HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-01, Page 8ME •AI ' ma.atil,:strtnu...i.sabyexaccat • r , SUNIAZ J UM4thApo 8.30 alto -HOLY COMMUNION, * _ 0 4.4u;--MMN"SUNDAY•'SCI10014 11 -aful. HOLY COMMUNION AND- SEIIMQN: • PRIMARY DEPARI.EMINTI.,;7 KVOISTING _Pli„AYVIL itv.BiVE4I,..Y. Lit, FARR, BA- t4m BIPCTOR, • .• • • -A W -ANDERTO,N," Organist -and hoirMaster, • 11 • • .; Ur.e SACWAMEIST Ot.' THE -LORD'S„: ."lEcLPPJR ROOM." 2.46 U.ni„ 7 P.m; THE. SACRAMENT_OF. TIM I.,ORD'S SUPPER, 'OD WIIEN•THE HOUR-WAS:CONN.'? • ,„ . Reception of New Memhets at the Moining,-Service;.-•;-- ',,,REV. C. WESLEy COPE, BA., 1,3334. Mhtister. -• ‘" Mrs. Murray Hetherington, 'Organist and' Choir Leader. - 11; Kiox O. 45 an. Stin-da,y School and Voting Pelople's Bible' CAIN.: 11 • sin." JUNIOR CONGREOATION. RE:V. R. 6, Mae1,11141.AN4kITH.V.LST.A.N...,QUk., • 11 a.m. "FACE TO FACE." 7 p.m «ERT1I AS IN HEAVEN!' .Direet,* of Praise -4%r. Wiekett, ,Cmne and -Worship the -Lord lin the Beauty of -Holiness. , •••••••••••vr . ' .... • tetoira--St-tin. ted. iirdi kJ i _ Or... anist al..d• Choir Director -Ms s 'Maiv., Joyce Strachan -. - , . - ''' 1000 an. - gig -II -ATM SC1101)E7----7 ' - '7.::---:.-- ''' -.7---'---- -;/.11 a.m. SACRAMENT OF ,THE LORDIPPE-1----'7"--• '.7 pan. - S.ACRAS-IINT:Ctk-T11E--LORD''-.$,S:15PPER. t • - ' 30 pm .UNION CHU'RCI-a:etament- of the LordsSuper - • - ...... ---:•:-- ' ' ' Monday. $ P.m. ---zYotiiig- People's- Union: .,, ,.. _ • , r , . VICTORIAWELCOMES YOU. • 0.10.1.....101m01.1.••••••••••••mromem! • r "•• r • (1 tt" dieh -.13-aiitist:.Church 10 a.iit '011[:URCII SCHOOL. CLASSES FOR ALL , • - A KEWYEAR-NEW ADVENT -UM 11 ia.0: ,-,`'S'EP.AlfATIO-N;,-?-;ICOMIVITINION SERVICE,. - "ASP/ItATION."" • :•• • Monday, JA 5-8 Italy; Rev': -6-.7•F?!-SMITII of STRATHROt • esenting _his recent -trip to COPENHAGEN by -way of FILM -•in - -NATURAL COLOR. -Yon are WELCOME. • -1---ISUI11010the_WEEI of PRAYElk- - • , • , -• PASTOR, -REV. G. W. II. MEDLEY; • • -Organist !atirellioii` 'ELLA. I. DONALDSON: • . • Tat cmirc SIGNAL4ST • VONO.ANNON, Pees .$0,,: -Happy New' t4e e4tpr sue and readers of $1g4414§t4r.- IIISSVern Robb Of TorontO • spent1W. i1stjas.eason, -With neeileters, Mt,s. Wm. Sillib and Mrs. ,B,„ McDonald, re.„ turtling toiToron'sw "on" gondaY, -Visitors Christmas Pay •:with and- Mrs. -Wilbur. Brown ,'we4,.-m.rti, Jacob Reid, and Mrs, 4as. .Agari „gannon ; Frank Linklater, and famy,•Danlop; Ur, Aud, Airs, joe :sent ,danCing by the Goderleh Petrie trnd fanglY, ' Exeter ; Mr; and ' leq,10•to (Ii%titute 040; under the the "dite4': 'Airs,`,Russet Ar, AttEss;.4e*i$,'..44 . • .41ad Will Reid, and: ;Ur?'•;"--W"ja • \h id Thb X''-'‘-ja"4-147. 14134 Itatoid.p.i.)041Iiql41:terta. Mrs; INieicewio. 'of Willoo.ro,,Vrs. 1/41. r• Js Iabein ,K,O"th, 'kir. and u&,,,14.00., itielocluedsi-vrer.Ora. sitiaeu'alvr3r4),..!rec,9peall,1111.41,,f4Yul,- •Cfole; Donald McKenzie and- Mi.'Ernest IVicKenZie,, Gederi0h, 4114e4.,#01‘24,„olLthtz, We 'are ,o.try to bear Of the illness presentea..by, wroxeter. -united e.nurnb._ et, mrs.. Thos. 