HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-01-01, Page 2414 GQ ERIC S GNAL- " rRoist cloulsrrrs,, VORMOST`' , Published • liY* Otgn- al-Sttu: lAndted, 001304100 flsesDanada a4 'Gre4 Ttritain. $2,06 .-1!‘" 5374ti,to1:rn1te0 • ' ' • • ;States *2.00., •-•• Offer .t*iet4g-ItiMSWiti7reclueEit. • AnthOrtied as seeend--elaii mail. epogt - • Pepartment, Qt4wa, Telephone 11,17-- - lifeinber of Canadian 'Wiek1.9",' Newlsapert4 Akiettcttion ,8jrbfli (U0410441 O'er -Zvi? • - `. W. II, ii,coBvitT80,NT - GEO. 14 yLtif THURSDAY. ,l'ANTJART it, 1948 4PITQA1AL 4A4,.1)0.-Zievg °Year f9,.. /611. * haven't thought prit;'; ,1048 l leaP: year . • * • 'We/etime;•1948 We hope You •not ditiorclerly a 'chap- as --`1147; Nattlin,11Yr the -Ohristin_as.„„ JPI would last longer it.-€130.,g1asses were not filled so•-ottert-on -Chr,istmas; 'Day. •• • * -It Is true that Our-apre lov-,daytt lly the-neee.ssarY • aS been someWnat upse 'during • ' 4 Waterloo 4s_atowt1e+haby city of atria, attaining-iliiS,status with -the. Jirst day .-of • the new yeai. ',..qtli a puPulatiei of ltss than.11,000. it might. be supposed that its natural coalition r.:2W:ould he :in Union with. KitehlleF, ditaiing a cityof soxiiewhere near-"afty _ thousand. • The easnalVsita -to er T ith,,e:, tres'a't'kiio-W.-'"-whether..he is. -1u • Ritclie' er dr . -in 'Waterloo, and the duplication' ef ninnicipar .SeW,iceiust be e*pensive; but. rivalry between the tivo -cities ls k-eeti,.., and Waterloo is ambitious. And the -new -city tan boast' that it has . been .Waterlbo- longer tnan Kitchener has' been Sitcliener..' - -.. - The- unfortunate-deathAfe;Dr.-it:- Et-. Taylor of South ilurcin eretates Al* _ .., •-----c'trsr•--vacanCy- in : th-6 - Meirslaturerslitee- , actions du the' p4i,.t. ettbui,t Govertrw went; hat ,•07.1._the whole our gov- ernment *.niade up of• honest nle4 ,trying to cle L cled 50b We ilia ther' they ciO. uiis" talios,_ they probably no that. t141t , tbeYfr.flOr4 +IV. IS' Our .dutaticl,ou - theSe mistakes t• O- -*.fhe att,ention Of the. proper authex-. ifies, ttnd to, use our infinence in; a sae, calm, conStrlietilre waSr.t0 :See that the ineqUalitielid 1.02Stices are eliminated. It is our privilege' to comPlarn,•'11b4134-the nigher costS\-. of •this, andthe-impossibilities ef getting --that, and the ' eartfusitnr-' caused by gevernment-regulations ;• but don't forget .tliat we are the Governinent,,--an-whaf May *be • gotal for the maipr portion af th •country. xnay be hard ontis as an iud1vidiiaL'- -ierhaps • may., I)e A little steadying down, Jouler,solue_OP the-austeritY • measures, limy' be just what we - need. It may --be - that onlyi by, brinngak&AO• 0aeds...wer.$).4.411 be .able -ifisonte„,,,Way -stem-411e,, tide of soaring-costg• and prices---'• the S-Oarrtig cests of .'high If „each ;one of -us -,-each day will • de...