HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-11, Page 2LEMON FINGERS.
tat T1! M tt:i,'l t: nice .l )
ly seen the outline of his he when he face was pale and markevi by the small ourselves at 1'nlwood etrtwtiotl-Mr.' while e hastened i Itt) the gambit),
-- looked out of the window. Whether pox, and his eyes were Meek, bold az til Choop, Timothy mid Myself, After s, tilttiitcl rhoi s(, £ �}z, n i t' 0/11114'rive years ego I was a telt#grltph he was an old man ora. young man, t4 outtuingeealtogether a fierceFallow,. malting a few inquiries of the, station aro itch be k1 tsnrtla.,'r, .,il i the
ttier�k at New.tuua Sttttiott. I hail afair man or a cheek ttien,1 was equally whom it would be need a to enrage. master, MidCnr,op sent Timothy in cestsh of a fege,„ time, at tl igiro 1, lett
week of day tinty� and a week �of night ata less l,] know, I His aompltwou's fade I euulct not see, cue di.cectiou while he and .1 took ono- e e�e tow weeilut)t tee elt�iMe. Delete
cine a,temttely. Iltlriettit:ts Eve had It'onvillo is 5 miles from Newatone, it being concealed try a thick veil but thee. Mr, Choop pet caelitme tiede• (Wheel mealy teven',it felt. wee (•lus(tiy'
come annul ,tf frit lights to the year, The mail train runs. the &steams in judging from her figure she could not tions to several indivldnalt+, but With •' by C)tnop. Tiey (01in • (bey, ;021)04
t. there forted t i •-elf coo ea to ass rather under tui hoer, anti rclaeLes. the be much above tweuty years of aTet ant gaining any positive itlforrnatton. t,tt;c:the r,ttu+i, 1 .11t (l .,t,•, 12. fi.,t,r, ,rtlg-
atl li It i Ila ► l?
tl:�n+t1 i t the little unite two great 1:tttee tastes rat 5t3t) �n"clook. As the She was tali, but rather eonepiauonely Neither was Timothy, when eti met ' lt'. 1=tit, ler. I)tirlt>. eier AC..
stari„ 6 r in.trntuente in trout of toe, to sleek poilted to 5:80, I went off for a attired, Nerving over her silk dress n lou, able to fttruielt any setisfaslol•y sunlit; 1(t .ti, ,a.: „goer.
fleeing goalieht overhead, and a wtll'1 :~troll up the pitttiorul, determined that voluminous scarlet sillawl) comfortable ilitelligeuoe: Mr. °hoop considered roost, eit.,leg rtri,d e'. ,'t . (]ttly%
hlfaewoi vete by my tide, not forgetting if any (itvarf, or giaut, or outer stento a looking 00011g11, certainly, one a gold for a !Punnet. for elle plots,' it, for th, es eie %ri e
a tilt ' v •l rt no unvel to assist me in monster errivod by the train, he should Christmas ihlorniog. Bat see 1 As Sure 'It must be as 1 atlspet,tetl all along, were potted melted tri. Yt, •`.: s VS'Ste
vVtItttl; arch% the long dark hours. not depart nilseee by ole. I halt ex- as I live she had got oil the vary pair be said at hast. 'We stall iiud them tum a sudden pull l,telt - 'l1 lily
'Ito. nieht messages at Newetone treated to iiud Mr. ])setae waiting f of lelnou a.t)ored gloves that were wore at the Ton. Tramps, Step out, lade l strel,gte. Cle gp no oo dei:
were never, r vt ty* it-ttt]ertltzs, There tlw train, but he was not to be seed. by the young a,tueiv who arrived by the bog, leg foremost.' ped ottt tris eauueneet t1• ti. lot t tette
were rtre1v any for private people ; `true to time, the train aravYledslowi.y night mail ; theeaten pati of gloves eye left the village at a tepidpate, Dukesate autl fest before, limb hull-
tuey referred generally to the )),1srnees into the strttlon. ; tuna in t rwther mo- without a deuibt, having the outside
of the railway oonip,tny. That evening meet the ltlatfortu wits flooded with seam of the first fiutror of the right
fel very low epistleK,c1, It went tense strangely attired individttale baud it little torn. There, ton, ie the
aeliest the teed!, to cork (n Onristatits whose busieess or pleashre indnoss identical little black portmanteau, (tate-
,left kl4biutl, until at leu t•il we were ought to be rruiit-rl, tattd earevner with
Eve, when every+b,tly else ettetned to thein to travel by night. No dwarf, no laity carried this time by Mr. parse shut iu ori every title by strolling hit- . care the aught' black portmanteau. $Ir. .
