HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-15, Page 24:1611NtrV14 11434411100'1VEIBICIA--- _ .r0110,hed bY 131044:_atan UMW .ittitelPvaulrde----trad -Great sritain, year, to ; atitte$04:-: i4t04-- , • 101.4 ittitt),0 on Vegaeat. • Aotbortze4 aa fieconoWitss malt. Pot cos oglp.artment#. ttaws,. ,Telepiox4e..7x wmber o cloadutn: weeira,r,. KVATatiers., okim?0,40,911 6*Pt. 2PQ , • 46)41=14(0 VQOD- - PRIOBLIN THE CITIES Tbe eatitird ..apta,•!4rooli.:47. ,thp,'e,..46,,,,tttiiii,:!, L._ . A..,„,„...,,..„ kit iii, 6At.g7. , 11 V 4artit 7.1,i. Vazik • •ato7;16:sget4P01: : : ,..07;70111:47 l' li:707-07: ' "E k " '1347TO' 9, .,i),.1!. , BE" .,,,•*: ., ship s,ec.rktart --and,a 04#11Sul visitor cq--,-:-..-4-4.4elerP- ;Pfk .494'1 ',aPpreehlte-411w: toTsiokti(111.4.,.14411-grh 404/4?al to yaii.pna,trnattr.a, but 'nobody; Aeon% 13,9NY "InUOi 0 (3: P a 8S4ig . 14 W ' the ' /s :and home,0r , 8 to be quite', ',Certain, Whether 'kb, , is ,he liai.iii7ought theta in eoTrventenee,‘Orpe, , faithful..,, 404, nary an teMperance; . • , Lor ' instance' the sim,...ple' :process oV- • .... " 'fill 1 4" , h, said, "- tre • p,,riciug, ',houses,: : tile c.. butcherst the- '‘a,ing away. ,To440,-..-te,s, 4, gi4ttei of - a challenge' tOo. us all, to do our hest • , arinzirf3!,the, )0490410 dealers In yeo.., forgetting about the work there Is' to n'illief; WeltliteleretphoeitOsperrtlein:40e1.* in •,, tabies, t,!ie retailers -or .the vegetahle„,, be done, and .1find thatVite easy to .;'-uP _ .• ,.. . do, and then Stepping into the 'Car and twmiti,..iit,thRagnoeidvtiozrt‘feiiiaiilte.sat,,, acyoe:.1.ers',4§:70etityL . • gtoyver.s. uPon.. whom responsibility for, tipping -along to -where, yell h41).),..5:t,O„' l'i ci;d during . the sithation,.shohld .,,b', placed, An be. geh}g.'- -7-- • .- , . ,1„.., , ..., , • - _ 4.1szte,tkuw__rriiFiriO4-1-4: are agreed that the GoveMuleat Should was, But take brkothiller'ilt-liel4n1,14:43;07hcieuniiei' ?i,!tYPanisetmlettr"4" . *Ids ivh*en. it -4 a ciaeation. of .. just Mother s PlaCe. It WAS only. .a .m, atter 1Y-aP sent_ •Of OW' miles . 14tz, in those, d P i isue nbr, , ye stiti xe r 1,401 .7terre a .fund.nt re ' -`;44. something about it but agideniehl -seme ti,l.m7eYe on the trip:oy,er to :qra, nd- 1.1_6_7 ebtertt:--The-altOe.atron Of ,150 sliip . : , • that • was considered . quite : a „ diStages. Taretplo -rStcelectummt:or .)noluii : thme.., uundrseedcrecaairlys what the qpverAnient:shoiiid or could do.' ' , _ • She watched for tbe. Millman each Ii been made- on sick and shut-insz• 4.;ivA:40.6:ora ttdho..4t- ,o.co:ciai:netqsroctflrles(soldeito ttittY: idda034_,a!tudo._tthhee„il'ia.ne114,viiityiteptellfut 'came. Thirty;Sereti subscribers- to. the Mit. • :&triviragautvrw• ,s for vegettoio 'to content of the letter, COPaing house,: the letter • was slipped into the 14,6 •-.' ether . toods'-a;e...'. complaints. ;4frent apion pocketA . - .' t f - ." . :trewerfil that, when they . take their suasion.was ablelta make her tell what wici`rh . 0pda to . the, ciii, marketS, there are was in. it., ' ,.•.