HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-15, Page 7COW „ ,X101)sonf 'Preeidenti. ,deolaret Zuropean, Teem 11 4 . important factotitt Cfanadals .oconomio 4.34 , Continent fail to. provide whit ia-nocessary_to,savo Zitropei the effect 'On our economy' would be sorion2." patiOtbt iforobalt-PIan will :be ofabrO,Oe to .b0t11410anatiit, and , the Unite413tates. ' 9 • , 0.0404,14411r,..ainteril Manager, reports nWrked inorease in CcinmerOtal 1eans.,4,itiOlic{ 4.0POsitii again improve. Royal ..,,Banit,delvallortt now total- 1,75(h000.. unique, oervtoe to foreign. traders -provided, throliglrObrancheS,ili.f wee oonntrioo. - • The law importance of European Canada and. other rmtries,„ has net , 'airport Canada' cart , restoring Are bider way'WhIOU I1013ed wine „ • ., , • ently,: restore_ Europearv,,,, eaonenda .0thes,g,ed by Sydney' • Dobson, Oresin.. health,"- The., Marshall Zan ''"one 'of 'dent of The ROW Bank or ' (*nada at t,h0 haPPleat suggestionsecVer made in . the. bank's annual meeting, -"Should the 4),,nternatiOnakrelations," and the•Oeneva Amerlean continent fall, l)roild*-1411age 'agreements November., Were, li: - What la ecessarYAO, nave Europe," he, he said, Important steps to , world Ithe-affeet on our econoray ,would be serioinw mention. this' because it Is' not generally enough realized that •,..,,,,,Canada- depends to the extent of 3.0% , of' lief national bicome., upon export. trade.. In addition it should be ,noted' that Canada's exports to „ the Western' European countries -4n the last Pre-war. .year *composed 0% her total -ports,• a '.fact 016 emphaf3izes the recovery te'the welfareCanada. and bout' enough,". said' It is ro Dobson: -Villas .play in .11/nroliet economic health,' an,the 9Aaree et 4: geW,yearB, recovery. An 'An intelligent .programMe for ,NOrth-American PartielpatiOn in the Marshall Plan would be of service te botii.,10`anado: and United. States:7 RECORD or-:4).oing***4$0._. , Canada, said Mr. peesep;,ha,(1. Deer: singularly':blesed by Providence.. Not- able progress had*, been made. In both roduction and .-trade during recent lrnportance. European recovery to the. years, and the standard of living °YAM Telanee. Of:. Canada's y economic ,Canadian ,people had shown 'Marked 44%00;0 • • gains, .."Canada's ?foreign ,trade," he, ---Trari-Dobson-pointed:flant that -Canada ald-Yreached-A-Aiew.--high.-totaliln-the bad alreadYdone ranch to halyi .provide first - ten month rs ($4,435,600, - Europe with the,. necessities Thig. was. made up, of AA kinds Canadian• e*ports ,:to.-EprOpe.'16; -19481-. of goods; raw r and prodessed.! lgtd *abated_ to $1342.1• 1.1.10. in the- !"Seventy-ilvel years ago; we leirported • past feW yeark-panada' had provided goods" to the money value of • $18° per. over 2billlon Worth of aid .to- Europe .Capita in 1948 we „exported, 'goads. „ 13rtVO4orna. of loans,-creditsAnd, gifts. worth $184 per 'PallIt.47-".4.1tincrease.�f .44tIoweVer, what hadbeen done by ten titaes. 'ginploYnient. e*Ceeder Ave h niLilion t 'first timo on reSurgd in 1,0* 000 II,: AnaWen nationalincreued arn, to 4011110n.1. When trundated 'Pate dollar* of tbe 441net Jltklne; WO #4,04 inereaSe to be DT per,cent.,'enual. to an' tiodttiolt of, 370 per person:, per „par. And that 4011.4raof4e saiu value), :the personal ,lncoma,of- .,adians has increased from $aw pr caplta in. 1948 to 4003 • 1. 1040.The :total personal expendltilre On consumer goods ,and services :einountsd to $8,714, ooton In 1013$ and OAS inilhlon In 1.9.1,0; .an inerOaff0., of .00 per cent. compered wlth our Population ,,inOrOaak , of 10. per cent,,-,Tbis literease In tha SUM spout .