k'ta keei:iIO holiday tuts enjoying them- giant, or other strange monster. Only himself. What can it all mean ? loclte t)f moor, winch e sept aweas far I ()hop opened it, n,ltl I pm:oeivt+il it to
S.11VNs,. 0 try aril I had been ent;'1gI d tom p .sst'rtger for I+,eastone, all the Under ordinary oiretttnstences I as the eye 00i1111 reach and bontlded Wei he half fell of watolIo 1, ring4, pins end
atbo:it two years, And, for any prosp et otltors booked through, as was evident should have gone to bed and slept till horiaon with their still graceful lit es. jewelry of all kinds, The woreneee
of ,uitrr1:l;.;o we might be €tngseted for front their frantic struggles to £gull two or three o'clock in the afternoon, l+ultowiug the gnitlataee of Mr. CheoN veil, now thrown hack, sbowod me the
tekouty ye:u•a, Mr, Ltarteeteter, Gary's their sealte the moment the bell clash- but on Ceristnuts day such a thing %visa we quitted ,lie high road after a time, midnight traveller hinny the melte,
fai ltet', was a tredestmtn i+l it good way eti out its warning note, And tins one 1 not to be thougut of, So, having and mine to a Ilttlt under the eco of a t:Lclu; a Melte fat ward looking, good.
of business, and naturally refused to passenger 1 A slim gentleman, stylishly breakfasted, T pot on my Sunday snit higher 11)11 than nommen. Mr. Chimp.,feeturedwowatl bearing her tlhisfortU 021
let mecl,tngltter merry i fellow who dr'ssd, young, without whiskers, but I and left for house with the intention of taking off his bot, elanlberellup the hill eitlh a haughty indifference that exclt-
Wtty only getting x'71) 0 yertt'. 11e ;fell a hme, f)tit" mnustacl.e, which het taking a long stroll in the metier.. ante took as stealthy survey over eta ed Times admiration.
Before setting oat I went to the station summit. He then beckoned me to fol -
to see UT could not induce a eel+rain low. Peeping over, I found that we
friend to aeeotnpany me, when whom were en the antnuilt of it ridge of cotul-
should I meet on the platform bet i11r. try, From which the road swept down
()hoop, the chief ooustablo of New- into a small valley, in the middle of
stone. which and close to the high road, etood
a small rgnare IIGIlBet
'The `.pen 'Tramps, I dtt -e wafter
that Jitu Riley and his wife are in that
house,) soot Mr. Chop. 'it is a no
Orions gathering place for all the rog-
des in tho district.'
and still keeluug on the Mph roto, gut
into ix barren moot land Country. Jennie
hedge raves 1122(1 trees were gradeelly
viduul could rettoecr hie b,'ot,•th.