- . _. ' " ,... '.e -g-- •• ,I. • ' At ' supller time she,- .v,iTuld hand for few buyers; and'they have to take their father all the, gaps first, and urge him '.,91r,. .goods hotte Again; At 'Handl* Cab- to taxe, a,,, little more be ttii. and a tr. _ . , bate, sqnasi..130t4toeq,' celery; *liaTaniPai little more, of that, and, as he ladled: -eggsi-Tlibultry:,...,;ete;.,,yieretor sale on 4 seconsr-riamieful,, of hisfavorite''glrai esser ,--s 0-:-- _ ..: ti '_.._.S -the. farmers •niiiiket .. at priees ridion:- • iousiy -.1,04r,.,ilri comparison min., -Store. A11441111 aetlit.erloork°41up, .°filled*: 'With."attWen-r-iss;°: ifrices,, but buyer's. „were • absent., There tion, but Father, would say "Amin" and .4\s: *as the same story at the -St, Lawrence noisily, strain another--sancer"Oftelr. ew- .._...- _ . . through his moustache. " -• .5.. ' T '; -11aarket 111 ite--.°6d8-*---V6t;:e. .11fere -Would be-n7"dead-Pali.Se--fillecd- -1Y . ' 1 • a II i frd . UM; 410 W. 00= AVpurazs NORTH 074111T, V,14,01; , -.g_athering or ladies Win ,attetulaflee thw'Orki,t *00.4:0 .0A.* , year of , the -W•44'.„8;;. Or '11Orth' street' • . 'United church, held in the 0.144r041),4.r, on Tuesdayetternoon.;TanuarSt Oth.. The retiriug, PreSklent, litTs(,.. 4. 07 .IXoward,-;opeued- the meeting with the reading of a, New Xear's 'hymn, widek W444,9:110wed by.the singing of another :h.Vaa-and prayer- tqP.' Mrs., 'Toward, who., presided-- over the huSiness'„petio0;„. , The ,hienthlY reports were read and sAdOPied,s Mrs, HoWskrd. ,spoke er,, the. great- 1004 Me' Society-hta Sustained. during t),*. past $4r the.:paSsinii three -valued .-membexp;. the person Mrs- (Rev.) -Clarke; Who , beloved PreSident, ,and IglariStien fiteWardahip Worker ,1%Tirs;, Wallis,. 'Aar yearsTwvareinaunitz maces a *kith& Beatty Windmills and 0 foot Raker Nadi -2010 4)11"Bath •DPump 4roAiks poitoE P ALso olknatgrurea coming year was ,CondUet4d.,,,by Rev,,' 0, ,NV.' Cope in, ImpreSsive eeren1PAY., .11,11sa.:Minnie Campbell,. the new presi- dent for ,1948, then ,toolc the chair ii.Wd .presided Over' the devotional periOr: Acripture lesson I.;'as read by NT$; John, meTavislir lovely poeM ableil for the beginning of the year wad - read Mts., 'Howard. Riibertson, fol- lowing Which ,TIVItat.,:' 0, g..-Itobertsoli. • Offered „prayer. ,Instructive and_ chaliengIaddre'ss was given by Rev._ Mr. Cope11,07 deplored the- fact that. the, cause of missions and. missionary, -WorkerS had doellned during the , war. years - and* pointed' out ari TraeAthlY4-cvere-reported- br-the twienc- nrceSSItY :ef intilding—themff ratura secretary. up again also spoke.of the,coming flAs' WorthY; secretary of C.G.LT. great need for churches, and MisslonaTY above thetr, par Voila% tra r0 with Estado a$ viirtouLkinde to aro re- ported to be aPProehlet the holders of 004 Paminions securities, with the ,suggestiou .020 they had better get reported a membership of _teen. • A donation of,.,$1d.'