HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-08, Page 3A . 101st /04).4 110. 2 oarless Director lat4taiwo.41.4001mANT— „ !oHox.r, .440,TIRIDGE. -PHAawintE0*A000pNTANT I Photo *ot-rtiffice •848W ..UoUsb. t43J- Godenkleh. ^ Accountant , Clinton; Ontario- -, -----Phone4711J. • • ' Albert 'Street ANNIONINIM iqg:Ixo- volt •No.,' not :the tiaUitntianti,7 T HUR -GO 441 reatio ounc. �r the 'Rockies. A tou0i4 of muff - Addituinal Lines of; Activity , , ,Out. go'•'4;high,,War there is a OPP' ' ,1749w0Pp31,. Meeting *031- 4 tOocte,rie4 A14,411,11,0 and the.10-11074$1, daz Night- N co* uivry ramo, b4ido*It leads overlooking -„ • _ FaREMO ItSDAY, JANUAR ' -111,7111,74,1 ” )4.1% WILLIA,M441WE 'a414),-..INTE:RZSTMO„.HOBBY .fifffeiar.'.-ofOra deatii,.-c•keilrredLfl * •for .Willian' 3. , • 41eXantlra, 9130.P.O.c.010,47.04s.4. hiki* sevout$414h 4014.- at the '.DreOhey. funeral„,home, on, Toxida3.e. 'afternoon;: Rev,. Wesley 'the heal#,Iful, Nraile$' of ' the Maitland. • '• 1NTorth street churelf officiated enthuSfaStic• OPen,meeting -called . t, River..Not,:jUSt'Ono hill, but a nuniber _ ' '•' of line ones fOr tobogganing -us as skiing, and the-oWbet,.,Mr, iver, has given -the,Ciub*piernaission use them. " • , Skiing IS a line tealtItY .SPor those., who have organized this uir are full- of. enthu.siasra. Alre ;a heatei&clubloue.is nerin - om tion and: work bas begun 0i:the-- installing Slit H44- WI. 1444 toOk ..111LICe in the fa,..1.4ilY Piet in*,laigaifd,,, cemetery.. ,,The' by the Goderich,IteereiitiOnal` cOnnetV,` .w10 11014 on:lilertaay.-Wght hi, the Town 001 -with' ,Lawrence Turner presiding, , . :The meeting piked. on record Its al3:- broval of the activities of the Itecre- ltkOal'Oollfleil and, its -commendation Of the work Of the,recreationakidiroctore J. .0: Peters, co-ordinating the -creational- activities of the town, '^ Bev, 1.4; if. Turner -exPIained -that :-..-Thote is, sure ,Ito be a. line turnout the work ofthe council in the physical, a,c.ocriNuria- AND' IBOOKKOWING' to the Clubs meeting Wednesday night '.seefai and religions -life •Of. the oord, .----- - ' - - 'of next week;; at 8 0"elbek, in the Town 1nunity was OnlYfinItiiinfermative stage. AoclOurirti4r.,1qi, 4 BoulimpErixq.„po ii „„..n.n.c__.' chambers,- When there are Many lie Prediet,Pa7 that . it w01114,- Make, a ...1._ . , --toatvicm . , things to be . discussed. This project.. vaillaDie' contribution tO 'the -eerntelln,- /PorSmitll Business -es Stores Ylte,-. iszOmething new -in Goderich and itY, .• The'llecreational*Counell ,he said, . ... ' ' 4994014.g: $7 4210M4 #0,41•11ed;,' ' *Wrested' In having a • good time -0 „ ' bus the right to expect•that4tS Yariblis *.giiiika `Balanced .Mont14 '. "the 'hurt": show. take' their suggeS- . units would see their • way elea.-i,.to '..)-rinancial ' Statements . ' ' thins' to the *Wednesday night meeting, • Making-a:financial contribution to the • • • • • - • •Council from the receipts of any 'fun6. ...• Wage Suminarle,s - _., • - - • . . •':.. . ,tion.' hold, after then -payment , of 'ex- , . , . Bullneria: and ',Verseual Insconies, Tai .' ... '' ' ' Ueturn4 ,' TO ADDRESS LIONS AND rjr4slivox Penses, if anY.'nlitt- should -and itSelt '‘ "- ,k unable to; meet its obligations; sOme 'MAHOUT SHORE]. --.: • -..A 'joint noeting of the niehbers „or ., . . atteinpt wOuld. be Made by the- council " 'Office:Corner Not St. -and square theNGoderich Lions Club and the KinS- 0 -assist it. . Peters, recreational -director, after,sur,-• Vers had been.. ma e were. Traflic , • n 975.