--cmr-,-part to think more, db More, produce,,more, eonsume less, and resist to the -utinost of our . ability the wave 'of infla'tion, that'. seems to be coming eur way, Ihen our littlenspa.rt„ each -on his ewn, wilVineritablY taite the result -ref • - :bringing 'sanity' into tile, everydaY lives ,of st11-41f7Us.. -- the election Of The, queen -1171s 10-6•6; 6,17:6 Vt1,11,, • .• • . • , • • • • election?"' and the Governinent' eision will b -e. Andication_o_t_ its 1-AZILMEIDOWt- intenotnis with regard. to a• -genera appeal 0 -the people_ of the Province. If a general elect% is to be- held,--tu the commg "Cunni ,`",:bt` Whrelt, there There's no night -that Can compare lias been some expectation, :it -is not with Christmas Eve.. ,tbere will be a by-election: particularly like ' it . . just be- #Vtr Lile moUutain pea/ii)egleamed. with, davm-staiois hope,. - The New. Year sfelsrlY 'ti5es 'er the' Of Tim&s horizo Down its cllstant . seakon,s,..mouths, add dal's, clretIMS we Iin=, hues '%.• Tile p1eas-V:1'es we 11, enjOXI,,,,,t „e, gams , we , now, aur., hie), cleslresL.wilk, eho6se- * .A.11 treasUrea clreaaS With 'hapPitkeg'S "ag4OW1 I may DO, biethiS4 mar the.lovely• ttrng— The perfeet picture Nylett 6,1,1x vision.:paiAts,1 • INTay mte,, 14° ayer 'anti eonrage, to briug ....-.- The-:artistry' of patieut humble sailitsi .• Then, will thisqN.Tew- Yeat 's,..clawn *for, our souliliC Fkith''g 'Peak star -lit for GoeS _suaii1/04, t4-4 ;T-•"*., # / fr- `*141A•:, ;TESPXRAII9X1 touttiyy bei110 urider -the (14.4.441a:Temperan0 4e a ibkrt -41gat, ef 's.T00433,4.t o1ie Aer 'might prOlfe'enlithtenimitefife,„p„• •, anikda • Act* .. (a), (S), '-`rou.cannot yuy, liqtior eounty. . Xott'ealinot Sell'lleitior l. a,..a..TA. Conn, t'k, 1. , yen; 'Cannot -drink liquor *' .1.'4.: county except in your, Own heAne. ' 4, • Xpir ca0A giveliOnor In g.T.A. county to '411$ Person OntSide your OWit la,4111),:4114ei • YeRIV-owx3.. fe:sident":ef ebunty 414,Sr have liquor, Shipped to Mm 'by coninnin 'carrier,' 'and de1ixere4 at his fealdenee blit" it . inuSt be - pox" Tor entside the county.' , PERSONAL OR FA.MII.X, USE ▪ $•oe.: _an .Vk6)#,•- t-ioll..bk eiqba:ilkto)deAtingilqiioi 1,41•1Z 'be brOught,er earlled to. any- persowor rSdiis- for, his, or their :personal or family rtis.e. The qifestiOn' as to Wilat, C011StitilteS "Peracotir or family il§t: is to be deterriiined by the magistrate. - „It -nliay be;Inferred that 'personal . in this section- Is intended ,to be cOn-. strned.,-Very striligentlY -us-'A personal 41stt,,er';--.•-aeli as' his .,,prixate affair and 1.1,011-6 'In prr ate iiie wordS woUld4tt5"il1'eali, as confined to ther nieinberS of -2 one's ta. in fly.. 'The ,intorenee would- also he that .tbe' liquor ptirehaSed. should be kept or con, sinned .the • privacY -of the ,;lioine wliege tlier.zfamily ” - 7 I wouiq appear,- 11101'04i thaV the • 1 only pIace iiIwIijcbk a person may •eon- ' sume liquor in territory_ is in his 43:olue.• -=. ▪ RE- PUBLIC- DRINKING ' 128 exposes or keeps for sale any intoXicat- ing-liquor shall be liable to a -penalty 1) For Pa:rents Only • ‘- ....