HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-01, Page 6•
-NNW 11(107-.17,..
Ta,g,'90En., •
* *
1200T gy*
bur -grit,
RIO • •
e ride
ew Yeais .M/6 has bee
bUtj1Q We c1ebrate the,-
pletdd, or the coangotha.
, 11,6w 'year:Z The riswei,
pihap 'depend § upon yczb.ait'
we ,ha+Ve dorier, With the op-
• poltuTiltjes pre644,6c1 by the
• 941'. year;
-QF ase
• Got.bEll Rt112
Yee, I went tP
d nothing:, •Iincleretand.4here
Wes no' peie412117,WitlitikTn*:'10:41
Isn't 111.10 there was nothing
.But being one -Of 4 millien_in London
that day, exe.ited -and tuUie with the
§(N114" the PoluP • 404
pageantry of a .roY41 weddingfc when
*ising•st and princes, Aueens' and. Prin.-
:woes, ainbaseat,ters •and'statesmen,
Aa landS wetiLl =Ike. 14W4,e1114.r.
sceife,- rowel' -the oceasien of the,
RI: ;A, • • . •
e royal -Wedding, ()hilt it*htttl-,'Onik heen the. Veil of the
reyal' bride - • ,.(
gret ih..41ovreeiltt , Ppra6s74.itiOn,..onatind,i t
PrAMPte4 to 'Thad -liow•*40 "get out •
hae. ThOusands. wer.0 likewlSe,„
PrOnilateit 21, ArageTed, twiSted,---what
ou1L'One 'de other- In Sue4,4.
.4nd for a fe-* minhtes I dw, wo4dor:
he Wennin near to 4 Wall., eel: -
lamed 'Under the 'Presenre. 4t1,he, and
two ',41,0o,S4nd •°there -14.4011Ae of'
that mile of !royal -WaYA Nert) o4S441"
/iuptials., of Ellgageth ..e4ried nud
West ughster';Ward-t • • tratment. .riny -1'11)4
,NoN'einbc.r. day:w3soe,,,ithat,„,djayand.-4or. 4.91np„.
and bright, 'with mild , tepi1)Qr4ture, _Uxze Utjo1 -
'Takinget bus,* north' J.-don_qon: vita row 11211144-4 tvoit inginan 'with
ttttraolraei, tck'eNevtee
e's,iit;.r,LOtil'aitt ,e44.1.40,tex‘ISt1c -'blantneesi':,•getthilr:
free ,eft,:the-croW'cr as' J. flit -said,. "Well; •
it heard -it nnin oflhe, Lrn_onavue, 4,3,p • bad',,,.Qpong4 Ono
fool' Square. *:Slie sboO1 ioi
if lieadtag-now.:,*here wo.tan,plkop a ont, it were an uttLe:.linposSibility. tbiS thirsty th-ife,;Avittetti4 weacun6,
'auspicious" , day With the police notice like 1,1110,144,- I agrseed about etIijist-
and-d. traffic restrictions to 'hand: .,Thoh, wew-b:ut wIped ,stoonayg 4row. and
give Me, a ticket neareet tie ;•'' ShelP-new!. snook nixeelf to get my overcoat and
and 'we, kileW, 'what "t0P- Meant and as oit halighig right aud looked tor -a
•she -came•,te Ifie- and wanted •to -know, ethref te, a.• „
my travel destination .1 asyed for. the _Later wk, tlit wife a.nd I
sante. thing -1'0e nearest- th." Shed been -wise to stay at our
smiled and ,s4ri1.."That is what all.,are temporary London.: area .110rue-father
aSking ,:for." At Waterloo „,Bridge than risk the :dangef " of a- crowd)
corner on the, Straod Ave., w07-e-te1ti the Wog to'• see , the marriageegistey.
to,P.$ cOuld. go no farther, The s...o.:allia with the ieyid names ,o,,,,it, as it huo.".