• ,•• Indence x,"lion.° 'vr*. men .ClubAs`being held at the British Exchange Hotel On Tharsday evening ▪ „ Special, speakei. for the occasion -Will -be Alex:Sdatisoni.-11.0:,- of 1 s I I ' • . n, barrister and Lather,' • • • • • McKILI-401-1 ity.. on cpenolo . tpPfe n :property insured. • ; . ' .:00.--4-Farm and 'iso- `Tenil 'Re-fairo." . --TheAignttt. --4-usegor„,glinton, BIB,. 51 Vice -President, Ob.ris, ,Leonharilf; • Virzi-UW.1n, -,11,4,..1-4.1 ts.-Job .deoartment,1 Th -co-operation-of-the'4.Liona: -11 - equipped for al-1-17cliinds of _Printlifg,r. Telephone_ if-- when -ryou----need::office st Some -of the.actiyities listed 1)37 Mr; Control lessons; basketball. for girls "And • -,--bOYs;....4,..7.Girl's!„, Truibp-et.." Band; -wrestling; hockey; classes In handl- criffth'; 'morning ancl• afterno*on‘ periods when.little children will be taught to skate by tutors provided by the --council. roug 9 --Club, the hockey teams, will carry Am- .Gifts for ,the nursink-sbiTrifif4renr-- ney bowitngig. aetive. Tennis courts pozeeg. were ,doimteci-as-folloys-:' Plait, for a- lot Dr. 4V. F.- ; turkey, h: E. oltgit'117.1t Cranston'; aiVe7OTa rs. urie the ''iinteritioirCtO orkaniYe- ohesS-antr Mitglier-ttrrirey;-7--L'egg'*f-Meat-41arketi, checker clubs., -,"----ant badminton and •Irult, Dr N. C.' Jackson,;_ turkey, Mac- basketball.clubs have. -71 -bed formed. ^ Donald ; -ehoeolates, "One of the mest .regrettableAhings. Roggaith; Frank Wilbert ;. Life maga- in the Work IS that the Red Cross. zipe,, toy, J. M. Graham ; Christmas is not in operatimi here, as swimming. '-eake,---Ws,---1-1. Steels; Good Housekeep.. instruction is „available through. it,. ing natigaine, br. A. H. TaYlor ; picklesi• Mr. 'Peters declared. • • • Air. and Mrs. • Harry. Witmer; Checo- Atiabne the Most nenthusittStio'.grouilsnliitcs, Dr. Sohn` W. Wallace; turkeys, - are those und-e-i-:-.-the--"lendership of Pro- Dr. W. N. Wafters;----.-9-bocolateS,` French vincial Constable 'Roy Busch, of the Dry- Cleaners ; -Christmas cake„, East .0-oderich; force. Hisr-sclusses ..4.1,:re _held Street '134,kery..._whixliing - for' iteen-age.,--and'_ grades VI, - VII Dairy Alaciiean'a Magaziner_46ader's and VIII boys, in,the. gymnasium of the Digest, theatre' tiekets,. The Canadian _Collegiate Institute. Besides" teaching. rser Wolpep:!_s Hospital Asti -Kinn -1,y, Cate, courtesy and common sense, made. For the patients; Candy and baskets bright and intereSting by inuarrations for tile.trairs.. Frod 'Sturdy table 11r. Btisch, discusses such subjects a -S. 0-pkins, Miss Etta.Sanits;-plants, holly "The dtitie0f-,- the public toward the .1.40.:z:-eracker"r-Mi-tp1e ", Leaf Chapter; pollee ;" 'an:Maras. of r the Pelfeerte: I.0:D.E.; fruit; 'Presby•terian ward -society ;" Story of onr., Law," ehttreli ; Aluneek. 011anter, and .heW the -Peace can. help,,Ilie- in- D,E..; 1iaske0of irtut,. A Friend; .plants,- and BVISeh dila" gdhlegr: W-03321011'S:ndgpital *Auxii,- _thirty boys at iary ; Magazines' .and orang,es, ;:iNirs. E. meeting ' Who ate beginning to 2...o_ok w.