« —ByNancy-Cleaver "Get me a *chocolate- bar, Dad4y•f!''. nine -Cent motor -boat tomorrow' "daft I have a uckle for an ice Real Earning . ciente cone?" -' It ikaiot` easy_to Make provision fOr ,Muntm, 1 want...ten pent ' _ "All the ether boys are goin to the 'show, Can't; 1 .have the Money to -jor1.96- " . 1 . By riarry "SILENT NI4GLIIAVi'''. a by-eleEtion,.., Is called to fill the . fore' you go to bed. There's been fuss, _ • vac -an -0i 111-would!---in44ea-te-that-4heFe-irreartd-fre-ttinga-11.Z'alt7.4ver-the baking . will not be a general 'election in the and the presents and• -the children. You near •future. - The' 'fire -year terin of - , , have to , answer a •thonsand questions the I4egislature- does nig run out until about anta Claus and.the reindeer. and __. • 1.y-tr..4r• , , '- hat strange-nonre--tit There's a eac on(' quiet in the. you- -take -the-, lairtcwi an& 'Walk down „the laneway for tha_f last checkup on 'the stock there may. be a breath of feathery. Show --on_ your. Chee-14'. W the...thinging; oodoing are rof lantern kight. 'When You 'otter( the stable_door • Ilefiry -Wallace has annoimeed him- self' an 'independent ‘candtdate for • President of the United States in 1948. /the- that-, the . • efforts' of -the United States -Govern- __ . • 'Tient to. restore 7peaccC.Fonditions in Europe are a.s*tep toWards war. Pre- •••• •suniablY he wouldagye Eiirope to ,its -7---"""-fa4er'-zegardlesi of_the- -serious_ con- - sequences 'to his own country and th : rest of the :World. In recent --years wehave seen the Milted States -emerge- • from isolationism to tae its rightfpl vAltv, , you.1eel aLchange.. . iething -different -about it. . The stock seem.' quieter than A. roostiiii nen' murmurs her sleep, .a cow, rattles a stanchion, the horses -Stamp- "a-:trit-. or. nuzile In even the, the. bull is quiet. Can it be that even here in the Stable the annuals afe affeefede. ' Going backilly to' the bouSe.. like place- as world - .00._ ...to., brow -tire %-lanter-n• outantand at 4.434:741 -t -e -T itope_ the-back-xi:6-pr: . Silskreeking, AtroSS, I ' Aqi,111611.4:Ji*, Mr. the. delft. there are_ pihipoirit lights int 4t4, farinhotts' e --windows, A ' tra.M.:_meanst Wallace wotild'-have-his _countxy draw and ''a..119.g_howls-and-iiii..ilie-condession hitekjate-ats--shell,--to Pee.s-Vilt41* ° the..wolicl.:41:th-the••,,conarilitcency gettftig- back -from the village. It's• net difficult. to -imagine the Sky general Uselessness of -the turtle, Front opening' up and the Soling -Of keave,tily '‘ "this diStance we Should,stry that -morn. rniisic and the. Voice -speaking of -p s: niOre7dertain . :about: the -1948 eledflon across th'6- border than that Mr.-- , Veallace decisive' •-• \ • People of---Ifritisir biood_ali Over; the - - wOrld are watehln,g wr.th'Itaiii interest, with, some - anxiety, Britain's effort to pull herself out of theeonifi- „ . , . , .. • , _ distiess_inte which. shehas fallen, main:: • ly. because of her tremendous .expendi-, you •-have a • feeling '... 