'w1ggins,4- Who 'took a „ *sligbit stroke.tbe day before Christmas. Fie't•g'07.i"4"‘Yofr"eeari4 el'u•Yxcll'',,'11:n"de`Ir9.4.11..tiwsi.;ico•`"Es* Her n, ir Bert, Wiggins., Mra. •Wig- of •'Irictoria Helpers' 4drals8len in; ' mesh, pipes,' tubes, ,botlers gInS at14 Valerie weke visitorS •Iftelu, fly4,40* 40c and 20c. ..• . for • culverts; 'hollers ' tor heating, :hot ' Visitors with Mr. and ;MrS. tOm .Purk" Cxeraeo.rniegit-,'faPr'Vatul`hrarZae°t ipn,114'ci°•,,,n1.1k1PoIngtdta°Y11, ''s'ovt4hte.r°rZP4ea's Isotir ,tietadAti4tatik4-4L041:vny for-Ohristmas..were of their ,kainl& ; Januar”th, 8 -pan.; at 49 North fArebt; and Sons your heitdquaiters for', any Mary, Billr-Mr. and Mrs Olayton -, , . T- AnY•On• interested 7eiSoine1 .3..:__...--,,,-----137110-Of::S-teel in complete warelionse demon andfainnyMrand mraom• Them _ annual--eetilig St. George,s lines, 460* 1:400.4ster. " itavet Weit, Lawlor, of , Auburn, and Mr.'and, ' Chureh ,Womenia guild. Will be ,held Kitchener,- Ontario. . 6=046k-000 •Saturdwigtetno.M. , ;•38ti rie s • . • • The publio are pOrdia4 .invitod. to. 'aftend ' the .general, Meeting of the `Recreational cOunc1i..to,ber1ie1li-34-44 TWA .001„ On ZaunAzy ,5t4, at 744 p.m, 1,Yould 4ill:organii4tiOUS representatliTeS are, notifiedl„. The Goderich..Music •0/0b wifl prer4w •••••(•• - - (Pentecostal' Alsemblies Of -(anada) • rp§oN, PaStor.- 19 am 34bA SCOL • 11 a.m. :V1ISSIONARY,-SER-V10E, IVIEFAINg. Prayer ,Meetiugs every night in the ,fOffiiwing homes 413 pan.; . Monday -Wm.- Hoy, Angleiea St uesd R Glazier;„ East -St.; - Wednesday, « Hutchins,- Britannia- Ritiad;---Thitsday-,--L. Nice Bri- tannia- Read; Friday. Mrs 11 Huta:lilts, 'Nelson St._ _ Y4I3 ARE INVITED. e ree ivetno Church ' Corner .cif yietoria,$, Sts.' 5 411. im 'SUNDAY -CH•0014.- - • -ALWAYS 24. WELCOME TO' ALL. 77 Paiitar.•, .50,0 ,0-444r, • ••'...."•• -444PEELECTRIO,-*EPIOG-. T,iitATION:-74W.1140. Yer 'YOur-4/4' 00,1tion requirements PIO' be. .1e4e •gr-- SUMO; YOU won't, -go wrong if you iiistalI a___„"Universal 09,eler," :Estimates : free. 4/•vdte--(T',-,09A,-„W-T. LW.111.34; Westt?,...-utitlerieb,; -044 Phone i82J. 40.4 600kER a1'4NIVL • ebted with registered' pedigree., „4::•$1.114LY; Many *4001d read ' „ RDR'A w.ypar-, SuggOst gut.,-Prioo. Mt now.. and order soon' _for, deiivery 1,948; " noW,hatehery•,,h44 'seine AUY-Olds And' stltrte.d, for proMp0 Shipment, ,•Agent isW. WALT44$, Oilpibrk,Ig9 *iitr,eot; -Grodei0h: • -' $ . beains, channelli, :angles,' re Wore- 31-elvin Culbert and lit* sons, of Gode- rich. - - • ,Visitors •;,with 11r, and.mrs, ur Cle were Mf...an.4 'MEL_ awni ecuabe, of Windsor, Mr.__and'_M._..Alf. llefford and familY, of Tanto. miss. Clara, Sprott', of Stratford, tinsk41:sses Rebina‘ and Nettie' Sproul and Mrs. W m. Sproul, of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs.--Gordoaj<idd, Ryan and '$.noga, af are •spending the �histrna hblidays; with: m).•s. .Kidd's Parents, Mr. and John Ryan, Misses ratline 4ones and Bertha Janes, R.N. of. Iionekni, Visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. !rank._ Jones.. for the holiday week -end; --Christmas ViSitOrS With -Mr. 