• on personalconsumption goods suggests a '7,siguiticant rise ,in the -standard 1.A4,02A4.240.4r•9 -These .ligureSt- At1.4 ,P,Ob-0014 said, were 'gratifying and.. eneOuraengi but twq dangers had to be. 004 to inaintain, Present :presperity.,,,::,:One danger was eollapse In ' ,44 lacement of plant 44-0 etIn1P0104., .pAceMorthit *C. ,ploint, *not znad,and at t1roo. st2i22/04 12 .easeetnt ii,„bet a igrenooug. Wert moat .be made to limit AppepOnomie *On of Conatrnation, ltiuntx cOnstraetl_on 18 gt:44 01",vilitti, VOW at costs so 3M1-, that only •cOntinuoMt prOirperlt7 at potlent- leyteleean.4,1te It psi.; coNSERVATior4 NE= 'Canada' resent prosperlty,. whjcb 18 spreatr'sormh1elri• 04 nation, ,18 based UP011 the.. 401/011).Mrtof Cau' ada*natural resouseetk, 4%grieuitnre„ because it 14040' need4,44.'mvon_ for' 1004;: Is or, ,highest importance,', 4 • PT.410,,Senrce of livelihood' for farmers , and et revenue:00)1e eotatts,, lalifertb, lroserYing.,... becoming 'recognized that the; fertility7oZ our JOY ia net everlatiting.- 'Vertuunteir Canada •441 'an opportunity to,APPir040044410,_-.4 conServatlOn. :than tog '-rPOROA"' atiOn, We ),41414.12Ot- vr:gt- gee 'dust ;bowtO forret or for ,prairio farms 'to Europe.: .91e ether 'aThe'sanle :need' tir, uelliervation is 'mprice .risea ' he said, ‘.4xnake lt".nlore , necessamtnan" ever for us measure Our real' advance in dollars Of.constant value. ;• The -rest of the rise in money., Value is for the. Most part the empty of :inflation.', When Money incomes are. 6-fee-Sliffe7r &TWO, '_"."16, The '4'iritiUhle slimly of goods, as they are now, the logical way to redfiCette-prestinte On „prices is 'to increase the supply of goods. We have tho physical e'lliiipment to ilo thls, but,fhe human factor 18 needed; a competent werhman seeklng to get ',out of ,hify machine the whole" production' of whieli it is , capable. believe that ,whatitsaid a year age still,. holds true. Ikere:41estlit „APO_ MeV people -. who', lmake high' :wager :and plentiful leisure.*the • :greatest' aims Of 'their hives; • still too' many. Who believe that less-prodUctioi-andinore-Tai'. per worker IS "a- 'soli& basejfpr"prosperity., Tbialsr of course,tztenect. An honest day's- Work for An;houest day's pay Is Still a good, recipe for prosperity, per- haps the:, onlyk, to,rmUlar that will' 4:Aura ToWer-77priees, a 'higher standard' 'of liying, and lasting good. times' for all. • "gall,. of .our.'. 'current output', of ,dourse,: is . devoted lb en1argenient4and found in our, forest' resenreeS, more than, 27, per cent; a the value oZ our exports stems from Our forests. "Better Prefectlink- and „,tielar9yea cutting V7460403 liaye contrmiltp4 18 ent Yeamtow,aid,PMenation",of,„OUr, forest fvealthi but there Is Still 4-TerY heavy annual loss from Breland 'insects „which 'Should be substantially . reduced, Forest :Observation 18 a:,,Mus '"There can be..no better example. of newly. Created *ealth, than that ,of our raining .industry.. -rOYty, Years ago the total dollar value! of. Or mine Dioduc- tion 18 a' year Walt,f42 =IOWA; 18 ten years it had, beemni.