-carrie, • upon hint as. 'their best frienil." -Thiseh is theinstructor in °handicraft Classes to commenced, this "The •Gede.rich , Dramatic Club al§ won high praise, and the ineetiaig.; approved the -proposal -that the present bearers Were 'Malta* Graham, John MacKay, 'Charles, Stowe; CapXinjohn Vickers,•CaPtOn Ler4e, Meclartte,y, and .00rden 1A.faePonaicl,- 7, ' 41 retired ruarinert Campbell had always taken a... great interest in and, taathle ..affairs, and he was active in the iorganization-of the. Goderieh-Alarine, Club, which for Years. was ,a favorite rendezvous for sailors. intereSrin his native town Was shown in a favorite and interesting hobliy-7-:the coMpilatiou„. of three' 47,04,e,.. kierapb*Ooks In WhiPh loCal happenings through , the years . were recorded- 14. -lieWspapei.-Olipplitgs.• In this way. he, was an authoritr on local history. He was a'*member of ,Knox Presbyterian church: Surviving are a brother,D)oit, ‘ald, of Tonawanda, N.Y.,- and three sisters,, Miss May. Campbell, . Mrs. William .T.-Pellow and Mrs.. J. W. of Geslerieb„ • • - CHRISTIVLAS,'DONATIONS ' TO ALEXANDRAUWSPITAL. 8th, 194$ exan e Omit Skeisor itfecOnmendation: to (ikY Petclie 0.„0,!4:11011 at •,nrst,,Sitting The equalization eoulnatee'Or Huron prefin, Friday, decided to reCoinmend • to the: ijanilaty session. of the fletPiog; which opens on Sahuary, gOthi the appointment Alex. Alexander of Grey township as County P-StiesSOr of .1Itifon, At.0-4,11ovember session, the committee was- given power, • to.select an.aSses0,i1;': ", By -a' Process ,Of • elimination,. the twenty-two .413Plications: viete- reduced t� tve, the five ,applicants so selected (were personally interviewed. and Mr. Alexander was the...choice of the corn- ) • . Is a -former Mem er of the Grer Townshipqouneirand $ Reeve he sat ,Onthe Connty for seen - yeom- an& was 'Warden in 19,I; The office of County , assessor* is w a evi-one. The aSsessor will have super- vision of the rannicipal,,,assesaments throughout the: county, andhicarrying out the now metlia • of asseasment: card.System will be introthineirthrotigh- out the entire county .whiesh *ill give a detailed description of each property in ea,ch It is: clahned for this system -that, it, • . • 1••••••••,,,,, • ',,,, On behalf of the- nursing staff 'em- plofei$ and',.-Tatrent“fiss Diekson, superintendent of Alexa-ndra Hospital, -gratefullriCIfrOwLedges, the, toga:wing, gifts which -added. greatly' to ,the'Plea- sure' • of, the ChristmaS 'season at the litiin'eger-Aanit.Seeret • , Seaforth, ._,Di.reetarlI;Zrfatiltlifc(Iregor;.elinton; '.Chris. -Leonharcit',. Bornholm; S. IL . WI:ablate; R.R.-''3, .SeafOith; W. R. Archihild, R.R. . 4, Seaforth); Harvej R.R. 2, Goderich; E. J. Te-. wartha, Bit. 3, Clinton; John 11: ;t1whi4, R.R. 1, Blyth; Hugh A.lexaMIeri *A. 4, Walton;, 'Malone 5,•• -Settforth. 2r.f. .• •'''Agenteer-John Pepper, „13ruCefie.ld, Walt, Blyth, &U. 1; , .!ttue-teri-Brodliagen, -• " can inake=lat - ments-:a-tnt'-get4the1r-.4eard5-receipted at • the .ROYAI-14Ink,_ctintonl, Calvin tutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, COderielt, (ix ReldksF clreheral. Store, Bay:fie1d:44 "'.Niii.40.1"P•Mil."1;4'.'