At this moment Timothy et peered
escoriiag Mrs. iiiley, 11:1 1 ,ekle eeee 010
several times Advisee Cary to give Inc wits ulna of stroking with his ex'lut.itt e
up, but she would nut do the, he ly gloved thntlzb and finger. He
eoluteoted ltilneel'f with fot'bidoiu me' alighted ,jrl•tntily from first plass car -
the lulnse, trustutg to time and die riat,,o, 8101101 1uuiably, on the porter,
lance -for they lived several tnilee I who tt nailed his call, took up his small
from Newatone•-tai aid slim in Ilia black port 'Dantean, gave Ono hurried)
eanse_ tulxion:, glades around, broke into a Mr. Cheap is a stnell, wiry, active
1 knew that left, t2inc,tlter always smile again, swaggered slu,vly dewu lookingnzan, with a sauntering and in -
invited a tla)nber of youtlg people to the platformto pushing through telliryent stir, ne if Ile were in want of
Ili, ],,toss nu Christmas Eve, and 1 the heavy folding donrs, emerged into something to do, 111r. Choop has a
pie' urea theta there dancing ; Oary the street. Sotne swell from London ending, open countenance, he wears
floating ab:nttin her white muslin dress come to spend Chri't nos with hie his hat very much on the bank of his
with tee very 1'ilibon around her waist Mende, I said to tneetelf. But where 2lead, and generally displays an sulpha
that I hall given her brit a met,th be- cat) he be going to at this time of the amount of shirt bosom, seemingly in
fore. \Nettle guy thought of my rues, utot•uiug ? None of the iuns will be his quiet way to invite the confidetic3
erable self groes leer mind as slits ?Illy- upon for above au hour., of everyone. But tell him something
eti among the t;Gen-Wane'yGen-Wane' ? Per-\Vithoot waiting to consider whether that interests him, excite him, bring
haps my deteet+ed rival Blurs, the drat)- it was any business of mine, 1 pu.,It- him (tit of the passive into the active
er, might, be 'ei)en dalicing with her, ed thruugn the folding doors after the mirth, and you will see his eyes become
and pressing her waist .with Ills new at traveller. He wets walking slowly keen and piercing. his features sharpen
drat very moments Thoughts not )ltlru;rs the little snare in front of the and hie teeth glia± en, Ile looks at
calmly to be borne, so away 1 wetlt 0'] stlitl011, leukltlg from side to side, as if @nch a moment as dangerous and full
the platfortnrfet a change of scene, nut knowing which road to talcs. Sue- of mieoelef ee te tiger cat ready for a
A clear, sterfight night, with t1 ]teen ,louly a clerk figure glided out from be- spring. Mr: Clump is it distant re-
breeze tllttt whistled shrill and ter;,' hind som • projection, and advauced to- latiee of tine by maerlit e, and wits
through the telegraph wires above my wards him. I could hear the iilurtntlr aware of my affections. He was in the
heal, and brought to my ears the fat iit of a few words. Then the stranger passive mond when I oncoentered him
s:)nttd-t made soft and sweet be alis- took tele portmanteau from the travel- nn`'.be atform a 1d looked the most
ulnae, et' tee Christulas waits. Len- e1'8 hexed, and they went off together one
d amiable and artless of nen.
torus, flitting fire fllumes among the at a rapid page i ,to the to.vn, An 'How are you this morning f' he
wagons in the station yard ; li•)rses this I saw by the iigilt of the atatiou aid) ns Ivo S11nuk hands. •Ape how is
and uncouthshrieks of men, and wild {gulps. When the twofiguresgot be-' Cary? Helve yon aud'the etch manmadecbrieics 120en distracted 103unotives, Lo101 their iutlnenoe, anal pasted out up tntitters yet ?'
that seenled madly tearing up and (f view in the denser clarlcuese be -
down, merely to keep thehnselve4 in a weal, impelled on a vague feeling of
glow 311 such a hitter nigg e and unt euriusity I drew my coat closer around
The landlord, kicking at his oeilnt'
door and calllnr; to be let on. Ittt g be.
fore this wee released by Timothy; and
very blank he lttokeil ' when lie behold
bow his guests bad sndtleuly come to
grief. By Cticop':y orders we got ant
hie horse and cart, and we drove back
through the darkening evening to leak
Through Chomp's indefatigable Geer -
tions the whole 'gtn,g of tanrglat•s was
aaptu1ed. One of them Willed queen's .,
ItIr. Cheep descended, and he and evidence, And it came otir that Riley
Timothy held secret council some four Was the plalnner only of lho berglariee
mientes. Then Tiu othy opened a in which they had all been engaged
small bundle --brought -all the way for some t(tne back, it tieing We ditty
froth New@tone-and proceeded with to pick mit the premises Lo he robbed,
much graeity to induct himself into a to make piens of them, and arrange
wagoner's blue smock frock, plentifully the details of the attaolt, leaving to
braided and buttoned after the fashion others the merely mechanical part,and
in which wagoners delight. He next receiving e certain share of the pro.