was closed to -vehicular traliF Tiipus. on -a table in •westmineter„Abbey, 4ud:
of people, were 011 it Walking west- looked *--nfon, the bridalhequet laid
ward -and_ the multitude' became dent er on the tomb of theVnitloWn Seldier,
,thti-farther. west one -went: •• By ., he -wiutf":"cegister-;-antl-'-those ' tiOwers were
- trine --tire----,Nelson; Column- elinie. iu, net.- as mach, to„. us as the high altar
-----tptegan to look some -What like .17111.11' with its gold adornment, -and the
anrold hymn begins. with,.,"Ten thous, i
',majestic naves and architecture- -14-
and times ten •thousand." , •- '" the noble building that is fUll of.Eng-
pveryhOdy 'seemed to have the same land'S and, thei Empire's story, for those
•thought an&p.hta, to secure a plaee ofn
vantage, perhaPS to ocCuPy a 'step er we read and* obSeilre. It is a. place,
One feels, •crowded With -inemerialsi
*a little raised placewhere the zrent
- -- - 'sanctities, Iionerable marbles „ and
cavalcade Could at least be gglimpsed, figures of dead soVereigns and of States -
even from. a regrettable distance. The .,:men
i• Maatonnell's 'and . Mr. rthile.fe9bt, •rt--01,1c1-e'and - hq.1544t_herr. our,
' - 1 A ,11 over t ere some NO • '. , • • • • • -
-------venturers"-diSeoverers -Whose names-.
poets, "scientiSts1,10.:7,eluttelris,047in-
'S,U4VIYAADTO.Nii, Dee; 3O-$ 14:aPpY
Ne,I.year .everyeae•.'
'Meernire' spent. ChristInas 11,1., 004 eiga,
ttritir UarY $"(fis7
now 1S'' visiting C4itord011
for 4 feW'dayisV'
and Nr4-14401d johnst04, I
DOrethY and 1Via44e, • Jones and
a a
(asro table year
ta _SubstaaatIally iinPrOYea-s-
Dep6oits, .4 $1,845,205,033,
-Ifearly DOUbled,in Five Yeare
--Loans , Oanttd„EC. and
itoss spent ChrletinaS withair, •
and' M -r$0 y1Wb: '• ; itionunitinu, •
and -Mrs. busiiietk t past
spel-v404111.11a and -Mrs. I. tli,eii.07,ntoi
• '.1,451.tttor' .;Dvitttlinlo, ni.. 1‘4s,.,.74.14,1114,. the letyint?- tb° 144+4
toter for --104-rIstinas were 'Air.. %alid ,f,lanada:"4„Or tbe
Ars. Pentland artd7 et litui,,,Notenilier 29, • 1917., lir ts eub
, s
.44-1•11-,h014",-:lir.'.itud, NI, Anoe,reoi And' gtant‘ially pl'11)1;e1:),(11ei.'),e's'kits:
1,1•Tv,ra.'41, 'T,11:111(1141;,•14„titi.hil,abtr:atilad•
Mr.P.--.1-#11ett'4„.•,„-' • " gtre4igotrik 'Qr., tile' bilfttgAS::'
' • Ark. ab,(19 A.D.'S,' Marl '13egle and family
near .(iodericn."- xtr: Bobt. Bogie. spent. risen 4 total -og
the day Ba:otgtiell,* 4434 • of his s• " Mr. lyseatit,islilaQgSte, 1111(1 reniedfltS 1111 ine1-&kae
4. •
ASLIFIELD • Mr.---Da_eid Stewart along with Bev- ., • .„isters of state, Soldieis, sailors,
• ...•• •
. .Dec. •29. ----Mrs. • favid
Farrish of Alberta bis sOnding the
• "14'4' • I ,
1 It
wmiajeliiiiton, si:•
ive 'gone to Dungannon to:spend-life
winter with Mrs...Qpwan'g,-Pirents;11k.
and Mrs. 'Stewart, - '
------Mr.----Donald4laeKa-yi--ef; North Ray,-
' •
is spentlin,_.• two weeks'. holidays '..with
• his. pa,relite,'71‘1,r. and. Mts. johll
Mr'. 'Bain,' Stewart of Guelph spent
• Christraas-at the honag„nt his brother,
, . .
some-tiniex-ago„ gild on which he has
made 'extensive., iniprovements. •
111r, and Mr A. MacIntyre.spent
•11tintts at -Untlerweed with --t ei•
, ;daughters, Mrs. COter, and, Mrs. 'Cole.