-waS , sent girls'7-Work , in India ; the is' Work Board; to Chinese re-, , as well as the gift of'a, Bibleand ranary, to *Miss. Agnes *MaJonald at. Sash,„ Indian:a/fission. The s; Who. are eager and twilling' . •vvorkers. in the:great Northwest among the immigrants who are coming in and settling in, our ClcAtutry, salk,f-We 'cannot, let this •part of our, country -grow' intp„.a pagan The -meeting' was cpncluded with prayer by l‘fr.,, co X/1,0TORY BONDS ARE. ITDRTII lel functions 'held •the church well as ,:assisting in' .the , nursery, SS. : - • he Mission ,Band,. which„has recent- • tIera atfrijug_ okie-gq-,Tno-.,tneye-Were- with the so'ultd27DtIthe collie turning- sollaigt°1-04,1,41-Vrrorseu, Jsy_spep..bryi isr:IX;r: 14elir takers; 25k3i.unorganized -buyers' ever ,gu,itlie front verandah: ,ahd the Elwood Mrs Carman Stevens and Miss 06-ehitAgingear-a-ats-at.ggag-tlAkee. - hour -mark: ',Then -Mother would -add, 7r-r°1-4741V-17-1-trgr:wnscutriirthitit L 0 ioWlfrlytjt1=5011: 1 . .61CaY-,-, texgpopkry- -..-,--_,..k,,:- - -- , . - of the Explorerei,Groureparta. aa. -lti a, easturrisore•ot way ' "i5ixe--4vants.... ,. _ „ Father . epilAsiastic ett-aidence-Of4ortY ',Child: ., OffCet. 01,e.47i: resolutely .led ari,d , vigor-- Us 4 Co?. r-come.--.4V6r-.'tbroorrow„,. ..--Ouslrlitirsned, „..• ..• .',.,:-. :. . . ' , ' --; this„.thne .WOUld , sort- IT drone , _ . • , . • f-,,: eli;:....ren_...at the: mith.ve`elE.,-rdeetings: N1,1's ' Thorneioe also etniaiictS a . &Imlay Mother,. encourage by'this; .Would.' LIVidently. few . of the 'city,- dwellers and .. . ,,„„,--.3i morning session: ,. ,... , - 1, "U' ie will b home t atop tO Ogute..eet just what has 'placed 84-,,' , Ill„ i' e • amm--- " • 14.1..s., CantelOn, superintendent .oftlie . HIrl ph, ' came father's reply Mrs - had at the beginning of --them- 4:Ilia, situation... In . w, hiCh. they 'lever 'could - stand thq...huahagd 003'abY'''Pralid; . ,.-.. , - trtot.. ye;:rounzitneeenty:osa. ivrtneaen1 wemerbeer.psroomni;tthede, - gind-theniSelves.. Ifiii;. years there has hers." :. . . , .i., --Tbeen- !",'. A.-7.cirift...froin tli. rural ,clititriels . *ether, quick to Seize any sAlvant: ',. n the,,,111s4lon Band. She now has ege„, would Sdpply;. quick as a. flash,- -..',•.9'.. is to be -ha , The -fa-lining population pensive sort Of wilY ' hortiO ;0#$ :t114e," and,. in . a ainrriety-f!ve members. . , • , • „.. , • , --1: "1 would add, . The installation Of Officers for -the . . • .,.,,„...„, -.........4..."7- to the • 0:_ti7..*here.,,,,the-Abi :g4:910oney" - . . lie isn't (Toroat4. .4tar). .. • , 8trice. the GrovernMerit. geaipd sn137. Pe.rting-,:Victery^bOndS;(at 4% per, cent." • . . • • . '•-••••1... • • itorot-14.-!Jpgiot,144 tter. 4 But there is ;loth*, hotter for the: 'ordinary 047404'14 InveSt-44,1,-. nothing surer otProvidizoc, a "good Tate of inter-, est -40c1 full. value at The resources (1-t ,all Canada are. baelc of these beMlse All that 'has haOpeuedIs - that • the "Governilient 1.414. ceased sp- portlng , `them ,44 fkrtiftglitt The:, bought ,c100,. TheY AP! still above AM- • Pie Will be redeem.. able ,,nt; 1:0(k-.44,4:1 le; the Meantime -the Intereetelicerta,b4,,, NO -holder of Domluldh'boads should. let slick ,salestn,eu ,speculktiVe seem-, xiersooe him to part..withAa. 