'and Mrs, Everett Finnigan are their daughter, Miss Gwen Finnigan -of Stratford Nor, mai Schaal; Mrs..--Finnifranother, rs. . of -Clinton. • tigtogsL:glintaixith' Mr, a AIrs_Artlinr_ •atia_Mrsi„OsearXiiitlill1;of Walton,. aifd Miss Elizabeth Elliott,..14 the lage. • . IUrs .L Killough .N1'rs..- J. Cani- eron had • as Olifstinas guts the for: Ineei-dllughters;:Aiss- Mabel 'Killaugh of Jyron., Mrs. Wm, Kelly. of Seaforth and ,„•Mis `Eva Killough, Of 'Tor:- .onto. • -Visitors- with- MI, and Mrs. .George Rivett for_Ohristmas were Mr. tilias. Rivett7..,MTS,, Gladys Rivett, Mr. and .Ill'S;-1•Alce:ii--.11:e.tt„_anct_ilittle clanghter Ikohard .Rive4 1,x,Do has Gree Lakes, :NI -- Arnold.- Rivett,,; of -Clinton, Mr. , and ie Carter' and ,fatni.11/4v--; 0 Dune, annon, atir,-,7and._MrSZEugene •Oorinth, Mr. and MrS. Gordon 'I3oWerS :and:Billie, of Goderieh. „. Visitors With and _Mrs: Abner- .Mor.ris were:111,r.• and Mrs'. s.te- • Intyre, Lyman Nttei, -me; and Dena% Freeman and fainily;. Clinton, -Mr.' and Mrs. -Leonard Pliristilaw; Nile. - MisseS° Sarah and Jane: Montgomery of RIPley, and -Mrs. J. G. Alantzomery and' son Gordan -of. the village --.4vere Christmas visitors with Mr„. anirAirS, All'an Reed and Mr. Robt: „Montgothery is spending New':Yeat's witlk-driendS ,on(„14;nri.- "J101.ME.SYILLE HOIXESVILIJE; Dee. 30.••; -/Airs, Etr We•stent spentthe-hOlidays wih . _ Line.' • itianTitry-Atirvisil-falffax, Is visitipg her- pitrents. Mr, ancl*Mrs.,,Leslie Jervis. drIrtt.";:74iielph, holidays with hitparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stoek. - Mr. Donald I'altrier,,• who Atte/4E1111g tiniVeisity 1n,Toknito,'48 yvisiting his - parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. P. Palmer. ChrlAtmas . with, Mr. and 'A.13. -S. Eimer -Pottey, and fairilly were Mr. and ;Afros.- Mie tiald and Mrs. GoodTeiI9rAY and fain- ily, all of -Toeswater • • Mr. -and Mr's. Don Rutherford-r'Jtit,ti- soll;-were guests of Mr .T B. 'MacMatla; on gaturdav,. . * 4"to vangotc, Eitabro, is spending Tow .dp.ys with-ltei. and Mrs. C. Tav- etter., • ' • . * . • • , • • • • Tuesday, T. wiry 0th, at -3 p.m.. -1 Maple -Leaf 'Chapter, LO;I:pE; atIon meeting at MaclKay Hall, Friday. January fith.- - _ _ DIED. -4. - RIIYNAS,•-,At the Private Pat4ehts',4 „pavilion', Toronto General. an,pitto., on .-saturany, .416-cono-6 2o, .194714. Dorothy.. Dem{trest -Keit'', wife of -Clarenee' '1. Ithyrias, and Motlrer of New York City; . •AlurrayrorTOM4--.. • -.-4,74-Alliiig'.1*MOI JOIITOTON-.11110,Y113,gAile.4.4k ' dea?father. 1f 41ide4. G. -.1•ObITs, l• OR SALE. --- GREEN FU-A-TRIIVI- • . -MED ,-co,at, size 201/2; W0111, twice. 'Reasonably priepd. 0ali Gotilerieh; 354, IVA NT,VD, , )3.V4PFORD Ef0Tp1.4, ' x ANTET). VEI1TY for katio. '1)borie. .001,11‘1 iki-ATHERS, InSuran9e,AUd Rea,1 '1 KstAte 1`014er, .• 7lf RAOTIPAI.. NPRSING housework requite:it:by ;voting N'a xnau„ 1Y4te BOX' , EI• ' - ANTED:, .-••• .'Ll'STING$ OV PRO-•' - TERTIES.'fb,r sale.. -- 04 X`',',01.X4P-..,• MAK Real Estate Broker), one 18, . ..,,,,,, ...........39t , ,-,:sm°eQk:PprE1101R,i;nPdA tio' er Apj1y 21, Mosley,. Ont. " ' A I EXPl3R- ' IENCEprIninst be. good, craftsman. DaYlite plant,'.toP-Twage-s, very steady employment.