HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-01, Page 3101fit APAR 11 iasiness Direct rtro, . , ._,T4101). AO ,c0 &NT$ OtOIL 141.)01-9; •I•CHARTERED A000i1N44/1T:,; hone No. -Office 343W Liatise' 8433' gone#9•11,. t, rrq• I *c0 4INTIS: • • 4C e '044anf OUnt04, Olitart0 Phone. 4103."-,•. Albert Street •• 4.-00.01,,INTING Op. BoOKKEitillN9 ()COUNTING & BOOKKEEPING ° $10111/10R 'P -A4 For &Ian,. Businesses, Stores, 10.te. •Bookkeeping SYStents. Installed: - -,BObkfHBalaneed....Monthly FOttncila,k, ,StAttelliegtit --Va7a °Summarlea usinese a4d.cPersonal :Income. Tax • tiet14-kiis• • 'ALR*RilTs. -SLIORE ' " • , Ogee:Comer .North St. 44f.i.mcviare.. Phone 975. Itesidenee Phone 444. _ustiuRANck, AXPKILLIOP MUTUAL--,1g1134- ,-SURAfs40.10, CO. -Farm • and iso- 1,44-40,w1L-Propart• "Otlieere; • Gregor, Orice-Vreaclent, Manager,Lri.-re=11441,71311r,tit -and.',Sec.retary.-Tre4surer: • A.-11,61Seafor-tl.---,_--- ..pliel:tors--Prank McGregor, Clinten.; .Chrls.'. Leoalardt, Aprnholm+ S. it ,Seaforth4-Wv--R: 4, • Seiforthl, Harvey Fuller, R.R. - •Wart4; B.11. 3, Clinton; John II. Me- - .---16wing,s-lt,It. 1, Iliytli'vfnugh Alexander, 4, Walton.;3..1.- Malone, R.R. 5,', ' Seaforth. • - ....Agents, -_-_-;John, E. Pepper,,Bneet_In %R.-14 George A. 'Watt; . 1; R. Finlay,-erch. er;--Ilublia,..-Rdt.- 1.; ' -J. F. Prrizeter, Brodhagen7 .-Eloiley-holders' -can' *make all _ PaY- iifenfp and .get -their cards receipted at • theRoyal-Batik,_01.13' GroCery,<KingA•toni,treetii doderichTor_ - Reidi; Theneral 'Store Rayffeld, , NEW REQB,N4tiox,.. •PROGRAS 'INTRODUCEDe-lateet-progratus being spensOred. by, the Goderley: Recreation Odunell and ape to - go oprtktiort. early i,,,DOpeve, ry•g,••of.,"011oal in Superior /?•ew are • ‘"'#'1301•011t.-ttv'.Valci.3 ' •' skate-prograiii- fOi" lire- • • 1 • • • I 'Snlith51•11.nd..kindergaiten-age 'children: • ,T:heleapervvork, alesses are ietended, . • a r for .lidUlta interested in • fine ,, • nraft, ,Werk aiid will be held ,., the • , , eventilg=aitheCollegiate Institute. The' 11).801101On •feethis group will be under the directic,ei.ef 1%4s; Roy Ruse'', form- erly of the Inintlicraft deptirtmenf.of.. Central_ '17 A.1,0,4• Ale-iitrealIt is expeeted'" that participants- in this activity wil1 produce -nunierous1111-0 examples ..e_f tooled 1eathe.' Registra- tion for these ,classes is ii0fiv open and further information; may be obtained fXarathe- recreation 41,1reeter; J. 0, Peters, telephone 16. 4.7777 • TU0-41.1041i''; to Skate" pragRara inteudecl to provide an oppOrtmiity .or yofing'Children° 'tO learn to skate; at a time when the 'aiainw will be entirely, free of older, more expert skate-iC7-De tails are not yet fully completed, - but it is expected that the hours for this •activity will 3ie'„othe.raorningS and early afternoons of Teesday,' Thurs- day and • Friday.' At these . times the _arena. -will be opento' children Of.pre-- .,schobt ztrul kindergarten ", -age.: when ac- einupanied, by te,Pairent. This will pro - .vide an ..urieAnalled oPPortunity:_for4 .twb inati4SriSlie Vcratlieliy4t!91 mother or father tot:teach-the. chilkthe-' 'Watches in the lake and he would take- rudiinents of ;skating at an. age when the_rivers andlie,an oes:47:--be-taxiglitanct'under-- would *alternate' o,,Jodkout,1 and he the. most favorable circiimstances. -program will be announc4iii-the,neat 1310,131)1±14.