HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-15, Page 24:1611NtrV14 11434411100'1VEIBICIA---
_ .r0110,hed bY 131044:_atan UMW
.ittitelPvaulrde----trad -Great sritain, year,
to ; atitte$04:-: i4t04--
, •
101.4 ittitt),0 on Vegaeat. • Aotbortze4 aa fieconoWitss malt. Pot cos
oglp.artment#. ttaws,. ,Telepiox4e..7x
wmber o cloadutn: weeira,r,. KVATatiers., okim?0,40,911
6*Pt. 2PQ ,
• 46)41=14(0
eatitird ..apta,•!4rooli.:47. ,thp,'e,..46,,,,tttiiii,:!,
L._ . A..,„,„...,,..„ kit iii, 6At.g7. , 11 V 4artit 7.1,i. Vazik
• •ato7;16:sget4P01: : : ,..07;70111:47 l' li:707-07: ' "E k " '1347TO' 9, .,i),.1!. , BE" .,,,•*: ., ship s,ec.rktart --and,a 04#11Sul visitor
cq--,-:-..-4-4.4elerP- ;Pfk .494'1 ',aPpreehlte-411w: toTsiokti(111.4.,.14411-grh 404/4?al
to yaii.pna,trnattr.a, but 'nobody; Aeon% 13,9NY "InUOi 0 (3: P a 8S4ig . 14 W
' the ' /s :and home,0r
to be quite', ',Certain, Whether 'kb, , is ,he liai.iii7ought theta in eoTrventenee,‘Orpe, , faithful..,, 404, nary an teMperance;
, Lor ' instance' the sim,...ple' :process oV- • .... " 'fill 1 4" , h, said, "-
• p,,riciug, ',houses,: : tile c.. butcherst the- '‘a,ing away. ,To440,-..-te,s, 4, gi4ttei of - a challenge' tOo. us all, to do our hest
• , arinzirf3!,the, )0490410 dealers In yeo.., forgetting about the work there Is' to n'illief; WeltliteleretphoeitOsperrtlein:40e1.* in
•,, tabies, t,!ie retailers -or .the vegetahle„,, be done, and .1find thatVite easy to .;'-uP
_ .• ,.. . do, and then Stepping into the 'Car and twmiti,..iit,thRagnoeidvtiozrt‘feiiiaiilte.sat,,, acyoe:.1.ers',4§:70etityL .
• gtoyver.s. uPon.. whom responsibility for, tipping -along to -where, yell h41).),..5:t,O„' l'i ci;d during
. the sithation,.shohld .,,b', placed, An be. geh}g.'- -7-- • .- , . ,1„.., , ..., , • - _
are agreed that the GoveMuleat Should was,
But take brkothiller'ilt-liel4n1,14:43;07hcieuniiei' ?i,!tYPanisetmlettr"4"
. *Ids ivh*en. it -4 a ciaeation. of .. just Mother s PlaCe. It WAS only. .a .m, atter 1Y-aP sent_
•Of OW' miles . 14tz, in those, d P i isue nbr, , ye stiti xe r 1,401 .7terre a .fund.nt re
' -`;44. something about it but agideniehl -seme ti,l.m7eYe on the trip:oy,er to :qra, nd- 1.1_6_7 ebtertt:--The-altOe.atron Of ,150
. : , • that • was considered . quite : a „ diStages. Taretplo -rStcelectummt:or .)noluii : thme.., uundrseedcrecaairlys
what the qpverAnient:shoiiid or could
do.' '
, _ • She watched for tbe. Millman each Ii been made- on sick and shut-insz•
4.;ivA:40.6:ora ttdho..4t- ,o.co:ciai:netqsroctflrles(soldeito ttittY: idda034_,a!tudo._tthhee„il'ia.ne114,viiityiteptellfut 'came. Thirty;Sereti subscribers- to. the Mit.
• :&triviragautvrw• ,s for vegettoio 'to content of the letter, COPaing
house,: the letter •
was slipped into the 14,6
•-.' ether . toods'-a;e...'. complaints. ;4frent apion pocketA . - .' t f - ."