- Living - accOnnodatiOn •p,vailable. See or -write full' partic- ,ulatS jAiNiE.S'-.0010•E FURNITURE. ..COMPANY,) Ingersoll..„ 1,, , -13 • ••••••..••••• , ANTED TO 1311Y.--714-7,--)••110it-S,E$ and-deadz;atriinale-suitable , for mink feed pa,/ 2eli. lb. for horses and call and. pick up same:- Dead apinutIs according to value, If animalS. ,deacl yhone jACK GILBERT, 930 r 21; or FRED,- GIII:BERT,- Wm° 930-r 82, Cloderich. • • ---45 REGISTER ED . . 3.-N1'.ED.-THE-RECRE•S, TION_A-1--,. • - Cocker Spaniel guys, six weeks..o10, ComicirsOlicits donations, of box-. "2.24,r1IME4' 954:T;- - ' •;-... ,,*.--'7.:4 sired bY ,intetnatIon_al..chL:71,,,ISr061:- wood Candidate. . 11! 0. JF4RRYVT-419nQ ..._, .i.pCiiroii161Se76711.1., the ehirdren's aetivitieS. ing gloves -and Other spOrts equipment , . -1 SAIX.--PU,RE13RWOutow, . • . cipo: LIKE _TO•' -.PURCHASE ..t IgiVarla ,podelieh. What have toliz,‘,--ato-•-orkex, Apply -MX; .1 39, -,t 'SIGNAL -STAR: - ' ' J.X •-vw-Resn'y ; Fa , s• Ntho' PlVs9d amitty-, oh januAlft2rid, C-I•R SALE.' KITC1-1•Eis-,T STOVt 142 nsed oneof,fimrse.nth, to he. seen at ‘. • „, •,r. Ever rezneizabered by, L9ST r - Robert Hoy. ' 111}17erveningk._..nr,_ RT • 1 UWen s airy- tgrO,N,E. 40 ALL • ittoptifottcits:voVrivEltvartivos-Y, . . moNt,460 crid.„-ersdeolkit:e7e:0; or pore . • . I .01/14PERT; 7,71-1,' • ' Is. , CAWS QF' TIIi.iNjt, " • 13-• 8VAt,T41.t.."7.' 4144iN, Ob. IIIS . to t°134elnir,4)thretrit'siiefgelitrDSa'i;lig°4n- -,;owthThekr,, friend for- their elpreasionsAL m.A.. • ment. •• i '. ° • ---,I...4 ‘ pathY,-.- oral fribUtes and"Vii:rioug---. of kind .ess ,in rtheir:Acent-ber,eave- loy:iyfrioansdi'4cSe.7sIaonfd:451.inievi(13•41:b6,:,!71:iyo‘.;v7thiellue'L• ...Were ".Sent to us at-01.AiStinas time. , ....„... -5-1R. AND MRS. WILLIA.1% BIRNIE, Ta-k7elg th-1.81,ineaciA1.1s11'9Onf7' atiant‘inkl‘itrg Nthlogsr ' • . ._ • . Airn.. DAVIID SPAOUL ' 'ON REFIALP In . wito -we So "IbonghtftilAind"syMpath- etie in'their hereaVentept and especially those -vow: loaned thek ears or sent - -1 floral- tributes, TH-111-•-•-:VAA' E „ .K.ennah- 0. o- --00-°k"---Pe7±11• thtise. who • sent-flpwers,lonned. cars Or' _ eii:ivai.heSs;e*tlays'ytuofrpearetnd thine irthaesilstaellroeeaiz,.... WESTON.-In fond and loving memory ,3.30wf.• -of our dear Son, W V, (Dicl)s, - • &-0 nrererViraMS a -Mo. Years: g -O, January 2, 34940, while ,on: bombing'. inisgionr•Oyer, Nnrenburg;, It's not at the time -the, tears7Efe 'Wed ,--That 0- head- that. is torn, But the Jambi tears in- after- ye..„9.p4 ---,Aficl.',remeobra--ifee'are'n.tfy b,prne, Surioundedy fnends we ,a.