$108. million; in -the:Peelelear.1941;:it-,hact reached $395 milllotC The inines have added to cahad#14 wealth some $12 billion,,shice. mining statittles ,wpre first kept..., —"Not muchlt---heargl-ln- Canada...about- our fisheries, „ althougl'they -give enl, Pluyment to 85,000 Persons 18 thk Primary: and processing branches, and , the . investment them.. amounts to $75 million. - •Development of hydro electric Power In the lastforty :Yearalhafebe-en 'rising , • sharOy and coneistentlY. Our Present ductiOn facilities theAncreased.yolume 4011400(1. or. . PRS t • 43.,0* 11g* 014 it that tho ;mow athfores eij,„ for Moir People have. been made 18 countrieslike our' Own Whore treedora' of enterprise bas been Allied to. naturg resources. The restriefUe trade. Rote, ticea- .09.1;gorit. 'tPlatuutcr- economics 4P. tlye the '7,904. .0; that tz02,104 pX 4.01(09P*nt. 4Atit enuibsion of butt 4.088. and tree ',interchange et- goods which 'alone can, brleg,, decent hiving cOnditions on a Nide, sealo. !"4,t AR/deft/A thOt.34,4117.The NyOrl. „the only countrie4 which Europe eun' t41,4 for :efreetiVe help are 0,604 two ,00,400.41.0e4 ot America, free-enterPrise countries. ovOnfay not we, 'yr4),4 Are unstable; but the 'totalitarian 0000trlesi.' 'Xt. is •,not who are. de- pressed.' but the', totalitarian -e_ountdeS,' 11 18 -not we who Are short Or prodim.' 'tit* of the things: peel:* 'need to but the tetalitakiit* countrieis. "It would, )*()WeSTA,„ be -Nery, rung t.r.liO complacent, ' ..Progress 'depends ,upon our geepleg.,: our _Ixendota. • and how teueb"freefloiOtisiness, shall keep, and how long it"will.,100,, depend upon our „Ability to recognizei -understand. and Meek our obligations 10 the nation- • as Whole.; ‘: It should be our objective to'shOw that free enterprise *the only con.cinie*,.-systerarla--the-histOrr a the world ilodble—enongh- to, 'Change -1u - keeping with the needsOnto,people, At the same. time It- is the only-tcoaoMic .system In the histOry of -the world -that has ever, brought about groat stability; and. advancement ,of .the standard of Jiving" of the people' living under *it"' ' GENERAL MANAGER'S ADDRESS 1.'Presenting the bank's -78th Annual. Report,. James ,General anager, reported :that the total asietk„Ralt§19.9,4.!...at c!.$2,093,541;218.6r and t that liquid Assets constituted_74,%", of . the. bank's , liabilities to the public: Terittire:--of-thiSt; year's 'balance sheet is the marked: increase in corn. merciarlOans- in. Omuta.," said ;Mr, .`713,is item .,;; is' $12(058;08747. larger- than a' year AM ,-reciteegng an experience -common to -all '0Anks„,„ The reason for it is tile velIffhigh level of business. activity, the expansion of ,pto-' installations, 'producing 1W milifon of_cOurse,,..3fie_ -Influenewethrgitellikikerirtws,-!mere', :dollars than', lt 41..6. Year ago to. con- duct- a compuipile amount,. of stushiess.. As a consequence,. the 'amount of cern- inesfaar 'borrowixigk--,repregefitir ;sub-; tantial-sumratthink--1---may.t.Sarin- §4tiirtiikrrirft8rintireir large, increase, in.. bank loans With. , "7-_rv . `41'he'nuMberiof InadO during the ,year:Sontin_nes, large., These. are principally .-ifillieWOIT-Taird -under- Category, where, ,in facts. the number pf ,new Wang, 'totalled . one, hunclked land ,fifty-five thousand. ' " when one. considers the, high . -volume of these. personal loans from 'banks,- phis the .substantial ,,business of: personal loan. And allied-zeompanies-all, ,a tiMe- `when there is 'fixa'aiiloyment ivagesujhe thought_ 'occurs that„-per- haPs.