- •
, _•
. no le- nag, had77,to_ eerueIn_tle-reyal -a-r•A glorious -as -they • To
cl---/i•Irs Scott • qnd Barbara • 'coach-•surelY one coulef4,ret a fla •
. sh •
be amid such monuments and -graves
of Detroit, --spent Chri4inas ,.at -the...,-. --:
;._ VI, e passing gloiy, But that 8,, an, %that' reeall so much. history and nierii-
had -been •titkedrup : our befdre - Fal=
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin -Ayery and- , ' - --1--- - ' as -well as an inspiratien: It was -Worth
visited-m.yil,--relatives• in- -- , .,. - • the two- hon. 's' w it in the long queue
,,....,.....,_ _,,,,,,....0,._. ,_,...,1104.4red pmv,:aosittionS clialid bae.een ev,isouvi4arne:•.,bv4r18.ailgrml 4irt.,..A.trtrwate,-._-- v
-Palmerston:-.•- .---7,-- Of -their plage- tre,--7-----g-hueN emu fe , -. Btu:7-'0-
- --le-11 u - w ' t z
ci- se orbod that as the 0( tui•
„, ,-,A.Monevisiturslionie-fer theIblidaYs:- hind. -them, reiv after -row .. of people • . __ ' . -, --- • -.!.
- Place for the wedding I aid not see. -
were Miss Etbei_, Igacentie; Misses
_, ., , • • •stood and sh, d b t ' cl' t -a. 1 - -
• • 7 , --ierv other • • elevated .N...anta.be.$)ries...40.4_,L4L,go.rtons,.0114,t. js.„4,444•41e,,,
111 •
Ann aril•••Margretta Berry,' s an in opg . „.- _
Mr' and " MybeasI been
lir the 250t11 row
Bell, Mk. an-tr-Mrs. -A., Young,' !,•did•e-
. . • • of would-be, interested spectator.
M Mac -Keen e
, :11r. and- Mrs. Wilfred grancey have
recently Moved to their,' new home, -
the former residence of the late Charles
Mac'Lennag which Mr Fritne'ey bought
and Miss , a ri on , 4 .
D'EeILITY 6Qc. _ANC.140-.°9
•-• "Ruth,' moaned.' her 10-ifiiig
1ius1eli1d, "You pionaised.y,ouviiTouldiit-
1m3 -a:idre t .1)2'4e "yo'd
do .1t11.,, ,.`Dear2:‘,.,-teplied the inodern
'Eve.' -thre- deVil • tempted -nie." • "Why
didn't yoli say, `Get thee, behind rub,'
Man inquired: • "I
did," the •Winuan replied sweetly,. "and
111 thev-iffick'"uifjilly
then- he whispered over my shoulder,just bea
boxes * anything that could be climbed .CARLOW.,.LJJee. 29,7---Md-tlirs.
, __...,.....„......
and crave, 0. foothold had been. Pre- Ames Stoll ef 0.0.derich ,spent *Christ -
erupt e31. --;-The ,faine_US lions at the fnot in, • h. - • = . • ki. • '
as ,vi.t . Mr, and A Ts.- rordye:e Clark
of Nelson's. inenument afforded. excel- and famify. , •.
lent viewpoint for Many. Their-hroa.d , -Alls-sfes Jean and , Joan- Mciihet 1
baelci- were never. so alsafuli-. TItili.q_ London, and,...Norai.' of ,ite•repie,47 fonf,
' \!±---141P-ce-th "'art, .-3-1).°4....48sureals!! Ltheiteliday-With_theirliarenil,Air -414
on thisgreat day "for.,,-Den-cleir and the-,3-ir,..: oord,,,,Mephee. • , ,
‘Erapire„,„10_1e_f_oLit of the great _pedestal, 1‘,11.--...1nd-Mrs.L,13.0,11 • ,
o, was thronged,. with sightseers . The_ Berva
t .
-pent with Mrs. Allin's par-
mke ifilie had, the„bpst view was Nielson, ents; *lirand l'A1rs..411-6iTstou-•.of Bay -
himself,. high • up above..fb"&-''.thron,g, 'field' .' - - ""---------,----r- = , ' -'-
whare lie has-been through generations . Rev. and. Mrs. ..t;ronhielin andtamily,
as processions of -kings and%queens:, of wix,..i.efer, .61.6-,-nt•--cihrist41.a..‘s,,,i.t.4 .1r.
and those who -eccupy, the seats of the,
mighty haye‘wended their- way in 'NV:9e' and Xis.- '•Os. :Wilson. _ • ', ,
1\r. and .4. rs. Cecil airierandg).1:1$;,
to some lamentable national: funeral, of Detroit, --Miss dello. Smythe,-, 'Of
dr have passed -merrily 'andlls.dly-doWn. Toronto, 144c1 Mr. 'and -MrS. Orser, - of
Whiteh.all through the Admiralty Arch thingannort, spent-01,1riamasr‘yith Mrs.
