 'oC?iourpi4;:igolltlib71,0.119**09.gcLii'uFWIrinilttio'4QtlIstcl'eatirp. !.4(34 toolatAzaStp• easy, diret-to-customer sales. 140.0, Delerimieri iv94041,:-• • • 49 C xv,I*7 a;111:31tell.P°Parint;i'snil'Oitt -W%4e1;°:(11-r.e"%at' steady employment. Living accommodation a,yahlabJAMES msveg o,crox4wIlritexufltuix,i, ipwaurRtie- OMPANX,' . , WANTED, )5oAllptiR IN P.R1*-"" VAT E home. Phone 17834 .: -0 'VVANTED' TO rBUY —OLD HORSES . and dead *,animals "*. suitable for mink. 'feed ; will tiay go 4'1'114 for biases and call' and,. pick up . same. Dead animals according to, *able.' f animals dead • phOne 49-1:c Gi43ERT, GILBEIVA--.' 936r 32, r 32r Goderieh. • -• • ANTED. 'PRAC.TICAE. ,NTIRSE, pr housekeeper' in hiewithali Modern convenleaCes; one ,adhlt.4..(in, 'Write B0X.:;42, slcAp*..*- 3x IDEIY-4TO-z*Eft-'4't7gOICTO'•-,,,OR• • apartment, by permanent resident. .110LEP10QF ,HOSTERY,'..Poderick NVA-NTElik=„LWO..ttIC • marr„ied man, by,the year,..X,hone WAITER GREENT• -British Ex- change HOfel,Groderich. TE -0.0.0.rwaysilmtinwartoctraz iavernireissuic.r.tti.e.ratialtwaseeicimmui.t.sentarsotastwaxTf a- t any :43,annal labor. ,•-Phone 242T:,•fer uFThTjon• ' • -•• • R SA1E. - • . Cocker Spaniel pups, ,six weeks Old; sired by international' chana,pion Brook- wood 'Candidate; H. 0, :TZURY, phone 22 or residence 95411- ltf FCR SAL4E.--2 .1-lid/I-1ISER' BED. • . :springs, - 2 bedstead's, one Mattress; heater (coal or. wood); -tabu, Aladdin f:JAS.'WEBSTER,. Napier eet. ..FOR SALE. -=-PUREBRED, REGI& • RED bulls,416; SULLY, • Bogny• Farm, Bay4eld road: ,fluron-- retired -farmer, --who--Tdied-on- or about the twenty-seventh. 'day 'or • OR SALE., -.1b46 •: CHE v . ..- SEDAN, ,- • ''44,,, . . December; 'AD, ,1947, toz-send same ' to .with -ratli, 0...heater, •defrosters, fog BORN - the undersigned 'on or before the 8 'light asgOdd as new. 'Write 13,0. . BOX. •. PEACHEy.—Af Alexandra Hospital, 'twelfth,: day --of: February,. -:&p., 104 i 4misr.fi_e_14 . ,, , • - 3-4x Goderieh on Jantaiy 8th 1948 to as on and 'after -that date tip executors • . • ' * ' ' - LADIES ORGANIZE. rs. azel Murray afthr beg called , .. • ,_ ....:... - .. home by the 4164.11. of herfatlier has re- IL 130W1,1110 ' :LEAGUE .-turned to ,Coived,' Sound, accoMpaniot . • by her„son,,,lackie,-zlor-the-winter.--. —At a well -attended meeting pf •ladieS , , . . . , • ... , . held In Mackay 41.11.' on 1VIoriclay night it wast.decided'eto ,organize a Ladies' ,. .0. . own'teiv!ing' tertglie,q0. Play eve* one 60 „ IrOM 10 a,m, o nodn'dally tor an • ' experienced. baby sitter* 3 01/ of the sad estatu,shall proceed to TIM SALE.