-.• • ' • • A cOrrespti ent-lif The Torehte,Tele,;-,• gram tells of wo',' incidents In the. career of tile lath Captain. son Of' Goderich,7who attlieittue;of hi " r• • • rcent death -WAS 'master -Of the Canada Steamship big-, freighter; 14eMoyfie.:* "We'lvere tailring here in the mem „bers' rooms of -thel3p.ard, of Trade- , - - .therning....„13.hont Robinson of the _Lemoyne, and you May be, _Interested. in ---t1,04° hicidente_ mentioned to the groupt,.\. :"I gave' lihn. job inaste.r of the S.S. • Irequois, proinotion from. •,..x'afieslatrXtle0 about 1910 br '11, and his' first or second year the two wheelsmen. via four deckhands, under: took te:holdzlii•Mtli3•foy a large Merease in ply, When they leartied4haf she was chattered to take a -en of corn from Chicago to I<Ingston the -last trip ef the season.. "She was then- _un1oading . eat a Port .Colborne.,,e • 'off and 'kepeirte, he littd'A-;•fti • erew,- lie would m NT °A.V* 0 1st, 19 TRAP -01:1007V-140- • - ,.011 ,BOXING, DAY .T1.16 traP "shOdt had IIOXing ,t)ay by the 44ftlana:,11811- 141.• 044)16,Sefl".'" servation 4-eyealied., that the ;game,• 404.; birds•are 4.$afe, .ixeu• . 0:94eriPli; •f one 'jna,;', judge by 4oar.eS ohalhed 'OD 105,. ShOoterS., Seine. dubions•tu4141U1.034 were Puid:at the complete misses registered • easy 'birds• . "These clay birds are not quite; as •easy to .121t as they seein,,,are they, boys " , ' • ' When the' $490,Was. tallicdT,-onehero :out of ten wttS 'the:lowosLscore id seven vitt ef t'elithe 'highest for singles. The boys nseefild to get the -bang ..of the -thing for the, team' shots, the scores beiug .one out p2 ten .„and-LB/x. out• of ten,- „Geo: Robertsenr• and 0, Larder'. irg ssa - aptc,r, ,First Prize, Central, --Ba*ter,° 4-T,TOTItoGRAPErr• OP A Ya,1;i ha'Ve seen those' Wee animals - With' long shaggy' 'Atur over their ,eyes,1 0•0. •.• dry r- t;0170etitiCiti' o -.chasing ,car's . necindbiPsliroitle,:St,.„Pet,ex'.s,Sellool,----4nes •,, : AT,J41613•10GRARIXX.,...9V, 4 KITTIV . -One: dttflif March when I fixst 'Caine ,,,--••-, , , • 4. r '-' t 4 . ' world I looked. around and So that they can hardlY, sie; haven't 113.2 ° this yoli? Well, thai'e* 7,hat,a-aV-t- Nhitei rya,litl6roal.°e'i•Parwo:1-11tise tshtiinliggOneitriit.: INIttl.thsepup.t VV• e v ry y g I lived _ ground, but it was not long/till we were With'soft and -:kind-hearted PP0,14,a, At travelling w'ir:ainlia the *ar4.• if ,was were declared the winners of the day., ,Ine age of 'IV° and, one-half.Faengis I theli • 1)257 rac!ther warned.-"ine of our. '' — t NFC -18.