. :trewerfil that, when they . take their suasion.was ablelta make her tell what wici`rh
. 0pda to . the, ciii, marketS, there are was in. it., ' ,.•.- . _. ' " ,... '.e -g--
•• ,I. • ' At ' supller time she,- .v,iTuld hand
few buyers; and'they have to take their father all the, gaps first, and urge him '.,91r,.
.goods hotte Again; At 'Handl* Cab- to taxe, a,,, little more be ttii. and a tr.
_ . ,
bate, sqnasi..130t4toeq,' celery; *liaTaniPai little more, of that, and, as he ladled:
-eggsi-Tlibultry:,...,;ete;.,,yieretor sale on 4 seconsr-riamieful,, of hisfavorite''glrai
esser ,--s 0-:-- _ ..: ti '_.._.S
-the. farmers •niiiiket .. at priees ridion:-
• iousiy -.1,04r,.,ilri comparison min., -Store. A11441111 aetlit.erloork°41up, .°filled*: 'With."attWen-r-iss;°:
ifrices,, but buyer's. „were • absent., There tion, but Father, would say "Amin" and .4\s:
*as the same story at the -St, Lawrence noisily, strain another--sancer"Oftelr. ew-
.._...- _ . . through his moustache. " -• .5.. ' T
'; -11aarket 111 ite--.°6d8-*---V6t;:e. .11fere -Would be-n7"dead-Pali.Se--fillecd- -1Y . ' 1 • a II i frd .
UM; 410 W. 00= AVpurazs
NORTH 074111T, V,14,01;
, -.g_athering or ladies Win
,attetulaflee thw'Orki,t *00.4:0 .0A.*
year of , the -W•44'.„8;;. Or '11Orth' street'
• .
'United church, held in the 0.144r041),4.r,
on Tuesdayetternoon.;TanuarSt Oth..
The retiriug, PreSklent, litTs(,.. 4. 07
.IXoward,-;opeued- the meeting with the
reading of a, New Xear's 'hymn, widek
W444,9:110wed by.the singing of another
:h.Vaa-and prayer- tqP.' Mrs., 'Toward, who.,
presided-- over the huSiness'„petio0;„. ,
The ,hienthlY reports were read and
sAdOPied,s Mrs, HoWskrd. ,spoke er,, the.
great- 1004 Me' Society-hta Sustained.
during t),*. past $4r the.:paSsinii
three -valued .-membexp;. the
person Mrs- (Rev.) -Clarke; Who
, beloved PreSident, ,and
IglariStien fiteWardahip Worker ,1%Tirs;,
Wallis,. 'Aar yearsTwvareinaunitz
a *kith&
and 0 foot
Raker Nadi -2010 4)11"Bath
•DPump 4roAiks
poitoE P
ALso olknatgrurea
coming year was ,CondUet4d.,,,by Rev,,' 0,
,NV.' Cope in, ImpreSsive eeren1PAY.,
.11,11sa.:Minnie Campbell,. the new presi-
dent for ,1948, then ,toolc the chair ii.Wd
.presided Over' the devotional periOr:
Acripture lesson I.;'as read by NT$;
John, meTavislir lovely poeM
ableil for the beginning of the year wad -
read Mts., 'Howard. Riibertson, fol-
lowing Which ,TIVItat.,:' 0, g..-Itobertsoli.
• Offered „prayer. ,Instructive and_
chaliengIaddre'ss was given by Rev._
Mr. Cope11,07 deplored the- fact that.
the, cause of missions and. missionary,
-WorkerS had doellned during the ,
war. years - and* pointed' out ari
TraeAthlY4-cvere-reported- br-the twienc- nrceSSItY :ef intilding—themff
ratura secretary. up again also spoke.of the,coming
flAs' WorthY; secretary of C.G.LT. great need for churches, and MisslonaTY
above thetr, par Voila% tra r0 with
Estado a$ viirtouLkinde to aro re-
ported to be aPProehlet the holders
of 004 Paminions securities, with the
,suggestiou .020 they had better get
reported a membership of
_teen. • A donation of,.,$1d.'-waS , sent
girls'7-Work , in India ; the
is' Work Board; to Chinese re-,
, as well as the gift of'a, Bibleand
ranary, to *Miss. Agnes *MaJonald at.