—RED • ' Mk. and Sirs. 141,-,R. • reachey, Gode- BRICX, -.Two, ,„. , ,, , • -.rm,(4a,k. he -0a idnigstrriegbn4ttidonoonfithetoasthseftetpaeinire; wood doors. throughout,' good .fignace, ...riekli- son,/ *aim .Einest. J.L. ,•$1,01f3't house With garage, hard-, WASSON..-L-At -:- Alexandra Hospital, ' Goderich," ozt4anuary 14th,71948, to Mr. -and .Mrp.. 1.i..A.-. Wasson, &It -2 ' - ef whiel?.: they have notice •., bated at_tbe -,To*n- of: God,erich,..An- raeitiat . -Zione.,...:48oW4, "„;3.• all: conveniences. pos aort"' im- --Goderich,--4--son; -Shawit--Ernest. " -111• . prow. . • No row/ - • 1 ,,,• , . . . f . • of January, ,A.D.. 1948;,. ‘.. .Fcti rssLE.-QuANTITY S.pi Y •- '. IN MEMORIAM ' • ,•• . . • • . • , A; • a .-nAys,, K.C., , ,apples,--BaldWins, a few .other late SYNXONDs.—In. loving meMory- of a- Gederieh,, Ontario, .. varieties. By ordering early they will -. • . • IIA .deai wife.' and mother, Mrs. Hattie 8-0- • Solicitor for the Estate. be , kept in - storage until required'. . E. Sphonds, who passed away* • - - .. ' :, , _R FRANK "DUNG, • R.It.---5r -Goderleh, _Jantia01-15th,--1947-- --.-- • .- --I\TIDTIC.P.3.0,',0REDIT-PRsT''' .. . . . phone 208, Carlow., . . * . 4-3 od:Aeok-.ei-Hiune; -It was ;His. will ' ' • 2 A .r.'• -----"-- ' 1.1t ill our hearts: she liyeth- still. , ' Notice is •fiereby given,ro alPpersOns, FOR. SALE —GIRL'S 24.4.uvb SUIT,: , having any-claimagainst--the---estater - -,-,-Size• 14',-16:-; .1n•-gooff-cOndition ; 'al4o - —Efusband. and Faintly. ..- • -- - •• . -4.-...., -, .- . - .Prank--Triek-,-.,,--.:late . of the Tow 1,0372,s.,balloonttirelticycle, ingood.shape.... • SYMONDS.--ind.Oving memory of our snip of - G.Ode*h; in ;the .County of phoio .714. , . -•••• ' -. . • ' ,.3' ' •dear sister, Hattie, whom God 'called langen, 'retired, farinei,- „Who: died on 110In4 one year ago, 3anuary,11947; or about the second day of -3annary FOR' SALE —CHRYSLER CHASSIS - ,A. 'tribute of .loveand feniembrance . • A.D., .1948, to send same to the 'under- -and „cab, for i/2 ton IrnaliLitith 1937 To Our dear -SisteF-gpn, e • to restr— -signed: on of -before- the" tWelftlfdiiirbr. 1 Os_S: 5) At' 0-ThiCttikt ;- - needs-earburetOr---ah4, •-The, -joys- that she; , missed- oa--lifels. February, --A.D. 1.948ras on and after water - pump; .good Urea. tirst • $1.09 • • * highways- . . - • , j • * :‘,,, '. that date - the:Executor . of the said takes it, 12 East street Phone 2/12S. . She Will find in God's 'Garden Of Rest Estate' shall _proceed to . make a dis- . . _., , . - • * -' .. - - ._ ._..- . ... -.- -----Loyjn-, gly- reinerabered ' by ` :brothers tributicar *of the -asSets-there'or; having and sisters of the Morrisa•MilY4_, '3x, regard • only to the claims of Which _ •. ,: •- ____ - he has mid& : . • , -,• . .. •-Dated at the Town Of, GOderich,. in 'CARDS .OF THANK $. the County, Of Huion,, this twelfth da . . , . , -",', -- -- , ' ' - tlatitiary.1).