4.0m4thffig 1 , '. ture of ' moneY' and energy in ,,,! crushillg-:tan ' never . dillte2 -deseribe: -It'§ that Hitler...`L, The prospe-etT ' a while 'oniet°' that:. comes i. so seldOna. 'I 'lilt . ,were pttty grim. The -people, seemed sonte.'1)leciss in, the heater in the front ' to . her, k ilk in ' lethargy, au.-4-ispiritecl and uri: °Ii°rIll13iencatihir ni:vveernmitusit'.,;..h&N-a'.. the parlor - gencrallY-Tacking: in th4Ci'quiolties- that -.1 The tree is waiting- and th' In ---the- paseinade Britain great., But StOckings are full. : Soineibing.catefie: tlhere .0....re4,,,.t last some Signs of reee'Very Inside my throat when'l 1661rit those . from the exhanstion which .1.04.1 ,-7V:10vved., 'StOCkingS.,-, They are, In a materialistic one • thing, that...ineneY. cannot he• war. One ,of the most hoiefur Is 6.-a Id the improvement 'in the cOal industry, ' - • ' *hien in- thellst, "Wt• ne e of t ' IF FOREIGN 'TRADE ,' ClgA$ . _ lx -,v„...... 7105:00,1Ektgat. .''' •,,,,,,,, t„o 7 • •Suppese we- decided-- to forget all. eace to 4tillf- men of. geed will. It. always Ing it on the lloor,,-he jg surpr1sed-410 makes me feel better about living fincl hew dross 'his itiother is tla lie _the' country. ' • , htts touchdatier inoney Then I go into .the kitchen. and put What'are. sotae pract1Ci17i-uggestions- some. ,heavy„ blocks, of Maple' in the kitchen range and lake :a quick' look' .w.alen. parents ean try out in tea:Ching- their -Cilltl--th'e„ value and -wise' use, of into:,•-', then: pantry: -Sure`'enoughT--ifie money? child can learn to e giblets have been Cooked. along With moneywell only by experience, Just As some aide ;pork with- !".guilii" bellearn' to write by writing, or 1)lay the piano- by. practising ,on it. Around - the -time -Yens .old enough tojeunt,` tci keep track a coppers and racklea arid. 'Ones, h honld be rgifen. a -regular weeidy.L.alio,wance. The aritount- pends en the father,§ incerfirthe child's age,i expeilence, the • ,•a*erage.., amount his chums linve 4o---stend- Ina week; or;sefen-year-oldinight•be given fiNto- or ten cents' a week. The little child.. should' ncif .be forced to' ."keep accounts." •If thls-.-appeals ' to **.f bliu' well and, 'good, .but there: is little ;value •in Arcing hitt to write down his eX- penditutes. The -esseliCe lif an J1l6,. ande'-rA ,thTatit I1 the child's- Own Money, to be spent as he wigheS-notto be 0511 -)je pressed io *put part :of.- it .aside 1r4;order to save ! A Small Child haSlittle irtterest in long- terin saving. Bilt gradually he learns to forego tpday's pleasure •In a tem.., cent balloon in' tirder to buy thirty- , ... e 7,-• COa• 'Aulitc4.1r...414•L•WaMtpik6A3114,13.440„.-,,y,p. buy- nte-A--spr1ng-45titiitilinOt1ieY?'" things!" lak-L-tear." etc. • t' Webster's EletionarY dednes the Word "exPose" isaneaning, among other "things -14 open le' censure or ridielilet. -7•May we not; therefore, code ncluthat ,r14 11* 'tISATANy FitizNps AND,L.OUSTOIdAS • • ...I-- Happy andProj 41 enA11 e e ••,4—,.,r f FROti .ON TO. PILDNITE, • • - BOWBOWLi'OR ITEATMI EtSADikiN w't smionissmiimiumi.mommomminisimi.