-"-'''''111111.11'."1"P:i. • AlgIACAL /, .:•37.70710"g8TiiiR+414E 'THROAT Late gootie,-Sdrgeon-:4 New •:,-York: pptithaAnie and'Abral Hospital, assist,- Bye-1:11.ospital. and • Goldep--Sq,uare Throat .lko-s-ki,1411t, ' -113.YES TESTED,' GLASSIPAS SUPP-17113113... :63 Waterloo .-Street: ''S,;-,Strattord. Telelg4One-'207,. • • , _ Next -Visit ' Bedford Rotel, Goderich-, ' 'Wednesday, Jan,' 28th, 194§, at 2 p.m. : s ,IIHIBOSACTOR AND, DOPGLESS ::r-='-'7111EBAPIST. ' Goderlch, PhOlieTt -OFFICE -HO:ORS . • tton; & Thurs.-9 to 11.80 0.44. 2, to 6,p.m. (duly) • .Tues. 4, Fri. -9 :to 11:30 ;ion. ' • ' . , .; • 2 tcit p.m.' and 7 to 8 p.m. • Wed. 14.;Sat.-9 to 11.30 -a.m. (only) lidnetal tune ,:baths by ' appointment 4-";•• • only. • -. 7,1 . 51, South St. Registered•under DrugleSS Practitioners Act for the Province of On.tnrio:' •II,•••••••••, ,,,nisttong ,OP4ICIAN a,OPTO1ViETRISt El - 'riintre GOderich ; "See Arinstrob-440 See Better" • At Luekno3v•fi*,','WedneAdaY of ---. • , each with" the' discrepancies - which ;now exist-,0W-ing;totthe fact. that each littinielpalJty is , assessed- on it, SYstem, a -,its own.. Under the new atem,*, the local- assessinentS, WhiclL WalliabebeprusepTreten.°°tuhilet3rsaite911117,.-Wilti'l, the present' tini,e there are 1Welve. emintirs,' in the 'Province,nsing this' 4 6 M t ysteui of SS • lAierahers ,of , the 'equalization com- mittee of 19-17: are • It, Raq,-A., E. J. Rarrisli,',C,.'4OluiSto,w4n4 George Idathieson, - VWTORIA STREET..0.111.S. The ,January meeting :of., Victoria 'Street Women.% igissioP46'-',$OncfetY ivaff ,bel4 the.:*,h0ine of-Mrs.'11obertGeod, on Tuesda,rlas4 With a fair attendance. , Sawlors154 -took charge of the wotship period. The Scripture' lessor 'vas -read by Mrs, Ogle' Miller, "A :read, Ing, "Beginning thoughtS on the new year, was given IV „Ithe President, Mrs. Geo. jelirerraifd-14.4':' EL Sanderson -lay -0 'a* reading on "The Bible. Among the ewe- Indians." Tbe treasurer for 190, Mrs, Wm. Peters, reported "` $1.99 had beenraisedduring the year ; fO-F-."misSions. Mrs. -Byron- Wilson " Was, elected second vice-presi- dent and Mrs.,Vgn. Sewell • associate helpers' secretary. An appeal was read -from....the_Dominion Board supply secretary Lor -used clothing. for. relief in 'Western sEurope, Korea and Japan. Contributions for' this work will be thankfully received the February ' meeting: The officers forINFWii`re in- stalled by, the. minister.„.„13,ev., H. Turner.* A. -Per,i9,4, of two mintites of silent Pray.er,• followed by :prayer by Rev. Mr. Turner, . was obOrved in ,menTory--of-Mrs;-"Philiips, one , the Affiberki.,:;91:t11,4-',SeCtety who has. recently passed oil who-wil-i be missed, , . 4 0 VA•151/A T o a]. ewi au •00:°,,un.f'be:11.1a,o,haci.°:nic): 11 interested pie4se WTI Mt in the, variouTi.' dePartment's, Or't1e ' church. Mrs. Wilson closed .the 4ng with prayer, Linich was served by.7 the hostess, Mrs. -Good; • .• FIRST TO - Aliso • POItTABLE POOb-PRO()0 . SotTND SERVICE 1-VIUXDAlt,'" • Certined Radio .7 Widifet, St, Godete h,Phon 598' " CO1N.FE'DERA"T''\ /I .1414 14,01 tapt Preferred. '010es for " • preferred risks.. _ . -• 7- • . rf-ACEMDENT--:84--Sygi.NE• Consult: JOHN PARRIa‘ .Dungannon , • •• • • .0 A. E . ...Optopietitri clan . „ Eyes „ /lammed. Gisses 'Fitted Therie .Godericy,."0,nt. •• oi. G..1ViaeRwan Ffre, Aeoldent and Motor:-„Calr ' nee Trimare,44710-zo-% O ..L•••iiiiI.SONIO. TEMP WEST STREET --010Nii•-i311;;;; 0:..1)5101?.0,00 relationship' between the i 'recreatonal" .,\ • • • ' director antr•-the -council be continue :DONALD B.. SLT."