* lonely, _In the' raidgt Of our joy we are -blue, With.a smile on -our face we've a heart- ' ache', '• • • ,t ,Longing, my deaf, for ,yeti, • 0_ RENT. -- THREE -400M UN: - 4 --Sadly Missed by Mom, Dads••and „ FURNISHED . apartment., 1111- , Brothers. ra-1...odiate posseseion.. Apply '26 Essex j - CAR,N. I EY. In meta- ory- oftdifts:.street; ear mother, 'MP:M....Pauline Carney TO RENT:. ---7 THREE :•FDRNISHED who passed away-el-gfit years ago,' • rooms, shared accommodation. -January 2nd,, 1940. - Remembrance -is a gelden• chain, -Write BOX' 38, SIGNAL -STAR. -1 Death tries t� .break, btit all 'in vain ;• Is the 'greatest •sorrow of one's...heart.. - TENDERSWANTED The,yeari pia. -wipe outmany thingS, But .this they wipe out . • -- The memory ofthose-happy days. When we Were all together. remeMbefed by "Dad and _ .4e44,34.14.44414:1?:7944..412.44.14•44.4.13, 04134. • 0 ;• 0 , . between 17' Bruce itreet'and Cu - -bt'ittifigli ,..- , orge- enir ,OR„ , SAL.E..,_• ,33 okii-v. otcg :-,silli-eicredbropee1_a_ikst en%;,"Seedaenrdn,4Pgiociek d'ebSaiglf,: . (2 ton), '29 chry•sier e4r; *Stipet-Xma 'Liberal reward. MRS. -.1-0141‘1' IS-. motorcycle, _. Owner confined to hos- 17 .ruce street. Phone 62r., . - ' -1 ppihtotinle• 7'40.- ,WIIIT,E, 711:uro4.. road. ...:• LOST. , -,- .LADY' rS*, _6 01,D. •\w`RIs.-T,-- ., WATC'H, rather, ' large • White ,face, " leather strap, in Or near Square, Tues - TO .REN1.- day morningReward, Phone 430W. . ix 'To have, to love, and then:to part,. . • , 4,,,Onfzki,J#41,REDITORS •NOTICE TO ORED/TORS. TEND.satS WANTED, 1 1-,0ST0N TUESDAY.' EVENING, Dedeinber 3Qtli, betweeii -stones ..911. street, a... gent's golrl Role wa Finderleindly leave ..at SIG1NA„-STAR: OFFICE.. •- • • - ix 4,!•,•!, During the absence of !ffiss: A.tin'LW,Urtele, Rumane So •ciey, busiress shoiic1 be re: ferred. to. Mr. " • I•- on :. Tenders, vfill be7 reaeived by -the UndersignedZup to 'January .28th Or .hard body , wiiod,. • one-half • Or . more inapie and 'the rest beech, to be ,de- livered -by the end of.April,1 stint -:and piled at the -folleWing schools in dode- rich: toWnship4-o..-1, -&-cords 1.2" wood' (Piled.in,basemen0 ; No: 4, 8 eel:cis i,." -wood No, 4, 12. Cora 16'!', Wood ; No. O '0;-- i ' „ '18 16"'- woed (piled in -,T-Unitd e•urel0!W-e t.. „-,-..-1Mr. Alex, ' lgotice is' hereby Ocords given to all persOns Si1-1,1t)h, school :,-incipal has been lir at havirg airy claim againat theWale ''his home here. with a . slighf ..tita:ok of of • Frances EVelyaCQ FRANKYEO ..,,Welsh, late of the Nct.cords-12'c wood ; No. s d• 'I. e - malaria -with- whiar-be' a's, ',first . Town of Godekick in the County Of ids 12" woOd.„ . .. the , airketedlyhen:lie:eorved ,in I, ja, 'Ws- iiuron, spliiSter,. who died.pi or about 14" R.R. '. No.: 3, Clinton. Smitles• .sister)__,Miss„-L$Ylvia 1:tid... et' _the_thircl_dity•'4ember,..:A.D;1947_, send.2.;sameiTto...,,:the undersigned -a • ENDERS WANTED. . - ...T.freoktionotjOid, :tv. bemenr. vsiinsitifhlgbi i athemgbeen dnirumpgto ,or before the seventeenth -day, of Janu- - • .... vly .chtireh the pasti,few Weeks -and owing' crate7--the executors, of the oid estate' --ain--4-Drz--1,948nif-on-an-d-after that,',__irMarked- sealed--tendPra will; 13e re-: .ceived....up• to. •,January 1h- for care- ing.-1n7-the•-„pulPieLsif„ the _United! to his illness' ., :DOnald 'toss , tshall proceed to make a distribiition, -tall* -The ' following, schools ca,iad Mk ' ea,eer, - grounds in ' at Galt, who is spending the vac.ation at of, the assets' thereof, having:- ,re.gard the !Colborne School Area.: Nos. 1, .21. 