Sash,„ Indian:a/fission. The
s; Who. are eager and twilling' .
•vvorkers. in the:great Northwest among
the immigrants who are coming in and
settling in, our ClcAtutry, salk,f-We
'cannot, let this •part of our, country
-grow' intp„.a pagan The
-meeting' was cpncluded with prayer by
l‘fr.,, co
lel functions 'held •the church
well as ,:assisting in' .the , nursery,
SS. : - •
he Mission ,Band,. which„has recent-
• tIera atfrijug_ okie-gq-,Tno-.,tneye-Were- with the so'ultd27DtIthe collie turning- sollaigt°1-04,1,41-Vrrorseu, Jsy_spep..bryi isr:IX;r:
14elir takers; 25k3i.unorganized -buyers' ever ,gu,itlie front verandah: ,ahd the
Elwood Mrs Carman Stevens and Miss
- hour -mark: ',Then -Mother would -add, 7r-r°1-4741V-17-1-trgr:wnscutriirthitit
L 0
ioWlfrlytjt1=5011: 1 . .61CaY-,-, texgpopkry- -..-,--_,..k,,:- - -- , . - of the Explorerei,Groureparta. aa.
-lti a, easturrisore•ot way ' "i5ixe--4vants....
,. _ „ Father . epilAsiastic ett-aidence-Of4ortY ',Child:
., OffCet. 01,e.47i: resolutely .led ari,d , vigor-- Us 4 Co?. r-come.--.4V6r-.'tbroorrow„,.
..--Ouslrlitirsned, „..• ..• .',.,:-. :. . . ' , ' --; this„.thne .WOUld , sort- IT drone ,
_ . • , . • f-,,: eli;:....ren_...at the: mith.ve`elE.,-rdeetings: N1,1's '
Thorneioe also etniaiictS a . &Imlay
Mother,. encourage by'this; .Would.'
LIVidently. few . of the 'city,- dwellers and
.. . ,,„„,--.3i morning session:
,. ,... , - 1, "U' ie will b home t
atop tO Ogute..eet just what has 'placed 84-,,' , Ill„ i' e • amm--- " • 14.1..s., CantelOn, superintendent .oftlie
. HIrl ph, ' came father's reply Mrs -
had at the beginning of
--them- 4:Ilia, situation... In . w, hiCh. they 'lever 'could - stand thq...huahagd 003'abY'''Pralid;
. ,.-.. , - trtot.. ye;:rounzitneeenty:osa.
- gind-theniSelves.. Ifiii;. years there has hers." :. . . , .i.,
--Tbeen- !",'. A.-7.cirift...froin tli. rural ,clititriels . *ether, quick to Seize any sAlvant: ',. n
the,,,111s4lon Band. She now has
ege„, would Sdpply;. quick as a. flash,- -..',•.9'..
is to be -ha , The -fa-lining population pensive sort Of wilY '
hortiO ;0#$ :t114e," and,. in . a ainrriety-f!ve members. . , • , • „..
, • , --1:
would add, .
The installation Of Officers for -the . .
• .,.,,„...„,
to the • 0:_ti7..*here.,,,,the-Abi
- . . lie isn't
(Toroat4. .4tar).
.. •
, 8trice. the GrovernMerit. geaipd sn137.
Pe.rting-,:Victery^bOndS;(at 4% per, cent."