-101vingtheyonthone,s.means-poliey, - is abroad. If, 00,,' it is uahealthy,7:,.. Mk. Muir., pointed' out that"thefe Witt been an. increase the- bank$L.,MbliC7-41eposits and that total - deposits Stood at $1,934,185,849, He reported that tfie. number -depositorq. continued "te. expand and now totalled over one ,.and three-quarter PROFITS• It will have been --Satisfactory :for . you .te, learn that the pioilts were $1,81.8,132.110 !higher - than, the vie- yeari" he ' ,274e Amount . required for .,goverrituent.7 Ialie5: was $2,854,1109, after. deduction of -whieli Aheie xeroained ..$5,t874,51.0.48: from the Dividends required • ii7dribilisenient of $0100()Tiiiid_depre. elation on -bank 'premises. amounted to $892`,13$7.6i: 'After providing for all Of, the:foregoing charges, there is -a -residue Of $2,00,(1,§p2.47‘ 'in antless- Account' leating-'41 citity-..foiward7Z4 13;474,.24G.55! : * 71 BRANC1 ARitto-Ai) played by. the branches of. The. Royal Pank- of Canada -hrforeign, countries in prOilding .tiefTor foreign. traders was stressed Mr„, Muir. . :‘,0yer _ a,-.1ong, period , of ,iears our, • activity in foreign countries has been an. outstanding featUreof our service to ',Canadian - business.' We have et, Pandee.in keeping with the -progieSs- • of the foreign country the develop- , ment-ef Canada's ,external trade. Tha result is that The ROA' Rank-44.044- ada is 'very much. Integrated with. the - -.mien:feral-Ed life of „raany-natiens and., has hecOtne:` for their business ne : -real and. attractive sYinboi Of Canada.: "Last year I -:-made 'reference' to the unique position we .occupy regarding our branches .abroad iihdAI,„,-belielre it: bears repeAting,:beOuse if4S'aiir 'belief , that there Is aweeivit-d.etarititigelex-' direct. rePreSegtation, by our, .eivn' trained organtiatien, experienced ,.;in tanadian-ways ,And infOr*ed...by, close • lialson'of the needs and .Offerings ''"1"11111.11.41106"11"•••••••••tThrta States 18 development of water yet- oTt4 -20 per. our Potential, power has: „bee, 1.1L.1:4* N• o extra, charge for, the. Use of our Funeral flornie;•Toicik- '6"Street . 'ProThpf Anabulancb 'Service 0,11-6184b3fiT, R03.356 ori._ ,2,;.••••••,..",••• `411111116, - - You , worry .abbunt.:Your. 'present • et.. future, security, .11 • Carlow 2115 or WOO- .1 ROBINSON Monarch- Life Aisi1ranee repro- sentative, R.' Port Albert. . • • .1 • day, 0- o• I ' • with a STOVE from recke ° f number stoves of onr:r000ntly,,silitved 41014_ .1!:t have been - Bold, but t/40:0' arc still it'felir left :" Don't .047 longer you need a now stove. Soo onrOtovis .ocnn with-roservoir that ton tiouutrirouitablo for farm homeg. tee also the dor* su1t. able fOr-Innall bcreeif and- apartments. 0% DISOM7 Don't1044 ,,OLEAMANCE ilIcATES'i nd boys' -skates 'and'shoorau ItErmaio.10%,t0 gARDWAR HAIY11LTON* ST.: 2,17 IJI•TEIbTC;} GORSE:* ts. - .SVCIiNOVV,LVItIAGE , COUS.C.It , • i The„..44Mroo'cr..:.:Vilii4e,..-::Clona_CIL1'ifok. ,..1.50L---.;:waseieeted-,-Withoitite-a—cObtes . -1--Reeve'75*-:.=-:.W•r- joYnt:;--wri6 r.- held- the - wardenship,of -Byubel,;-ebunty- for -'-1947, has been laid-uri-fiii idle' Weeks' with a -badlakfraeture,;.and deel --to_retire,-- Artni :the Council, and `Spiemeij. ' .-to-qaCill'orC- are, T.Skinnel-iSherweed, IIarry-Nbpn and.: H ' • - IfewGovernment with regardto development of power, resowees- angers-vo mne wilithITe10liidustiy; ho attic titre , ' -"14.40 •••-••• • The-lolloiving is an extract,. from a letter issuedby the secreta ii Of .-- ILET-.04 dated .December 15, 1947 THE ital)/Z0 EliZOTRIC POWER 'poidussioLvy:iorprimo— TO Attinicii)alities inSoutbernntario .... 