-1948. THE $ERS ER.5' AND,i3RcITHER Op. , 4, • ,_ -,,, it. C. HAYS, ILC i • the late .Rehort Mitchell Wisli to -' . . ': -4: • - ,Goderish,.- Ontario,. . extendfheie thanks for expressions. of '3. - - ' ; -Tolicitor for fife Eitate.7 sympathy - hx.' their' bereavement,' ', for- ,Isii ._.,. 1 the floral -offerings '• and for the, loan , .T.,OT" Ipll 'Tb cRP,DITORS. ' "The Uenle Of TiF41,PtUi. tire /47/00giefftettareteWile1000000; i'XCLOT L 200 ea vottoolovecotoccovi. .fliorO, • t1,01iVered„: ttiONE 465' 114;.--911,EPURA. LL ;s.oTici allsur4T).-NOW. FOR ,FORTABLE home -with blown -rock.' • vy0O1 Prompt , installation, experlencedapPlicators.- Pre.e.estimatire.. without- 'obligation, Phone ,or writ guit'ort .41s/SIIL4TINg. in avenue. Phone 0641Y,,,Gocle- rich, • . ',47tf NPTIC4 -.A11.-Mentbergi No". 182 are • : requested.:. to attend the * election and installation ool1iers at ,,the *Lodge boins;--; Worth' -atreetr Tiiesday; January, 20th 7 at --8 p.m. • - '• • -ASA DEEVES, • 1••••••••■•••.u'imai-i: • . • ..• TO. OB -RENT.: -1,00 'ACRES *OP .GOOD • • pasture. land, with • fresh%spring water -the year. -round, facing on two. roads, 'Jot !sohcession, 3 .Aullett., Foi inforniation, see MISS. •BA'WDEN 'at.Clifiton, Utilities OfficerClintbn, Out , -To. — /Alma; RUrtigist(TID , rooms With Shared,accondation: 'Phone 534-.55 Elgin aVente: • •••• .3 0 RENT. ---LARGE •BRIGHT • .running water-,,-sflitable for tw6 business adrults.', SNIDER, 71, 4ao.t. street. L0STAN -EXTENSION ' BRACE- LET;valued as keePsake. ReWard. Thane -43%W. 0 ST;-----__IADy!S-ASLIIIST4VATCH,- *hite ReWard." • Ffiider OFThrttritt:S,IGN-A-STA' OFFICE.- - .; • ' • • "- • ,, • R SALE. BABY'S • WHITE: . sleigh. -Phone 1091W. .• , 3x , • • HURON' COUNTY 00UN6IL • The •next Yneeting-of—the •TIViOn County. 'Connell. will be -held: in the. C'emieil Chambers,' Court House,:, Gode= ry. .Ail accounts nOttues deputations , and other huaines§ requiring •the oft SALE.---c4.1v1PBELL GARA.GE; teTt tifo n ohoility bO' in - the. St David's street' have '39 Pontiac, •• hands 'of the County Clerk .nOt-latcr. in excellent condition,•engine a.nd, eluthh than .Satniday. January 17th 1048.. 7:- .1.cocoeipitblyi,,:o*.kes;:erihtairuiesei_d;;antott6ryyeteteirunt.(,eii.:9„,, • 11: W. MILLER, pointfjeb, heater,' defroster,".fog lamp, .2-3- •▪ `.- , County .Clerk, „ winterized, and third -:party- insurance. Gederich TcprLomNsoivs a ito ,,, • ' -:-.., Petroail ,,teted*.inthrcmiata4iliolomer46441wedv"0 •- government. certilleites .61.,pra, Ileienelreleetionie„ &IWO- - - - inent . Serviled; )Wielsritans7 , , mitten% I, inter.ollide • systenas, ... electrie fencei.si.ote. . •. A .. • ' • • , Pick.up and -delivery. , . .0.ll tir01* • . • 'gUaranteedo ' 82, HUEON RD. P1101•X 264 - .' • •49te - . far....1........r..............m... ..... _ • , . . Kl•MF-4M r RYIPAX.RED ,•••••••' . - Cabillet-Malibig, San' filing, etc. Alt kindg of general .blacksmithing. • • y- T. 