•8°1.411 to 4 2tri..,4 -r44,st-,°4., '`'w•-h-e:re I ntrer, ' daY,....11.0weV-er, ...when' ,Vi'e were Sale" o id ot - ' ' • • e f . ,..: -, -3.00:1' as -harlYwinagY`shdon°;%14u-atftirei 'Ivfilsollweedr ter' iiii,--I• lceiked4, up ,at mast" r 'and 114 %/Ns: - c ' ' ". '44" sitting in the basket that was set 'here nstmas-Se , garden, J)arking, at passersby, . ''an ineovied; .Ile, _thinking...I W.asiim dent; Splashingl at the geluirsh, r used to picked _ Up MY 'Mother. and-whaeited 0601-7)14ttee -tIoottlia . for .Further but. noW-.TabbY *. comes 40 -the' reSCUe_. ,, -,-: ' -,:t/t, , • ' *, tease the kittens and make the,M,-crokts,7. iier on ti* j(40- edigt, an enormOus 'any,. and wise .. with all my , little. -' 96_,11tTrhisittiitiraxistriotro_11.1 ' i: , an.c?:;IPra:sti:n411.03:::ktc)1" m.7 '°308-2ut• -brothers ad sisters. . Well, I_ was so •. WhY; • the ' other 4IY' 'shd. 7eilide '14":3:11'at'''' 'frightened I , ran; - and an, and Tam - 1 ,,.4,, ; •-_ ..,., as w , ) ,the lkittens' din,ner' busy yn c][10(e_ainIt'ew. I•atas.. aj. CIO! •,,a, _huge and - , All . of a sudden .I stopga running, turned "ray head anethere sitting on ii, cement, foundation was the-'inost beautlint-littig,--bungalow:that, ''.I , think I -ever saw.- -- - • . I sat on the_doorStep_of„.the_cottage- 4a.nd-11a-ik-ed,.,,in the Sun." "44 soon an -old. woman -appeared, picked • me up•in her fiatl..:old,' withered hands and ine,111,-.1mr-7c:14-1- lire. Then She -I. -set Inc down on the Oif..--4nda-,1)10iiglitdaS 0 warm -litilkr.,-. I drank it with .rel s San after this.. feast she set- nie„ 1na,..d.0 hd r:Acib 1. it.,;:3 -h-s eigr,.as‘ttnim- edy" c:s. elikeLf.,t. 0,1-c der_.:pa:niada'e aflicira.1., realizing it-- was; lett it wasn't, ahd God' bless that poor old woman; 12 and I, don't like it.'irAQAP gets' in n'Y ;there is anythtikg:'htlinan ebeut- kind - eyes.. I once splashed SC! 1.111.1Ch. that People there-ik--abai-L117i:. Don1t4yeu , there, was very. little water left in the -think so? : , -..t.,,tbiba.n;-,s,A,-Etefort_p.caoinMbrdtirletd; my hair ,nd: :i.jzirt Prize, -.Victoria School-,.--Chirepce _,. of °±nyteee-, \I'lliegahliglat-4-t-t- by-babrkieiffigili nitr. ltradelst . rC,14.,a1.6:11Ts'eli:' ...T;UZZY. .11-11-Zz;1-7 and -helding"-hini;by notlat ' *t• -1-1-3,---, b-r-otixei„s .a/Tcri'' ,were btid -fit' t'I.,' ome, out. When' the§, cam he told t\g_hun4a me. until my master-or4Ms ress would , . -7- :----L7 ''-- I . 'growled4,. t her! She charged! l •Reterns froni, the sale 'of Christmas Yelped f,- 7 She struck! X -whinedl • She il ,p0a.lw.:in_zdederich. and. „district: new, IW.ni,,. ,. ' eed.204099.----While -thi IsTeXcellent? 7-gave-vbei.dineke-asneothae_rbbfeelnil-----Ip--wawa.s.atejat.wiaist , '---,• fa* AgO, . w ei, 0 ,, a01100,0tabir higher. At. a,- 1:cuitate-ulie°: elvneagw' beAni.ea,iar''' -ang: ra!n.°,T. , *thrill it - the • saine time a year riirwii. Meeting stif4he-C,o_fnmitteeheId..reeently,. .Orie- Stindity' morning .1. followed the G. L. Parsons; 'chairman; expressed the ai /limy Ourripto,:the_countri„:„__Roiajz.,.. "-,•.pi.itioi.Ohitt;-,:a.---great.-mtin other can tag "I, WAS lo.St,-I,-,Went back and some tributitins Wetild likely be -eceiVed -as bad- toys threiv stones at -me., •I ran _airciwoul....pduhtir:n,4menw'aite.C.Ii_idill..ectitrio lteak7etiasoff:' 7_,r. a"soon stly4as -the-elli.priics,pt j.L.....wilgteres T,usiferw_uh ‘za:, ooril -±,i,41,J, then.m...agd came_to_a_erossrairs, T , outalan4itod delivered_4.atinht„.1.