..4 EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER_ _Licensed for Counties ,of flAron "J RIPLEY; PHONE 49 .• • For information apply to lierniglian, Court --(TOderich. Ont. - • EDWARD' W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence proMptly an- •, a*Ored, Immediate arrangements •-• can be Mate for Salegt,.Date by calling phone -203, Clinton,: . 'Charge moderate and satisfae-,,, tion 'Guaranteed:" • ' 19tf. . HAROLD. ,rAcEtioN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTIJ 1ror-InfOrmationoatc*....wtite4...1.-LT.:; phode (Ode feet) Seaforth. or 867,00derich.‘ utsiAtiocz RE.AL .isOtAir III-IONE 24 - G" oDuiticw- ' • , 1.7 to_May 15, 1o4s.,- at Which, time ,the status will be 'reconsidered. : David Ilarinon, treasurer,- reported receiRtsr,of,33.60i,,reaely-od-otiom3b0,-3,1T,c0: men's Instituteanda..1-7-0.1--rtn iTiit .4, ' AD. 'DOES---TRICK:AGAN- The-elassihed.„Felumns'ot The stow: Sear -last week 1}1d of lady's .gold ,wrist -watch DAL.' Mrs.. A. L. Fleming, *ife of -Bishop, -Fleming, "hagerted the dvertis'enienf: Soon after thel..paper s issued mrs., PlenlIng. had „O.Jele- ; ' dram' -Mrs.'. E. Beattie, of Simpson'S mail order office, stating she badTUhd watt, i5rs. Beatt.Y.shad ,\vaitOd for a 'lost': arinormement 111 The Signal -Star and when -She -saw it -the ow en of the' lest wateh soon had it back again. " • 7 : • • CAPLTALTHEAIRE PHONE' AT Now, -)In Teelinieplor-_,Ednitifid:7tOVerlif-4TlielE;iehasited Forest.": T,Et i ......„ .._ . 1 ,11tendayi Tuesday and Wednesdoz--AdnICEnteititainietit. . n "Jean:Crawford, Van Ilefylii%:Roniond Massey anA-Gers„liOne Brooks .A44ine iiiiimirfio".Poitraial: Of a..,PogseaSiye, frustrated -,woman, whose heaft Wha';possessed bk love and who rnind waS poSsessed by •, , . ' 44- SE—SSEV9: n . , , , .17.• „ ,k, Tlintsclity,,,Srlitar atiC1'..ittil'rua$*.' Dennis, Morgan o lane Wyman, .iaiiis rage.,and", 0'010 *Bennett tai A of spagoceach•days,„of gilt ladies a4± taiged eitiirlieters whi) flipped a-silttin to settle' all ariumeat4 --::: - . v:‘‘C E 1 ‘: - mingSy(IfleY 47recnatreet and reter0torrer in !De Mat e� ---W$ Sat., and 0611(14s, at 2.20 6, R 21.11i0H,--1VIAN IN . • • • 'LONDON CITY. COURT LO'NDO.N, Jan. 6. 71krrrested in Gode- rich, • Frank Younge. 40„ Zurichr-ap- pears& ,in city'. Court ,yesterdaY'on "Charge of obtaining: $325 by fraud, and remanded:. until `'ilnuacy 12.. Over the, objection of„;"Crown At- t9Sney Claudes-C 'Savage, who said he, -6p1Metitlai1 'bedanse--Y-ounge-h travelling around the -country recently, I'SIagistrate Donald' ,Alenzies set ball' at $500., Wil,lignr-B-rHenderson, defence -rounsel„-asked-qhat his client be allOwed to post his own bail but ;this'a'PplicatioN,Was pefused. --Younge 1.s-dharged with selliiag,g ear to Murray alockman,-, Chath,am, for $325 itainst-wItiolv--there., WA, a Alen. In- his -application, • Mr. Henderson- spud he understood his'. client -had,;:x6teLle,d, mo part of -the $325 but that the entire Amount ' had _gone to pay off ---a Meehanie's lien. -WALT DISNEY SENDS : GREETING. CARD _ _ „..... , Among Christmas greeting cards re- , n 'Ceived-, by The Signal -Star ' was One 7WES. TiritN, Oeise4#.1[00 .m......,,,48 vs 4 0T,motteit,wscif froth • Walt Disney, BurblinktI,' OM_ _for , .:_eteatiir. of . tf),e Internaonally . .T440N.Dom , , 1,70,5TRATF04-0 . farfolig- -7MoVie---eirricattires, - fDonald-- , , .. • • Duoy:; .,r3fickey_.: :SI:louse; etc. r. Disney, .7.45 Ii4i. .. '. . 