turned up the bottotns of the fustian seeds for his part of the labor.
trousers, so as to briug into more pro- Three days after ohristmas day 1 re-
mittent view his laced up boots,; then Ceived a note from Mr. Lanceeter- ask
he gave We hal a push back and his ing me to mune over to 1 oliviile, as be
hair it poli forwere, and set uff at a ivislied particularly to see met He re -
swinging ],nee in fele direction of the calved me 1]l his grhtve, quiet way,look-
Teu Tramps, whistling thio 'Plough Ing me teiongh mid through from one
13oy' as he went. 11Ir. Choop and I der his bushy gfay eyebrows, mention+
passed tha neat half hour together, ed me to a seat; and then be spoke : `a'`
smoking cigsrs and discussing vnrirnis '1 received yeateldav morning front '
matters, with a glance over the hillock lttr. ()hoop au nGcnunt of certain events
every two or three minutes in the di- relative to the retient burglary on my
I shook lily head disconsolately: rection of the inn. premises.'
'Well, flint heart, you know,' he ad- ,Why not wait till night ?' asked 11Ir. 'Thai burglttr}t tiet your ilromisese .1
because theyhail ren thing to (lo. So
(led with a smile, 'What brines ole Choop, 'when yon could approach the sir ?'
into the sellae anwith count flu. me, and Het off after them at stealthy Butyn here ? Business, to be sere. The h,,31128 witbouG tse ug sacra ?' 'Yes. Were yon not aware of it ?'
'TeenprWt, taking the darker side of the fast is II]yt,teR'i0ltsl the by elle . , , 'I wee, of c,ttr•Se, aware tilat a robe
gel's, gla t to have such a hltvnll• square as 1 trent. I had not far to fol -y taking Because after dak we shoals be
1ballon, there was a daring burglary pretty sure of finding half a dozen eery' thud been r mauanitted. bot was not
The tome, dere hours sped t;lowly ; .,tow. 'Tufty street, mm
v ]Breese into H{
each boor t)linked ant by the vitl3ratts ,g C(itted last night at Ironville, and .rough customers there, who would aware that, yeti were the soberer;'
and stopped opposite No. ell. Amo- ro ert, to a large amount stolen. 'Such. however, wtta the case,' re -
little cloche in the 0ereal•. Midnight !Hent more and the were both iiiemo p, p y g make the matter awkward,
mile anal wont ; 1 (eclectic, g o'clooit, 8 the liens gild the door was shut ; au J! From inforinatimu T res, ivied half an 'Then why eot take half a dozen men Plied ;ter. L'tncaster. b1 r; Chomp in -
05111 sic, I had grotvu tired of the hour ago by telegraph I have reason to with yon so as to avoid all reek e' forms me that it was throaigb you that
miler moment, and I s1'w tela light believe that one of the robbers, haying '\Vi1ltt credit would there be in that? lie first obh fined the clue which en-
coney nd ad again 12110 S111)• ally in11(1 from iter. Dal'Ice'a 1'00171 in the in heti possession a 0ori iilerallle 1)7►1't N\rhetl I'itnotI2 tiny I fail it will be ; abled hire to tiack and Captllr'e part of
ject of Bloke, when I was ttrrllt-od by sea sac) ifoor fl'Utlt, of the stolen pruperty,lu•rived here this limn enough to cull in other assistance. t t•le glttj{; and ret lyse 11 o pr;isle ty,at,o?
lila pick tltllile of the electric bell. A Hevieg no expectation Of seeing any altlrllint/ ray the early ,n811 train -a Tlle1'e ale ill 1' that 110 was Much indebted to your
qthin;; more tuned bock to the uflice) slender young man, fash{(uably dress-
Timothy was lounging against the courage and activity in the barture ett
private message : and there bending over t2 jovial fire ed lip,ht moustache weluinet a ,air of Riley,.Now; I sae not on iinerateful
'\I IL, f Lonv,lle t] \Il DLrlte I dol post stn kink a long ala pipe
' fell greduilly into is doze, 10 which Alt', „
89 High street, lvewstone, lemon col red kid gloves, anti carry,
'Litn)lttiurr'rl stttr.ty by the mail to
night. Ail tS gene; Take c tee of the
Bleak Dwarf.'