to scihaeLCorentitien or--roya,l-Wedding-. qx00,1_0--.01-0.--faiiiiir, ,,, •-. .-•, .._-_- -
, ,We :saw these- elevated- -•-sightseers : 'Mr. ,and Mrs:.- Welvtfood,• Of Riiii•
and then looked -at :each. other in ..thiS =rattle, „ Xtr. .and Mts...Harvey Baxter.
dense -.crowd., We; stUdied heads and and family, of Goderieli, and, Mr. and
ha-rs-al1d-ha-ehta-ef'-alie4'alla'vi'Merc-lerTlitrs. Vralikilly.-111"fah-elf,-of-1(einrilltele:
an hour.' As the Minutes passed the
81)er-lt 'Christmas with' Mr. firld 7 MI*
OrZiWtr btathe .deirb'er ,and ,the pressure
41) _lti_niseaelnilA)oydieut i_loinc_ilzeQdr. d-iWnahryaiti:ydel ispenL_christints . witit_,
Capt. and- .111r8. Wallis, of Toronto
._••.,M111, ,11:1!.(1, ;.-4.r.s.
'Of the street in thes45.0tia,_ row, ,say ?-.1 tylid all.- ,-• ' , • „
Lamp -posts, signs on buildings; ppst-
Caused By Nervous Trouble
-..-BfiatiiI'd,•fiXiiio.,-,1-iervei1 are 'often- the .cause -Of
• -restless-nights- Improper rest • night 61t-er night, is
quickly,forrwed by loss of appetite, irritabihty and
j_.=:.••_,„,_.• a_.1:14,4- = -•
disorders 1-4Fca1t1r,
and .Nerv ''Pilis ara higlily benefici,al. • Theiron. hd Other ingredients- '
eont .1n -410p toimprove the Fro9a _content; StinTlu ate -the' nerirouS,
• •. *System, 'aid ther-appetite,..aid ligestiOn, thus hilPi-nrg _to promote -sleep. • .
Viiiburn'fa'Health and NerVe Pills- are sold at -dtugmeetraters everywhere:-
... .
thfi T. .1,1ilfmrii. 'Co.. Lirriltea,„toronto: Oht.
• • ;11r
• //VERY DOL you. hives t
Ile ins anee is Oeed. sown in fertile, gram r.T.
fl,wr1ike otdina'ry 'seed, 'y,Otir life...insurance
,t prodiTc„es an itnin-eilia-t—e
P,rotection of your family;
-2, It builds "up a savings 'fund tliai provi(Tos
eash.tir: tredit for ernergericies,
76,.town to niaturity, y'ou iife
give you :theli4erierti..,,tenc that rnak,(..-43* oid ago
pleaSant Ifnie.of lig:
Ask yo,pr. Crown, Life ounsellOt how you
can ina-ke savings'yield-thteq ivays"-
,"*. • 0
c ompAigt
110041'0071cst, •Totiotairoi oiltAitio •
0.Elk.itttAt ',4.11}:NtS
° th. ttki)11,110# Zfl!tielit
INALItiltiSON, CCU:4 1/#1410:1
Nopsrp.....Xiareut tfarboup,„ .Cliarlie for the year cif over ;f:31.-4100i0Q0,-.
and Margaret AdaMs, of Port Albert; minion and Provinceloverninent de -
Spent _Christmas with. lr, and Mrs., posits have decli-eed $02,573,092, ••••
F. Rising: • ' • •„,,, .---___'• Ceininercial--laans in Canada, which,
•&aster. Orii, Catlin of petroit spent began a steady 'upward' trend three
the Chiistmas holiday wifli---his- miele” years ago, Wife increased 1._more. than
and Out, Mr. and Mrs.jored,McCabe• $1.2q,000,000 and 1101V i 1111irilrfl tOtat
' Mrs.•• Bert Bogie is visiting in St, of $435,872,162. mercial loans by
,Patharines with her daughter guth, the bank's f •eign branches also have
wiffr is. a ,stpclent nurse in the S . nicreased froni $1.05,00,911 to $118.', -
*Catharines Hospital,. '. • 717,443. ,. •,• •
ig_T; and- MkS;TenYt•Vrooman and The ( increasing use of the :bank's
family spent- Christmas with Tony's., CoMmercial loaning purposeS-
parents, 'Mx. ..And -T -Mrs. Wm. Vriionnin, *has been accompanied by a natural
Tort Albert. Mr. and-mrs. non John- reductioll investments in. GoVern-
-ston and family, or Brantford, also meat and' other public ,-;ecurities, the
spent the hpliday there. total under this heading being'. $87,qi,
• MISS -Blan.cileSrrahain, R.N., of Wed- 847,409; 08 'eompared: •with:$1,0f#4,880,,,-
era Hospita' Moronto,,,viSited for .24kr
da7S with her parent. 74.1atal assets amounting to $2,093,-,
and'grIrs. Nixon and Mrs, .-Mc- 6,11,219. are slightly below the-. record
*Leed, of.-„-tuekno, Mr. ,and MrS. Cyril figure of _left - ear, This Afeerense is
Brown - and Edward, of GoderiCh, Were .nfore than acceunted for by the, drolY
in Deininion and_ Provinaill • GOver11- '
iiieiit denbsits, previOusly not,ed:-."