-:4Coarg1;00,f1*44,--e•Oril r.,,10118,atact ,paawthotghp,_,,,Aajilv.of -- ' .oTc tool the better -looking road ,and-rn-ali te.,9,7h6.,,,t.roe a,.4m1.P1,r%x-rt4•at'Itecc.tvev7imto ,thre radio !tationenandretheener. 'Contributions -' are tgreat enough, 'tins t� see me, fOrafey TWOrk-Will-te-ceinpleted-in-Ltheaeourity.,--;-_-__me-ulet:- 61glad this year. It is plauri0 to holnd, Clinics -1,117,°,, se,•are 9 irr-al'‘'vel*Twirelnrff-fur An 1948 at Clinton,,SeafortiV Hensel', , - * • ., I have ply bath-- once or twice it weel.c...; Exeter, ...„Blyth, BruSSels, ...i.lit,d... Gorile,..; 1. Jove to splash the water at MY ••„ At the-elinics „held -in .i.pual some rew- mistress,. of which •slie isn't very fond, ettises a tuberculosis Were found.' ,Treatment- and 'Periodie,. exp.mination are being -carried out in these- :ales as well :,,i.s 43. the cas.ds, diagnosed -fie -7'. fore the clinic: „Clinies'are held regu- larly_att t --1-a hospitals -la Huron eounty; and the payment for this work is -made rota. tire Cliristinal fund. it is the • opinio-ii-Rirthe committee that -this .serviceAS dTie---esf the most importa -recreation-Aired-of. - •-•41, ••••Irr•-z• r,. I71 r -L -7A11148: -"1-g -7-- ' ' I . E.T\,1-C -an' -OProwatisT ... . &Igoe - —,7:11;ioderieh •-• . liee Armstrong .and See • Bettor" At Ltielinow - first :Wednesday ;Of )•• ''''' each unnith. • - • gar' 11001.1111111r 'ARDICAL R. 4 F. FORSTEW-E 11, NOSE,,THItOAT - Late aos'e---siiii66.1L-2x0,---yoik- anniural,Ifospital,, assist - _Ant at Moorefield Eye klospital and Golden_ Square Throat ••-Hospital, tiOnderi, ' • . tvrs--TUV.1.4.1,0,` SlcIPPLIED - ' • filfi WaVerlod. Strattord, Net Bedford Hotel, Goderich, ..7•Vitedileali:v7 'Jan', =,i3O§,iirt tlit '4.30 ' oderich, Phone 341- 0.1P.Iet .attuAs- . . -Atm. & Ts.. -7.--0' •Z" to 5' p.m. (only) Tues. &-irt-9-to'li.:00 a.m. ,ZIO. 5 p.m. and 7, to. Wed. :78; Sat.. -0 to 11.30 a.m.4ouLyi Mlneral fume baths by aPPOi.utment • only. • A. N. ATXINSON 7,- _51 .Soutb St. • Segisteied Under Drugless Practitioners• • ' .• Act' Tot the rovliiee_ofentiqie; - ,Optometristr-Opt omit Eyes Examined; Glasii-Fitted hone4 -33 --.1,-A=LGoderzeh,. Ont. • - • — r re •I• • a:e *etd,eitnL Motor Car Insu OFFICE -MASONIC ,TEIVIFLE WEST STREET • f101VE 230 --APPLegli.CF INSURE IN suPg- INSURANC:1-7. J CO DERATION -LIFE , FIREL-PretrIV,'rates., for pfete "'''' • risks -,7 .- -4.CblEihtlkIT-7&• $140 _ JOAN ARRISH Phone' '82-1, Dungannon 1' • --ZONALD B. AXPERIENCED• -AUCTIONEER iTleinfied for CeOnties-or-Ifere' • and: Bruce ,_..- -.7.---RIPLEVIWNEr71-9:-- Fer informition apply to J. N. liernighani Division Court Clerk; -Gdderieh..Ont. EDWARD LICENSED• AUCTIONEER " CorreSpondence ,..promptly an-- Imm.edia.te arrangements can :be-inade eorSales-Date by 'calling "Phone 203; Clinton. - Charge mOdepife :and satisfac- tion- Guaranteed, ' ' 19tf . HAROLD rJACKSON •'.1.0(CENSED -Foritiformation, write• 04hone 'feet) .Seitfortn, or 867 60deriehp..