• . . • • . '•-••••1... •
tter. 4
But there is ;loth*, hotter for the:
'ordinary 047404'14 InveSt-44,1,-. nothing
surer otProvidizoc, a "good Tate of inter-,
est -40c1 full. value at The
resources (1-t ,all Canada are. baelc of
these beMlse All that 'has haOpeuedIs
that • the "Governilient 1.414.
ceased sp-
portlng , `them ,44 fkrtiftglitt
The:, bought ,c100,. TheY AP!
still above AM- • Pie Will be redeem..
able ,,nt; 1:0(k-.44,4:1 le; the Meantime -the
NO -holder of Domluldh'boads should.
let slick ,salestn,eu ,speculktiVe seem-,
xiersooe him to part..withAa.
'tehity' ex4..-4347, .4,4)-tmeerpallity. :unless:
he IS able' to -stAnd the possible :loss
a his When ap.
the' bond owner s shOtild 0027
atilt his hanker. If he requireki money
the banher Make•hiM
thezrpotninionzi,hoticlik-us.--seenrity,'„ And
-also, no ,deUbt,wilti,"Advise him against
any transparently liSky 'stock In Which;
lie 44 being asked • to,
The regular ..weekly meeting of ,,the
Yining,,,:recipleiTL.:Union..„ of Victoria
. ,
street '11.filited . church Was, held on
Monday 'eeVning, with an., attendance
of irfk: Turner. initiated.'
a series of Bible sends; periods, leading
'tlieyoung people in a discussion,Of the.
first Psalm. The thighlighp_of ,:the
evening was an address by
Mcpou,ga-11- on, t9ilusic.. Of ,
Wherein many. interesting, Scripture
passages were ,read. 'pertaining the
music of Bibridal days: Mts. 41 -
Dougall concluded her -address by ,lead-
ing the yoiing.laeople, intheSingfhg. of
the hyma.'.'Praise, MY Soul, the King Of
Heaven," *high' wassung; at Princess
thas-rdeoreased_..And.„-;therp ,nre _fewer haven't seen Millie for, •over a" year
people-tti7grow, ,foodstuffs for the
creased „ city -population. Add: to tls
the4act that there was a •partial crop
tallureiest year, and the further facts
-that,a. considerableVortion of.;.,04,12:arda's.,
farm,: preduction.:1S.gtor6 'help feed
. • •
people • Of ,.4r4taul, and that PcI1.,. sleep, because yo
the recent hgreement with the British "-iiver to Granclmo
Government higher prices are now.. Usually lay aWak
' being paid :for fOodstuffs _going/ over-
. be " un taxiz-th.
seifialid. you haVe .a-conpination'•of as Fatber-htrted
cireunistOces' That could result only • Everything se
. in Eicarcity,,And higher -prices. „, That Was th
• There is ar•chirnpontlie 68v-ernment 'kicked the
- •Nothing-- 'More *as saith, about it,
but we eard voices after we went •
to bed' -and. knew that Mother was:P
suading ,against his cleat!
rooted hatteeofhilluirthb4erdresSed-'
up. Wheirtshet-came-up-tit,tuck-us414
she would say, "Better ',get a goad,,
father is taking' us
head a the house
,to re -impose Price ceilings,' This is
,S.eetctOd to th
practically - impossible, except perbaps a pan--Ofqiiiik--in-
• .in -partiaL-,and .temporary :measure. calves always see
ligerent terkshir
kuirt up to 'enforce price control.,
•uprooting - the c
r.rne, government'was—, orelfaid and chas
too .precipitate in dissolving tiais-orgai= tirdeath -t---
issation-and-abandoning_prie-&„controi. squeezing Father
•-• it yielded; teci- Tee:im,y to polltical Pres,
. stare and t° the-niglng of. hig-husishiess. generally 'mina-
rfoirthit -0 manit ationt, .no hia way.His Par
, • hy don't yew
agairirvvould-infOive--huge..expense, even -61r, . .4 . na u
If 'it -were. at • all Possible. And when, on packing a fe
loTiger e`jistenee,=ianirto asSeMbielt --bitek the 'tea
*yeit:1' or two hence, contra shbuid.be rgerveS, and Fat
abandoned, there would be a ,felicellSOstlust
-When' it seem
,seti• etifienUn,,,some,meatEsure .01 fl..e pre:, could happen, is
lei444ituation. , the road. about a
. •
This ,•lei 'no wle taY that nething ,can. gate, and Father
half the nightithink.