'tehity' ex4..-4347, .4,4)-tmeerpallity. :unless: he IS able' to -stAnd the possible :loss a his When ap. the' bond owner s shOtild 0027 atilt his hanker. If he requireki money the banher Make•hiM thezrpotninionzi,hoticlik-us.--seenrity,'„ And -also, no ,deUbt,wilti,"Advise him against any transparently liSky 'stock In Which; lie 44 being asked • to, • 401,3;11f6POU:GALL'ADDIVZSUS" '•VrOTORTA ST, -Y. P, The regular ..weekly meeting of ,,the Yining,,,:recipleiTL.:Union..„ of Victoria . , street '11.filited . church Was, held on Monday 'eeVning, with an., attendance of irfk: Turner. initiated.' a series of Bible sends; periods, leading 'tlieyoung people in a discussion,Of the. first Psalm. The thighlighp_of ,:the evening was an address by Mcpou,ga-11- on, t9ilusic.. Of , Wherein many. interesting, Scripture passages were ,read. 'pertaining the music of Bibridal days: Mts. 41 - Dougall concluded her -address by ,lead- ing the yoiing.laeople, intheSingfhg. of the hyma.'.'Praise, MY Soul, the King Of Heaven," *high' wassung; at Princess thas-rdeoreased_..And.„-;therp ,nre _fewer haven't seen Millie for, •over a" year people-tti7grow, ,foodstuffs for the creased „ city -population. Add: to tls the4act that there was a •partial crop tallureiest year, and the further facts -that,a. considerableVortion of.;.,04,12:arda's., farm,: preduction.:1S.gtor6 'help feed . • • people • Of ,.4r4taul, and that PcI1.,. sleep, because yo the recent hgreement with the British "-iiver to Granclmo Government higher prices are now.. Usually lay aWak ' being paid :for fOodstuffs _going/ over- . be " un taxiz-th. seifialid. you haVe .a-conpination'•of as Fatber-htrted cireunistOces' That could result only • Everything se . in Eicarcity,,And higher -prices. „, That Was th • There is ar•chirnpontlie 68v-ernment 'kicked the A i�N. R LOW MITALI.t- mllk - •Nothing-- 'More *as saith, about it, -h but we eard voices after we went • to bed' -and. knew that Mother was:P 'er- suading ,against his cleat! rooted hatteeofhilluirthb4erdresSed-' up. Wheirtshet-came-up-tit,tuck-us414 she would say, "Better ',get a goad,, father is taking' us egLtonlorroNt,:.".. head a the house ,to re -impose Price ceilings,' This is ,S.eetctOd to th practically - impossible, except perbaps a pan--Ofqiiiik--in- • .in -partiaL-,and .temporary :measure. calves always see gettOu1ci9 ligerent terkshir kuirt up to 'enforce price control., •uprooting - the c r.rne, government'was—, orelfaid and chas too .precipitate in dissolving tiais-orgai= tirdeath -t--- issation-and-abandoning_prie-&„controi. squeezing Father -13.1 •-• it yielded; teci- Tee:im,y to polltical Pres, . stare and t° the-niglng of. hig-husishiess. generally 'mina- rfoirthit -0 manit ationt, .no hia way.His Par , • hy don't yew o agairirvvould-infOive--huge..expense, even -61r, . .4 . na u If 'it -were. at • all Possible. And when, on packing a fe loTiger e`jistenee,=ianirto asSeMbielt --bitek the 'tea 4,Nv *yeit:1' or two hence, contra shbuid.be rgerveS, and Fat abandoned, there would be a ,felicellSOstlust -When' it seem ,seti• etifienUn,,,some,meatEsure .01 fl..e pre:, could happen, is lei444ituation. , the road. about a . • This ,•lei 'no wle taY that nething ,can. gate, and Father half the nightithink. alwaYS managed to next morniag lit.to do the' chores. • ed4 to go wrong. lug the- brindle cow ool away from,the ld.