- Iiii3111t*CE. 4ALESTAtE PHONE -24 (0)DERipti • ' Ingeevers-ShrathrLdIre-Stiperi-or •"the other incident was discovery f • of the,"Sboal. in the., middle of 'take Superior. This came 'about ,-when he was * master S.S. D•Onnacona.- She had 'a peculiarity of vibrating very strongly in (he rivers or -wherever the water was shallow. On one a- hiS early trips on her -14-"rfetired7tliTs vibration started up about the middle of the lake and after a time stopped. -- "Ile_cohtinued to WatOli this every trip:And-finilly bee_ame eunvinced-tlurt a shoal really existed Where the chart , . ShoWed deepl.,*ater, and was likely "re- . burn It. td--,senre otlier•-slrips -Wjachlracl dial:CS. of the work of ridding this county - kittens Were--very-.valttable-,andrleished sporithble for the. Toss of •the 13annock-n them hat he ifad heard their Persian- disappear&i, so he reported the -Matter -of, tubkrenlelis, -- to Dam -ea nand aSked,them to .tn-' .!. ,contfibuti?ns from organizations to to have :them.* 'After . saving :her 1,1•-• tens, T:ntibtry,. 'hag been a little .,•ra 6 :Vestigate.,7, • . I:0,DX.; -$504- anaclien Legion, *.$p); dlite Include; ,. ' laple . Leaf. Chapter, -. LionS Chi , - • .,, ;• friendly •with -Oh!, Oh! .ilere s le of the investigation - There Was a ceineS nom'. • Now I'm in my. frvorif \-• FIR,ST--AID RENDERED -"The latest charts shoyi the, result .. ., Returns from ,the -sale" -df -seals by the - nide-out:. I come -here. -if' I am itn,y,-. suoal there,...and it is now. charthd.- 4' pupils of Central- School aniount to Whebe.."16,i,I.: It is a large hatbox in factor,- .0-.1141 I,ake Superior 'sailors' ''',''''s•-p-ii---udi*d.'.a..istane?__. . Inglr-aild-:ft.oitr-i-thepa),-*e„School".. , _*. . . . dees .not. know .£1.1,)out,-.-yetl..7,-I_ JUsi let the spare bedroom closet Which.-Trablly` • "-•4a-pt..,' -ltehinAli71, vitsTi-treal bone - idea .of his services or that It was his : front,various plants in the town: Gode- las-been- received- -Die- lid down fit r eliongb se fhb t • I •-(11111, see our:" Tabby- IS stilribokilig and. of Atonrse--few--of*them lave. milt habits of ohservatioh tinsl desire if -t0. ge.:6 an explanatioeof anything unusual Nybieli Jed to it." 'l. ' ' '- • -'. t. NIPS • 14.1 woo TAR* 1:t13 ova' rt. 5 9-48\ .1111 .7-Mon.daysi 7,39 to:9, Thurt40,s,. 7„,39 I , 0 , •• hird,g 3414 to be, anuolure(1.' - , • dogs.-- We are: all. black and white, are about 'ale and a4lalf years old and are '41 abeiirtle- same size. We were born„, at an airport but, now we • are . • One day as we were playing -1414e -. barn .we found4orae gang .• with, what We...are:tight- was)--sOup,----W4---- Stood- and ' lisokeVat." the, Soup for '4.10k- ti Then' *my brother- Said, 4NIfy. ot try Itrit looks'good." So'•we. • took some-oftlie .selip.and we Were-alP 'Sick and :then found. Opt ,that it . was no soup a .all -•-but was Paint44:,. - •.Well, when:L. that., was oVer, thought that we would tryz_an-dfind •' a place 'to -hide our ;bones -sd- that thc. big blindeg-next-41M7ii,could not take - the#X, : _Rut- when: we -fouid place.the- bulldog. could, go there -With.,10':.;:eyes-,- • closed,- We