alwaYS managed to
next morniag
lit.to do the' chores. •
ed4 to go wrong.
lug the- brindle cow
ool away from,the
ld.- The cat alviays
night for upsetting,
e-millt-house --The --, -
ed:to 'break out and: .
sped the night in
Chen pens in the •
g the chickens' half
came—AropM1 '
inoIsy•-sort_of ,
gerte. keep:ord.:of
•shOti• as lieWeiit
62 divers up, was,
ople come:Oyer .
other eahnly went
jars of special • tire,
eniphas . ; •
- the. lane.
that nothing elle
-we travelled Own.
ile'troin our front,
s beginning to relat
•joe.: done. -There'• 1s a oticion .that ‘athincel-arelicvsft.thweocuoind itiortof he fields
t '
leak:: brick: Mite ,
preliteerers, : are ' hOding ba it Supolleti • ` - , - - i b , ,
', . - • k enough there w . he br wn. mare 0
---..." - andir this:A:101d prove to be . the, -tolt . ; ., loping along in a happy g .
ease the boieiliaiiiiiiitAt *ask Iiiiiiiii: -reeky, sort of Way.
, ' ... ;plea for authority: to Seize Such 1311P- .,,,,,What happened the is better not_
; * • — ' ----• and.Pli---J u ---- thth
-- market.
On --mtold ,. .'..'$Uffice, it.i. to say- that aft&
•the colt vvatif'putici-the Stable, it tooW
vi", pt e, 7e -
This 'eould.,:rendily..he done under. an ii '
Ye miles..,' ot dvlother's, art Of.Matrih.....g
. :,auteeratie government, *Vibethi•.....a; ' ChOersation to , Mae • Father relax his
democratic .'•',Parliannent ' Would. grad -thee . arid "iiiiit . ,toriplAiaing- ,abont ', tile. '
... ° .etteh powers to .the executive ig iingOn, : : ,. L. ,
... , . , ..
„ . ..
"matter, If the' -cOnsiltnere*'!strike4AS '':'''''-use',0•11,i.:
tontinued .',witli • determination • the,
...... ..... , , . , •
, loarderit'gtheri. are hoarders, may ,c.
deeitle,41144t,..,:q.,1110.,..part, of 'Wisdonk
., tO.':''''keiViseh:eir---stochs.--before..,they
• becorn,e arid for the'nin.rket.
..., ., ,
'' In i•the naeantime; ' dwelIeq, In the
:rural :dittiitta are looking ..On.,:,,,. ' .'•
-s,iirielegiee-'±of-&-'n-i'tilfiit'S--"r, - i'l _ ,
. Money" , .that L attracte61;17.'4iWiii'' nfrom
the soil to the ,o,lepi and Tecterl:,:ef
•' 1-the'-'etties. to, tititi prOing, Its 'big'41s it
11301,ico aiiit ,tt,,the;e%per&efiCeS Of this
, **Wei should result In ' OeCking the i . •
deplorable trek to the centres of.
_population the present 'adversity will
-..--.---,--,,-,,,-.....-,.. _..._ .., ... ..
not bb• an lintalX911 ,e11,1.,, -i, ,
. .,
' •
' Telephone
slizaheth's wedding,. *
..--On:_be.b.alt.Lor the •YOung
-,VniOnl-the president, Miss -beryl.' Castle,
, thanked the spdalier fpr. -her . Itine ad
ciresS;vwhich trts very interesting and
• FIST , .
B. lc .---wruNDA'Y
Certified Radio Technician
whider St4'60derleb, Phone 598
M. Riawlinson reAuburly raske.
up- and shall Vairalture, CAPn-
-solldated Pool aka It* Maaitoba, Baskatch-,.,
swanv Albiorta,.11eitisli.. Columbia .suld •
CaliforalLyitite, wiliestobeisoffeiroduoid •
fraiilit nits& .. • .. 1885.