6,111ce of the ti_ciere'tary r , • '11AVOrsitY.Ave,, Torin.4?,.;21 -1Cteeinber, 15,194T. *Power Courrvation.' , Although „there been a .substantial reduction in the , 'dant:did of p�wCt, aming, out *or ,, -Voluntary eenservatiini and the. application of restrictionst;heavy cuts are still,„ being made in the 1'24- deltOery of power to indlustrylVieretiVer;Vittein povide-reionrces bar) recently been reduced owingto lack, of rarnaI1 cauing poor, , 'water conditions'. • •,, • 1070,'4041 !itittirtittOdittini peeted, .replenishinent.-of 'tinter 'storages, :withthe result — that System power resources maybe expected to PROGIZESSIVELY --DETE1U0B,A2110,,throughenAftlief,remainder of the Winter. ,431 thc�e 'cireinii3tanoea it is evident that %weirs ADDipitritAx.-AroutiOrA.B,v SAYINGS can be attained the Cennnission'will 136 ol3ligeofto ORDER inunicips,litieLto RED1OE t1t1Thad frOin tune to.time.by as pupil* its 16% OR POSSIBLY,MORE., ' — • 4,4 412 ' Tou rs tralY - ; ;4 0 Bo Itza„ Ter olE e cretarY e 41 • 01, 11 of CanadianobtiSincsinnen. , •"Apart from world-wide relations Vvith.banking houses, .We have-,Jserenty;• one branches - outside of Canada. -' There is a, constant flew :Of information ,re- garding.Market and general conditions froin these -.branches to • a central: de - rt •• I !. 0404044,14620*, nforination,redches. from...correspondeats throughout the world where We do not operatebrandbeS ' of out •OW. -0.' This,-yoti appreciate,.; enables, us t� 'fin-th a highly e.ftlotent, tunnatchOd-,--and-IValuable---Service- to XpertIng and, importhig ellebtS." TRIBUTE TO STAMP, ., A warm tribute. tO.the Statfvfor OCR' splendid, co-operation:, and terklag,.,and. _devotion to the welfare of the'lmShiess 'in whieli they were -engaged ,wo.vpiced by Mr - •' . :have reason to hopo t`Fitie- our ,.personnel.;.,,knOw..,of„the 'which, they are Ireitt;". he said.". "1 have ,never ceine ttcrosa in all my yeartof eentaet '.other bminess Institutions,.n „Staft'vers earnest, ,more 'devoted 'welfare of the business, • wltli 'which they were, assOlated,-.. or more conSeletis Of that lmportiint, place. 18 .tho, ecolionty of the nation. .•i'Vgittod, banker - must be part accountant, tinaticier: dip:lei:net& lawyer and omits, isti, and above! Wit he nust be %La. btnuan :bang, With" the rabiliti" tel-taer. -• Stand MS fellow men. am. proud to say that the stag of this hank, wititair theserneceSsarY qualitles, has.; aiso the , spirit of tearoworkwhiellis,Ao esosntial to qtaPPY relation's, :anti which Counts so much In the fine tesuittlie year's activity., , • *The Staff , of the bank nunthersl,1. otos of 1O,400—more • than lialf4 of wItoni, are Wernen. They have done ty. splendid-leltthrougitobt-the year. We are grateful : to , them and commend thent " \,) • • - III • 24, AT 'yOURi 0411V1'11,Etii0E, OUR PLANT IS EQLTJPED U& 'IANDLZ P-OBLEmg _ . pcpERT DV*ING . MOTHPROOFING 00F/i161‘14.,A Ha:mil:ion . EltY • 444.-•• • AT THE RATE OF ONE DROP PER SECOND.. • 44 - .1 dol I' (see pastver ,below) ,..ithadot tinhie heia4raitet "1441siod'Itlydrte dow toot • fit, driqtythatA0 n eded. o keeti.'otiklactorjos rtingling _at full cepiqity Power thOtaiiiitit,..havlit eeapot Woo° to. make the nd predUcethe go�ds that . %laical', Our Vitai Olcpok travki-. . • ' '" . • - • Powir" that alight hair, helped incregso ourminoral ' , -*vacant) or rake, produ i011-011 our halal.. • aste tieveibe Milner" Tbe little. bit of power VDU think. But thatollitt.to bit et.rio4wor":7SAVED by ALL Ilydro Consumer's inecias a 1.0ti 'fileasa play your past. . 17$ iota& ; , T[� T.'3.toietiostott Ltito„Seprcets eD1 , *‘; ",4