I was: usiustoIne,l tp queer messages,
:t,ittea.,it evets nt whe o(Idtst I to OS tt�11.1, I had httnclsotne styatuger ? . 12.1�epily kept another man. Three minutes sufficed
! ' { .1 "Ring to •self ,l.t intervals: of ae
Duke, the travelet,Ctu•y,a bleak d•tarf,
and Bin its, the draper, were all mingled
iu it fantastic drama, revolving eudiess-
ly itt my weary brain. What heel the
telehrephie message to do with the
ing a small black portmanteau.'
'Mr. Darke's friend, by Jupiter.'
'.lib, what do yon matin ?' Choop
asked sharply, with Isis eager ferret
lank. that changed Iltni at once into
got it down correctly, then copied It ° 1 l i tv't 1 Yet ,,, ac to pot hint tel possessi3n of all I know,
omit on nue nl ills pt'iott+rl farintt, si od iniuntes, b, t without t ltbll „ 11)3 elf He gave ata almost .emuercepttble jerk
h i 1d ] t*'1 h ,
light borsht upon an. I started up, ensu, treeing tike allpeaiitnce of a tarn]
eletroughly awitke, and tearing Osten
the dispatch book read over again the
first part of the message. "Lemon-
flns:ets starts by the mail." Well,
whet hay that to do with the hand-
some traveler ? Wily, tllis,d0esll't the
tet • U. sit answer, era sit. y !t llew
it, e.ite''ttl at the foot the time 1 hall with his thumb and a tall,ungainly
r•et'eicel ',limed it in au
titi yet l+'e. laborer f+, lliv best clatltes entre rap
N , ;) t'Iiatll street velli the residence
cif 13ineni., the 121111•»', a)lti tray only
eve 0111titt04 walk from the et,tth0n,
ler. B. generally heti ameetillent:) to lel.,
and prob•,tbly err. D trlrt, was a 'edger.
traveler wear a 'lair of ti *fitly fitting
Jia.it. .eciced the oilier: 1. proceeded ole lean a colored gloves ? and wasn't the
outside seam of the first finger of the
right hand glove buret open ? This I
lead i)otised 1121 he Stroked his u]')ns-
taelle. 13ot, even aizppgsine the travel-
er to be the lnmotlfingers of the mese
sage, what 12belt the black dwarf. He
wits alone ? Alone? Yes, but had he
not with hint a small black porimau-
teaGl, of which he seemed to take par,
trot to Ur iJreenl'a. 1 0021
eluded time Air. nitrite was a sit twiner),
. ,;:f. .rr11'-1).•tly %vas serl.ling him it
�s < trf. eerletp r a1 richt Klee) ; but cer,
•,.y tL`ttbittt'f to pot 1,l his ei►revitll.
.v,te at light in the second fionr
t r.t 89. Wig, Me. D,trlce waiti,lg,
r rti'?Ot.t+d Of a 1n3683ge. It 100kt:a litre
vie al. lee 1 lztmolc and idepped
Whiie we�were watching him he took marl ;lou have hal a lilting,, for 12)1
off his hat and scratched lift1 head vie- cbtt>gl,ter, which, 1 belietre, is returned
by tier; but volt are not Ina position to
marry. I will take yeti as AO at@sistang
into my shop at moderate eels eg acrd
if I find that gall Bring Into peter nett
reared the some amount of ir1te11ignereo
orousty , 1t second time ; and a third
'All right," said Mr, Choop. 'What
was the signal.' Lend ine your cap.