•VIO ilris400011.613
• -4611011141. rimmailm‘i fillUSTIMASE
• ' •
VERVOUS.."AND. GGENERAL,tikeiLitY• 60c ',AND $1`.7°°
',T D R S°11.70-13
c'...-utn,css of the nuich, 1_?plousnes•heartbirtm!
headaches; betelting 'or6tkor fettiOriiry distiirbaftees .
aie Often: consod, by over-indlrigence. In iuch cies, .
' Biirdoek Blood. Bitters 'Should 'give quick relief:
, _ • , ' •
].111:41043k B1450CY BittOr8 is a pure vegetable
lOmpound for -minor ~disordefs--eof-Ilar stomach, lvver, and:.b2wels.. It
gimulet4 tile action of -the st%ma9_h and digestiv6154ins this i 'proving .
digeEitiurVand. ehnunation• ,
You'll...find Bat.,on sale atdbie. counters -,,everywhere• Atee.ept no
substitute. apecify Burdo:kt, elc7dLinu7Bi!d.Trn
rp.2vioiira.o,,, no
-i.., ,
Og of the tri which are Conader
, •
regular customers have not recovered ,Sufficientl '-frorri the *ot to pay,
• .
. • . . , -..
kl,thi normal way, for all the goods they,W4ed,:clespite-.0xtensive help
their goods .tct balance ,occounts—or ,to pa* us in, the 'kind of mOney
frorn -this and. other countries c Nor are .they abl to seed 'us -enoticilv of -
:-. ..,
, , . . ,-
which we, in Canada, can Use to • buygoods...in other countries: .,,,,4
. Al- ,thesame time,: Canada , has been -.bUying...,More. 004 than ever- •-
before --from -the United 4t9tes. and 'other.:countries••demariding. U.S.
da,lar -.GI hiiisc:beccniseLttise--goaclvwere-not-abfilinablerelsewhere,arid---77,
because of demand pent-up during_the wcir::-. ' . . - - ' ' ' — •
.. , . . .
Buying fiom:the Unite&States, or U.S. dollar areas must,' therefore;be
reduced until our tradth,g again bar:antes normal..
'•Tomeet-thicemergency.;purshosevfljaoritanci seryketomxpinditure's for, -
travel, Vihkh Must be paidlot With U.S. dollari, arii now subject kr control.
IF -If Olf:AttE_AN.- OFCONSUMER 000DS.,ufl&y,ish .,to find
, Out what • goods , are In prohibited, (?) subject • ,eitiota,or• (3). unaffected by
• 'controls,. 'See or iiitte'yOuk‘ nearest CO1100Oe,Of....Gisranis-and•.E):$,C46. "
• IF YOU .W11,04',0 lAftPaitr-biiaDS-SENIJECT
.eViiiiiiiii:litiervioto-Oherization.liernipint, or heiecCiftectol,-10for,tnatIon,
• "siaft .iiiiur.'„nearest;'ColleCtor' 'Of Cuitorns and .Ex4isii...4uOta application 'form*
and initrUCtions,:`for-ctiMPletiisg thenii, are ,,Jebijable at 011-Customi
Office's, these opOicatiOns Must be filed With the ,CalieCtor, Of Customs' and
After your applicatlon bus been flled with your CatileCibr: of Customs and
'Exeise, all carrespOnatrce about the establishment 'of1,rillOtai caOksbf 0)cinii•;. ,
-tional„,".hardshIP ,Prohilittians ,dirlictitd--.40.'E;cnortitint*.
71&PoriT.00tiel DvWon, Pepailfnept,,:ef 'fleuriCer410'Suisei Street, Ottawa.
qootas'age:lisuid;an a quartirly'hesi and anY', 00444c1 Ptl,rtiOra bo 5.0.011•0
43y,orlot,o the following•,quarter:, • •
.A thudget binfoa 'dot.