looked,. < and-lbOked'i- then- --r.; said Buzzy, "Why not ' hide' it. In „..0. bed :in the house?' So we put out our paws and picked - the bones- ' • .an 14 en- we went in t When ---"- we int, them iir..tye bed the atityl._ .the.lionSe 4ound.themlind4e0g; So we a-.7neW— phice-to hide_ theni.. • • - On our.way.out of the house IpusIed._ the" sefeen door Open,. and "wats'yoing_ out ,When (Continued' on_ page- 7) • INFANT C11.44Df DIE • Peter _.T.ohn,..i.cantelo'n. ,Robh,-iiufnuiL - sou' Of".:**.; • and' Mrs. Williaiu Robb, 294 Cobourg:nstreet Stratford, 4.114'd On v_ed:so,,that-i the , work of stamping out tuberculosis mify. 4th 1"S1 the_Ixtu,. only4'&11a.:- the mother is the former' be c°1111111fit.• '- Catherine Cantelpii, danghtex of Mr and AIrS.,-,-P7-4e-pantelon-- of Goderieb.: the -fthieral fook blade on „Saturday tifternoon;- peoetery, Stratford. . Rev. A. S. True- odel-:-iot_thentrnitea Chu'rcli;Teonducted- the funeral service. • '-'So You• like .1-nipOcch,". ;be.. am* ed the- sPortily 'attirPd gent.: "Pm glad,_•.•It thouSand dollars• Very rare breed. Part. sehrfaliZer. • ',11art"bull," "Amazing," clucked the lady he had just Met.. -f'Which part' is bull?' • rich Elevator Co.. $25'• Goderich Salt around the- bethooin and I dor,a know what 1 have done now. I ,don't want tay-eyes scratched right out, but she the only one whoscolds me. r aim -slapped ail(' 'shamed when, I swing on the- clothesline or .lace cur p. do:, $257, GOderich Organ .Co., §.5; D. Co.,-:-$'119- :.T0,.-date 426 individual contribetions rtitgi1fg-Lfrimr 00c to $20 have -keen. eive.4,•_ and. it ' is -*IriaW---:..-00:4-5hir xtycheight • people have -reltimed the, seals unsold'. `•"t:* jie corinntttee 'hopes that:other eon- MOUSB,,ZNDURES TRIAL BY ,FIRE 4: cat -Might enjoy its proVerbial nine,,_ .i-ives-,.. WA-- a Mouse at ,,the heli'e Of Ilitri7 )osnell, Napier *feet, did all ..1.4grIbet'artiP4 ,a-,-- 131.01.1-ge . 41 th0_pq' pt,..r.f,. Iiarry Went,. In., to:investigate. Peeking, into a • box .of, crackers, he 'seer the Molise settrry downto the bottom of the benX. IITifriedly closing the slid of the bok. Harry took it down'to the furnace. and thre_w_it, in: ''That -,7 shohld , have o The gent broke dOwn. "The pert been. ,the . elle of the- mouse. ' about- The theAsand. ' dollars," he' co36-- ' -.-Neit • morifing ,when he -opened the Idea,. : ' ' ' " ' 'furnace door in order to•Yp-ut. in more ...4.•',".......-.,t`rtpo.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„;.;.,,„ coal, Ilarry saw the mouse jump 0 ...„, :_-_:„;-the furnace 'dour to thedlobr.aind st fet,y WE7 S-T04140N4AdRIO:.2..MOTORIV,AiS It had apParently ' escaped 1,. ion) the .;Brf,4 : Sreffeapiel' .Now. In :Effect --;-• ke and hadbraved it -out% by 'taking • ' To LONDON ',. '::-.7-To 'STRATF.ORP-,, .1*.ftige in,. the ,neoler,.area close - to ' the ?.., . -• --,-- - 7.45.4,,in,,'.* • 1,45°,2411). n - door. --12.10:'-10.14. ',.i• . .,I.U.5 pAit.; ' _• n a furtha,•effort c't0 ,catch the , 4.1.5, p.m; ._,L.. , . -:4,1; On. •;, rodent, a trap wah set, ."azid.. two .days ---341.5. p.M. ,' " .'