3, 0; --"4, 73 $,, 9 . and Nile': Any tender -not necesSatily accepted; ' 'WM:, WATSON, . ,.,... Secretary -treasurer, • Goderieh; R.R. 1-2-- twine at AulArn, cenducted the ser-• only to the claims,.cif which- they have -dee air Sunday. •', He delivered a. bright notite. •'' .. %..: „,. . .• -and hopeful ;message for the-dawnin 'rife OfirisAnnts and New lirear's,..SeRson ..13.rere sung, alc,1 'Ui,* 4.91j9A.P:: V.11.gq1,. Ot p. Al,eiii' Yeal:;Ifilial"S :iiiPrOl)tidte ;to sa,..,vvngaint:rolOs;;;40.,-LotrdheMttostitjaonly.o,!4' • Re. 0144 :, creational Associationhas contritmted ceived up to 'January „19th, for b.ody- -to the •Chris,tinag 'Spirit bY Pro,viaing a NOTISE4,.X4•PitEtPiliOlt$.".,.,„,„,. - - , . • Wood, ',ball maple and :beech, ,, to be rink ,with-a-Ood sheet of ice which •is . Notice:la-hereby given an admissionfee. Among t ie. youngest; . haVing any ,laini agaiiist-the7;:esttate to all persons delivergil *. to : the following , in the 16 ins.; No . -2, 3 .cords, 12 ins.; No. 3, `41-ijoied du:•ing holiday time •Without Obiberne' Sgli.00.r.kreit :''' No. 1; '12 cords; tire interested- y-oung peOple..1s-lotir--- -5 cards,1.2 -ins-,'; .. No. 6,. 3 -coidS,- -12.-ins-..4- Y43ar-eid kLindal3Eake, -dttughSer.-of-cMr.•• •••No.* 6, 3 cordk:12, Ins. e No: 7,-3 •edids, Wild Ars: -Cecil' Blake.- who liVe, next IZ InS,.;110. 0, 121.tords, 16 ins.; Nile; door siyoa.nditlia;‘,'0'et.t.tkilteilleiaffileraen,tiuilat57,tei•esistItielei 3 cords,: 12 ins. • .---- , . ' .e*,Welid . to be delivered by April ,,,ISt. ,beeonling-i•eildents of the Village,,along Any,,tender not neeessarily accepted,. With Mi-:-11arold,Blttke; her uncle, who . - At.i,t. • IVAIrSON,,•/• , - ' ' with, a.” ,taininittee has- been wotking Secreta.ryAreasurer, 1,42- . ,Goclericb, R. -R:. . -Dated' at ,the Town- of -dodericia,fxi - lhe-Ciounty. of Huron, -this „seventeenth day. of. December, Al). 19-47. • , C.. RAYS,- -S:C., c • Goderich, ,Ontario, - Solicitor for the Estate. TENbERS-: WANT -ED. Marked sealed tenders' Wifr.'be re- " 4 • • . Alt Xitleinda Tietteh, late' of the..),Tillage Of ty widow,-.. who- died' on or about the. foprteenth day of -peceniber,'.A.D. 1947, -to sog.sarae-to Abe:undersigned on or . before the tweney-thireday of l'irmittfy; AO. 1948, --as on 'and lifter that date the executor lot' the 4sitiere'state shall atid Norman Trewaitha, hard twenconrage the sport of slcating.„Proeted't4 inakir n distribution of the Blakes assets thereof, having regard. OnlY, to ' 1 A. f lendly esture the' and_ lawny', Clinton ,•,, spent. Tt esday sa r g sv1t10,1r. and .Mrs, E. :J. Trowartlia, tortaineal the Dungannon sofetkill• team Mr... andlIrS, Heard. AndtMrs.:klar- at their liOine N;Vith a chi ken 'dinner vs,:er 4mong„-those who joined tho. One evening before Ohristwas. Among ,a„rd dodfrA,_a valir- weekgt the home, af •and.Mra,Ayil- able player w to • letlirilliTdre761-1I4 pot, Iarrison. , " "Season had a leg badly broken in. a road_ - • , a•Oeidetirlind. is Star ..having tci use ,rVt: • TAYLOWS COUNtit----61-4611—:---;--""'"------ • 0011NE1t, pee. 304--Th1s OENlvfiLLER. correspondent wishes all .a.