— • e4r 401 : 'bag' younger public Scheel children t'earnan money home... There -is alW.4S"A', the slimes liquor Qanada • Tern; Per. anee lave '15 000 jukO-birze"$3 in located whatever ' restaurant you- - problem. that boy Is paid „for territories is• 'violating ther,povisions, Canada- Today - the • loudest he ng..1,44Prienhi , to be: e ---London ytee prets. y p s 0 n who openly exposes or ebn-' om ear:rYing t 'Ou.'jX0•1e$ or ihOvelling- ,this seetion/- walk • or inOwipg a lawn ,-Or- a 'girl. Is A. T.. -000I'111,, given Sibmaciior mou'Or4Abi%Alustingr, or :washing. , Legislfttien --Deparlmenti;,, k DdersMa - dItheOr- ant& beds, the tbiticAnat.Lthe 7y33.eed----rever--helP_W 1- the work ortte:4-ome-tiness -toy- ••-s- a member of anairia eui-f-rtralita i cl..4„. AI &Jim slietita hav,e; eerta.iii • c inijap.'„v had fallen ill, a substitute .... - gegtilag-tasikS'as aniember of -the home, w s --'sought, a _4116 -last moment. '1ie- . in, order-PAO ,lielpi;Xlimmy or Daddy, h d Only , sikords . to say :, "I see a' Recfuests for Money for good _things and other speckit-jObs which be an ,sh et of flame,' and „lie soon learned , , .... to eat, -for toys, for movies- triid ne-w do or not as he likes, fora certaln Sl1n, them. ... . , - • .,, clothes, air These havea-very familiar -of trothey. ''' " '" . - . .. ..•••.` • i When the night caMe, be, Ifiis, full. souna-in tlie• ears of modern parettti:•-,,,- An- older -boy,2.er..igirl should. be,..en,',Lot .,con.ficlencs until he . was 'actually_ "Money; nioneY, -raeneY, onr,children eougaged to 'experiewe7Teak. earning ! faeing „the andieneealia .he -lost his are', always after money! Can't. you - in the outstde 'world, by 'selliire baDers, nerve. - . • . , do soniething about it?" a 'lather jlr, clerking-,::'runnine'-eriands, ,deliveri:ng, "1 flee 'i shate,", .11e...began ; • "1 flee.a..,, ritably -a§ks-. his --wife• - • •,•••• ....',...:„..pareels,eritting 'grass,, min -ding ehlld-Tsheet:r-I ])lay a shleet-I shay -oh, ".Who.'t 'ean.s.--I do abbot it?" his Wife "-tin. As a child "grows:his allocirsirieetlieliliiiking :house is on fiTe!" . rIlea,gniclily:. "I 'guess:we will have, should be ii:icreased and the iange 'of !- • .. - .. .,-.. . •„,--,,, •-- - - . • • to take-fling...off anddecide j.uSt -what •things it Covers made larger. :' A eel- "."""7"-;',"`"er!""."'"*"""°"'"4"*. - we both, can do We. legiare--student's alloWance anclTearn--- - ' ---,- ,-nre, or dill. own .ideas,...about_nur-4nt_should-cover---mostof ..-lilg.::amtise--;. . .... - _ youngsters 'and„„moneYj'•:-,-,I.n:leat`PitUeidentals,--'..and-La -good-nian-y- . • t sin Easy ?One ., , .''.--`' • •-1-of-hiS''.'"Cletliing• wirchisei 'a§ -well ',An,' - • a • - - • ;Onierothei"-Isart-of the b9Y,f.