. • - ' , , , 1,ater the Mouse-, its 'feet' blistered from _ Buslor-London leaves at 7400 a„nti;ifir-Its---stay---tir fhg-fiirnaeel, Wa§. caught. ' 'SaturdaY• and Monday only, . _,, . .. ... , , . OBSERVg,THIRTY-FIOTIt- - L -- -- .;, WEDDING...ANNIVERSARY • Ortrisfina7$ Pay, , .beld. , ;%a ' :special . '-•fitelirirettiotiiimbytetePtetriticloV i lehn C. Purst; n.t. No. 2, , (Minton, it h .110. , their- thirtY-filth vtiedtlinan g -'7- e\., niveiyiry, .The o9easiop Was. 'fittingly.; observ Id,. all' ratiMbers.. of !the. family -spending, trie dap; Withtheir.-Parent8.' lIensall on December 25,11)12, and have ofiltteil..1-0./inal-,-.''',:ing441.negko, S:s)a'ilIiewt"pi°4'?.. * 'Mr„ 'aid Mrs. Data were, married at 115 since resided,for tlie mo,§1 part On, theix - 2_ '":2_• ' ''' Ilig111 li/Y fr611 ' Y°6'-aVei'al" (1°48 ,T.TitOrffrii*_toui.7:dnait44e.rgrAt,ve .son. a. 04ne., olotl; 'and 1014 me awaY itOin atitt--#nine---gratdelliareiL,u ., , --- ' owe. .. -, - .-__.#,:-..„ ; -,-• - - .," ""'""'"'!'"'''''''"*"--'"-- -. ...,,, ,..--, -.., ,,!..• . ---For.•;days-,i,j vande'rell , th•$.,''strects without, food. • .• ' i• -i. - --One.,.inerning 'lls, I was' watking ', albng _the. 'street, .r• "-started to, .chase a.,..e4cA r•ktiew I -'shotildn't have don0. it, but it's,a.,bail liiNt of mine. I-dOn„:.,t,•,2know._ what happened,. iut. , whqn,,-.'r woke!, uP,,I Wasln. a dog htospital'with strange veoPle , ail- around me, one or whom i, _• ,seenit_qt,to reViiisf1,1Se aS the matt 41.i , the car; ''. One of the latileS Pickfd. me Ii1:4;rt':(1.116. lald'il.yilsx..•;16::ettlIV:;,:e11:111,1i4 ,1146•'' tietY,- and- she :ii,S"„ the'anoStn..kind., ,. ..1 Atayed. at bef':',Ileine* Off. the, :OU Allis -et' -town tot---klone-ttite:,' Mii6- fed. inc the • Vett of nieftig, ' X,,,Coillti - run about at my ,leisure .untifit .'.004..8 tline'lotged-,,,----,-----'-------.',' Then' 0110 day 'it. 'Midi Oarne to. the house to look at- Me4,- 'Athirst I did not r'ecoguranfin, but then It all .clune hack; he wits int rightful (it&need Piotc' frig Ate 0 he hugged' roe tenderly to . his h6nrtTer ii moment, then ))6,btreoa'. the 144, 11,Ve, 'dollar's., and we lett for „ , It Was One ,Ot the Most happy in ' t MentS Of My 'life. ,' ,• . ThankS,,, AO the ... Modttesi .,',of,,, tit Inhuito $oelety I Ara -.Safe 1)I-110tio. .° I-14*e 'Alio Agq)kell. the 'bad . babIt' iindays. and holidnrs the .12,15 -bus Connections at-, Clinton r London. goes .to StrattOrditiily(. Detr44-Winighain,' kertOn, Port 09.44fIlltdOktifp onneet ons Stratford•forlyoodstock Kifebener,'Olieliph, Hamilton,' .and . Toronto: . • • Connectiong al forl,Listowel --and Letidon. * For information -Wien& -Reg. MeGee Sens at, 765. • tr k.„,• ,6011110111.111101011.1101001.01. ,t 'Orable, in TecinairOlor-"Motiter W ore Tights. " Monday Juesday nd-WedriesdaY4P.Oiat-,-.ARFackloll The Ito af*edditiii;'*InIreeliitticO!or eloSeup SplendOr oL Westinin:Ster AbbetY1 ofLondon en fete; with all tlie rfenV and pageantyy belonging JO, atielent royal ritual: As, an added'-feattUre:• - " .Jack Cai1son, Martlia,'Viehere and. Volit4i. offer a e1itp rilitily getyour 1111 of lituglis,:tunes-and general fn - .