'GOWER - . • (foitherly Sheardown Blacksmith . Shop) ' .HAMI▪ LTON 42tf • * • efrigeration . . Phone -1098 -for. -24--hour-gervice to - -all. makes of :commercial •and doinestic refrigeration equipment, _ of '.aars . for the funeral. • - - .3 . ' % • R: GEO. GRERN'sLA.DE WISHES having any elaiin:ligairist-:the estate of " — . Notice is hereby given.,to. ill persons. R SALE,, --.A 1/Eit.00. ELECTRIC ' mei-nor- 'BRWEilARliamS$.'!:. ig'16.07'Year-Olitl' 'express , . . . • ohioko....40-. ciodoi -15rtiefloitiii 'new to hr a.ppreciation and 3Ohn, Richard,Caotle, late of the 'Tillage _Reed • Only two Seasoasi, operates. on 251 da.ughter of Mr. and: giiii. Earl Wil - heartfelt thanks `Tto, her, friends' 141 of HAYdield,-in ytha :County ''.6,t' nurort,,,_or 60.eyele, 2.50....iize capacity, ritzb liams,- Regent -street; was ,admitted 'to, especially `.:lier— il, eighb,Or s for their-lisherhian, iVlio died -On or about the, r., ,,,,,,,,,, .,.. . - . -. , Alexandra Hospital on •Sunday afterinany acts of, kindneSti and messages Of fourteenth. daj of* ,Novoinbeic 1947; to `i3.i•Lt'un'ivrlint;Itn-volci:Rilf., .urod..7.,!Oh.., Phone' noon with ,a broken leg as a result of. cars for the • fttnOral,..• • ...", ' : •' , ." '-3' A,ix 1948, 'as on .and. after that date lh-liDn:SA"'".uStAvokEer7aIyillelii'3343;18.',C''', ..°'G?'ex ..I.ion6itti8evhiiieheliWitasa r„kitillirOult:°alincia-,hsliilel:Ittvettasr sympathy- and .for the beautiful. ,iloritt, sena -.same to the- undersigned on Or '• a • tobeiganing apcident. T)10 toboggan.. tributes: as ,Weil as for .the .leaii..of before **, the twelfth -, day of Nix 1,031;vr-TY.,Ptialy AND PANItY: 'shall proceed to intilie' a diStfibuticin of al:/7-tl'e•Ter4.-.48rT.4G-0----'titcle' I: P°/'?' for ' 119 '48' threiv4 . t6 the '4171).(111t1. . . the Adininistratrix of the,oaid estate' i . • , The ,• a some 014$ and . day- -- Vtrif41 to . co', yey'. thelk _tiet)•,rtfelt the lisset. .‘thireof havin ' re ard, Onei Hatchery ,, .. ,,,,,, - r..;,'"...'•I'''i, ir .•:,4'' Agent,,,W.M; WALTEll$,, 42 Canibridge ,4treet, Goderich, ' "d"' • .8 , • 4%01A • cdastitctip and'fda. ying rules' were and t Mr and c4rs. .David Rob1n.6on discUssed'. and ,it WaS., felt' that .th,,is ,ftir synipat4ty and, the,,,eleetiox,t oitcers-should be tended there Ari • their ' Abereavernent. •,held Over nntil after the,second nrghti They wouId like alSO 'to' thank these, of plaY; When; a*,..bnaineginieeting: sentlioral tributes