-tery happy- 1 • -It • - • • • I. " . McCabe spent(1j•flEN'MILLER, Dec. 30. - Mr: and • :Mrs. Ray 1%,loore and Dorothy spent- the New year. -* • • • With her other ,Montreal. ChriStma,s • holiday in Straffordville: The'''''AtisseL'itil-325144•111Y.-41thr- baieitt-s; of,toionto' spent ichrit•Inas,....with ,thei_ , • 4, 141•41.14, , '1/4"L .. • - • ,Mis. -Wright, of „Odderich, is Visiting tio.'?iriel*foNria0xhirill'eStirtgtallir •4;4°11Cit?li .!P*.as: .Sattr.athilegitini6n11,ieahodt, Sdtitruailligtieal.n, jbis Dorothy 'lodges* a T - oronto uk. and Mrs i: ritimer„icifbatrieK and. APthlt 'a few day* with herrfarnily ,fenaifi. -ex Toronto, Qre Clirfstmas Christi/14s: • ; -• • • *1,4'., ors. With. Mr, and Uri. W. Tong , 3eresi Ginn of Oshawa spent 01.3,tistv Iierotiller and lqiv-aild-:-Milf.7K4-;•: Iritlif-WIthlttit'ffa,ront:if-irge!e: a* .. -14113.` patrick of „OroWe.•-• • rtm and, mrit, 3tevitrt Miner and:: .G,4,..CLittinIL-,„ Oekle• are prevalent Around. here at Don Oke oryaitielt and Murray Oke ,pretent, Ethel, Fordih r. and mrs., en- of To.fento, spent ,Christmas"with their $4teliel„ d .P1O4d zero with iteth Lair IIIandltor,'-Wood ton', parents ' .- her daughter,Mrs. Uslie`loWis, and for *Christmas. Mr., ang,,I.rs. tovvden and ' 6Z1 "Orillia,' Vent "the 'holiday with 41:10, tjv,Sidite't ro*n of 'Itiehmend olocom, _ 1 caiteq,op riendaaround ?ritla..., ,"' • -• -„, Mt. ' and Mrs, Iterr - spent Christmas. DO In Eteter with Mx:, and Mrs. ,Sanders, -GENERAL ANNUAL ElmilEfl$'1VIEET1110 Januar * ettio 19480 at 8 p.m. coUN�ItBo itAtto CONS1RVA itte:Akin pqr-upwr NEW 'MAWS DAV ,Iiivery *tuber or Guest 040 to attetut,, • . 1,4thie 4).M. ---Shell ffervito Station., 13 , _ .01t/1 * ,A,leitandrit Itospital. *-7-toiletieh: on beeember8t1t, 1947, Dro*A, oodd. twi, it son, Ottideeek #M -Ale*attOtt 11001044 'to 44oaerien, on, 'Charles Arthur, , . • the, claimsof which be llas• nptIee. Dhted atiTthe "Town,. orGolletich,iti - the Gaunt -Y. og . ,twenty: of ee10h0, - • Y GOde'r1e1i-701Aarlij, " •SbliclOr •for the Esttiter • NOTIC4',2T.Q. cEED!TD,E$', Nottp.E.. • , 'Notied 18 herOitgiVen'te altperSOnS tiVingff:any•-elaint-agairtsfrtht,"*State‘Vf• Williant Henry „Wilson, late of .7411c: Township .of _•„'WeSt.' 'Witw1tno4.,•, in the, ,COnlitY;Of nutonT retired' fanner, who died' on_ 'or about the nineteenth clayl of Decettiber, A4D4 107; :VS: send Shine to the 'tincletaiglied-,,oii. or. before.the tWefitY41iird day.", 'Of 41949t8 on and titter that -date, the pieentik df" the -Said :est4fo' 011.11:Proi, ted to tuak'e a, distfibntion �f .the assets'thereof, -ba.ving,,,tegitr4,„Only 40- the elalinS Whfcb he -hits notice. Dated. tit& oWn. 