-ThUraditY* rridaY and ibitteNT.): WV*, ,RRENDA JOYC1 aiitl ItiOtitY DAVENPORT Vlitietittl. lis"theitie; Outsttandiiig its east, and •:15reathrtaltinkly TeehtileolOra baelr,„gr00043.- • ' • Enchanted Forest" Sat.,And liOlidayt 4.4,0 P.M! -Joan Crawford, , in "P tntettitinnutt rti Kki"' A -CIIANO, ON SLIPPERY ROADS! Get Car, insurance ,t000r-,:: • 'OillSrEIOStornylAuquie) - 13.01t1)011 JEWELL R.R. 6, GOIDERICH Phone cakor,3e:r4, Awimulipinksammiw' 44 PORTAPOI FOOL-pRoot‘ SOUND . B. -R,._TYIUNDAY -, • Certified, Radio. Technician - 11ilIONE-.-4)R- CALL - 1; 'Sometimes . I an) eveit_ locked Li thet. • ,attie or made ou to bed, without super • init I just can't resist \,. _temptations -• 7 r 717 •;, mew .As we were too shuwbelp- lug Santa' de]..iver:fiii-Oirfst- -0ffts-of ,Furniturer-v!e-, n:eglecte44o-Say- - err Fistula :But, trixAehalf of Dan *alter", Mr Sonley, Mrs, Cranston and. mytelf we do want to say, and , mean Ilappy New. Year raustofi s Furniture-- • • e- Sqns.,re Goderia zzaaramm*10-42a:17-A-z2-21.,'120020I-.;,'-" -SeconT Isrize,. School -Tett Nelson. 13TJTCq_, '• 11 anr just an •firtlititay *dog..rEs, name is Butch.illy mother was -just-r, 1r -bit- of -a .flieg, althoTtla I am, a .goodsize. am...Abouter .Ohe tind , „ quartyeaic old. was uought .by -my 'present_owner when was about _one • a_had inontlis old,• • haven't tnueli to .write about. • MY L-C'ithoUt the sante as any of_the dog, in our neighborhood„I, play and light '•e•Ith the" atrizr :to , sleep as nmeh-11.4...,pcissible,......Thedcigs In; my neighborhood aon't like- dogs „ fr4pa - other .neighborhobds showing theinsolves around -our: teiTitory. . ,tve somethimg-else le' my -to you • unarm' .131rfre:' 1 close. I would like tore:N.:press' iii feelings,"nd my' friends' feelings, ibout _the matter pertaining to • dog --slimes. ----The..--dogS' tlitit 911. shown -at these shows are t.hotongli-, bleeds. They are-conibed to perfection, then sprayed with' perfume, - butThlie thing they can't eleinge is their penAeni- ality. Sonie of these dogs are really° handsome, but they •still-nren.'t gentle. 1-11incr-inean • that they," are all MIS -way. „Koine of thent\are gentle. Butch thinics• the Judging ::Rhould ...' be left to the dogs,. Some. ,of the mbagrels ate -•-uaTak personality. - • First Prize, St. Peter's School -.--Aon Id • 12q ,rizotTEL`p iNSUltiptet Sterling Trust - T. IcitipAiratok -lot- 7, Luehnorst - -.Phone 7RDWigannojJ • a 111 1 'IDANOISO EVERY SATURDAY ,N1011T-9 to 12 9 P• $10 BY ER10itt1Oimr -TRUMPET ANDoixtekt4 , 60o per Venal , thorrer,,, • n"ar •••• . • , - ' Ph ot�jrcqThi tor all occaswns INFORMAL 'WEDDING -- *PICTURES - • -.:1) • • TROIFSSEAU , TEAS ANNIVERSARIES DINNER gRouiii • . • • • . • • , • _.•._ FAMILY, --.-GROUPS .CHILDREN*. - St. Da:Arid St..; Obcleriolt , •--Telephone 4011.17:- ,1 • /- , Aserpramininagermwiniiii6aionimilisimalo rr•144.1, -•ki • 6 , 4, ' r,•,' k E HAYA-A'.• LOGE -STOCK FOR itbIEDIATE .1)* witmor ?or cold weather gu,-anti.free;e, skid, choisse 'heaters, ddrost4.0, etc, - N ot *stet.- • .0 •••••