-a-k-relite'vell frem:th.e".' idispaionifdtirlia:a:i 17 . . anup.set,s,.. folnar cli o, soineintestiii4,1 . ••• troubled' by...sue..li headaches, :wb,7 not .:.try- Burd-Oek .Blood Bitterikt ?Or. Burdock .B100(1 Bitters' is 4 favourfte. • reinedy for minor_ .intestinAl. -,diserders. - digestive ergans,-,tone -up- the kver the natural aetn.oithe -bc9va1s. As a result, them,a_y: bean 3.4rovement thelenerralteattli?- z. Burdock Blood.Bitteurs_iii)urnisso,loo.. da",L.iirk.1aTHdrOvorogonpikOntnter P. The kibj'eet-of a child and money adolesCento can 'cleelde-on :goals'? siich,,* is no, easy .one : -for :_parents- today. as buying * itew-bicycle, 'Or a trip; or -'-difficulty-rs-that b'oyst and going to Camp,- w,hieh reqUire Ei'-e.on.. • particala•rly these IA:Lefties and .toWn-sr:.sideralay7-surti, -and use the necessary frvr€ all -kinds ofbpportufiities for self-denial;:tb-ve'...,-rertiltirly towards ,spendiii•g;,:money ';1:o4'• before, they.liave -these desirable 'en& tiSe had • any- .real .exp.erjence in earning 'theney -is: a long, slow procesS---it , money.- AS; soon as ehild-is prd:Soinething • Seine.‘,adffits ;never -learn, enough to *ge- into -stores with his and ;ti'-'elillet-,ntust be elle:Wed to make ther,' he observes her .opening,her purs.e •own iniStakes, to -And out for WM.: . and parting with money in exchange- self .the ',things money-. can -buy-=---and for deskable_objects. She explains; to alsc; be taught the -values- in We:Which.- him that niust not lift toy Car money cannot Inlyr•- — off the counter and go off . : "Munimy4.,...:hrts „given the- clerk the' THREE ONV 1 pioney 1 The, barber -Was fatherrettreIess • .-ylSiters sometimes five aintw-dhia.v.eut customers face Several eopper. A youngsterr-may-i-regard place's, patching ..tip:-..-thectits--Vvitkipaper.. hese. coins the sam-e as other play..., The' custpiner-7-handed-44e-barber hings. He soon learns' that oust -hail a--creWir. "Rem the. changerhe . is amazing- Daddy„.pLacejnopecini. iatiLrer•a;,-baitber.buteher-and-PaPe- A4M-all-lroy-Whe.tkirf been ,allOwed_to ..'llartiger all . In one:. . play Avith keys and 'other sniall trinliets, - • • in -his 'mother's' -purse , OpenS:„..1t, .from • curiosity, and -takes- Ont,the money frOm- her coin purse. As, hensy Sprea.d, 7 ,geennk -I eat 'jar -enough to,Se missed but not enOugh to spoiranything. • 'The house seeMs quiet too. It erea and groanc9 hit with tile frestr but , • rn`,,m,797TA7-•-t'rli 4 a n s' --ecbriomic e. 4 . • The_ininerS, are-Itgain:Warking With a , Productiorr "figures, record. a great advance, and thefe'are Plans on.-a-lafge.. seale, :for the aniodern: inethods.., another__Of-')Iritain'S acso is making_ "a_splend•id 1.,:eCord. Is * the .case with."*V-anacla, Britaite,s trade is liainpered' by • thelilabIlity many, of her. old Ostoiners to pay and,Ailte Canada 'again. bits been forced to dp- witAent some tiap;: goods” she ',fonneriy ,inkportea- ,tioni these e6uhp.:.ies., T.tie procese of recoVery 'w1-11-41.eCessarily'-be but t begun -and, as a. ,philosoPher .has .suld-,:it p.8t so important where --you 'areItS wiiere you are going. ,. 