HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-08, Page 6. :o1c ` a rappy. s h• n0Ws--011r,, ro job o1dt : of `iii perfume the Seetikan at the 5 and,i.0 f', E B VN' LEEBT EN, Jan,. 0: ' • Mr: Ebner. Hunter was iuhfeortuuate in fracturing bone. in ha:1eft wrist "'•Miss Eleanor McDougall and lags •-•Evelyn . Bogie,,' of. Ooderieh,-`Speut1-N$w- Year w: th the litter's' ,parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie. :' , -� Mr.. and"•A Mrs, -Elmer Bennett . and Terry, :of Detroit, . ;spent. New Year's with Mr, orad i1lrs, Terence Hunter: Latest reports •of ' Mrs. Thos. Jewell from •'Yiotarla.w,•Hospita..l, Loudon, 'are that she is --doing very nicely after heir operation, By Mane Wall'' , After two week f"_glorious holidays,, , everyone ' cheerfully, (?) '. returned to- tistory 'reneh- Aigebrar English;--etc.,- for the winter- term. ' "Surprises were awaiting many, classes, is some of,,.the e.nination kesultLhad T been :posted. 1 Miss Lewis, girls"-- P.T. = teacher, is feverishly" platting: the dancipg'classeir through their paces, . iu plreparation.. for the "folk dancing" demonstration which. she is conducting for the Dram. atic Club. The public has begin invited ,: also : so don't forget to come to.pe a,uditoriuin.onnWedi esday; Janu- ary ..14^ sig -of: being s Ml Lewis is also hu>txi6d1r-trin i e girls'` basketball Aeanr for their .game this Origuiall;y;7VCTI ia:ad`""dOiclecl` to drop: the = 'iiris" 'term' this year, and :. ..: �,�;�i't�°•be�Eth�yt�rrinli^�e r '• 3 boys' -teams, but » owing;"to 'a;. mix-up, sat' WOSSA •headquarters, airls' team was entered. ' oin the:. league. s This. startling news was' learned just 'a -few days -.before the end. of the fall _tea�a =•"and there we: were, .st team '• with' only tw o orthree practices. Bilt ever since -that, the girls :have really 'been' workinghard-andyou can be sure that -''they will . fight their hardest on. Friday "wiiien 'Clinton C.I. , provides .the„ opposition.. • • The 1948.prOvides rt•schedule:- .Fri°,• 2an__ -9 . Clinton tt Godericb. Fri.:. Jan. 23=Seaforth at �PVingham: Fr Fri.; Jan. 16G oderic of Gorier 'eh. Fri.; Jan. 30-Wingham' at Goderich111- Wed., Wed., Deb.. 4---Goderich at, Seaforth.• m' Wed., Feb: 11-Goderich . at -'"Clinton. , THIS WEEK'Z STANDING IN-7IN TheSignal .Star_< .ob department r•i wDUSTRI Ts- .E UEm -equipped :for all-" •kinds of - printing. • : ' - �r .. �.: -. ` ,. ,,.� .: -, �-�,Ye�ririg' the. haiif- �inark =• xn the Teiep o ,�e_, 71,E when. you need office• . second series•ofthe Goderieh•Industr a1 stationery. or •loth t• printing. , _.. •. _ _' • , , . ' Bowling; •League, teams.:aerie %eg�iYig to 'settle', into their stride - and make-•. their _biads'for play-off spots, In group' ."`Aerco -and C.N.R.. No.. 3 after slow starts are now _ leading their; group. Signal-Sktar `and c radian Legion No. 1 gran . ,B -.._.are • zn a ldiug��igb.�t..thear: leads in the face of -some determiners -challeng s. Surprise team • in group•. "C" is Goderich Elevator, now in' first bl_ace With a,."two-point -lead .over lin penial, Qil No, 1...L.Canadian Legion No. 2 and RMCO. No. 2 continue,"to•. hold the lead.* "g�.ropu -i.`D, ", with three•.teanis .. . y ..ins cloy; ..purauiit,', , eatandin of the fan - groups after Monday'fs games at the Lauman alleys !PG?SM' 4 • A TTI':.CH' :STMAS GREETING Members of : Montreal's R.C.A,F. aux- iliarz, squadrons 401 and'438 -may have been puizled' over zvht: to 'send fellow. ei '1 rita'n. in the wayof Christ" �ra7n ?a B t .� mas-greetings: ;But not for long,. `They bought enougkd'elicio}is sirloin steak to provide me air,dinners for members of aux! s i i �ar° a araros6l and4 n u squadrons 6. y 0ao. Wliat; happened is; .81.19Wn' above, At tipper, left the steak •is - prepared for, shipment in a Mo'ntreal butcher shop.', It ,was sent to London • iiboard Orth Star,'tinder s1 Special arrangePills made . witli Trans -Canada Air ., Line,_.s.tit e .. taken. • A • lower ieft .stn• s ... the e At Lodon airport the.,gift picked 'Iaiun HAtel„Doncaster, :'Yorkshire, , up 'by planes of squadrons016 and ,504. chefs Erie 'Shannon -and Miss W. Marsh • n to the'. Steak i dust what -happened s, s .s t to bk i 'n o � get� c4 , the sirloins., s, wolfs at shown at upper rght. where AC.2;. right AC), gift has reached- the end of_ .. -visor' and" LAC.