- liquid position- of the4hank is as
.Christmas Visitors with Mr. and -Mrs.
. .... . , , . .
John Hussey. - f
Mts. :Thu' Murphy_ and__sen returned__
home l from the Goderich hospital , qn
Fri:day-last-. . -
.fainili were . Christniar:gbests . of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Nivins,
elf,J,tiii iiill - '''":""---.--. . ,•-_---r-w--..,,,•.,t,...
of net bl'Ogt8. ArVidelgi$` amounting'
$2,9/b,000 were paid, and •-*2,09.04$$
carried*To"rWard to.surplus, no
stands at
• Tile 1111111i/1 general tatiee
• t'
shareholders will, be held,-,,xt ,the ilea
office the -.bank, Thursd ' . ailli
%-trsnal very strong, the per.eciitage of gtk at -31'111;.' . - 14.
ijguid asets to public Ihtbilities heipg '..Short stories. that are 'ibest-Selle
• Profits fat; the year \a'fter_the usnal, of The gignal.,Sta:
•---13ttrgla r4-7"-det dy- to di. -
goug te'shoOt you Victim,: -!.'•Why"?''
Burglar: "rye_ always.,said slniiit
. anyone who-loolied like - me,"• Xictini
"De 1...19_0k like' yon?" Baglar !
Victims:- "Then shoot."
We iiopedagaing hope that a..1A-ne.-wal' , -.21,r.
that„..‘ithen4hea Ponoh eame-4. ,1111111:. Ali's: Wm: Treble- and fam,
(If • Seezibiiity _Iv -child' open "Temehow. .ily ',,spent ,Chiistnnis in Goderich, Ns'itli
by the. Ilorse-„,-„G_Aards sQuie sholit(ler, -1;Trii-i"'sixtrs- MT„tit.;ar' et..Aritie** *:li--474-11.-o-Tf- Toronto,
n1a_.with_his-,litge...girl-en-his-Shooldor. I-1,-arry-,--o-"t,--,-
*some head- would be lowered ;- that the 'Aliss :Nora: Park, Mrs. Inkster : and
blocking -.4:eir ?present.' view would tire •wAtn. 11Irs. .•Alitchell. • ._. , , •• ; . .,
of. hi " enthitittsfie fi-therhood tunt ;7 , wi.r., ana Mrs., ciive„...,,siyetri,,,
and thati,ther 'ali-feet.,two fellow with Christmas with Mr, and..,11T. Fre„0,,
-broad- -Slidiriders,,, like Longfellow's y;L seatieek.:,_ef,,,Godri.oh. _.
lage -1 blacksMith; would not be 'where, Jr. arid •Mr s; IlArvey Webster and
he Was --he slidAld be again'Srthe:wall„ family -,-of Gedesek and Albert Brown,„,
• •fif.,,odige6.. ofentthi..,ee .i.i.6efartlby.6: srhoe4p5ils. inst,ea_d,,,,,Af .f-,1)..„.„..Dituil.ti.:7.11‘77.17.1-1,..11,...:,,iiite:atti„,,,,c..hi.,:if3,thl.,a*,,,,,Ii„.,. ;ir.;
As the elimactie-- hour arriVidil;there ,,Aliss Betty:' -3t °ling,. Of . London, . Spell t
• was an excited moving forward of
the great throng,.. offset by the locked---.titt)alindy.:1.1.rartS-.11Ielain. h°1,1_113tori'll'aenrde*X' tirr ,.,
arms of the -police line „which, ,pushed of Thedford,•spent Cliristmas with -Mr.