44.,Pb0q•etnito, nieSaag'e, ,fropl„.Lilayett Loos' Leaf Contains -SO unieli common, sense- that 'Wei r'epritit , ID about this headache of- foreign trade as seine 'inlsguicled,Peple -suggest, ant try to live wfthin ourgelveg what -Would "it mean? - — II.-" pre'kdent -of the. Cane- adian Varierters Association, answered that question very plainiy-14141ttinilten, last.=Week.- With no imparting- or ex- porting, he immediately 184,000- calmdians would lose their lobs and - wage and. salary earnings would -shrink: 130 -RAMO& week:4*, .T110 WOUld. be' tire direct' Toss, :What would 'be the effect tit such.? blow oh a-4 other industries, otlier Jobs and Other Dayrolis, can only:Ye Imagined. , StIOULD. NOT DECRY FAliAliNG is ''Whatinun News) - . .1 - Weolhave on more 'than one eeetiSictr( pOlitted 'out the fact that,lariners •de Ad ",triarify -their calling"' no ' Mei' ought to , do. Zott earl hardly. expeet ambitious boys and girls to stay-on4the: farm, if their - fathers ,4n4 rootliW Aid AlwaYs crYing-,-dow,h the farin And its .vvork; pia ifLthey, only alloW; these a -PortiOn_ i it: ' ' '. - 4 °members of the -twiny who ure,,gping /t ..is our ,privilege' ta...1tve,., der,- ItLto sornething else the,:privilege of ftli , , 4 , 4 denioettitie rule wherewe eau, editeatfori, 'Give. the lop; • and ',gir.31-4' think, -'Speak nud do -pretty - well . who olo--0 et to. remain on .6 folo.,... the, ---,----411X-40 Ilto#4111d--41flit -(to-fu-shot/U..- -aute-pailleges-..., of .eirrimproveureut as , - ..... .„. ...__ be fl a cause or Joy. It should be those who' are goingInto Other Ones, 4 ' enuse' , for ' thtniatilness -W4,0.0 . Of work, 4,,1,* *obit* ini,$-Villf-vifoqi$6', :Pt ,,.11.4144g 4...f0e0,4* SO intitli tuiit"-- the far • ' . „,,- I,- . ao, „rat. ahead of. the ..inillions Of . . . people k the Nitsof the world I JIM,: la Ii-potoiibie for 4 'woulau t6. Vitbo...,' baste not those prIttleges that ;keep a sorstr,- elfatt. P...0bi yes. 10 • *S. talle:tOr granted atidive OY' .V6 'and $ were engaged for several although; we :sotaettuieit-- gruth7le week* bef40:0..00.. Mid att7thi4 U. Ate, -.,beettS86,41.t:eome' Sittlat *Stria 'Mt about 11:-.! ' 9 - • -orlight, -. . . do what -most thothersi_do taxt,lieye rills-, . : ell e.,s.„,bf .'3childrerFs,.doldS:: simprk rwaihk-'4,, icks, . Vad5oHub on throat -0640d back at bedtime....Results, are i so good bee4ute-Vapo'Aub's - specia,l fxelle hringinitiotiOn i tarts,i. light . wa4rld keepS, .bri "wdrk•ing: 'f r.:.,:11.Oursxluting the 'tight. -,a).4tO-f1i-0Writ-. sleeps:Of ten: bY.mo'ining niost ' - TiroicilkiNsIti0404,014., ' . . - Remember, Mother:, , . tv4eri : 11,1y eoi :srus io,v,6111:yiploolu•eptrittgiie7,ttiel..11m. e..e:LO.: 4 dp).A,4._ -- 5,, . . , . 4,4 en eg, ogy " FY. ' 4 61, •44,1444...