'Of •(c)indekiel4., tiie ("minty .'of•-•- us.0A,„ this twenty, -lourtli• -day. ',of 'DeCeinber, 1947. It.' C. HAYS, taodertelf, Onta.rio' - 5 -2- • Rolleittitler..the %spite, NOITIOZ10. Ont4.11)/ oits ,persons having:tie: ma (ft -artist. the estate 'cft ifleorge',Ortemtin, late 'of 44te,-,.,-Towtitthip- -at-Colborne Iii" the '.County of tinfoil, retired targi,er, 'who vrea-otivte latt4ity'ottetereher,,1047' are required to filo the .taine with. partieniars ,Olth the iitideraigned bY the 10thdaY o JantiatY, 1948, that date the ehtat 6 *Hi he *ftstrThnte 'Ooderierti 'Ontario; - 5141 .$611eltor for the" Estate. ' .„ ' ENDERS :WANTED„, • 'Marked sealed tendets, will • . . , .. JP I ,., P A. I ' c 001 ,. (lard unt,i.l Janti r 126, 1948,;- tot caretaking of .'schoOlS.„ in. .the ' area: '; 'Diit.le,,to Commence ' arY-1,-.1.041•.;3Qx...110..tflitt- apply to trustees or ,secretary. , -- Lowest, or 'an tender not necessarily 'a*ce"P`.4 RICHARD IKILPATitICX. 1-2- . ' , , • , .;,-It.R.41,,'Lucknow. . , arrsiiisitstimirsdissisisrirosiirsixmatiostrimainlisti •re- AtICTION '""• ySA.)11i3- -0,GPRAL4TVE.:70.9K, ,at lot 31L.t_OncesSion 2, East_Hawanosh To-VcruihiP, one and a-OuarterAtleseaSt _and one mile north' Of Auburn, on'. TUESDAX, JANUARY .fith -Commencing. at 1 pan., as'-fellews 0ATTEtat-4.11erefortt.-eci,-aillkinir 1 Dathtfin cow, due -aanuai•"y 24; 1 bla..ek.. • r. due February '60; Durham co* 4pr1l,- -Durham 'Oew,' reeeu .11,esh Durhhni cowi.,- due -March. heifer, fresh7'3 weeks, 1 •Guernsey c*, due in •Mareb ; 21 Dur- liantLat.id: rIereferir steers,,. from 090 --to- 900- lbs. -;-.'7--Dlithani and .1rerefirtd- ,heifers, 800 5_Ilereforcl ,'steers - and heifers, 1 year Old ; 2 yOung calveK, Eteteford-bull, 1600 lbs. r • . . • -PIS-York sow; With, litter 4: weekS old .6 York :chunks, 0 ihs,; 12 monk' pigs, -175 • „ • „ • - 1,3_41:AND G1LNIN----L--30 tons et --iOixed hay -;,•-.1000 bus: of..iniXed grain; 2Q�. has.,er•barley,-:•-• GOVIER. • JACX.ESr601,4et°i!': • • Auctioneei.,- • , 140TIG10: , ]3OL COM , PORTABLE hOme OW rock ••• PtOnii-4:-InAtftliationr ,e.perlerieed applkitors. ire eitintate: tAlliOnt Obligation. ' Phone. or write tlitON /N8t3LAViNG 117 Elgin avenue. Pho11e-600%7i Gode:' T14‘, 47tf; REPAIRED- - Cabinet making, SitWAlling, etc. - All kinds of general_blackstnithingi T: GOWER vorinerly Sheardown BlaAckSMith • shop.) - HAMILTON ST. 42tf e enation flione‘'1.'000 'for 24hour service t� • all • niakes .- commercial_ and .• • refrigeratj'en:_equmnent Itefiigerittiole Serriee GODERICH • FRIGIDAIRE' • • ConunereiaL Agent for Goderieh, ' and District.% -4 -Satisfaction Giu(raut,es,d. • 49tf 4 RUT INI3 „cooliENTAcT.0: SgRO. for -Guaranteed Rat* :Repairs . 'CAI* Radios a, .speeialty. rlO 112-XUPRie04.NIIPRO-71)j):e,liIverltE" 264 • 41 46tt •., 1 1.; y --um yob A CoMPREIIEN, 1N016TC3rs-"- IF NOT " . . ' SEE . PORE) Get -Insured •-- Stai ,Rest. Aisured. , Noi•th.St. ' Tel.. 268w ••••••••••••••••14.41/10. rOstcroutovetto , , , ; Eiygieffie suoites irnhher good), maned ,postpaid. In. phiin,,,',hettledOflr Volopg Priee 114t, 260; 24 , i'V100;•,' faI1 Order. .Dept. 143i. N natailten, Oiit' ieture or 14Iotoa-,P.enta tenill'alutinga •Any size Picture Frame inade to' , order -1 lettiie EiiinIfl s our hpecAti,Ity STOE plioplat0s, ykt,_ ••••,.. • '5.a • tcloclut*iitiojettittictocmig air! arnisori=ira •1:7•' we 234 ' L•