ke my
warn, Riley Fred, and �totreeogiii2 mte7lux.tl! Inlet atld activity i'hiet I mil tn1tf yoix £ios-
g sess, I will tttleetoce yott fte¢'t•O1di3o' 1 e
into the house, y'
Having mane the tretnster, we set off, and providing yon seal Cattle rennin In
Mr. Choop with All assumed limp. the same mini,] am then yawl -,1 will not•
obleet to your rearrie e., tot me 1iave•
and 1 retia nizod Timothy,�ietr, Olino 'e Titu.001thy was still teactieg his pipe }voile decision in the neorniug. Ynee
gp at the do,r whew we rtrllc"ed the lou' will find Cary. iii the lra.rl(r.'
eoi,fi(ieutiltl subordinate, 'Peine any, chaster,
Mr. t°hoop sent Timothy on to. No. 'Very fine, my Men, amid ifr. Choop.
89 to melte certain i,tgniries 1 then 'What kind of a tap halve yon here ?'
event himself to the pookirtg office to 'Oh, tnidish. You'll And the land -
ask the (sleek whether the remembered lord inside somewhere. Alt the wouzeu
whet station Mr. 1)arke x1211 hitt 0(m -
pa lion ware booked to. eTue clerk book-
ed so many passengers by Haat train
I need baraley sat' that both Cary and
I are glad to ace Mr. Choop when he
favors us wide ti call in• Our new hamp,.
and 1) logs gni ]Yews of Lemonfingers,.
seem to have gone out.'wlto,lrove that stir. Bitty is working ont,
'Two glasses of your best ale, latah- lioenseti 1t:1 wirer it1 Lilo "misery and
lord, exclaimed Mr. G1roop to a burly, 'n "am line.
his penal servitude, .is ding well as 8,
that he conl:i not remewbee, brit he reel headed ensu with a villainous .1 g
thinks thrmigh to Louden, ()heel catll)tettance, who came forward, scow-
hien desired the to accompany hien to. ling suspiciously, The i[Lndlor'd'S leach
the telexraph office. The nine o'clock :iviis hardly turned before a quick whis-
train had hardly got Half way to Lon- per was exchanged between Timothy
don yet. By consulting a time table and lir. Cheep. lee were lighting
;�Gie,lltir care, refltstng to let the pmtter Mr, Choop found out on what pate of cigars when the 1»milord retnrnecl
ls:.,, _ : nem the OFf.'Gl. The light in 2,0 2122)011 as take it out of the carriage the title the train Ought t0 he ,•- 80" ,'tt .with 1710 ala, He BhOWFd n8 into R.
Vet • .- eel Thor was not moved, bot for him ? A. the n v, inneninus, but go,,,hip, regneat I telegraphed to the station room, , find we left the countrymen
i. 1 ,.++ :vacs „,,,,,ed, and ahead probitble, 12etnaried to myself a@ I1)ut 11t whish it would next stop, giving a still smtilting ab the char: IIe eeetued
), - ..r ! :;it+, send a gruff voice demand out the gee land dre,r rap. Lite blind to brief deser'iptton-nf Mr. Darkeand. bis -tn. be a thfraty euui, this 'em)ntrymar►,:
1 , admit the strug filing day. colo panfnn, desiriug.- the trait to be for lie caned for glees after. glees € 8
+1' , , lieen ? se,l.rcllecl mu its arrival, and the indivi• if' fully detercniued on getting drunk
` 1\Iy Linty was over at 8 o'clock. The
i 1; • Dario liya bore ?' duals fel question toe detainivci. Ina in the shortest 'possible time. En
n•i r u went to knew ?' Loudon train \viae ltbrntt to start as I quarter of brut hour We
received »reply; drank so nitwit that the landlord's jog
:• •t it tt=1;'grapll inesrsage for s Weut up the platform on my way florae, The train len been searched,but 110 1 g candle
Pstsaint a t{ruu11 of people standing
`�was exhatiateE., and he li ]lied a omit'
cue answering the description given by to go doyen into the cellar for trtrrre
'ter Welt a menu you was In 1
•' te., near at carriage floor, 1 was suddenly t�, ale. The landlord had hardly reached'
v..i4 2, certainly. Next 112g 30 oy a deep, gruff 8 voice exclaim -
to 'Telegraph
td a ie1i station where elle the sellar before the door was -quickly
,e , e ,r, cher ed, as tar ing to solos one. 'We titian be off in
1via►s nest. train hoe stopl )ed, said IYIr. Choup' locked behind him.