•• ° 0 4,0 .turit tactile' freit41946 And 14ibk l'ot the little colored stio*eA.01,the uppetistt,14144 corner . , • 'r and Also tlii—da# �fl *Web, yo*fdlisorirkt*oxtss, ,r • • " 4 brItt fl �sed on itILICh.,yOur ottbSorlirtion isitect; tatty: We 'tit* thai �u give: he touttet yotitt attentitli Ito*, thoiltot 1 11 44' ' •`••• " *•.0 neral _ fateirtient,— Alcriftfl, ••••••••••••••••••••••••., ' „ ,,,„S'SET$ Notes of -Ana deposits Nvi.th Bank of Canada • $ Other cash,and_bank balances... , Notes orin- d .03,eqUeS-On-othez-bazilor.-. L ...0OV:02rrtrtlentrangt . . . Other bonds, diiVentures 'anditTockii • -- - Call.a.n.d ithort 'roans fully sefoured...-1, •,6 ••• • .46•4( •:0 0 • • • • '• • • ' . 1 '4, z."°.; - • ". 162,276,927.9- 169;00:1,082.9 -70,779-,-865-,;93 875,847,469.18 116,500,7 42t512' k • Conpriercialloans • • 6 • • • • ,0 • • • 6 61-44 41: • 1,1,48,,x,mtp4proviriCial governments- , 4.j. • ; • . . loans twcities, towns, mumcipahtieg aP.dischosta Coiamercialjo-ats1-foieigh;.....- • • • • •••••'•;::4 • • • I.': 1:'40 13zinic7Preses • • • • • • . .... . • • _ i. ties o customers under t ap ep ances. andi etters!ai Credit* ••• 111 Ot••••,,,,.• • IP • • • • • *).„2. • Ir • • • • • • • 11•••• • • , — • • ri.- '1.1—•-• • • • 0-0 •••• '1.1.••• • •-• • • •!:•,••••.' • Total As1g.4. • • • • ir • • TNotsTTn circul atiOn... „. ,I)Oininion. tdgovetinnen.tdeposits. . • • • • • ,•.• • ••• ,F.S. (0-6 • 6" • • 0 • •••• • • . 'Pr . •'• .• 11436,927;926.17' . 3P,872,.162,4 ,1&,482.P9 .118,717,442.19.: • .10„6 , a,P3 72,190,306,81 '6 883 645 25- $2 0G3 64121,9.61 „ Adcept.an,oes and letters, of pre.dif f- -••• • Other liabilities... . . ..... „ • ;CaPiiigr,V:....'tl• 6 • • • o' o • I' • • • 6'61 • • 0 6 • • •.Ss 4 .4' '0'41 • 6 '41 '41 4-1r- • • • /A is: , • • • • • • • • s.,w, •-•• • +46 • 4 • 0 0.• • • AixtPa,3,4 . . .. . • • . . • . Balance 'of Profit. .1and Los A .. .1* * s a • • • • • '709.72 , 980316416 2,1bo,-30q.181 -4;096;547,02 35,P00,000,.09 40 000 000.00 4,559..aa: 3;47040:85 ta1z,y4._ os 4; e • ;V9W.5:01. •444.40:.sr , • , PROFIT:A ,I,VD-,Lpss,Act OLIN Vtoli.,q, for the year endiid 1047;.befOra. Doirtinion..0a Pro- . Goyernmeitt toes, but after contribution# fa,Staff PertaiOn`Fund, :Ind after appropriations to Contingenoectervea, out of whioli •Retteryda proon for all lzsaa and doublitil.debts has-been • ; 4•4 tess,a protti10,a for pominiort-7anct Provincial' Goiortirtiont tates$32;$8CcO00.00 Lose provision1er cleiirOolation of flaxi1 u4aoa4« 44 89,687 )r Dividend*.; No 238.0 fi% ver annhmin 4,4 fv• , ..";..)104. 2$9 a 8% per .1. • 1;'• • • 'goo " a% 1)4 • • iv • • •: 0.44, w • • • •'• • • 'No- 241 'at •10%,perealiaiiit ,"; ; #.;;. • Mint tattled :toil' eta. • • * • 16 4 • .0 '4 • • *1-0 • 0 • •,.• W 4 44 0 0 • • • *. • • •,,44,....14.• 6' ' $2,006',8$I1 14.14nde off iriatitit44,tits A00(143001'Novm1*r, 146, 44 2 467i4t4 $11krart '.-41htittlxial.'1.--. Oth Nber 1 •,'A. A"•:• * ; • • $3,474-246,5.3°- 144.0..' v f,41P. .3,742,60401 $42981,8324„2, 2,976,000. IOW 0: b0:13004i: Viaaidatit nsrolUanaor • LL -q1