1.45 a.m..- . .whise immediate' forbears were resi- . '.12:15, 4).in. -- : 12.15, .p,M, -4 dents -of'this diftrict, Visited in Gede- - • rich and:: Holinesxilti-innier. "*Y ' .`. t3.5, .-ponu - --, - - , ' 1 . '''' uniquecard., ,the front;',of• it ,carries a 'Bus' for London leaves at 7.60 a.m.-On cartoon .of Aiickey *Ouse ' 7111 Santa 'Saturday and Monday only. ' ,, N "r'''"-- --Man's. costume About .to •put on the gnni1141$ •andholidays' UV' 12.15 1,41us, Santa ,f05 face. __-4,---.0._--- insrare_ ptead gs 6, Watford -only. .. ,. : has a: baekground. of -deep blue,' repre- ConimetionS ' lit .ClIntan , for LOndoO , senting....,,the Sky,%in.•WhiC11 .1§.,:ft 'IliY,r10. Dktroit. Whigkario:Walli,90011, !', 06 ,5f.- twinkling, stytrs-, .436sidq,....nity cif .400.0.101.61 ki the stars is it rAtnaill 'cartoon, o.fi: DistieY, 4,4 ... • 15 pan. , 4.44p.m. Ehrin and'Owen`SoMul. -ftatiOlOikarglitOgitititaYmde49.04 •Tc,, Kitchener, :Gueiph. • .fiaiirilatokr And Toronto. • . onneetions-'-itt:,•lvilteltelP for • Listowel. • For -information phone Reg; McGee-,: , _and' Song at 165, " - -.4Viiitei the SeVen Dvvarfs, the three ip0a0brttitl;TeVisride.TopliliLin:Dy on.A.tapiclbi)sarittoegigtislu4soyis and:Minnie. lionse,,etc;.....1nthe twill/14.r script with:which he signed-his1111 on the:Ito-fel tetlbrd "register while staying Overnight Gbderich itre th� (from .DiStiby and staff." W Bordering 'the inside •o4 the card are ,DOIL.L1'AKE A QHANOE ,-the; :earendat monthsof ;6,18. oit'SLIpPtity. tolmst: •/' Got: :Car: Ibisuranie • today. (als4rIviluistOrMaininiance) • 0•011.1i014JEWELL Phone 864-4 • • , . $terling /Irina" To.,IXLPLTEIC • kg, 7:,7)Lucknow Phon 111z2..000ginthon. Goderieb nee. )ancing Every Saturday: ERIC S-ClOTT, HIS Tit*ET AND oRAMESTRA,, he "Paf,:?-is available .for private partico, meetings, etc; 0 • • 1 ---‘A E x Eiar MVE -- FLORIDA PINEAPPLE 260's rip TEXAS MARSH' SA-- • -SEEDLESS 96's NEW CROP, J910r-300's - -,'NORTHERN SPY . Domestic ,,grad. NiciNTOSH RED , Domestic Acadii- - 6E.CxrpangE.FLaiely7. 38'Ss Extra ' FraleShreddsd Vogiotablos, Collo Ian' ----Readi to terve- Box 1107 -Late....HoWe VarLety Ho Ib 34111,,,A L: 'FRESH, BAHAMAi7Nog- •11,, ifE TA _ -‘0», " Ivr14,14'ArNIDCrPgrciRDIY...' N .. •-• :;.• • •••,, __ •,-•:•:..---...,--",,,.. . --- - . ..--• ,•••• ...-- ., FOR' TRUE COPFEE' FLAVOUR 'AND .. - - -FRESHNESS ) TRY THE FINE FLAVOUR OF CUSTOM 'GROUND' A. a. P. COFFEE---, ' A BLEND TO :SUIT' VOUR TAST.E.741140 . TASTY WHOL 0,4_041Vin PEANUT 1011 scouibiA PADS AYLMER' SWEET ,; " -IcRAFT ••• DINNER CHOICE APPLE JUICE - .0uAtqA OATS uNpirrEk GENUINE TuRKISH FIGS MEATY'4,-- PR, MAaTeR DOGS CLIPPER WHOLE MUM 14014 ASSORTED .soUPs ..A. &, PLAYO,URFUL * 441, ' . IONA O'FOTIN. Atiittto" STBA DRY jAif 41mt to' :qst um PURITY iATS jitia RIP 61...Actc biAm0141, *c0,t1 GOI, ,0 VUPI ION4. ORM1U 0,ftlAP. int 4 • • t