- The cat alviays night for upsetting, e-millt-house --The --, - ed:to 'break out and: . -bel- sped the night in Chen pens in the • g the chickens' half came—AropM1 ' inoIsy•-sort_of , gerte. keep:ord.:of •shOti• as lieWeiit 62 divers up, was, ople come:Oyer . other eahnly went jars of special • tire, rklckd' eniphas . ; • - the. lane. that nothing elle -we travelled Own. ile'troin our front, s beginning to relat •joe.: done. -There'• 1s a oticion .that ‘athincel-arelicvsft.thweocuoind itiortof he fields t ' leak:: brick: Mite , preliteerers, : are ' hOding ba it Supolleti • ` - , - - i b , , ', . - • k enough there w . he br wn. mare 0 ---..." - andir this:A:101d prove to be . the, -tolt . ; ., loping along in a happy g . ease the boieiliaiiiiiiitAt *ask Iiiiiiiii: -reeky, sort of Way. , ' ... ;plea for authority: to Seize Such 1311P- .,,,,,What happened the is better not_ ; * • — ' ----• and.Pli---J u ---- thth -- market. On --mtold ,. .'..'$Uffice, it.i. to say- that aft& •the colt vvatif'putici-the Stable, it tooW vi", pt e, 7e - This 'eould.,:rendily..he done under. an ii ' Ye miles..,' ot dvlother's, art Of.Matrih.....g . :,auteeratie government, *Vibethi•.....a; ' ChOersation to , Mae • Father relax his democratic .'•',Parliannent ' Would. grad -thee . arid "iiiiit . ,toriplAiaing- ,abont ', tile. ' ... ° .etteh powers to .the executive ig iingOn, : : ,. L. , ... , . , .. „ . .. "matter, If the' -cOnsiltnere*'!strike4AS '':'''''-use',0•11,i.: tontinued .',witli • determination • the, ...... ..... , , . , • • , loarderit'gtheri. are hoarders, may ,c. deeitle,41144t,..,:q.,1110.,..part, of 'Wisdonk ., tO.':''''keiViseh:eir---stochs.--before..,they • becorn,e arid for the'nin.rket. ..., ., , '' In i•the naeantime; ' dwelIeq, In the :rural :dittiitta are looking ..On.,:,,,. ' .'• -s,iirielegiee-'±of-&-'n-i'tilfiit'S--"r, - i'l _ , ..,..,..., . Money" , .that L attracte61;17.'4iWiii'' nfrom the soil to the ,o,lepi and Tecterl:,:ef •' 1-the'-'etties. to, tititi prOing, Its 'big'41s it 11301,ico aiiit ,tt,,the;e%per&efiCeS Of this , **Wei should result In ' OeCking the i . • deplorable trek to the centres of. _population the present 'adversity will -..--.---,--,,-,,,-.....-,.. _..._ .., ... .. not bb• an lintalX911 ,e11,1.,, -i, , . ., PIINER GAWPS . L GROUPS ' • ' Telephone slizaheth's wedding,. * ..--On:_be.b.alt.Lor the •YOung -,VniOnl-the president, Miss -beryl.' Castle, , thanked the spdalier fpr. -her . Itine ad ciresS;vwhich trts very interesting and -edueationai. • FIST , . '.• PORTABLE POOL -PROOF - . SOUND SERVICE B. lc .