_zu6p..44,goi $000 Got» has_hee'UL'_,Pizet,
*Med to- the titilt_ed.t-itteg.coligrpsg;
Ana it IS .Witniti• thnernOtY ef. tannt
0010 lilting _that it -previous- Contres0
Styled' °the billion..
dollar .0Ongte8e.° ..s,-yssiog Ite
,aew ,
ittietuf rtedqieto,' New,.
greeettlek; lave, 4*o.o,it" an often of
Ilettingbrook7 'to-
. -4
ilearditlhOi sofa *Wein: tee *Wk.
„ ,,,
8t411 ariVO0.0 to
tkrontott,,-,We 1010.VA toWn
to, It a ,toittibutlon. tott..4. rflo
'AA octin 'Won1it:14cordie1y .i4toonleti
**4 11,n6titiOnti 1014461, °
1 -x -rt 0 5'0'111e -if .
•ue.13 of ?woo she's at
lier poist. IA count on -her
stoa dites prika of
.4 With switcaloirkbuitior
beeabge','Ot -the
*any Mere telephones hers
fs still "The „Sprit -of
vitee1"4:1Viore- -
aro being added and more'
operators trained AO that
you..may Continue to '.1111Vt
th beSt telephone serOce
ft -E 1.$ I. „Ai -6,N t'
Ola • (A,NAtta
r rf,a,
lutomatic eatersia.
Thei ";require no op.ecial 'Cliet—and will burn an
YPo of hs,r,4 or soft qoal,.coke 0r- briqtf6ttesi4 with,equ
satisfa,dion. " ,
.stione,.mathinery,or other capltal 900ds or automobiles, and wtshlo know -the --
Import tostriptions in these.claisifications, write or see Emergency Import, cooteN4 ,
Division "p,dodste.:i DepartmentReconitOictiatv OM" -Supply, 30.
Wellington $ttetic.'Otta4ia., '• - *
IF YOU INTEND 71'9',..•TRAVIEL' OUTSIDE CANADA and • wish'.to4now about'
foreign exchange' available for this pUrpoie,..r;onsult, anbank or the Forelgn
Exchange Control Beard ..:at Otta4ia,,Montival,sVancouver,.
. you With •information CirhaUrpersonal purchases'ofi goods Onina Ravel '7
.outside Candda,,.donspit the neOtOtic011OctarOf custorns *id 'Excise before
- .
YOU ,:iiitAitistir,whii-
iiitotiiiotiort about eXcitta, tcr" s. r AbOtit.tho:110, of. goo4w,140.. apply,
1101MitilVitt0Voiraf qatAlitre.41.4"
-41F YOU 'NEED 011#11: SOUIACES OF INAPOItti.onsuItthe Foreign Ttadd •
•Service, Department of Trade and Commerce Ilmpart Division), Ottawa, regard-
ing your -supply &Wenn arising from import quota •restrktiotts• Through rthe:',
Trade Commissioner -SeNice, the .Iniporf Division Is ,endeaVOU'rino to
ititrectsed Supplies from the United kingdom and other "non-scheduled"'countries,
YOU ARE A *itiOU$E$IIFIE and wish information on avallaWe' alternate
foods -Whith:310*.carnpasgble . itutritionatY04.04 ta:1110$0, now prohibited or
- subject to oubtcl, informational Material -which,- hai,. been ',pier:oared by Ow.
Nutrition Division of the Dopadmentdor National Health and. Welfare may b.
• secured your Provincial Health Department oe-Tocal health
lot wiLum MOENI HEAT411, and iia'cre*OlioY by
*tying' 03.4 .1.0'W'Ci 'priced
• •,itisc :odteinistration.,, of, Wiese- emergency-Iniport
responsibility of :various 'departments of 'the .G. ovornmenk Yh•
yith fbe new import egolntrh:". o aid dwillthn InTinut complying11
venhace,in 'their basinase.anci personal affairs,