,t „n.t.c°t ,molal admit„ awl a great half a minute more, t I would :Hick
i, l)i=h.tnei was tieit'f tot+, rent mime iron] .a thoiisalucl as Dir. 'till yott discover where the man and Mr.Ghoop's apathy vanished in a.
, I • Tel it here,'
1pieced the !oto in silief Mee Device. [rattle`s,` 1 staid, under rely breath, as woman got one,' moment. His eyes fitLslted, itis eyes
we oel1U l hiy'. 1 glanced gniekiy arntuul. `file group I telegraphed to iota, stations with !glistened,, the looked dangerous.
11 , 1 g had dispereed, except two peetioos, n out aneeSss, but the fifth answered t 'Go out 11110 1110 Reviten;' he whirl)•
women. who Were re .nr 'The individuals yon ln1ntio+l result• Dyed to me, 'and tette vour'stsui( belt w havtt1, l)tnightonttlrtt i'u)•nttitre rtsrtr1.885otrer
\relit a bit, till I see whether any mem and a me , p p , q.0+wit!)nir)t,,rcntl 12(110(1 ]urgely tin abo rtr,ck48
a...' • e'r' 14 1l't 11r I Fr1. i
i,1a to take their 1lecee in the train. ed here by the eight o'clock train. the window on the left. If Jim Riley etethtlt)dtopri,•rfurniture ut'vazylot. pri4es,
1yet,yRiley,'p out, thoilgh I don't think Bell it -"it-' 1>ot',txtrt)ottt tvialleu ranted Ali rrvn this wrndoiv was The person whom for Mr, 1)tlrlce I'll neve yon Jimmy Prle grC- jumpstYeTkttYtA+t r itEtfrthect(tt).t, ]1 vl)1gjt1Htlooeiyeil
t ,t trllntl 0 I
' was r I lttlt n1u1:11ie-a1 all man, dressed elaitnad i4lr, Chnnp with a grim smile,' have time, lay leoltl ofb�ln sort in to altaere~sttti, t>atouoftatzl;t>xa;+orutttlt,>`aKtrtstz„nets.
Sttr0 51212 Teel. 'i`, IIUIOI+ttl0r, and the v►a t ) y, t± r n11ratrelat811aaaeeat.Ill s,o'ttt1•ttieltarl fnrfuuer•utei
ill a good Reit of blatcit cinthe@, He, 'Fred if yon would like to sEe a bit of
into until 1 come, Nee?, Thu, gtticlt, en roe minable thrum, Men 1152)1)3tortito `Yaltatx
n2?{2t tvaw stemmed tt, (]Own. With g. (1 Trim, ands:Ot yToriigingorsewiugt1atobine•
��;,, ta�C(epti2lr of v,ticr,,,t, had no more had black hate and thick, black eyes feu, ravel wnt�hl like to o with us, yen and be silent. Mr. C1,nr11 an ,
10'0a of \Ir. Deu•ke when 1 lett No. 89 taws ; this whiskers wel•0 black, treat' are welaolne. each drawing ont an ugly staff, srent
`1111u 1 bad When I weed'. 1 bled mere• ing full and bushy under hie ebbe ; hisupstairs, y g are\ ,..,-
As xljo gook strtto.t t1\stye We found tt stairs as stealthily as tivto herr l
WhY tg) Shp 211 i for your niruttn+•0 1111112 yen teas
get ]teeter Value for your ?Ilon1. , iti.:treesttll.