---wruNDA'Y Certified Radio Technician ou CALE whider St4'60derleb, Phone 598 M. Riawlinson reAuburly raske. up- and shall Vairalture, CAPn- -solldated Pool aka It* Maaitoba, Baskatch-,., swanv Albiorta,.11eitisli.. Columbia .suld • CaliforalLyitite, wiliestobeisoffeiroduoid • fraiilit nits& .. • .. 1885. •VIO ilris400011.613 • -4611011141. rimmailm‘i fillUSTIMASE • ' • VERVOUS.."AND. GGENERAL,tikeiLitY• 60c ',AND $1`.7°° _ ',T D R S°11.70-13 c'...-utn,css of the nuich, 1_?plousnes•heartbirtm! headaches; betelting 'or6tkor fettiOriiry distiirbaftees . aie Often: consod, by over-indlrigence. In iuch cies, . ' Biirdoek Blood. Bitters 'Should 'give quick relief: , _ • , ' • ].111:41043k B1450CY BittOr8 is a pure vegetable lOmpound for -minor ~disordefs--eof-Ilar stomach, lvver, and:.b2wels.. It gimulet4 tile action of -the st%ma9_h and digestiv6154ins this i 'proving . digeEitiurVand. ehnunation• , You'll...find Bat.,on sale atdbie. counters -,,everywhere• Atee.ept no substitute. apecify Burdo:kt, elc7dLinu7Bi!d.Trn Bitters rp.2vioiira.o,,, no .: ,_, -i.., , Og of the tri which are Conader , • • regular customers have not recovered ,Sufficientl '-frorri the *ot to pay, • . . • . . , -.. kl,thi normal way, for all the goods they,W4ed,:clespite-.0xtensive help their goods .tct balance ,occounts—or ,to pa* us in, the 'kind of mOney frorn -this and. other countries c Nor are .they abl to seed 'us -enoticilv of - :-. .., , , . . ,- which we, in Canada, can Use to • buygoods...in other countries: .,,,,4 . Al- ,thesame time,: Canada , has been -.bUying...,More. 004 than ever- •- • before --from -the United 4t9tes. and 'other.:countries••demariding. U.S. da,lar -.GI hiiisc:beccniseLttise--goaclvwere-not-abfilinablerelsewhere,arid---77, because of demand pent-up during_the wcir::-. ' . . - - ' ' ' — • .. , . . . Buying fiom:the Unite&States, or U.S. dollar areas must,' therefore;be reduced until our tradth,g again bar:antes normal.. '•Tomeet-thicemergency.;purshosevfljaoritanci seryketomxpinditure's for, - travel, Vihkh Must be paidlot With U.S. dollari, arii now subject kr control. IF -If Olf:AttE_AN.- OFCONSUMER 000DS.,ufl&y,ish .,to find , Out what • goods , are In prohibited, (?) subject • ,eitiota,or• (3). unaffected by • 'controls,. 'See or iiitte'yOuk‘ nearest CO1100Oe,Of....Gisranis-and•.E):$,C46. " • IF YOU .W11,04',0 lAftPaitr-biiaDS-SENIJECT .eViiiiiiiii:litiervioto-Oherization.liernipint, or heiecCiftectol,-10for,tnatIon, • "siaft .iiiiur.'„nearest;'ColleCtor' 'Of Cuitorns and .Ex4isii...4uOta application 'form* and initrUCtions,:`for-ctiMPletiisg thenii, are ,,Jebijable at 011-Customi Office's, these opOicatiOns Must be filed With the ,CalieCtor, Of Customs' and IF YOU Wissi .000 RA4ApiciN ON THE AMOUNT. OF YOUR QUOTA, After your applicatlon bus been flled with your CatileCibr: of Customs and 'Exeise, all carrespOnatrce about the establishment 'of1,rillOtai caOksbf 0)cinii•;. , -tional„,".hardshIP ,Prohilittians ,dirlictitd--.40.'E;cnortitint*. 