back the human, wave. • We went for and Mrs. Allan• Stoll:. `•,,, • * ''
• ward with the „tremendous - Pressure Mr. 'and .1‘1•rs: Stanley Todd --and
11 -
•1,N117dCri:liaens '1141iiii:Igli.SO4:11Y ' 'a111.1-ttiCio
be:sa,°11sVththelitrFrankilgon and -4)01141d,
. . W ..-' %,{r.1 and,
Andrew : of *St, Helena., 'Mr.. add Mrs.
feet. Girhr and ho -'s And undersized. 'mrs. '. Tim Loishmahi, oha_fltmiLy; of
adurts----slrfiekingly csomplaiued • they, Aubnry-7,-,-
could• See_ _nothing and . were suffering-1/and - ALf...1./..andi- Nrr'S.:. Chas.
rery-tli.ing., . My. :rili, .. uteo ..ne,r0.1., s,9 Yonng, (.,d Goilerleti,, ,-spen 'Christina '
71 i4s... 'John Arniing. and
,AA-..i.00d.. /..kbygigit..,(1 5..,-) .,go.,t .np. niy "O•itli'''Mr.,' and
'Thiby; ' .... • • '' • - , .. ,- _,..,_1„,-• .,
. ,....il (iridwea,--st.,--is-stasink -with.
M. ft4vrittrti-:-.i-kru' ,
up and4bitl licitiseholti J. urni cure: Coo
• iolld a t POol• Go re to Manitoba. 8a mit a te
California 'NV rite'p,y,=1,re tite/n e for -red treetit
. freight rates. Eztablialleq, 1885
- • ftlialtaid414I-tA115
!,10V111161. P„steu,s,a,• A,4,14.4, sal
• ,
for "Mr .
pruivitiNt4 and HhAfffsia
DITAaL- Phone 1.-2r3
-band, Ield-tight-doVvitr. ta1e-iny
.0hSt1act1v,e, hat as the, National An and MrS;,• CaldwellL haying
them., was played, and US the eheers Rad ,41.0.if1der.1)1 o1ett: ,. • -
beg:an for-flie--Xing, Our Alks, lathy 'Linda:
had -been more* in exercise than itt 4.9y ,mianne'Jltrg Staying with Mr:.4and 'Mrs:
(-Abel period, tot. excluding Altose -
ncy days when we nuived' and, as1
insted,,thein to this mew, earth, were
Stretehed-4,and in, S'erVice: As the itfo,..
,coss1o4 drew near and „as ''exeltenieilit
), A
wanted to 'Neg sometJimg.4,e se est:des
the. marl:de N•OIS0n. on the top or :the
'colura21,-;;; and the roof ,"of.,-,A.dniiralty
, liouse•vith the Dress. fellow,A; and the
Rouse" and the
le,gend "Canadian National !RallWay".
and somebody!s "wonderfql Whisky and
• Rum signboard -those toes took on
the greatest -stretch, 'Our extremities
were 13,AVI'dt ,..1111)1!ef greatly used and put
to., their test., • Those toes ranst. be.
ThereLwer,e,,too majiy in front
-they, were dOing .the same thing. All
of the wedding- X saw was,the.gream
ottlae steel helmet rof a' horse. guidir
eilp, iafure To
, A o,Outibiriattpu, o 'valuahlo" vogro,
table remedies, :blended; togalier"
Pills are Often
vah*ble in the relia'Prof constiPa,
tion ftn tnitior ill8Ortleto :tot flie liver,
. • .
stoma& olct bowels.. •
ilio ijihrilun.tor:koyntio
.61oaet10 spitotil of Ivat'e41:vraeh
Often the eallee---Ofi, eonsfipathvgi.
Siek and*.billous »o11 headbt4-
4ad heartinizir; -Otteo trit$,d;.
,e dellithied bY the retiowettl'Oling',
of" Well.beitig, whit* they,-"iielp
trodneet ;
Waitiver tilikate, on
-416:4 44-.0.14 COntiterk, 1_.„
orbei tt. )101)06 eti,„yoitik 6/11.,
Prank ,Me..l.rwatit at...„present;
•--Mr; ,A.A.kar,W.:3,11oM,I.V,..11§01):411,4IA?at
ily_spent. _
. Miss'
yonciiiti, who has been teaching
hi- tlie4.- •Separate :Sch(yoia. ,'„here," :since
reti1rned. %to her home An -
2Voronto for the ChriSttaaa holidays.