- Adams : cannot, resist •the trail; with squadron • ' members it' even long ,enough to tia:ve their piq,_ 'stifling the delicious aroma.• ,..- INTNR=CHITROH LEAGUE Last week's gauies in' " the Inter- Gln-ureh-Bowl-lnu:I�eFas:>i saaw at eneral tightening -at -the League standing, with- only six -paints- separa.tiiii the-Tle ding St. -George's No.=1 •tea and°•the f'ourtli 1,e - `,1 i:P,eEe 's'l o. 1.•`"So. close is the' race for :first place: that IT single upset can change ;the iei.itire corpplexion of. the league standink.p, • u Fighting•hard to hold --their slime lead,° St. George's No. 1` were unable , to gpite tuot „thy-, ,determined 'rush of Vit:.. Peter's No. 1_iind' dropped•, five -Of .'seven pintsto t4h_eir-opponent Game s ores for St. -Peter's were" 993, 1069,-102. ,•. total 3087° -For•St ''George's: 953, 860'• 1_47, total 3050. High` bowlers, for St Peter's were.,_doe Baker .with - •610 and Margaret Evans, with 471. • For St.. George:'': :: Lorne Bi aadley ;'with 919nd Alma _avis with 481;;,. _ :.i ; . - With a chance ,to targe over the league leadership i,n--them'--bands --North-Stn No, 2=were unableto,«.take--more khan- Group- }A µ C.N.R.-No. 3 ,...- .- Huron. -Engineering . " Tigers - P:. • Larder'% Decorators ..r ,,,,:.,9- :Im rial Oil No. 2 , 7, Fre ch ,Dry: Cleaners. ' ' ". 4, • DR CO Jolly, Rogers 0 "-,,,.,'''' Group • B : • 4 . Si al -Star• .,, .. ,18 . Ca` aadian'Legion No..1 15 Pu . ty.Engineers .,r.;. 11 C: .R. Noe •1' . ..1,' , ,'I....:.., ..,'„..7'.. DR CO ', Foundry 7 Go erich Motors 5 . La" man Alle s 0", Group -'1C"- Coderich-Elevator-.,n ,,, --t 1.6 Imperial Oil •No 1 ,,;v . 14 • G,NrR,. No. 2• .... ,... ;' 12 .. ' Bankers ,,-....,. ;i ........,,.x....,' : 9' Goderich Salt Packers .....: • ..5 . Liens. Club No 2 -. r, • Kinsmen .i w ...., 3 Group "D"-,-7 .ti Canadian Legion,No. i 12.: - ' ■/ �y ���tJ''C°' •Nam 'i • .i.fiiYiiii 9, Goderich, Salti'achinists ."7 . Purity Shippeis' . .............i 7. G/o�dy�err+ichy..�Organ ...- L,Lon. nb �rlo.'1..r°.... V .tr..•.:j'..s.•.••=.•.•••s•.•••••• •-40 ttiree of°*seven pained from St.-Ge'itrge's who:: continued- their climb lib the league, -standing, and are now • possession otdifth:placed Game. scores for. St. .G.e.' : '.s.-No.,�2 -863,: 113(1, 1093, :total -309 9roi ;N�rth St;._No _2 -1103,, 1127, 1007, total. 3297 . High' lady•.for4 St. 'George's- s- *as ' Marilyn' •Culp.,, With. 508 and . high man•- was Murray Garrick'. with 521. High lgd'y for North' St. was Mrs:. ,C. ;Henderson with 665 and high man was D. . 'osbourg •'with'9 • North St.,No. 1 broke', their long= standing. jinx; by 'taking five= -:of seven paints from Baptist No. I. ' North St„'s cores wereip8Z.868.' 813,"• total 2768. Baptist' game scores were :391, 863, 944,; total: -•--2698.': igh 4udy iuid ' -ire =f -o on lth:47 . 'vo h t.: rt S a de s An r w i and • Stan Snidder• with 485.. 'F'or- the aptist team : , Vera Wilkins with ;380 ands Cliff Hu ill with'464 : . -Knox'No.-1'-alai) . broke 'a'.long-stand;- ling jinx by -defeating St: Peter's No .2r _by fve_,points___to two. Scores for 'Knox 1101,.; 931, 977._.totalr..3Q0D' -`o St Peter's :.:1086,: 972, 932, "'total' 2990: High bowlers _for the -Knox team were `J`une7-Sparks .with 550, and Brent Nel-:: "`son with -501. For St, 'Peter's„: ---Wilmot. Gaylior with- `381 'and Bill 'Baker -with The- League standing after Tuesday's • games :is- as follows : " _ • ` • a,;- TEAM .. . "` POINTS ` ' i : "` - St. Georges No, 1 -35 • • ,Knox No. '2 ..., i. ' a. 34, • • " North St. No. •2kv 32- : g .._St.iPeter's ;No.,1...••. °: s 29., • St.. George's' No. 2 25 • Knox No,', ,,i 24 ! Baptist No. 2 r.. ` ;;s� ;21 - ,,'Baptist No�,,.1 ...... .i.,ia;•.'21 , St:, •Peter's NO /2 ..,- • 16- • orth' St. •No1 .:... .. 15 _- Al games -in' the Inter Ch%rchMLeague' are celled. far"'" ts, week - in ',,Order,..,,;; I that' hey ,.may not • onilict with the' :.1 "Wee .-of -Prayer. -Next:league-games- -- - will •take place on January' 13th. cA Rrow x • _ CARLOW,Tan.:. can._ 5. -,-Mrs. T. Wilson .' and Rose Mart -spent -the -hat. ;yve k "with her "brother, Hilton Amos, at L baa rkhill " : ;