71&PoriT.00tiel DvWon, Pepailfnept,,:ef 'fleuriCer410'Suisei Street, Ottawa. qootas'age:lisuid;an a quartirly'hesi and anY', 00444c1 Ptl,rtiOra bo 5.0.011•0 43y,orlot,o the following•,quarter:, • • .A thudget binfoa 'dot. _zu6p..44,goi $000 Got» has_hee'UL'_,Pizet, *Med to- the titilt_ed.t-itteg.coligrpsg; Ana it IS .Witniti• thnernOtY ef. tannt 0010 lilting _that it -previous- Contres0 Styled' °the billion.. dollar .0Ongte8e.° ..s,-yssiog Ite , ,aew , ittietuf rtedqieto,' New,. greeettlek; lave, 4*o.o,it" an often of Ilettingbrook7 'to- . -4 ilearditlhOi sofa *Wein: tee *Wk. „ ,,, 8t411 ariVO0.0 to tkrontott,,-,We 1010.VA toWn to, It a ,toittibutlon. tott..4. rflo 'AA octin 'Won1it:14cordie1y .i4toonleti , **4 11,n6titiOnti 1014461, ° 1 -x -rt 0 5'0'111e -if . •ue.13 of ?woo she's at lier poist. IA count on -her stoa dites prika of .4 With switcaloirkbuitior beeabge','Ot -the *any Mere telephones hers fs still "The „Sprit -of vitee1"4:1Viore- - aro being added and more' operators trained AO that you..may Continue to '.1111Vt th beSt telephone serOce ft -E 1.$ I. „Ai -6,N t' Ola • (A,NAtta r rf,a, lutomatic eatersia. Thei ";require no op.ecial 'Cliet—and will burn an YPo of hs,r,4 or soft qoal,.coke 0r- briqtf6ttesi4 with,equ satisfa,dion. " , ItElfgli,ARE.,,A1011APORTER,OP PRODUCTION MRTS,liTitIOCTIMAILSTEfL,. .stione,.mathinery,or other capltal 900ds or automobiles, and wtshlo know -the -- Import tostriptions in these.claisifications, write or see Emergency Import, cooteN4 , Division "p,dodste.:i DepartmentReconitOictiatv OM" -Supply, 30. Wellington $ttetic.'Otta4ia., '• - * IF YOU INTEND 71'9',..•TRAVIEL' OUTSIDE CANADA and • wish'.to4now about' „ foreign exchange' available for this pUrpoie,..r;onsult, anbank or the Forelgn Exchange Control Beard ..:at Otta4ia,,Montival,sVancouver,. . you With •information CirhaUrpersonal purchases'ofi goods Onina Ravel '7 .outside Candda,,.donspit the neOtOtic011OctarOf custorns *id 'Excise before - . YOU ,:iiitAitistir,whii- iiitotiiiotiort about eXcitta, tcr" s. r AbOtit.tho:110, of. goo4w,140.. apply, 1101MitilVitt0Voiraf qatAlitre.41.4" -41F YOU 'NEED 011#11: SOUIACES OF INAPOItti.onsuItthe Foreign Ttadd • •Service, Department of Trade and Commerce Ilmpart Division), Ottawa, regard- ing your -supply &Wenn arising from import quota •restrktiotts• Through rthe:', Trade Commissioner -SeNice, the .Iniporf Division Is ,endeaVOU'rino to ititrectsed Supplies from the United kingdom and other "non-scheduled"'countries, YOU ARE A *itiOU$E$IIFIE and wish information on avallaWe' alternate , foods -Whith:310*.carnpasgble . itutritionatY04.04 ta:1110$0, now prohibited or - subject to oubtcl, informational Material -which,- hai,. been ',pier:oared by Ow. Nutrition Division of the Dopadmentdor National Health and. Welfare may b. • secured your Provincial Health Department oe-Tocal health lot wiLum MOENI HEAT411, and iia'cre*OlioY by *tying' 03.4 .1.0'W'Ci 'priced tr$140“.00 co • •,itisc :odteinistration.,, of, Wiese- emergency-Iniport responsibility of :various 'departments of 'the .G. ovornmenk Yh• yith fbe new import egolntrh:". o aid dwillthn InTinut complying11 venhace,in 'their basinase.anci personal affairs,