Miss \i -ret )k 0',1' Leamington
.1s. spending the, Jioliday .1.4eason with '
friends infthe lieighborhootl.
We ttre 86tIrk to sat that Mrs. lg. J'..
O'Colizior firot feelitig well-ifg*b{
iessr.,ert and
hora. for ChriStmaS
vacation • • •
Itita and', Eileen . NVAlIace
ototito spent Clu st as at lionie
"their parentS, latries
Wa11ace -.' - -
Teddy nailsfarsl,„wlio atteudi:Se1l601,,
' is honie With Ms
for the holidaYs. *-
Mr,, Charles, 1.)altOroet namilten
".1140`..„;'-ffitt'fenta,„' .4011.4 'Mrs.
la'rgo provVd .,,attohded the',
Itoud.aud.4-AOlut hold in:the parish
evening. 411 report an
.enJoYable evening,
2.tr.'7,8ugOto Frayne and friend
ot ot1o1pl4mpent Christmas 'with,
Itgoile,S rents,,' 1)r., and 'Mrs. Pray,ne,
l)41itittis ;Paitott and,
hfittore:110,11'- pof!i,;("kfat4i.nitettrolciltia' f:ritiad:,
s WolWhilo out `I'lltutlfist
'a bits' last wek lds IVIarflu ,Judt
'itdth 'a lario fltohor toilf auti, Afteklie
Shot it i4tWeral tithed; With .
Mat Shot; Atoktrig thnft
iiiipor 140* Tar tO
increase cif:$;1,81.8-,1$3 oker the figure.
for therr.previous Year. Out of total.
profits. an- ((mount of $2,850.000 has
'been -,Pet a'sl4 'forPomblion and .Pro-
• Villeial4tIovernment 'taxes, ari'llienase
$70.5,o00.. in.'addition "an 'amount Of:
•$802,687 has been provideVfon.gdepreci,
• a tion4it. •bank. Premises, leirving a net
J)rafi7 of$4,981;8: This figure (*QM- '
41:1;114'114 $4;020,-895 -6ye'ar ago. Out
0 •
tiOY lt-RE
_IN,c(3kIE TAX:- (Butiitti%
. vate 1*--Farrrr Reports),
- or Monthly)
Typing .--,:(Private or ,Comtriereial"
- 'work); • ".
' 58 PHONV.,,231J
. • •
Dio sgavIcE
• quaranteed
'AVest -2Satt;
, .
,.._,_ ,.:, ...... ,- --L.,4EA.SON,Ip, GRE!TIII_GS ,
•TY6-.u-W111--be piWcrol -the. Offeiterfield -41ittirti , ,eto. 'that",
, we re upholster or re-oOver foryou. - Chul'ee of Velotta.'i---friezr-
• t.. --:SEE CS 1 -PHONE -11-i tr. ‘._.• .•:-*RIT..,!1.1$1.
-t--050-ti'y liamaa,k , Quallty . coverings _ '
. . Phone 2.0.1,T, — Prcels.-,.up-ap4.44y9r,t,.,,,,. .
\ ' - ' --GODERICR
o ,0
• , Ok,.. Ontario's presF rapid4rowthisicallingi,?:r more pnci, more ,
efectricitrViti*ou- help tax's' a -v -e. *.it? *
Be ektra.tarefi.d.to turn 'OFF' lights ill' baterherit, cptiiiigeE:POrtthr
'clothes' Closets, etsoo ;os'ihey;are 'tot needed.' It is cilaio-
lutely netessayy -fa save all the rectrtctfyyou atin industry IS
to-malritain Oiployrneitt.an-f1rpiodu4tionat the, pretenii.high,
Mae it tir habit ,to ,turnlighis 'OFP- when youleave aroom
. .
..empty.:1C660.1ampsrellegtor.-bamifs,andsha,des, cleopi,,, ::Tp_mPF.f.:
tItiiill,ileciric'eilitplianteillenIi8riiiissew indisriOutil Savinbs may
, .
seem stheili:,. !!.m.o. 5ollottiyely;they iirovide iaige- quiiiiiiti4 of
and• farms.*
, ,. , , , , . .
. ,
additional Rower mtta) needed by.Ontaries,e)ipandin indue
. , .., ,
oerieh P
hik e ission