and,•thoie '.who he held at the alleys after bowling, . loaned cars 'Witlrthe • lealtie" Sptvird5fed-7,byr the- • - and -under the direetion-o'f Mr, ••••„- Voters, :recreation :director, Mr. ?arty • Little and S'ohn Lauman of ,the alleys, 'sortie -good 'bowling should be in • $tOre- for local ladies, •• An ladles not at. the ineetitrg but - interested in, bowling axe' invited to •Paine. out flights q;•-;1” - 4 • 4) 111 0.4,7th Da 2VI 90derith itoetfialon. coOlea•40:111,10iiiimes t terinatioli Slotting "Classes' toi girls lt;ted to 1 Inpluisivn; CO Ottclettlio-direotioli of 0, Oh* „.00!3•116.,0.t 'leafii*„.t.f,i 0„registiti#00,tvaffe.p.tpc1 attor Siturdir.: 1, 41* ,ituttinitie06: Meriting, Itnitafteriiinnt °Learn to ghate periOds for pre-,00,1Oot,t,totiyktirrortop . '01111.1ten *AccoJitoometl,,by parents, .ifi a o Ott, WON ini4not I 41i ,Dated • at the. Town, . of Goderich,, in the County' of Mien, th1.8 twelfth day 'Of ,a"anuarx, •AV 194,8 • •• • IL .• 3-5-*# ii S.olicitor -forf..the I I viA XbtfRES EtkIR OU NG Avo • isbdttetoll, fea0.uln,g the riii)oo and ,ave. for . , MO)COAV, rIVESDAlt VitEDN'Efi,DAlt. NitAleit Fo Ritsirieis 1s, opixt Monday 4114 ,i'afkociale,VOmpigii ffer t ;Coma IMISH 1-11etiti 914$ 7 14,110E14 ra' oft-;.s.4E,t--4AN,g. Britt ,•oviR, ..:,0.94T, navy 111.11e,*.in1ttary .cOnt .rubber taineotit arid at 40; --tiMes.----h.ISO"pirre- patrolmaYes boots- never worn, 'pair rubber. book, ,.three • pair overshoes, __sige- 10, .two and four buckle,' size 11:' four buckle. "Priced :rep.Sonahly. phOne' 878; • ., 3.8 0E$A]4LL XiApY '8 IR LA 0 X, Winter coat With . Perran •lamb' .,trin90 .brown,Aio011en '4-,topeoaktr,,,brovnia,- weollen tailored , , light green tailored, suit, Sized 18 , and 267. All excellent, condition. Phone 365, • 3x Mrs, Ruth Patten, Reg.N9 of St VI:0*as, of aud• 'llioinas, Were recent guests With• their 'Maher, Mrs, W., T, 'Patton, who .tail. in her. home On ,ChriStnnta night .and has. `-b:een- suffering - with a sprained right .ankle o.tti torn ligaments • of the41g. /hi;ictures Work •ViinnilerS -10 impravillg • rnirtiOrtitS--: •, ' *Witco up your living rboni, •Viith one of, mir beautiful 'Land- . sCapesarlue, or Plower - • •,AAT A.N1) CgIor East st Phone 198'. , „ _ • Refrigeration • $erv:i.'06 G-ODEli1b11.. • FRIGIDAIRE._ tinunereial 'Agent for Goderieh-i- •and. District. • Satisfaclion„ 'Guaranteed. - , Suiiig .HA.y.g, You _A compREpEN-, ..0 - SIVE -LIAbILITY4OLtCY? . . . N9T Get., Iii!nred Stity .Ingtited— ` 'Beat. A'Oulted. • _North St'.. •1 1 i Tel. 2.68w .41X0,0 I-1*-Wa-sr • • ‘• , fo F EATC POSI4cir•,/, Nc, ,,44•00. ltott: depel,ta ,ott. Vtardner-- Motorgiii6s for baterr,detvido no itiatt6t what weather couditiopt 00 1. d o erte • •+,0 • 0, I 4 -'